Bois Des Champs - Architectural Guideline 13072020

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for Residential Properties at

Part of Mont Choisy Smart City

JULY 2020

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Plot-owners will require specific written approval from the Syndic for the following items:

a. Building Design
b. Outbuildings (Garden Sheds, Stores & similar structures)
c. Driveway
d. External Materials
e. Colours
f. Externally located air conditioning units, evaporative coolers & any other services
g. Any works requiring external surface wiring/piping/conduits/trunking etc. on building
h. Solar water heaters, Satellite Dishes & any other services located on roof/high level
i. Pergolas, patios & verandahs
j. Swimming pool & associated structures
k. Rainwater tanks & Compost pits

No application for BLUP shall be submitted to the local authorities and no construction can start
without a ‘Letter of Approval’ from the Syndic.

All drawings must be prepared by an architect registered with the Professional Architect Council of
Mauritius and submitted for approval to the Syndic.


Stage 1 drawings submitted to the Syndic shall be accompanied by a Checklist filled by the Architect
who prepared the drawings.

The checklist shall confirm compliance with these Architectural Guidelines as well as the most current
Local Authority Planning Policy Guidelines (PPG), BLUP Guidelines & all other statutory requirements
that are applicable.

The following drawings must be submitted in 3 hard copies + 1 CD with CAD/DWG format:

a. Site plan with building ground floor plans and roof lines indicated in dotted

b. Plans of all floors indicating uses of rooms, including Roof Plan, for all structures on site

c. All elevations of all buildings & outbuildings on site with ground, floor & roof levels

d. At least 2 sections of all buildings & outbuildings on site with all levels as listed above

Note: Syndic may request more sections if deemed necessary

The drawings must have all the following information:

a. Plot-owner signature on all submitted drawings and on Checklist

b. Name & PAC registration number of Architect on all submitted drawings plus Checklist

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c. Area calculations for all buildings including terraces, patios & outbuildings on site plan

d. Plot Coverage (%) on site plan

e. Roof area calculations

f. Building setbacks, disturbance zones + distance of all structures from plot boundaries

g. Stormwater disposal & Landscaping (location of required trees/plants) on site plan

h. Drainage and how it is concealed, as well as the sewer connection on site plan

i. Layout of driveway & entrance including position of bins & metres

j. Boundary walls & fencings with hedge, retaining walls & screens - including elevations

k. Height of building & chimney (if any) from the plot benchmark given in Guidelines

l. Roof angles

m. All external finishes, including roofs, windows, shutters & colour specifications


Each applicant shall engage a competent Structural Engineer for the structural design of all buildings
on site & drainage requirements. This advice shall be obtained at design stage, i.e. before application
for permit.

During construction, the site must be regularly visited by the Structural Engineer to confirm
conformance to structural details, formation level, depth and drainage details.


After the design & architectural drawings have been approved by the Syndic, they shall be submitted
to the District Council for BLUP together with the structural drawings.

On receipt of the BLUP from the District Council, applicants may proceed with the construction of the
building in accordance with the BLUP approved design & any conditions in the BLUP, and after
completing the security procedures required for each builder.

The most current BLUP Guide & Planning Policy Guidelines (PPG) shall be read in conjunction with
these Architectural Guidelines, and none of the Guidelines shall be interpreted so as not to comply
with any laws of Mauritius.

All fees for Syndic and District Council are to be paid by the applicant i.e. the plot-owner.


Prior to start of construction, the owner of each plot shall inform the Syndic of their contractor & sub-
contractors’ names, contacts persons with contact details together with the dates for Beginning and
End of Construction.

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Also prior to start of construction, the owner of each plot shall give their contractor & sub-contractors,
a copy of the rules pertaining to Contractors’ Conduct as described in the Architectural Guidelines.

The plot owner shall submit a signed acknowledgment from the contractor that it shall abide to all the
terms and conditions of the Syndic.

The penalty for not following the Contractors’ Conduct must also be explained clearly to any party or
person contracted to work inside the residential complex on behalf of the plot-owner.

