IELTS 4 Class Handout

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1|Apadana IELTS Umbrella

2|Apadana IELTS Umbrella
Handout 1

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Handout 2
A It is astonishing to contemplate how popular junk food has become, given that the first
fast food restaurant in the US only opened its doors a mere century ago. Since then, high-calorie
processed meals have taken over the world, with multinational restaurant changes aggressively
chasing levels of growth that show no signs of slowing down. Much of this expansion is currently
taking place in less developed parts of the world, where potential for customer loyalty is seen as
easier to develop, but it is not just in these areas where such growth is visible. Indeed, a recent
study from the University of Cambridge found that the number of takeaways in the United
Kingdom rose by 45 percent between 1997 and 2015. This explosion in the takeaway trade is not
an inevitable outcome of what we call “progress”. On the contrary, it comes in the face of an
increasing body of evidence that we are heading for dietary disaster.
B Yet, despite nutrition experts’ best efforts to educate people about the dangers of a diet
filled with processed food, it appears that the world does not want to listen. Medical specialists
point out that, although eating too much unhealthy food is likely to be as dangerous in the long-
term as smoking, regular consumption of high-calorie food has somehow become more socially
acceptable than ever. While local authorities in some towns and cities have taken measures to
combat the rise in this trend by limiting the number of fast food outlets permitted to be open
simultaneously, critics argue that people have every right to make their own decisions about
what the eat and how they choose to live. However, the way in which we have come to binge on
takeaways isn’t only a personal issue of weight gain, or of buying larger clothes. The
consequences of mass overconsumption should strike fear into the hearts of everyone.
C Research suggests that there is an evolutionary reason as to why people compulsively
overeat – it is simply part of our innate behavior. When humans evolved, we did not have the
abundant supply of food that we enjoy today, and so eating was more about survival than
pleasure. We became more likely to opt for high-calorie foods, with high fat content, that could
sustain us through cold winters when the supply of nourishment became sparse. This explains
why a 600-calori burger seems so attractive: it awakens our primal side, makes us feel well fed,
inspires contentment. Processed food stimulate the reward response in our brains, so we feel
compelled to overeat, and not necessarily in a healthy way. Junk food acts as a trigger for
chemicals such as the “feel-good” dopamine to flood through the brain and induce a sensation
of happiness. Meanwhile, high amounts of sugar and sodium (one of the chemicals in salt and
other ingredients of fast food) cause a huge surge in blood sugar, pushing it to unnatural levels.

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D This occurs within the first few moments of eating a high-calorie meal. From there,
routinely processing such high levels of sodium is impossible, and the body’s organs are pushed
beyond their natural working capacity in trying to do so. The kidneys cannot remove all the excess
salt from the blood, and thus an overdose of sodium causes the heart to pump faster while
transporting blood through the veins. There are multiple dangers of high blood pressure,
especially for the elderly and in the long-term. Sodium taken on in such quantities can lead to
dehydration, a condition whose symptoms are extremely similar to hunger, and this leads to a
painful truth: as soon as you have finished your junk food meal, you immediately start to crave
another. Thereafter, the body starts to digest the food. Usually, this takes between four and 12
hours, but with fast food, where the fat content is so much higher, the same process lasts at least
three days.

E A number of studies have shown how young people can become even more addicted to
junk food than adults. When a child eats a burger, the same neurological process occurs as in
their parents: their brain’s reward system is awoken, dopamine is released, a spontaneous feeling
of excitement results, their blood sugar rockets, and so on. An adult can apply their maturity to
understand that this thrill is not entirely without drawbacks, and that they need to control the
urge to eat more. However, a child cannot necessarily see any negative consequences to this urge
and the potential effects of their lack of self-control, so they find it far more difficult to exercise
restraint and moderate their food consumption.
F It is common to read or to hear criticism of the junk food industry that does so much to
promote the overconsumption of its products. But it does not appear that any of this criticism is
changing widespread dietary habits in any substantial way. What is more, the humble burger has
been elevated to such a point that many people no longer see it as simple, on-the-go food. It has
arguably become a stylish and aspirational part of one’s daily diet. Consider, for example, how
some television companies recently made several series of programs encouraging unnecessary
overeating, in which the host devours dish after dish of unhealthy, fatty meals until they are full
– and then far, far beyond. While such glamorization exists, it is difficult to see how our collective
march towards a global obesity crisis can ever be halted.

