English & Arab Description
English & Arab Description
English & Arab Description
The collection and recovery of bilge waste are part of the country’s strategy for sustainable
development and for coastal pollution control. The project involves collecting and reclaiming
waste from ship hold in order to produce an alternative fuel for the operation of furnaces in
energy-intensive industries.
The willingness of countries to use renewable and new energy requires the strengthening of
its institutional and operational capacity to promote renewable and new energy sources to
meet energy needs, especially for energy-intensive industries such as cement plants.
2. Environmental interests
The combustion of ship hold residues in the industrial furnace minimizes a significant amount
of greenhouse gas emissions,this by the substitution of pet-coke (Main fuel for the cement
The following table shows the quantities of CO2 emitted for pet-coke and ship hold residues
for the same quantity.
We see that the use of fuels from ship holds reduces 21% of CO2 emissions.
CO2 emissions
Combustible Quantityreleased
Petroleum coke 96KgCO2/GJ
Fuel from residues ship holds
The fuel from the ship hold residues reduces the amount of Sulphur released in the furnaces
during combustion. Indeed, petroleum coal emits more than 7% Sulphur whereas it does not
exceed 2.1% of the residues of ship holds according to analyses carried out on several
On the other hand, the collection of waste from ship hold makes it possible to preserve the
environment, both on inland waterways and on the ocean and to comply with the regulations
of the International Maritime Organization. In the same context, faced with the need to
preserve a fragile marine ecosystem, the International OrganizationMaritime (IMO) has
adopted the MARPOL Convention by several countries. One of the most important
environmental missions is that ports are required to ensure the proper reception and then the
proper management of the residues produced by the vessels calling there.
معالجة و تثمين النفايات الناجمة عن األنشطة البترولية
وقيعان السفن
أ .السياق العام والقيمة المضافةللمشروع
.1السياق العام
إن رغبة الدول في استخدام الطاقات المتجددة والجديدة تتطلب تعزيز قدرتها المؤسسية
والتشغيلية من حيث تعزيز مصادر الطاقة المتجددة والجديدة لتلبية احتياجات الطاقة ،وخاصة
للصناعات كثيفة الطاقة مثل مصانع األسمنت.لذلك فإن استرداد المخلفات من قيعان السفنL
يلبي هذه األهداف.
المؤثراتاإلجابيةمنالناحيةالبئية .2
الفائدة الرئيسية من إستخدام أنواع الوقود البديلة تتمثل في تقليل غازات االحتباس الحراري.
إن إستعمال مثل هذه النفايات والبقايا المثمنة في األفران الصناعية يمكن من تقليل كمييات
كبيرة من انبعاثات غازات ثاني أكسيد الكربون .
يوضح الجدول التالي كميات ثاني أكسيد الكربون المنبعثة من الفحم البترولي ومخلفات
السفن.ما نالحظه هو أن استخدام الوقود الناجم عن مخلفات السفن يقلل من انبعاثات ثاني
أكسيد الكربون بنسبة .٪21
انبعاثاتثانيأكسيدالكربون CO2
الكمياتالتيتمانبعثها: المحروقات
وبماأنالفحمالبتروليينبعثمنهأكثرمن ٪7منالكبريتفيحينأنهالوقودالمعالجاليتجاوز ٪2.1
وف ًقالتحاليألجريتعلىعدةعينات.
Fuel oil N°2 is a fuel that is mainly used by industry and ships.
Fuel Oil No.2 is a viscous material that, in order to be usable, must be kept liquid at a
temperature of 70°C. Below 40°C, heavy fuel oil becomes pasty and inoperative, its transport,
storage and handling require energy.
Fuel oil N°1, whose characteristics are similar to diesel, is produced by refining crude oil. It
comes from the average cuts or fractions of oil from which are extracted kerosene, diesel,
domestic fuel oil, etc. To be able to use the various petroleum products, gas, fuel, heavy fuel
oil, etc., it is necessary to separate the different groups of hydrocarbons by distillation or
fractionation of the crude oil.
The propulsion engines of ships use as fuel an end product of crude oil distillation, unusable
directly fuel oil N°2 but some ships use fuel oil N°1.This fuel requires centrifugal purification
to remove water and sediment. The part disposed of with the cleaning water of the machines
constitutes the residues of the machine holds.
