1-Reducing-Weight-Bias - Ingles

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Reducing Weight Kirk SFL, Ramos Salas X, Alberga AS, Russell-Mayhew

S. Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines:

Bias in Obesity Reducing Weight Bias in Obesity Management, Practice

and Policy. Available from:

Management, Practice Accessed [date].

and Policy
Update History
Version 1, August 4, 2020. The Canadian Adult Obesity
Clinical Practice Guidelines are a living document, with
Sara FL. Kirk PhDi, Ximena Ramos Salas PhDii, Angela S. only the latest chapters posted at
Alberga PhDiii, Shelly Russell-Mayhew PhD, R.Psychiv obesitycanada.ca/guidelines.

i) School of Health and Human Performance, Dalhousie

ii) Obesity Canada
iii) Department of Health, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology, Concordia University
iv) Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary

bias, stigma and discrimination in this area, the patients and clinicians
People living with obesity frequently experience weight bias, stigma working on these guidelines feel it is important to highlight. It is
and discrimination. The role that these play in obesity management our hope that work in this area will continue and richer information
has, until recently, been poorly understood. This chapter provides will be available for future guidelines.
an overview of these constructs, using the best available evidence
to illustrate how they influence obesity development, diagnosis, To support standard practice within chronic disease management, we
management and prevention. This is the first time that weight use people-first language throughout this chapter. For further informa-
bias, stigma and discrimination have been included in Canadian tion, refer to https://obesitycanada.ca/resources/people-first-language.
clinical practice guidelines for obesity, in recognition of emerg-
ing and compelling evidence that they represent a significant Given the limited evidence in the published literature, this chapter
challenge to practice and policy. For questions related to lived includes recommendations where sufficient evidence is available,
experience of obesity and of clinical care, qualitative methods alongside key messages for health professionals, policy makers
are the appropriate research approach. While we recognize that and patients where evidence is limited.
there is a relative paucity of high-quality evidence on weight

KEY MESSAGES FOR HEALTHCARE behaviours and has no place in an evidence-based approach
POLICY MAKERS to obesity management.2,3

• Policy makers developing obesity policies should • Avoid making assumptions in population health pol-
assess and reflect on their own attitudes and beliefs icies that healthy behaviours will or should result in
related to obesity.1 weight change. Weight is not a behaviour and should
not be a target for behaviour change. Avoid evaluating
• Public health policy makers should avoid using stig- healthy eating and physical activity policies, programs and
matizing language and images. It is well established campaigns in terms of population-level weight or BMI out-
that shaming does not change behaviours. In fact, shaming comes. Instead, emphasize health and quality of life for
can increase the likelihood of individuals pursuing unhealthy people of all sizes. Because weight bias contributes to

Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines 1

health and social inequalities, advocate for and support people • Healthcare providers should ensure their clinical envi-
living with obesity. This includes supporting policy action to ronment is accessible, safe and respectful for all patients
prevent weight bias and weight-based discrimination.2–8 regardless of their weight or size. Make efforts to improve
health and quality of life rather than solely focusing on obesity
• Policy makers should know that most people living management. Ask permission before weighing someone,
with obesity have experienced weight bias or some and never weigh people in front of others; instead, place
form of weight-based discrimination. Public health policy weighing scales in private areas. Healthcare providers should
makers should consider weight bias and obesity stigma as consider how their office’s physical space accommodates
added burdens on population health outcomes and develop people of all sizes and ensure they have properly sized
interventions to address them. To avoid compounding the equipment (e.g., blood pressure cuffs, gowns, chairs, beds)
problem, we encourage policy makers to do no harm, to ready in clinical rooms prior to patients arriving. Because
develop people-centred policies that move beyond person- weight bias impacts morbidity and mortality, advocate for
al responsibility, recognize the complexity of obesity and and support people living with obesity. This includes action
promote health, dignity and respect, regardless of body to create supportive healthcare environments and policies
weight or shape. for people of all sizes.8


1. Healthcare providers should assess their own attitudes and 3. Healthcare providers should avoid using judgmental words,
beliefs regarding obesity and consider how their attitudes (Level 1a, Grade A),2 images (Level 2b, Grade B)2 and prac-
and beliefs may influence care delivery (Level 1a; Grade A).1 tices (Level 2a, Grade B)13 when working with patients living
with obesity.
2. Healthcare providers should recognize that internalized
weight bias (bias towards oneself) in people living with 4. We recommend that healthcare providers avoid making
obesity can affect behavioural and health outcomes (Level assumptions that an ailment or complaint a patient presents
2a; Grade B).9–12 with is related to their body weight (Level 3, Grade C).13,14

