Phy Syllabus
Phy Syllabus
Phy Syllabus
Course structure of UG Physics Honors
Depending on their requirements, Universities may choose 2 (two )GE subjects with 2 papers from
each subject or only one GE subject with 4 papers from it.
A student who chooses to read only Physics subject GE will take 4 DSC papers of
the Pass Course as below
1.GE-I as DSC-1(Mechanics )+ Lab
Calculus -I: Plotting of functions, Intuitive ideas of continuous, differentiable
functions and plotting of curves, Approximation: Taylor and binomial series
(statements only), First Order Differential Equations and Integrating Factor, Second
Order Differential equations: Homogeneous Equations with constant coefficients,
Wronskian and general solution, Statement of existence and
Calculus-II: Calculus of functions of more than one variable: Partial derivatives,
exact and inexact differentials. Integrating factor, with simple illustration,
Constrained Maximization using Lagrange Multipliers,
Vector algebra: Recapitulation of vectors: Properties of vectors under rotations.
Scalar product and its invariance under rotations, Vector product, Scalar
tripleproductandtheirinterpretationintermsofareaandvolumerespectively, Scalar
and Vectorfields.
Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates: Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates,
Derivation of Gradient, Divergence, Curl and Laplacian in Cartesian, Spherical and
Cylindrical Coordinate Systems, Comparison of velocity and
Dirac Delta function and its properties: Definition of Dirac delta function.
Representation as limit of a Gaussian function and rectangular Function,
Properties of Dirac delta function.
Vector Differentiation: Directional derivatives and normal derivative,
Gradientofascalarfieldanditsgeometricalinterpretation,Divergenceandcurlof a
vector field, Del and Laplacian operators, Vectoridentities
Vector Integration: Ordinary Integrals of Vectors, Multiple integrals, Jacobian,
Notion of infinitesimal line, surface and volume elements, Line, surface and volume
integrals of Vector fields, Flux of a vector field, Gauss’ divergence theorem, Green’s
and Stokes Theorems and their applications (no rigorous proofs)
1. MathematicalMethodsforPhysicists,G.B.Arfken,H.J.Weber,F.E.Harris
(2013,7th Edn.,Elsevier)
2. Advanced
• Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig (Wiley India)
Reference books:
1. Mathematical
• Physics C. Harper (Prentice Hall India)
2. Complex
• Variable: Schaum’s Outlines Series M. Spiegel (2nd Edition , Mc-
Graw Hill Education)
3. Complex
• variables and applications, J. W. Brown and R.V.Churchill
Mathematical Physics, Satya Prakash (SultanChand)
4. Mathematical
• Physics, B. D. Gupta (4th edition, Vikas Publication)
Mathematical Physics and Special Relativity, M. Das, P.K. Jena and
B.K.Dash (Srikrishna Prakashan)
5. Mathematical Physics–H.K.Dass, Dr. Rama Verma (S. ChandPublishing)
Reference Books:
1. Introduction
• to Numerical Analysis, S.S. Sastry, 5th Edn., 2012, PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd.
2. Schaum’sOutlineofProgrammingwithC++.J.Hubbard,2000,McGraw–
3. NumericalRecipesinC:TheArtofScientificComputing,W.H.Pressetal,
• 3rd
Edn. 2007, Cambridge UniversityPress.
4. A first course
• in Numerical Methods, U.M. Ascher and C. Greif, 2012, PHI
5. Elementary
• Numerical Analysis, K.E. Atkinson, 3rd Edn. , 2007 , Wiley
India Edition.
6. Numerical
• Methods for Scientists and Engineers, R.W. Hamming, 1973,
Courier DoverPub.
7. AnIntroductiontocomputationalPhysics,T.Pang,2ndEdn.,
• 2006,Cam- bridge
Oscillations: Simple Harmonic Oscillations. Kinetic energy, potential energy, total energy
and their time-average values. Damped oscillation. Equation of motion and solution(,cases
of oscillatory, critically damped and overdamped) Forced oscillations: Transient and steady
states; Resonance, sharpness of
Text Books:
1. Mechanics,
• D.S. Mathur (S. Chand Publishing )
2. Introduction to Special Relativity, R. Resnick (John Wiley)
Reference Books:
1. Introduction
• to Mechanics Daniel Klapnner and Robert Kolenkow, McgrawHill.
2. Mechanics
• by K.R Simon
3. Mechanics,
• Berkeley Physics, vol.1, C.Kittel, W. Knight, etal (Tata McGraw-
4. Physics, Resnick, Halliday and Walker (8/e.2008,Wiley)
5. Theoretical Mechanics-M.R. Spiegel (Tata McGrawHill).
6. Feynman Lectures, Vol. I, R.P.Feynman, R.B.Leighton, M.Sands (Pearson)
7. Mechanics-M.Das, P.K.Jena and R.N. Mishra (SrikrishnaPublications)
(minimum 5 experiments are to be done):
Reference Books:
1. Advanced
• Practical Physics for students, B. L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop, 1971,
AsiaPublishing House
2. Advanced
• level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn,
Magnetic Field: Magnetic Force, Lorentz Force, Biot Savarts Law, Cur- rent
Loop as a Magnetic Dipole and its Dipole Moment (analogy withElectric Dipole),
Amperes Circuital Law and its application to (1) Solenoid (2)Toroid
(3) Helmhotz coil, Properties of B:curl and divergence, Vector Potential, Ballistic
Galvanometer: Torque on a current Loop, Current and Charge Sensitivity,
Electromagnetic damping, Logarithmic damping, CDR.