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Questions 1-7
For each question, choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text to complete the flow-

The effects of fast food on the body

reward response activated by 1______________

Huge quantities of dopamine produced in 2_______________

Blood sugar 3___________

4_____________ fail to remove unneeded sodium from the blood

Presents particular risk for 5_________

Dehydration (signs of this resemble 6______________)

Food broken down slowly (minimum 7____________)

Questions 8-10
For each question, choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text to complete the table.


Eats – dopamine released Eats – dopamine released

Reward system activated Reward system activated

Can understand negative consequences Cannot understand negative consequences

Rationalizes excitement by relying on Unable to resist the 9______________ to
8_____________________ consume more food

Can hold back cravings Does not show 10_______________

Stops eating Continues to eat

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Antibiotics have been one of humanity’s success stories for hundreds of years, being responsible
both for saving the lives of millions of patients and for helping scientists to take enormous steps
in the fields of medical and surgical treatment. But this success has come to a price. The growing
resistance of many bacterial strains to the curative effects of antibiotics is such a concern that it
has been referred to, in some quarters, as the greatest threat to our continued existence on
earth. We have become careless, it is argued, not only in our reliance on the quick fix of medicine
if we feel even slightly under the weather, but also in taking the availability of antibiotics for
granted, using them incorrectly, not following the prescribed dosage. This has given rise to a new
form of superbacteria, a type which is able to fight off antibiotic treatment with ease.
Although their resistance to antibiotics has been built up over a long period of time, bacteria
actually replicate extraordinarily quickly, and any resistance developed is also duplicated as they
divide. In addition, those bacteria carrying resistance genes happen to spread those genes further
via “horizontal gene transfer”, a process whereby one bacterium passes on the resistance gene
from another without even needing to be its parent. What makes the spread of these strains
more difficult to control is that it occurs in a cyclical process. In the case of humans, when a
person becomes infected and the resistant bacteria set up home in the gut, the sufferer has two
choices: look for help or stay at home. In seeking medical assistance, whether through an
appointment to visit their local doctor, or taking themselves to hospital, they contaminate other
patients, later to be discharged and sent home. Then resistant bacteria then spread out into the
local community. This is also the end result if the infected person decides not to seek any medical
assistance at all: they keep the bacteria ta home and allow them to breed without treatment.
Livestock also play their part in dispersing these newly evolved, bullet-proof microorganisms into
the food chain. The resilient bacteria do not discriminate between man and beast, and so animals
play host to the very same bacteria as are found in humans, with the end result that our farms
and abattoirs have become breeding grounds for inter-species infection. In fact, even after
slaughter, these bacteria can easily survive on animal carcasses, remaining alive and reproducing
until the point of purchase and beyond, eventually invading our systems when we ingest the flesh
as infected meat. So is the answer simply to become a vegetarian? Sadly not. The very same
resistant bacteria will leave a host animal’s gut in the form of faeces, which are employed in
agriculture as manure to support food crops. From there, the wheat, maize and corn that are
grown for human consumption transport bacteria into our bodies. There really is no escape.
That said, there is always something that can be done to try and minimize any risk, however much
of a lost cause it might seem. In 2014, after accumulating data from 114 countries, the World
Health Organization (WHO), issued a set of guidelines intended to tackle the increasing problem
of resistance. Doctors and pharmacists were advised to avoid prescribing and dispensing
antibiotics as much and as often as possible. Only when treatment is utterly necessary should
they resort to doing so, while the greatest of care should be taken to ensure that the antibiotics
they provide are the correct ones to treat the illness. In turn, the general public must play their