KEY MESSAGES FOR PEOPLE • Talk to your healthcare provider about addressing in-
LIVING WITH OBESITY ternalized weight bias. Bias can impact your behaviours
and your health. Self-stigma and self-blame can be addressed
• Weight bias may affect quality of healthcare for indi- through behavioural interventions, consistent with the prin-
viduals with obesity. For example, weight bias may neg- ciples of cognitive therapy and acceptance and commitment
atively affect health professionals’ attitudes and behaviours therapy.9,18–22 (See the Effective Psychological and Behavioural
toward individuals living with obesity.8,13 Interventions in Obesity Management chapter for more
information on these therapies.)
• Experiences of weight bias can harm your health and
wellbeing. Experiencing unequal treatment because of • Try focusing on improving healthy habits and quality
your size or weight, for example, is not acceptable. Talk of life rather than weight loss. Weight is not a behaviour
to your healthcare provider about your experiences with and should not be a target for behaviour change.23,24
weight bias. Speak up and support action to stop weight-
based discrimination.15–17

Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines 2

What do we mean by the terms weight bias, How prevalent are weight bias, stigma and
stigma and discrimination? discrimination?

The terms weight bias, stigma and discrimination are often used Weight bias and stigma are pervasive in our society. Approximately
interchangeably, but more accurately reflect a continuum, with 40% of adults report a history of experiencing some form of weight
weight bias describing the negative weight-related attitudes, beliefs, bias or stigma.4 Weight bias has been documented among parents
assumptions and judgments in society that are held about people and families,47 pre-adolescents and adolescent peers,48 teachers,49
living in large bodies. Weight bias can be expressed in explicit, implicit employers and human resource professionals,50 healthcare profes-
and internalized forms. Explicit weight bias is defined as having sionals48 and even among individuals with obesity themselves.51
overtly negative attitudes toward people with obesity. Examples Specifically, weight bias is prevalent among the general population,
of explicit weight bias include assumptions that people living with and has been found to be significantly greater than two other tar-
obesity are lazy, unmotivated, lacking self-discipline or willpower gets of bias that are common in modern society: homosexuality and
and noncompliant with medical treatment. Implicit weight bias is Muslim faith.52 There is extensive literature documenting weight
having unconscious negative attitudes toward people in large bodies. bias and stigma across a range of health professionals, including
That is, implicit weight-biased attitudes are not acknowledged by physicians, nurses, dietitians, psychologists and healthcare train-
those holding them but can nevertheless shape the way that people ees.37 Weight bias has also been investigated among pre-service
view and treat individuals living with obesity. health promotion students.53

