Sprint Layout - The Ultimate Tutorial and Experience
Sprint Layout - The Ultimate Tutorial and Experience
Sprint Layout - The Ultimate Tutorial and Experience
With Sprint-Layout you can design your PCB’s quick and easy. The software
comes with everything; a software design tool should need and have, there
are zero restrictions to the software on how you should design your circuit
The sprint layout software is a user-friendly software; I believe this guide can
give you a base understanding of circuit board putting you in the
manufacturer’s shoes, meaning you can start from the bottom or change and
edit already layout or “plot file”.
Sprint Layout
Sprint layout had several tools to draw things like tracks, solder pad, zones,
text labels, SMD pads and many more; it comes along with all functions that
are necessary for board design.
Even the professional feature like the export of Gerber-files (which are
supported by almost every PCB-manufacturer. If you own a CNC milling-
machine) or isolation-milling who have HPGL created for them, are included.
Two layers exist (Copper and silkscreen) for each side of the board. You have
the option to use an outline layer for the board contour or 2 additional inner
layers for multilayer boards. Extra features are solder masks, SMD-masks,
automatic ground planes, signal flow test.
The Photoview option gives you a chance to take a look at your board as
if it was manufactured.
This option helps you to find faults on your board. Several components for
through hole or SMD layouts have been predefined in the extensible library.
Lots of options are selectable when printing the design, the component
mounting plan, or the solder mask on paper or film. The software also has an
extensive and comfortable printing option which allows you to print your
layouts or component mounting plans on paper or foil.
You can export your layout to a BMP, GIF or JPG format. These other formats
can be used in document programs like Word or on your homepage for
Unless other previous versions, you get an increase in the resolution and the
accuracy of the sprint layout by tenfold. You should know this concerns the
Grid settings and the maximum Zoom factor. So there is no problem to design
incredible layout structures.
2. Pick+Place Data:
The sprint layout now can generate and export pick+place files. You need
these files for automated assemblies of SMD boards.
3. Anti-Alias:
4. Multi-Select:
Simultaneous editing of several elements: you can now edit as many items as
you want simultaneously with the properties-panel.
5. Selector:
The new version of the selector is now a more powerful tool; with this tool, you
can find and select specific elements of your layout and edit them
simultaneously with the help of the new multi-select function. A good example
would be how you can pick and edit all pads with a specific shape or drilling.
You have a new mode of capture making pads and tracks easy to place, if the
mouse moves closer to the capture-point, the point of the mouse will be
captured and helps you to connect precisely. It is beneficial when some
connections are lying out of the light.
7. Gerber Import:
you have the luxury of a Gerber import which allows you to load existing
Gerber files and convert them to a ready layout inspiring-layout.
8. Rubber-Band:
While moving elements, you have connected tracks that can keep their
9. Components:
6.0 can now display and manage components including identifier and value.
Even a component-list is available.
Usually all individual jobs like isolation milling, drilling or cut-out had to be
done in different plot files, but now the isolation milling has been revamped, all
those jobs can now be written in one plot file. So the typical problems with the
origin in various files will be prevented.
12. Grid-Hotkeys:
The key (function key 1-9) on your keyboard are given specific editable grid
values. So you will be able to change between several grid values with just
one keystroke.
13. Rectangle:
You can now draw rectangles (tracks or zones) quickly with the new rectangle
drawing mode.
The specific circular method is a tricky and invidious job. Sprint-layout has
now a special assistant for that. Once you define the necessary parameter,
you will be able to see the result of your parameters in a preview before you
complete the action.
Now I guess you are wondering, sprint-layout and sprint-layout Full crack
what’s the difference besides the obvious that the words “Full crack” indicate.
Well like previously stated, Sprint-Layout is electronic software used by
windows system.
One of the versions is the sprint-layout full crack, for the Windows OS that is
easy for everyday use.
This software comes in a clean and neat user interface. It is easy to use and
lets you work more efficiently. There are hotkeys which you can use and
customize for specific functions.
You know all about the new features of the sprint layout 6.0, but one of the
most important functions is the Export function and its many types/format of
1. Bitmap-Export:
This function allows you to create a bitmap(.bmp) that may be used with other
applications. The layers that are visible in the editor are where the bitmap is
2. GIF-Export:
This allows you to create a GIF file (.gif) that may be used with other
applications. The layers that are visible in the editor are where the bitmap
created from, and the GIF format is a compressed format, so you get a much
smaller file than the bitmap.
3. JPEG-Export:
This allows you to create a JPEG file (.jpg) that may be used with other
applications. The layers that are visible in the editor are where the bitmap
generated from; the JPEG format is a compressed format, so you get a much
smaller file than the bitmap.
4. Gerber-Export:
Gerber files are known to nearly all manufacturers because every layer
(solder mask, copper, silkscreen) needs a Gerber file to describe a PCB
completely. You can exchange layout data with manufacturers because the
Sprint-layout produces a standard Gerber-files RS274-X that are widely used.
5. Excellon-Export:
This is used to exchange the drill data of a board with your manufacturer. It
contains all diameter and positions of your drilling.
6. Isolation-Milling:
Everything gotten will be exported in a plot file in HPGL format (*.plt). This plot
file will then be used by a CNC milling machine to produce the board.
Sprint Layout Tutorial
If you wish to create your own Circuit board Layout with the ABACOM sprint
Layout program, here are a few tutorials and tips, always make use of all the
prescribed standard layers of the sprint layout.
4: Press the export drill data file (Excellon). This step is to make the
Gerber want to be a hole.
6: Collect each layer file and achieve them into a Rar. Format
Step 7: Rename the file and send it to your PCB manufacturer
Among the options, the “Mirror” option should not be chosen in any case and
in regards to the solder mask offset, always make the clearance of the solder
mask to 0.5mm (50µm), as this is the least tolerance that a solder pad allows
for any solder mask to be applied.
Just remember that any more significant value, the components that are fine
pitched will not have an adequate solder mask bridge between the pads.
Sprint-Layout Usernote
• I saw this program as a very advanced drawing program and advanced with
PCB-design in mind. The viewer-software is much more than a viewer: it
allows you to calibrate your printer and print out the PCB-design for home-
manufacturing the PCB. It has Gerber and Excellon support, so also suitable
for professional manufacturing.
• I’ve also used FreePCB (I have the utmost respect for free, open-source
apps, but I would not say I liked it) and the free version of DIPTrace (the free,
pin-limited version) and still prefer Sprint-Layout.
Also, I received my professional boards yesterday, and they are beautiful and
perfect. Now I’m thrilled with Sprint having gone from schematic to completed
board so quickly and easily for a bargain software package.
Now you understand what a Sprint-layout is, you know the latest version and
its new feature, you can start making your very whole board and bring it to us
for manufacturing. Or you can leave us with the exciting job of both designing
and manufacture a PCB for you.