Electrical Circuits: AC Circuits: Kirchhoffs laws for AC circuits, Complex Reactance and
Impedance, Series LCR Circuit: (1) Resonance (2) Power Dissipation (3) Quality Factor, (4)
Band Width, Parallel LCR Circuit.
Text Books:
1. Introduction
• to Electrodynamics – D.J. Griffiths (Pearson, 4th edition,
2. Foundations
• of Electromagnetic Theory-Ritz and Milford (Pearson)
Reference Books:
1. Classical
• Electrodynamics, J. D. Jackson (Wiley).
2. Electricity
• and Magnetism D. C. Tayal (Himalaya Publishing house)
3. Electricity, Magnetism and Electromagnetic Theory- S. Mahajan and
Choudhury ( Tata McGraw Hill)
4. Feynman
• Lectures Vol.2, R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, M. Sands (
Pear- son)
5. Electricity
• and Magnetism, J. H. Fewkes and J. Yarwood. Vol. I
(Oxford Univ. Press)
LAB (minimum of 6 experiments are to be done)
Use a Multimeter
• for measuring (a) Resistances, (b) AC and DC Voltages, c)DC
Current, (d) Capacitances, and (e) Checking electricalfuses.
7. To• study response curve of a Series LCR circuit and determine its (a) Reso-
nant frequency, (b) Impedance at resonance, (c) Quality factor Q, and (d)
Band width.
8. To
• study the response curve of a parallel LCR circuit and determine its (a)
Reference Books:
1. Advanced
• Practical Physics for students, B.L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop,
1971, Asia Publishing House
2. A• Text Book of Practical Physics, I.Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11th
Ed., 2011, Kitab Mahal
3. Advanced
• level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn,
4th Edition, reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers
4. A• Laboratory Manual of Physics for undergraduate classes,
D.P.Khandelwal, 1985, Vani Pub.
Wave Motion : Plane and Spherical Waves, Longitudinal and Transverse Waves,
Plane Progressive (Traveling) Waves, Wave Equation, Particle and Wave Velocities,
Differential Equation, Pressure of a Longitudinal Wave, Energy Trans- port, Intensity
of Wave. Superposition of two perpendicular Harmonic Oscillations : Graphical and
Analytical Methods, Lissajous Figures (1:1 and 1:2) and
Interference : Division of amplitude and wave front, Youngs double slit experiment,
Lloyds Mirror and Fresnels Bi-prism, Phase change on reflection: Stokes treatment,
Interference in Thin Films: parallel and wedge-shaped films, Fringes of equal
inclination (Haidinger Fringes), Fringes of equal thickness (Fizeau Fringes), Newtons
Rings: Measurement of wavelength and refractive index. Interferometer : Michelsons
Interferometer-(1) Idea of form of fringes (No theory required), (2) Determination of
Wavelength, (3) Wavelength Difference, (4) Refractive Index, and (5) Visibility
ofFringes, Fabry-Perot interferometer.
TextBooks: •
1. AtextbookofOpticsN.SubrahmanyamandBrijLal(S.Chand Publishing)
2. Optics
• - Ajoy Ghatak (McGraw Hill)
Reference Books:
1. Optics-E.Hecht(Pearson)
2. FundamentalsofOptics-F.A.JenkinsandH.E.White(McGraw-Hill)
3. Geometrical and Physical Optics R.S. Longhurst (OrientBlackswan)
4. ThePhysicsofVibrationsandWaves-H.J.Pain(JohnWiley)
5. OpticsP.K.Chakrabarty
6. PrinciplesofOptics-MaxBornandEmilWolf(PergamonPress)
7. ThePhysicsofWavesandOscillations-N.K.Bajaj(McGrawHill)
3. To
• determine refractive index of the Material of a prism using sodium source.
4. . To
• determine the dispersive power and Cauchy constants of the
6. To
• determine wavelength of (1) Na source and (2) spectral lines of Hg
Reference Books:
1. Advanced
• Practical Physics for students, B.L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop,
1971, Asia Publishing House
2. A• Text Book of Practical Physics, I. Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11th
Ed., 2011, Kitab Mahal
3. Advanced
• level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn,
4th Edition, reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers
4. A• Laboratory Manual of Physics for undergraduate classes, D. P.
Khandelwal, 1985, Vani
Theemphasisofthecourseisonapplicationsinsolvingproblemsofinterest to
physicists. Students are to be examined on the basis of problems, seen and
Fourier Series-I: Periodic functions, Orthogonality of sine and cosine functions,
Dirichlet Conditions (Statement only), Expansion of periodic functions in a series of
sine and cosine functions and determination of Fourier coefficients, Complex
representation of Fourier series, Expansion of functions with arbitrary period,
Expansion of non-periodic functions over an interval, Even and odd functions and
their Fourier expansions and Application, Summing of Infinite Series, Term-by-Term
differentiation and integration of Fourier Series, Parseval Identity.
Frobenius Method and Special Functions: Singular Points of Second
OrderLinearDifferentialEquationsandtheirimportance,SingularitiesofBessels and
Laguerre Equations, Frobenius method and its applications to differential
Polynomials: Rodrigues Formula, Generating Function,Orthogonality.
Polynomials: Simple recurrence relations of Legendre and Hermite Polynomials,
Expansion of function in a series of Legendre Polynomials, Associated Legendre
Differential Equation, Associated Legendre polynomials, Spherical Harmonics
Some Special Integrals: Beta and Gamma Functions and relation between them,
Expression of Integrals in terms of Gamma Functions, Error Function (Probability
Partial Differential Equations: Solutions to partial differential equations using
separation of variables: Laplace’s Equation in problems of rectangular,
cylindrical and spherical symmetry. Conducting and dielectric sphere in an
external uniform electric field. Wave equation and its solution for vibrational
modes of a stretched string
Text Books:
1. MathematicalMethodsforPhysicists,G.B.Arfken,H.J.Weber,F.E.Harris
The aim of this Lab is to use the computational methods to solve physical problems.
