Good Sleep Good Health: The Importance of Sleep Tips For A Good Night's Sleep The Health Benefits of Sleep

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Health problems related to

Shift Work can upset the normal circadian rhythms that
synchronise our sleep to the night/day cycle, making it
poor sleep
harder to get enough sleep.
Not getting enough sleep and poor quality sleep can

Insomnia is regular and frequent trouble falling asleep,
contribute to serious health problems such as:

staying asleep, waking too early in the morning and
> obesity worrying about being able to sleep. Insomnia can be
> type 2 diabetes caused by medication or other drugs, alcohol and caffeine,
> cardiovascular disease chronic pain or other health problems and stress or anxiety.

> kidney disease

> poor mental health.
Getting help
Some sleep problems can require professional help, but
trying the Tips for Good Sleep might be a good start.
When we sleep our brains remain active, but many
physiological functions are lowered such as body A healthy lifestyle, not smoking, limiting alcohol, eating a
temperature, breathing and heart rate. Our sleep is healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise will help with
synchronised to our body clock that controls daily
variations (circadian rhythms) of various metabolic and
hormonal functions that control insulin and glucose
and regulate appetite. If we don’t get enough sleep
Speak to your doctor or heath professional if you are
concerned about your or your families’ sleep.
The following websites have additional helpful
these functions are disrupted and this can result in information.
increased weight and poor health.

Common sleep problems

Not everyone is able to get enough sleep and this can
be due to some common problems.
Sleep apnoea occurs when the throat or upper
airway is obstructed and causes the person to stop
breathing for short periods of time. Breathing restarts
when the person wakes, but this may be for such a
short time that the person is not aware of waking.
This waking can happen hundreds of times each night
resulting in lack of sleep time. Sleep apnoea is more the importance of sleep >
common in men, but women and children also can
experience this. People who are overweight are more
likely to have sleep apnoea. tips for a good night’s >
Restricted sleep or frequent lack of sleep can be
caused by a number of things including health
problems, the need to urinate in the night, restless
leg syndrome, social or work patterns that reduce
sleep time and using TVs or other bright-lit electronic
the health benefits of >
technology in bed that over-stimulates the brain. sleep
Sleep is important ? How much sleep is enough
Babies and young children need more sleep - as
playing outside in daylight hours. This is >
important for biological rhythm regulation and
When we sleep well we are happier, also helps tire children
hours per day. As we get older we 14 much as
more alert and energetic, better able need less sleep, but teenagers should still get 3 napping less as children get older (about >
to concentrate and less likely to make hours each night and adults between 10 – 8 pm this will make 4:00years). If naps occur after
. mistakes .hours9 and 7 getting to sleep later more difficult

Sleep is an important biological function Tips for good sleep avoiding being overtired which can make it >
without which we cannot survive. We all have times where we don’t get enough harder for children to settle for sleep
While we sleep many important sleep, but if this is a frequent problem it can have managing bed-time behaviour problems such >
functions serious effects on our health, safety and wellbeing. as refusing to go to bed or getting out of bed
take place such as physical recovery Fortunately there are things we can do at all ages to .before they become a habit
and repair, brain development, cardiac :help get a good night’s sleep
function and body metabolism. Sleep have a good routine - go to bed at night and > Teenagers start to go to bed later and their sleep
also assists learning, memory and get up in the morning at about the same time if patterns change, especially on the weekends! It
mood. Sleep is especially important for possible is still important for them to get enough sleep
children’s growth and general health. and regular sleep patterns that don’t vary too
relax prior to going to bed and don’t go to bed > much on the weekend help ensure enough sleep.
Babies and children need much more
.sleep than adults
until you feel ready to sleep : Suggestions to improve sleep include
get plenty of exercise, but not in the hours close > avoid late-night work / home-work / sport on >
Without enough sleep we are more to bed time school nights
likely to have problems with thinking,
avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine, smoking or > .exercise earlier in the day or early evening >
concentration, memory, reaction times
and mood, all of which impact on our hours before bed time4-6 eating large meals Shift Workers are working during times that our
ability to perform our daily tasks and maintain a healthy weight > bodies expect to be sleeping. Getting enough
.increases risks of mistakes and accidents quality sleep can be a problem for people who
avoid using computers, tablets or other bright-lit > work shift work and as their work often involves
Insufficient sleep can be deadly and is a devices one hour prior to bed time high risk activities (driving, emergency services,
common cause of road and workplace medical services) it is important that the risks of
don’t watch TV or use computers and other >
accidents. It is now well known that mistakes and accidents are minimised by getting
electronic technology in bed
regular lack of, or poor quality sleep :sufficient sleep. Shift workers should
contributes to long-term health have a comfortable bed and bedroom – dark > turn off phones and let people know not to >
2 problems such as obesity, type and quiet and not too warm or too cold disturb you
diabetes, cardiovascular disease and avoid bright sunshine and exercise too close to >
if you can’t get to sleep - get up and go to >
.poor mental health bed time
. another room until you feel sleepy
Getting enough sleep every night is as sleep before a shift rather than after if possible >
Children also benefit from a regular sleep routine
important as eating healthily, getting and need to relax before bed time and avoid
try to establish regular sleep routines that fit >
plenty of exercise, not smoking and . with your work shifts if possible
:boisterous play. Sleep may be improved by
limiting alcohol to help maintain good
. health and reduce the risk of disease

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