Maize Production and Processing As A Busines1
Maize Production and Processing As A Busines1
Maize Production and Processing As A Busines1
Adopted by Directors:
Email:[email protected]
Akacia Kia (U) Limited thus designs this business plan (MAIZE processing
and marketing plan) for the year 2020/25, with a view of addressing
issues that affect the quality of Maize in Kasese
500 maize farmers are required in the first year to produce the major
raw materials in the implementation of processing a n d marketing o f
maize plan. 3 tonnes o f maize are required per12 hrs per day. The
plan aim at increasing production and competitiveness by converting
about 500 maize farmers in Munkunyu, Lake Katwe and Kisinga sub
counties from selling their maize un processed which leads to poor
prices of about 300= or less in the first three years. In the same time,
this plan acts as the guiding tool which directs members of the Board,
management/technical staff and other maize stake holders involved
and in support with a number of interventions aimed at increasing
maize value chain through improved seeds selection, trainings,
growing, harvesting, processing, storage and marketing techniques, all
in maize processing plan.
78 tones required p e r season, assuming 26 working d a y s in a season.
This implies that 500 maize farmers need to be in a radius of not more
than 3km, and each in a position to at least produce 500 kg of maize on
In a d d i t i o n to the investment c o s t f o r maize m i l l i n g
station ( 414,800,000) a l o a n o f 118,600,000 and 26,000,000/=
as owners equity and 100,000,000 from sales is needed for maize
purchase, Trainings, operating costs, investment loan interest and
working loan interest, summing up to a total of UG. Shs. 100,303,750
for this plan to become a success.
Akacia Kia (U) limited was formerly a Acacia Cia group of farmers
association that had 210 members who used to deal in maize, beans,
cassava and cotton production and marketing, because of a serious need for
a business arm, then it was registered a company limited by shares under
Registration number 80020002923686 with a share capital of 5,000,000 by
the registrar of companies in Kampala in the Republic of Uganda.
The company has 16 subscribers that form the shareholders of the company
with agriculture production and trade as the major objectives of the
The company has 78 acres of land, 48 of which are under maize production
and 30 under Harvestable cassava multiplication. The company has 500
farmers linked to the company.
The total acreage of land used for maize production including the company
out growers is 200 tons per season.
The company records 100 tons maize production per season from the
company land and out growers The Company buys 100 tons from the
Improving t h e value and competitiveness of maize in Bukonzo East
Constituency and surrounding areas through maize processing up to
60% and increasing the local farmers' incomes to 40% by 2023.
AKACIA KIA (U) LTD will be dealing in the production and marketing of
super grade maize flour. The type of maize flour shall be locally known
as "KIA supa". and shall be packed in packs of 5kgs,10kgs,15kgs,20kgs,
25kgs, 50kgs and 100kgs respectively that can be affordable to local and
international buyers. other maize products of maize bran shall also be used
in fish, poultry, piggery and other livestock farms as feeds. Maize has
successfully been grown in the area for long time now because it'
with stands semi-arid conditions that prevail in the area especially
when it's well maintained. This is evident f r o m t h e fact that i t
yields every season.
Maize husks are used by community as feeds for poultry, fish and livestock
at the same time as mulches in the coffee and banana plantations. Thus
maize husks which are secondary products from maize will be an
alternative source of income.
The competition of maize in Bukonzo East Constituency is so high. It
is composed of mainly of middle men/ buyers; who at same time
are indigenous and do buy maize from house to house from our
farmers and other mushrooming companies. These competitors have
managed to take the largest shares of the market i n our catchment
a r e a because they are many and each person controls his own money
with limited bureaucracy.
The quality of the current maize is low harvested mixed with soil and
other debris and at the same time sold unprocessed to middle men
AKACIA KIA (U) LTD proposes several changes to the to the post
harvest and marketing arrangement;
1. Over the next 3 years farmers will be formed into total 10 groups
of average 50 members each total to 500 farmers who shall be
provided with tapelines and drying tables for proper drying of maize
and local modified hullers. This process of groups formation has
already started; led by AKACIA KIA (U) LTD staff. and currently
three groups of fifty members each have been formed.
The raw materials f o r A mini maize processing plant shall be the well
dried maize grains. These maize grains s h a l l b e g o t from company
land and farmers from individual farmer groups a n d individual
farmers in the constituency of Bukonzo East. 1,110kg of maize grains
are required per hour, from potential maize farmers, whereas 13 tones
are required i n 12 working hrs per day and 100 tones are required
per season, assuming 90 working days in a season. It's on this basis
that Akacia Kia (U) LTD wishes to convert most of the maize
farmers in Bukonzo East Constituency in this plan for the last three
years, so that the above mentioned scenario is translated into an
increase of the farmers income of about 40%
This will be done when maize samples are available. The number of
samples sent out will depend on the volume of maize and number of
potential buyers in circulation.
4-Executing Contracts
This is done once deals have been closed and is a technical process to
make sure the buyer receives the maize flour he/she has ordered at the
quality specified and the time expected.
The Company t a r g e t s St. Johns, Saad memorial SS, Vision
community school and other institutions and local communities
all found i n and around k ase se , western U g a n d a and countries like
DRC, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan etc. The total market demand
is approximately 234 tones and we intend to offer
approximately 230tones of high quality maize flour during the
f i r s t t w o y e a r s o f t h e business period.
Grant 300,000,000 0 0 0 0
Loan 109,800,000 0 0 0 0
Sales 102,500,000 205,000,000 205,000,000 205,000,000 205,000,000
Total Receipts 517,300,000 356,600,000 294,594,764.8 272,789,529.6 260,784,294
CASH OUT (Payments/Expenses)
Variable costs
Works 206,000,000 0 0
Supplies 74,600,000 115,400,000 115,400,000 115,400,000 115,400,000
Wages 25,800,000 25,800,000 25,800,000 25,800,000 25,800,000
Services 38,600,000 63,521,920 63,521,920 63,521,920 63,521,920
Fixed 0 0 0 0 0
Taxes 20,700,000 12,283,315.2 12,283,315.2 12,283,315.2 12,283,315.2
Loan repayment 50,00,000 50,000,000 9,800,000 0 0
In this sense, the executive does not execute but it employs strong
management team, to whom it delegates its responsibilities and
AKACIA KIA (U) LTD executive includes; Kibaba Pusu, Bwambale Charles,
Masika Davia Christine, Muhindo Longino, Masereka Paul & Mbusa Eric.