Course will consist of lectures (both theory and practical) in the Lab. Evaluation done
not on the programming but on the basis of formulating the problem.
Introduction to Numerical computation software Scilab: Introduction to
Scilab, Advantages and disadvantages, Scilab computation software Scilab
environment, Command window, Figure window, Edit window, Variables and arrays,
Initialising variables in Scilab, Multidimensional arrays, Subarray, Special values,
Displaying output data, data file, Scalar and array operations, Hierarchy of
operations, Built in Scilab functions, Introduction to plotting, 2D and 3D plotting (2),
Branching Statements and program design, Relational and logical operators, the while
loop, for loop, details of loop operations, break and continue statements, nested loops,
logical arrays and vectorization (2) User defined functions, Introduction to Scilab
functions, Variable passing in Scilab, optional arguments, preserving data between
calls to a function, Complex and Character data, string function, Multidimensional
arrays (2) an introduction to Scilab file processing, file opening and closing, Binary
I/o functions, comparing binary and formatted functions, Numerical methods and
developing the skills of writing a program(2).
Curve fitting, Least square fit Goodness of fit, standard constant
Deviation:Ohms law to calculate R, Hookes law to calculate spring constant
Reference Books:
1. MathematicalMethodsforPhysicsandEngineers,K.FRiley,M.P.Hobson
7. Scilab Image Processing: Lambert M. Surhone. 2010 BetascriptPublishing
Real Gases: Behavior of Real Gases: Deviations from the Ideal Gas Equation, The
Virial Equation, Andrews Experiments on CO2 Gas. Critical Constants, Continuity of
Liquid and Gaseous State. Vapour and Gas, Boyle Temperature, Van der Waals
Equation of State for Real Gases, Values of Critical Constants, Law of Corresponding
States, Comparison with Experimental Curves, P-V Diagrams, Joules Experiment,
Free Adiabatic Expansion of a Perfect Gas, Joule- Thomson Porous Plug Experiment,
Joule- Thomson Effect for Real and Van der Waal Gases, Temperature of
Inversion, Joule-ThomsonCooling
Text Books:
1. Thermal
• Physics, A. B. Gupta (Books and allied Ltd)
2. Heat
• and Thermodynamics, M.W. Zemansky, Richard Dittman
(McGraw- Hill)
Reference Books:
1. Theory
• and experiments on thermal Physics, P.K.Chakrabarty (New
cen- tral book agency limited)
2. Thermodynamics,KineticTheoryandStatisticalThermodynamics-
Searsand Salinger(Narosa)
3. A• Treatise on Heat- Meghnad Saha and B.N.Srivastava (The Indian
Press) Heat, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, N.Subrahmanyam
and Brij Lal (S.Chand Publishing)
4. Thermal
• and Statistical Physics M.Das, P.K. Jena, S. Mishra,
R.N.Mishra (Shri Krishna Publication)
Reference Books:
1. Advanced
• Practical Physics for students, B. L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop,
1971, Asia Publishing House
2. A• Text Book of Practical Physics, I.Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11th
Ed., 2011, Kitab Mahal
3. Advanced
• level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn,
4th Edition, reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers
4. A• Laboratory Manual of Physics for undergraduate
classes,D.P.Khandelwal,1985, Vani Pub.
Reference Books:
1. ElectronicdevicesandcircuitsR.L.Boylstad(PearsonIndia)
3. Principles
• of Electronics- V. K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta (S. Chand Pub-
4. OP-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuit-R. A. Gayakwad (PrenticeHall)
5. PhysicsofSemiconductordevices,DonaldANeamen(PrenticeHall)
4. To
• study the various biasing configurations of BJT for normal class A
5. To
• study the frequency response of voltage gain of a RC-coupled transistor
6. TodesignaWienbridgeoscillatorforgivenfrequencyusinganop-amp.
7. TodesignaphaseshiftoscillatorofgivenspecificationsusingBJT.
8. To study the Colpitt‘soscillator.
Reference Books:
1. Modern
• Digital Electronics, R.P. Jain, 4th Edition, 2010, Tata McGraw
2. Hill.
3. Basic
• Electronics: A text lab manual, P.B. Zbar, A.P. Malvino, M.A.
Miller, 1994, Mc-Graw Hill.
4. Microprocessor
• Architecture Programming and applications with 8085,
R.S. Goankar, 2002, Prentice Hall.
5. Microprocessor
• 8085:Architecture, Programming and interfacing, A.
Wadhwa, 2010, PHI Learning.
The emphasis of the course is on applications in solving problems of interest to
physicists. Students are to be examined on the basis of problems, seen and unseen.
Complex Analysis: Brief Revision of Complex Numbers and their Graphical
Representation Eulers formula, De Moivres theorem, Roots of complex Numbers,
Functions of Complex Variables, Analyticity and Cauchy-Riemann Conditions,
Examples of analytic functions, Singular functions: poles and branch points, order of
singularity, branch cuts, Integration of a function of a complex variable, Cauchys
Inequality, Cauchys Integral formula, Simply and multiply connected region, Laurent
and Taylors expansion, Residues and Residue Theorem, Application in solving
Definite Integrals.
