Materials Today: Proceedings: Vishal Wankhede, Darshit Jagetiya, Akshata Joshi, Rakesh Chaudhari

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Experimental investigation of FDM process parameters using Taguchi

Vishal Wankhede a,⇑, Darshit Jagetiya a, Akshata Joshi a, Rakesh Chaudhari b
Department of Industrial Engineering, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar 382007, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar 382007, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Rapid Manufacturing (RM) is an Additive Layer Manufacturing Process (ALMP) where intricate engi-
Received 30 July 2019 neered models are prepared from their Computer Aided Design (CAD) models by addition of material
Accepted 17 September 2019 in a layered fashion. With Increasing key emerging technologies rapid manufacturing has gained much
Available online xxxx
focus in the modern era. Additive manufacturing process named Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) has
remarkable applications in several industries. This paper analyses the influence of the input experimental
Keywords: parameters viz. infill density, layer thickness and support style on response parameters viz. build time of
Rapid manufacturing
part and Surface roughness on Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) polymer. Taguchi’s L8 Orthogonal
Array (OA) design is used perform the experiments. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is established to under-
Optimization stand the significant characteristics of the process variables. The set of input variables has been deter-
CAD mined for individual output response variable.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International conference
on Materials and Manufacturing Methods.

1. Introduction thickness. It is considered to be the most important technical

parameter which influences model quality. The strategy for creat-
Rapid Manufacturing is an evolving technology in manufactur- ing internal structure is termed as Build pattern. Structure support
ing field wherein fabrication of 3-dimensional models is done style defines the fill pattern. Abdullah et al. [1] studied topological
using Computer-aided design data. It has been viewed as pioneer and mechanical properties of ABS printed parts considering impact
in the manufacturing field from its ability to produce intricate of layer thickness and printing orientation. Mixed design was per-
designs as one part. 3D printing technology has potential to build formed taking two levels of printing orientation viz. XY and YZ and
3D object sliced layers by layers using computer control. Funda- three levels of layer thickness viz. 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 mm. ANOVA
mentally extrusion process is considered to be the 3D printing resulted into significant effect of both the parameters chosen for
technology also known as Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). the study. Manikandan et al. [2] considered parameters raster
FDM extrudes material to produce layers by nozzle. Materials used width, contour style, raster angle and air gap under study to eval-
for fused deposition modelling process are thermoplastics poly- uate the impact of the FDM process parameters on mechanical
mers viz. PLA-Poly Lactic Acid, PC-Polycarbonate and ABS- strength and surface finish of mixture of ABS-PC. Taguchi analysis
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene. This study reveals experimental was conducted and contour style identified as top influential
investigation of FDM process parameters using Taguchi analysis. parameter for surface roughness and raster angle over flexural
It investigates the influence of the input experimental parameters strength. Nidagundi et al. [3] carried out process parameters opti-
viz. infill density (build pattern), layer thickness and support style mization using Taguchi’s L9 Orthogonal Array (OA). Selected pro-
on response parameters viz. build time of part and the Surface cess parameters are fill angle, layer thickness and orientation
roughness on ABS; a thermoplastic polymer. The thickness of each angle. Dimensional tolerance, surface roughness, ultimate tensile
layer measured along vertical axis in AM process known as Layer strength, and build time were taken as output response parame-
ters. S/N ratio was computed to find optimum setting. Kumar
et al. [4] analysed the impact of five parameters on surface quality
⇑ Corresponding author. of ABS built parts by FDM. They used Taguchi analysis and per-
E-mail address: [email protected] (V. Wankhede).
2214-7853/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International conference on Materials and Manufacturing Methods.

Please cite this article as: V. Wankhede, D. Jagetiya, A. Joshi et al., Experimental investigation of FDM process parameters using Taguchi analysis, Materials
Today: Proceedings,
2 V. Wankhede et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

