Explain Excavation
Explain Excavation
Explain Excavation
and cuttings, levelling and compacting, and the use of earthmoving plants
1. Manually
2. Mechanical plants
d) use fewer manpower and work done in lower cost (for larger scale
work only)
bucket which faces away from the machine. They are used
above the machine base level. They are not suitable for
capacity of machine.
graded surface.
Engineers etc.
starting of excavation.
soil protection.
building foundation)
o the line;
When the trench is very deep and/or expensive backfill, materials are
Ground water and weak lower layers may force partial shoring or
The open trench needs only the design of the cut bank slope. Osha
guidelines can be used, although cost saving usually will result if the
The open trench provides easy acccee access to the work because
The open cut method is suitable for most ground conditions, except
The slope of the bank requires more excavation and backfill volume
The only bank support is the strength of the soil. If drying, flooding,
The bank slopes may force the use of larger equipment because the
This method can be used where week weak subsoils are encountered
+ moisture content.
Deep excavation
Deep excavation, unlike a shallow one, often requires to protect the sides
of cut using suitable support. Besides, the problem of ground water dont
1. Dumpling method
This is used where there are buildings or street in the proximity. The
When the perimeter walls are in place, excavation may start at the centre
of the dumpling, until exposing a section of the wall. Then the wall may be
By the using of sheet pile, excavation may reach maximum to about 15m.
2. Diaphragm walling
This method needs to construct a R.C. retaining wall along the area of
work. Because the wall is designed to reach very great depth, mechanical
running as a guide to the clamshell which is used for the excavation of the
diaphragm wall.
crane. The grab can easily chisel boulder in soil due to its weight.
vertical strip in soil which can collapse easily. Bentonite slurry is used to
when added to water, forms an impervious cake-like slurry with very large
viscosity. The slurry will produce a great lateral pressure sufficient enough
down, bentonite will be displaced due to its density is lower than concrete.
not required for the weight of the bentonite will drive most of the air voids
in concrete.
end tubes will be placed at the ends of the excavated trench before
concreting. The tubes are withdrawn at the same time of concreting so that
a semi-circular end section is formed. Wall sections of this type are built
sections are built similarly but without the end tube. At the end a continual
diaphragm wall is constructed with the sections tightly joined by the semi-
circular groove.
3. Using cofferdams
earth or water to exclude soil or water from a construction area, such as for
Interlocking type steel sheet pile is used and can use for excavation
a) b Double skin cofferdam – This works similarly like the sheet pile
using two parallel rows of sheet pile with a filling material placed in
as sheet pile due to its high tensile as well as their interlocking ability. It
complicated shoring.
Steel sheet pile can be of numerous shapes, thickness and sizes. Most of
them can be water-tighted and for some heavy sections they can be driven
down to 15m depth. To erect and install a series of sheet piles and keep
them vertical in all directions a guide frame may be required. holes near
The piles are lifted by a crane, using the lifting holes near the top of each
pile, and positioning them between the guide wailings of the guide.
Powered hammer (fitted with a grip to the pile) which are hanged by the
crane is usually use to drive the pile. Sometimes hydraulic hammer can be
Special control is therefore required to monitor the pile is vertical all the
way through.
back" principle.
rock anchor, an anchor bar with expanded sleeves at the end is inserted
into the hole. A dense high strength grout is injected over a required length
Stressing is by hydraulic mean and when the stress is developed, the head
For injection anchor, a hole should be bored usually with an expanded end
to increase anchorage ability. The pre-stressing bar is placed into the bore
Gravel placement ground anchor can also be used in clay soils for lighter
loading. Gravel placement ground anchor can also be used in clay soils for
borehole over the anchorage length to form an end plug. The gravel p1ug
is then force into soil using percussion method through casing, forming an
enlarged end. A stressing bar is inserted into the casing and pressure
rusting is required for the stressing bar. Usually, the bar may be coated
Water in soil often acts as a lubricant, which increase the tendency of soil
to slip or slide.
cohesive, water cannot due to the large capillary held by the very fine soil
Ground water can be kept out either permanently such as for long term
1. Sheet piling
2. Diaphragm walls
In addition, ground water can be further control by the use of the following
1. Sump pumping
5. electro-osmosis method
Grouting is often use to stop the penetration of water in sub-soil with high
permeability, such as in fissured and jointed rock strata. Row/s of holes are
bored on the soil and, usually cement grout, are injected under high
pressure. The cement grout will penetrate into the voids of the sub-soil and
sand under ratio maximum 1:4. Sometimes chemical grout can be used to
form a gel which can increase strength and reduce permeability of soil.
(e.g., Sodium silicate + calcium chloride = calcium silicate, which is a
silica gel)