Integral Transforms-I: Fourier Transforms: Fourier Integral theorem,Fourier
Transform,Examples,FourierTransformoftrigonometric,Gaussian,finitewave train
and other functions, Representation of Dirac delta function as a Fourier Integral,
Fourier transform of derivatives, Inverse FourierTransform.
Text Books:
1. MathematicalMethodsforPhysicists,G.B.Arfken,H.J.Weber,F.E.Harris
(2013,7th Edn.,Elsevier)
2. AdvancedEngineeringMathematics,ErwinKreyszig(WileyIndia)
Reference Books:
1. MathematicalPhysicsandSpecialRelativity–M.Das,P.K.JenaandB.K.
• Dash
2. Mathematical
• Physics–H. K. Dass, Dr. Rama Verma (S. Chand Publishing)
Mathematical Physics C. Harper (Prentice Hall India)
3. Complex• Variable: Schaum’s Outlines Series M. Spiegel (2nd Edition , Mc- Graw
Hill Education)
4. Complex variables and applications J.W.Brown and R.V.Churchill
5. Mathematical Physics, Satya Prakash (Sultan Chand)
6. MathematicalPhysicsB.D.Gupta(4thedition,VikasPublication)
3. Simulation
• of ODE/PDE Models with MATLAB, OCTAVE and SCILAB:
Scientific and Engineering Applications: A. VandeWouwer, P. Saucez, C.
V. Fernndez. 2014 Springer ISBN: 978-3319067896
4. Scilab
• by example: M. Affouf, 2012. ISBN: 978-1479203444
5. Scilab(AfreesoftwaretoMatlab):H.Ramchandran,A.S.Nair.2011S.Chand
6. Scilab Image Processing: Lambert M. Surhone. 2010 BetascriptPublishing
Wave Packet: superposition of two waves, phase velocity and group velocity,
wave packets, Gaussian Wave Packet, spatial distribution of wave packet,
Localizationofwavepacketintime,Timedevelopmentofawavepacket,Wave Particle
Wave Particle Duality: de Broglie hypothesis, Experimental confirmation
particle duality,Complementarity.
Uncertainty Principle: Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Illustration of the
diffraction through a slit, Estimation of ground state energy of harmonicoscillator
and hydrogen atom, non existence of electron in the nucleus,Uncertainty
Nuclear Physics- I: Size and structure of atomic nucleus and its relation with
atomic weight, Impossibility of an electron being in the nucleus as a con- sequence of
the uncertainty principle, Nature of the nuclear force, NZ graph, Liquid Drop model:
semi empirical mass formula and binding energy, Nuclear Shell Model and
Text Books:
1. Concepts of Modern Physics Arthur Beiser (McGrawHill)
2. Modern Physics Murugeshan and Sivaprasad(S.Chand)
Reference Books:
1. QuantumMechanics:TheoryandApplications,A.K.GhatakandS.Lokanathan,
2. Introduction to Quantum Theory, David Park (DoverPublications)
3. TheoryandProblemsofModernPhysics,Schaum‘soutline,R.Gautreau and
W.Savin- (Tata McGraw-Hill)
4. Modern Physics-Serway (CENGAGELearnings)
5. Physics of Atoms and Molecules Bransden and Joachim (PearsonIndia)
6. Atomic and Nuclear Physics-A.B.Gupta (NewCentral)
7. Theoretical Nuclear Physics , J.M.Blatt and V.F. Weisskopf(Springer)
Text Books:
1. DigitalCircuitsandLogicdesign:SamuelC.Lee(PrinticeHall)
2. Digital Principles and Applications - A.P. Malvino, D.P.Leach and Saha
Reference Books :
1. The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz and Wilfield Hill ,Cambridge
2. Electronics by Allan R. Hambley ,Prentice Hall 3. Principles of
Electronics V.K.Mehta and Rohit Mehta (S.Chand Publishing)
3. Digital Logic and Computer design M. Morris Mano (Pearson) 5. Concepts
of Electronics D.C.Tayal (Himalaya Publishing house)
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Quantum Theory David Park (DoverPublications)
2. Introduction to Quantum Theory, D. J. Griffiths(Pearson)
Reference Books :
1. QuantumMechanics,TheoryandapplicationsA.GhatakandS.Lokanathan
2. QuantumMechanics-G.Aruldhas(PrinticeHallofIndia)
3. Quantum Physics–S. Gasiorowicz (Wiley)
4. QuantumMechanics-G.R.ChatwalandS.K.Anand
5. Quantum Mechanics -J.L. Powell and B. Craseman(Narosa)
6. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics M.Das and P.K.Jena (Shri Krishna
2. Numerical
• Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing, W.H. Pressetal.,
3rd Edn., 2007, Cambridge University Press.
3. An •introduction to computational Physics, T.Pang, 2nd Edn.,2006,
Cam- bridge Univ. Press
4. Simulation
• of ODE/PDE Models with MATLAB, OCTAVE and SCILAB:
Scientific and Engineering Applications: A. VandeWouwer, P. Saucez, C.
V. Fernndez.2014 Springer.
5. Scilab
• (A Free Software to Matlab): H. Ramchandran, A.S. Nair.
EM Wave Propagation in Unbounded Media: Plane EM waves through
refractive index and dielectric constant, wave impedance, Propagationthrough
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Electrodynamics, D.J. Griffiths ( Pearson)
2. PrinciplesofOptics-MaxBornandE.Wolf
Reference Books :
1. Classical Electrodynamics by J.D.Jackson
2. Foundationofelectromagnetictheory:RitzandMilford(Pearson)
3. Electricity and Magnetism : D C Tayal (HimalayaPublication)
4. Optics : A.K.Ghatak
5. Electricity and Magnetism : Chattopadhyaya, Rakhit (NewCentral)
Ed., 2011, Kitab Mahal Electromagnetic Field Theory for Engineers and
Physicists, G. Lehner, 2010,Springer
Classical Statistics-II : Thermodynamic Functions of an Ideal Gas, classical
Entropy Expression, Gibbs Paradox, Sackur Tetrode equation, Law of equipartition of
Energy (with proof)- Applications to Specific Heat and its Limitations,
Thermodynamic Functions of a two energy levels system, NegativeTemperature.
Reference Books:
1. Elementary
• Numerical Analysis, K.E.Atkinson, 3rdEdn. 2007, Wiley
India Edition
2. Statistical
• Mechanics, R.K. Pathria, Butterworth Heinemann: 2nd Ed.,
1996, Oxford UniversityPress.
3. Thermodynamics,
• Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics, Fran-
4. Modern
• Thermodynamics with Statistical Mechanics, Carl S. Helrich,
5. Simulation
• of ODE/PDE Models with MATLAB, OCTAVE and SCILAB:
Scientific and Engineering Applications: A. VandeWouwer, P. Saucez, C.
V. Fernndez. 2014 Springer ISBN: 978-3319067896
6. Scilab• by example: M. Affouf, 2012. ISBN: 978-1479203444
7. Scilab• Image Processing:L.M.Surhone. 2010, Betascript Pub., ISBN: 978-
Discipline Specific Elective Paper-1
The emphasis of the course is on applications in solving problems of interest to
physicists. Students are to be examined on the basis of problems, seen and unseen.
transformations, Minkowski space, The invariant interval, light cone and world
lines, space time diagrams, Times-dilation, length contraction and Twin paradox,
Variation of mass with velocity mass energyrelation
Four Vectors: Space Like, Time-like and light-like. Four velocity and acceleration,
Four momentum and energy-momentum relation. Doppler effects from a four vector
perspective, Concept of four-force, Conservation of four
Text Books:
1.Classical Mechanics, H.Goldstein, C.P. Poole, J.L. Safko (Pearson)
2.Classical Mechanics N C Rana and P S Joag.
Reference Books :
1. Mechanics-D.S.Mathur (SultanChand)
2. Solved problems in Classical Mechanics, O.L. Delange and J.Pierrus (Ox-
ford Press)(2010)
3. Classical Mechanics-M. Das, P.K.Jena, M. Bhuyan, R.N.Mishra (Srikr-
4. Mathematical Physics with Classical Mechanics-Satya Prakash (Sultan
Chand andsons)
5. Introduction to classical dynamics R.K.Takwale and S.Puranik (Tata
6. Classical Mechanics J.C.Upadhyay (HimalayanPublisher)
7. Classical Dynamics of particles and systems -S.T.Thorton and Marion
Discipline Specific Elective Paper-1I
Nuclear and Particle Physics
Nuclear Models: Liquid drop model approach, semi empirical mass formula and
significance of its various terms, conditions of nuclear stability, two nucleon
separation energies, evidence for nuclear shell structure, nuclear magic number, basic
assumption of shellmodels.
Text Books:
1. Introduction to Nuclear Physics By Roy andNigam
2. AtomicandNuclearPhysics-N.Subramanyam,BrijLalandJivanSeshan (S.
Reference Books:
1. IntroductiontoModernPhysics-H.S.ManiandG.K.Mehta(Affilatedeast and
2. Introductory nuclear Physics-Kenneth S. Krane (Wiley India Pvt. Ltd)
3. Introduction to Elementary Particles-D. Griffith (John Wiley andSons)
4. Concepts of Nuclear Physics - Bernard L. Cohen. (Tata Mcgraw Hill).
5. Concepts of Modern Physics-Arthur Beiser ( McGrawHill)
Text Books:
1. S.K. Kulkarni, Nanotechnology: Principles and Practices (Capital
2. Nano science and nano technology, K.K.Choudhury(Narosa)
Reference Books:
1. NanoScienceandnanotechnology,SundarSingh(PragatiPrakashan)
2. C.P. Poole, Jr. Frank J. Owens, Introduction to Nanotechnology (Wiley
India Pvt.Ltd.).
3. RichardBooker,EarlBoysen,Nanotechnology(JohnWileyandSons).
4. M. Hosokawa, K. Nogi, M. Naita, T. Yokoyama, Nanoparticle Technology
Handbook (Elsevier,2007).
5. K.K. Chattopadhyay and A. N. Banerjee, Introduction to Nanoscience
and Technology (PHI Learning PrivateLimited).
Basic Instrumentation
Basic Instrumentation
Moment of Inertia Parallel axis and perpendicular axis theorem, M.I. of a Solid
sphere and Solid cylinder, Gravitational potential and field due to a thin spherical
shell and a solid sphere at external points and internal points,
Oscillation and Waves
Simple harmonic motion, damped harmonic motion, under damped, over damped
and critically damped motion, Forced vibration, Resonance, Wave equation in a
medium, Velocity of Longitudinal waves in an elastic medium and velocity of
transverse wave in a stretched string, Composition of SHM, Lissajous figures for
superposition of two orthogonal simple harmonic vibrations (a) with same frequency,
(b) frequency with 2:1.
Thermal Physics
Electricity and Magnetism
Gauss law of electrostatics, use of Gauss law to compute electrostatic field due to a
linear charge distribution, Magnetic induction B, Lorentz force law, Biot Savarts law,
Magnetic induction due to long straight current carrying conductor, and in the axis of
a current carrying circular coil, Amperes Circuital
and integral form, Maxwells electro-magnetic equations and their physical
significance, Growth and decay of currents in LR and RC circuits, time constant,
alternating currents in RC, RL and LCR circuits, impedance, power factor, resonance.
