Cysts of The Jaws

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Primordial cyst
Dentigerous cyst (follicular)
Radicular cyst (periodontal, dental, periapical, inflammatory, infected)
Lateral periodontal cyst
Residual cyst
Odontogenic keratocyst
Calcifying odontogenic cyst (Gorlin cyst)


Fissural cysts:
Globulomaxillary cyst
Median mandibular cyst (median alveolar)
Nasopalatine duct cyst (incisive canal cyst, nasopalatine canal cyst)
Median palatal cyst
Nasolabial cyst (nasoalveolar)

Other cysts:
Traumatic bone cyst (simple bone cyst, hemorrhagic cyst, intraosseous hematoma,
idiopathic bone cyst, extravasation bone cyst, solitary bone cyst, solitary
bone cavity)
Aneurysmal bone cyst
Mucous retention cyst of maxillary sinus (sinus mucocele, mucoid retention cyst of
maxillary sinus, antral retention cyst)
Stafne bone cavity (Stafne bone cyst, lingual cortical defect of the mandible, static
bone cavity, latent bone cyst, developmental defect cyst)

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A cyst is an epithelium-lined sac containing fluid or semisolid material. In the formation of a
cyst, the epithelial cells first proliferate and later undergo degeneration and liquefaction.
The liquefied material exerts equal pressure on the walls of the cyst from within. This
makes the cyst spherical except when adjoining teeth produce unequal resistance to its
growth. Cysts grow by expansion and thus displace the adjacent teeth by pressure. When
large, they can produce expansion of the cortical bone. On a radiograph, the radiolucency
of a cyst is usually bordered by a radiopaque periphery of dense sclerotic (reactive) bone.
The radiolucency may be unilocular or multilocular. Cysts are classified as odontogenic
cysts, facial cleft cysts (fissural cysts), and other cysts (nonepitheliated bone cysts, mucous
retention cysts and developmental defect cysts).

Odontogenic cysts are those which arise from the epithelium associated with the
development of teeth. The source of epithelium is from the enamel organ, the reduced
enamel epithelium, the cell rests of Malassez or the remnants of the dental lamina.

Facial cleft or fissural cysts are nonodontogenic cysts that arise from the inclusion of
epithelial remnants at the lines of fusion of the various embryonic processes that unite to
form the mouth and face. The theory that all the fissural cysts are found at the lines of
fissural closure has been found by some authors to be inaccurate. Nevertheless, for
convenience these fissural cysts are grouped together in the classification.

Cysts are formed either in bone or in soft tissue. When found in bone, they are called
central cysts and when found in soft tissue, they are called peripheral cysts.

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A primordial cyst arises from cystic changes in a developing tooth bud before the formation

of enamel and dentin matrix. Since the primordial cyst arises from a tooth bud, the tooth

will be missing from the dental arch unless the cyst arose from the tooth bud of a

supernumerary tooth. The mandibular third and fourth molar regions are the most common

locations for a primordial cyst. It is usually found in children and young adults between 10

and 30 years of age. Radiographically, the primordial cyst is a circular radiolucency with a

radiopaque border and found at the site where the tooth failed to develop. Many

investigators have reported that most primordial cysts have the same characteristic

features as those of odontogenic keratocysts. However, until conclusive proof is

established, primordial cysts and odontogenic keratocysts are considered separate entities.

Fig. 12-1 Developing tooth follicle of a supernumerary tooth with calcification occurring

in the follicle. If calcification had failed to occur, then it would have formed a

primordial cyst.

Fig. 12-2 Primordial cyst arising from the tooth bud of the fourth molar.

Fig. 12-3 Developing tooth follicles of the third molars may be misdiagnosed as

primordial cysts.

