Beyond Freedom

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The document provides excerpts from a book containing wisdom teachings and conversations of the legendary sage Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. The excerpts discuss concepts of self-identity, awareness, the illusory nature of the world, and liberation from identification with the body.

The book contains edited conversations and teachings of the Advaita sage Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj on concepts of self-realization, non-duality, the illusory nature of the world, and going 'beyond freedom' by realizing one's true nature.

The excerpts on pages 1-3 discuss the editor's note about the impact of Maharaj's teachings, the foreword providing context for the book, and the beginning of the first chapter which asks 'What is that which you are searching for?'.





Edited by
Maria Jory

Yogi Impressions'

Yogi Imptessions'
First published in India in 2007 by
Yogi lmpressions Bools Pvt. Ltd.
1711, Centre l, W'orldTiade Centre,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005, India.

First Edition, August 2007

Copyright @ 2007 by S. K. Mullarpattan

All rights reserved. Tbis book may not be reproduced in

whole or in part, or transmitted in any form, without
written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer
who may quote brief passages in a review; nor may any Part
of this book be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by my means electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other, without
written permission from the publisher.

ISBN 978-8 1 -8847 9 -28-3

Printed au Thomson Press, Mumbai

I talked to Maurice Frydman four years bach and he

edited my words, emphasizing certain points and adding ltis

own ideas, in the booh 'I Am That'. That booh and whateaer
was exltoaruded at that time was only releuant for that period.
I am speaking dffirently today. As A matter of fact, this should
also haue been recorded and published as it is in greater detail,
and is emphasizing dffirent as?ects.

- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


Editort Note VII

Foreword xI

is That which you are searching for? 1

Knowledge of your real identity B

The Awareness of Presence r3

A dream world of which You are the Source r7

The words of the Guru are Thuth itself 22

Everything is conceptual 28

Identi$, with the body, suffer with the body 33

The illusion appears true because

of attachment to the body 3B

\Thatever is created is by the knowledge "I Am" 44

A state of no-mind with you as Nothingness 49

The knowledge that 'You are' creates your world 54

The spark of "I Amness" 58

The key that switches on the lila 62

Identifu yourself with Consciousness 68

-Without the body there is no "I Amness" 75

'Without "I Amness" the

Absolute does not know 'It is' 80

Ishwara means the expression of all form 86

Glossary 9t
Editor's Note v

The wisdom teachings of the legendary sage Sri Nisargadatta

Maharaj, have had the greatest impact on my life perspective.
I can only read a couple of paragraphs of his teachings at a

time and then find myself in stillness unable to read further.

I have never failed to marvel at the way the 'cosmic plan'

unfolds, regardless, perfectly as always, despite us, and also
at the many synchronicities and catalysts that often precede
events. I had heard about Maharaj's interpreter and friend
Saumitra Mullarpattan and asked around for his contacr
details with no success. Life has taught me that when
situations are blocked, to stop forcing the jigsaw to fit, as
when it is meant to fall into place, life unfolds spontaneously
and effortlessly. In this case, however, I gave it one more try
and visited my dear friends Chaitan Balsekar and his beautiful
wife Neela to ask if they could help. Chaitan, who is always

supportive, telephoned Mullarpattan who was his friend and

I was invited to afternoon tea that'same day.

A couple of days later I was having a conversation with

a publisher, Gautam Sachdeva, before satsltng with Ramesh
Balsekar, who had also been an interpreter of Maharaj '
\7e simultaneously had the idea of putting together a book
about Maharaj. I mentioned our plan to Mullarpattan and
he generously gave us ten recorded tapes of Sri Nisargadatta
Maharaj's talks with seekers during the last two years of
his life.

The tapes were full of the'sounds of India'. It was

difficult to hear what was being spoken in between the noise
of the traffic, loud music, dogs barking, and carPentry work,
not forgetting to mention the various birds competing with
each other to be heard, also at satsang with Maharaj! I do
not understand Marathi, yet it was deeply invigorating
to hear the passion and energy with which Maharaj spoke
on the tapes and strangely enough, on occasions, even
understood what he was saying!

Mullarpattan had done a marvellous job of interpreting

Maharaj's words. It must have been a daunting task, as he
often spoke for some length of time before the interpreter
was able to translate. It would have been impossible for him
to translate word for word of what had been spoken'
I therefore had to find a person who understood Marathi,
Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Mthrrai Ix

who could give me a literal translation of what Maharaj had

said on the tapes. Once again, I discussed my dilemma with
Chaitan and Neela Balsekar and discovered to my delight
and relief that Neela was fluent in Marathi and was h"ppy,
together with Chaitan, to help with the literal translation of
the tapes.

Tianscribing and editing this book has been the greatest

joy. Refining the chapters, daily, over so many months,
hammered Maharaj 's concepts relentlessly, deeper and
deeper,until they have now become part of the fabric of
my being. My sincere wish in editing this book was to
represent accurately, as much as editorially possible, the
precise words of Maharaj during his talks. I retained what
some may consider to be 'poor English' in order to preserve
the distinctive way that Maharaj expressed himself. I was
aware that much could be lost by overzealous editing. It was

heartening to hear a comment by *y daughter that she did

not see any of my style of writing in the editing of
this book.

The photo-painting of Maharaj reproduced on the cover

of this book was created by -y artist friends Trevor and
Tim Gainey. \7hen I told them it was to be included, they
replied, "They were happy that others would be able to experience
their work as it had beeru such a powerful experience painting it."
I offer them my heartfelt appreciation for their awesome picture.

I would like to thank Saumitra Mullarpattan for his

kindness in giving us the material for this book and for his
generous hospitality during my visits to his home.

I of Yogi Impressions for his

also thank Gautam Sachdeva
support and encouragement during the process of editing
this book.

I especially thank Chaitan Balsekar and his wife Neela,

for their friendship, support and invaluable translations,
without which this book would never have been published.

Many thanks also to my daughter Racquel who proof-

read the edited scripts and encouraged me all the way as she
has always done.

Lastly, I offer my sincere gratitude to Sri Nisargadatta

Maharaj for using this body-mind as a vehicle to incorporate
the tapes of his talks and teachings in print. Because of this,
everyone who reads this book has been given the life changing
opportunity to experience the flavour and essence of this
great Master.

- MariaJory
October 2006
uo <P?q eq lEql PauJEal PUE tulq qlIA uollBsJa^uof,
r dn lrnrts I 'uptu plo u? sei'l' u,lryru?s arll JEau PalEaS
'"3s er{l ruou
dn patrog azaarq apua8 e sr 'ace1d aqr PaP"^rad rupc pue
acead 3o 3ur1aa3 V 'atu rqSnorq a^Eq Plnol .lPoq rnol tou
ar? nol,, reqr Surqreat s.(ereqe1A1 l{)lqna ol - slql ueqr areld
Jeueg ou se^{ llpar araqr rer{r eru 01 palJnftro rg8nogr aqr
'uaql tng 'spunor8 uollBuraJf, r8ur8ueg aqr lP ser ,t/??ut?s
erp tBr{r pug or parlsluolst atrnb servl I 'Pue>lea^{ lBI{l 1I
lrsrl ol paprlap I (IBgrunW qlnos uI af,uePlsal lur 3o ltrurorzr'
eqt ur ser* (ereqeyrg errepe8restsl IrS Jo nrn8 agr Jo tt/?"ru?s
er{l reql 'acueqc lg arlnb 'Para^ooslP I uaq^4. real lsel
'ssed ol aruof lsnlu PeuI?PJo serl sfJnos aql
ttr{1( rrrlt uorlrruJ5uof,al E sI 1I '{oog slr{r Jo uolrtctlgnd
aql 01 Pal lEI{r slue^a Jo salJas aql 13 >llBq {ool I uaqlN
o/v\sl o

occasions, sat in the satsangs of Maharaj. I asked whether he

was aware if there were any talks of Maharaj that had not been
published so far, as there must have been a number of recordings
made during those years. He answered that he had no clue,
but there was one person, called Mullarpattan, who might
know something about it. Unfortunately, he did not have any
address or contact number of this person. So I left it at that,
but with the thought that if there were more tapes, it would
be a great idea to bring them out in the form of a book.

The following Sunday, I was waiting below Ramesh

Balsekart (a disciple of Maharaj) apartment before the start
of the morning satsd.ngs at his residence. It was there that
I met MariaJory. 'We spoke casually and she asked me what
I had been up to of late. I mentioned that I had recently
visited the samadhi of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's guru, and
now I was looking for a person by the name of Mullarpattan.
I can still recall the surprised look on Maria's face as I uttered
that name. She exclaimed that she was, quite coincidentally,
meeting him that very evening! She told me that Mullarpattan
had been Maharaj's translator for the longest period of time.

She invited me to come along with her to meet Mullarpattan

that evening. 'We were greeted by a gracious, hospitable, and a
'$7.ithout much ado,
very vibrant, ninety-one year-old man.
Maria and I asked him if there were any tapes that had not yet
been transcribed into a book, as they could be of enormous value
ruElnES -
Jo lelr\ aruos ur nol slf"dtul 1ooq slqr rerp adol{ Jno sI U
(<ieru olul stallnq Surdund
ser'L (errqr1A1 a>lII aJou sE^. lI;111ea6,,'PI?s aq'PuauJ B
or srql p3uonuau uarll6. 'uBrI{ aql orur rq8ltrrs Sulo8
s/r\orre uaplo8 sr s8ulgcrar s,(erege1A1 3o rg8noqr sler'rp 1
'sa8pa g8nor aqr rno Suruorr
pue quoor{}oot auu E qtrl\ 'ule8t JaAo pur ralo 'Surqceal
aqr q8norqr Sulo8 dlrualred uI uonnqlJtuof, alqenle^ul
slr{ roJ 'rgoU lrcg or llproadsa puy 'fereqryrJ euepe8resrlq
lq ualods rqrprttr J agt Sulrelsuerr ur dlag rrel{r roJ 'rr>lasleg
?laaN pue uelreq3 o1 'rcaford slqr qll/v\ af,ualtrd raq ro1
pue ur rnd-sug aqs >lJo1( preq aqr IIE roJ 'ElrBW o1 's8ulqctar
s.frrugeyrg Jo arstt JegunJ r ra8 or lrrunrroddo etet e sJe>laes
salr8 rrrou srgl '3uo1 os roJ uauo8roj 3ull1 uaaq peq reril
s11er s.furrr{Bl tr Jo 3JnseeJr srq} qrlil\ sn Surtsnrtua pue
Surruaserd rog uertudrrllnntr or oB slueqr rlaSrreaq lry
'spueq rnol ul plorl nol loog eqr ruroJ 'rlre1A1 lg
paqrJfsutrt rarrl'sader esar{J'sadet uarJo xog E sn pepu"I{ 3q
uaqr'a, paslrdrns llturseald araz* ana 'lrsr^ luanbasgns e u6
(('ulqlla oB pur qooq IIE ra8ro3,, or &s ol pasn ferrgeyq rrqr
Suneraller rdal ag 's8ulqorat s,(rrrqef,l uI patsaJatul asoql JoJ
IIIx fereqeW ?rrepeBt?slN IrS qrIA sIIEJ
'ualsrl rsnl 'Surqrlue les r,uog 'Surles
rue I teq^. u.o snf,oC 'uousanb rnol uo snfoJ tou o(I :I I
zfiq uousanb a aaucl J :totls?A
'sr erer{l IIE sr ((sseuuv I,,
oqt esnelag 'rlf,Jees eqr ur ruaddeslp plno^4. Ja>IaJs er{J
issausnorrsuo3 rerlt Jo rlrJeas ur luai nol 3l uaddeq plno.&
lEr{lN 'ssausnorf,suoJ IESJa^run aqt (tseJruEruun aql aJE no
'a,r.rsuaqardtuo) aJ? no 'lEuosJadur a;r no^ 'J3^aoslErl1l/'. ruJoJ
ro adegs lue eaeq l,uop nol pue e8pay*ou{ aqr at? no1
'luasqe eg tsnru lrlyeuosrad Jo asuas agr aru pu"tsJapun
ualo 01 ropJo uI 'lrosn11l uaag slez'rp seq ltlleuosrad se
'a8payrroul srqt ol Suluarsll ,(q lrrpuosrad rnol 3ulso1
rnoqE uJef,uo) ou e^EH 'aldlrulrd ?t?mqsJ ar{l aruof,ag
nol uaqm. 1p re lupuosrad 3o esuas ou sr ararll :(erege141
4oro! 6u!gf,roos ero no{
r{)!r.l^ toL.lI s! tot,|M

V: I am able to appreciate listening to !oa, therefore I am


M: Just leave the question, be strong.

V: You speah uery harshfi,... it hurts me.

M: Just leave that. Do not even look in that direction, just

focus on what I am telling you.

V: There wds a s?lit between tahat was there before the question.
and what cante after.

M: Look at what was there before the question came up' Do

not speak about what came after the question.

V: But I do not hnow who I am, that is my reality.

M: As long as you are coming here, your search is not over.

You are here because the search has not ended' Try to find
out why. is That which you are searching for? There is
nothing there, only the process of seeking.