P-type and N-type semiconductors, PN-Junction as rectifier, Half wave and Full
wave rectifiers (Bridge type), efficiency, ripple factor, use of RC, LC, and filters,
working of PNP and NPN transistors, transistor configurations in CE and CB
circuits and relation between α and β. JFET, its operation and characteristics of V-
Text Books:
1. Properties of Matter D.S. Mathur (S. ChandPublication).
2. Heat and Thermodynamics A.B. Gupta and H.B. Ray (New Central
3. A Text Books book of oscillations, waves and acoustics(5thed.) M.
Ghosh and D. Bhattacharya (S. ChandPublication).
4. Electricity and magnetism- R. Murugeshan (S.ChandPublishing)
5. Fundamentals of Electronics-Raskhit and Chattopadhyay (New age In-
Reference Books:
1. Physics of Degree students Vol.I M. Das, P.K. Jena etal (Sri krishna
2. Physics of Degree students Vol.II M. Das, P.K. Jena etal (Sri krishna
3. Waves and Oscillations (2nd ed) N. Subramaniyam and Brij Lal (Vikas
4. A Text Books book of Sound (2nd ed) - N. Subramaniyam and Brij Lal (S.
Generic Elective Paper I Lab-
(minimum 6 experiments are to be done)
1. Todeterminethemomentofinertiaofaflywheel.
2. To determine the Youngs modulus Y of a wire by Searlsmethod.
3. TodeterminethemodulusofrigidityofawirebyMaxwellsneedle/Torsion
Pendulum (Dynamicmethod).
4. To determine g by barpendulum.
5. To determine the value of Y of a rubber by using travellingmicroscope.
6. To determine the Rigidity of modulus by staticmethod.
7. To determine the frequency of a telescope by usingSonometer.
8. VerificationofLawsofVibrationofastringbyusingSonometer.
Quantum Mechanics : Heisenbergs Uncertainty relation, Time dependent
Schrodingers wave equation in one dimension and three dimensions, The physical
interpretation of the wave function, Probability density and probability current
density, Equation of continuity, Normalization of the Wave function, Expectation
value of an observable, Ehrenfests theorem. Time independent Schrodingers wave
equation in one dimension particle in a box, energy eigen values and eigenfunctions.
Nuclear Physics : Properties of the nucleus Charge, Size, Spin, Magnetic
Moment, Mass, Mass defect, Binding energy, Packing fraction, Nuclear force and
its characteristics features, Radioactive decay laws, average life, half life, nuclear
fission, nuclear fusion, Linear accelerators, and cyclotron.
Relativity: Galilean transformation, Newtonian relativity and its limitation,
MichelsonMorleyexperimentanditsconsequence,postulatesofspecialtheory of
relativity. Lorentz transformation, length contraction, time dilation, relativistic
mass and momentum, mass energyrelation.
Text Books:
1. University Physics, H. D. Young, R. A. Freedman(Person)
2. Fundamentals of Physics, Resnick, Halliday, Walker(WIley)
Reference Books :
1. A Text Books book of Optics N.Subrahmanyam and Brij Lal (S.Chand
2. Introduction to Special Relativity-R. Resnick (JohnWiley)
3. ConceptsofModernPhysics ArthurBeiser(McGrawHill)
4. Modern Physics H.S. Mani and G.K.Mehta
I DSC-I Mechanics 04 75
DSC-I Practical 02 25
DSC-II Practical 02 25
DSC-III Practical 02 25
DSC-IV Practical 02 25
DSE-I Practical 02 25
DSE-II Practical 02 25
36 600
Non Inertial frames and fictitious Forces:Uniformely Rotating frame, laws of Physics in
rotatingCoordinate system,centrifugalForces,Coriolis force and its applications.
Motion of a particle under a central force field. Two-body problem and its reduction to one-body
problem and its solution. Differential Equation of motion with central force and its solution.The
first Integrals(two),Concept of power Law Potentials, Kepler’s Laws of Planetary motion.
Fluid Properties:
Surface Tension- Express Pressure across a curved membrane, S.T., Quincke’s drop,
gravity waves and ripple,
Oscillations: Simple Harmonic Oscillations. Kinetic energy, potential energy, total energy
andtheir time-average values. Damped oscillation. Equation of motion and solution(,cases of
oscillatory,critically damped and overdamped) Forced oscillations: Transient and steady states;
Resonance, sharpness of resonance; power dissipation and Quality Factor. Bar Pendulum,
Kater’s Pendulum. Composition of two SHMs propagating perpendicularly to each other(with
frequency in the ratio 1:1,2:1) Lissajous figures
Text Books:
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B. L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop, 1971,
AsiaPublishing House
2. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn, 4th
Edition, reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers
3. A Text Book of Practical Physics, I.Prakash& Ramakrishna, 11thEdn, 2011, Kitab Mahal
Vector Analysis: Scalar and Vector product, gradient, divergence, Curl and their significance,
Vector Integration, Line, surface and volume integrals of Vector fields, Gauss-divergence
theorem and Stoke's theorem of vectors (statement only).
Electrostatic Energy Capacitance of an isolated spherical conductor. Parallel plate, spherical and
cylindrical condenser. Energy per unit volume in electrostatic field. Dielectric medium,
Polarisation, Displacement vector. Gauss's theorem in dielectrics. Parallel plate capacitor
completely filled with dielectric.
