Wang 1999
Wang 1999
Wang 1999
Linkage with essential hypertension has motensives with no family history showed
been claimed for a microsatellite marker significant linkage disequilibrium between
near the angiotensinogen gene (AGT; chro- particular haplotypes, but we could find no
mosome 1q42), as has association for the association with hypertension. The present
AGT variants M235T, G(−6)A and A(−20)C. study therefore excludes AGT in the etiology
To more rigorously evaluate AGT as a can- of hypertension, at least in the population of
didate gene for hypertension we performed Australian Anglo-Celtic Caucasians studied.
sibpair analysis with multiple microsatel- Am. J. Med. Genet. 87:53–60, 1999.
© 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
lite markers surrounding this locus and us-
ing more sophisticated analysis programs.
We also performed an association study of KEY WORDS: angiotensinogen gene; link-
the AGT variants in unrelated subjects with age; association; caucasian;
chromosome 1; hypertension,
a strong family history (two affected par-
essential; microsatellite
ents). For the linkage study, single and mul-
markers; sibpair analysis
tiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCRs)
and automated genescan analysis were con-
ducted on DNA from 175 Australian Anglo- INTRODUCTION
Celtic Caucasian hypertensives for the fol- Essential hypertension is a common, complex, poly-
lowing markers: D1S2880−(2.1 cM)−D1S213 genic disease that affects one in five adults in Western
−(2.8 cM)−D1S251−(6.5 cM)−AGT−(2.0 cM) society. The renin-angiotensin system is a key regula-
−D1S235. Statistical evaluation of genotype tor of salt and fluid homeostasis and blood pressure.
data by nonparametric methods resulted in Such control could involve not just increased secretion
the following scores: Single-point analysis − of renin, which is rate limiting in the reaction, but also
SPLINK, P > 0.18; APM method, P > 0.25; angiotensinogen, whose concentration in plasma is
ASPEX, MLOD < 0.28; SIB-PAIR, P > 0.24; Mul- close to the Km [Gould and Green, 1971; Reid et al.,
tipoint analysis − MAPMAKER/SIBS, MLOD < 1978]. Since angiotensinogen is ∼20% higher in pa-
0.24; GENEHUNTER, P > 0.35. Exclusion tients with essential hypertension and shows a positive
scores of Lod −4.1 to −5.1 were obtained for correlation with blood pressure [Walker et al., 1979;
these markers using MAPMAKER/SIBS for a Bennett et al., 1993; Schrader et al., 1996] the angio-
s of 1.6. The association study of G(−6)A, tensinogen gene (AGT; chromosome 1q42 [Isa et al.,
A(−20)C and M235T variants in 111 hyperten- 1990]) has attracted attention as a candidate gene for
sives with strong family history and 190 nor- this condition. In support of such a possibility, a Utah/
Paris study of affected sibpairs using a microsatellite
marker located < 2.5 kilobase-pairs (kb) [Kotelevtsev et
Grant sponsor: National Health and Medical Research Council
of Australia.
al., 1991] 3⬘ of AGT has demonstrated linkage with
essential hypertension [Jeunemaitre et al., 1992]. Ap-
Dale R. Nyholt’s present address is the Laboratory of Statisti-
cal Genetics, Rockefeller University, New York, New York. parent confirmation was provided subsequently in a
*Correspondence to: Brian J. Morris, DSc, Hypertension Gene pedigree study by others [Caulfield et al., 1994]. How-
Laboratory, Department of Physiology and Institute for Biomedi- ever, a recent sibpair study of the same AGT marker
cal Research, Building F13, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, failed to demonstrate linkage [Brand et al., 1998].
Australia. E-mail: [email protected] Case-control studies have also produced conflicting
Received 29 March 1999; Accepted 13 July 1999 results. The initial report showed association of a
© 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
54 Wang et al.
Met235Thr (M235T) variant with hypertension [Jeun- pressure data does not follow a normal distribution
emaitre et al., 1992] and this has been confirmed in (skewness ⳱ +0.59 and +0.55 for systolic and diastolic,
some [Jeunemaitre et al., 1993; Schmidt et al., 1995; respectively).