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part by only taking antibiotics as prescribed by a doctor, as well as making sure they see out the
full course, even if they feel better before the antibiotics are finished. Additionally, they should
never share their medication with others or – astonishing as it may seem that this would need to
be stated – buy drugs online.
Away from the individual and onto organizations, the WHO has urged policymakers to invest in
laboratory capacity and research to track increasing drug resistance as it happens, over time. Our
leaders and governors were also advised to ensure that use of antibiotics is strictly regulated,
something that can only be achieved through cooperation between themselves and the
pharmaceutical industry. If innovation in research were encouraged, and new tools developed,
the WHO argued, the threat might yet be contained. But herein lies the biggest challenge of all.
Antibiotic development has slowed down considerably over recent decades as the
pharmaceutical industry becomes ever more governed by profit margins. Since they are used for
a relatively short time, and are often effective in curing the patient, antibiotics are nowhere near
as lucrative as the drugs that treat long-term disorders, such as diabetes or asthma. Because
medicines for chronic conditions are so much more profitable, this is where pharmaceutical
companies invest their time and money. A further stumbling block is the relatively low cost of
antibiotics, newer examples of which tend to cost a maximum of £ 1000 to £ 3000 per course.
When compared to cancer chemotherapy, for example, a process of treatment that costs tens of
thousands of pounds, the discrepancy becomes impossible to mend.
As a race, humans have seen remarkable health benefits over the years as a huge number of
illnesses have been treated by antibiotics, but we now face a global emergency as antibiotic-
resistant bacteria are beginning to emerge more rapidly and frequently than ever before. Not
only has this created a potential health crisis, since we are increasingly unable to provide the sick
with treatment as a result of worldwide overuse of these drugs, but it is also unlikely to be tackled
any time soon, as the powerful pharmaceutical companies are primarily driven by profit and see
little benefit in creating and researching new antibiotics. It simply does not work on the balance
sheet, and so it falls to governments and individuals around the world to find ways to manage
the crisis. Coordinating such efforts will not be easy.

11 | A p a d a n a I E L T S U m b r e l l a
Questions 1-7
Complete the flow-chart below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

How antibiotic resistance spreads

Infected bacteria become established in 1_______________

Human Animal

Patient opts for 2____________ Bacteria survive on carcasses

following 5_______________
Bacteria multiply due to
an absence of Humans consume
4___________________ 6_______________________

3_________________ is infected, Bacteria enter our

contamination spreads. 7_______________________

Questions 8-11
Complete the table below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Recommendations from World Health Organization

Medical professionals General public
 Only prescribe antibiotics when there is no  Only take antibiotics prescribed by a doctor
alternative  Take the complete 8_______________.
 Prescribe or dispense correct treatment on a  Avoid 9___________ purchase of medication.
case-by-case basis
Governments/Policymakers Pharmaceutical industry
 Give money towards increasing  Co-operate with policymakers to fund new
10_______________ with which to monitor the kinds of research in order to find
continuing development of resistance to antibiotics 11_____________ with which to fight the
threat of antibiotic resistance.

12 | A p a d a n a I E L T S U m b r e l l a
Handout 3
Some children receive almost no encouragement from their parents regarding their
performance at school, while other children receive too much pressure from their over
enthusiastic parents which can have a negative impact on the child.
Why do you think some parents put too much pressure on their children to perform well at
What do you think the role of a parent should be in their child's education?

Nowadays, some people contend that hard strike-style behavior is the most suitable one in
confrontation with their children’s performance at school. Others, however, take it for granted and
let their children find their direction by themselves as far as education is concerned. The question
is why the learning method which is based on the parents’ severe control and supervision seems
to be the only solution for some parents. I am going to shed some light on this issue and also
illustrate the appropriate role of the parents about their children’s education.
Some people put their children under too much pressure for being the most studious student in
their classroom for two main reasons. Firstly, these kind of people want to seek their unfulfilled
dreams in their children via striking regulations for their education almost unconsciously. As they
contribute their own lack of success to not having had proper studies at school, they tend to put
their children under pressure to guarantee their future. Secondly, such parents opine that one way
to prove to others that they are doing their parenting job well, is for their offspring to gain
marvelous results in their education and hence, they will accept nothing but success from them.
It is a widely held belief that the pivotal role of the parents in the educational life of their children
is the key to their success. Moderation in studying supervision is the first and the most important
factor that can be done to assist a child to be directed to the correct educational path. Butter put,
the child should be given the freedom to make a balance between the amount of time that he
dedicates to both studying and playing. Being around other hard working students, in addition, can
be counted as another motivational factor for the children. The preparation of some classmate
reunions at home for doing assignments, as an example, can be beneficial for the child in making
progress in their lessons.
To put it in a nutshell, while learning educational courses is excessively important, the role of
playing and entertainment in developing the child’s brain should not be neglected and hence the
role of the parents is to make a balance between the time of studying and playing for their children,
rather than putting too much pressure on them.

