Kcoba Agm Notice 2021-2022

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2021 Annual General Meeting of King’s College Old Boys’
Association Limited (the “Association”) will be held on Saturday, 25th September 2021 at 7:00 pm
at the Club House of the Association (香港英皇書院同學會會所), Flat B, 6th Floor, Shing
Lee Commercial Building, 6-12 Wing Kut Street, Central, Hong Kong (香港中環永吉街誠利商業大廈
六樓B 座) to transact the following business:

1. To confirm the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting;

2. To receive and adopt the Report of the Executive Committee for 2020/2021;
3. To receive and approve the Audited Financial Statements and Auditors’ Reports for the year
ended 30th April, 2021;
4. To elect the President and Members of the Executive Committee for 2021/2022;
5. To appoint the Auditor for 2021/2022; and
6. Any other business.

By Order of the Executive Committee

Mr Chong Ting Ho, Ivan
Hon. Secretary
Hong Kong, 4th September, 2021
N.B. Please read the explanatory notes.
A physical copy of the audited financial statements of the Association is kept in the Club House.
Should members of the Association like to view it, please make an appointment via [email protected].
To assist the Association to make an estimate on number of the attending members and avoid breaking the
current rules on public gatherings, your early reservation would be much appreciated.
You may indicate your presence through the following three ways:

1) Fill in the online reservation form

You may indicate your presence with the online form.

Please click into the link to our online reservation form, or access through the link above.

2) Send the scanned and filled reservation form to the KCOBA’s email address

You may send back this filled reservation form to [email protected].

3) Mail back the filled reservation form to KCOBA

To: The Secretary

King’s College Old Boys’ Association Limited
Flat B, 6/F, Shing Lee Commercial Building,
6-12 Wing Kut Street, Central, Hong Kong.

Name: 中文姓名:

Year Leaving KC: (Form : )

Tel No.:
□ I shall attend the Annual General Meeting to be held on 25th September, 2021 (Saturday).
Explanatory Notes
Please note the following provisions in the Articles of Association of King’s College Old Boys’
Association Limited (“the Association”):-

1. Only paid-up Ordinary and Life Members of the Association are entitled to vote at the Annual General
Meeting (“AGM”).

2. A Member who is entitled to vote may appoint a proxy to vote on his behalf but the proxy must be in
writing using the Proxy Form. The completed Proxy Form shall be deposited at the Association’s
registered office not less than 48 hours before the AGM. No person not qualified to vote shall be
appointed a proxy.

3. The Chairman of the AGM and/or Election Committee shall disqualify those members who owe
subscription, dues and other payments or money payable to the Association 2 months before the AGM
(i.e. as of 25th July, 2021) and remains unpaid on the 10th calendar day before the AGM (i.e. 15th
September, 2021) from voting personally or by proxy at the AGM. Please therefore ensure
the settlement of all monies due to the Association before attending the AGM.


1) Proxy Form (1 page)

2) Nomination Form for the President (2 pages)
3) Nomination Form for Executive Committee Member (2 pages)

Proxy Form
I, _____________________________________________________

being an ordinary / a life member of the King’s College Old Boys’ Association Limited (“the
Association”), hereby appoint _________________________ or, failing him, (NB:6) as my proxy to
vote for me on my behalf at the Annual General Meeting of the Association to be held on the
25th September 2021, and at any adjournment thereof.
Signed this day of 2021.

Signed: _________________________________________

N.B. (1) This proxy form is for your exclusive use and is not transferable for use by another member.
(2) Any alteration and/or deletion must be counter-signed by you, otherwise this proxy shall be
(3) This proxy with your original signature must be deposited at the registered office of the
Association not less than 48 hours before the Annual General Meeting. Photocopies and
facsimiles of the proxies may not be accepted. Multiple proxies appointed by the same appointer
shall render all such proxies void.
(4) If you turn up at any time during the Annual General Meeting and votes in person, this proxy shall
automatically be nullified.
(5) No person who is not qualified to vote shall be appointed a proxy.
(6) You may cross out the blank if you do not wish to appoint another member as the proxy.
(7) All enquiries relating to the Annual General Meeting should be made to the Secretary of the
Association through [email protected].