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DENTIGEROUS CYST (Follicular cyst)

A dentigerous or follicular cyst is formed from the accumulation of fluid between the

reduced enamel epithelium and the completely formed tooth crown or in the layers of the

reduced enamel epithelium. The crown projects into the cystic space. The tooth remains

unerupted because of the overlying cyst. A dentigerous cyst almost exclusively occurs in

the permanent dentition, especially in association with impacted mandibular third molars

and with impacted maxillary canines. Sometimes the cyst may be situated on only one

surface of the crown. Radiographically, the well-defined radiolucency has a radiopaque

border and surrounds the crown of an impacted or unerupted tooth. The dentigerous cyst

is found in children and adolescents; the highest incidence is in the second and third


Whenever a radiographic diagnosis of a dentigerous cyst is made, the possibility of it being

a mural ameloblastoma (that is, a neoplastic transformation of the epithelial lining of a

dentigerous cyst) should also be considered. Other pericoronal radiolucencies that

radiographically resemble dentigerous cysts are stated below in the differential diagnosis

for consideration. It is, therefore, imperative that the clinician send the enucleated

specimen for microscopic examination.

The differential diagnosis of a pericoronal radiolucency includes dentigerous cyst, mural

ameloblastoma, odontogenic adenomatoid tumor, odontogenic keratocyst, ameloblastic

fibroma, ameloblastoma, and calcifying odontogenic cyst.

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Fig. 12-4 Dentigerous cyst (follicular cyst) encircling the crown of the unerupted molar.

Fig. 12-5 Dentigerous cyst encircling the crown of the unerupted mandibular molar.

Fig. 12-6 Dentigerous cyst attached to the mesial side of the right mandibular third


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RADICULAR CYST (Periodontal, dental, periapical cysts, inflammatory and infected cysts)

The radicular cyst is the most common cyst and is frequently classified as an inflammatory
cyst. It has its origin from the cell rests of Malassez which are present in periodontal and
periapical ligament, and in periapical granulomas. The main cause of the cyst is infection
from the crown of a carious tooth producing an inflammatory reaction at the tooth apex and
forming a granuloma. The liquefaction of the apical granuloma produces a radicular cyst.
The pulp of the involved tooth is degenerated and the tooth is nonvital. In a multirooted
tooth where only one root is associated with the pulpo-periapical pathosis, the tooth will
frequently give a vital reaction. Initially, the patient may have had pain from the pulpitis and
this is followed by a period without symptoms when the cyst is formed. Therefore, when
radicular cysts are found they are usually painless but may sometimes exhibit mild pain or
sensitivity to percussion.

Radiographically, the radiolucency is well-circumscribed at the apex of a tooth and usually

has a radiopaque border. The lamina dura and periodontal ligament space are destroyed
in the region where the lesion is attached to the root. Although a radicular cyst may be
misdiagnosed for a granuloma or an abscess, the specific diagnosis is not that critical
because all three can be treated by endodontic therapy or with curettage and apicoectomy.
(See also chapter on "Apical Lesions").

Fig. 12-7 Radicular cyst with a prominent radiopaque border at the apices of the first
molar. The first molar is nonvital.

Fig. 12-8 A large radicular cyst at the root apices of the first molar. The lesion has a
distinct radiopaque border. An apical inflammatory lesion which is of large
size and has well-defined margins is most probably a radicular cyst.

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The lateral periodontal cyst develops in the periodontal ligament adjacent to the lateral

surface of the root of an erupted tooth. It is an uncommon cyst, and when found, is often

located in the mandibular premolar region which is an area where supernumerary teeth are

frequently found. The lateral periodontal cyst is an asymptomatic cyst. The involved teeth

are vital unlike a radicular cyst. On a radiograph, the cyst is seen as a well-defined round

or ovoid radiolucency with a radiopaque border. If, on microscopic examination, features of

an odontogenic keratocyst are observed then the final diagnosis is that of an odontogenic


Fig. 12-9 Lateral periodontal cyst in its characteristic location in the mandibular

premolar region. The teeth are vital.

Fig. 12-10 Lateral periodontal cyst which histologically had a keratin lining, that is, an

odontogenic keratocyst developed from the lateral periodontal cyst.

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When a tooth having a radicular cyst at its apex is extracted, the radicular cyst is left behind

in bone and is now called a residual cyst. A residual cyst can also rise from remnants of

the epithelial rests after the extraction of a tooth. This cyst occurs in older individuals, the

average age is 50 years. The radiographic appearance is that of a circular radiolucency

surrounded by a radiopaque border and occurring in an edentulous area. A residual cyst

can easily be misdiagnosed as a primordial cyst. The latter arises in lieu of a tooth

whereas a residual cyst arises in relation to an extracted tooth.