13 | A p a d a n a I E L T S U m b r e l l a
Essay Outline:
Nowadays, some people contend that hard strike-style behavior is the most suitable one in
confrontation with their children’s performance at school. Others, however, take it for granted and
let their children find their direction by themselves as far as education is concerned. (Paraphrase
of the question) The question is why the learning method which is based on the parents’ severe
control and supervision seems to be the only solution for some parents. I am going to shed some
light on this issue and also illustrate the appropriate role of the parents about their children’s
education. (plan of the essay)
Some people put their children under too much pressure for being the most studious student in
their classroom for two main reasons. (Topic sentence) Firstly, these kind of people want to seek
their unfulfilled dreams in their children via striking regulations for their education almost
unconsciously. As they contribute their own lack of success to not having had proper studies at
school, they tend to put their children under pressure to guarantee their future. Secondly, such
parents opine that one way to prove to others that they are doing their parenting job well, is for
their offspring to gain marvelous results in their education and hence, they will accept nothing but
success from them. (Reasons and supporting ideas)
It is a widely held belief that the pivotal role of the parents in the educational life of their children
is the key to their success. (Topic sentence) Moderation in studying supervision is the first and the
most important factor that can be done to assist a child to be directed to the correct educational
path. Butter put, the child should be given the freedom to make a balance between the amount of
time that he dedicates to both studying and playing. Being around other hard working students, in
addition, can be counted as another motivational factor for the children. The preparation of some
classmate reunions at home for doing assignments, as an example, can be beneficial for the child
in making progress in their lessons. (Reasons and supporting ideas)
To put it in a nutshell, while learning educational courses is excessively important, (Brief
paraphrase of the question) the role of playing and entertainment in developing the child’s brain
should not be neglected and hence the role of the parents is to make a balance between the time of
studying and playing for their children, rather than putting too much pressure on them. (Conclusion
and personal opinion)

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The role of education is to prepare children for the modern world. Schools
should cut art and music out of the curriculum so that children can focus on
useful subjects such as information technology.
To what extent do you agree?

Nowadays, education has a vital role in individuals’ life. Some people believe that
schools should drop the music and art classes out of their schedules, while the others
opine that artistic activities have their own merits and should not be removed from
children’s school life. I strongly agree with the second group and in the following
paragraphs, I will discuss both sides of the argument.
Those who believe in the omission of art subjects from school syllabus, are of the
opinion that the main criteria for satisfaction in life is money and income. As most
artist struggle to make ends meet, these people believe that schools should only focus
on subjects that could help students find a well-paid career in the future. Expenses
required for these courses, furthermore, is the second reason why they disagree with
their child taking classes such as music, as they are worried they might not be able
to afford the required expenses.
However, in my perspective, an ideal society needs artists and musicians, as much
as it needs engineers for creating and inventing new technology, and doctors for
curing illnesses. Some children, first of all, have inborn music or artistic gifts, which
can be explored by their teachers in the school so that they can choose to be artists
or musicians in the future, but if schools do not devote a specific time for artistic
courses, they may never find out about students’ talents, as a case in point, and it is
a waste of potential. Due to the experts’ belief, artists can moreover boost the spirit
of communities and improve the social and mental concepts of all citizens, which in
light of the recent events all around the globe, is of utmost importance.
To sum up, regarding the controversy of teaching art at schools, I believe that arts
and music lessons have equal importance and value like other lessons, and if every
student has a chance to explore their abilities and talents in any area, such as
technologies or arts, they can choose a suitable career in the future, and become a
more successful person in their life.

15 | A p a d a n a I E L T S U m b r e l l a
Essay Outline:
Nowadays, education has a vital role in individuals’ life. (Motivator) Some people
believe that schools should drop the music and art classes out of their schedules,
while the others opine that artistic activities have their own merits and should not be
removed from children’s school life. (paraphrase of the question) I strongly agree
with the second group and in the following paragraphs, I will discuss both sides of
the argument. (Writer’s opinion and the plan of the essay)
Those who believe in the omission of art subjects from school syllabus, are of the
opinion that (Topic sentence) the main criteria for satisfaction in life is money and
income. As most artist struggle to make ends meet, these people believe that schools
should only focus on subjects that could help students find a well-paid career in the
future. Expenses required for these courses, furthermore, is the second reason why
they disagree with their child taking classes such as music, as they are worried they
might not be able to afford the required expenses. (Reasons and supports)
However, in my perspective, an ideal society needs artists and musicians, as much
as it needs engineers for creating and inventing new technology, and doctors for
curing illnesses. (Topic sentence) Some children, first of all, have inborn music or
artistic gifts, which can be explored by their teachers in the school so that they can
choose to be artists or musicians in the future, but if schools do not devote a specific
time for artistic courses, they may never find out about students’ talents, as a case in
point, and it is a waste of potential. Due to the experts’ belief, artists can moreover
boost the spirit of communities and improve the social and mental concepts of all
citizens, which in light of the recent events all around the globe, is of utmost
importance. (Reasons and supports)
To sum up, regarding the controversy of teaching art at schools, (Brief paraphrase
of the question) I believe that arts and music lessons have equal importance and
value like other lessons, and if every student has a chance to explore their abilities
and talents in any area, such as technologies or arts, they can choose a suitable career
in the future, and become a more successful person in their life. (Conclusion and
writer’s opinion)