Johnson et al., 1996; Krizanova et al., 1997; Schunkert Association study. This study compared hyper-
et al., 1997], but not in other [Bennett et al., 1993; tensives who had two affected parents with normoten-
Caulfield et al., 1994; Fornage et al., 1995; Hingorani sives whose parents both had normal blood pressure.
et al., 1995; Tiret et al., 1995; Hegele et al., 1996; Hin- Ascertainment details were as described previously
gorani et al., 1996; Kiema et al., 1996; Beige et al., [Bennett et al., 1993]. Characteristics of the subjects
1997] studies of Caucasian populations. A further are shown in Table I. Plasma parameters (mean ± SE),
study found no relationship with ambulatory blood determined by methods detailed before [Bennett et al.,
pressure [Beige et al., 1997]. Another saw an associa- 1993], were as follows (for the hypertensive vs normo-
tion with nonmodulation in hypertensive men and tensive groups, respectively): angiotensinogen (pmol/
postmenopausal women [Hopkins et al., 1996], which ml), 1402 ± 40 vs 1172 ± 182 (P ⳱ 0.0001); renin (pmol
they claimed might explain the original linkage finding angiotensin−1.h−1), 10.3 ± 1.4 vs 8.3 ± 0.6 (P ⳱
for male–male, but not female–female hypertensive 0.1); angiotensin converting enzyme (nmol Gly–
sibpairs [Jeunemaitre et al., 1992]. Gly.min−−1), 82 ± 4 vs 85 ± 3 (P ⳱ 0.6); total cho-
To date, linkage studies have tested only the AGT lesterol (mmol/l), 5.8 ± 0.1 vs 5.2 ± 0.1 (P ⳱ 0.0003);
marker. In view of the controversy surrounding AGT in triglycerides (mmol/l), 2.6 ± 0.2 vs 1.5 ± 0.1 (P ⳱
hypertension, we decided to test additional microsatel- 0.0001); high density lipoprotein cholesterol (mmol/l),
lite polymorphisms near the AGT locus and to use more 1.1 ± 0.05 vs 1.4 ± 0.04 (P ⳱ 0.0001); low density lipo-
sophisticated programs for data analysis. We also per-
protein cholesterol (mmol/l), 3.6 ± 0.1 vs 3.2 ± 0.1 (P ⳱
formed a case-control study of several AGT polymor-
phisms that have shown association with hyperten-
sion, viz. the G(−6)A, A(−20)C and M235T bi-allelic
variants [Jeunemaitre et al., 1992, 1997]. Such an Genotyping
evaluation by both linkage and association provides
timely information on the important question of wheth- Microsatellite markers. DNA was isolated from
er or not AGT is involved in the onset of essential hy- whole blood by a modified salting out method [Miller et
pertension. al., 1988] or using a kit (Qiagen, cat no. 29304, Ger-
many). Five markers were tested. Fluorescently la-
beled polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers for
MATERIALS AND METHODS D1S213 and D1S235 were from panel 1 of the Applied
Subjects Biosystems Inc (ABI; Foster City, CA) PRISM娂 Link-
age Mapping Set, for another two (D1S251 and
Linkage study. We recruited 239 individuals from D1S2880) synthesis was performed by Bresatec (Ad-
104 sibships (⳱ 2 affected sibs) by public advertising. elaide, South Australia) and primers for the AGT 3⬘
The study had ethical approval and the subjects gave microsatellite were made by Life Technologies (Mel-
informed consent. All were Anglo-Caucasians, mainly bourne, Australia). D1S213 was labeled with TET,
from eastern Australia, principally Sydney. The crite- D1S235 was labeled with FAM, and AGT, D1S251,
ria for inclusion were a systolic/diastolic blood pressure and D1S2880 were labeled with HEX. The sequences of
of >140/90 mmHg on three separate occasions prior to the ABI primers were as described by the supplier. In
treatment having been initiated, and lack of diabetes, the case of the others, primer sequences were: AGT −
renal disease or secondary causes of hypertension. (forward) 5⬘–TAG ATC TCT CAG CTA TTA CAA GG–
Each subject provided a 50 ml blood sample, collected 3⬘ (HEX-labeled), (reverse) 5⬘–GTT TCA GAG AAA
while the patient was in the sitting position. After ad- CTG ACC TGT GG–3⬘ ; D1S251 − (forward) 5⬘–GTC
justment [Hodge, 1984] for 16 trios, 6 quartets and 1 TCC AGC CTG CCA–3⬘ (HEX-labeled), (reverse) 5⬘–
quintet, the weighted sibpair number was 175. The GAC CAA GCA ACT TCA CTC–3⬘; D1S2880 − (for-
characteristics of the sibs are shown in Table I, where ward) 5⬘–CGT GGT TCT AAT CGG C–3⬘ (HEX-
it should be noted that, as might be anticipated, blood labeled), (reverse) 5⬘–CAT CAT TTG CTT GCT GC–3⬘.
