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Annual CPD Declaration 2020: X X X X X

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You can do this online, through myACCA at www.accaglobal.com. Alternatively, you can complete this declaration in BLACK INK and
send it back to us at: ACCA, Customer Services, 110 Queen Street, Glasgow G1 3BX, United Kingdom.
You do not need to complete your CPD declaration if you are a new member and admitted to membership in 2020.

PART 1 3 and 4), without holding an ACCA practising certificate or

All members must complete this part being placed on the register of ACCA practitioners without
having already notified ACCA’s Authorisation, Assessment or
X I have complied with the CPD requirements for 2020.
Investigations Departments;
The CPD route I followed is (please select one route only):
• I have not been subject to any disciplinary or other matters
X Unit route
which may engage bye-law 8 (liability to disciplinary action
X Unit route – part-time or semi-retired
– see guidance overleaf for information on bye-law 8) that
X ACCA Approved Employer route
have not already been brought to the attention of ACCA’s

Assessment or Investigations Departments;
X IFAC member body route
• I have not been subject to any criminal conviction and/or caution
OR that has not already been brought to the attention of ACCA’s
X I have not been able to meet the CPD requirements for 2020.
Assessment or Investigations Departments;
I understand that CPD is a requirement for my continuing • I understand that I am
membership. I will make good my shortfall and then submit required to disclose any unspent convictions and/or cautions that
an updated CPD declaration to confirm. are not ‘protected’ as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders
Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975 (as amended in 2013);
PART 2 • I understand that if I provide external accountancy services,
Only select this part of the form if it applies to you: if it does as defined by guidance issued by the Consultative Committee
not, please leave blank. of Accountancy Bodies, I must be registered for appropriate
X I confirm that I am an engagement partner responsible for anti-money laundering;
audits of financial statements. • I have read and understand the instructions and guidance
overleaf before signing.
All members must complete this part
I confirm that:
• The information given in this form is true and accurate to the
best of my knowledge and belief;
• I have maintained and, where appropriate, developed my
competence in relation to professional ethics; Membership number
• I have not engaged in public practice activities (as defined by The
Chartered Certified Accountants’ Global Practising Regulations Today’s date

We may use your personal data for the purposes of membership administration and training requirements, sending you publications and other communications,
responding to enquiries investigating complaints and complying with our regulatory obligations
You can update your information through your myACCA account at any time. We may share information with our suppliers and our auditors. We may also share
information with other IFAC member bodies and employers, in order to verify your CPD declaration.
Please note that for individuals based outside the UK, your information will be held in ACCA’s main information systems which are located in the EU and may be
accessed by ACCA’s local office in your country of residence. ACCA processes information within the EU, but may also transfer data outside of the EU as part of its
operations and service delivery.
For more information on how your personal information and rights are respected, please access our privacy notice
accaglobal.com/privacy, or contact [email protected]

For residents of China 

By filling in this form and ticking the box, I give my consent that ACCA can collect, use, transfer and share the personal information I have entered according to
ACCA’s privacy notice, to process and contact me about industry news, events, career tips and other information relevant to their qualification or to me via the
official email address, our monthly e-magazine, potential and relevant events/activities information.
You can update your information or opt-out from communication at any point by contacting us. ACCA may share information with suppliers and auditors.
Please note that for individuals based outside the UK, your information will be held in ACCA‘s main information systems which are located in the EU and maybe
accessed by ACCA’s local office in your country of residence. ACCA processes information within the EU, but may also transfer data outside the EU as part of its
operations and service delivery.
For more information on how your information and rights are respected, please see our privacy notice or contact [email protected]

Official use only X CPD


You are required to submit your 2020 annual CPD declaration by 1 January 2021. The simplest and quickest way to make your CPD
declaration is online through myACCA. You will then receive an acknowledgement that your CPD declaration has been received. Please
keep your evidence for three years and only send it to ACCA if we ask you to. Members holding practising certificates, insolvency
licences and/or carrying out exempt regulated activities in the UK or investment business in Ireland must be able to demonstrate they
have maintained competence in the specialised area(s) of their practice.
For further information and guidance visit www.accaglobal.com/members/cpd

COMPLETING PART 1 Am I in public practice? https://www.accaglobal.com/content/dam/