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Handout 4

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Handout 5

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Handout 6
A pharaoh was a political and religious leader of Ancient Egypt. He – or, less often, she – enjoyed
two titles: “Lord of the Two Lands” and “High Priest of Every Temple”. “Two Lands” referred to
the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, which occurred during the First Dynasty in about 3150
BCE. King Menes (now believed to be King Narmer) was the first to be depicted wearing the two
crowns of Egypt. The word pharaoh is the Greek form of “pero” or “per-a-a”, which literally
means “great house”, a reference to the royal residence. The honorific title first appeared in what
is now known as the New Kingdom period of 1570-1069 BCE. Prior to that, the pharaohs were
known as kings and addressed as “Your Majesty” by both members of the court and foreign
dignitaries. A tradition which started during this period and was maintained into the Pharaonic
period was that foreign rulers addressed the king or pharaoh as “brother”.

As time passed, the pharaoh came to be considered a god on earth, a kind of intermediary
between gods and humans. It was believed that after death, a pharaoh became Osiris, god of the
dead. As such, probably their key role in Ancient Egyptian society was a religious one. In
particular, each pharaoh oversaw the building of the great monuments and temples to pay
homage to the gods, as well as statues commemorating their own achievements. It was the
pharaoh who chose the site of the temples and officiated at religious ceremonies.

In addition to the religious duties, the pharaoh had civil duties such as making laws, collecting
taxes and deciding on the work to be done, and he owned all the land in the country. According
to Joshua J. Mark ( , the pharaoh’s chief responsibility was to maintain Ma’at or
Universal Harmony, and warfare was an essential part of this. As well as defending the boarders,
it may have been considered necessary for the sake of harmony to attack neighboring lands to
gain natural resources.

Most of the pharaohs were male. In Exploring Ancient Egypt, Ian Shaw notes that there were only
two or three women who were pharaohs, though many women held considerable power as the
“great wife”, the first wife of the reigning pharaoh. Hatshepsut, the first female pharaoh, who
ruled from 1473 to 1458 BCE made her mark on history. Owen Jarus points out that statues
depicted Hatshepsut, whose name means “foremost of noblewomen”, as a male king complete
with beard. She is remembered for her building projects, which were more ambitious than those
of her ancestors. These included several obelisks and a Palace of Ma’at. She is buried in the Valley
of the Kings in a huge funerary complex. However, her memory was not honored. Egyptologist
Joyce Tyldesley claims her tomb was defaced by her nephew and successor, Thutmose III, who
wanted to take credit for her achievements. Hatshepsut’s mummy was discovered in 2007. She
had died aged 50, balding and suffering from diabetes. In spite of the desecration of her tomb,
history remembers her as a great leader.

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In Ancient Egypt kinship usually passed from father to son. However, changes of leadership were
not always peaceful, nor did they always happen according to tradition. Some, like Hatshepsut,
seized power illegally, and when they did so they typically claimed divine right. Sometimes crown
princes were prepared for their future role in advance by being appointed co-regent, which
would help them become accustomed to the importance of their role. Enthronements were
major events, which celebrated a new beginning. The new reign, it was hoped, would signify an
end to evil and injustice. The pharaoh had great, but not absolute, power. To achieve his aims, it
was usual for the pharaoh to lavish gifts of power and possessions on those who could help him,
such as military leaders, members of the priesthood and the scribal elites.

