Indonesia Profile (Latest Data Available: 2017)
Indonesia Profile (Latest Data Available: 2017)
Indonesia Profile (Latest Data Available: 2017)
Please provide the name of the Head of the Prof. DR. Ahmad M. Ramli
Regulatory Authority
Please provide the exact title of the Head of the Head of Indonesian Telecommunication Regulatory Authority
Regulatory Authority. (BRTI)
Legal document creating the regulator Ministry of Transportation Decree No. 31, year 2003
1 ITU ICT-Eye:
Entity in charge of enforcement of quality of service S
Broadcasting (sound transmission) S Op
S: Sector Ministry
O: Other Ministry or Government body
R: Regulatory Authority
Op: Operator
N: Not regulated
M: If more than one entity or another body is involved in this function, please explain
Mobile C
Cable modem C
Leased Lines C
International Gateways P
Internet Services C
Cable Television C
M: Monopoly
P: Partial competition (year when competition was introduced)
C: Full competition (year when competition was introduced)
N: N/A
Universal Service - services covered and operator obligations (Latest data available: 2017)
Definition of universal service/access exists Yes
2 ITU ICT-Eye:
Financing of Universal Service activities and/or Universal Service Funds (Latest data available: 2017)
Means of financing operator(s) universal • Universal service funds
access/service obligations
Operational Universal Service Fund Yes
If Yes, when?
3 ITU ICT-Eye: