Subject: Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machinery Lab: B. at The End of The Course, Students Will Be Able To

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AJU-Diploma in Mechanical Engineering - Syllabus w.e.

fBatch 2020

Subject: Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machinery Lab

 Credits | Semester III

A. Introduction:
• To calibrate the given flow measuring device.
• To apply the knowledge acquired in theory subject.
To analyses the performance of turbines and pumps

B. Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, students will be able to

[CO 1] Measure various properties such as pressure, velocity and flow rate using various instruments.
[CO 2] Calculate different parameters such as co-efficient of friction, power, efficiency etc. of
various systems.
[CO 3] Understand the need and importance of calibration of pressure gauges.
[CO 4] Describe the construction and working of turbines.
[CO 4] Understand the losses of flow through pipes.

C. Assessment Plan:

Criteria Description Maximum Marks

Continuous Internal Internal Examination 5
Assessment (CIA) Attendance 5
Assignment 5
End Semester End Semester Examination 35
Total 50
Attendance A minimum of 75% Attendance is required to be maintained by
a student to be qualified for taking up the End Semester
examination. The allowance of 25% includes all types of leaves
including medical leaves.


S.No. Topics for practice

1 Verification of Bernoulli‟s theorem.

2 Determination of Coefficient of Discharge of Venturimeter.

3 Determination of Coefficient of Discharge, coefficient of contraction and coefficient

ofvelocity of Orificemeter.

4 Determination of coefficient of friction of flow through pipes.

5 Determination of force exerted by the jet of water on the given vane.

AJU-Diploma in Mechanical Engineering - Syllabus w.e.fBatch 2020

6 Determination of minor losses of flow through pipes.

7 Calibration of pressure gauge using dead weight pressure gauge tester.

8 Trial on centrifugal pump to determine overall efficiency.

9 Trial on reciprocating pump to determine overall efficiency.

10 Trial on Pelton wheel to determine overall efficiency.

11 Trial on Francis/Kaplan turbine to determine overall efficiency.


T1.Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines, S.S. Rattan, Khanna Publishing House, New Delhi
T2.Hydraulic, fluid mechanics & fluid machines – Ramamrutham S, Dhanpath Rai and Sons,
T3.Hydraulics and fluid mechanics including Hydraulic machines – Modi P.N. and Seth S.M.
Standard Book House. New Delhi
T4.One Thousand Solved Problems in Fluid Mechanics – K. Subramanya, Tata McGraw Hill.


R1.Hydraulic, fluid mechanics & fluid machines – S. Ramamrutham, Dhanpat Rai and Sons,
R2.Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines – R. K. Bansal, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi


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