You might be anybody in this world, even Brahma or

Vishnu, but you do not have the power to do anything. Your
life is your existence. It is made up of the five elements and
it is dependent only on these five elements.
without parents or source.
Consciousness is an orphan
It has no need of anyone. '!7'hat you understand of the
objective world is all duality. Your ob.iective world is
'alngrJttt uE osle sr (.(ur\r 1,, 'a8pal,t.ou1 tEqJ 'Sulqtauros uodn
spuadap eJnt?u lraa str lq arnglrrre uV 'salngrJut rraqr ruo5
algrredasul ar" plrol( aarrca(go aqt ur s8ulqr eseqt Jo IIV
'lle 1" aru qlr,vi Peurtual lou serl r1 ;auo8
rar*od eqt stq arerllN 'punor? aloru ot lpoqaruos uorj d1ar1
arrnbar pue plo tue I ar\oN 'adeqs olur >lr?g rr 1pd puE lEraur
jo aoald e azaenbs ot Ja^\od aql prr{ 1 '3unol sE^\ I uel{lN
'u ur e8uegf, ou sr aroql put qln{ eq} sr rI
'tsal paau lou saop ]I 'sseu>lJep poeu tou saop rr pue rq8ll
paeu lou saop ss3usnorf,suo3 'ruapuadapur llpror aq ]ouut)
nol 'spaau str pue lpoq rnol Jo snorf,suoc are nol se 3uo1 sy
'llr le saBurqc Jaleu alels wq7 'r[ltu sr ]uaserd-ra^a aqJ
'uatup"uu sr lueurureualua JoJ lpoqlue paau lou saop oq auo
'?u?ntxN to u"u,tc/?tq?u"t00d sr loI ro ssrlg Jo artrs aql
'ruapuadapul sr
ssausnorf,suo3 llug 'ssa1d1aq sl auolrez'E 'stuaurola erp Jo
'acrds 'aurn Jo lpuapuadapur a^rl touue3 no1 'Sulgrauros uo
sler',r'p are nol sutaru rtql 'ssud or sEI{ rrull aql
:]r JeAo IoJtuof, lue azreg t,uop elN 'Jelel Jnor{ uE JIEq a^la^\l
aq III^\ tI '^\ou eAIaAtI ag touutf, tr 'tuasard tr uaztala tstd
i, -JIEq sI aurl] aql 'ruepuadapur sI 'eJnrtu anrl rnol sI I{f,II{^{
'ltlruapr tnoqtr^\ eouarslxg 'aouapuadapul sleru.p sI eJel{l
etBts anrt rnol ur seaJar{.r( 'acuepuadap lluo sl aJeqr plJolrr
arrlrca(qo aqf
uI 'f,ta 'aJI^\ 'PuEgsnq (Puelu - esle euooruos uo
erun eql 1p puadap o] a^EI{ noa 'sdlqsuollelar 3o pasoduroc
fereqeN ?trzpeS:EslN IrS rllr^{ s{leJ

Therefore, the "I Amness," one way or another, also has to

depend on something.

V: What is the concept of maya (illusion)?

M: The concept of maya comes from the "I Amness'" The

existence of maya and the world around you only arises when
you are conscious of yourself. This is a state of darkness and
ignorance, which is far from that of knowledge. Maya does
not exist within the state of knowledge.

V:'Vhat is Atma Prem (Self-loue)?

M: Atma Prem is also due to the "I Amness." If you start

with Atma Prem, it can distract you and all you will see is
maya, which is a state of ignorance. If you reach a state of
knowledge, then even this Atma Prem will be non-existent'
'!7'hat you are
The word maya has a different meaning here.
calling love is itself maya. Love is playing many roles' All
these houses, etc. have been created out of maya. Love or
maya has set up the whole of Bombay' Love is taking many
shapes; mula'maya has created Vishna and Sharuhara, but what

was there before that? Maya is the culprit. Man has entangled
himself in this concePt and illusion of love, and because of
it gets trapped in the cycle of life and death. The feeling of
love is a great mistake if one gets entangled in it. There is
love for so many things. The minute the illusion is created,
the entanglement begins. By imagining male and female,
Jo lno aurof, s8q uorsnll srql
puE (>lf,ads E tsn( sr ssausnorrsuo] 'o1t^'l tng 'auo lou ar?
ssoueJ?^,8 srr{t PUE Punos srqJ 'PIro1( srql Pel?eJf, ruJr{l
uee,&\leg a^ol aql PUE
PalEarl orJ.&\ sexes rueJeJJrp Jo aldoed
orrrl tnq 'euO sE^{ sseusnorf,suo3 'Sulueddeq lue Jo Jo
JlasrI Jo oJ?^\e ue^e tou sr 'atnlosgY aql 'ssausnorf,suoJ
ol"urrrln aql 'sruaurela e^u ar{r Jo uorl?luJoJ agr or roud
sl ,,ury 1,, aSpalrwou1 srqr jo Surrno.rds aqJ 'suaddeg rsn(
r1 llpclrrworne pauaddeq .8ulag ltu 3o sseuaJE,\rv eqI
'rllIEJ rr{t pulqeq esner er{t sl slrlJ ,,'ruv L, a8pay'rou1 aqr
sr rllrr{,& 'esnef, 3lq agr 'esnpf, lreurrrd e sr eJer{t 'satr :141
iqt!"t tlqt nt asnw [ua atatlt sJ :1
'a,req nol
r{treJ er{t 3o lrlsuarul aqr uodn spuadep ?uu?ru ar{t Jo ramod
erlJ 'rl or Suluatsll lltuersuoc sp,,'t I 'tr Sulop lou srr I :W
lnor{ uaa8 yaq
ntng tno[ tlclqm '?uu?r,u ?afi?t atll Zulop ,{lluaruoc no[ atay11 :11
'anJl auIBf, PIES eq ,r,rrrrr^ lBtll Saf,uEJalln slq Pulqeq
af,JoJ Pu? rarnod r{fntu os sa.^ ereqJ 'lEgI aruEf,eg I puE
'aur ur pappeqrua pue petueldurr era^{ lagr rerp af,JoJ r{)nru
os pErI spJolvl stq 'xt/?"ut?t"q?W otul Sulo8 sE,&\ aq ueq^\
atrrplol nrng /ru t?qra sr s\ql .<'?utt?ut"t"J acfi an noi,,
'uolsnllr trr{t ur palSuerua ro8 nol
{eteqe}J EttepeS:EslN IrS qrrrt{ s{lEJ

Love is divided into two sexes and the world has grown
out of this, but as soon as realization happens this separation
disappears. \7hen you have the realization that 'You are',
that all is the play of Shiua Shabti, then you will know that
this is all an illusion, and you will be free of grief as well as
joy. Self-realization is Shiuadatta. The moment you reach that
stage you will not of happiness' sorrow
have these feelings
and suffering. \flhen you reach the state of Self-knowledge,
there will be peace and quiet. Such knowledge of the Self is
known as Shiuadatta. l{ you realize that this is all an illusion,
then there is no need for Self-realization.

V: Is there no loue with Self-realization?

M: It is beyond that. Love is a worldly state. The very feeling of

Self-realization will not arrive until you understand what you
are. If you understand the answer then this question about Self-
realization will not arise. Ananda, the pleasure and bliss of
Consciousness, will arise in you like an atomic explosion, and

you will see how the whole wide world is a manifestation of

That. Chinmayananda means 'speck of bliss'. Swami means 'the
spontaneous Awareness of my Being'. Through the "I Amness,"
Swami Chinmayananda has created a big ashram that many
people visit. All the gods are coming and going in this
Consciousness. Merely the fact that 'You are' is Swami, which is

pure honey, the proof of the Absolute. It is always with you and

has come all by itself spontaneously, without asking. That is Swami-

iJa^rJ ar{r Jo
$luEg eql ot urEBE IlEq oB o1 lupl( nol op lq,ra, 'acrno5 aqt
ot aruof, aaeg nol JI 'puat"tuurr sl dus leqr reg,r,r-r-o 8yl.rJ
eR sxu?ms aqt rErL N 'lsar rrll tnog" ra3ro3 puei...j:yTY I"
aql lnoqt lrrorN 'aJerl] eq rr ta'I ilrqt tnogr lrror't l,{26. rfU
imoq? wW ll? s? l?qtn 's8u1c1t Dtfo at/t :A
ll? ?uV
feregel{ ?trepvflt?slN IrS r{rr-,!d s{lEJ

Knowledge of
your reol identitY

Maharaj: \7hen the "I Amness" appears sPontaneously, like

a bolt of lightning, the illusion of Self-love is broken into
five basic elements: space, air, earth, fire and water' But this
Self-love, the "I Am," to the one
manifests as Sattua Guna
who accepts this as a natural process. it is used for
achieving something in the world, it is referred to as Rajas
Guna. \7hen it is used to take credit for achievements, it is

referred to as Tamas Guna. All the elements merge into one,

and through the earth they create the grass and the grain'
Grass is the fodder for the animals that give us milk' Grain
is the food of human beings, in which the subtlest principle
is already embedded. lWhen it is assimilated in the body, it
becomes the 'food-body'. This food-body is formed out of
the milk and the grains that we eat. \7hen the vital force is
there, the "I Amness" aPPears. "I Amness" is the sattua quality,
which is from the word sat - to be. The "I Amness," which
alrl 's33a urou urog sr qrrr{.& wql '"t"?ads' sE ot parraJar sr
'f,ta (surJo^r
a>lrl '<lpoq er{t Jo tEe,\ts oql puE JatEA ruou urog
sr qf,rr{^\ wql'il"nc/?n w o1 paJJaJaJ sr (stf,asur snorJBA puE
BrrelfEq e>lrl (rrr aql ruo5 Pel?aJf sr r{f,rrl^ IErII 'olBld sJ>lBr
uorleeJf, qllq^\ ur sle^, JnoJ aru rreql 'qlJee er{t Jo aruasse
aqt qlra sluaruale e^rJ aqt ;o SulSraru aqt tuoU pattorr
aJE 'ruJo; pue adeqs lraaa se IIe^ sE 's8urag 3ul,u1 y1y
'sqluolu auru JauE
uJog eJE s8ulag uturnH 'sr{luotu aaJr{l JeUe uJog aJE ,stro8
a1ll 'salcads oruos 'uJJoJ leuorlrp"Jl aqr ot Surproccr uJoq sr
uorlEaJf, A€u aqr PUE puof,es E
Jo uorlf,eu E ur ua>lEl sr paas
aqt ur gdrrSoroqd aql 'raqlorq slq Jo reqt uro5 luarrlJrp
etrnb sr lylule3 E Jo regtuaru euo Jo peas aql .srarlto aqr uroU
rueJelJrP sr lErp IEnPr^rPUr uB selsaJf paas ql"E 'pJes eql
ul padtuets sr luared aqt Jo ruroJ ro ororld eqt pue paruroJ
sr poos aqt'alnt?ur sr ruJoJ lueJed aqt uar{/N'(pees, aql
LuoU peteaJc sl SurgrlraaE 's8ulaq ueunq or anblun sr alol
-JIaS 'e3roJ a3l1 raq8lg E ruo5 paleers arr s8ulag uerunq pue
sarnleer) pe38a1-rnog 'aJII Jo sruroJ tse^\ol eqt tuo5 paltar3
aJE sruJol,\. pur se{Eus pue ,slerurue o} qlJrq arrr8 syeurrue
'8uraq uerunq E ot r{tJrg sa.rtr8 Sulag uBrrrnr{ V 'sruJoJ tuaJtd
Jlaql ot Sulproccr paruroJ are sadegg 'pooJ pue .punor8
Burzet? 'arntsBd str Jo aJe.,lre saruooeg uaqt put stuared str jo
aJ3.1r\3 saruof,aq 1r
'uroq sr (aa{\ lnos Fnpr^rpur uE ueq/N
(poq-poo3 arp ol anp sr 'puo3as E Jo uorlf,"U e ur srredde
IerequW IrS qtr.,r sIIBI

snakes, fish, and birds, is referred to as Urudeja. Animals and

human beings, which have their own ways of procreating,
are born from the earth element; this is referred to as Jaraja.
Along with the five elements, a quality of the universe that
is called destiny or prarabdha also comes into the formation.
The process of birth does not arise through any deliberate
action; it happens spontaneously. All actions are predetermined.

lVith so much 'mixing' going on now, I predict that all

raceswill eventually blend together. Caste and creed will
become meaningless and it will be impossible to identify a
pure Indian or a pure European. The entire pattern of the
human race will change. The divisions into Hindu, Muslim,
or Christian will cease to exist. Male and female will be the
only remaining categories.

As long as the identification with the body and the ego

remains, you cannot be free. You will still just be following
the same conventional pattern of behaviour as the rest of the
world. But what is the genuine behaviour of your true
dharrna? \7ith what identity are you asking me these
questions? Your knowledge is the product of your perceived
identity, but what knowledge do you have of your real identiry?
First understand that, before asking further questions.

'W'hat is it that you want\7hat is it that you are

running after? You love your body, and crave the things
that give it pleasure. You feel egotistical pride for your
'saJrsaP rnol
Jo lu?AJas aqt auof,eq al?q nol 'srrll Jo asnerag 'a&o,{ v wyt
lpatluner euof,eq or Surlrr arB nol pue JIoS an.rr .rnol utor3
pateredas 1aa3 nol pareadde seg e8plrq ar{} asnef,efl 'e}Els
aql st,u 'a8plrg eql Jo aouatsrxa eqt aJoJeg ,3ur1ul1 srqr
aroJaq s?.a\ atEts ar{t ro aldrcurrd ar{} ra^atrqlN 'a8plrq aql or
rolrd se,ra. otets rnol ler{a tno puu tsnur noa 'e8plrg arlt Jo
acuereadde eq1 ot rorrd parlnbar lou sel,r^ a&otr 'palJnrro ser{
rr lq,,rt tno puu 01 a^Er{ no iuorlfauuo) srqt Surlaas nol
a.rt 1926 'uonoauuo) eq] ro '{url aqr 'a8pr.rg arlt sueaw tflotr
itSo[ >1aas nol op 1916 'qroq 3o lrrruepr eqt qrr^ Surrdsgo
secnpo;d Jer{to eqt rplrrr .laqraSot Sulurof ro Surxru lrred
aug 'a30,(
Jo tlnsar E sr uonrlndod elogr't eqa 'aZo[ sr terll
- rarpaSor Sululof s8urrir o,tu 'Suluun t a&otr iaSo[ st wryx-
'ruopaary puolaq eq IIIra no1 'tuopaer3 lq pauorr
-rpuof, aq Jo tuopoerj arlnbar ra8uol ou IIr/y\ nol 'u8rsap ro
'a8tuu 'Jnolol ou surl rlllq^\ JIaS ter{t ralofsrp nol uaq2X :1ntr
pta no[ oqm
ruo yut! ol alq? Sutaq w aq ruoyaa4{ pat a(f raoy '05 :.totltlA
'a rle eg ot tutn no 'lsoru aqt e^ol llnrt nol regzn
sl ,,uJY L, slql '.39, 01 lue^\ no^ (.'sseuuv J,, 13q1 urElar o1
tue^{ no (('ssauruv 1,, rnol sr IIp Jo rsour nol stf,Erue r{llr{,ta
Surgr aga 'eplrd pue 'luaurqf,Blt? 'pear8 Jo eary 3q IIr,& no1
'ssaueJE.av rEr{l ur rEr{l
PazrlrgEls 3q IIIrl'nol',aJ? no , qlrqa
'lrnuapl par rnol punoJ a,req nol af,uo tng 'stuauJarrarr{3t
II feregel{ EtrvpeBtEslN IrS qrra sIIBI

The method that the yogis practiqe is breath control. By

controlling their breath, they are able to enter a state of
samadhi. Because their desires have been suppressed for a

time, they presume that they have attained Self-realization.