Fig. 12-11 Residual cyst at the apex of the socket of the extracted tooth.

Fig. 12-12 Residual cyst in the maxillary canine region. In the differential diagnosis, the

possibility of the lesion being a globulomaxillary cyst should also be


Fig. 12-13 Residual cyst at the apical site of the extracted first premolar. In the

differential diagnosis, other odontogenic cysts (besides a residual cyst)

should be considered, such as: (1) a primordial cyst developed from either

the first premolar or a supernumerary tooth, (2) lateral periodontal cyst, (3)

odontogenic keratocyst. A radicular cyst should not be considered because

the associated second premolar is vital and has an intact periodontal space.

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An odontogenic keratocyst has a keratinized epithelial lining and an extremely high rate of

recurrence. It occurs over a wide range of ages: from 5 to 85 years, the peak incidence

being the second and third decades. On a radiograph, a keratocyst may assume the

appearance of any odontogenic cyst, for example, primordial, dentigerous, radicular, lateral

periodontal or residual cyst. It may produce cortical expansion of bone. The most common

site of occurrence is the mandibular third molar and ramus areas. The lesion appears as

an unilocular or multilocular radiolucency with a thin radiopaque border of reactive bone.

Odontogenic keratocyst shows a striking tendency to recur after enucleation.

An odontogenic keratocyst must be differentiated microscopically and radiographically from

other cysts and tumors. If it occurs in the inter-radicular region, it must be differentiated

from a primordial cyst, lateral periodontal cyst, calcifying odontogenic cyst and residual

cyst. If it occurs pericoronally, it must be differentiated from other pericoronal

radiolucencies like dentigerous cyst, mural ameloblastoma, adenomatoid odontogenic

tumor, ameloblastic fibroma and calcifying odontogenic cyst. If the odontogenic keratocyst

occurs as multilocular radiolucencies it must be differentiated from other multilocular lesions

like ameloblastoma, aneurysmal bone cyst, central hemangioma, giant cell lesion of

hyperparathyroidism, odontogenic myxoma, central giant cell granuloma, fibrous dysplasia

and metastatic tumors of the jaws.

Basal cell nevus syndrome: The occurrence of multiple keratocysts is a characteristic

finding in basal cell nevus syndrome. The syndrome, also known as, nevoid basal cell

carcinoma syndrome, consists of a number of abnormalities, including multiple basal cell

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nevi, multiple jaw cysts, bifid ribs, and intracranial calcifications. The nevoid basal cell

carcinomas are usually multiple and involve the face, neck, back, and thorax, often in areas

not exposed to the sun. Other anomalies have also been reported: calcification of falx

cerebri, mild mandibular prognathism, ocular hypertelorism (eyes widely separated), pits on

the palms and soles, characteristic frontal and temporoparietal bossing, and various

skeletal anomalies. No single patient has all the listed abnormalities. Basal cell nevus

syndrome appears early in life, between the ages of 5 and 30 years.

Fig. 12-14 An odontogenic keratocyst having a multilocular appearance. It should be

differentiated from other multilocular lesions.

Fig. 12-15 An odontogenic keratocyst in the left body and ramus of the mandible and

appearing as a large solitary radiolucency.

Fig. 12-16 An odontogenic keratocyst having a radiographic appearance similar to that

of a dentigerous cyst.

Fig. 12-17 Multiple odontogenic keratocysts associated with basal cell nevus syndrome.

Basal cell nevus syndrome consists of a number of abnormalities, including

multiple nevoid basal cell carcinomas, bifid ribs and multiple jaw cysts.

Fig. 12-18A Intracranial calcifications in basal cell nevus syndrome.

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Fig. 12-18B Calcification of falx cerebri in basal cell nevus syndrome. (Courtesy Dr. Jim


Fig. 12-19 Calcification of falx cerebri in basal cell nevus syndrome.