formed ANOVA to understand the effect of treated parameter. rial as they are being stacked on one another in an FDM process.
Findings revealed smooth surface achieved at layer thickness value Infill density sometimes called build pattern is a significant param-
of 0.254 mm, negative air gap of 0.01 mm and raster width of eter. It influences some vital features of parts developed like
0.508 mm. The study depicts impact of few process parameters weight, print time, strength etc. 3D printer has three infill density
on surface roughness. Further concluded that voids among layers levels viz. sparse high density, solid and sparse low density. Sup-
and thin layer minimizes roughness on the surface. Farzad and port style also called fill pattern is significant since it decides the
Godfrey [5] did study on optimization of FDM process parameters required print time. To study the influence of process parameter
with the help of grouping method. Analysis was performed to find influence on built parts, cuboid specimens of volume 50  30 
out correlation between process parameters and tensile strength. 3 mm were printed under different setting of input parameters.
They performed trail runs considering part orientation and raster Samples printed were manufactured on Dimension SST 1200es
angle. Differential evolution was used to compute optimal param- 3D printer machine with ABS as build material. STL models were
eter setting. Sood et al. [7] reported the effect of various factors i.e. cut and tool paths were created in the fused deposition modelling
orientation angle of part build, slice height, raster angle, space system. Afterward, for each STL model build time were estimated
between raster and width of the raster. They considered three using virtual testing. Also, physical testing done for measurements
levels of each factors along with interaction effect. This study of surface finish using Mitutoyo SJ-400 tester. The selected levels of
was done on the dimensional accuracy of the FDM based 3D input process parameters are presented in Table 1. Full factorial
printed part. The levels of optimum factors and significant factors design of two levels is used as DOE trials using three input param-
along its interactions was found using DOE tool Taguchi analysis. eters providing 23 experiments. Taguchi’s L8 OA design is consid-
Nancharaiah et al. [8] demonstrated the Taguchi’s technique with ered to perform the analysis and responses collected as shown in
three levels of each factor to analyse the influence of raster width, Table 2. Fig. 1 show cuboids specimens created by FDM process.
raster angle, air gap and layer thickness on optimum dimensional Taguchi L8 orthogonal array has been used for experiment pur-
tolerance and surface finish of FDM part. Finding shows huge pose. Taguchi method involves optimization of process parameters
impact of raster width and height of the slice on surface finish by robust experimental design.
and dimensional accuracy of the printed part. On other side raster The aim of the presented study is:
angle is insignificant and air gap has significance influence on
dimensional accuracy as well as surface finish of parts built by 1. To optimize the input parameters for the individual response.
FDM. From the above literature, it has been observed that rough-
ness and print time are the most important parameter to be stud- To compute the contribution in percentage of each factor for
ied which affect part quality. Optimization of input parameters like each response.
Slice height, infill density and support style are decided to achieve Surface roughness and Build time were selected as responses
minimum build time and surface roughness using Taguchi’s L8 OA whereas layer thickness, infill density and support style were con-
design. The influence of considered process parameters were ana- sidered as deciding parameters for optimization of results.
lyzed using ANOVA. Moreover, percentage influence of each pro- Signal-to-Noise ratio is a quality parameter used to evaluate the
cess parameters were discussed to get required part features. effect of input factors on the responses. In the current study, all the
output responses are Quality Characteristics (QCH) of smaller-the-
2. Experimental details better type. For evaluating S/N ratios smaller-the-better type QCH
has been used which is shown in Eq. (1).
Design optimization is efficiently done by the Taguchi tech- !
nique which is the most widely used method. It has been broadly 1X n
S=N smaller-the-better ¼ 10 log10 Y i2 ð1Þ
used for process optimization and product design. Taguchi method n i¼1
experimental plan simplification and feasibility study of process
parameters interaction. In this study, input parameters taken into Where, i = 1, 2, 3. . .n
consideration are layer thickness, infill density and support style. Y = Values of output responses
Layer thickness is the measure of each successive height of mate-
3. Results and discussions
Table 1
Process parameters with levels. 3.1. Build time
Input Parameter Level-1 Level-2
The time required to create part in FDM process defines Build
A = Layer Thickness (in mm) 0.254 0.3302 time.
B = infill density Sparse high density Sparse low density
C = Support Style Sparse Smart
Analysis of variance for build time is shown in Table 3. From
Table 3, it can be inferred that layer thickness has the highest

Table 2
Generation of L8 (23) Taguchi orthogonal array design.

Run Layer Thickness (in mm) Infill density Support Style Responses
Build time Surface Roughness
1 0.254 Sparse High Density Sparse 16 8.319
2 0.254 Sparse High Density Smart 15 11.568
3 0.254 Sparse Low Density Sparse 14 7.8
4 0.254 Sparse Low Density Smart 14 13.112
5 0.3302 Sparse High Density Sparse 12 23.243
6 0.3302 Sparse High Density Smart 12 27.037
7 0.3302 Sparse Low Density Sparse 12 27.642
8 0.3302 Sparse Low Density Smart 12 26.724

Please cite this article as: V. Wankhede, D. Jagetiya, A. Joshi et al., Experimental investigation of FDM process parameters using Taguchi analysis, Materials
Today: Proceedings,
V. Wankhede et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx 3

Fig. 1. Cuboid specimens produced from FDM process.

Table 3
ANOVA for Build time.