Before meeting my Guru I had a liking for these things.
Once, a great yogi came to visit. After controlling his breath,
he'd allow a car or even a truck to run over him. This was
the miraculous power that he could exhibit. But that was
the scope of his yogic studies - control the breath, perform
miracles and exhibit them. Those people who go into sarnadhi
by holding their breath have only learned a skill. They do
not have the knowledge, and they have not transcended
the knowledge. 'S7.ith the acrobatics of breath they may
temporarily achieve certain powers, but that is not real union
with the Source. Knowledge of the Self (jnana) is required.
They have not achieved Ultimate Unity with the Absolute.
purrrr ou sr arar{t arerl^. per{f,Eer aq uE) Qqyautas) ssrlq Jo
elets E 'yrua[yurud q8norgt r{teerq rnol lorruoo nol uagTpt
'sJa^{og Jo pooJ a>lrl 'sleuateru Jeqto lue paau rou op nol
drqsrotrl jo apour srqt log 'asJalrun aqt qtr,lr 3uo sauJof,eq pue
araqdsorure aql qtra sagJaru lr (pasEalal sr ]r uaq^\ put r{lteJg
eql uo eletrpatu nol uaq26 'vuatd paller sr rr ,(poq eql ur
'nol ulqtrn sr tr uar{lN iqleaJq Ierrl slqr sr rer{lN ',8urrnou1
aqt, sr slgr iSulag slr{ Jo Soord s(auo r{fze sr sseurrl1 sIqI
'a,ro1 ernd il tl '?upY Jo 'lsur{3 'ruc|s1"ty Sulqrlerr,r sI oq^4.
euo aql utr notr 'adeqs lue jo ro 'punoJ ro arenbs tou
sr tr puB '>lJEp Jo JrEJ lou sr lI 'eJeq] slerr,r.p sr r1 'araqmlue
ruou auor tou seop r1 'Surredrrlrred rnoqrrru Surqotrrtt sr
or{,4 auo aqr tnq (ouutd) gtearq IErr^ aqt tou sr ssaulrl6 er{l
'JaAa^{oH 'acead nol sa,u8 awptyuatd Suroq 'awptaurud se
u^,ou>l sr qreeJq eq] uo Sulsnoog jo uorletrperu er{J :fureqe141
osueserd Jo
sseuerD^ v o,lI

and therefore no desire. However, this state of bliss and

happiness can only last as long as you maintain control of
your breath. Soon, you will descend again to the gross state.
It is only when this joy is beyond the senses that it merges
with the universe. It is as pure as the sky, and like the sky it
is infinite. But who gives it light? That love, that knowledge
which givesit light, is the knowledge "I Am." Focus on your
Beingness until you become established in it. Only then
will you be able to transcend it. Your focus at present is
only on air, or the breath. 'Be' that Beingness, though this
is also not the final step.

Visitor: It does ruot matter what that experience is if you are

dwtre of the Witness; am I correct?

M: \7ho is the !7.itness of this joy? \7ho is aware of this

joy? Be that "I Am." Once you know who you are, remain
stabilized in the experience of the Self. Be like Arjuna -
Awareness of his Being remained with him constantly, even
when he went into the thick of battle. Because he was one
with Krishna, he could go into battle knowing that there
is nobody who kills and no one who is killed.

V: There are s0 rnan)/ dfficult situations in spiritual practice like

doing my sacred rituals, or controlling the breath. What do I do?

M: You don't do anything. First, you must take a vow or an

oath that you are not a man.

'.eg, lsn( or a^eq no 'rq8noql aJoJ3g
ssauaJE^v agr (e8pal^\ou{ eql sr 1r :spJo1( olur lnd aq uBf
teql Surqlauos tou sl ..ruv L, ilerlr sr ter{^{ ,,'alrle tou rue L,
'sles oqzrt ,,'elrle ruE I,, 'sles oq4, 'rq8nogr ol JorJd *'ruv I,
(e)uetsrxa s.auo
Jo ssauar?rv sl slql ia^rl? sr aq rpql cm?uq oqld.
ssautrlN er{} sr oq.,rt 'rno pulg ie^rlt sr eq trqt sles oq16 :141
lSuusaulrmto efi$ at7 ?aqr?at a(t?q no[ rutfi mouy nott oy mlH :A
'tr tnogr Sullulqr lnoqtr^. af,uesald ar{r Jo aJE^\E ag
]snf ',eJE no , ter{t 1urqr ue^a ro les rou oC '(aJE no , tErll
zrtoul nol sPJo^\ srll lnoqlr^r ua^fl (('urv I,, sPJo^{ 3qr Prcf,srP
'lrBssaceu sE
aues aqt lsn( sr tr ',a8pa1,r,ou1,
JI 'uorreuJoJur
,(es nol JI ,.'uJV I,, eql JIaS eqr qtr^{ auo ag ot a^Erl no :W
a8yalmouq aW fizq? uoqatgpwlc arult tu?m ,(1uo :71
,,'utv L,lo J
llsnonard pEeJ arcq nol rrqr sarnldrrcs Jo $loog ruo5 tou pue
'pJtar{ rsnf arreq nol reqr* ruou Jleuer.ue suonsanb rnol ta1
'rrreqt papuersuerl J^eq IIrl( no4r'(sauasan) salcuapual asaql
Jo IIE lq petraJJe aq ra8uol ou ilL,rr nol pue 'req13o ere^.e eg
lpo 1l,rrr
nol 'uonuatte ;nol q8norgr ,,ruv I,, Jo alrts srqt r{oraJ
nol acug lpoq uerunr{ E r{tl,tr peJelor lpo a;e nol rrgr sue3ur
str41'@uau[ pue auatd) JIaS aW 3o a8palru.ou1 pue r{}Eerq letr^
eq] qturl' paurl $ qrlqn 'lpoq ueurnrl E lq para^of, sl - .,urv I,,
- rg8noqr or :olrd sr tEr{r a8pay'rou1 ag1 '8uraq ueunq e
lou art nol rrqr qleo uE alrt uer notr lnol r.uro 1926 :yg
pocp tas J u?x moH :A
(I (ereqer{ IrS qrra s)1 EI

V: In rne, at times, there is a continuous feeling, ruot thoughts,

which I feel is 'I'.

M: All the religions of the world are based upon feeling and
tradition. You can recite your mdntra in whatever way you
like. It is not going to make any difference because, as I have
already told you, becoming stabilized in the Awareness "I Arn"
is-iii-it Later on, you will also transcend the
"I Amness." \7hat I am saying now is being recorded on a
-q1pe, but will I actually be talking when it is played back?
No, it is only a chemical that was created by a human being.
Similarly, there is a photograph of my Guru on the wall. Is
it with a chemical.
a real Guru? No. Man makes the picture
In the same way, this human being created by God is also
just a chemical, and you should be aware of that. Just as a
storm is a form created by nature, similarly this "I Am," this
chemical, was also created. Forget about what I have told you,
because that is also a mechanical thing, a chemical. Just be
Aware, and then it won't matter if you die a hundred times.

arll {lJEIrr.urS 'rdaf,uof, E rsnf sr rr rng ' stuered slr oqa
Eapr uE uoarB ueag stq plql eqa'srdecuor IIe art aseql :W
'stuawd acltto t1u7q atfi (nouf tou saop
?lttp ary fig :A
'PIrr{3 erl} Jo
roltarr arlt arr sruared aqI 'rl paleaJf, oqx\ s.,'l.ou>I pllql V :ntr
2(/1 01 1u7m ',L aql lnoqv sru
,,'utv L, ?2Man oqm mouT I Fl01 ?to A
'salgered rsn( arB asaqr lng 'tcarro3 :141
'10u to
aty ol 3urc3 s1 ,(yoq rry Dqpqm yauaraor tou v a&ys V :totlslA
'rroddeslp u3r{t pup nol rcaSgr uef spJoln\ pr',l.ou nol or
ualods Surag sp.roz't eqr lq pat3eJJe nol ery 'pauJaf,uo) ag
IIr^\ pue tr alarlag oi l1a1r1 sr ag 'slep aarqr reUB elp III^\
eq l?qr PIo] sI ueru E j1 '1n;raru,od Lnr ati sProlN :feregu141
o)rnos oll ero no[
Ll)!Ll/Ylo Plro/t uIoerP V

"I Am" is just a concept. The child has also been given the
idea that'He is'. First you must investigate'\fho is', and
what this "I Amness" is.

V: You talked about the "I Am." You corustract an anderstandirug

that this "I Am" has to haue a su?Port.

M: You want to know what the support is for the "I Am?"
My parents supported me! 'When do these two people, the
husband and the wife, become parents? It's when a child is
born; is that not true? are the parents before the
birth of the child? And, what is that child? The child is
the root of the parents. The child is alro the father of the
parents. Because of the child, the parents are' This shows
how completely hollow our egos are. \fhat is the use of
this Beingness, when it is the Beingness that has determined
all this play? Awareness is the Absolute, but who is the
witness of the Absolute? The ego is like the child of a
barren woman.

am an uneducated person, yet people from all over the

'What is this due to? It is because
world come and visit me.
I have become a zero, a Nothingness. This knowledge has
come spontaneously. Out of nothing, something 'is', and in
that 'is-ness' or Beingness there are innumerable universes'
But even this Beingness is discardable.
slle; urr{t 'suadr: lrraq au6 lrrag r go aldurrxa aqr a>lBJ
;uortsanb aqr 8ul1se nol are lqu. ,rtrou>1 lou op nol y1 :pq
'm0u7 10u o? I :A
iasJelrun .rnol, lnoqe uraqt o]
Suqpr arr nol lEr{r aou>I uos-rad raqlo eqr saop tnq .sa1 :141
'Flum [ut noqu ruat/t 0t Vl?t fflm 1 aldoad
fit/to t/txm aLtaauoJ I uaqm ?u? '<?lfim [an palaatc saq ,1, r(7rrg :71
,,'taa4 alq?rawnuut
ot Wnq an8 ytm unu ax epf/m tprrt iur* ax?atr fftm aau
txt/J 'a24 8rq a olut ual? ?u" 'Zu4dvs ? otu! smotl yuu gnotds
qr?qm yaas auo Quo st atdt/l qttm ufiaq 01,, :ruErEInI turBs
ruor3 raydnor E sr aJeqJ 'palJasgo Jo pootsJapun ag ot lyuo sl
Surpuersrapun ;o e8pay*ou>l srr.lJ larnssard aqt qrr^\ uetEeg ag
111.u nol ro tr asodxa t(uop pue lrpuns puE IIE qrr-r'l nol plor
e^Er{ I lerl^{ ssnfsrp t,uoC 'ssousnorf,suoJ ter{t ot lerd aldoad
la1 issausnorrsuoS rnol 3o ]no uJog eq uE, po3 reer8 3o
adlr rrqm oS issausnorlsuoJ rnol jo lno uJoq sr plJo,ll Jrer{l
regr azluSof,ar plro^ ruealp rnol ur aldood eqt oC 'aldoad
lueur os are erar{t plJo.4 ureerp rnol u1 'plJo^4. arll Jo tdaruoo
luaJaJJrp E ro plro.& u1$.o srq eteeJo 111.uuosrad rltea ,sJA :W
tuataStV awafi fftm ttautnontuo) taldoad DWl t?qt u?ara rtql
sao1 '?lto(n sff ?afian t?q rsausnlxcsuoS tnot taql tas ruoA :A
6t ("r:r"Il IrS qrra s{lBJ

and creates a new tree, which will bear many berries' These
seeds will create a huge jungle. All of this is created from a

single seed.

V: All of them had a single origin.

M: This is all a dream world of which You are the Source'

lf You do not exist, then the manifestation of the world
will not be there for you. Do you realize that You have
created your world?

V: I will try to understand.

M: There is no question of effort here. It has to be understood


V: What is the role I should play in this world?

M: Amongst all of people, you are enquiring

these millions
about your part in this world. \7hat is the percentage of
your contribution? By yourself you may be big, but in this
crowd you are nobody.

V: What is my share in all this?