Flash point °C 70 Minimum 55 70
Minimum Minimum
Total Sulfur % 4,0Maximum 0,1 2.1
masse Maximum Maximum
Viscosity to cSt 110-310 4 390
50°C Maximum Maximum
، هو مادة لزجة2 زيت الوقود رقم.هو وقود يتم إستخدامهفيالمصانعوالسفن بشكل أساسي
40 تحت. درجة مئوية70 يجب أن تبقى سائلة عند درجة حرارة، لكي تكون قابلة لالستخدام
. يصبح زيت الوقود الثقيل لزججداوغير صالح للإلستعمالهفيالفرن، درجة مئوية
الوقود الثقيل رقم : 1
Stability Spot 4األقصى - -
القيمة الحرارية األدنى Kcal/Kg 9400 9960 9599
األدنى األدنى األدنى
The processing procedures are shown in the following figure:
The steps for handling ship hold residues are described as follows:
- ) Primary Settling: The residues from the collected ship hold will be stored in primary
storage tanks.
In this stage, natural settling of wateris done. This is the first step of treatment in our system.
-) Gravity settling: This is the second step where the residue from the stored ship holds will be
transported two secondary tank with lower capacity, at this level the water is settled by
gravity and using the conical form of the silo.
-) Preheating: The third step of the system is to preheat the ship holds to 120°C and
atmospheric pressure in heat container by electric immersion heaters.
This step aims to improve the viscosity of the product in order to optimize its filtration and
facilitate its transport.
The most important objective during preheating is to promote the separation of the fuel oil
contained in the tailings of ship holds from the waters.
The stitching is located in a high level of the container to always recover the noblest fraction.
-) Waste water treatment: the ship holds residue treatment system has an oil stripper. At each
cycle the wastewater will be purged from the preheating vessel, silos and storage tank as well.
The quantities of hydrocarbon floating on the surface of the water will be recovered and re-
injected into the preheating vessel while the wastewater is stored and then treated by an
approved company.
-) Treatment of the released gas: The released gas is low in quantity since electrical energy is
used for heating. The released curve contained in the residues is condensed and adsorption-
treated using an active carbon filter and quartz filter.
The amount of gas released will not be large enough, as electrical energy is used for heating
-) Compensation: The amount of the preheated vessel hold residue will then be compensated
in an insulated buffer tank to ensure the continuity of the treatment cycle and recover in the
event of system shutdown.
-) Primary Filtration: The pre-heated fluid passes through a bag filter train at a pressure of 2
bars to remove fine particulates from ship holds.
-) Secondary filtration: After the passage of the fluid in a 400 m circuit, it is very useful to
filter the product for a second time by two 200 micron filters. Fine particles of impurities do
not have a great adverse effect on the equipment of the system, but over time, they can
accumulate and clog the sprinkler of the furnace mist.
-) Overheating: the filtered fluid would be overheated at 120°C, this is the flash point of the
fuel oil and injected at a pressure determined by the customer to ensure better spraying.
Temperature sensor Temperature sensorCITEC 5
Piping equipment - -
الوصف التقني لمشروع تثمين بقايا ومخلفات قيعان السفن ب.
تفسير عملية معالجة وتثمين النفايات البترولية< .1
معالجةالغازاتالمتصاعدة: -
الغازاتالمتصاعدةبكمياتصغيرةحيثيتماستخدامالسخاناتالمغمورةكوسائلللتسخين .
التجميع: -
يقعتجميعكميةمخلفاتقيعانالسفنالمسخنةمسب ًق افيخزانعازلمعزولبالحرارةلضماناستمراري
التجميع: -
يقعتجميعكميةمخلفاتقيعانالسفنالمسخنةمسب ًقافيخزانعازلللحرارةلضماناستمراريةدورةال
الترشيحالثانوي: -
بعدمرورالسائلعبرقنواتأخرىيتوجبترشيحالمنتجللمرةالثانيةمنخاللمرشحين 200ميكرون.
التسخينالثاني :يتمثلتسخينالسائاللمفلترإلى 120 -
وصف المعدات الصناعية لمعالجةوتثمين مخلفات السفن .2
1 Activated carbon filter مرشحالكربون
1 Quartz filter مرشحالكوارتز
7 Immersion heater سخانمغمور
1 Flowmeter عدادتدفق
12 Pressure gaugeCITEC عدادضغط
5 Temperature sensor CITEC عدادحرارة
- - معداتلألنابيب
Our Company is the cleantech that brings oil into circular economy. Its first industrial-scale
processing unit
• Perfect control of the collection, processing and refining processes of slops and sludge from
maritime transport
• A major innovation that combines treatment of oil residues and refining techniques applied
to marine residues
With its integrated and innovative approach, we offers port infrastructure, waste collectors -
maritime and ship-owners a cost-effective, environmentally friendly solution that complies
regarding the collection and processing of slops. In this respect.
المتكاملوالمبتكرتمكنامنتوفيرحلفعالألصحابالسفن،منحيثالتكلفةوالناحيةالبيئة .