Magnetostatics: Biot-Savart's law and its applications- straight conductor, circular coil, solenoid
carrying current. Divergence and curl of magnetic field. Magnetic vector potential. Ampere's
circuital law. Magnetic properties of materials: Magnetic intensity, magnetic induction,
permeability, magnetic susceptibility. Brief introduction of dia-, para-and ferromagnetic
Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction, Lenz's law, self
andmutual inductance, L of single coil, M of two coils. Energy stored in magnetic field.
1. To use a Multimeter for measuring (a) Resistances, (b) AC and DC Voltages, (c) DC Current,
and (d) checking electrical fuses.
2. Ballistic Galvanometer:
(i) Measurement of charge and current sensitivity
(ii) Measurement of CDR
(iii) Determine a high resistance by Leakage Method
(iv) To determine Self Inductance of a Coil by Rayleigh’s Method.
3. To compare capacitances using De’Sauty’s bridge.
4. Measurement of field strength B and its variation in a Solenoid (Determine dB/dx)
5. To study the Characteristics of a Series RC Circuit.
6. To study a series LCR circuit LCR circuit and determine its (a) Resonant frequency, (b)
Quality factor
7. To study a parallel LCR circuit and determine its (a) Anti-resonant frequency and
(b) Quality factor Q
1. Thermal and Statistical Physics – M.Das, P.K. Jena, S. Mishra, R.N.Mishra (Shri
Krishna Publication)
2. Heat and Thermodynamics, M.W. Zemansky, Richard Dittman (McGraw-Hill)
3. Thermal Physics, S. Garg, R. Bansal and Ghosh-(Tata McGraw-Hill)
4. Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory & Statistical Thermodynamics- Sears & Salinger
5. A Treatise on Heat- Meghnad Saha and B.N.Srivastava (The Indian Press)
6. Heat, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics-- N.Subrahmanyam and Brij Lal (S.Chand
Cardinal Points and cardinal planes of an optical system,location of cardinal points and cardinal
planes of (1)thick lens(2) thin lens and (3) co axial combination of two thin lenses using matrix
Interference in Thin Films: parallel and wedge-shaped films. Fringes of equal inclination
(Haidinger Fringes);Fringes of equal thickness (Fizeau Fringes). Newton’s Rings:
Measurement of wavelength and refractive index.
1. Optics-E.Hecht (Pearson)
2. Fundamentals of Optics- F.A. Jenkins and H.E. White (McGraw-Hill)
3. Geometrical and Physical Optics– R.S. Longhurst(Orient Blackswan)
4. The Physics of Vibrations and Waves- H. J. Pain( John Wiley)
5. Optics – B.K.Mathur
6. Principles of Optics-Max Born and Emil Wolf (Pergamon Press)
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L. Flint and H.T.Worsnop, 1971, Asia
Publishing House.
2. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn, 4th Edition,
reprinted 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers
3. A Text Book of Practical Physics, Indu Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11th Edition,
2011, Kitab Mahal, New Delhi.
4. A Laboratory Manual of Physics for undergraduate classes, D.P.Khandelwal, 1985,
Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) - Pass
(two papers are to be selected)
Digital Circuits
Difference between Analog and Digital Circuits. Binary Numbers. Decimal to Binary and Binary
to Decimal Conversion, AND, OR and NOT Gates (Realization using Diodes and Transistor).
NAND and NOR Gates as Universal Gates. XOR and XNOR Gates.
De Morgan's Theorems. Boolean Laws. Simplification of Logic Circuit using Boolean Algebra.
Fundamental Products. Minterms and Maxterms. Conversion of a Truth Table into an Equivalent
Logic Circuit by (1) Sum of Products Method and (2) Karnaugh Map.
Semiconductor Devices and Amplifiers:
Barrier Formation in PN Junction Diode. Qualitative Idea of Current Flow Mechanism in
Forward and Reverse Biased Diode. PN junction and its characteristics. Static and Dynamic
Resistance. Principle and structure of (1) LEDs (2) Photodiode (3) Solar Cell.
Power Supply: Half-wave Rectifiers. Centre-tapped and Bridge Full-wave Rectifiers Calculation
of Ripple Factor and Rectification Efficiency, Basic idea about capacitor filter, Zener Diode and
Voltage Regulation
BJT and Amplifiers
Bipolar Junction transistors: n-p-n and p-n-p Transistors. Characteristics of CB, CE and CC
Configurations. Current gains α and β. Relations between α and β. Load Line analysis of
Transistors. DC Load line and Q-point. Active, Cutoff, and Saturation Regions. Voltage Divider
Bias Circuit for CE Amplifier. h-parameter Equivalent Circuit. Analysis of a single-stage CE
amplifier using Hybrid Model. Input and Output Impedance. Current, Voltage and Power Gains.
Class A, B, and C Amplifiers.Class B Push Pull Amplifier.
Feedback in Amplifiers,Positive and Negative feedback,Effects of Feedback
Oscillators:Hartley and Colpitt’s Oscillator
Operational Amplifiers (Black Box approach) :
Characteristics of an Ideal and Practical Op-Amp (IC 741), Open-loop& Closed-loop Gain.
CMRR, concept of Virtual ground. Applications of Op-Amps: (1) Inverting and Non-inverting
Amplifiers, (2) Adder, (3) Subtractor, (4) Differentiator, (5) Integrator, (6) Zero Crossing
Introduction to CRO: Block Diagram of CRO. Applications of CRO: (1) Study of Waveform, (2)
Measurement of Voltage, Current, Frequency, and Phase Difference.