M: Go to Goenka's ashram, meditate a little more, and then

maybe you will understand. I am only telling you my story,
not that of Brahma. Brahma means illusion. Just like when
deer run after a mirage in the hot sun, it is an illusion; the
water is not really there. Similarly, you are running after
IIp Jo ef,uasse aql
sl slql'srr{t Je^.sue ol nol tue^r I;nol sagsrtrs teqr rsEI er{l
Jo IasJoru lsJU aqr 1r sr 'leaur e rea puB lr8unq aJ.nol uarllN
pllreelc 1r Jo afuatuas auo tseal tp Jaguraurar nol 11ln .1pr
slrlt reuv 'rleruepueuv ro 'eurttqrytr nol IIEI IIr^. leql .nol
gceo.rddr osp IIr.,* aldoad 'tegl auop e,r,nol ef,uo ((.sseuruy I,,
Jo 'ssau8ureg u1(o rnol sr lerp - Jauons3nb aql 01 3r1)
'1$,ou)I 01 sluE^\ oq./'a
auo aq] lsE 'suollsanb arreg nol
'rueuzrurad lou sr pur 'algeqslrad
osle sr pooJ Jo lueurqsrrnou eq] tuory tlrng sl teqr lpoq
eqr 'algrr{srrad sr poo3 sr tsnf 'lpoq srqr q]r^,\. uorlerfosse str
ra8ro3 IIr.4. pue tuauerured ]ou sr ((sseuruv L, er{J.(se1t\ tI,
13r{f ou{ tou ilvr (,sseuuv L, eq} .tsrxe ol sasEaf, (ssautuv I,,
srql put lpoq agr sa^Eal qteerg Ielr^ rr{t af,uo .erar{r ag
lou oslr PIno^, plrod\ aqt 'arer{l tou ara^\ lpoq-poo3 er{} JI
'alqrqsrred sr pu" (atuutauuo) pooJ urou pauroJ sr lpoq
srqJ 'anrl lou sr 1r lng 'psssalq aq III,!{ nol teqr puB 1r
Jo rno oluof, Ilrlr\ pooS Sulqrauos tEr{l Surlulqr ,suorsnllr
tZ (ete,qeW BrtzpeBreslN I.rS qrra s{J?J
{ {). of the Gu ru
The words
ore Truth itself

Maharaj: \Vhen my Guru went into a state of bliss' He told


"Hdue in me and in my words' Whateuer I am telling

you is the Truth. You are the highest Truth. Haue intplicit faith
in that arud condu.ct Tourself accordingly"'

There was a sage who was very temperamental' who got

upset very easily. He used to curse with so much force

emphasis that whatever he said would take a concrete


and happen. My Guru told me, "Diuinity (Paramatma) is

what you are." I heard it in the satsdng (sat - true or

sang association) of my Guru and I accepted it' I did not

want to gain anything, I .iust accepted it' I never knew that

'I' I was aware that "I Am" this Absolute

existed and suddenly
Truth. I had complete faith in the words of my Guru' and
then later on everything happened spontaneously' There was
continuous transformation and I was astounded at what was
purur-lpoq aql uarl^\ lluo sr tI .,s1, Jo Jtnlosgv aql
]Er{t papnpuor aq tr plnor pareadde lysnoaueruodr **V I,,
a8palrr.roul aqt uaqa llug .(,sr lL leqr ro) .sezrr tL terll
a8pa1.,rrou1 ou ptg arnlosgv eqr llrelrurs .ssaulp slq
asner eql aou{ aq saop euop ar? stsat aq} 1p uaqm llug
'ssaullr slr{ Jo asnEf, JrIt tou seop aq rnq .uallo^,s sr
lpoq ayogzrr srq r"ql
sralof,srp eH .u^ op slleJ pue lppr8 slaa;
lpappns ag Suluroru eqt ur sele^.r eq uerl^. tng .daa1s or
sao8 aq uarlr IIa,/$. aq &tu u?ru V *.ruv I, Jqr
Jo a8palu*ou1
arlt qtr^\ 'J31EI saruof, ssJueJE^V .Sulgrlue
Jo alels aq1 3o
eJE^\? lou sr. .stueuale
Qamqsaru&d ?utt?ut"ta7) atnyosqy aqJ
a^U eqt Jo uontruJoJ er{l or rorrd sl .,ury 3o a8pey,l\oul
1,, J
srqa 'pareedde lysnoaueruods ..ury 3o a8payllr.ourl srrlJ :I
;,a&ya1mouq, f,q uuaru not oy wqAl :A
'*luv I,
Jo a^Brl nol 1eq1 a8palru.oul ar{r sr asnec lrBrurrd aqa :141
;uda[ s1qt nl asnw tur atatlt sJ :11
'aru aprsur Suluaddeq llluersuoo s81,1\ q)rq^\
'(tdaff uonetrf,er pa.rf,Es leqt ol Suruarsll slealp sE,&\ I :W
yo[ artrS
ntrug tnof, qttqm s?om aqt Suuaadat f1rualsuoc not ataTy :tztls?A
Jlaslr qrn{ ar? nrnD erP Jo spro.&r aql
lur 3o sprol$. aqt Jo qr8uarrs aqt sE^\ tEr{J .eur ul Suluadderl
ez le:eqeIJ ?rrepuBr?slN IrS r{rr,r\ s{lEJ

consciousness comes into existence, with the power of the

five elements, that the Awareness arises. I was told by *y
Guru that this very principle that does not know that 'It is',
is my Self. This is what was conveyed to me' It is from this

standpoint that I am talking to you.

\fhen I was young I used to ponder about many subjects'

Before I met my Guru I used to think there was no such thing

as spiritualiry.took a vow that I would never get initiated or
surrender to another person' One day a friend told me that
a great sage was visiting the area and asked me to come along
with him to meet the sage. I did not want to go but my
friend encouraged me, so I went with him' My friend bought
a garland and some sweets for the sage and suggested that
I put on a nice suit for the visit. \7hen I met the Guru' he
asked me to close my eyes and he initiated me' After some

time, the Guru asked me to oPen my eyes; it was as if I had

exploded. From that moment on I was a different Person'

In 1932,I purchased two books on philosophy that had

been recommended by a friend' I tried to read them at the
time but could not understand any of it, so I wrapped up
the books and put them aside. My Guru initiated me in
1934. Vithin rwo months of the initiation that same friend
took me to his village and suggested that we discuss those
books on philosophy. I expounded the books spontaneously,
which were to me, at this stage, like kindergarten information'
Jo luetuuretratuo srqt ruo5 Surqrlur ure8 lou op no 'nJnD
ot nrnD ruo{ pue 'ace1d or eceld ruorg eloru no 'Sulqtlur
ro auolue ur Jarleq urrJ E a ErI lou op aldoad notr
. 'nol 3o rmd E etuof,eg
IIII U ler'r slqr ur Sullurqr Jo trqer{ eqt otur ta8 nol JI ',&\er^
3o rurod srq] ruo5 Surgrlra,ra puelsrepun or l;a 'nol rcegge
louuEf, qteep pue r{lJrg ua^a ltlun ?uc/?tgr olur nol urro3surrt
lltt,l <<?ut{.1?tg ut? 1,, ?u1r{es ,(yrrylrulg 'nol ureg 01 algt
ag l(uo^ e>ltus B ue^a 'uaqI 'tr ot eunurur auorag lylm nol
'urel8 lq urer8 'uoslod reynclrred e lra nol JI 'tr rltr^\ auo
aruofeq nol pur nol or par{rerre sra8 u nol grrzrr Sulrpauos
Sulluec ol palentrqErl eruof,eq nol uagl6 'edeqs lur a,r'eg
tou op sseusnor)suo3 sB .I, rnq 'edegs e seg lpoq slql
',L SIq] P3r{Jno} }ou sBq asre^run er{l Jo
uonnlossrp aql ua^E 'erer{l uaag eAEq tou leu (lpoq) turo;
lrp ruasard slqr lluo (eJar{t uaag sler*1? a^Erl ,1, ,llpntry
ill lq paqfnolun ruE ,I, trr{l tr sr ^roq lnq (esJalrun aql
Jo suorlnlosslp lueur os ueeg e^Bq aJarll 1er{t pres sr tI 'aru
ot aurer rsnI a8pelnoul ar{t ral 'sa.rnrdrJrs oqt parpnls Jelau
peg 1 llprnteu pue llssap:oy3a 'u jo arerle Sulag rnogrr,u rr
Surop se,vi I ]nq 'u,,raop e(u unr Jo aur asre-rd rg8ru a1doa4 .u
ur pu"q ou per{ 1 'pauaddeq rsnf r1 le8palrnoul ftu rnoqu.r,
ruroJ uerunq slqt pa;rnbce ,ltoq aur 8ur1se oIII sl slr{J :I I
;tt117qt nql atmbca nor( pry moH :A
SZ Iete'4eW ?trepeBtEslN IrS rl]ra sIJ?J

going to so many Gurus and assimilating everyone's point

of view. By trying to learn too much from too many you
remain azero and stay where you are' I do not tell you to do
any penance or hard spiritual practice (sadhana)' At the most
I may tell you to chant the name of God (Brahma in?o)'
Keep the vital breath busy with this chanting' Allot this
work of repeating the name of God to your vital breath and
then just stand back and watch. Just as you allot work to
your cook and then watch him cooking, keep the vital breath
continuously busy with the recitation' You will then begin
to hear this recitation throughout your body'

You should have an intense desire to seek the Truth' Only

then will the results be quick. The outcom e of japa will be
according to the strength of your conviction and the extent
of your faith' My Guru did a lot of penance and long
spiritual practice before he got this knowledge' But without
my having had to do any Penance or spiritual practice' he
bestowed this knowledge upon me. I am not dependent upon
this world or this universe; this world and this universe
depend upon Me. How do you recognize me?'What identity
'!7.ith what
do you allot to me and how do you judge me?
identity do you judge yourselves? You entertain the idea
that you are going to have different births. I don't believe in
any such stories.I know 'I' never was' That "I Amness" was
never there for me. I am the unborn state'
'a8pelr',lou>l Jo luaJEd ar{t sr ef,ueJougr pu? af,uBJouBI
ul lluo r{trrq sa>l?r a8palrvtou;,1 ;a8palmoul sr ttqlN :tr 1
aqt aaaq ol suo4sanb Zuryso tq aturtoufu tno moqs am oO :A
iuEruo/!\ uaJJBg
B Jo UDJPIIqI aqr e>lII aJE sPJor! asaql ue^a 1EII]
^\ou1 I
'dpreun161 'eru 01 saruof Jelaleq 4.
les 1 'urarp qlrl( uolssnf,slp
arlt :roJ Slaslur arzdard t(uop I 'atu tIsIA sa8es ro sJ"lorlf,s
tea.l8 rartauarllN 'uorsnlll ue II" sr 1I ill" rE lslxa r(usaop
t"q^\ lnoqB 1pt lpeerf eJ" no1 :tr{
lqr,a. os 'snoeuetuods
fa uadaap tltsuatut trut fitA 'tlasop ,Ctaa Zuruatsll t{.t? J :A
LZ leteqeW rlrepeBtEslN IrS rlrla sIl"J

{'f ,t I/
Everything is

Visitor: What is the meaning of "I Am," the basic illusion?

Maharaj: It means 'pure', even though you have to provide

food for it. Ayogihad been studying the art ofreviving objects

after death. One day he saw a bone in the forest and decided
to practice his art to see how effective it was' He chanted a
rndntra and suddenly a lion appeared. He did not, however,
create any food for the lion and so when the lion was hungry
he ate the ygi. The moral of this story is that before you
create anything, you have to first create food. The "I Am"
is sustained by the food-body. That is our body, which is
the food for the "I Am." Every creature depends upon its
food and the "I Am" depends upon our body' you
remember this?

you recite the mantra relating to a particular god,
that particular quality in Consciousness is created within
ruE./$, laqr esn?rag 'uonrglxe puE Jdor{ IIe asol plnol oldoad
'llsnolres aur 01 Suruarsrl lg 'nrng srq ot IlEq turq tuas I os
'nrnD srq Sulronb rdal ogm Sururotu srqt arlJe) lpoqaurog
parnb daal 1 plnoqs ro srqt go 1p nol IIel I ppotlg 'nol plor
a^Er{ I lEq^\ lnogE uorurdo
rnol ,nou1 ot a{rl PIno^{ I
'qleep pelpr sl slrlJ 'auo8 sr lpoq arp sreeddtslp ,,ruv I,,
aqt tng 'sreal 961 roJ se^rl uosrad E JI ua^a aJII rarl Jo slq
rnoq8no;qr Jreql sr *ruv L aql 'aoe1d sa>1"] qtr,roJ8 'u.log
sl pllq3 er{l uer{lN 'sur?rueJ 'surEruer Ja^at?qa puB luJng sr
tuJng sr Je^altrllN 'auo8 sr eurEIJ er{r JeUe pesn sI IIo ou tng
'lro aqt Sursn lg Sururnq sdaal atur6 aqt 'alar{l sr Iro aql
uarl/N 'Sulqrlue Jo Jre,l\eun sr ssausnorfsuoJ aqr 'auo8 sl
lpoq eqt alu6 'aJerp are l.rouraur pu? sseusnorrsuo3 'aJar{}
sr lpoq aqt s" 3uo1 o5 ']Er{I sE rurq aas I pue ssausnorf,suo3
olur pa8rau sr eH 'rBqt alrl nrnS lur uodn 1oo1 tou
op I 'a1etsrru aqt sr ter{l pue purur-lpoq e sl epururlrt5l
nrn.5 rnol trr{t aurnsaJd notr *'ruy I, ,,vrou>l
ntn3 ltu I ,sr,
asntrag 'araq nrn9 ftu 3o srldrrSoroqd lueru a,reg osp :trAJ
ilu(.ft lnoqa ,{as no[ oy ruelA 'u/!q flm
salarxunruu,tzz aq #cll ?uy aary? illis sl ayuauatltTJ ruql stas
?pu"uwynly 'ut?tt/t? sxq ux vpu?uatt1p to ani?$ ? sx anqJ :A
',aJE, 'ssausnorssuoJ :nol uor3 saurEu snorJEA
qlr.&\ peteaJr uaeq a^?q qrrqa 'spo8 asagt lerl^\ osle sr (eJ?
no , tegr sseusnorfsuoJ aruts er{I 'ssausnorfsuoJ rnol 3o
suoneuJerul aqr lluo erc 'nol
'arue/?tg '?uqs!.tx 'au,tty
6z (e.leqeW errepeBr"slN IrS r{lra slleJ

to take action in the world, hope should be there for them'

If they feel that they are not gaining anything here, they
should go away. \7hy should I talk to these people who want
to live and achieve something? Nityananda hardly ever
talked, but his disciple Muktananda goes on talking and has
created an empire. Chinmayananda has done the same thing
although now he says he wants to stoP talking and go away
to the Himalayas. All my expounding will only lead people
to a state of inaction, so why should I talk? Anl'way, whatever
you have heard here can never be erased and will have its effect.