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 Building types permitted are Residential Villas for single / individual households & Residential
Townhouses / Duplexes sharing common walls. Apartments not permitted.

 No building other than those for Residential purposes will be allowed for construction. Once built,
no Residential Building shall be allowed to be converted for any other purposes without the
written consent of the syndic (e.g. place of worship, commercial, office).

 Only 1 dwelling per plot shall be permitted. Dwellings can be either single-storey i.e. Ground only
OR double-storey Ground +1 with First Floor.

 If the same owner of 2 or more adjacent plots wishes to merge those plots to build a house or set
of townhouses, this intent shall first be communicated to the Syndic and written approval

Subsequently, the building(s) can be designed with the omission of the maximum disturbance area
& setbacks along the common boundary line between the merged plots.

Note: When plots are merged, the owner will still have to respect the maximum Plot Coverage with
respect to total site area of all combined plots, maximum First Floor area and Building Setbacks &
Disturbance Zones vis-à-vis their street-front and neighbouring/ side /rear plot boundaries, as
required by the Guidelines.

The aim of the Syndic is to achieve a built environment within a short period of time. Construction
phasing will thus be permitted within the development provided that:

 All phases of design comply with these Guidelines & plot-owner carries out the requisite Syndic
Approval & BLUP process for any subsequent addition or alteration.

 Minimum ground floor coverage of 100 m2 will be built in the first construction phase.

 The plot-owner can choose to apply for the approval of the complete project by submitting
separate drawing sets for each phase or apply for only 1 phase at a time.


 A maximum Disturbance Zone & Building Line will be identified on each plot.

 The Disturbance Zone shall be a minimum distance of 1.5 metres from street-side plot boundaries
& 2 metres from neighbour/side/rear plot boundaries - within which buried structures like pump-
rooms or uncovered plinths, pools, decks, terraces, patios & balconies shall be permitted.

 As per statutory WMA requirements, any waste-water infrastructure must be located a minimum
of 2 metres away from any plot boundary or structure on site.

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 No construction permitted outside Disturbance Zone except boundary walls/fences, access roads/
driveway, parking & buried services. These shall be clearly indicated on plan with
dimensions/distance from plot boundaries; and are subject to Syndic approval.

 The Building Line shall be set out with a Minimum Setback of 4.5 metres from street-side plot
boundaries & 2 metres from neighbour/side/rear plot boundaries.

 Verandahs, balconies, patios, staircases, gazebos, pergolas, built-in barbeques, or any other
structure more than 300 mm high are in general consideration to be part of the building structures
so must respect the Building Setbacks & be within the Building Lines.

 The bottom/outer edge of roof overhangs & canopies must at no time be closer than 1 metre from
any boundary lines.

 Decks are generally not to be higher than 500 mm above ground level (without filling). Higher
decks, if required because of site topography, will only be considered if not intrusive to


 Maximum Plot Coverage cannot exceed 45 %.

 When calculating coverage, all enclosed spaces on ground floor shall be taken as 100% of their
area on plan, measured to the external face of the external walls. Terraces, decks, verandahs,
porches, carports, kiosks, gazebos, outbuildings and similar uses shall be included in coverage if
they are covered by a roof.

 Where the terrace, verandah, porch, carport, kiosk, gazebo or outbuilding is backed by no more
than 1 wall, the area shall be included as 50% of its plan area in the coverage calculation. If backed
or enclosed by 2 or more walls, 100% of the area shall be included in the coverage calculation.

 Areas under overhangs & canopies that exceed 1.2 metres depth from the building façade, must
be included in the plot coverage calculation as per the principle for terraces, verandahs etc.
described above.

 In double-storey Ground + 1 dwellings, the total area of the covered First Floor cannot exceed 75
% of the total area of the covered Ground Floor Area (including the total area of covered terraces
on both floors).

 Each dwelling shall have a verandah/terrace under pitched roof with an area that is minimum
10% of the dwelling surface area at ground floor.

 Verandahs/ Terraces/ Balconies cannot be enclosed at any time with glazed openings, in which
case they will no longer be counted as such.

