Release Notes: EMC Symmetrix Management Console

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Symmetrix® Management Console

Version 7.1.2

Release Notes
P/N 300-009-590
Rev A02

July 20, 2010

GA Date 7/28/10 This A02 version includes fixes and restrictions for Symmetrix
Management Console V7.1.2.

These release notes identify the EMC Symmetrix Management Console

V7.1.2 enhancements and any known functionality restrictions and
performance issues that may exist with this version of SMC and your
specific storage environment.
Before proceeding with any installation, be sure to read these release
notes. Topics include:
◆ Product description.............................................................................. 2
◆ New features and changes .................................................................. 3
◆ Fixed problems ..................................................................................... 5
◆ Environment and system requirements............................................ 6
◆ Known problems and limitations ...................................................... 8
◆ Technical notes.................................................................................... 17
◆ Documentation ................................................................................... 19
◆ Software media, organization, and files.......................................... 21
◆ Installation ........................................................................................... 22
◆ Troubleshooting and getting help.................................................... 24

Product description

Product description
EMC® Symmetrix® Management Console (SMC) is a simple,
intuitive, browser-based user interface for the configuration and
management of Symmetrix arrays.
SMC presents the functionality of the Solutions Enabler SYMCLI
(command line interface) in a browser interface. You can use SMC to:
◆ Manage Symmetrix access controls, user accounts, and
◆ Discover Symmetrix arrays
◆ Perform configuration operations (create devices, map and mask
devices, set Symmetrix attributes, set device attributes, set port
flags, create pools)
◆ Manage devices (change device configuration, set device status,
reserve devices, duplicate devices, create/dissolve metadevices)
◆ Perform and monitor replication operations (TimeFinder®/Clone,
TimeFinder/Snap, TimeFinder/Mirror, Symmetrix Remote Data
Facility (SRDF®), Open Replicator for Symmetrix (ORS))
◆ Monitor alerts
◆ Monitor an application’s performance.

2 EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes

New features and changes

New features and changes

This section highlights the support updates with the SMC V7.1.2
release. For information on previously released SMC features, refer to
the corresponding release notes located on the Powerlink® website at:

For detailed interoperability information, refer to the E-Lab™

Interoperability Navigator at:

For a list of fixes included in this release, refer to “Fixed problems” on

page 5.

Support announcements
EMC announces the End of Service Life (EOSL) dates for the versions
of SMC listed in Table 1. If you are running these or earlier product
versions, EMC recommends that you upgrade to the current version
as soon as possible.

Table 1 SMC version EOSL dates

SMC version GA date EOSL date

5.2.x April 2006 August 2008

5.3.x October 2006 January 2009

6.0.x March 2007 October 2010

6.1.x March 2008 October 2011

EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes 3

New features and changes

New features This section provides an overview of the new features available
exclusively with SMC V7.1.2. For information on the new features
available with both Solutions Enabler and SMC, refer to the Solutions
Enabler V7.1.2 Release Notes.

Visual indicator of Storage Pool Management activity on a

Symmetrix array
Symmetrix arrays on which Storage Pool Management activities are
occurring will display a blue lock in the SMC navigation tree.

Create Virtualization Domain dialog box enhancement

The Virtualization Domain Name field in the Create Virtualization
Domain dialog box is now a combo box (as apposed to a text field)
that enables you to select the Storage Admin Virtualization Domain
role to which the Virtualization Domain should be assigned.

Changes to the way SPM deletes a datastore

In SMC V7.1.1, deleting a VMware datastore consisting of multiple
devices resulted in the individual devices being deleted one at a time.
Furthermore, if one of the devices matched one of the pre-created
policies, then its data was cleared by unbinding the device from its
thin pool and then rebinding it back to the pool. This left the device in
place and ready to be used as a pre-created LUN.
In 7.1.2 this behavior has changed. Now, deleting a VMware
datastore consisting of multiple devices results in all the individual
devices being deleted at once, regardless of whether they match a
pre-created policy.

4 EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes

Fixed problems

Fixed problems
Table 2 identifies problems fixed in Symmetrix Management Console
V7.1.1. In addition to these release notes, SMC fixes, known issues,
and limitations (and other EMC product releases) can now be
viewed, searched, and parsed online using the EMC Issue Tracker
tool available from the Powerlink website.