V: I want to deuelop my determination to be in the "I Am"'

M: Did you have any Consciousness when you did not have

your body? You may have as much faith as you want, but
even that will be gone when the body is no more' as your
Consciousness will not be there. are you without your

Consciousness? There is nothing for you to do' Everything

'S7hy are you concerned
just comes into being and happens.
with what to do? You deal with the world only after having
Consciousness, when the "I Am" is there' Once it is gone'
everything ends. It is all spontaneous.

Every nation has had different rulers ruling the country

at different times, who are now dead and gone' Do they
come back and ask how the country is being ruled now?
Does Christ come back and ask why you go to India to listen
to all of this trash? By presuming to be on one side, you take
..ruv I,, ar{t Jo Sur8raru aq} rnoqe nol 3ul11ar urB I l"rllN
'&sreaq aJaur sr Surlp arr nol uaqm er'eq nol srgBnogr aqr
lq peulur.rotap sI qrrlqer tnoqE fts sragro ]EI{IA.
'tr lnoqe ro8roj :urearp e rsnf sl r1
'paqsru5 pue JeAo II" sI tI &s rsn( ueql '8ulqllue ragruaurar
touuts nol g1 ililrlq rsel rnol Surrnp arazu, laqt oI{^\
nol op tng 'aJe stuarud rnol og,l ,(us uec nol ruasard ty
'ruparp rnol rnoqe 3uq1u lluo ore notr 2s8ulag uEtunl{ ro
sleurrue '^sluered slg oq^{, sJaguretual eII Jeq}al{.4 urlq
>lse I 'qurg tsEI srq go lrotuaur e saglrrsap uosrad B uoq/N
'aldoad turrou8l ol serrors qlns IIar ol a^Erl 1 'uaddeq uec
uonBzrpal aJoJeq papaeu aJE squlg lueru reqt aydoad aruos
plor llsnolrtard &y'r pa>lse se,t\ I ',,'rou nol ot Suluaddeq sl
Ja^a]Erl1( ef,uerJadxa rsnf luolteuJefural lnogE PaIJJo,tr nol are
lqA, 'll, t? auI r)aJJE lou saop qteep lnoqe lrrorv' ag1
,,tta 'ru04[ autor s?q oZutru aqt auelox Zuruousarub
daa4 t,uoq 'tt f,otua yua o7uaru adtt aqt. aqa1,, 'prcs lsn(
aH i"pu"u"le^l1 ol lrs EuI{sIDI"tuEU plp 1"tllN 'sn aprn8 or
nrng B ro3 3ul1oo1 uo oB elN isa^rl lprp rno uI areJratul pu?
auoc laqr oCJ i.&\ou araq leqr eJE tnq 'poD ol aruoq auo3
aarg lagr les rsnf no ipalp a,r.eq laqr ecuo lagr orB arar{l6
'stuared per{ IIE %N ierpul JeAo alnr or erut) srap?Aul uEItsIJqJ
puE r.urlsnw ueq/h Surqrlue op lagr PIP lnq '1nJra.trod
lraa aq or pasoddns ere selllap npulH rng 'uol8r1al Jo elueu
ogl ur poolq 11rds pue sqrl"J ruarelJlp lsute8e sya8pn: dn
te (ereqeW Errzpt3rEslN IrS rlrla s{leJ

with the Source is the real thing. This world has existed for
millions of years. Male and Female, Purusha and Prakriti,
have created so many dynasties. From which background have
you come to this present form? Did you come from your
father's father or your mother's mother? From the time of
the first couple ever created, which birth is this? Can you go
\7hy carry that tension around with you
back and find out?
when you cannot really know or remembe t any of it? Don't
bother about it.

As you progress and get established in Beingness, you

will understand that you are above the dreaming and waking
states, as these only pertain to your "I Amness." are only

able to observe because of this "I Amness." \7hen the

"I Amness" is not there, the tool required to observe is also
not there. Once there is Self-realizatiofl, the whole riddle is
solved. Vhat Krishna prcaches in the Gita is correct.
I am saying is of no profit or loss. Even a blind person can
describe a huge well; how does he know? It is just a way of
expressing his thoughts.

As life flows, go on doing what has to be done. However

much you run around, without God's \7ill there is nothing.
it is your dreams or your visions, whatever you
see is nothing but God's apPearance. it is the Source,
or Consciousness, which is appearing in so many forms.
Everything is conceptual.
leqt tV inol luop urearp arp a^resgo nol 'Surruearp elrq/N :I i
iWru 4 ?lfiduor nnf, awts aqt uto{ tuata$ry tutlt s1 'Sutyaattlastu,
adt J ?u? 'dl1luay1 u? fl eratfi tautxtautos '&u1yaat ru" I uaqA :A
'ssaupts pue acrad ur paz{rqrls are nol ssalun af,uerJedxe slqt azteq
lou Ilr.ta. no 'aprsur daap ssausnorrsuoJ Jo ssauere^V sr aragl
esnpreq 'daa1s lou sr ll 'daa1s ot Jelrurrs sleal tr q8nogtly :tr1
;daap daay lo at?ts ? t, sI :totxsxA
'ar?ts paxBIeJ pue InJlseJ e sr lI 'ssau3ulqro5l ruo5 - etets
xu"ru?I) ar{t uro5 8ur1pr rur I '>llet I uar1,typurru aql spuaf,surrl
rur{r etels E sr tI 'pulur orl} a^oq? atrts teqt ur eJe sa8es pue
s73o[ aq7',pu1u aqt Jo Ia^el aql e^ogr, suteur q]lq^\ 'xu?ruFn
pelle3 sI t1 'deays lou sr tr tng 'deayse ere
nol Jr se IeaJ IIr^
no 'eraqt aq t,uo^ Surssaulrzvr ualo - arers a1ll-daals e ur ag
grru, nol (paqsrlgrlsa Sunre8 sl a8paproul aql alrr{lN :[erege141
lpoq oLU r..ltr/v\ roJJns
'{poq eLlt yt!r* ,{11+uep1
I -l-
' 1\ ,:.

time, the whole dream world is in front of you' You simulta-

neously watch what is happening while also taking part in the
dream world as one of the characters, cne of the actors' But
here, you are purely a \Titness' You are not acting but are merely

a \7itness, whereas there you also participate in the dream'

Some Gurus give disciplines which only engage the mental

aspect and activiry. They get their disciples involved in the play
of the mind by referring to the concepts that appeal to them'
They concretize their preferred conceprs in the form of activities
for their disciples. Leave all that alone - there is no question of
effort and no question of elevating oneself to a higher level.

will this spark or flame go? 'Vhere will my vital breath or ?rdna

go? There is no question of it going anywhere' You only have to

be aware as the \Titness and you will merge with the five elements.

If you identify with the body-mind, you will have to

undergo all of its suffering and misery, while facing its effects.
If you identifr with the body you will suffer with the body'
A swimmer, when caught in a whirlpool, has to go down

deep beneath the whirlpool, then swim beyond its diameter

before coming up to the surface. If the swimmer struggles'
he will become exhausted and will be finished' Similarly'
with this whirlpool of the body-mind, before you become
panicky dive down underneath - do not get entangled with
the body-mind. Go deep beyond the thoughts and come
into the thoughtless state. I tell you to ask me questions
eg tou ilL! nol lng 'Surqlauos nol ruer8 rr{8ru laqr sauqdlrslp
uT?uef, nol jl reqr nol gar pu? .esuas pulul-fpoq rnol o1
Sulrelar Sulrpauos nol 1ar gpl daqr .snrng palp3-os ragro or oB
nol ;1 'puru-lpoq Jo asues srqr adrcsa pue altgns aruooeq nol
,(u?ruqrug ua J,, Sunaegc lg 'ule8 ol tuE \ nol trqr a8pap'rou4
al{l Jo lqrroz'L eg lsnru nol pue lrrrnleru 3^Erl tsntu no1
'll roJ rU tou ere 'ssausnorosuoc-fpog aqr qll.,rl. ,fiuuapr orpr
'aldoad Jar{lo 'a8pa1,rtou1 reqr re8 ue) a?utq"tgr s? se^lasuaqt
reprsuor ogal aldoad lluo llrrllurs .tsEI ot alqr eq tou
plno^, ueru pourpnbun ue se gof aqr ra8 IIrl( u"ur algelrns
e lluo'qluoru e seadnr 000,01lreps e Sulrago er5Jo uE
ul lcuecezl E sr aJar{t 3r 'a;druuxa JoC 'lsaJrueur IIIr\ a8palzrtoul
rEqt (poD ore nol rrqr SulpurlsJepun aur 01 atuoc nol;r
'la,tazrto11 'gl3 lluo rnol ag IIr,& terll lnq <pooqrlaarl rnol
ro3 Sutrpauos ta8 leru nol ueur B sB eur ol aurof nol j1
'srraddeslp ((ssauur\r I,, eql
'lpoq aqr urorJ sareredes qrearq plla alp uerlfir 'stuaurala o^U eip
olur sa8raur lpoq arp pue rre aql otur loeg sao8 rfearq ptr aql
ueql( sr riteap Ipl nol rer61 .('ssauurv I,, eqt sr lpoq lrrp ur pue
'lpoq aqr a,rrq nol stueruele J^U aqt Jo esneJeg ,,.ssauuy L,
srgt Sulaeq r{fea (eJrl Jo sruJoJ dueru aqt pue uorlela8azr.
eql etu?) r{lJBa er{r ruoS uaql 'lsBI r{uea aql pu? lsJU aruBf,
Jrp eqt *'uV L Snp tUoJC ',efl, ol eJr$p aqt sE/\^. aJeql lsJrC
'pultu ar{t lou eJv n0 tnq 'purur aq} Jo aJE suonsenb ,,lJ
'Surpurrsrapun rnol asnereq
3o grdap aqt lno pug or tuB./( I
te Iereqel{ E]repeBr?slN IrS r{tra s{lEJ

able to attain that Brahma'hood. You must first accept that you
are without a body-mind and that you are subde. That sense
must be instilled in You.

I look to this Brahma state, my Beingness ("I Amness"), and

observe my body - like an incense stick with a spark on it'
That chemical, or seer, is here in this incense stick, and is being
burned by that spark. You must become initiated into the
understanding of what I am expounding to you. I am telling you

about the seed of Brahman. You have to understand that I am

planting the Brahma seed in you. That Brahma seed is your

Beingness ("I Amness"), which sprouts into manifestation' That

Brahma state does not require anything to eat. It has no hunger,

because Brahnna alone embraces everything and all manifestation

is Brahma. I am trying to raise you to that state. Do not think
you can become a realized soul only by listening to a few lectures
here. You have to forget everything and merge with Brahman'

V: What is the difference between worldly hnowledge and

knowledge about Brahman?

M: You will not reaLize it unless the difference within you

goes. If you think you are the body you cannot gain this
knowledge. \7ho wants to know about Brahman? Find that
out first, and then change the identity of that I from body-
consciousness to 'I am one with Brahmtn'. Focus on that
Brahman instead of on the body-mind. You must understand
yourself correctly. You think that I am a man, and being a
'asra^run aloq,/( aql puB u?u,tc/?tg qlr^r euo eJ? nol .u^.op
etuof sllB./\^. esoql lualuouI aqt lng .suozrJoq Jnol srr(Url lpoq
er{t ro; f,^ol lnol dpoq aqr lluo ere nol reqr a,rarlaq nol
'ssau8urag rnol3o uorssardxa uB sr plJo,//\ alor{^4. srqt q8nogr uarrE
'ssau8urag rnol jo uorssa.rdxa arp sl l1s eJnua arlJ .dn tr1 sl aords
jo 1p 'sreadde ro sapoldxe .,sseuruv L, aql tueurour aql :ntr
,,iutv L, - ssau7utag autoc u1311to qsoq,[ aqt saze :A
'pareadde ssauaJene teql aroJaq uela eraql
ueag seq eq pue .'rrv L aqr sl Sulag tEqJ 'Ja.&su? ot paau
arll Pu? IIrc eql Jo eJE^\e saruof,ag oqz'a. nol urqlr^\ lpogaruos
sr eJaqt os op nol a.lo3aq rng .puodsa.r nol ,nol s1lrr1
lpogoruos uaq ',eg, tsnf put .spJo.& lue rnogtun
\ .,,sseuur\r I,,
oqt ol uo ploq lluo 1p Jo rsJrC itr ttr{l sr ,,,tou tue L, pu?
I, uae^\tag 'a8plrg eql (>lurl aqt ./v\,oDI ot lue^{ no1 :W
itt t,usal? ,,'lou ru? L lo padsy aqt sayqtatd ,,stauruV J,, aclJ :A
'e^ol sr 31asu ssau8ureg pur ,ssau8ureg
Jo a^ol eql ruB 1 '(ssau8ulag) ,.ssauury I,, aq] ul lyuo 11arr,rp
pue asu3s pulur-lpoq srr{} Jo plr ra8 y1r.a,r nol aqr ,saldrculrd
aqlqull pue l11nyart3 uatsrl nol 31 ,.iury L, teqr a8payrr.r,oul
ar{t (tsoLu aqt srqt puEtsJapun ot spaau lEr{t tr sr or{/N :tr{
wo4[ sauoc ,Qataut a,yalmou4 ?rucl?tg ,r';:\rr:':;::l':;
utr 1v\oH 'pulur pue lpoq lg pauolrrpuor Suleq sueaur ueru
Le (eteqxW ?rrepeB-r?slN IrS qrra s{lBJ
The illusion oppeors true becouse
of ottochment to the body

Visitor: Maharaj, I haue the feeling that I was 'hilled' by you

last night.

Maharaj: If you know this, then where else will you go to

look for different holy men (sadhus) and further knowledge?
Maybe you will feel very proud after getting this knowledge
and grow a beard, put on some garlands and beads, and sit
with a posture! Rajneesh has understood this principle.
Because he knows that there is nothing in any of this, he
makes a big show and makes people dance around him.
Vhere have you come from?
V haue come from France. What is the tangible priruciple
that yu baue, and can lour mind point out the uital breath?