□ membership checked (Treasurer) □ Valid Proxy

□ proxy lodged before deadline __________________(Secretary) □ Void

Nomination Form for the President
To : King’s College Old Boys’ Association Limited (“the Association”)

We, being the following proposers, hereby nominate

to be a candidate for the election of President of the Association for the term of

Are you a current
Name Signature Ex-Com Member?

(1) _______________________________ ________________ Yes□ No□

(2) _______________________________ ________________ Yes□ No□
(3) _______________________________ ________________ Yes□ No□
(4) _______________________________ ________________ Yes□ No□
(5) _______________________________ ________________ Yes□ No□
(6) _______________________________ ________________ Yes□ No□
(7) _______________________________ ________________ Yes□ No□
(8) _______________________________ ________________ Yes□ No□
(9) _______________________________ ________________ Yes□ No□
(10) _______________________________ ________________ Yes□ No□

We, being the following seconders, hereby second the nomination of
_____________________________________ to be the candidate for the election of
President of the Association for the term of 2021/2022.

Name Signature
(1) _________________________________ __________________________
(2) _________________________________ __________________________


I, , hereby accept the aforesaid

nomination for me to run in the election of President of the Association for the term of
2021/2022 and signify such acceptance by my signature hereunder.

Signed: _______________________________ Date: ______________________

(Cont’d Nomination for President)


(1) A Candidate running for President must continuously be an Ordinary or a Life Member of
the Association for at least 36 calendar months at the commencement of term of office as
President and has/had served the Association or the King’s College Old Boys’
Association (the organisation before incorporation) for at least one full term as an officer
bearer plus one full term as an Executive Committee Member. A losing candidate will
automatically be candidate for Executive Committee Members Election.

(2) The candidate must have, on or before 10 calendar days before the AGM, paid all fees
and dues that have become payable by them to the Association 2 months before the AGM.

(3) Nomination will be closed 10 calendar days before the AGM.

(4) A valid nomination must have the original signatures of at least 10 proposers (at least 5
of them are current members of the Executive Committee) and 2 seconders as well as that
of the Candidate.

(5) All proposers and seconders must be Ordinary/Life Members of the Association. There
is no restriction to the number of nominations that an ordinary/life member can propose/

(6) The duly completed nomination form with original signatures must be returned/
deposited to the Secretary at the Association’s registered office in person/by post before
5:00p.m. on the nomination closing date for vetting.

(7) All enquiries relating to the Election should be made to the Secretary of the
Association through [email protected].

Nomination Form for Executive Committee Member

To: King's College Old Boys' Association Limited ("the Association")

We, being the following proposers, hereby nominate ___________________________

to be a candidate for the election of Executive Committee Member for the term of 2021/2022.


Are you a current

Name Signature Ex-Com Member?

(1) _______________________________ ________________ Yes□ No□

(2) _______________________________ ________________ Yes□ No□

We, being the following seconders, hereby second the nomination of the above candidate for the

election of Executive Committee Member of the Association for the term of 2021/2022.


Name Signature

(1) ______________________________________ ______________________

(2) ______________________________________ ______________________


I, ___________________________________, hereby accept the aforesaid nomination for me to

run in the election of Executive Committee Member of the Association for the term of 2021/2022

and signify such acceptance by my signature hereunder.

Signed: _________________________ Date: __________________

(Cont’d Nomination for Ex-Com Member)


(1) Candidates running for Executive Committee Members must have been admitted as
Life Members of the Association at least 6 calendar months before the AGM.

(2) The candidate must have, on or before 10 calendar days before the AGM, paid all fees and
dues that have become payable by them to the Association 2 months before the AGM.

(3) Nomination will be closed 10 calendar days before the AGM.

(4) A valid nomination must have the original signatures of at least 2 proposers (at least one of
them is a current member of the Executive Committee) and 2 seconders as well as the

(5) All proposers and seconders must be Ordinary/Life Members of the Association.

(6) The duly completed nomination form with original signatures must be returned / deposited to the Secretary
at the Association’s registered office in person/by post before 5:00p.m on the nomination closing date for

(7) Although there are 19 Executive Committee Members to be elected, there is no restriction to
the number of nominations that an Ordinary/Life member can propose/second. However, at
the balloting, you can only vote for 19 or less candidates for their election.

(8) If you need more blank nomination forms, you may make photocopies.

(9) All enquiries relating to the Election should be made to the Secretary of the
Association through [email protected].

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