New information about the pharaohs is still coming to light. A new burial site, potentially as
important as the Valley of the Kings, was discovered in 2014 by archeologists from the University
of Pennsylvania in the United States. Danish archeologist Kim Ryholt first speculated about the
existence of a lost dynasty of ancient Egypt, while legendary Egyptologist Flinders Petrie
discovered the site in 1902 but never excavated it, believing the tomb to be of too modest a size
to be of significance. The discovery of the mummy of King Senebkay at this site in Abydos, about
100 km north-west of the Valley of the Kings, is the first definitive proof of another pharaonic

According to the archeologist on the project, Forster Mueller, there were more kings and
therefore certainly more tombs nearby. Although the tomb had been vandalized by ancient
looters, the team from Pennsylvania managed to piece together most of King Senebkay’s
skeleton. Another project member, Josef Wegner, admits that what they are hoping for is an
intact tomb that somehow escaped the looters, though realistically it is fragments they are
looking for. They deciphered Senekbay’s name from hieroglyphics found inside the tomb. The
3600-year-old king had been tall for his time at 1.75m and had died in his late 40s. This evidence
of a third dynasty of pharaohs is an exciting discovery for all those interested in the history of
Ancient Egypt. Even in the twenty-first century, the great pharaohs may still have more secrets
to reveal.

26 | A p a d a n a I E L T S U m b r e l l a
Questions 1-6
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer? Write

YES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writer

NO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

1. Conflict with other countries was seen as compatible with maintaining peace in Egypt.
2. pharaohs’ wives often exerted great influence.
3. The first female pharaoh was particularly influential.
4. Hatshepsut came to power in the traditional way.
5. Military leaders, priests and scribes would attend enthronement ceremonies.
6. King Senebkay’s skeleton was stolen by grave robbers.

Questions 7-10
Look at the following statements and the list of people below.
Match each statement with the correct person, A-E.

7. He believed a specific burial site was unimportant.

8. He acknowledges the prospect of finding an undamaged grave is likely.
9. He believed that there were probably more pharaohs buried close to Abydos.
10. He claimed there had been a pharaonic dynasty that no one knew about.

List of people

A Kim Ryholt

B Flinders Petrie

C Forster Mueller

D Josef Wegner

E Ian Shaw

27 | A p a d a n a I E L T S U m b r e l l a
Handout 7

Every culture, throughout time, has recorded its history in one way or another.
In what ways can history be passed on to the next generation?
Why is history important to society?
What has been breathed into a country’s culture as a soul is called history which carries
all the events in the background of societies within itself. But with such pivotal role in
culture, there should be suitable methods for maintaining history in order to pass it to the
next generations. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of history and in addition,
various ways by which the history can be transferred to our posterities.
To begin with, To emphasize the value of history, it is opined that taking the historical
background of events into consideration will result in making the society less and less
vulnerable in confrontation with different issues. Better put, according to an old saying,
the history repeats itself, which means a society without its history is subjected to repeat
the same mistakes constantly. A sense of identity, furthermore, can be embedded
accurately into individuals by having a vivid image of their ancestors and all the efforts
they had gone through so that the current occupants of the area could have a better and
more civilized life.
As far as history’s preservation is considered, there are numerous methods to record
history and convey it to the next generation, among which, the two with high priorities are
going to be illustrated here. The most credible source of historical data, first of all, is
written books and documents. Cave painting of first human beings, to quote an example,
could be counted as a trustworthy and valuable source of information about that era.
Secondly, narrating the events of ancient times orally by people who are passing their
twilight years, will illuminate the untold secretes of historical facts and legends which
include many moral lessons for the youth.
To conclude, I should state that due to the beneficial role of history in forming the society
of a country properly, steps need to be taken to record it by means of various ways, some
of which were mentioned above.