M: Can you hold the vital breath with your mind?

V: How can I transform the intellectual understanding into

inol Jo IIE ol elqBlderrB lldar rar{ sI :W
'atota[up t?ql fioq?
?aJut(tuor ool trzu ut? I :A
'alp ot Suro8 arc nol 1eq1 parurluof IIps eJE nol ratr :tr41
'acuataStp ou fl auclJ :A
2aurru ftu
pue po8 e Jo arrrEu eq1 uea^\taq e)uarelJrp oql eru r,ror{S :tr J
iI u?2 moH :A
;ur.ro3 lpoq eql o]
Sulrre3ar tnoqlr^\ ueruor pue uetu uea^\tag areltuarag3lp nol
UEJ iusur puB arnlBu u3a./I\13q ef,uaJalJrp eql sr tEri/N :I\l
'utol yut adacls aruos I Zutat7 atp nof, sruaas r ,acto! a1arua! atll
sa xtuq?td yua auo! a1?w aqt s? aqu)sa? no[ uaq1X1 :71
'JatE r glrllr. auo lyaralduro) ag uE) rarrrtl l1u6 aJalr \ r{lr1'a. Jalea
xltu nol ueqtr ef,uaJa33rp lue aJaqt sr lng -relt^{ tae.,,rs auros
a,req nol ter{l IES urc nol Je}E^{ qtrz'r' rc3ns xlru nol uaq26 :y41
't?2P l/? s? 1? <utv L, ?cfi ux
sja7 auo uaqm aq[a77 'arultutttt" ot Surcltou s? antf aqtayT :71
ielslrrurssE o1 luE-/\^. nol regl
1I sI t?q/N 'aralduoc lprarle nol .a8pa1^r'rou4 ar{t gtr.lrt
auo ag ;urroj lpoq rnol ro Jnolof, rnol aqrnsap nol uEO :W
iss?u)t?m? 2?!ta!
6e (eteqeW BttepeBr"slN IrS r{rra s>llEJ

Another V: No.

M; Are you stupid? She only came here yesterday' but you

have been coming here for the past two years' In

what way

do you disagree with her rePlY?

V: I cannot say I agree or disagree, because it is her experience'

M: You are still not worthy of this knowledge' You have

listened to me for two years and yet today I still
had to
'!7hat you think is the
convince you that there is no body'
body is only the food-body. After the body dies' if nothing

done about it, the worms will eat it' The body is the
food -

that is the body. The body will die, but you are not the body
You don't
so you are not going to die' So, where is the doubt?

have any birth, so you dont have any death' If

the lady who
for two days is convinced' while you
has attended these talks
remain unconvinced after two years, what have you learned?
I am beyond death. \7hen you awake within the dream' maya
and nature no longer exist. The illusion appears true

of attachment to the body, but once the vital breath leaves

the body, the body ceases to exist and the identity is gone'

V: Last night, I awoke from my sleep feeling that euerything is

nonsense and it is all an illusion'

M: This whole thing is based on illusion' How can it be

real? It is this unreality that looks real because of
the body

form. Once this body is gone and cremated' the illusion

'altrut ? qltln l?a(/J v :A
ilEaqf ? 1r sr Jo l?ar aSpal^.oDl ar{l sr 1Eql uI :tr 1
'tu?aalar qrat q sa 3uo1 sV :71
;a8pay'rou1 eql ur peqsrlgElsa la8 or a;aq lers ol pualur
nol op 3uo1 r'ro11 ipulu .rnol jo uonraJf arlt lou tr sr - erurl
Ilirrq pue lepgrrlq rnol '1r Jo snorf,suoc Sulaq rno q8no.lqr
lluo aouarslxs s?r{ aSpalzrroul pu" uorsnilr srrl} Jo 1e llrelrulr5
'sseu8ureg a8payzvrou>l
aql ur l1a1os aruetsrxa str sEq lI
'plro1't ru"eJp erlt JoJ parlnbar ecrds ou sr aJJrlI .paas
ruo.rj zvla.lS qtHA\ 'aert 3lg srr{] louuB3 ssausnorf,suo)
rnol 2e8pal,t\ou>l srqt Jo IIE ,t\oll?.t s nol uE3 z'a'or{ .}Er{l
Jaqureural touuef nol j1 'sreal xls-lrro; rnol ot rorrd slrp
o^u SlesJnol rnoge uorleurJoJul 3o aoard auros aur a^r3 :W
'y1o uaa[ xts-tttog :11
inol. arc plo ^.\oH :I {
iay?ut sltlt sao? atuata{ty ruclA A
'asra^run eql qlr1\\ euo
ag touutr nol 'ra8unq slaal tErll lpoq e lq punoq a.rr nol
se Suoy sV il"a nol 1p,lr uar{,,'l.
31a5 rnol sr srqt IIV :ru
*[1ag tw sx atarttun aurua txclJ :A
'leeJun sr uonepuno3 l.raa str asnelaq .Sunsry aq touut3
Iearun eql ruou rno lcrd nol gcrqz'r .f,tr1eat rrql .auo8 aq
ty {eterqeW IrS qtra s{lBJ

M: If you tap on the cheek of a small baby, it will smile at

you and you will smile back. The smile of the child and
your emanation are the same. So, is the smile of the child
going to die? The quality of Beingness, like the smile of the
child, comes and goes. The one who understands this is

beyond birth and death.

In the Hindu tradition it is said that in your old age you

must become a renunciate (sannya.ri). Two months ago, the
Italian ambassador came here with four elderly gentlemen
who had the intention of becoming renunciates. After
listening to this talk, they gave up their idea of renunciation.
Normally, the renunciation (sannyas) is concerned with six
aspects: the five elements and the knowledge "I Am." But
when you understand all of this, what is the point in
renouncing these six qualities? \fhen all of this knowledge
is imbibed by you and settled in you, there will be no more
desires and you will not be attached. You will be beyond
desire and no-desire, and you will be unconcerned.

As an example, seeing you walking on the road, a taxi

driver offers to take you to your destination. He takes you
round and round and finally brings you home, charging you
an exorbitant fare. You come out of the house in the evening
and realize that you had picked the taxi up very near to where
you wanted to go in the first place. The taxi driver brought
you home in a very round about way' Other guides or Gurus
'snJn5 Jo nrn5 aql sr orla
SJasuJrH po, ol lo nm3 uao s (?lEr{EW 01 raJar ltu srqt - nln8p"S x
'el?urrln aql a^arr{3B
ol uol]etr3al palf,Es ro spJo,/Il. lue paeu lou IIr^\ nol 'nol
lq paqrosqr lypror sr e8pel^\ou>l slql JI 'r{tlej ro esuep5uof,
-JIas e^EH 'lerlJ atuerag 1 - aralduroo pue ,paqsruralgun
'rlor{zrt 'paruaur8er3un - (*ntn7yz5') nJnD rear8 reqr tatu I
ueql6. 'pauJoJsurJt sE^\ I tueuroru ? ur pur nrnS rq8u aqr
punoJ llpntuaaa 1 'Sulqrou ro8 1 rnq ef,uEued Jo tol E pue
odaf y tol E prp I 'tueqr Jo unJ sa{Eur ro ,tuaqt qtr^{ unJ
srq oq os 'tuelou8r are saldrcslp eql Jo IIV 'unJ IIB sr tI :I\J
iuorsrylt wql aryan aq u?r moq yauattlSqua st aq tJ :1
'uep acrad E JleaJf, 01 sluel.
osle ar{ puy 'rdacuor srr{ pue Eepr srq sr r"r{J 'un3 aqr II"
a^Er{ ot s1u?.1r\ er{ (lEaJ
Pu" }ou sr 1r s^ ou>l oH 'unj IIE sr 1I :tr{
ioqr"u ? w ttqxq$uodtil ?u? atuat ptout
s,qsaaufay tx aaqm 0S 'qrutJ aW s! t! sa 'Sutqctat mor( aqu 1 :1
'af,ualslxa s.euo
jo a8pe1z'rou>l - a^ol-JlaS sr tuaruqrttl" Jno Jo tooJ aqt .tr
ur tnoge Sulaoru ore pue plJo^. aloq,,'t aqt ot paqf,Etlp eJ?
e,rl' g8noqryy 'uorlezrleaJ-Jles to 'u?utq?tgr alerrllr or qred
tlnr5Jrp pur 3uo1 e nol rrrorls laql'srqr a{rl are gsaau(eg a1r1
t.y (eteqell IrS r{rra s{lEJ
{\ ,/at \
i -r lL/

Whotever is creoted is by
the knowledge "l Am"


Maharaj: 'Waking up happens to the body.

Visitor: Sornethirug was awar? of this boQ,.

M: The NTitness cannot 'Be' in the absence of the knowledge

"I Am." 'S7.ho are you seeing if you are not aware of
the "I Am?" You have covered everything with this "I Am"
knowledge. The five elemental world is only the creation of
this "I Amness."

V: Is there any of the state of transitioru from the

Absolute to tlte "I Am?"

M: Don't ponder on that transition stage for the time being.

Dwell instead on the fact that your own Consciousness is
the whole universe, and 'Be' there. Be cautious when such
experiences arise that you get That experience - be alert here
to the "I Am" and all other experiences will be transcended.

'Sulqrlrarre sJtEJJf, ssausnorf,suo3 umo
Jno 'saf,uer:adxe reUE Suruun-l grrd slqr ansrnd tou oC
a8polru.oul eql lq pelpeJf, sr pateeJr sr Ja^eter{l1 :W
"'urv L
i'Jp 'saJuaxtadxa asaql p3 ruo[ o? uat/l :A
'sr 1r sB lr lde3f? pue alrasgo rsn{
't)alletul rnol qur'l srql IaAeJun or &r r,uog :aldleurrd reqr
eJe nli i,sl tI, llsnoauetuod5 ,.'ssauuly 1,, rnol or 'rerll
or lluo surelred aes nol Ja^atEq/N 'uSrsap ou pue adrqs
ou sueaur.terlJ,'tErIJ ere nol reqr tl a>lBJ'.eg, ot e^eq
nol 'llpntoellelur pardacce pue przari ezreq nol a8palrnoul
re^arEr{4N 'palraf,al a,r.rt1 nol regt a8pal/t\ou>l aqt qlr^\
{ddtq 1aa3 nol asnroaq lueuralr)xa srql IIE a^eq nol :W
'su?m fi uaaruqm saop [yoq aclJ A
lraSpg Ilrls eft no
a^rlEuJelle ou sr aJar{I llas eql ur uorlf,r^uof,
pue tllr"J rlclldrul rdacxa 'gled raqro ou 'fpaural Jaqto
ou sr arar{I 'ssaulearS aql sr Jlestr rrrlt put dord aqr sr tEr{J
puE (aJE no1, aldrcurrd aqr ur 8ul11arup sr plJo.a\
"'ruv I,
aJnue arli Jo aruecgru8eu pue 'acue:gru8ls 'ssautra;3 agl
IIV 'eurrr 3uo1
lpuall53ns E roJ atets lerlt Jo oldloulrd aqr
uo IIa,,'tC 'esrJe uorlelala lxau er{} Jo uoltsanb aqr 11rru lluo
uaqr '.pappagua llrur5 sr uonf,r^uo) srql uaqlr ,.J1ag ftu
sI ssausnor3suo) Jo IIE,, rer{r pJfurluof ere nol uer{lN JIeS
eqt ur eprgr nol uaq& aruol lluo 1pr',r uontlala txeu aqJ
9' (etzqerJ IrS qrra sll?I


V: Will there not be extreme loneliness from that experience of

"I Amness?"

M: Be patient, don't be presumptuous. You are asking a very

deep question. You have to listen first, then contemplate
and meditate. Only then can you ask such questions.

V: I haue experienced that complete loneliness. Seeing euerlthing

As 'me' makes one feel uery lonely.

M: do you always fragment the \(itness? Everything is

V: And that is the experience of complete loneliness.

M: You have still not recognized that little remnant. First of

all, are you fully convinced that you are not an individual?

V: No.

