Instructions: Rate The Extent of Your Arrangement To The Following Statements Using The
Instructions: Rate The Extent of Your Arrangement To The Following Statements Using The
Instructions: Rate The Extent of Your Arrangement To The Following Statements Using The
Instructions: Rate the extent of your arrangement to the following statements using the
Osgood scale. You are also given space to write any comment to further clarify your
Statement Agree Disagree
(if any)
Technology is a means to an end. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Poetry is technology. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Nature is a standing-reserve. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Man is an instrument of the exploitation of nature. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Man is danger of being swallowed by technology. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
There is a saving power or a ‘way out’ of the danger
of technology. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Art may be the saving power. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Exercise 1: Questions for Reflection
Answer the following questions:
1. How is technology a mode of revealing?
- Technology is that everything we perceive or think of or interact with “emerges out
of concealment into uncertainty,” in Heidegger’s words. By entering into a particular
relation with reality, reality is revealed in a specific way.
2. In your daily experience of technology, what else is revealed to you aside from its
- Technology brought changes in our modern generation, everything else is
revealed with the use of technology. Aside from its function, technology makes
sense on what was the living before when there is no technology and what was the
current living when there is technology.
Instructions: Examine the picture and follow the prompt that follows.
Form groups with three members each and discuss your thoughts about the following:
1. How do you think overconsumption puts the planet and society at risk?
- Overconsumption worsen climate breakdown and increases air pollution and over
consumption can be a prolonged pattern and can affect the future.
2. What are the manifestation of society’s tendency to overproduce and
- In overproduce, most of the business tend to produce a lot of products that
could offer to the consumers. But not all consumers can afford to buy it.
3. Should middle- and high- income countries regulate their growth and
consumption? Why or why not?
Instructions: After reading Hickel’s article on the concept of de-development, answer the
following questions in two to three sentences.
4. What does Hickel frown upon pundits using terms such as de-growth, zero growth,
or de-development in describing an alternative framework?
- Because these “experts” may be accurate on conceptualization but does not
actually understand the essence of the idea. To infer about a certain idea without
true knowledge leads no understanding of situations, thus, no development is
going to happen.
5. Some people might think that de-development is about giving things up. How does
Hickel explain that this is not the case?
- Voluntarily staying in the steady-state does not mean an end in development
but rather lets the people reorient their true objectives in life; to live a happy life.
Which means to go to a higher level of understanding to be able to visualize what
is needed to sustain life without letting someone suffer in the taste of poverty.
1. Why must we change our paradigm of growth and consumption to that of “de-
- According to Jason Hickel “we must end poverty by changing the rules of the Global
Economy”. There are countries that are still experiencing poverty and trying to catch up,
but according to Hickel’s idea, we must change the course of economic development by
instead of poor countries to catch up with the rich ones, we should be getting rich countries
to catch down. We should think of ways for the rich countries to catch down with the poor
countries to make more appropriate levels of development.
2. What is the standard response to eradicating poverty?
- The standard response to eradicating poverty is growth. Growth has been the key focus of
development for the last 70 years, given the fact that is does not work.
6. What are the similarities and differences between Heidegger’s The Question
Concerning Technology and Hickel’s article?
- Heidegger argues that the technology of the current world has become essential
in the day life and that the technology is highly advanced as compared to the old
days. On the other hand, Hickels argue that the technological innovation will be
no help in getting rid of natural disasters that occur in our world.
1. Why was C. S. Lewis very much a skeptic and critic of scientism? Was he against
- C.S Lewis is not anti-science but was opposed to scientism, because it is a belief where
modern science supplies the only well-grounded method of knowledge about our
surroundings and the world and also, that scientists should be the ones to dictate our policy
and even our moral beliefs.
2. How did C. S. Lewis explain the following:
2.1. Science as religion
- Religion is the worldview that affects all the life and science is just one of the
areas that is affected.
2.2. Science as credulity
- Lewis observed that there are many people who easily believed when they heard
claims in the name of science. Without any explanation and evidences regarding to
the certain issue. So, he just wants to say that before believing to something, you
must know first where it comes from and how it was explained.
2.3. Science as power
- To the public, science with its capabilities and possibilities that are so great and
endless seems like magical with what you can n almost discover with science and
also with what you can do with it. With the fear of unknown people submit to the
power of science.
3. Why did C. S. Lewis think that modern science is far more dangerous than magic?
- Because science is far more dangerous that magic because magic fails. If it does not
work then, people could not use it to control the world while science has the potential
that you really can’t control the people. If you find the right charge, the right
treatments, you can manipulate them. In science, you don’t have any other way of
protecting what you are doing and so it becomes dangerous.
5. Based on what you learned in the documentary film, how does scientism pose a
threat to the human person flourishing in science and technology? Why should
science be guided by an ethical basis that is not dictated by science itself?
- I learned that a scientism poses a threat because it is the use of methods of science to explain
almost every part of human lives. With this, people can use it to manipulate and control others by
using information against them.