28 | A p a d a n a I E L T S U m b r e l l a
Essay Outline:
What has been breathed into a country’s culture as a soul is called history which carries
all the events in the background of societies within itself. (Motivator) But with such
pivotal role in culture, there should be suitable methods for maintaining history in order
to pass it to the next generations. (Paraphrase of the question) In this essay, I will discuss
the importance of history and in addition, various ways by which the history can be
transferred to our posterities. (Essay plan)
To begin with, to emphasize the value of history, (Topic sentence) it is opined that taking
the historical background of events into consideration will result in making the society
less and less vulnerable in confrontation with different issues. Better put, according to an
old saying, the history repeats itself, which means a society without its history is subjected
to repeat the same mistakes constantly. A sense of identity, furthermore, can be embedded
accurately into individuals by having a vivid image of their ancestors and all the efforts
they had gone through so that the current occupants of the area could have a better and
more civilized life. (Reasons and supports)
As far as history’s preservation is considered, there are numerous methods to record
history and convey it to the next generation, (Topic sentence) among which, the two with
high priorities are going to be illustrated here. The most credible source of historical data,
first of all, is written books and documents. Cave painting of first human beings, to quote
an example, could be counted as a trustworthy and valuable source of information about
that era. Secondly, narrating the events of ancient times orally by people who are passing
their twilight years, will illuminate the untold secretes of historical facts and legends
which include many moral lessons for the youth. (Reasons and supports)
To conclude, I should state that due to the beneficial role of history in forming the society
of a country properly, steps need to be taken to record it by means of various ways, some
of which were mentioned above. (Conclusion)

29 | A p a d a n a I E L T S U m b r e l l a
With the development of modern society, comes the loss of traditional ways of
Why is it important to keep our traditional ways of life?
How can this be achieved?
One of the greatest concerns for the contemporary human is the traditions that they have
inherited from their ancestors. It is a common belief that the advancement of modernity is a
major threat to the long-lived customs and beliefs that belong to various nations all around the
globe. In the following essay, I will discuss the reasons why safe-guarding such traditions is crucial
and will also propose some means to do it.
Traditions have to survive for numerous reasons. The sense of identity, is first and foremost, what
every individual requires to develop their characters and improve their mindset about the world.
It is a known fact that without the customs and traditions that are passed down to us from our
grandparents, it is impossible to know who we truly are. Not repeating the same mistakes over
and over again is the second reason why we need to pay attention to our past. Traditions are
mainly based on hard-sought experiences of the people who lived before us and hence, using
them is essential unless we are willing to make the same wrong choices as our ancestors did.
There are various ways through which the traditions could be kept for the next generations to
come. To begin with, the most prominent way is for families to set an example for their children.
Young individuals tend to imitate their parents in every aspect, and when they see that the
fathers and mothers abide by the customs and place an importance on them, they will also tend
to follow their footsteps. Governments, in addition, have a responsibility to promote the national
values through compulsory courses at schools or by providing the populace with programs and
education through the media so as to make such essential values unforgettable.
To conclude, regarding the matter at hand, it is my firm opinion that not only we need to take
good care of our ceremonies and values which construct our national identity, but we should do
whatever is in our power to transit them to the next generations by means education and setting
good examples.

30 | A p a d a n a I E L T S U m b r e l l a
Essay Outline:
One of the greatest concerns for the contemporary human is the traditions that they have
inherited from their ancestors. (Motivator) It is a common belief that the advancement of
modernity is a major threat to the long-lived customs and beliefs that belong to various nations
all around the globe. (Paraphrase of the question) In the following essay, I will discuss the reasons
why safe-guarding such traditions is crucial and will also propose some means to do it. (Writer’s
plan for the essay)
Traditions have to survive for numerous reasons. (Topic sentence) The sense of identity, is first
and foremost, what every individual requires to develop their characters and improve their
mindset about the world. It is a known fact that without the customs and traditions that are
passed down to us from our grandparents, it is impossible to know who we truly are. Not
repeating the same mistakes over and over again is the second reason why we need to pay
attention to our past. Traditions are mainly based on hard-sought experiences of the people who
lived before us and hence, using them is essential unless we are willing to make the same wrong
choices as our ancestors did. (Reasons and supports)
There are various ways through which the traditions could be kept for the next generations to
come. (Topic sentence) To begin with, the most prominent way is for families to set an example
for their children. Young individuals tend to imitate their parents in every aspect, and when they
see that the fathers and mothers abide by the customs and place an importance on them, they
will also tend to follow their footsteps. Governments, in addition, have a responsibility to
promote the national values through compulsory courses at schools or by providing the populace
with programs and education through the media so as to make such essential values
unforgettable. (Reasons and supports)
To conclude, regarding the matter at hand, it is my firm opinion that not only we need to take
good care of our ceremonies and values which construct our national identity, but we should do
whatever is in our power to transit them to the next generations by means education and setting
good examples. (Conclusion)

31 | A p a d a n a I E L T S U m b r e l l a

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