M: Then don't ask the question. Only when you are convinced
that you are not a conditioned man, conditioned by body
and mind, may you ask such questions. \7hat is God? All
greatness is because of the "I Am." There is no other path,
only this conviction. This is it! The name and body arise
from the "I Am." 'When hungry, if you want to know 'who'
is hungry, just observe. You think that you have understood
everything, but it is not so. You are the one who is listening
to all of this. '\7ho' has understood this? You are all that has

ever been created. Only You are there.

iot Suqt to f,omo lnorqt 4u?r not a\duuttd arlt s1 t?t/A :A
'rt or 3ut1c touuef, 1 'ot patuerrr I Jr ue^a pu? ,eur altel t(uo1$.
tI pJeoqJe^o aldlrulrd aql r.r.oJr{t or 3ur,(rr tuu 1 q8noqlly
;rulod relnolrred srqt uo les or nol arreq tEr{lN ;g8noua
lou 1I sI 'atu eleel l.usaoP IIIIs aSpay,,rou>1 srqr rng .sleel
lrq8ra uerlr aroru roj 3ur11er uaag a^Er{ 1 '@aauSaqg)
po3 sl ..urv L, a8palz'rou1 aql ..'tuv 1,, a8pela.ou{ aql
su?aur PoD'urlq e^E3l lou IIIr!\ poD'o3 ol poD s>ls?
aalo^ep erll Jr ue^e 'uo JelE-I 'poD a^Eel ol tuE.&\ tou saop
eero^ap aqr l11errru1'@tryt1fi eetolep E Jo esrr eqt uI :I l
'{rtaop7t6 'nof, artral rcu
lltm I :A
'a1ly nol t"q^r op pue Surqrlra,ro
re8roj 'tl tdacce touue3 ro srq] alrl rou op nol JI 't?qJ r{1r^\
auo oruof,ag pue Sururoru eql ur ]noge nol ot elods 1 regr'r
rqlqull lylng 'prrruapr ar? sarets r{log iller Sururoru aq1
ul Surssa.rppe sE1( I trqr etels aqt Jagruarual nol oq 'nol
uo t)elJa ou aAEq IIr^\ pur snongradns are laqa .turpunpar
aq IIII!\ saurldrosrp lgpoq lur uagr ,nol
parcage a^Er{ DIIEI
Sururou ar{r JI 'petearl sr plro,r\ aloq^\ aqt pue slnords peas
oJUII sIqI 'sn ur sr ]ueuureJ str illsnoau?tuods sreaddr r1
<('ssauruv I,, aql sr pees regr:s.reedde paas E.eJer{t JeAe sr
qclqa (3tnlosgv I?urata eqr ruorC 'lrlu;arg tuou aruof, serl tI
'(uwauus) luerrue sr a8pal,v'ou>l slql ipaes aql sr oqlN :W
'1oot Swqul v a7palmory slqJ :A
$n[ fl q ?uy ?aas maa o
L, (eregeW IrS rlrra sIIeJ

M:. Since everything is You, you can't cut it away from you.
This knowledge of "I Amness" is part of you. How can you
throw it away? And where can you throw it? you are

established in Beingness ("I Amness'l), you realize that

everything is You. It is all Your creation.
lrlruapl areredas lur <pappa,4a
'urJoJ pue aueu Jo tnogtlru lng
lpearp tue I 'auo IF sr rI ituoqtl\ tr;nut Ilrlu\ oq^\ os 'purru ro
lpoq r e Er{ sn Jo rarpraN 'tr qlrr't uonef,Unuapr ou a^Bq put
pulur-lpoq aqt pepue3su?rt e^Eq 1 'pulru-lpog E u.&\o tou
op 1 'Sulles rur I rtq^\ Jo acutcr3lu8ls eqt putlsrapun :ntr
Ltrcus or Sulo8 nol are 'aru poolsJapun a^?q nol acul5 :141
'uo mou utotl no[ t/{m aq ot tu?m stamla 1 'futtt1ttr41 :11
'grrea lrp rrqr uo urc8e
rtror8 11lrlrr. ssrr8 aqr sllEJ Jet"^\ eqt uar{/N 'tEr{} a>lrl tou sr
tl 'oN iasJnof, anp {rr qtrea lrp e>lrl aruo3eq tl IIL4A. :furegey41
;rutol,(yoq aclt ot suaddrtl wely :tot?tlA
ssou6urqlo;1 so not( qlr/v\
Pu!ur-ou Jo olols v

That principle, "I Am," is your illusion, but the Oneness

got rid of that illusion. Then, one is without body or mind.
The principle of Oneness has no shape, therefore male and
female also have no shape - this is the wedding of male
and female. At that stage the barren woman conceives and
progeny is delivered! That is the "I Am" state and that is the
universe. But that Oneness is not a state of illusion. Does
anyone want to oppose and challenge this?

V: Can )tlu explain the higher state of bliss and is it tlte same as

"I Amness?"

M: Bliss (Satchidananda) is a superior quality of happiness.

However, it is a bliss that is not permanent; it's still just a
state of mind. Realization is when this state of mind, this
bliss, dissolves or disappears into a neutral state without
qualiry or form (nirguna). This is realization. This is a state
of no-mind or no thought, where you permanently remain a
zero, a Nothingness.

\(hat is your age?

V: Thir4,-eigbt years old.

M: was your idea of bliss two years prior to your birth?

V: I would not know about that.

M: At that time, two years prior to your birth, you had no
iquom aql
ut aram am uaclm alq tsaaauo to horuaut wql rtttot am 0O :A
'ssrlg 13ql
Jo sluEurueJ ar{r Jo sef,ueJqruoual aql ale
esar{t Jo IIV '^\oDI nod op r'rou lyuo lng ,tr
3o sasdtullS prrl
eaeq leu nol retgeeraqJ 'sE1'^. ssrlg ltr{t terllrr aau>l Jeleu
nol aerqr 3o a8e eqt IIIJ './,r.ou>I rou prp nol arult teqr tV 'tr
ru.ou1 nol ter{t ou lyuo sl rr tng (ssrlg t"qt uror3 sreal rq8la
-lrrlqr ere no 'ssrlq teqr 3o rrnpord aqt er? no .ssrlq ou sE.&t.
eJeql 3sr^\Jar{}o 'aptual pu? slBru Jo uorun eql s",& aJsq}
ef,uo ef,uatsrxe otur auer lluo
ssrlg apJ"./'aJoJ Jo >1oeq nol
Sur8urrg jo uoltsanb aqt sr aJaqa ,lou ale.rvr n.ol ueqp 'Je^ .sue
uat{t pue tr }nog? IulqJ ieprsur paqsnd Sureg sr oq26 .urr8r
tno >13"9 ro8 or alq" eq tou plno^, nol aplsul araa. nolJI :I tr
llastut a?tsut aut Suttlsnd nl no[ ry?qJ :A
'pJEA.\roJ aurof, eseeld lue a,req
rou prp 1,, 's&s oqlN alou e:at no leqt ueetu tr saoq :W
'ou ro sal les 'nol >1se I rer{r\ or lldar e azr18 llug :y41
lCyoq r s?aau azuaLtadxE .11
;aa.r8e nol og 'Jaleosl?q./'6.
ocualradxo ou llernlosqe peg nol reqr sueeru trqa 'urcd pur
arnseald Jo ro 'salets 3ul1em ro Sunuralp ar{l Jo acuarredxa
I9 leteqeW ErrepeBrBslN IrS qrra s{lEJ


M: How do you know that? tVhen you were in your mother's

womb, it was only a chemical that was working. You were
born when that chemical completed its work. \7as this
ever explained to you when you were at Rajneesh's ashram?
\7ere the teachings there for the students to enjoy that bliss?
Have you been there? Tell the truth.

V: I just experienced a lot of sffiring.

M: That was not the question. Do not stray from the question.
\7ere you aware that he was enjoying things in that way -
not him personally, but was he encouraging the bliss-seeking

V No, I don't thiruk he did that.

M: I do not agree. The people there were dancing and

embracing each other, and jumping and rolling on the floor.
Isn't that correct?

V: Yes, tbat was in my ignorance when I tooh phenomena for

reality, but now I will not go there.

M: At that time, did you call those movements joy or

Satchidananda? Who was it that was dancing in those
moments? Can you say? I want an answer from you.

V: I am still in the process.

M: You may be in any process but I want an answer

'r{}EaP ro qurg
ou seq eprsur auo aql 'lpoq aql or urelrod lluo aprcrno
pue aprsur :lpoq eqr 01 arueraJar ul 8uq1er lluo rue I .lpoq
auo ag Sulqrlrale leA.r sao8 reqr uaqlA. .sural rnol ur
posseduocua sl Surlaay lpoq reqr esnt)ag sr tI .lle^{ sr
- IIEI ou 'JatE^{ oy1 (.ra1am auos sdts [ataqary1) 'ssel-qr"ep
pur ssal-qurq arueoaq - sseusnorf,suoJ arll .aSpayv'ou1 aqr
- JIaS agl 'Sulpurlsrepun 3o ssacord eqt uJ ipeop ro a^rl?
eq sI 'sJalteur pnu.rrds rar3r SulqcJees sr orl.& euo aqI :iltr
'tanl fi? s?m fi ,[a"taqa7y ,not( m?s
I w uoos s? ,oN A
asJar1f,Par lentrrrds
ro3 Surqcrras alar{.,r,r.osla Surropuez',l aq nol IIIIA. :hl
lSuluarsll nol ary
ryu"u?yttplus' Jo arnwayd eql pa^rrep lagr sruared Sulurocaq
3o ssaco;d aqr uI issrlg srql ra8 lagr plp x'oH 'QaryZnafi
et Ieteye]{ EtrepeBteslN IrS r{tra sIleI
o The knowledge thot 'You o re'
creotes your world

Maharaj: Do you remember what we discussed in the


Visitor: Yes, you are bringing me to that point of awarenest.

M: Even this idea, or having this concept, is not correct.

Just as the sweetness of sugar is right there in each grain,
this knowledge of "I Amness" that is there in you contains
the whole universe. I am not expounding this knowledge for
the benefit of a human being, the one who is involved with
the body-mind; it is being expounded to that state of
Divinity within you.

V: Is there cornrnunication on two leuek?

M: you first came here you were involved with the
body-mind and the talk then was on that level. Now it
is being expounded in relation to your Beingness, the
'auole a8palru.oul reql lq paleeJ3 sr asJa^run srrlJ
'Plro,/r 3loq,( eql qlr^\ auo ag nol .pulur-lpoq srqr lq
pauorlrpuof, lou tnq ',aJ? no , teqt ezrl"eJ llpror nol uet126
'uor]?zrleal roj lpea.r rou llrls pue uosrad
lf,rs E nol lpoq
aql qlr^ pe5rruapr are nol se 3uo1 sV 'luauerurad tou sl
'plrorrr. aloq^. rnol sl lulqr nol reqt lpoq slql'nol lou sr
tng (stuetuala a^U aqt Jo tno apuru sr lpoq rnoa 'asuas lpog
rnol jo tno taD 'trarJoo tou osle sr srnol Jo Eapr slgJ :I I
'uquaruil aut dyaq ot p?aq [ru uo 3u73uaq aty no,( aru t! tJ :A
'aprsrno 8uqoo1 lq gtnra atEr.unln eql
puu touuer notr 'nol urqtr^\ lpearle sr ler{l Surqrauros roj
3ul1oo1 aJB no1 'urooJ aqt Jo rauJos pu" {oou l.razla ul Jlasuri{
ro3 Surqoreas uo sao8 oqr'l uosrad E .Qatq7nal)
a{ll are no
f,rsnru eql or ualsrl rou plnoqs JEap sr oq1lA euo aqJ :I l
'Jxtnru atf fiaq touu?r yua toay ru" J ?a? uoot eql ut uo Suto7
)ttnut st aD{/l a2/x1 st 1I 'uoxlqsuu4 aql :A
?u?1tt2?u?1 x,uo? I
'plJo^\ rnol salrarf, ,aJE no1, terll
a8paymoul aqa 'srnol Jo plro^\ srqt roJ erer{t aq lsnru .are
noa, e8payu.ou>l er{t llrrllurg 'pettaJf, sr plJo^\ ueaJp er{l
aJoJeq aJaqt ag ot seq (ale no1 a8palrr.r.oul aqt plJol\{ rueaJp
aql ur 'aldtuexa uE sV 'esJalrun eloq,,r,r. aql suretuof, (3JE no1
o8pa1z',rou1 lBr{l Jo aro: lraa ar{J '}uEurual er{] se nol urqlra
Surylaznp sr esJalrun aql pateeJf, Surzrrg qllq^\ ...ssauuJv L,
tt (z.reqeW EttupeBrBslN lrS rlrra s{lzI

V: I am not able to swallow the medicine jou are trjting to

giue me.

M: You will need to do meditation and recitation of sacred

words ot rnAntrlts so that this obstacle of your body-sense
will be eliminated.

V: Will you giue me a mannd?

M: Actually it is not necessary. Just watch the Self and

hear that sound that is already going on within. It appears

that you have no time to be still and steady. Presently you

are very attached to the sensations of the outside world
that you get through the body-mind state. Ignore outside
attractions and go within. You will then find your real Self.
You seem to have forgotten what you heard here in the
morning and are now raising new points.

V: Why should I stich to memories?

M: 'Who is sticking to memories? The knowledge that 'You

are' is subtler than the sky, so how can memory stick to it?
Let it be.

V: Earlier you were talking about 'accidents' and life-sparus.lYere

you talking iru reference to the Bhagauad Gita?

M: It with reference to life and death, not to the Gita.

\7hen I talk I refer to the "I Am" knowledge, and not to me
'e^Eal u?f nol qlrBJ ou eA?rI nol .atu ur qrrBJ ou
a^Er{ nol su?eru rEr{I i.os puu sal Sulles nol l.UA, ,Ir{
'oa yu? sa :A
itooJJof, 1 ruy 'nol plot e^"q I trr{,/ra puelsJapun
Jo Jagrueuar tou op nol .nol urqtlru peppeque sr lueuureJ
str 'Sullearf JerJE 'put asJalrun rnol Jo JotBaJf, ar{l sr (eJE
no1, ttrlt a8palrroul eurlrp srqt trr{t nol lyer I Jr tng ios
]ou ter{l sl,'au ?aqntu aq Fu? awld s,btaq?W ol luam 1,, ,,tvs
pue euroq oB p1norr,. no1 'nol Jo IIE ol prolv\ ptq E paraltn I
3ul11er lslrr{^4. esoddn5 'aceed t? ag Ilrrs ral .p1ro,u aqt
Jo ralnr pue 3ur1 ar{r aq plnor nol tuauqf,Elte-lpoq eql Jo
prr ra8 nol acuo rng 'acead elerl raleu 11lr'r nol lpoq aqt
qtr^{ palJrluepr pue ot per{f,Eue a.rr nol sr 3uo1
sy (
Lt (eterleW IrS qtra s{lzJ
The spork
o[ "l Amness"