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CALCIFYING ODONTOGENIC CYST (Gorlin cyst, Keratinizing and calcifying
odontogenic cyst)
Calcifying (epithelial) odontogenic cyst, also called Gorlin cyst, is a rare, slow-growing,
benign, tumor-like cyst. It occupies a position between a cyst and an odontogenic tumor
since it has some characteristics of a solid neoplasm (continued growth) and some features
of a cyst. It should not be confused with the calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor
(Pindborg tumor). This cyst is found in females before the age of 40 years and in males
after the age of 40 years. It is equally distributed in the maxilla and the mandible. Most of
the calcifying odontogenic cysts are found anterior to the first mandibular molar. On a
radiograph, the calcifying odontogenic cyst assumes the appearance of any odontogenic
cyst. The radiolucency may be unilocular or multilocular. It is not unusual to find this cyst
as a pericoronal radiolucency to an unerupted tooth. Initially, the calcified material may be
visible microscopically only, in which case, it is completely radiolucent. In other cases, the
calcified component may be large enough to occupy the whole lesion. The calcifying
odontogenic cyst has been associated clinically with odontomas and ameloblastic fibro-

Fig. 12-20 Calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst, also known as Gorlin cyst, showing
radiographic evidence of calcified material in the radiolucency.

Fig. 12-21 Occlusal technique projection of a calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst

showing expansion of the buccal cortical plate. Some of the teeth are
displaced by the lesion.

Fig. 12-22 Calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst. This radiolucency does not show any
radiographic evidence of calcified material. Microscopically, calcific areas
were present in the lesion.

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The globulomaxillary cyst is a fissural cyst, originating from epithelial inclusions trapped at

the line of fusion between the globular portion of the median nasal process and the

maxillary process. This cyst is considered by most pathologists to be not of developmental

but of odontogenic origin, that is, it is currently considered to be one of the odontogenic

cysts. On a radiograph, the globulomaxillary cyst is seen as an unilocular inverted pear-

shaped (sometimes circular-shaped) radiolucency located between the roots of the

maxillary lateral incisor and canine. It causes divergence of the roots of these teeth. The

lateral incisor and canine are vital, and have intact lamina dura and periodontal ligament

space. In edentulous cases, the radiolucent lesion is circular in shape instead of the

inverted pear shape.

Fig. 12-23 Globulomaxillary cyst showing separation of roots of the maxillary lateral

incisor and canine. The adjoining teeth (lateral and canine) are vital. Notice

the characteristic inverted pear-shaped appearance.

Fig. 12-24 Globulomaxillary cyst showing the characteristic inverted pear-shaped

appearance. The adjoining teeth are vital.

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MEDIAN MANDIBULAR CYST (Median alveolar cyst)

Median mandibular cyst is considered to be a very rare cyst. It occurs in the midline of the

mandible between the mandibular central incisors from the epithelium trapped in the line of

fusion of the paired mandibular processes. Some pathologists believe that it is not of

developmental origin but is probably either a primordial cyst from a supernumerary tooth, a

lateral periodontal cyst, or a radicular cyst. The cyst is asymptomatic and the associated

teeth react normally to pulp vitality tests.

Fig. 12-25 Median mandibular cyst is a very rare cyst. The radiolucency (arrows)

between the two central incisors is a median mandibular cyst.

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NASOPALATINE DUCT CYST (Incisive canal cyst, Nasopalatine canal cyst)

The nasopalatine duct cyst, also known as incisive canal cyst, is the most common

nonodontogenic developmental cyst. It is derived from the embryonic epithelial remnants of

the nasopalatine duct which is enclosed within the incisive canal and normally disappears

before birth. On a radiograph, the nasopalatine duct cyst is often misdiagnosed for a large

incisive foramen. The cyst is located anteriorly in the midline between or above the roots of

the maxillary central incisors. The image of the radiopaque anterior nasal spine may in turn

be superimposed over the dark cystic cavity, giving it a heart-shaped appearance. Other

appearances of the cyst may be round or ovoid. The nasopalatine duct cyst is

asymptomatic and usually does not cause any separation or divergence of the roots. The

central incisors are vital, and have intact periodontal ligament space and lamina dura.