Note: Issue Tracker is the main source for details about all open and fixed
SMC issues. It is regularly updated to contain the most current information
regarding all versions of SMC. Details from Issue Tracker can be viewed on
screen, exported to Excel, and printed for your convenience.

Table 2 SMC V7.1.2 fixed problems

number Feature type Found in Problem summary Fix summary

331988SMC Other Progress bar not appearing when modifying A progress bar has been
Virtualization Domains added.

332722SMC Configuration Client registrations created with previous A fix has been made to SMC
versions of SMC not appearing in the new (for to resolve this issue.
V7.1.1) Manage Launch Clients - Client
Registrations dialog box.

329772SMC Display/GUI Newly added device groups may not appear in Newly added device groups
the navigation tree will now appear in the
navigation tree.

332907SMC Other The Thin Pool tab in the Virtualization Domain A fix has been made to SMC
Properties view does not immediately appear to resolve this issue.

332857SMC Other VMware storage capacity accounting may be A fix has been made to SMC
incorrect after an adopt and a refresh to resolve this issue.

332720SMC Device Masking The Initiator Group Management - Create A fix has been made to SMC
dialog opens displaying only buttons when it is to resolve this issue.
opened from the Masking View Management -
Create dialog box.

EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes 5

Environment and system requirements

Environment and system requirements

The following should be considered when working with Symmetrix
Management Console V7.1.2.
SMC's web server is supported on the platforms listed in Table 4.
SMC can be used in remote client/server mode to communicate with
SYMAPI servers on other systems, including supported versions of
AIX, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, z/OS, and Windows.

Solutions Enabler Solutions Enabler V7.1.1 is the minimum supported version, in local
or client/server mode. In client/server mode, the Solutions Enabler
version running on the server must be greater than or equal to the
version running on the client. In addition, the storsrvd daemon must
be running on the server.

Symmetrix Performance Analyzer

SMC V7.1 supports SPA V2.0.1

Symmetrix Enginuity Starting with V7.1, SMC reinstated support for Enginuity 5567 and
5568. Starting with V7.0, SMC no longer supports Enginuity 5670.

SMC client The SMC client is browser-based and does not use dynamic ports, so
it will function with most VPN solutions.
Table 3 defines the client requirements for SMC.

Table 3 SMC client requirements

Browser Version Memorya Platform

Internet Explorer 6.0 through 8.0 256 MB Windows

Firefox 1.0 through 3.6.x 256 MB Windows

a. Required for the browser application as it runs on the machine where the Console was

6 EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes

Environment and system requirements

SMC server Table 4 defines the server requirements for SMC.

Table 4 SMC server requirements

Operating system Version Hardwarea Disk spaceb Memoryc Volumesd

Windows Server 2000, SP4 + 1.8 Ghz 1024 Mb 768 Mb 80,000

Server 2003 1.8 Ghz 1024 Mb 768 Mb 80,000

(32 and 64 bit)e

Server 2008 1.8 Ghz 1024 Mb 768 Mb 80,000

(32 and 64-bit)e, f

Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)e 1.8 Ghz 1024 Mb 768 Mb

UNIX SunOS 5.10 SPARC 1.8 Ghz 1024 Mb 768 Mb 80,000

Linux Red Hat AS/ES 4 update 3 1.8 Ghz 1024 Mb 768 Mb 80,000
SUSE Linux 9 SP2
a. Consult the EMC E-Lab Navigator for supported hardware.
b. Assumes log settings are left at factory defaults.
c. Required for the SMC application.
d. Assumes a distribution of 80,000 volumes across a maximum of 10 Symmetrix arrays.
e. Consult the EMC E-Lab Navigator for supported Windows Server or Windows Server 2003/2008 platforms.
f. This does not include Windows Core.

Java runtime environment

The SMC client requires Sun’s JRE version 1.5 or higher, with the
following exceptions:
◆ With Java 1.6, you may have to use the x button in the upper right
to log out of SMC, as the logout may not complete when you
attempt it by normal means.
◆ With Java 1.6 update 18, you must disable the next-generation
Java Plug-in (Control Panel, Java, Advanced tab, Java Plug-in).
Attempting to log in to SMC without disabling the plug-in, will
cause the browser to abruptly close.

EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes 7

Known problems and limitations

Known problems and limitations

The following are known problems, performance, or functionality
restrictions/limitations that may apply to your specific storage
environment or host platform.
In addition to these release notes, SMC fixes, issues, and known
limitations (and other EMC product releases) can be viewed,
searched, and parsed online via the EMC Issue Tracker tool available
from the EMC Powerlink website.

Note: Issue Tracker is the main source for details about all open and fixed
Symmetrix Management Console issues. It is regularly updated to contain
the most current information regarding all versions of the Symmetrix
Management Console. Details from Issue Tracker can be viewed on screen,
exported to Excel, and printed for your convenience.

The known problems and limitations have been organized according

to functional area:
◆ General .................................................................................................. 9
◆ Installation .......................................................................................... 10
◆ Access Controls .................................................................................. 11
◆ Config Change.................................................................................... 11
◆ Device mapping and masking ......................................................... 11
◆ Enginuity upgrade preparation ....................................................... 12
◆ Enhanced Virtual LUN Technology................................................ 12
◆ Fully Automated Storage Tiering.................................................... 12
◆ SRDF .................................................................................................... 12
◆ Storage Pool Management................................................................ 13
◆ Symmetrix Performance Analyzer .................................................. 13
◆ Open Replicator ................................................................................. 14
◆ Optimizer ............................................................................................ 14
◆ QoS Monitor ....................................................................................... 15
◆ Virtual Appliance............................................................................... 15
◆ Virtual Provisioning .......................................................................... 16

8 EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes

Known problems and limitations

General The following problems and limitations apply to SMC as a whole:

Concurrent users supported

SMC supports up to five concurrent users running tasks or actively
using the system. With more than five, users may notice a slowdown
in the SMC console response time.

Note: This does not change when using the Virtual Storage Integrator/
Storage Pool Management feature, which supports one vCenter server with
two active vSphere client sessions. The total number of supported concurrent
users is still five. Care should be taken to ensure that the total number of
concurrent sessions of SMC console users and SPM users does not exceed

Release lock 15
If lock 15 fails to release from the SMC console, enter the following
SYMCLI command:
symcfg release [-sid SymmID] [-force] [-lockn #] [-noprompt]

Where SymmID is the ID of the Symmetrix array with the failed lock.

Note: This only applies to Symmetrix arrays running Enginuity versions

earlier than 5874.

SMC and SYMCLI display inconsistent time stamps

SMC and SYMCLI display inconsistent time stamps in the Link
Status Change Time field (SMC Properties view for an RDF device)
and in the Time of Last Device Link Status Change field (SYMCLI).
This problem occurs because each application generates this time
stamp based on when it loaded the data. Therefore, each application
may show a slightly different time stamp.

SYMCLI changes not displaying

If the device groups are updated using a different management tool,
such as SYMCLI, the changes do not automatically appear.You must
manually select Device Groups and click Refresh on the menu bar to
update these changes. Changes that occur from within SMC
automatically update in its client display.

Mozilla Firefox browser

When running SMC in Mozilla Firefox, the browser shares the session
between tabs in the browser instance and between browser instances.

EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes 9

Known problems and limitations

Therefore, when a session is open, another session can be opened on

the same system without entering any authentication information.

Exporting data through Internet Explorer

The following issues apply when using the export feature with
Internet Explorer:
◆ When accessing https://ServerName:PortNum/ using Internet
Explorer V7, attempting to save data using the Export feature
may produce an error. To resolve this issue, you must enable the
Automatic prompting for file downloads option in the Internet
Options - Security Settings dialog box.
◆ Exporting XML format on Windows 2000 and Internet Explorer
V6 may terminate the SMC session. To resolve this issue, clear the
Reuse windows for launching shortcuts option on the Advanced
tab of the Internet Options dialog box.

Search feature within views not working properly

The ability to search within views works intermittently in this release
of SMC.

The Who Is Logged On dialog box may show logged off users as
being logged in
Users logged in when a client is rebooted will appear as being logged
in when the client finishes booting, even if they are no longer logged

Installation The following problems and limitations are specific to installation:

Uninstalling/reinstalling SMC on a host running SPA

Before uninstalling/reinstalling SMC on a host running Symmetrix
Performance Analyzer (SPA), you must first uninstall SPA. Once you
have reinstalled SMC, you can then reinstall SPA.