 Roller shutters & concealed shutters will be accepted.

 Ground only (single-storey) buildings of less than 150 m² also require a terrace or verandah

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under pitched roof but no minimum area requirement will be applied.

 For the purpose of calculating the height of buildings, a Benchmark ground level will be specified
by the Syndic for each plot.

 Buildings cannot exceed 2 storeys - Ground and First floor – above Benchmark level.

 Maximum height of any portion of a single-storey Ground only building cannot be more than 7.5
metres above the Benchmark level.

 Maximum height of any portion of a double-storey Ground+1 building cannot be more than 9.0
metres above the Benchmark level.

 Maximum height of chimney-tops (if any are present in the design) cannot be more than 1 metre
above the adjoining roof ridge.

 The lowest point of pitched roof eaves cannot be higher than 2.6 metres above internal finished
Ground Floor level for single-storey Ground only buildings OR 5.8 metres above internal finished
Ground Floor level for double-storey Ground+1 buildings - except where the pitched roof is above
a pitched canopy or another lower roof.

 A single storey of Basement or Lower Ground floor is permitted but the area cannot exceed the
Covered Ground Floor footprint. Such a floor, if present, must clearly be indicated on submitted
drawings including a floor plan and in elevations/sections.

Note: Basements & Lower Ground floors are subject to Syndic approval & may be rejected.


 Kiosk/ Gazebo/ Outbuildings must respect Building Setbacks and be within Building Lines.

 Any religious shrines shall be discreet. No part of shrines/ religious flags/markers/icons etc. shall
be visible from any boundary line.

 Every dwelling shall have a minimum of 2 parking spaces (covered or open) within the plot
boundary, to be clearly indicated on the submitted Site Plan.

All Landscaping items listed below to be clearly indicated on Site Plan or on a separate Landscaping

 Minimum 35 % of plot area should be planted & permeable. Invasive species listed by the National
Parks & Conservation Service of Mauritius (NPCS), National Plant Protection Service (NPPO) &
Mauritian Wildlife Foundation (MWF) are strictly forbidden.

 1 no. Shade Tree growing to a minimum of 3 metre height must be planted by plot-owner within

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Building Setback at all street-front boundaries. Corner plots will need to have 2nos. Shade Trees
planted, one for each street boundary. Tree to be chosen from Syndic approved list of trees in
Annexure 1 - position & species to be indicated on drawing.

 Fast-growing tall screen planting like Multipliant, Bamboo or equivalent must be done by the plot-
owner on inside of all boundary fences (street-side & neighbour-side) & kept trimmed to a
maximum height of 1.8 metres from natural ground level – also see section on Privacy under
Architectural Guidelines.


 An on-site Waste-water Treatment Plant (also called mini-STP) together with connected Irrigation
Tank from an approved supplier is compulsory for every plot. The design of the waste-water
system shall be submitted in the Syndic application together with the calculations.

Note: A moratorium of 3 years from date of obtention of BLUP for construction may be granted on a
case to case basis. The Syndic shall be responsible for implementation of this special clause of contract.

 The Waste-water plant & irrigation tank shall be clearly indicated on the submitted Site Plan with
dimensions and distances from closest plot boundaries and structures. As per statutory WMA
requirements, any sewage/waste-water infrastructure must be located a minimum of 2 metres
away from any plot boundary or structure on site.

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The traditional building form shall be the composed massing of rectangular shapes.

 Small additive components shall be minimized and may be rejected if too many.

 The design shall provide simple, in-scale defined entrances. Large entry structures and the like are

 Circular & curved building forms are not allowed. Chimneys (if present) shall be simple and
rectangular in shape.

 Verandahs, BBQ’s, Kiosks, Gazebos & Outbuildings must also be square or rectangular in shape on
plan. No circular, curved shapes or acute angles will be allowed.


 Only simple Double-pitched or Hipped roofs are allowed. Mansard, Gambrel & other types of
pitched roofs incorporating multiple angles are not permitted. Inverted Double-pitched roofs are
also not permitted – refer to Figure 1.