Radiopaque stones or concrements are sometimes formed in the incisive canal. The

nasopalatine duct cyst rarely becomes large enough to destroy bone, therefore, no surgical

treatment is necessary for an asymptomatic small cyst. If the cyst shows signs of infection

or shows progressive enlargement, then surgical intervention may be warranted.

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Fig. 12-26 Circular-shaped nasopalatine duct cyst (incisive canal cyst) located in the

region of the maxillary central incisors. The central incisors are vital and

have intact periodontal ligament space and lamina dura.

Fig. 12-27 Heart-shaped nasopalatine duct cyst. The projection of the anterior nasal

spine gives this cyst the characteristic heart-shaped appearance.

Fig. 12-28 Nasopalatine duct cyst having the characteristic heart-shaped appearance.

Fig. 12-29 Circular-shaped nasopalatine duct cyst in an edentulous patient.

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Current views hold that a median palatal cyst is not a separate cyst. A growing trend is to

report all maxillary midline developmental cysts as nasopalatine duct cysts, thereby

encompassing the so-called median palatal cyst. Many clinicians are of the opinion that the

median palatal cyst represents a more posterior presentation of the nasopalatine duct cyst

rather than the cystic degeneration of epithelial rests at the line of fusion of the palatine

processes of the maxilla.

Fig. 12-30 Median palatal cyst. Many believe that the median palatal cyst represents a

more posterior extension of the nasopalatine duct cyst, hence there is no

separate lesion as a median palatine cyst; in reality it is a nasopalatine duct


In this patient, the four incisors were treated endodontically in the mistaken

diagnosis that the radiolucency was an inflammatory (pulpo-periapical)


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NASOLABIAL CYST (Nasoalveolar cyst)

Nasolabial cyst, also known as nasoalveolar cyst, is a soft tissue fissural cyst that causes a

swelling in the mucolabial fold below the ala of the nose superior to the roots of the

maxillary lateral incisor and canine. The cyst may produce elevation of the ala of the nose

on that side. The origin of the cyst is from the epithelium entrapped at the fusion of the

globular, lateral nasal, and maxillary processes. Nasolabial cyst is not visible on a

radiograph because it is a soft tissue cyst. If a radiopaque dye is injected into the cyst, it is

clearly visible on a radiograph.

Fig. 12-31 Nasolabial (nasoalveolar) cyst is a soft tissue cyst which is made visible on

the radiograph by injecting it with a radiopaque dye.

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TRAUMATIC BONE CYST (Simple bone cyst, Hemorrhagic cyst, Intraosseous

hematoma, Idiopathic bone cyst, Extravasation bone cyst, Solitary bone cyst)

Traumatic bone cyst, also known as simple bone cyst, is not classified as a true cyst

because the lesion lacks an epithelial lining. The pathogenesis of this pseudocyst is not

known. Many pathologists believe the lesion is a sequela of trauma. Trauma produces

hemorrhage within the medullary spaces of bone. In a normal case, the blood clot

(hematoma) gets organized to form connective tissue and then new bone. However, if the

blood clot for some reason fails to organize, the clot degenerates and forms an empty

cavity or a cavity sparsely filled with some serosanguineous fluid and blood clots. It is then

called a traumatic bone cyst. Most patients are unable to recall any past history of a

traumatic injury to the jaws.

Traumatic bone cyst is a painless lesion having no signs and symptoms, and normally does

not produce cortical bone expansion. The lesion shows a strong predilection for

adolescents and individuals under 40 years of age. The most frequent site of occurrence is

the mandibular posterior region and to a lesser extent the mandibular anterior region.

Another relatively frequent site is the humerus and other long bones. The involved teeth

are vital. The traumatic bone cyst is usually discovered incidentally on radiographic

examination. The lesion appears as a well-delineated radiolucency with a radiopaque

border. When the radiolucency is adjacent to the roots of teeth, it has a scalloped

appearance extending between the roots. The teeth are not displaced, and the lamina dura

and periodontal ligament space appear intact. If the lesion occurs in areas not associated

with the roots of teeth, the well-defined radiolucency may be round or ovoid.

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A definitive diagnosis of a traumatic bone cyst can be made only after surgical exploration.