SMC server does not autostart after a SunOS install

On Sun Solaris, the SMC installation program will not automatically
start the SMC server as it does in other operating environments.
Instead you will need to start it manually by changing directory to
SMC_install_dir SMC/litewave/tomcat/bin and running the
command ./ -s.
The installation program for Sun Solaris also displays the above
information in the post install summary screen.

10 EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes

Known problems and limitations

Downgrading from V7.1.1 to an earlier version is not supported

The installation program for V7.1.1 will allow you to downgrade to
an earlier version of SMC. However, this operation is not supported.
To downgrade from V7.1.1 to an earlier version of SMC, you must
first uninstall V7.1.1 before installing the earlier version.

Installation program may leave a directory behind

The installation program may leave a directory behind with a
harmless file in it. The directory location is:
Windows c:\_uninstallsmc\.com.zerog.registry.xml
UNIX /_uninstallsmc/.com.zerog.registry.xml

Access Controls The following problem is specific to Access Controls:

Access Controls not automatically updating on host

When a privileged user on HostB sets access controls for HostA, SMC
running on HostA does not automatically update (or notify the user).
When an SMC user sets access controls for a host other than the one
on which they are working, they must notify the user of the other
host to perform a discover operation to update SMC.

Config Change The following problem is specific to Config Change operations:

Config Session view’s log panel may not immediately display

the steps of a committed task
After committing a task in the Config Session view, the steps
involved in the operation may not appear in the view’s log panel for
some time. This will not affect the config change process in any way.

Device mapping and masking

The following problems and limitations are specific to device
mapping and masking:

Mapping devices to multiple ports

When mapping devices to multiple ports that do not have any
common initiators, the Select an Initiator dialog box will be empty.

Note: This only applies to Symmetrix arrays running Enginuity versions

earlier than 5874.

EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes 11

Known problems and limitations

Devices tab missing from the Initiator Properties view

When an initiator is part of a masking view that contains multiple
ports, the Devices tab may not appear in the Initiator Properties
view. To view the devices, select the masking view on the Masking
Views tab and either select the LUN Addresses tab or a storage
group on the Storage Groups tab.

Enginuity upgrade preparation

The following limitation is specific to Enginuity upgrade preparation:

Enginuity upgrade preparation support statement

This feature is not supported from an SMC client running in a
browser on a Windows Server 2008 system.

Enhanced Virtual LUN Technology

The following limitation is specific to enhanced virtual LUN

Migrating devices in an access controls environment

To migrate device in an environment where access controls is
enabled, you must grant Optimizer access rights to the devices.

Fully Automated Storage Tiering

The following problem is specific to FAST:

FAST Control Parameters dialog will not open while the

Optimizer server is down
Attempting to open the FAST Control Parameters dialog box while
the Optimizer server is down will produce a progress bar, but will
eventually time out.

SRDF The following limitation is specific to SRDF:

SRDF/Star not supported

SMC does not support the SRDF/Star topology.

12 EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes

Known problems and limitations

Storage Pool Management

The following problems and limitations are specific to Storage Pool

Autometa not supported

The Autometa feature is not supported with Storage Pool
Management feature.

Maximum Capacity to Use does not take into account devices

already bound to the pool and manually reserved by Storage
Pool Management
When adding a thin pool to a Virtualization Domain, the Maximum
Capacity to Use value in the Add Pool dialog box does not take into
account the capacity of devices currently bound to the pool and
manually reserved by Storage Pool Management. This can cause
provisioning from the Virtual Storage Integrator to fail.
To prevent this from occurring, do not have bound devices which are
reserved by Storage Pool Management and which are not going to be
adopted present in the thin pool when you add it to the Virtualization

Tasks view may appear empty after restoring SPM metadata

With an SPM object selected in the navigation tree (e.g., a
Virtualization Domain), restoring SPM metadata from a file that does
not include information on the selected object (essentially deleting
the object) will cause the Tasks view to display a message instructing
you to select an object in the tree. If you select a non-SPM object in the
tree, the Tasks view will load properly.