 Mono-pitched roofs are only allowed over Ground Floor terraces/verandahs/carports or where
there is an adjoining First Floor level in a double-storeyed G+1 house. They are not permitted over
single-storey Ground only buildings. Pitched roof details to comply with Figure 1.

 All First Floor areas to be under Double-pitched or Hipped roof; no flat roofs permitted at First

 Pyramidal roofs only allowed over semi-open standalone Kiosk or Gazebo type structures.

 Roof pitch angle: Minimum 15 degrees & Maximum 45 degrees. All roof angles to be indicated on

 Side-eaves overhang depth: Minimum 750 mm measured horizontally from wall-face. Overhang
dimensions to be indicated on elevations.

 End-eaves overhang depth to Double-pitched roof at gable: Minimum 500 mm measured

horizontally from gable-end wall faces. Overhang dimensions to be indicated on elevations. Gable
wall elevation details to comply with Figure 2.

 No concrete roof upstand is allowed above pitch-roof lines.

 The bottom/outer edge of roof overhangs & canopies must at no time be closer than 1 metre from
any boundary lines.

 Metal structures are permitted for verandahs and canopies except for posts and columns. Metal
purlins ends must be hidden by roof barge board or fascia.

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for Double Pitch roofs over Ground+1 double storey houses

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 Area of Flat Concrete Roof can be no greater than 40% of the total roof area; and is allowed only
above ground floor sections of the buildings.

 For all single-storey Ground only buildings, the Flat Roof can be no greater than 50% of the total
roofed area.

 Maximum Floor to Ceiling height under Flat Roof: 3.3 metres (structural).

 A higher section of Flat Roof is permissible in the centre of the house for double volume areas
above main living spaces. This section can have a maximum floor to ceiling height of 3.8 metres
(structural), conditional on it being surrounded on at least 3 sides by lower roofs or double-storey
parts of the building.

 Maximum Roof Upstand height for Flat Roofs: 400mm above flat roof level.

 Maximum Parapet Wall height of 1.4m above flat roof level is permitted only where required to
hide roof services (Air-Conditioning/ Satellite dish etc). These parapets must be set back on the
roof by 1 metre from the alignment of external walls of the building.

Note: All parapet walls and the services they are concealing must be indicated on drawings submitted
showing the distance from external wall alignment and the height.

 Irregularly shaped or arched windows are not allowed. Only rectangular windows are allowed.
Windows shall be placed parallel with floors, not inclined.

 Doors and windows at First Floor: Lintel to be at a max. 2400mm above first floor level.

 Timber/Glass Louvres are encouraged to maximise cross-ventilation.

 Aluminium or timber shutters must be of simple design. Only horizontal or vertical panel lines are

 Any surface-mounted sliding shutters (galandage type) shall have a concrete window sill on the
full length of the bottom rail and no side vertical frame section.

 Only simple designed burglar bars with predominantly horizontal or vertical format will be
permitted. No external burglar bars will be allowed.

 Proportions of dormer windows must be well balanced with the roof size.

 Roof lights are to be set into the plane of the roof. Roof lights must be the same size where used
in the same plane of the roof.

 Dome fibreglass roof lights are only allowed on flat roofs and top of domes shall be lower than the
top of the roof upstand/ parapet level so as not to be visible from ground level.

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 Garage doors must be of plain timber or aluminium roller shutter. Rectangular proportions are
permitted to a maximum width of 6.0 metres.

 The following window canopy designs are permitted:

o Sloped Canopy matching pitched-roof finish on timber structure

o Timber pergolas

o Concrete canopy, colour matching the building walls, 400 to 600mm depth.

o Square or round timber structures are permitted.

o Only square/round section tubular or parallel assembled flat bars metal structures are allowed
for bracket supports.

o No shade netting, retractable aluminium or canvas awning-type canopies are permitted


The privacy of all residents will be strictly protected & visual pollution controlled stringently.

 Balconies and accessible roof terraces are allowed only on street-side boundary elevations.