However, before surgically entering such a defect, aspiration from the cavity is necessary

to rule out the possibility of the lesion being a vascular tumor. After the cyst has been

surgically entered, manipulation of the walls of the cavity will induce bleeding into the

lesion. If the cyst is then closed, the blood clot heals and later forms bone. Since the teeth

in the involved area are vital, they should not be sacrificed.

Fig. 12-32 Traumatic bone cyst, also known as simple bone cyst, exhibiting the

characteristic scalloping between the roots of the mandibular anterior teeth.

Fig. 12-33 Traumatic bone cyst (simple bone cyst) exhibiting the characteristic

scalloping in the mandibular premolar and first molar region. The second

mandibular premolar was treated endodontically in the mistaken diagnosis

that the large radiolucency was an inflammatory apical lesion.

Fig. 12-34 Traumatic bone cyst exhibiting a well-defined radiopaque border.

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Aneurysmal bone cyst is not classified as a true bony cyst because the lesion does not
have an epithelial lining. It can occur in almost any bone of the skeleton but is more
frequent in the spinal column and in the long bones. This abnormality occurs in
adolescents and young adults. The cause of this pseudocyst is unknown but some
clinicians believe it to be associated with trauma; although most patients fail to give such a
history of trauma. Current opinion is that it is an exaggerated localized proliferative
response of vascular tissue. It is similar to a central giant cell granuloma and contains giant
cells which represent an attempt at repair of a hematoma of bone. The lesion consists of
fibrous connective tissue stroma containing many cavernous or sinusoidal blood-filled
spaces. The rapid growth of the lesion produces expansion of the cortical plates but does
not destroy them. The tender painful swelling produces a marked deformity. The swelling
is non-pulsatile and on auscultation, no bruit is heard. If the lesion is an aneurysmal bone
cyst, blood can be aspirated with a syringe. The lesion may hemorrhage profusely at the
time of surgery but may not create any problem because the blood is not under a great
degree of pressure. On a radiograph, the lesion appears as a well-circumscribed unilocular
or multilocular cystic lesion causing expansion of cortical plates and resulting in a
ballooning or "blow-out" appearance. The radiolucency is traversed by thin septa, giving it
a soap bubble appearance. The teeth are vital and may sometimes be displaced with or
without concomitant external root resorption.

Fig. 12-35 Aneurysmal bone cyst in the anterior region of the mandible exhibiting
internal septa.
Fig. 12-36 Aneurysmal bone cyst producing expansion of the cortical plates.

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retention cyst of maxillary sinus, Antral retention cyst)

Mucous retention cyst of maxillary sinus is a well-delineated, radiopaque, dome-shaped or

hemi-spherical cyst with the antral wall as its base. Most of the mucous retention cysts are

located on the floor of the sinus while some are attached to other walls of the maxillary

sinus. Although the terms sinus mucous retention cyst and sinus mucocele are sometimes

used synonymously, the two lesions are different in etiology and biologic behavior. A sinus

retention cyst is a self-limiting nondestructive lesion whereas a sinus mucocele is a

destructive lesion which encroaches the adjoining bony structures and landmarks.

The mucous retention cyst represents an accumulation of fluid in the submucosa of the

sinus and produces the characteristic radiographic appearance (dome-shaped). Although

the cyst arises from soft tissue (sinus mucosa), it is clearly visible on a radiograph because

of the radiolucency of the sinus. The lesion may be inflammatory in origin. The fluid

appears to be an inflammatory exudate that may on occasion represent extension of

adjacent dental infection for which the patient should be evaluated. It has been suggested

that allergies and sinusitis probably play a role in their formation since their peak incidence

correlates with times of the year when such conditions have a high incidence. Mucous

retention cysts are usually asymptomatic but on rare occasions may cause some pain and

tenderness in the teeth and face over the sinus. A few of the cysts may persist without

change for a long time but a majority disappear spontaneously due to rupture; some may

reappear. Those that are of moderate size and asymptomatic can be left untreated. (See

also chapter on "Maxillary Sinus")

Fig. 12-37 Mucous retention cyst seen as a dome-shaped soft tissue radiopacity on the

floor of the maxillary sinus.