Symmetrix Performance Analyzer

The following problems and limitations are specific to launching SPA
from SMC:

Windows Server 2008 browser security settings cause certificate

errors when launching SPA from SMC
To launch SPA from SMC on a Windows Server 2008 host, you must
be using the browser’s default security settings, have the pop-up
blocker disabled, and the URL of the SMC server listed as a trusted
site. Attempting to launch SPA without these settings will cause SPA
to hang with a certificate error.

EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes 13

Known problems and limitations

Performance Analyzer menu items appear active even though

Symmetrix Performance Analyzer is not installed
The Performance Analyzer menu item and its sub-menus appear
active even though Symmetrix Performance Analyzer is not installed
or licensed on the host. Attempting to click on either of the
sub-menus (Trend or Snapshot) will generate a launch error.

Open Replicator The following problem is specific to Open Replicator:

ORS session state does not update progressively in the

Properties view
After performing an action on an Open Replicator session, the state
will not update progressively in the Properties view. However, the
end state will display after some time.

Optimizer The following problems and limitations are specific to Optimizer:

Enabling Optimizer in SMC after Optimizer restart

If Symmetrix Optimizer is restarted on the Symmetrix service
processor, Optimizer monitoring must be reenabled in SMC. (Select
Optimizer Monitoring from the Administration menu. It will
appear to be enabled, but you need to clear and click Enabled.)

Note: This only applies to Symmetrix arrays running Enginuity versions

earlier than 5874.207.166.

Running Optimizer and Access Controls

When running Optimizer with Access Controls, you must add the
Symmetrix service processor access ID into the Administrator Group.
Otherwise, any attempt to migrate or swap devices that are part of a
pool will fail.

Failing to schedule an Optimizer device migration/swap

If your SMC server’s clock is behind the actual time by more than an
hour, attempting to schedule an Optimizer device migration/swap
may fail with an error message stating that a Symmetrix Optimizer
control parameter has an invalid value posted.

Closing SMC with the Optimizer Settings dialog open causes

Optimizer communication problems on subsequent sessions
After closing the SMC console with the Optimizer Settings dialog box
open, you will not be able to communicate with Optimizer on
subsequent logins. This is a result of the Optimizer Setting dialog box

14 EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes

Known problems and limitations

taking out a lock on the Symmetrix array. If you close the console
without first closing the dialog box, the lock will remain in place
when you log back into the console. To resolve this issue, log back
into SMC and use the Optimizer Start/Stop/Lock/Unlock dialog box
to remove the lock.

QoS Monitor The following problem is specific to QoS Monitor:

QoS Monitor not displaying performance statistics for newly

created device groups
When the storstpd daemon is running and the GNS daemon is not
running, the QoS Monitor will not display performance statistics for a
newly created device group (even if you have enabled it for QoS
Monitoring) until you restart the storstpd daemon.

Virtual Appliance The following problems and limitations are specific to the SMC
Virtual Appliance:

Refreshing the Configuration Manager while running a SYMCLI

Refreshing the Configuration Manager while running a SYMCLI
command from the Configuration Manger will kill the active
SYMCLI process.

Configuration Manager timeout

The litehttpd service will timeout after 3 minutes of inactivity.
Cloning the Virtual Appliance is not supported
The appliance should not be cloned.

Time drift may cause problems in client/server mode

In some situations, the Virtual Appliance may experience a time drift
which may cause connection problems when in client/server mode.
The Virtual Appliance is configured to be in time sync with the ESX
server. In the event that it is not in sync with the server, verify the
◆ That the ESX server and Virtual Appliance are running in the
same time zone.
◆ That the ESX server is in time sync with the NTP server.
If both of the above are true, reboot the Virtual Appliance.

EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes 15

Known problems and limitations

VMware tools
The VMware tools required for the Virtual Appliance are included
with the appliance. Attempting to install/upgrade VMware tools
may fail.

Virtual Provisioning The following problem is specific to virtual provisioning:

Allocated track information not updating after allocating or

freeing a thin device
After allocating or freeing a thin device, the correct allocated track
information will not display in the properties view and the Show
Current Values dialog box until you refresh the Symmetrix array.

16 EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes

Technical notes

Technical notes
This section provides technical notes for advanced configuration of
Symmetrix Management Console V7.1.2.

