Behaviorist School
Behaviorist School
Behaviorist School
Greatest development – mankind history –
industrial revolution – 18th century
Rational approach – speculative methods by
IR – deep impact - development of human
thoughts – ultimately psychology discipline
As industry developed – manual to machine labor
– number of changes human behavior
Manual labor to factories – production increase
Imperative for producer – predict & control
human bevaior – so to sell more
Another aspect – productivity & consumption –
human behavior – need for study human behavior
Psychologists – analyzing, predicting, controlling
human behavior
School of thought – Behaviorist school – into
The Behaviorist Approach. Behaviorism,
also known as behavioral psychology, is a
theory of learning which states all behaviors
are learned through interaction with the
environment through a process called
conditioning. Thus, behavior is simply a
response to environmental stimuli.
Law of Exercise:
States - rsponses repeated –
stamped in & learnt – no focus on
reinforemnet thru satisfaction – individual
performing certain act repeatedly – learnt
– in other words, Exercise constantly
performed – learnt.
Law of Belongingness
The law of belongingness states that only
relevant responses that ―belong‖ to the
learning situation are learnt. For example, the
moving of paws by the cat in the puzzle box is
learnt but not pricking of ears.