LAW Chapter I (1767-1783)
LAW Chapter I (1767-1783)
LAW Chapter I (1767-1783)
1768. The partnership has a juridical personality (3) The sharing of gross returns does not of itself
separate and distinct from that of each of the establish a partnership, whether or not the
partners even in case of failure to comply with persons sharing them have a joint or common
the requirements of Article 1772, first paragraph right or interest in any property from which the
returns are derived;
Partnership, a juridical person
Two kinds of persons under the law: (4) The receipt by a person of a share of the
(1) Natural person (2) Juridical person profits of a business is prima facie evidence that
Juridical person- law grants a juridical he is a partner in the business, but no such
personality separate and distinct from inference shall be drawn if such profits were
that of each of the partners. received in payment:
a. As a separate juridical person, a a. As a debt by installments or otherwise;
partnership can acquire and b. As wages of an employee or rent to a
posses property of all kinds in its landlord;
name, enter into a contract, incur c. As an annuity to a widow or
obligations, and file actions in representative of a deceased partner;
court as a partnership. d. As interest on a loan, though the amount
of payment vary with the profits of the
Effect of failure to comply with statutory business;
requirements e. As the consideration for the sale of a
Article 1772 goodwill of a business or other property
a. Partnership with capital of 3,000 by installments or otherwise.
or more: ________________________________________
i. Contract must appear in a
public instrument
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
1769 lays down the rules for determining a. Y, creditor of partnership X, is entrusted by
whether or not an association of persons is the partners to manage the business, Y shall
considered a partnership. receive in addition to his compensation, a
share in the net profits of the business in
settlement of his credit.
GN of establishing a partnership b. Y, an employee, shall receive a fixed salary
Essential features and characteristics or being the owner of the house rented by
mentioned (rules) the partnership X, shall receive a percentage
In case of doubt, rules of 1769 shall apply of the monthly net profits of the business as
(Where terms of contract are not clear payment.
and existence is disputed by another c. Annuity of a widow
party) d. Y, creditor of partnership X, agreed that the
payment of interest shall e taken from the
Rules to determine the existence of a net profits.
partnership e. Y sold a property to partnership X, and he
1. Persons not partners as to each other agreed that the purchase price shall be paid
a. GN: Persons who are not partners as out of the net profits of the business.
to each other are not partners as to
third persons Gross Returns VS Net Profits
b. Partnership is a matter of intention. Sharing of gross returns does not constitute
There is an agreement or intention prima facie evidence of the existence of
among the partners to create a partnership
partnership. Sharing of net profits constitutes prima facie
2. Co-ownership or co-possession evidence but not conclusive evidence.
a. GN: Co-ownership or co-possession a. Since you can show a proof that you
does not of itself establish a receive money for payment, the par4
partnership. enumerations shall apply.
b. There is co-ownership whenever the
ownership of an undivided thing or Test and incidents of partnership
right belongs to different persons 1. Share in profits or losses
(heirs to a property) 2. Equal rights in the management and
3. Sharing of gross returns conduct of the partnership business
a. GN: The sharing of gross returns does 3. Every partner is an agent of the
not of itself establish a partnership. partnership
i. Because in a partnership, 4. All partners are personally liable for the
the partners are only debts of the partnership with their
entitled to profit after separate property except the limited
satisfying all of the partners that are not bound beyond the
partner’s liabilities. amount of their investment.
4. Receipt of share in the profits 5. Fiduciary relation exists between the
a. GN: The receipt by a person of a share partners
of the profits of a business is prima 6. On dissolution, partnership is not
facie (rebuttable or disputable) terminated, but continues until the
evidence that he is a partner in the winding up of partnership is completed.
b. Instances wherein you may have 1770. A partnership must have a lawful object or
received a share in the profit but you purpose, and must be established for the
are not considered as a partner. common benefit or interest of the partners.
a partner in the business, whether or If you enter into this kind of partnership,
not he has an actual interest in the all that you own today (time partnership
firm. is constituted) will be contributed to the
b. May or may not be a partner by partnership and also all the profits from
estoppel. Thus, he may be an actual that property
partner or a nominal partner. a. That is why it is rare for partners
Secret partner to enter into this kind of
a. one who takes active part in the partnership.