Genotypes were determined by either PCR for an indi-
vidual marker or by multiplex PCR in which markers
TABLE I. Characteristics of Patients and Controls*
from the same ABI panel and labeled with the same
Linkage study
Association study dye were used in a common PCR mixture. Since PCR
HT sibs HT NT products for these differed in size they could be distin-
guished subsequently by electrophoresis. Each 15 l
n 239 111 190
Male/female 85/154 54:57 109:81
PCR mix consisted of 50 ng of genomic DNA, each
Age (y) 61 ± 10 53 ± 12 48 ± 10 primer (83 nmol/l for the ABI primers, 40 nmol/l for
BMI (kg/m2) 27.2 ± 5.1 26.0 ± 4.6 26.0 ± 4.3 AGT primers, and 450 nmol/l for D1S251 and D1S2880
Systolic pressure 171 ± 24 174 ± 25 120 ± 11 primers), 200 mol/l each dNTP, 2 mmol/l MgCl2, 50
pretreatment (mmHg) (n ⳱ 104) (n ⳱ 92) mmol/l KCl, 10 mmol/l Tris-HCl, pH 8.3, and 0.75
Diastolic pressure 103 ± 10 112 ± 17 73 ± 8 Units of AmpliTaq Gold娂 (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk,
pretreatment (mmHg) (n ⳱ 96) (n ⳱ 92)
CT). Composition was the same for single and multi-
*Values are mean ± S.D. plex mixtures, with the exception of primers in the
Angiotensinogen Excluded in Hypertension 55
multiplex mix, which were as specified for each marker Weeks, 1997]. These included SPLINK [Holmans and
previously [Veenstra-WanderWeele, 1997]. Amplifica- Clayton, 1995], which uses allele shared IBD estimates
tion was carried out on a PTC-200 Peltier Thermal Cy- for all possible pairs in a sibship and computes prob-
cler (MJ Research, Watertown, MA). For single marker abilities for each marker genotype when parents are
PCRs, this involved an initial denaturation step at not available, ASPEX [Hauster et al., 1996], which uses
94°C for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles of 94, 55 and 72°C an alternate restriction to SPLINK when performing
for 1 min each, and then a final extension step at 72°C maximum likelihood calculations, MAPMAKER/SIBS
for 10 min. For the multiplex reactions, a ‘hot-start’ [Kruglyak and Lander, 1995], the Affected Pedigree
protocol was employed, involving 94°C for 5 min, fol- Member (APM) method [Weeks and Lange, 1988;
lowed by 10 cycles of 94, 60 and 72°C for 30 s each, 15 Brown et al., 1994; Schroeder et al., 1994], which uses
cycles of 94, 58 and 72°C for 30 s each, and then 20 a nonrandom cosegregation statistic to test distortions
cycles of 94, 55 and 72°C for 30 s each, finishing with a in alleles shared IBS at a marker locus, SIB-PAIR
step at 72°C for 30 min. PCR products were electropho- [Duffy, 1997], and GENEHUNTER [Kruglyak et al.,
resed on an ABI 377 automated sequencer and geno- 1996], which can be used for multipoint analysis of
types were assigned using ABI Genotyper娂 software. pedigree data and can be applied to sibpair data. The
To confirm accuracy of genotype assignment, for the significance thresholds we set for acceptance of linkage
AGT marker, genotyping was performed twice and was were as recommended [Lander and Kruglyak, 1995]. In
also determined by a different Laboratory (Griffith the case–control study, differences were tested by 2
University, Gold Coast), using an ABI 310 capillary analysis (df ⳱ 1 for alleles; df ⳱ 2 for genotypes). De-
electrophoresis system. termination of linkage disequilibrium between AGT
Bi-allelic AGT polymorphisms. In the associa- polymorphisms involved analysis of haplotype frequen-
tion study, genotypes for the AGT A(−6)G and A(−20)C cies in the largest group as described by Hill [1974].