Check the box to confirm you have met the CPD requirement ACCA_Global/Members/Doc/Am_I_in_Public_Practice.pdf
and also indicate which CPD route you have followed from the
ACCA’s definition of public practice extends beyond audit
routes below:
to incorporate all types of work generally associated with an
• Unit route accountancy practice, such as producing accounts, tax returns,
If you have completed 40 units of CPD, including 21 verifiable but excluding book-keeping services.
units. Please select this route even if you were granted a full/
If you engage in public practice activities or hold yourself
partial CPD waiver.
out, as defined by Global Practising Regulations 3 and 4,
• Unit route – part-time or semi-retired you are required to hold an ACCA practising certificate or
Please check the guidelines to ensure that you are eligible to arrange to be placed on ACCA’s register of practitioners.
select this route. You need to ensure you have completed an
Anti-money laundering supervision
appropriate level of CPD for your role.
If you provide external accountancy services in the UK, as
• ACCA Approved Employer route defined by guidance issued by the Consultative Committee
If you are employed by an ACCA Approved Employer – of Accountancy Bodies (which includes book keeping/payroll
professional development and your role is covered by the services or any service which involves the recording, review,
approval. Please check with your employer that they are analysis, calculation or reporting of financial information, and
approved and confirm the scope of their approval. which is provided under arrangements other than a contract
of employment), you must be registered for anti-money
• IFAC member body route
laundering supervision with HM Revenue and Customs or a
If you are a full member of another IFAC member body
Professional Body Supervisor recognised for such purposes
and have followed that body’s IFAC-compliant (IES 7) CPD
prior to the provision of such services. NB: Members
programme. Visit www.ifac.org for a listing of member bodies.
outside the UK should check what local obligations they
Not met the CPD requirement? may have regarding anti-money laundering supervision.
Check the box if you believe you have not been able to meet https://www.accaglobal.com/content/dam/ACCA_
the CPD requirement (if you have been granted a waiver, you Global/Technical/Guides/AML-regs-ACCA.pdf
should only check this box if you have not met your amended
Information about bye-law 8
requirement). ACCA will then contact you to assist you in
Bye-law 8 sets out the details of the events which could lead to
making good your CPD shortfall. You will be required to make a
disciplinary action. These events include (but are not limited to)
replacement CPD declaration once you have made good your
the following:
shortfall and met the CPD requirement.
• Incompetence in carrying out work;
COMPLETING PART 2 • Breach of ACCA bye-laws or regulations;
Complete Part 2 if you are an engagement partner as defined by • Disciplinary action against you by another professional body
IFAC IES 8 (Revised), ie a partner or other person in the firm who and/or regulator;
is responsible for the audit engagement and its performance,
• Bankruptcy or insolvency;
and for the auditor’s report that is issued on behalf of the firm,
and who, where required, has the appropriate authority from a • Failure to satisfy a judgment debt without reasonable excuse
professional, legal, or regulatory body. within two months;
• Criminal conviction and/or caution;
COMPLETING PART 3 • Civil finding of acting fraudulently or dishonestly as a party or
You must sign the declaration to confirm the CPD information witness in civil proceedings;
you have provided is true and accurate, that you have • Misconduct – this includes (but is not limited to) any act, or
maintained your competence in relation to professional failure to act, that is likely to discredit you or ACCA or the
ethics, that you have not engaged in public practice without accountancy profession.
holding an ACCA practising certificate or being placed on
the register of ACCA practitioners and that you have not If you have been subject to matters within the terms of bye-
been subject to any matters within the terms of ACCA’s bye- law 8 and ACCA’s Assessment or Investigations Department
law 8 that have not already been brought to the attention of is aware of this, you may sign and submit this declaration. If
ACCA’s Assessment or Investigations Departments and that you are concerned that you may be subject to matters under
you have appropriate anit-money laundering supervision bye-law 8 of which ACCA is not already aware, please notify
in place if you provide external accountancy services. ACCA by writing to [email protected]
or ACCA’s Assessment Department, The Adelphi, 1/11
Engaging in public practice activities John Adam Street, London, WC2A 3EE, UK, after which
Director, partner, LLP member or principal? you may sign and submit the CPD declaration.
To ensure that you are not in breach of ACCA’s rules about holding
a practising certificate, if you are a director, partner, LLP member or The ACCA Rulebook, which contains the bye-laws and regulations,
principal in an accountancy practice you must check your position is available online at www.accaglobal.com/rulebook.
against ACCA’s Global Practising Regulations and the factsheet

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