Fig. 12-38 Mucous retention cyst on the floor of the maxillary sinus.

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STAFNE BONE CAVITY (Stafne bone cyst, Lingual cortical defect of the mandible,

Static bone cyst, Latent bone cyst, Developmental defect cyst)

Stafne bone cavity, also known as static bone cyst, is a developmental defect of the

mandible in the form of a lingual depression into which lies an aberrant lobe of the

submandibular salivary gland. The developmental defect is entirely asymptomatic and

does not change in size, hence the term "static" bone cavity. Usually, this defect is

unilateral, although on rare occasions bilateral defects have been reported. Stafne bone

cavity cannot be palpated manually; it is discovered incidentally during radiographic

examination. On a radiograph, the defect is seen in its characteristic location near the

angle of the mandible below the mandibular canal. A similar depression related to the

sublingual salivary gland is sometimes found in the anterior region. The Stafne bone cavity

appears as a well-defined ovoid or round radiolucency with a wide radiopaque border. To

differentiate a Stafne bone cavity from other lesions, sialography of the submandibular

gland is performed by injecting a radiopaque dye into the Wharton's duct. If the dye gets

carried through the radiolucency, the diagnosis of Stafne bone cavity is confirmed.

Fig. 12-39 Stafne bone cavity is a well-defined cyst-like radiolucency with a radiopaque

border. Its characteristic location is near the angle of the mandible, inferior to

the mandibular canal.

Fig. 12-40 Stafne bone cavity near the angle of the mandible, inferior to the mandibular


Fig. 12-41 Stafne bone cavity located near the angle of the mandible in an edentulous


Fig. 12-42 Although rare, Stafne bone cavity may be found in the anterior mandibular

region. This depression or cavity is related to the sublingual salivary gland.

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Fig. 12-43 Osteoporotic bone marrow defect in the edentulous region. It is an area of

hematopoietic or fatty marrow and is seen usually in sites of abnormal

healing following extraction, trauma or local inflammation.

Fig. 12-44 Maxillary sinus may be misdiagnosed as a cyst. On a radiograph of the

maxillary canine region, the maxillary sinus may be misinterpreted as a

radicular cyst. The periodontal ligament space is normal and the tooth is


Fig. 12-45 Maxillary sinus may be misdiagnosed as a cyst. The crescent shape of the

sinus floor and the two septa give the illusion of a cyst.

Fig. 12-46 Illusion of a cyst. The radiolucency between the radiopaque external and

internal oblique lines produces the illusion of a cyst.

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Fig. 12-47 Differential diagnosis of an odontogenic cyst in the edentulous site distal to

the mandibular premolar: 1) a primordial cyst developed from either a

permanent or a supernumerary tooth, 2) residual cyst developed after the

extraction of the permanent tooth, 3) lateral periodontal cyst, 4) odontogenic

keratocyst. The lesion is not a radicular cyst because the associated

premolar is vital and has an intact periodontal space.

Fig. 12-48 Differential diagnosis of a pericoronal radiolucency associated with an

anterior tooth. The radiolucency around the crown of the mandibular

impacted canine may be: 1) dentigerous cyst, 2) mural ameloblastoma, 3)

odontogenic adenomatoid tumor, 4) odontogenic keratocyst, 5) ameloblastic

fibroma, 6) calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst (Gorlin cyst).

Fig. 12-49 Differential diagnosis of a pericoronal radiolucency associated with a

posterior tooth. The radiolucency around the crown of the displaced

mandibular impacted third molar (X) produces an expansion of the cortical

bone. The radiolucency may be: 1) dentigerous cyst, 2) mural

ameloblastoma, 3) ameloblastoma, 4) odontogenic keratocyst,

5) ameloblastic fibroma, 6) calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (Pindborg


OD17-12/2 Page 25
Fig. 12-50 Differential diagnosis of a solitary cyst-like radiolucency between the maxillary

lateral incisor and canine: 1) globulomaxillary cyst, 2) radicular cyst, 3)

adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, 3) odontogenic keratocyst, 4) palatal cleft.

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