AirSial TICKET 1P547C
AirSial TICKET 1P547C
AirSial TICKET 1P547C
PNR: 1P547C
Travel Information
15-Jul-2021 PF144 04:10 PM 06:00 PM Standard Baggage
Title Passenger(s) Name Ticket Number Lahore - Karachi
MR ZULFIQAR AHMED 6734000348100 Confirm
Sastaticket 1 (sastaticketapi)
E-TICKET Thank You for choosing AirSial.
TRAVEL Address: 1A 1B ADAM ARCADE SHAHEED E MILLAT ROAD KARACHI For any flight information please contact
AGENT Phone 021-111747111 AirSial Call Center 021-111-247-742
Excess Baggage Charges More than 48 hours before flight departure PKR 1,500 PKR 1,500
Extra baggage, over and above the free baggage allowance, shall be charged @ PKR 110 per kgon Within 48 hours to 24 hours before flight
PKR 2,500 PKR 2,500
domestic flights. departure
Terms & Conditions Within 24 hours to before flight departure PKR 3,500 PKR 3,500
Reporting Time
After flight departure and/or no show PKR 4,500 PKR 4,500
Domestic Passenger(s) should report at the airport check-in counter at least 2:00 hours
29 Days after flight departure No Modification No Refund
before scheduled departure time of flight.
Check-in counters shall close 45 minutes prior to flight departure. As such, no passenger shall
be accepted for boarding after a flight is closed. Credit/ Debit Card Policy
Passengers shall be required to present CNIC/ Photo identity at the check-in counter. Ticket issued by credit/ debit card swiping at POS Terminal
Times mentioned on the ticket are local times. Credit/ Debit Card used for purchase of air ticket must be presented, in original, at check-in
counter along with card holder's photo identification. A copy of the photo ID shall be retained at
Tickets remain valid for 29 days from the date of last booked flight. Day of the flight shall not However, if a travelling passenger is not a card holder and he/ she has purchased ticket/s on
be counted. somebody else's Credit/ Debit card from AIR SIAL’s Sales Outlets, in that situation passenger
Expired tickets have no value, whatsoever, and, therefore, cannot be revalidated, refunded or should possess following documents for presenting at check-in counter
modified/ changed. A photocopy of Credit/ Debit Card used for purchase of ticket, duly self-attested, through
In case of delayed, cancelled flight or denied boarding, AIR SIAL shall compensate the signature, by the owner of the card.
passenger as per its Conditions of Carriage. Copy of the photo identity of the Credit/ Debit Card holder, signed and verified by the card