A Cognitive Network Based Adaptive Load Balancing Algorithm For Emerging Technology Applications
A Cognitive Network Based Adaptive Load Balancing Algorithm For Emerging Technology Applications
A Cognitive Network Based Adaptive Load Balancing Algorithm For Emerging Technology Applications
Kang Lu†
Science and Technology on Space Physics Laboratory
Beijing, 100076, China‡
[email protected]§
Ting Xing
IDC(Beijing) Co,Ltd,
Beijing, 100044, China
[email protected]
In the era of cloud computing and big data, the demand for real-time data processing and availability
poses higher requirements for network load balancing. Cognitive network has unique self-learning
and re-configuration abilities that can improve the effectiveness of load balancing. Based on the
existing traffic scheduling algorithms, this article will discuss the possibility of improving weighted
least-connection scheduling algorithm by leveraging cognitive network. A dynamic load balancing
algorithm (NNPMA,Neural Network Prediction Model Algorithm) will be developed on the basis of
traffic prediction model. NNPMA can enable least load scheduling in real time for service request
from node and configure available idle resources upfront to ensure compliance with QoS. This
traffic scheduling algorithm will be simulated with OPNET and it will be applied to cloud
computing architecture. The test results indicate that this algorithm can achieve loading performance
better than the unimproved weighted least-connection scheduling algorithm without significantly
increasing network overhead.
As cloud computing embarks on the stage of real application, hybrid cloud service
becomes the mainstream model provided from cloud services at present stage, and big
data analysis emerges to be a hotspot of cloud computing application. Versatile and
massive data is generated explosively, data is growing at an unprecedented pace around
the world; network access users, traffic and access requests increase by folds, all
demanding higher network and data processing quality. In such context, a data center
can't deploy its servers in the traditional pattern of single point integration, but leverages
highly-efficient innovative service system architecture to realize more flexible cluster
deployment and more reasonable resource configuration for building a resource server
32 Lu Kang and Xing Ting
pool. However, a heterogeneous cloud computing application platform will have resource
server instances in various sizes, with an excessive load may create unbalanced loading at
server side, so load balancing plays a crucial part in ensuring the efficient operation of
cloud computing system architecture. Working on the design of cloud computing system
architecture, the cognitive network adaptive load balancing algorithm can flexibly turn
on/off cloud service resources and adaptively configure request for network service to
optimal server instance, ensuring the uninterrupted services.
Currently load balancing has not been integrated into cloud computing platform, but
works as a rather independent module. At present factors like distribution of terminals,
random mobility and various QoS requirements for user services may cause uneven
distribution of network traffic, leading to local node overloading and congestion at nodes
with heavy load that increase packets lost rate and service latency, while idle resources at
nodes with light load are in poor utilization. Cognitive network load balancing offers an
innovative solution to this scenario.
LVS cluster architecture implements load balancing by modifying IP to schedule
resources, and as the virtual instance resources on cloud computing service platform all
have their own ID number and IP addresses, it is very easy to apply LVS cluster
technology to enable adaptive configuration of cloud computing resources. But common
scheduling algorithms of LVS can't be used in a scenario in which resources are changing
dynamically. The NNPMA algorithm proposed by this article enables a load balancing
and scheduling scheme suitable for use in cloud computing system architecture. While
ensuring the compliance with user QoS requirements, it can configure upfront available
network resources in accordance with load variation to schedule network traffic in real
time and dynamically so that traffic can be distributed evenly across the entire network to
reduce network congestion, offering a more effective solution for today's big data
application processing and the extensive use of cloud computing.
Fig. 1.Improved Wavelet Neural Network Prediction Combined Model Algorithm Scheme
The basic idea of this paper is to improve wavelet neural network prediction combined
model created by integrating wavelet neural network model; improve weighted least-
connection scheduling algorithm; propose NNPMA and apply it to cloud computing
system architecture.
In the flow of this algorithm, the first step is to predict the upcoming network traffic
according to the basic traffic; then derive the status parameters of upcoming network
traffic from the traffic output predicted by traffic prediction model; after fully considering
the impact patterns of various services on network traffic, a specialized network software
MRTG will be used to capture the status parameters of server; calculate the weighted load
value of each server, and record the largest and the least weighted value, and the traffic
between paths can then be dynamically adjusted with network resource adaptive
distribution approach. For service with connection established as well as newly connected,
their types and resource requirements will be compared comprehensively and the
comparison results will be reported to the router node at the forward path. In other words,
the largest weighted value of servers will be compared with their management thresholds.
Corresponding servers will stop responding for a certain period of time decided by their
working state, and the latest load request will be scheduled to the server with least load.
After this, these nodes will redirect those packets of existing service flows according to
assessment results to enable real-time and dynamic scheduling of service flows in
If (MaxLoadValue< Load[i])
MaxLoadValue = Load[i];
Return MinLoad[i]
If (MaxLoadValue< predetermined threshold)
Suspend server [i] for a certain time;
Obtain performance parameters of several sets of servers and calculate the weighted
Return the current minimum load server algorithm pseudo-code:
If W(Smin)>0
{for (int i=m+1;i<n;i++)
{if (W(Si)<=0)
If (Load(Si)<Load(Smin))
Return Smin
The basic adaptive algorithm designed in Section 2.1 is improved and included into the
simulation model to set up process model, node model and engineering scenario.
A network simulation scenario model is built, in which three clients are configured to
transmit and receive data from three servers. Then the weighted least-connection
scheduling algorithm is compared with improved NNPAM algorithm, where certain basic
parameters are set to reflect common network data. For example, the process model is set
as “Acb_fifo” (FIFO); the average interval between each arrival of packets as 1.0s; the
size of data packet as 1,000 to 9,000b/p; the transmission interval as 1s, and the simulation
duration as 30 min.
Fig. 4. Predicting Curve Generated by Improved Prediction Model and Actual Traffic Value
Fig. 5. Predicting Curve Generated by Unimproved Prediction Model and Actual Traffic Value
The load rendering of each server is shown in Fig 5 Fig6. The horizontal axis
represents 30min simulation time, and the vertical axis represents the loads of different
A Cognitive Network Based Adaptive Load Balancing Algorithm for Emerging Technology Applications 39
The load situations of each serve under the minimum traffic scheduling algorithm are
shown in Fig 6, and Fig 7 shows the load situations of each serve under the improved
adaptive minimum traffic scheduling algorithm; the loads of the three servers shown in Fig
6 are not balanced enough, and the third server takes more network requests. In Fig 7, the
40 Lu Kang and Xing Ting
loads of the three servers are relatively balanced, and they take the network requests in a
relatively average manner. After using improved NNPMA algorithm, the load balancing
for each server is better than using the minimum traffic scheduling algorithm.
6. Conclusions
In a context of extensive use of emerging technologies today, by applying NNPMA to
cloud computing architecture and building model with simulation software OPNET to
simulate the algorithm. Then compare and analyze the results of NNPMA with
unimproved least-connection scheduling algorithm, it can be concluded that the dynamic
and adaptive traffic scheduling algorithm can enable servers to evenly provide network
services and better balance load, while minimizing impact to overall network performance,
making it a more optimal solution for current cloud computing application architecture.
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