 Any balconies or terraces that may overlook onto a neighbouring property from the side must
have those sides completely closed off with either walls or fixed timber screen with slanted slats
sloping down towards the outside, hence preventing any view onto the neighbour’s property.

 For privacy from streets at ground floor level, tall screen planting must be done on the inside of
all boundary fences, street-side & neighbour-side, and kept trimmed to a maximum height of 1.8
metres from natural ground level - also see section on Landscaping in preceding Planning

 All external lighting shall be selected & positioned “to see the pool of light but not the source of
light” especially from the street or neighbouring properties. For this reason, Floodlights
exceeding LED 5W (or equivalent), Coloured lights & Flashing lights are not permitted for
external lighting.

 Lights on external walls or in gardens must not shine upwards or towards the street or
neighbours. External garden lights are to be fixed at a maximum height of 900 mm above ground

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 It is mandatory for the plot-owner to install ‘Betafence’ type plastic-coated steel fences with a
total height of 1.8 metres from natural ground level on all street-side plot boundaries.

 For side/rear boundaries, plot-owners must put either ‘Betafence’ type plastic-coated steel
fences OR stone boundary walls in Coloured Fieldstone/ Roche Couleur with stone coping on top
OR painted rendered block wall – again with a total height of 1.8 metres from natural ground

 Boundary fencing on the project site plot boundaries shall be installed by the developer. It is
optional for plot-owners on the project site boundaries to plant hedges inside these fences,
depending on their own individual privacy needs.

 Gates must be built as per typical Syndic design in Figure 3. Gates can either be sliding, along
inside of boundary fence OR hinged, swinging open inwards into the plot.


 It is encouraged that all Potable water & Rainwater tanks are buried.

 Integrated Solar/hot water tank systems or Potable water tanks or Rainwater tanks can be
placed in the garden on ground floor level but should be located inside the Disturbance Zone &
well away from street-side boundaries. These should be completely concealed with either low
stone walls or with timber/equivalent cladding; and must not be visible from the street-side

 Integrated Solar/hot water tank systems or Potable water tanks or Rainwater tanks can also be
placed on the Flat Roof but should be concealed with parapet walls or screened with
timber/equivalent cladding; and must not be visible from ground level.

Note: Integrated solar heating systems & tanks of any sort are not permitted on pitched roofs.

 Split systems with Solar Panels on the pitched roof & remote tanks on the flat roof can be used
but the panels must be the glazed (not tube) type & mounted flush on the roofs of major forms

 No equipment, pumps, pressure vessels, pipes, conduits, trunking or services of any sort for
plumbing/hot water shall be allowed to be visible on building elevations, especially from street.
All services including reticulation must be concealed within risers inside the main building which
should be clearly indicated on submission drawings.

 Position, dimensions & heights of all Solar panels & tanks must be indicated on submission
drawings. Installation of these will not be permitted without consent from the Syndic.

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 Air-conditioning units or reticulation must not be visible from street or neighbouring plots.

 Air-conditioning external units on Ground Floor level must be installed such that the top of the
unit is no higher than 1.2 metres above ground level. These should be screened with planting.

 Air-conditioning external units on building elevations higher than 1.2 metres above ground level
should be concealed with screens in either Timber or Timber Equivalent or Metal planks – see
section Timber and Metalwork in Part D: Materials & Colours.

 Air-conditioning external units on Flat Roof must be concealed by Parapet walls – see section on
Flat Roofs earlier in the Architectural Guidelines.

 Window mounted units will not be permitted.

 No visible surface pipes, trunking, conduits or services of any sort shall be allowed on the exterior
of the building for Air-conditioning. All reticulation must be concealed within risers inside the main
building which should be clearly indicated on submission drawings.

 Satellite dishes & TV aerials must be fitted either below the eaves line of the main building or on
the Flat Roof & concealed with parapet walls. They must not be visible from the street.

 Position of AC units, Satellite dishes, TV aerials & all other services that form part of the visible
building is to be clearly shown on submission drawings. Installation of these will not be
permitted without consent from the Syndic.

 Services, utilities or reticulation of any sort must STRICTLY NOT BE VISIBLE on the external
elevations of buildings.