SYMAPI server If you want to change which SYMAPI server that SMC is pointing to,
you must uninstall SMC, and then reinstall it.
During the install, you will supply the new SYMAPI host name and
network port number. The EMC Symmetrix Management Console
Installation Guide provides more information on these requirements.

Advanced configuration settings

Symmetrix Management Console provides a dialog box for setting
Symmetrix preferences, including debug settings. The debug settings
are restricted to SMC administrators.

Use the debug settings only at the direction of EMC Customer

Replication management
SMC manages replication operations (TimeFinder Family and SRDF
Family) through device groups and composite groups. If the SMC
server does not have visibility to the device groups used to manage
replication, then you will not be able to perform any replication
actions in SMC. Similarly, replication sessions managed exclusively
by device files cannot be managed by SMC.

Working with modeless dialog boxes

Some SMC dialog boxes are modeless. Modeless dialogs do not retain
focus, which means that you can continue to use SMC without
closing the dialog box. This can lead to problems if you select objects
for an operation in the modeless dialog box, modify the same objects
in another dialog box, and then attempt to complete the operation in
the modeless dialog box.

EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes 17

Technical notes

The following example illustrates this problem:

1. Start to create a masking view on the Masking View
Management - Create dialog box.
2. Select an initiator group without the Volume Set Addressing bit
3. Leave the dialog and set the Volume Set Addressing bit for the
same initiator group.
4. Return to the Masking View Management - Create dialog box
and attempt to open the Set Dynamic Lun dialog box.
The operation fails.

Virtual Appliance Technical notes

The following technical notes are specific to the Virtual Appliance.

Virus protection The ClamAV virus definition database is updated during the creation
of the Virtual Appliances. ClamAV considers the definition database
to be out of date after seven days. A ClamAV warning message about
out-of-date definitions may appear after the initial boot and should
be expected. The appliances have crontab entries to refresh the
ClamAV virus definition database at 1 AM daily, local time.

Changing the IP address

Stop all daemons with the Virtual Appliance Configuration Manager
before changing the IP address of the appliance.

SYMCLI commands executed/submitted as root

When using the Virtual Appliance Configuration Manager with the
seconfig account, SYMCLI commands are executed/submitted as

Alternative deployment method

In addition to the method described in the installation guide, you can
also begin to deploy the SMC Virtual Appliance on an ESX Server
V3.5 by selecting Virtual Appliance, Import from the File menu of
the Virtual Client Infrastructure Client.

Least privileged permission requirements

Consult the appropriate VMware documentation for guidance on the
least privileged permissions required to deploy a virtual appliance.

18 EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes


These release notes provide the latest information not included in the
EMC Symmetrix Management Console Installation Guide.

Related documentation
In addition, conceptual information about Symmetrix management
and SYMCLI can be found in the following Solutions Enabler
documentation set:
◆ EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix Array Management CLI Product
◆ EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix Array Controls CLI Product Guide
◆ EMC Solutions Enabler SYMCLI Command Reference HTML Help
◆ EMC Solutions Enabler Installation Guide
◆ EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix SRM CLI Product Guide
◆ EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix TimeFinder Family CLI Product
◆ EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix SRDF Family CLI Product Guide
◆ EMC Solutions Enabler Symmetrix Open Replicator CLI Product
The Solutions Enabler manuals listed above can all be found on the
Powerlink website:

Documentation errors and omissions

Symmetrix Management Console Installation Guide
The following documentation errors appear in the EMC Symmetrix
Management Console V7.1.1 Installation Guide.
◆ The Authentication section on page 16 mistakenly shows the
Windows login format as domain/username and password when
it should be domain\username and password.
◆ The installation procedure on page 20 mistakenly refers to an
installation DVD, when it should be an installation CD-ROM.

EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes 19


◆ The Virtual Appliance overview on page 28 mistakenly lists the

version numbers for SMC and Solutions Enablers as 7.1, when
they should both be listed as 7.1.1.

20 EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes

Software media, organization, and files

Software media, organization, and files

The SMC software and documentation is available on Powerlink:
It consists of the following:
◆ The appropriate executable:
• For 32-bit Windows: smcV7.1.2.x_win32.exe
• For 64-bit Windows: smcV7.1.2.x_win64.exe
• For SunOS: smcV7.1.2.x_sunos_sparc.bin
• For Linux: smcV7.1.2.x_linux.bin
◆ EMC Symmetrix Management Console Installation Guide
◆ These release notes.

EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes 21


Detail installation procedures are provided in the EMC Symmetrix
Management Console Installation Guide.
Online help is available when installing from the command line by
entering -?.

Note: The host system must have connectivity to one or more Symmetrix
arrays to add users and set permissions in SMC.

General Installation procedure

The general installation strategy follows:
1. Before installing, read these release notes and verify your
operating system is supported by SMC V7.1.2.
2. Using the Symmetrix Management Console installation CD in the
kit (or software download from the Powerlink website) install
Symmetrix Management Console V7.1.2. For a first install, use the
procedures detailed in the EMC Symmetrix Management Console
Installation Guide.

Note: Before launching SMC, you must enter the name of the SMC server
(http://ServerName:PortNum) in your browser pop-up blocker. Or
disable pop-up blockers on your client browser.

3. Once you have installed the software on your host system, your
access will be confined to the Base component functionality and
any other functionality that you may have licensed with a
previous installation. To gain access to other component task
areas you have purchased, you must register (enable) licenses, as
described in “EMC Symmetrix Management Console component
licensing,” and “Enable Solutions Enabler components” on
page 23.

22 EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes


EMC Symmetrix Management Console component licensing

EMC Symmetrix Management Console V7.1.2 offers the functionality
of Solutions Enabler V7.1.2.
Table 5 lists the possible Symmetrix Management Console license
keys. You can enter these license keys through Symmetrix
Management Console login window.

Table 5 Symmetrix Management Console license keys

Key name Description

SMC Enables the Symmetrix Management Console web interface.

With a local install, this key enables the Solutions Enabler BASE component.

SYMAPI Server Enables the remote SYMAPI Server (network) operations.

Enable Solutions Enabler components

License keys that enable the advanced components are available with
EMC software products.
To enable an advanced component:
1. Change to the Tasks view.
2. In the Administration panel, under Licensing, click Add License
Key to open the Add License Key dialog box.
3. Enter the license number and click Apply. Repeat this step for
each license.
4. Click OK.

EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes 23

Troubleshooting and getting help

Troubleshooting and getting help

EMC support, product, and licensing information can be obtained as
Product information — For documentation, release notes, software
updates, or for information about EMC products, licensing, and
service, go to the Powerlink website (registration required) at:
Technical support — For technical support, go to EMC Customer
Service on Powerlink. To open a service request through Powerlink,
you must have a valid support agreement. Please contact your EMC
sales representative for details about obtaining a support agreement
or to answer any questions about your account.

24 EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes

Troubleshooting and getting help

Legal notices
OpenSSL Copyright Information
Symmetrix Management Console uses OpenSSL.
Copyright © 1998-2001 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
with the distribution.
3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
software must display the following acknowledgment:
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL
Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit.
4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be
used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without prior written permission. For written permission, contact
[email protected]

5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL"

nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written
permission of the OpenSSL Project.
6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following
This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL
Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit

EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes 25

Troubleshooting and getting help


This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
([email protected]). This product includes software written by Tim
Hudson ([email protected]).

Apache Axis 1.2 and Apache Multipart parser

Software from the Apache Software Foundation is included, which
comprises certain Apache software including Apache Axis 1.2 and
Apache Multipart Parser. Copyright 1999-2006 The Apache Software
Foundation. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
You may obtain a copy of the License at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
express or implied. See the License for the specific language
governing permissions and limitations under the License.
MIT XML Parser
MIT XML Parser software is included. This software includes
Copyright © 2002,2003, Stefan Haustein, Oberhausen, Rhld.,
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

26 EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes

Troubleshooting and getting help



EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes 27

Troubleshooting and getting help

Copyright © 2010 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.

EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is
subject to change without notice.


Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable
software license.

"For the most up-to-date regulatory document for your product line, go to the Technical Documentation and
Advisories section on EMC Powerlink."

For the most up-to-date listing of EMC product names, see EMC Corporation Trademarks on
All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.

28 EMC Symmetrix Management Console Version 7.1.2 Release Notes

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