Source Sum of Square Degree of Freedom Mean Square F-value P-value contribution
Layer thickness 15.1250 1 15.1250 40.33 0.003 Significant 84.62%
Infill density 1.1250 1 1.1250 3.00 0.158 Insignificant 6.29%
Support Style 0.1250 1 0.1250 0.33 0.595 Insignificant 0.70%
Error 1.50 4 0.3750 8.39%
Total 17.8750 7 100%

impact on build time (84.62%) followed by infill density (6.29%) port style at level 2 (A2B2C2). Thus, optimal condition to achieve
and support style (0.70%). The significance of each process param- least build time is as follows:
eter is observed using P and F value at 95% confidence interval.
Lower P value, i.e., less than 0.05 justify the significant effect of Layer Thickness (in mm) – 0.3302
considered parameters on the experimental output [13]. Layer Infill density – Sparse low density
thickness has been identified as the most significant input param- Support Style – Smart
eter for build time. Increase in the layer thickness reduces layers
required to print the part. And as the number of layer reduced, it 3.2. Surface roughness
will lead to reduction in motion of nozzle head which inturn
reduces built time. This is due to additional slices are created to In FDM process, part fabricated needs to be check for its surface
achieve collective model thickness. More slices define lesser layer characteristic which is the average of the highest peak and valley of
thickness which allows extrusion head to create extra movement the surface profile known as Surface roughness.
to fabricate the design part. Also, after fabrication of each layer Table 5 represents ANOVA results for surface roughness where
extruder nozzle would itself take few seconds to for cleaning. Thus it shows that layer thickness impacts more on Surface roughness
decrease in Layer thickness significantly increase the build time (94.19%) next support style (3.02%) and infill density (0.60%). Thus,
[6]. thinner layer makes the surface smooth [4].
The S/N ratio for each level of considered factor for response Table 6 represents S/N ratio of respective level for considered
build time is shown in Table 4. factor for response Surface roughness.
Table 3 shows that optimal combination to obtain least build Table 6 shows that optimal combination to obtain least Surface
time is layer thickness at level 2, infill density at level 2 and sup- roughness is layer thickness at level 1, infill density at level 1 and
support style at level 1 (A1B1C1). Thus, optimal condition to achieve
surface roughness is as follows:

Table 4 Table 6
Average effect response for S/N ratio (Smaller-the-better) of Build time. Average effect response for S/N ratio of Surface Roughness.

Levels Layer Thickness Infill Support Levels Layer Thickness Infill Support
(in mm) density Style (in mm) density Style

1 23.36 22.69 22.54 1 19.97 23.91 23.10

2 21.58 22.25 22.40 2 28.33 24.39 25.20
Maximum–Minimum 1.78 0.44 0.14 Maximum–Minimum 8.37 2.10 0.48
Rank 1 2 3 Rank 1 3 2

Table 5
ANOVA for Surface Roughness.

Source Sum of Square Degree of Freedom Mean Square F-Value P-value Contribution
Layer thickness 509.555 1 509.555 172.35 0.000 Significant 94.19%
Infill density 3.265 1 3.265 1.1 0.353 Insignificant 0.60%
Support Style 16.351 1 16.351 5.53 0.078 Insignificant 3.02%
Error 11.826 4 2.956 2.19%
Total 540.997 7 100%

Please cite this article as: V. Wankhede, D. Jagetiya, A. Joshi et al., Experimental investigation of FDM process parameters using Taguchi analysis, Materials
Today: Proceedings,
4 V. Wankhede et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 7
Comparison of present study with past studies.

Study Result
Present study In the present study, optimization of FDM process parameters (infill density, layer thickness, and support style) has been done. Built time and
surface roughness has been examined by changing the process parameters. From the analysis it is observed that, layer thickness is having
more effect on both built time and surface roughness
Chacón et al. [9] They examine the impact of layer thickness, built orientation and feed rate on the strength of parts fabricated with AM. They performed
tensile testing for analyzing mechanical properties. They concluded that for flat orientation high feed rate and less layer thickness are
Chen et al. [10] They optimize the process parameters of binder jetting AM process. They considered the layer thickness, drying time and heater power ratio
to optimize the surface finish. They used Taguchi L16 orthogonal array to analyses the result. They concluded that slice height has highest
contribution percentage on surface finish
Fernandez et al. [11] They aimed to analyze the impact of infill density and pattern on mechanical properties of 3D printed parts. They concluded that maximum
tensile strength can be achieved with rectilinear pattern with 100% infill density
Griffiths et al. [12] They aimed to optimize energy consumption, built time, scrap weight and part weight by considering built parameter slice orientation, infill
density, layer height and number of shells. They concluded that slice orientation is having more impact on scrap weight, infill density is
having more impact on part weight, layer height is having more impact on energy consumption and built time

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Please cite this article as: V. Wankhede, D. Jagetiya, A. Joshi et al., Experimental investigation of FDM process parameters using Taguchi analysis, Materials
Today: Proceedings,

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