Internalized weight bias, or self-directed bias, is the extent to which Weight discrimination manifests across multiple settings as noted
individuals living with obesity endorse negative weight-biased be- above, the consequences of which are far reaching, as explained in
liefs about themselves. Internalized weight bias is already prevalent the following section.
within the general population (44%); however, individuals living
with obesity are more likely to endorse such beliefs (52%).25 People Weight/height discrimination has been found to have significantly
who have high weight bias internalization tend to believe that they increased between 1995–1996 and 2004–2006, from 7% to 12%.4
deserve the negative attitudes or negative treatment they receive. The prevalence of weight discrimination has increased by 66% over
This is exemplified by strongly supporting statements such as, “I am the past decade, and is comparable to rates of racial discrimination,
less attractive than most other people because of my weight,” or “I especially among women.4,7 The prevalence of perceived weight dis-
feel anxious about being overweight because of what people might crimination across life domains, such as employment, schools, health-
think of me.” Few studies have explored the relationship between care and interpersonal relationships, ranges from 19.2% among in-
obesity management and weight bias; in recent years, research has dividuals with Class I obesity (BMI 30–35 Kg/m2) to 41.8% among
shown strong associations between internalized weight bias and individuals with severe obesity (BMI > 35 Kg/m2).54
mental health outcomes.26–29 Internalized weight bias has been
shown to have a negative impact on outcomes that have convention-
ally been associated with the management of obesity. For example, What are the consequences of weight bias,
weight bias internalization has been associated with exercise avoid- stigma and discrimination?
ance and binge eating.11,20,30–40
Weight bias, stigma and discrimination can have several physi-
Weight or obesity1 stigma (we use the term weight stigma here, but cal, psychological and psychosocial consequences. For example, a
the term obesity stigma is also often used in the literature) represents systematic review of 23 studies showed that there are many bio-
the manifestation of weight bias through harmful social stereotypes psychosocial consequences of weight or obesity stigma in treat-
that are associated with people living with obesity. An example of ment-seeking adults with overweight and obesity.55 The following
weight or obesity stigma in the healthcare system is if health pro- sections will describe how weight bias, stigma and discrimination
fessionals believe that individuals with obesity are non-compliant can affect a person’s physical and mental health, lead to avoidance
with medical advice or treatment, and hence assume that obesity of preventive healthcare, hinder obesity management efforts and
management strategies will not work. The existence of weight bias increase overall morbidity and mortality.
and stigma can, in turn, lead to weight discrimination, which is the
unjust treatment of individuals because of their weight.41 Examples
of unjust and inequitable treatment include but are not limited to Physical health consequences
health professionals spending less time, having more insensitive or
rushed communications or establishing less emotional rapport with Like other forms of discrimination, including racism, weight dis-
patients living with obesity. In extreme cases, weight-based discrim- crimination is associated with increased risk for morbidity. There are
ination can lead to patients being denied treatment or avoiding physiological mechanisms that may contribute to this increased risk
seeking help from the healthcare system.42–46 to physical health, such as increased chronic stress, which can in-
crease cortisol levels, and oxidative stress independent of adiposity
level.16,56 A systematic review of 33 studies found that weight or
obesity stigma was positively associated with obesity, diabetes risk,
cortisol level, oxidative stress level, C-reactive protein level, eating

Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines 3

disturbances, depression, anxiety and body image dissatisfaction.57 Depression is associated with weight gain and individuals with
One longitudinal study has also shown that perceiving weight dis- obesity are at greater risk of depression, particularly those cate-
crimination is associated with a 60% increase in mortality risk.58 gorized with Class II and III obesity.63 Emerging evidence suggests
Indeed, the effect of weight-based discrimination was comparable that perceived weight discrimination may be an explanation for this
to other established risk factors, such as smoking history and disease relationship, with particular evidence for middle-aged and older
burden. It is not clear how weight discrimination contributes to adults.54,63,64 In a treatment-seeking sample of 255 individuals with
mortality. Some theories link experiences of weight discrimination binge eating disorder, weight bias internalization was associated
to behavioural risk factors, such as sedentary lifestyles and increased with poorer overall mental health scores, and depressive symptoms
food consumption as coping mechanisms.58 Distress over obesity is mediated this relationship.20
heightened when people perceive themselves to have poorer health
because of obesity-related conditions, such as chronic pain, osteo- Stigma and discrimination are also seen as chronic stress conditions
arthritis and cardiovascular disease.59 attributed to the additional stress that individuals from stigmatized
groups are exposed to daily as a result of their position in society.6
There is some evidence that internalized weight bias mediates Chronic stress has a significant impact on mental health and dis-
the relationship between weight or obesity stigma experiences crimination-specific stressors should be considered in intervention
and negative psychological outcomes.55 Weight bias internaliza- approaches.65 One study showed that overvaluation of shape and
tion may be associated with even poorer mental health outcomes weight mediated the relationship between self-esteem and weight
than the perceived experience of weight bias.9 In other words, bias internalization in a sample of individuals with overweight/obesity
believing oneself to be deserving of weight or obesity stigma may and diagnosed binge eating disorder.66
lead to worse psychological outcomes than the actual stigmatiz-
ing encounter itself.9 Furthermore, adults who internalize weight
bias are more likely to binge eat. Coping mechanisms for indi- Population and public health consequences
viduals who experience weight discrimination are to engage in
unhealthy behaviours. Weight discrimination also increases risk Weight bias can have social and economic consequences for in-
for obesity.15 dividuals living with obesity, such as inequities in interpersonal
relationships and fewer opportunities for education and employ-
ment.8,58,67–69 A fundamental driver of weight bias is a lack of public
Mental health consequences understanding of the complex and multi-faceted nature of obesity.
When the science about the complexity of obesity is not communi-
It is well established that being a target for weight bias, stigma and cated to the public, it can lead to an oversimplification of obesity.
discrimination is associated with negative mental health outcomes. For example, public health strategies that focus on obesity as an
Individuals living with obesity may face negative mental health im- issue of unhealthy eating and physical inactivity, and ignore biologi-
pacts because of their weight status across multiple levels of their cal, genetic, environmental and societal contributors of obesity, can
environment.60 Global measures of mental health indicate that ex- contribute to the oversimplification of the disease and to a lack of
periences of weight bias are associated with psychological distress public understanding of the disease.
in both treatment-seeking and community samples.55 Psychosocial
correlates of weight bias include medication non-adherence, anx- This can lead to inaccurate social narratives that obesity is a self-in-
iety, perceived stress, antisocial behaviour, substance use, coping flicted choice and that it is only up to individuals with obesity to
strategies and social support.55 Weight bias is also associated with address their own obesity. This lack of understanding, in turn, can
greater body image disturbance.61 In treatment-seeking adults lead to people experiencing weight bias and stigma. Public health
with obesity, more internalized weight bias was associated with a research has identified a need to:
stronger negative impact on body image.61
• Change the public health obesity narrative to align with current
Experiencing weight or obesity stigma is associated with poorer scientific and medical understanding of obesity as a chronic
psychological functioning in a sample of individuals seeking treat- disease; and
ment for obesity.38 Experiences of stigma also significantly and
independently predict psychological concerns in obesity-treat- • Develop comprehensive obesity strategies that reflect patient
ment-seeking individuals after controlling for BMI. Stigmatizing experiences, which may prevent further stigmatization of obesity.70
experiences, not only body weight, contribute to adverse mental
health consequences in people living with obesity. In one study, the Furthermore, stigma has an independent impact on population
harmful effects of stigma experiences extended beyond psycho- health inequalities.6 As such, weight bias and obesity stigma should
logical distress and morbidity of obesity to include an increased risk be considered as key social determinants of health.8,71
in all-cause mortality.58 In another study, individuals who perceived
they had experienced weight stigma were almost 2.5 times more Studies have also explored how weight bias may reveal itself through
likely to experience mood or anxiety disorders than those who did public health campaigns.5 Public health strategies that emphasize
not, even when accounting for standard risk factors for mental illness the duty and responsibility of individuals to make healthy choices
and measured BMI.62 can end up blaming or punishing those who make unhealthy or

Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines 4

contested choices.72 Individuals with obesity perceive obesity public with patients with obesity.76,77 Patients who experience weight
health messages as overly simplistic, disempowering and stigma- bias in healthcare settings may delay or forgo essential preventive
tizing.2,73 Public health campaigns that promote negative attitudes care, like breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening, for fear
and stereotypes toward people with obesity, stigmatize youth with of receiving disrespectful treatment and negative attitudes from
obesity or blame parents of children with overweight are not only providers.5,8,12,42,46,78 They may also engage in “doctor shopping” to
ineffective in motivating behaviour change but also end up labelling find a more respectful healthcare provider.18,79,80 Patients report being
and stigmatizing individuals further. embarrassed about being weighed,78,81 receiving unsolicited advice
to lose weight and a lack of equipment (e.g., gowns and exam tables
Two recent critical analyses of Canadian obesity prevention poli- too small to be functional).78,82–84 Importantly, and contrary to popular
cies highlight how a focus on individual behaviours, rather than a belief, weight bias, stigma and discrimination do not encourage
population approach that addresses social determinants of health, positive behaviour change, as noted in the above sections on the
can contribute to weight bias and stigma. The first, by Ramos Salas physical and mental health consequences of these issues.
et al., identified five prevailing narratives that may contribute to
weight bias:
How do we reduce weight bias, stigma and
1. Childhood obesity threatens the health of future generations discrimination in healthcare settings?
and must be prevented;
International organizations such as the American Academy of
2. Obesity can be prevented solely through healthy eating and Pediatrics and the British Psychological Society (British Psychological
physical activity; Association, 2019), have published policy statements with recom-
mendations for healthcare professionals to reduce weight stigma
3. Obesity is an individual behaviour problem; in clinical practice.85 Obesity Canada is also working with many
national health professional associations to recognize that weight
4. Achieving a healthy body weight should be a population health bias, stigma and discrimination should be addressed seriously by
target; and all health professionals.