 Waste, Sewer and vent pipes must be concealed in risers or ducts inside the building. The position
of these risers/ducts must be clearly indicated & labelled on submission drawings.

 Electrical & telecom reticulation from the boundary distribution panel to the house must be buried
as per statutory norms.

 Laundry, Drying Yards, Boilers, Bins & Gas cylinder storage areas located externally must all be
screened off from view from all angles.

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All materials & colours must be clearly specified on the submitted elevations; and should be compliant
with the section below.

1. All architectural elements must be designed to complement the character of the house. These will
be evaluated and approved at the discretion of the Syndic-appointed architect.

2. All timber, timber-equivalent or metal cladding/screens shall have simple vertical or horizontal
jointing with no decorative patterns.

3. External Balustrades - Only simple designs with predominantly horizontal or vertical format will
be permitted. No carved or artistic detailing will be permitted.

4. BBQ’s and chimneys of simple geometrical forms are encouraged in natural materials such as
stone or plaster/paint to match the colours of the main house.

5. The following are not permitted for any externally visible columns:
a. Fibre-cement decorative columns
b. Artificial Ionic, Doric, Corinthian or any prefabricated historic style columns
c. Sculptures for columns

6. Kiosk/Gazebo/Outbuilding columns shall match Main House verandah columns.


7. External walls can be rendered in smooth plaster, tyrolean or graton finish.

8. Simple plaster surrounds to windows and doors are acceptable. Walls shall have no mock coining
or texturing.

9. Permitted general or ‘base’ paint colour of External Walls:

a. Snow White
b. Mauvilac 2904P – Nearly White
c. Mauvilac 2911P – Marble Mist
d. Mauvilac 2953P – Worn White
e. Sofap 8018-1 – Moon White
f. Sofap 8736-1 – Crisp Morn

10. Permitted ‘feature’ or ‘accent’ paint colour of External Walls:

a. Mauvilac 2957D – Night Moves
b. Mauvilac 2965D – Sinbad
c. Mauvilac 3007D – Eclipse
d. Sofap 8867-5 – Polished Pewter
e. Sofap 8874-5 – Trojan Grey

f. Mauvilac 2873D – Jet Gray

g. Mauvilac 2915D – Umbertone
h. Mauvilac 2916D – Lost Cavern
i. Sofap 8790-5 - Ventura
j. Sofap 8797-5 – Lindenwood

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11. For consistency, any single project can have only 1 base colour & 1 accent colour on external

12. All external Rainwater Downpipes to match adjacent wall colour.

13. No artistic paint effects such as stone imitations etc. will be permitted.

14. All stone finishes to be of natural materials. No artificial stone may be used.

15. Stonework for boundary & garden walls shall be in Coloured Fieldstone/Roche Couleur with
absolutely no visible grout and in a random pattern (no square/rectangles).

16. Stonework shall be of bouchon type with no more than 1 bouchon per 1 square metre & a stone
coping on top as per typical detail from Syndic.

17. External wall cladding can be in Coloured Fieldstone/Roche Couleur or Blue Basalt, also with no
visible grout and in a random pattern (no square/rectangles).

18. External cladding, screens, pergolas & other visible ‘timber’ elements like fascia/ bargeboards etc.
are permitted in Natural Timber or Timber equivalent as below:

a. Compressed Bamboo ‘Moso’ or equivalent

b. Composite ‘Ecodeck’ or equivalent
c. Fibre-cement in ‘Timber’ finish & colour

19. Flat timber pergolas with transparent sheet is permitted. Any transparent sheet used above
pergola/ verandah etc. must not be visible from ground level at boundaries and shall be concealed
at the ends with either a timber fascia or matching gutter.

20. While different natural/equivalent products can be used, the colour of all Timber or Timber
equivalent elements for a project must be consistent.

21. External wall cladding, screens & pergolas are permitted in metal (GMS/Aluminium) planks in any
1 of the following colours:

a. RAL 7016 Anthracite Grey

b. RAL 8019 Grey Brown

22. Metalwork for any structures, gates, pergola frames, screen frames etc. shall be black.


23. No reflective, decorative or coloured/tinted glass is permitted. Glass can be clear, milky,
translucent, frosted, orange peel or sandblasted.

24. All openings on a plot shall be consistent in material and colour. Different materials are only
permitted for the main entrance door.

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25. Doors, windows & shutters can be in either powder-coated aluminium or varnished timber or
painted timber.

26. Powder-coated aluminium/painted timber openings to be in any one colour as below:

a. RAL 9005 Jet Black

b. RAL 7016 Anthracite Grey
c. Gris Desert
d. RAL 9010 Pure White

27. All burglar bars or ‘Xpanda’ type accordion gates shall be fixed internally and in either clear
polycarbonate or white or black. Externally fixed bars/‘Xpanda’ are not permitted.

28. Garage doors can be in timber or aluminium roller shutter - colour to match door/ window
openings as listed above.

29. All pitched roof materials including shingles/ fastenings/ flashings etc. should be able to
withstand cyclonic winds of upto 300 km/hour without dislodging or falling.

30. All Pitched roofs in a project shall be in any one material as listed below:

a. Corrugated (not curved) Metal sheeting in:

i. RAL 9007 Grey Aluminium

ii. Profilage Gris RAL 9007
iii. Grewal Gris Alu

iv. RAL 7024 Graphite Grey

v. Profilage Grey Graphite RAL 7024
vi. Grewal Gris Basalt

vii. RAL 1019 Grey Beige

viii. Profilage Beige Siam RAL 1019
ix. Grewal Beige Gris

b. Natural Grey Slate or Multipink stone shingles

31. All roof ridge caps, flashings & gutters must match colour of roof covering.

32. Fascia and bargeboards can match either the colour of the roof covering or be in Timber/ Timber
equivalent as listed above.

33. Roof materials for Kiosk/Gazebo/Outbuildings shall match Main House pitched roof.

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34. All External Balustrades in a project shall be in any one material as listed below:

a. Natural Timber, with all metal elements in black

b. Timber equivalent as listed in Timber section, with all metal elements in black

c. Galvanized steel or powder-coated aluminium in black or with colour to match metal

cladding/screen/pergolas as per Metalwork section

d. Clear glass – no frosted or coloured or tinted glass shall be permitted

35. All fencing by plot-owner shall be in plastic-coated ‘Betafence’ or equivalent, in colour RAL 7016
Anthracite Grey.

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Contractors shall adhere to the following rules when the plot-owner decides to build new dwellings:

 The responsibility of the conduct of all contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, employees, agents,
etc. resides ultimately with their employer; the plot-owner. It is in the plot-owner’s best interest
to ensure that these rules are communicated to all their or her direct and indirect employees and
that it is stipulated in the building contract. No other person but the plot-owner will be held
responsible for their conduct.

 Construction time will be from 7:00AM to 17:00PM, Monday to Friday unless otherwise specified
in the BLUP. On Saturdays, construction time will be 7:00AM to 13:00PM. No construction will be
allowed on Sundays or public holidays. No exception to this rule will be allowed without the
written authorisation of the Syndic.

 No contractor or any of their personnel will have access to the estate outside these specified
hours. Contractors must arrange for their own security on the construction site.

 Delivery time for all material, plant, machinery, etc. will be from 7:00AM to 16:00PM, Monday to
Friday. No deliveries on public holidays and weekends will be allowed. Contractors are encouraged
to co-ordinate delivery times with suppliers to be within this period, as no claims for extra time
will be granted as a result of deliveries outside the specified time.

 For the safety of the residents & their children, hoarding of the site is compulsory during

 Noise and dust reduction is essential and contractors shall strictly limit unnecessary noise
especially that from personnel, loud talking, shouting, whistling, singing, radios, mobile phones
and other speaker devices, sirens, hooters, motor vehicles revving etc. The contractor must ensure
compliance with the Environmental Standards for Noise Regulations 1997 under the Environment
Protection Act, Government of Mauritius.