business but is not known to be a GN: FUTURE properties cannot be
partner by outside parties nor held contributed,
out as a partner by the other partners a. the very essence of a contract of
Silent partner partnership is that the properties
a. one who does not take any active contributed must be determinate
part in the business although he may a. Inheritance, legacy (not covered in
be known to be a partner. the universal of all present
b. need not be a secret partner property)
Dormant partner
a. one who does not take active part in
the business and is not known or
held out as partner.
b. both a silent and a secret partner 1779. In a universal partnership of all present
c. His only interest in joining the property, the property which belongs to each of
partnership would be the sharing of the partners at the time of the constitution of
the profits earned. the partnership, becomes the common property
d. “sleeping partner” of all the partners, as well as all the profits
Original partner which they may acquire therewith.
a. one who is a member of the
partnership from the time of its A stipulation for the common enjoyment of any
organization other profits may also be made; but the
Incoming partner property which the partners may acquire
a. a person lately, or about to be, taken subsequently by inheritance, legacy or donation
into an existing partnership as a cannot be included in such stipulation, except
member the fruits thereof.
Retiring partner
a. one withdrawn from the partnership;
a withdrawing partner 1780. A universal partnership of profits
comprises all that the partners may acquire by
1777. A universal partnership may refer to all the their industry or work during the existence of the
present property or to all the profits. (1672) partnership.
1778. A partnership of all present property is Movable or immovable property which each of
that in which the partners contribute all the the partners may possess at the time of the
property which actually belongs to them to a celebration of the contract shall continue to
common fund, with the intention of dividing the pertain exclusively to each, only the usufruct
same among themselves, as well as all the profits passing to the partnership. (1675)
they may acquire therewith.
Refers to the universal partnership of profits
Refers to the universal partnership of all present All the profits of the parties acquired at
property the time they entered into the
partnership is contributed.
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
If A have a property, the property will not Presumption only applies when in their
be contributed but only the profit of the partnership agreement it is indicated that
property from the time it is created. they entered into a universal partnership,
only failed to indicated whether it is one
Example of “present property” or of “profits”
Acquired by chance a. If not indicated or silent, it should
A and B entered into a universal partnership of not be assumed that it is a
profits and during the time partnership is universal partnership because
created, B won a lottery ticket. Even though B more often it is a particular
won the lottery from the time it is created, it partnership.
cannot be included since the lottery is acquired
by chance and profits acquired by partners 1782. Persons who are prohibited from giving
through chance is not included for purposes of each other any donation or advantage cannot
1780. enter into a universal partnership.
Acquired property after entering into a Persons who are prohibited by law to give
universal partnership of profits donations cannot enter into a universal
Property will not be included as a capital partnership for the reason that each of the
contribution and also the fruits of partners virtually makes a donation.
property subsequently acquired by the
partners do not belong to the A partnership formed in violation of this
partnership. article is null and void.
Suppose on Aug, A and B entered into a A husband and wife may not enter into a
universal partnership of profits, then by universal partnership. However, may enter
September B acquired a land. The land into a particular partnership or be members
and the income or the fruits of the land is thereof.
not included in the universal partnership a. GN: under our law, husband and wife
of profits as a general rule cannot sell each other.
a. Only the fruits or profits of the i. They cannot also donate to
properties in existent at the time each other, except gifts of
of creation is included, moderate values in
subsequent properties are not accordance to their
included, unless expressly circumstances.
stipulated. ii. Husband and wife are
prohibited from giving each
1781. Articles of universal partnership, entered other because under the law,
into without specification of its nature, only the presumption is that
constitute a universal partnership of profits. husband and wife have
absolute community, “what is
Presumption in favor of universal partnership of yours is mine, what is yours is
profits mine”
When the articles of partnership do not
indicate or specify the nature of 1783. A particular partnership has for its object
partnership, but is stated that it is a determinate things, their use or fruits, or a
universal partnership, the presumption is specific undertaking, or the exercise of a
that it is a universal partnership of profits. profession or vocation.
a. For the reason that a universal
partnership of profits imposes less Defines a particular partnership.
obligations on the partners or
“less burdensome” Particular partnership
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy