Are We Too Dependent On Internet

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1. Are We Too Dependent On internet ?

 By: Sabrina Gopar Corro

2. Since their invention, people far and wide have become increasingly dependent on
computers. Computers have found their way into just about every aspect of our lives, and in
most cases, they make things easier for us. They allow us to work from home, socialize with
our friends and family who live too far away to visit, and they provide a stress relief when we
come home from school or work and just want to have some fun. But as we increasingly rely
on computers to get through the day, the question begs to be answered: have we become too
dependent on computers?
3. As most of us can agree, the world is overused with technology making it a necessity
in modern day life. As demonstrated on the image, the use of technology is practically
addicting, making it almost a drug resulting in many different hazardous dangers/effects.
4. Despite the many benefits of computers, there are also a number of arguments
against them, one of which is the negative effect some believe they are having on children’s
education. Illiteracy is a growing issue, and many say that computers are to blame. In the past
few years, many teachers have taken to shuffling their students off to a computer to type out
short, quick assignments that could easily be written out by hand. While this isn’t much of an
issue for older students, it is an issue for the younger students who are just learning to read
and write. Regardless of how much we’re coming to rely on computers, printing and
handwriting are a necessary skill to have. But typing out assignments has an effect on more
than just the ability to print — it can also negatively impact their spelling and grammar. While
most programs now have spell- and grammar-check, they are not infallible. Furthermore,
information is often more easily and accurately remembered when children have to spend a
little time writing it out by hand, rather than a few quick minutes typing away at a keyboard.
Because of these factors, computers in school should be reserved for older students, longer
assignments, or classes which specifically teach how to use a computer.
5. Another case against computers crops up when a person’s interest in computers
goes too far and becomes an obsession. Computers make our lives easier and give us new
ways to learn about the things we’re interested in. They make it possible to do many things
from the comfort of our own home — we can shop online, keep in touch with our friends
online, even go to school online. They make it easier to record and organize information and
entertain us with a nearly endless variety of games. However, it’s still important to maintain a
life outside of the cyber world; a life spent attached to a computer screen isn’t a real life. When
a computer becomes the central point of a person’s life, they undergo a change in behavior;
they become lazy and develop anti-social tendencies, and, in some severe cases, simply
cannot function without a computer. It’s a common thing to see with children who have been
allowed to spend too much time on the computer, watching TV, or playing video games: when
it comes time to walk away, they throw temper tantrums. But it’s not just a matter of behavioral
changes — when a person can’t tear themselves away from the screen long enough to take
part in any other activity, it can take a toll on their comfort and health. They may experience
weight gain, strained eyes, and headaches, among other unpleasant side-effects. However, it
can also be argued that this is not the fault of the computer, but rather the fault of the person.

6. Perhaps the most convincing argument, however, is the issue of safety which tends
to effect the younger generation. Aside from the issue of sharing personal information such as
full names and addresses, there is also the bigger issue of stolen personal information. As our
dependence on computers grows, so does our comfort level to be nice to strangers and think
that it is always perfectly safe to do so, the fact is that there are people who have any number
of ways to gain access to your personal files, and therefore, any personal information stored
on your computer. Even if you don’t knowingly keep any personal information on your
computer, if you bank or shop online at all, it’s possible for someone who knows what they’re
doing to gain access to delicate financial information.
7. It is clear that computers are great things, and are very useful in everyday life, but
they create a certain distraction which just overpowers our will to stay away from the
computer. In our modern day world, computers are absolutely essential and all around us, at
work, at schools, at malls, etc. It is impossible to run away from these devices and we've
become so dependent on it that we just can't do things on our own now. My argument is not
that these machines need to be eliminated, but controlled, especially to the next generations
before us. It is up to you whether or not you would like to continue to depend on Google to find
out every answer, when there is a textbook collecting dust in your locker.

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