Reference :
1. To measure (a) Voltage, and (b) Frequency of a periodic waveform using a CRO
2. To verify and design AND, OR, NOT and XOR gates using NAND gates.
3. To minimize a given logic circuit.
4. Half adder, Full adder and 4-bit Binary Adder.
5. Adder-Subtractor using Full Adder I.C.
6. To design an astable multivibrator of given specifications using 555 Timer.
7. To design a monostable multivibrator of given specifications using 555 Timer.
8. To study IV characteristics of PN diode, Zener and Light emitting diode
9. To study the characteristics of a Transistor in CE configuration.
10. To design a CE amplifier of a given gain (mid-gain) using voltage divider bias.
11. To design an inverting amplifier of given gain using Op-amp 741 and study
its frequency response.
12. To design a non-inverting amplifier of given gain using Op-amp 741 and
study its Frequency Response.
13. To study a precision Differential Amplifier of given I/O specification using Opamp.
14. To investigate the use of an op-amp as a Differentiator
15. To design a Wien Bridge Oscillator using an op-amp.
Reference Books:
Planck’s quantum, Planck’s constant and Compton scattering. De Broglie experiment.
light as a collection of photons; Photoelectric effect ,wavelength and matter waves; Davisson-
Germer Experiment
Problems with Rutherford model- instability of atoms and observation of discrete atomic spectra;
Bohr's quantization rule and atomic stability; calculation of energy levels for hydrogen like
atoms and their spectra.
Position measurement- gamma ray microscope thought experiment; Wave-particle duality,
Heisenberg uncertainty principle- impossibility of a particle following a trajectory; Estimating
minimum energy of a confined particle using uncertainty principle; Energy-time uncertainty
Two slit interference experiment with photons, atoms & particles; linear superposition principle
as a consequence; Matter waves and wave amplitude; Schrodinger equation for non-relativistic
particles; Momentum and Energy operators; stationary states; physical interpretation of
wavefunction, probabilities and normalization; Probability and probability current densities in
one dimension.
One dimensional infinitely rigid box- energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, normalization;
Quantum dot as an example; Quantum mechanical scattering and tunnelling in one dimension -
across a step potential and across a rectangular potential barrier.
Size and structure of atomic nucleus and its relation with atomic weight; Impossibility of an
electron being in nucleus as a consequence of the uncertainty principle. Nature of nuclear force,
NZ graph, semi-empirical mass formula and binding energy
Radioactivity: stability of nucleus; Law of radioactive decay; Mean life and half-life; α decay; β
decay - energy released, spectrum and Pauli's prediction of neutrino; γ-ray emission.
Fission and fusion - mass deficit, relativity and generation of energy; Fission - nature of
fragments and emission of neutrons. Nuclear reactor: slow neutrons interacting with Uranium
235; Fusion and thermonuclear reactions.
Reference Books:
1. Advanced Practical Physics for students, B.L. Flint and H.T. Worsnop, 1971, Asia
2. Advanced level Physics Practicals, Michael Nelson and Jon M. Ogborn, 4th Edition,
3. 1985, Heinemann Educational Publishers
4. A Text Book of Practical Physics, Indu Prakash and Ramakrishna, 11th Edition, 2011,
Kitab Mahal, New Delhi.
Optional for SECC II paper
The quest to understand the 'nature of light' is a favourite inquiry of mankind since ancient
times. By the advent of lasers, holography, and optical fibres in twentieth century the optics
now-a-days finds application in several branches of science and engineering. This paper
provides the conceptual understanding of these branches of modern optics to the students.
Basic principle and theory: coherence, resolution, Types of holograms, white light reflection
hologram, application of holography in microscopy, interferometry, and character recognition.
Photonics: Fibre Optics
Optical fibres: Introduction and historical remarks, Total Internal Reflection, Basic
characteristics of the optical fibre: Principle of light propagation through a fibre, the
coherent bundle, The numerical aperture, Attenuation in optical fibre and attenuation
limit; Single mode and multimode fibres, Fibre optic sensors: Fibre Bragg Grating.
Experiments on Lasers:
1. To determine the grating radial spacing of the Compact Disc (CD) by reflection using
He-Ne or solid state laser.
2. To find the width of the wire or width of the slit using diffraction pattern obtained by a
He-Ne or solid state laser.
3. To find the polarization angle of laser light using polarizer and analyzer
4. To determine the wavelength and angular spread of laser light by using plane diffraction
Experiments on Semiconductor Sources and Detectors:
The aim of this course is not just to impart theoretical knowledge to the students but to
provide them with exposure and hands-on learning wherever possible
Fossil fuels and Alternate Sources of energy: Fossil fuels and nuclear energy, their limitation,
need of renewable energy, non-conventional energy sources. An overview of developments in
Offshore Wind Energy, Tidal Energy, Wave energy systems, Ocean Thermal Energy
Conversion, solar energy, biomass, biochemical conversion, biogas generation, geothermal
energy tidal energy, Hydroelectricity.
Solar energy: Solar energy, its importance, storage of solar energy, solar pond, non plate
collector, solar distillation, solar cooker, solar green houses, solar cell, absorption air
conditioning. Need and characteristics of photovoltaic (PV) systems, PV models and equivalent
circuits, and sun tracking systems.
Wind Energy harvesting: Fundamentals of Wind energy, Wind Turbines and different electrical
machines in wind turbines, Power electronic interfaces, and grid interconnection topologies.
Ocean Energy: Ocean Energy Potential against Wind and Solar, Wave Characteristics and
Statistics, Wave Energy Devices.
Tide characteristics and Statistics, Tide Energy Technologies, Ocean Thermal Energy, Osmotic
Power, Ocean Bio-mass.
6. Nanotechnology.
Every college must have CRO, Function generator, Laser and Logic Gate