5. Obesity is risk factor for other chronic diseases and not a disease Key to reducing weight bias, stigma and discrimination in health-
in itself.70 care settings is for health professionals to be aware of their own
attitudes and behaviours toward individuals living with obesity. As
The second analysis, by Alberga et al., also noted that a Canadian noted above, health professionals providing support for obesity
federal report on obesity used aggressive framing and disrespect- management should acknowledge that weight bias is prevalent
ful terminology with a strong focus on individual behaviours.74 among health professionals, and that they are not immune to it
The authors stated that this may be contributing to weight stigma themselves. They should be willing to reflect on if/how weight bias
and recommended that future Canadian policies, reports and cam- affects their own attitudes and behaviours toward patients who are
paigns address fundamental social determinants of health.70,74 living with obesity. This can be achieved by completing a self-assess-
ment tool such as the Implicit Association Test, for weight bias.86

Consequences to engagement in primary Given that weight bias is established early, usually before health
healthcare professionals start their professional training, there is a need for
systematic education on weight bias and stigma in all health profes-
Weight bias in healthcare settings can reduce the quality of care sional training programs. All professional health disciplines should
for patients living with obesity.74 It is established through consistent therefore include weight bias sensitivity training in their curricula.
evidence across a number of studies that healthcare professionals
endorse weight bias and stigma about patients living with obe- Because internalized weight bias can have negative impacts on
sity.37,48,53 There is also strong evidence that patients with obesity health-related outcomes, it is also important that health profession-
perceive biased treatment in healthcare and that these perceptions als assess their patients for internalized weight bias. This can be
may influence patient engagement in primary healthcare services.75 accomplished through sensitive questioning/dialogue/motivational
Patients have reported patronizing and disrespectful treatment interviewing (e.g., “Can you share with me if or how your weight
from their primary care providers, as well as poor communication affects your perception of yourself?).85 Coping strategies to address
and blaming most health issues on excess weight.74 internalized weight bias should be incorporated into behavioural in-
terventions, consistent with the principles of cognitive behavioural
Furthermore, there is substantial documented data that weight bias therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy. (See the Effective
may negatively affect healthcare professionals’ obesity manage- Psychological and Behavioural Interventions in Obesity Management
ment practices.8 This evidence suggests that patients with obesity chapter for more information on these therapies.)
are vulnerable to weight bias in healthcare settings, which may im-
pact morbidity and mortality. For example, existing evidence suggests Reviews of weight bias reduction interventions have shown that
that healthcare professionals may be spending inadequate time one approach is not sufficient to reduce weight bias among health

Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines 5

professionals.1,67,87 These reviews highlight the importance of mov- with obesity. There is a need for more research, beyond convenience
ing beyond awareness and information provision to raising skills and or treatment-seeking groups, toward replication with more gener-
competencies in health professionals and advocating change in social alizable populations. The development and testing of novel inter-
norms and ideologies about body weight. A systematic review of 17 ventions are also needed to reduce weight bias, or its impact on
weight bias reduction interventions among health student trainees and behaviour, in medical trainees, practicing physicians, other health
practicing health professionals identified four key components to help professionals and other staff members of health organizations.
decrease weight bias among health professionals:

1. Present facts about uncontrollable and non-modifiable causes of Downloaded from: https://obesitycanada.ca/guidelines/weightbias
obesity (i.e., genetics, biology, environment, socio-cultural influences
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDeriv-
and social determinants of health); atives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). For reprint and all other inquiries
please contact [email protected] / +1-(780)-492-8361.

2. Provide positive contact with patients living with obesity to evoke The summary of the Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines is published
empathy (i.e., include the patient voice); in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, and contains information on the full
methodology, management of authors’ competing interests, a brief overview of all
recommendations and other details. More detailed guideline chapters are published on
3. Include empathic obesity experts as peer-modelling health the Obesity Canada website at www.obesitycanada.ca/guidelines.

professionals; and

Repeat exposure to patients living with obesity over the Correspondence:
long term.87 [email protected]

Promising strategies to reduce stigma in the healthcare setting include:

1. Improving provider attitudes about patients with obesity and/or
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physical activity levels, higher caloric intake, greater disordered Obes. 2008;32(6):992-1000. doi:10.1038/ijo.2008.22
eating behaviours35 and even greater cardiometabolic risk.89 There
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