Begning of Reseaech
Begning of Reseaech
Begning of Reseaech
Date: ……………………………
Place: Bihar Signature of the Candidate
research work carried out by Mr. Mohit Kumar Gupta, M.Sc. (N) 2nd
Mr. Nitesh Kumar,
(Dept. Mental Health Nursing)
Narayan Nursing College
Jamuhar , Sasaram,Rohtas
Service to mankind is service to god. We believe in invisible power which guided us
throughout our success.
grace, blessings, courage and incidence which enabled me to reach up to this step and
support and encouragement for accomplishment of our dream, the completion of this
research study.
“For the ancestors who paved the path before me upon whose shoulders I
stand”; this is dedicated to my admiring beloved Parents (Mr. Pyare Lal & Mrs.
Uma Devi) and my brother & sister (Mr. Rohit Kumar Agrawal and Mrs. Renu
Garg) who trusted in me, every step of my life without any second thought in their
& attention it would not be possible to reach to the point today where I’m standing
for. I won’t be this stronger without as my inspiration. You are the reason why I keep
pushing; I keep facing all the struggles, pains and hardships. Thank you for your
unconditional love, blessings and all the comfort you have given to me.
“Affirming words from mother and father are like light switches. Speak a
word of affirmation at the right moment in a child’s life and its like lighting up a
whole roomful of possibilities. Parents can only give good advice or put them on the
path, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands”.
“Knowledge is in the end based on
College, Gopal Narayan Singh University, Jamuhar, Rohtas, Bihar. for providing
Rohtas, Bihar.
support to mold this study successfully, And also for providing me with
Mr. Nitesh Kumar,
Vice Principal
“To the world you may be just a teacher, but to your students you are a star”
Ms. Sabina Kujur
Assistant Professor
(Dept. Of MHN)
“You are not just teacher; you are the manager of the world’s greatest resource
children” My success is your blessings. I would always be thankful to you.
“Words are powerless to express my gratitude; I will always be thankful to you for
all hard work and efforts you have put in.”
the research work. I am sincerely grateful to her for sharing truthful and
Her guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing, it is like wrapping a gift and not
giving it” “Man’s efforts are always crowded by God’s grace and blessings”
First and foremost, I thank and Almighty for the copious grace and blessing
that He had on me for completing this study. None can comprehend the depth of
gratitude I have towards my God for His abundant grace and faithfulness during the
Bihar for giving me an opportunity and encouragement in conducting this study for
which her constant lovable support and valuable advice throughout the study.
At the outset I have the humble privilege to express my deep sense of gratitude
College, Jamuhar, Rohtas, Bihar for her constant guidance, scholarly supervision,
valuable suggestions and advice which she unfailing bestowed at all times without
College, Jamuhar, Rohtas, Bihar, for her constant lovable support and valuable
College, Jamuhar, Rohtas, Bihar for their support and help in this thesis.
I am immensely thankful to all the Research committee members of Narayan
Nursing College, Jamuhar, Rohtas, Bihar for their support and help in this thesis.
validated the research tool and had guided me with their valuable suggestion and
Rohtas, Bihar for giving me permission to conduct pilot study in this respective zone
and I extent my deep gratitude to the people of their active participation in the study.
A word of heartfelt thanks to all the adult people and School Going Children
who participated in the study. Without their willingness the study would not have
been possible.
My special thanks to Mr. Joshi, Statistician, for his support and guidance in
College, Jamuhar,Rohtas, Bihar including all clerical staff and librarian for their
I extent my heartfelt thanks to the computer operator, printers, and binders for
Mr. Pyare Lal , & my Mother Mrs. Uma Devi, for their unending affection, faith,
understanding and support throughout this study. Without their blessing and prayers,
A special thanks to all the M.Sc. Nursing colleagues for their support in time
of need and those who have directly and indirectly helped me in the successful
those good-hearted people who have helped me tirelessly to make this thesis work
possible one. The heart is full and the words are few to express my sincere gratitude
Last but not the least, I would like to thank my entire family, my relatives and
my friends for supporting me spiritually throughout writing this thesis and my life in