 No pets or animals of the contractor, subcontractors, suppliers or personnel will be allowed inside
the residential complex.

 No religious activities will be permitted on the site without prior approval of the Syndic.

 No supplies, material, rubble, plant, etc. may be stored where it will encroach off the building site.
All materials, plant and supplies shall be neatly piled or stacked. The contractor will be responsible
to ensure that no such items are placed in or on the adjacent sites, green areas, road reserve or
streets and will move them immediately within the limits of the building site. This will be
applicable to all materials, including materials such as paper, plastic, etc. that may be blown from
the site into the estate.

 Construction supplies cannot be piled & stored where it is visible form the street or in green areas.
No delivery or construction vehicles may park in the communal street area for a period of longer
than 1 (one) hour at any time.

 No vehicles may enter any retention pond or green planted area whatsoever and must keep to
the official roads and traffic. Due care must also be taken by all vehicles not to block the

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thoroughfare of roads.

 A speed limit of 30km/h will be kept at all times in the estate and no reckless driving will be

 The building site is to be kept as clean as possible of all building rubble. General cleaning and good
housekeeping practice must take place for the duration of the construction period. The contractor
is to ensure that the roads and the vicinity of the construction site is always kept neat and tidy;
including materials, mud or spoil being driven or dropped on the road or road reserve.

 The contractor will provide proper and adequate facilities for workers including Toilet facilities
and for the removal and disposal of waste and rubble from the site at regular weekly intervals, no
later than every Friday of each week. The contractor will also be responsible to ensure that all
personnel make use of these facilities.

 No debris, rubble and cut offs such as paper, tile cut offs, roof tiles or the like may be left scattered
or piled anywhere on the construction site or elsewhere in the residential complex, and all such
material must be properly disposed of. Under no circumstances may fire be used to dispose of any
waste within the residential complex.

 No fires for cooking, heating or any other purposes, whatsoever will be permitted in the residential
complex. Contractors will make alternative arrangements for preparation of meals.

 No concrete, mortar, cement, etc. may be temporarily stored, mixed or prepared on any portion
of the adjacent sites, green areas, road reserve or streets.


 The Syndic appointed by Mont Choisy Smart City Ltd. and/or the Bois des Champs Home-Owners
Association shall review the application against this document and assess compliance to the same.

 It is understood and agreed that the Syndic & Mont Choisy Smart City Ltd. SHALL NOT be held
responsible for any discrepancies or non-conformities due to design by others. Any approval
granted will not relieve the plot-owner and their design consultants of their
responsibility/ownership of the submitted design.

 The onus shall always be on the plot-owner & their appointed design consultants/ contractors to
ensure that all the requirements laid out in this document are met.

 The onus also remains with the plot-owner to ensure full compliance with all applicable laws and


1 no. Shade Tree growing to minimum 3 metre height must be planted by plot-owner in the Building
Setback at all street-front boundaries. Corner plots will need to have 2 or 3 nos. Shade Trees planted,
one for each street boundary. The type of tree is to be chosen from Syndic list below with position

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and species of each tree to be indicated on submitted Site Plan.

Arjuna Badamier Badamier de Madagascar (Terminalia

(Terminalia arjuna) (Terminalia catappa) mantaly / neotaliala)

Bauhinia variegata / galpinii Bois Benzoin (Terminalia bentzoe) Bois d’Olive (Cassia orientalis)

Bois de Judas (Cossinia pinnata)

Bonnet de Prêtre / Fotabe Cannelle / Cannelier / Cinnamon

Coqueluche (Pongamia pinnata) (Barringtonia asiatica) (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)

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Crêpe Myrtle / Goyavier Royal ‘fleur’
(Lagerstroemia speciosa)
Lilas / Persian Lilac
(Melia azedarach)
Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia)

Portia / Porcher / Mahoe (Thespesia


Neem (Azadirachta indica) Putranjiva (Putrangiva roxburghii)

Tamarin (Tamarindus indica) Teck / Teak (Tectona grandis) Tibouchina viminalis / viminea

Tulipier (Spathodea campanulata) Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata)

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