Types of Class II Biosafety Cabinets

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Types of Class II Biosafety Cabinets

Class II biological safety cabinets are primary engineering controls typically used for microbiological studies, cell culture,
pharmaceutical procedures and toxicology.
BSC classifications and standards for the United States are set by NSF International (formerly the National Sanitation Foundation). NSF
defines four types of Class II cabinets (A1, A2, B1 and B2) that are distinguished by differences in airflow patterns and velocities, HEPA
air filter positions, ventilation rates and exhaust methods.
The classification system has changed throughout the years, and the following overview refers to the 2011 NSF/ANSI 49 2011 manual.

Class II Biosafety Cabinet Protection: Class II Biosafety Cabinets Applications:

• Personnel protection from harmful agents Type A1 and A2 cabinets are typically used for biosafety levels 1
used inside the biosafety cabinet. through 3. Because Type A1 cabinets are not suitable for work
with chemicals, use of Type A2 cabinets is more prevalent. As long
• Product protection to avoid contamination as vapors are not hazardous and will not interfere with the work
of the work, experiment or process from outside when recirculated, it is acceptable to use an A2 cabinet with a
contaminants. small amount of chemicals when the cabinet is exhausted to the
• Environmental protection from contaminants outdoors for removal of gases.
contained within the biosafety cabinet. Type B1 and B2 cabinets are also typically used for biosafety levels
Class II Biosafety Cabinets Key Features: 1 through 3. As with type A2 cabinets, type B1 cabinets can be
used for work generating chemical vapors as long as the vapors
• A front access opening with carefully maintained do not interfere with the work when recirculated or when the
inward airflow. work is done in the directly exhausted portion of the cabinet.
• HEPA-filtered, vertical, unidirectional airflow The type B2 total exhaust cabinets are widely used in toxicology
within the work area. laboratories and similar applications where chemical effluent is
present and clean air is essential.
• HEPA-filtered exhaust air to the room or
exhaust to a facility exhaust system. All types of Class II cabinets may be used in biosafety level 4
laboratories when workers utilize positive pressure suits.

Type A1 Type A2 Type B1 Type B2

Provides Personnel yes yes yes yes

Containment and Protection

Product yes yes yes yes

Particulates Environmental yes yes yes yes

not suitable for use only if exhausted to

Personnel reduces exposure yes
with chemicals facility exhaust system
Protection not suitable for use
Product no reduces exposure yes
from Vapors with chemicals
& Gases
not suitable for use only if exhausted to
Environmental reduces exposure yes
with chemicals facility exhaust system

Cabinet Face Velocity minimum of 75 FPM minimum of 100 FPM minimum of 100 FPM minimum of 100 FPM

Recirculated ~ 70% ~ 70% ~ 50% 0%

Exhausted ~ 30% ~ 30% ~ 50% 100%

Biologically contaminated
negative to room negative to room negative to room negative to room
plenum pressure

Cabinet exhaust source common plenum common plenum exhaust plenum exhaust plenum

yes yes

To room no no
(no, if vented outside) (no, if vented outside)
Destination Vented Outside optional optional yes yes

Connection Type canopy canopy hard ducted hard ducted

* The percentage of air recirculated and exhausted in Type A1, A2 and B1 cabinets varies by size of cabinet and size of the access opening.

© 2012 The Baker Company

Airflow Characteristics of Class II Biological Safety Cabinets

Class II, Type A1 and Type A2 Cabinets

»» Recirculating systems Class II, Type A2
»» May be vented into the room or to the facility’s HVAC system
through a canopy exhaust connection
»» Remaining air is recirculated to the work area through a HEPA supply
»» HEPA-filtered downflow air is a mixture of recirculated and inflow air
from a common plenum, and will vary in total volume based on the
cabinet design
»» Intake air velocity for a Type A1 is a minimum of 75 FPM and Type A2 is a
minimum of 100 FPM
»» All biologically contaminated ducts and plenums are under negative
pressure or surrounded by negative pressure ducts and plenums

Class II, Type B1

Room Air Contaminated Air – Positive Pressure

HEPA-filtered Air Contaminated Air – Negative Pressure

Class II, Type B1 Cabinet

»» Recirculating system
»» Exhausted air is pulled through a dedicated duct and through a HEPA
filter (location of the filter varies by manufacturer) before entering
a facility’s HVAC system
»» Must be hard-connected to an exhaust system
»» Remaining air is mixed with the inflow air and recirculated to the work
area through a HEPA supply filter - in some designs this recirculated air is
HEPA filtered to prevent contamination of the cabinet plenums
»» Intake air velocity is a minimum of 100 FPM

Room Air Contaminated Air/Direct Exhaust

HEPA-filtered Air Contaminated Air Class II, Type B2

Class II, Type B2

»» Provide no air recirculation within the work area
»» Must be hard-connected to a facility’s exhaust system
»» HEPA filter air is immediately exhausted through a dedicated duct, into the
HVAC system (HEPA-filter location varies by manufacturer)
»» Room air enters through a blower/motor located near the top of the
cabinet (specific location varies by manufacturer) and pushed through a
HEPA supply filter into the work area.
»» Descending air is pulled through the base of the work area through the
perforated front and rear grilles
»» Simultaneously, air entering through the front opening is pulled through
the perforated front grille
»» Intake air velocity is a minimum of 100 FPM
Room Air Contaminated Air –
Negative Pressure
HEPA-filtered Air

© 2012 The Baker Company

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