polymorphisms were determined by PCR RFLP analy-
sis. Primers for detection of each were: (upstream) 5⬘– RESULTS
AGA GGT CCC AGC GTG AGT GTC–3⬘ (−166 to −144
Sibpair Linkage Study
with respect to the AGT transcription start site, +1)
and (downstream) 5⬘–AGC CCA CAG CTC AGT TAC The markers used spanned a recombination fraction
ATC 3⬘ (nt +81 to +101) [Ishigami et al., 1997]. Each () of 0.335 of the q arm of chromosome 1 and were
40 l reaction mixture contained 120 ng genomic DNA, highly informative, having an average heterozygosity
0.2 mol/l each primer, 0.2 mmol/l each dNTP, of 0.79 ± 0.05 SD. Allele frequencies for the marker
10 mmol/l Tris-HCl, pH 9.0, 50 mmol/l KCl, 2 mmol/l closest to AGT were also determined in the normoten-
MgCl2, and 1 U AmpiTaq娂 DNA polymerase (Perkin- sive group and resembled the frequencies seen in the
Elmer). PCR involved 95°C for 3 min, followed by 36 hypertensive sibs (Fig. 1). Table II shows the outcome
cycles of 94, 60 and 72°C for 1 min each, and finally of single point analyses of genotype data by SPLINK
72°C for 15 min. For determination of A(−6)G genotype, and APM, as well as multipoint analysis by MAP-
an aliquot of 4 l of PCR product was then digested for MAKER/SIBS. Values obtained using ASPEX were
10 h at 50°C with 5 U BstZI (Promega, Madison, WI) MLOD ⳱ 0.00, SIBPAIR were P ⳱ 0.24–0.50, and
made up to 12 l with buffer and bovine serum albu- GENEHUNTER were nonparametric lod (NPL) ⳱
min, according to the directions of the supplier. After −2.2–0.39 and P ⳱ 0.35–0.99. For each marker, all of
electrophoresis on a 4% agarose gel, a 267 bp ethidium the statistical parameters generated consistently indi-
bromide stained band was indicative of the A(−6) allele cated an absence of excess allele sharing in the hyper-
(designated A) and bands of 154 and 113 bp showed the tensive sibpairs. Results for pairs with age of onset < 45
G(−6) allele (designated G) was present. The procedure y (n ⳱ 87), those with pre-treatment diastolic pressure
for determination of the A(−20)C genotype was the > 100 mmHg (n ⳱ 86), or male–male pairs (n ⳱ 100)
same, except that PCR products were incubated at were also not significant (e.g., P ⳱ 0.54, 0.55 and 0.51,
37°C with 5 U EcoO109I (New England BioLabs, Bev- respectively, by SPLINK). In addition we calculated
erly, MA), which yielded bands of 205 and 62 bp exclusion values using MAPMAKER/SIBS under the
(A(−20) allele; designated a) or 141, 64 and 62 bp
(C(−20) allele; designated C). In the case of the M235T
polymorphism (alleles M and T), genotypes were deter-
mined as described previously [Bennett et al., 1993].
All genotype determinations were performed on two
separate occasions to confirm genotype assignment.
Statistical analysis
TABLE II. Results of Statistical Analyses of Genotype Data for Microsatellite Markers Near Angiotensinogen Locus*
Locus statistics SPLINK APM MAPMAKER/Sibs
Distance Locus No. of No. of Associated Theoretical Exclusion
Locus () het. alleles genotypes P-value Lod T-statistic P-value MLS Lod
D1S2880 0.021 0.77 11 227 0.57 0.00 −4.10 1.00 0.00 −4.80
D1S213 0.028 0.83 11 234 0.41 0.04 −0.87 0.81 0.04 −4.40
D1S251 0.077 0.86 14 213 0.50 0.01 −2.27 0.99 0.01 −4.60
AGT 0.020 0.76 11 222 0.58 0.00 −1.14 0.87 0.00 −5.07
D1S235 0.73 13 206 0.58 0.00 −1.70 0.96 0.00 −4.05
*, recombination fraction; Het., heterozygosity; MLS, multipoint maximum Lod score.
assumption of no dominance variance for a hypotheti- blood pressure, BMI, age of onset, sex, and other pa-
cal locus with s ⳱ 1.6 and using a conventional exclu- rameters still did not reveal any significant association
sion threshold of Lod ⳱ −2. The Lod scores obtained with hypertension. We noted strong linkage disequilib-
(Table II) indicated an absence of linkage of the AGT rium between the G(−6)A, A(−20)C and M235T vari-
region with hypertension. ants of AGT, the A(−6), C(−20) and T235 alleles being
co-inherited (Table IV).
Association Study
Paris work significance was confined to male–male mation and relies on user-specified allele frequency to
pairs (13% excess overall, P < 0.01; and 33%, P <0.0001, test the null hypothesis it is very sensitive to misspeci-
for those with severe hypertension), but our male–male fication of allele frequencies [Weeks and Lange, 1992].
pairs did not show significant linkage. Lastly, their findings differ from Jeunemaitre et al.
A noteworthy result of our analyses was the finding [1992] in that 28 families with female–female pairs
of exclusion scores of Lod −4.1 to −5.1 for a s of 1.6. showed a greater allelic excess (29%; P < 0.001) than 18
This is well below the generally accepted threshold for with male–male pairs (17%; P ⳱ 0.02) and the excess
non-linkage of −2. Therefore, utilizing a population of was similar (25%; P < 0.001) for 31 families with 70
Australian Anglo-Celtic Caucasians, these data pro- severely affected (diastolic > 100 mmHg) patients as for
vide convincing evidence that the AGT region does not the whole group (26%; P < 0.001).
play an important role, if any, in essential hyperten- Thus closer examination of the various data to date,
sion etiology. especially in the light of more recent findings, such as
Consistent with the present findings, a multicenter described herein, provide little reassurance that AGT
analysis in Europe of the AGT marker using the pro- is linked to hypertension.
grams SIBPAL and SIB-PAIR has also failed to dem- Our case-control study of the G(−6)A and A(−20)C
onstrate linkage of the AGT marker with hypertension variants, like M235T [Bennett et al., 1993], also failed
[Brand et al., 1998]. Moreover, their reanalysis of AGT to support association of these AGT variants with hy-
marker data from the original Utah/Paris study using pertension. The G(−6)A and M235T variants [Jeun-
the ILINK program (which generates maximum likeli- emaitre et al., 1997] and the A(−20)C and M235T vari-
hood estimates) did not show linkage, leading them to ants [Sato et al., 1997] have been reported by others to
suggest that the initial study could have been a false- be in linkage disequilibrium and our data confirm this
positive. This group concluded that if there is a contri- for both variants in a Caucasian population. The num-
bution it could be so small that only an enormous num- ber of subjects we used should have provided sufficient
ber of sibs would have sufficient power to detect it. power, as judged from previous estimates [Cox and
Significant linkage for the AGT microsatellite Bell, 1989] and our positive results for variants of other
marker (but no association for the M235T variant) has genes in the same subjects, where our use of only hy-
also been reported for 63 Caucasian pedigrees (⳱ 2 pertensives with two hypertensive parents, and normo-
affected) in London [Caulfield et al., 1994]. There are, tensives with two normotensive parents, would have
however, a number of problems with this data and its increased the genetic input and power of our study, so
analysis. One is the fact that although the frequency of increasing the likelihood of revealing an association
the two major alleles of the (GT)- repeat polymorphism [Chambers and Morris, 1996; Morris et al., 1997; Ben-
were markedly different between patients and controls, jafield et al., 1998]. The present findings thus add to
there was no difference between alleles of the M235T the disparity between reports for AGT variants in vari-
variant, even though these two polymorphisms are in ous Caucasian populations, as well as in other racial
linkage disequilibrium with each other, suggesting ge- groups [reviewed in Morris, 1999]. Interestingly, one
notype sizing differences. Consistent with the latter, study of French Caucasians found association with hy-
the most common allele was much lower in their hy- pertension only in patients who were not overweight
pertensives (0.07 vs. 0.31 in controls) than was seen by [Tiret et al., 1995]. However, a study of a UK Cauca-
[Jeunemaitre et al., 1992, 1997] (0.34 vs. 0.41 in con- sian group in East Anglia failed to find association
trols). In our study the frequency of the most common even after subdivision according to BMI, sex or age
allele was 0.43 and in the report that first described [Hingorani et al., 1996] and we too could not see dif-
this marker it was 0.40 [Kotelevtsev et al., 1991]. Fur- ferences by subgroup analyses. Curiously, the initial
thermore, the second most common allele was elevated M235T association was much stronger in females,
(0.36 vs. 0.17 in controls) in the London hypertensives, whereas the linkage data were only significant for
but did not differ in the Utah or Paris subjects [Jeun- males [Jeunemaitre et al., 1992]. T235 allele frequency
emaitre et al., 1992, 1997]. The Caulfield group also is quite variable, ranging from 0.35 [Jeunemaitre et al.,
reported linkage for Afro-Carribean blacks, although 1992] to 0.49 [Caulfield et al., 1994] in different Cau-
quite different alleles were shared in excess [Caulfield casian groups, suggesting that cryptic ethnic or other
et al., 1995]. Furthermore, they used only the APM differences between various populations of the same
method for analysis. Because APM uses just IBS infor- race may be contributing to the disparate findings
58 Wang et al.
[Morgan et al., 1996]. Thus the M235T variant may not II. Thus there is no logical reason why a genetically
be an ideal marker for a causative variant, if there is determined elevation in plasma angiotensinogen in hy-
one. Other polymorphisms in disequilibrium with pertension might play a role in the etiology of this con-
T235, such as allele (GT)16 of the dinucleotide repeat dition. Finally, recent congenic experiments involving
and the A(−6) or C(−20) alleles of the promoter poly- a sponaneously hypertensive rat chromosomal segment
morphisms, may have similar problems. Potential containing the angiotensinogen gene have shown that
problems may be exacerbated when using APM, due to even though there is a quantitative locus for blood pres-
its inherent sensitivity to variations in allele frequency sure in this region, this is not explained by differences
[Weeks and Lange, 1988; Morgan et al., 1996]. Thus at in angiotensinogen expression or plasma concentra-
least some of the positive findings to date for AGT have tions [St Lezin et al., 1999].
the potential to be spurious.
In considering the findings from linkage and associa- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tion studies it should be noted that what is tested dif-
fers for each approach and that each has different We thank the Australian Red Cross Blood Bank,
strengths and weaknesses. Linkage studies prefer Sydney, for normotensive subjects and Nicholas Mar-
multi-allelic markers to better track inheritance, tin, NHMRC Twin Registry, for facilitating contact
whereas in association studies bi-allelic markers are with 20 dizygotic twin sibships in which each twin had
preferred. Linkage studies test whether a disease and hypertension and 20 in which one twin and nontwin
an allele show a correlated transmission (concordant sib(s) were affected. Assistance in recruitment of the
inheritance) within a pedigree, whereas association majority of sibships (for the linkage study) and unre-
studies test for correlated occurrence in a population lated hypertensives (for the association study), as well
[Lander and Schork, 1994]. Linkage may be seen with- as blood collection and DNA extraction was provided by
out association, as can happen when there are many Judith O’Neill, Andrew Schrader, Robert Zee, Susan
independent trait-causing loci in a population, so that Chambers, and Kazuo Suzuki in the Sydney Labora-
association with any particular allele is weak, and as- tory. Some assistance was also given by Sue Ruther-
sociation may be detected without linkage, such as ford, Sharon Quinlan, Robert Curtain, Sharon Boat-
when an allele explains only a minor proportion of the wright, and Monique Salzmann in the Laboratory of
variance for a trait, meaning that even though the al- Lyn Griffiths, Griffith University, who provided 14 of
lele is more frequent in affected individuals, it does not the 104 sibships and 16 of the 111 unrelated hyperten-
predict disease status within a pedigree very well sives. Partial salary support was provided to D.R.N. by
[Lander and Schork, 1994]. This situation could apply Gemini Research Ltd, UK.
to hypertension considering its relatively small relative
risk value and complexity and the expectation that REFERENCES
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