Maharaj: Out of the body of the incense stick, according to

the colour and fragrance, everything flows. Its destiny is

sealed in that. Similarly, our destiny is also sealed in the

causal body which is formed out of the essences that are
consumed. Out of the food-essence body, worms, insects, etc.
and human beings are formed. The lower species have their
own way of communication with each other and it is called
Vachaspati. Human beings alone have the quality of
intelligence and are called Brihaspati, which means 'master
of intellect'. Shuhra means'seed or essence of life'. The father
provides the quality of Beingness that is in the seed form,
and the blood of the mother provides the energy. Once it is

formed into shape, the seed loses its existence. lVithout food

or nourishment there cannot be any life. The knowledge of
Beingness is everything. 'S7andering here and there will not
bring you peace. Hopes and desires will always be there,
iql?2y stql aruauadxa
ot Surllxm at? am auqm 'ruot aYq aruts c/J"at afi u?) :A
srqr tnog? lltt stures er{l Jo tsory ,,'qrua? 3u1aq nqt Zuu(otua
a" J fitll nrl aqt lo ruo v 1.o3 an,I a7atutnya $aflatt ac/J,,
(tatotd Sututout ? s7ur btaqatry) 'qrrap Jo lJos e sr rt 'satr :y41
;qruayto uttotr ayu yutru-[plq atlt uto{tuautqt"py sltll LurI A
'PIJo^4, er{l ur
lll,rrlre olur sao8 pur suonrpuoo rq8lr eqr sareoJf, 1I Slesrl
ur?lsns Pu" a^rl ot sluB1!\ 1r esnBf,ag 'a^rl ol sa^ol 1I JIeslI e^ol
sr rl3rrllt^. 'a^rl 01 llr,/rr aqt sl lupnb sr1 'parisrn8unxe eg ol
tuE^ lou saop pue perenredred og or sru?^{ ssau8urag rrql
'.o8, 01 qsra arp sr sseusnorfsuoS '$llPl ueq] Pu? qlE3Jg I?1I^
er{t sqrosge pllql or{J 'plrq) eqt uo aptru s<lEr{t uolssardur
ItuJelxa ur sr aBrnBuE'I 'plJo,/\,\ aqt sJlEeJf, put s^\olJ pultu
aqt slraog rprarq prr^ aqt ueq.^a :r{teerq I"1r^ erll Jo rcnpord
eqr sr purw aqJ 'sseusnorfsuo3 rnol Jo af,utualsns aql
lpoq eqr IIEr nol regl6 :141
roJ IanJ aqt sr rlf,rrll( (pooJ srr{l
tt 0? ot alqtssod tt sJ 'atuas a ut Surt{p alq s1 tpoq aqt qum
uot10t1[t1uay1 s\qt dotp o1 '7uotls s? aall 01 illm aqJ :.toflsrA
iuaqt lofue ot eraqr aq III^ oq^.
pu? saJrsop osaql a^eq Ilria orl^. 'uaqJ 'alarp aq or as"af, IIra
nol Surles rue I terlr,ri gJosge pue pucrsJapun
nol aluo rng
6s (eteqeW errzpuBrEslN IrS r{1ra s{leJ

M: You don't lose your Self. The whole process is to

understand your mis-identification and come out of it. If
you accept this then nothing can touch you. Knowing that
you are not the body, watch the vital breath as a flow of the
mind. You are here in the spark of "I Amness." \7hen you
acknowledge the "I Amness" you become the spark. I am
like space and do not have an identity - this is my "I Amness"
from which all the talk is being produced.

Now you have heard me talk at length. Do you still feel

it to have all this play of dancing and jumping
about in Rajneesh's ashram to achieve Self-realization?

V: No.

M: A common man who feels inclined towards spirituality

will be full of concepts. Unless he is made ro dance and jump
about he will not understand the futility of the mind and
its concepts" Only then will he come here to listen to these
talks. Chinmayananda is another Guru who talks about the
Upanishads. his disciples find that they cannor relare
to the Upanishads they come here to learn about Self-
realization. Muktanandas followers have also come and have
never gone back.

V: I went through all this nonsense for ten years. It was necessarl,

only because it gaue me discrimination, to be able to recogruize

the diamond teachirugs of Maharaj.
ilno u/aoJrp osls rue I ueelu lBr{r seoP
lnq 'lno u1(oJgl sr PePaau tou sr PooJ Je^erEq/(r iPooJ lEr{l
I tu? rnq 'PooJ lBa I itr qlrdr Suop lerre u,/\,\.oJrl] eq I III^\
'purq lu ur Ja^\olJ slgt ler're nol 31
'tEr{t 1ou urc I tnq
'Surgsrrnou l:aa, sr aac13 qql"r aperu ]ae^ s eq1 isluaruala a^U aqr
nol erc rnq 'nol urqtr^r sr sluJruale a^U eqt Jo eluasse er{J
iuaPJnq eql sr eJarla os 'rno u^4.oJrll uasg a^Eq $lfrls eql
Jo IIE lng 's>lf,ns uet Jo ueprng " peq no iq)r"as or Sulo8
sr or{^\ uos.rad aqt sr arer.llN ilno purJ or Suro8 sr orllN :I {
'mo yugf yua udaay s3 o1 aarq
ll?m I :A
'rou llernyosgr sr lr :(tuqSnq) arar{r tou lpea.rp sr rI :W
yua rutollo saap galo pu uB q - uoxtsatqo auo r{1uo aa"q I :A
iurJoJ pue 'aureu 'lrlruapl
:nol sr lBrl^\ atu IIal 'eur pJeaq a,reg nol reqt .^ oN :W
?u?$Dpun ot oZu uaaf, uat ,Qunwut af y?q an?q rcu ylnzm I :A
'uruZa auoJ alt?q tou
?lnom J
yna rtgf r(ru uo fl [ps nor( ?"t?aq ?"q I lt fiq ' 3uo1 a nt
qlol no,( ytaac/ an"t/ I aswraq alqatdatta s!
q :W o1 ntatdtatul
;nol or ayqerdacce trr{l sI 'a8payrroul 3o
oplrd lue e^Erl I op Jou 'peuJeal tou rue I 'nJnD E Jou lurrs
B Jsqlrau ruE I 'uorlo^3P ou sr eJsql 'Po9 ou sr aJarlJ :trt
t9 [e:egerJ u1]epzBrBslN lrS qlra sIIBI
. '.;

The key thot

switches on the /i/o

Visitor: The dialogue going on inside me is constArutly inter-

rupting whateaer I am hearing from you. What can I do?

Maharaj: Our friend who was sitting near the window

changed his seat earlier because of the loud music and noise
from the outside that distracted him from listening to my
talk. In this new seat, the noise outside ceased to disturb
him. Similarly, we should move our attention away from the
chatter within, observing it only as a witness, unconcerned
about it. Then the chatter will not disturb us. If we try ro
resist it, it will disturb us even more. Do not rry to judge
whether it is good or bad. 'S7hen I am paying attention to
you and you are listening attentively to me, the noise coming
through the window will not disturb either of us. At present
the noise outside has stopped by itself. Similarly, that
chattering within you will also settle by itself.
-lpoq or Sulrra;or suollsanb lur palsr olerl tou plno,&
nol 'nol uo tf,elJe lue peq s>ller rr{t JI 'aas nol reqr IF lq
parf,alJ" ra3 or u 1(olp lou ppor{s no1 'purru agrlluo sr 1I :I l
yuruofi Suruaddoq r7 ruqm lo atn"raq u{ns ot [t?ssatau t! sJ :A
'paqsllgerse ra8 llruols pu? ornteru or wq nol utqurrt
a8pa1mou1 eql 'ourn a{El III^\ ll ul Sulzrllqtts 'sa :W
to ya ?u?tso?an ot aut
rcl sqtuout a7"t flxm u aq[aq utv L looq 2(f ?uil I :A
iaraq aruof, or nod plot oq/N :IAI
'aJu?tl uto{ auola Faflart?tl aa?q I :A
nol ar'eq aJerl./\^. uroJC irtgruntr J 01 rlsl^ lsJU rnol slqr s1
'teal rar{ 1B slleJ pue sao8 dpoqf-raaa pu" a)uanUJE Jo tol E
r{1rl{ Jaq Surrrras sr yr(au 'tlnsar r sy 'ssauSurag Jeq r{tr^{ auo
puB paqsrlqBlsa sr rleruepuruy 'spuBq paploJ qrr^r,,r nol a,rras
11r.n ofuut 'alEls 1ErIl uI 'asle Suryrlue rc ytta tnogu l:ror'r
l(uog 'ssau8urag aqt uo pasnf,oJ aq plnoqs uorruetle JnoI
'eltlas llrl,r ssausnorf,suo3 ro ssau8urag aql.sao8 af,oru aqt
uaq.& oS 'slas uns aqt uarl \ o3 p,l. rg8rpns aqJ ',eg, rsnf :ry
48uilols ua J, 8uilas ?ruc/?tg yua ,Zumaa1 rua J,
Zufiys rtout aq4 ssau7utag aW u! ?a(/sqq"rsa Surutocaq tJ :11
e9 (eter4eW errepeBreslN IrS qrrra sIIrI

consciousness or your experiences. \When you remember

constantly that you are not the body, the effect will lessen.

V: I am sorry I haue been so stupid.

M: The ideas which you have expressed only relate to

stupidity. Yesterday I gave you the example of Paruna (male)
and Paruni (female). Paruna means 'youth'. If you split this
Marathi word in two,'pdru' and'anu', you get 'tree' and
'atom'. Atom refers to the seed. This tree exists because of
that seed or atom which is your Consciousness. All of this
has arisen because of Consciousness. Now what will the
next action be? This tree will again unite its male (Paruna)
and female (Paruni) parts to create more seeds, in order for
more universes to grow. So what is the power of youth?
It reproduces in the same image.
I told you yesterday that this body is the food for
other species, or for itself, or for the susrenance of its own
Consciousness. Once you know that you are not in this world
permanently, you will have no need to hoard material
possessions. Does the name that you are referred to by have
any shape or colour? If this is the edible marter for your
knowledge, are you this body? I eat bread, but I am not the
bread that sustains and nourishes my body. Are you the
breath? Are you the quality of "I Amness" rhar is there
because of the food-body? the food-body is dropped,

'nol ot asn luE Jo aq eqs Jo aq u"f, nJnD rnol nol Jr
llug ;nod ot t€ql Jo rsn eqt sr ter{,^a
,n.rn3 .rnol
^aou{ I
isx ntng fru oqm mouq not og :aldnvg
inJn3 .rnol aq 01 srurel3
aqs teqt lcr-J e 1r sI iuroql( 3ur11ar sl ssau8ulqloN rno :W
'Zurt1lou ry aralfi sr(ys rurfi ssauSutqtollJ
aqt s! t! 'ssau8uulloTJ otut saoi ,,utv L, acp uat/A :n,:ng 3u7t1s711
('{atar1a71J tlum anSoloty ? otux fitua mou 'srot$ta atp Suowa ata
oqm uatl lo a1fics1y ? <nntg ? t, aqs
?u? ryuffi oqm uaruom V)
'3ulqrlra,,ra sl Surqrou tegr
les ot Uel Juo ou sr aJar{t ,,ruv L, aqt .ry\oul nol acug :yrg
lSwtllhana st Sutqtou ruqt
yuo Sutqtou r? ilaqt wqt Zuilas s! t"qt (.ssauutv I. aefi q sJ :A
pslqr Surles sr or{lN 'Sulqrlraaa. sr ssau8urqroN }Er{t uaql
'Surqrou sr eJeql uaqr 'Sulqrlrarre qrrm raqraSol ,euo8 sr
((ssauury 1,, ;nol uer{/S. 'puEtsJapun ol JerlrJn; Surqrou
sr arJr{t ,,ruy I,, eqt pue}sJapun nol acug .ssarSord ou sr
aJer{t .(ssauurv I,, Jo Sulpuersrepun aql azteq nol ssalull :W
,.isseuuv J,, u{a ssatSotd aW il wtlA A
'readdrsrp osle IIr.& ..ssauuv L, er{J iuaql peurcrsns
eg .(ssauuv L, lrr{r u?f .&\oH 'paddorp oslr sr rl}EeJg ar{l
S9 (eteqeW EtrepzS;eslN IrS rlrla sll-eJ

Visiting Guru: The step from the ego to the Total Consciousness
is the step that I am missing.

M: \7ho says that she has missed this step?

Disciple: Small ego to Total Consciousnes* The lady who ashed

the question forgets this step.

M: \7ho are you to say that she forgets? If you say she is
your Guru, how dare you say that she is making a mistake?

Disciple: We are one. I am merging with my Guru.

M: I asked you whether you have understood the key that

switches on the play (lila).I want a reply.

Visiting Guru: No, I don't understand the hey.

M: rVhat is your age?

Visiting Guru: I am ageless.

M: \7hat is the age of your body?

Visiting Guru: This body is about sixty years of age.

M: Did you hear or see rhe lila when the body was not there?

Visiting Guru: I was the lila.

M: You are telling a lie. At that time you did not have any
concept of the knowledge "I Am" - the Beingness.
'tai '$/3y flV :nffig 3u7t7s711
iou Jo sal 'oul JeA .suV '(eJaA. no ,
,l\ou>l tou prp nol areqr lou sB1$. lpoq aql ueq/A. ilpoq
slqt Jo af,uelsrxo erlt eroJoqlrouau lue aarg nol plg :1rg
'mouy t,uo?
J :nmg 3u7t7s711
aou ro sal .rezra.sur tsnf .suorteueldxe aalS t,uog
2l:ouraru eqr e^Eq nol prp lpoq srqr a^Er{ tou plp nol uar{l6.
'palper3 sl lpoq aql ueq.r* lluo perear3 sr urtrg ar{J :I
'yurut [w lo uad s7 qur/m ,tatrudruot
? alq t! tx ?a? utruq aqt ut st f,toutaat aqJ :ntrug 3u1t7s21
'ef,ualsrxa otur aurp3 srnol
3o lpoq slqr
uaqt\ paJBedde lyuo ((sseuurv 1,, rnol pue ,"1!l ,jo acualradxa
srr{t Jo a)ueuetsns aqt sr lpoq rnotr i}ou 1r sl <pooJ .rnol sr
lpoq aq1 llrourau rnol surelsns reql pooJ erp sr ttr{lN :W
'11am sa r(yoq
taqfiu? ut atuauadxa s1ql lo [toutaut aW ??t/ I :rutng 3u717s711
iou ro sal ,atu Ja.^.suv lpoq slgr
perrnbre nol rar3e ,q!l , slqt go acuarredxe uE per{ lluo notr
'lr qtIA lezrre unr or Surlrr are nol nrnD e arr nol arurs :W
ir?ll ? aru aq?ut t?{f taop oS :rutng 3uV1s711
IeteyeW Br]epeBreslN IrS r{1ra s{lEI
ldentify yourself
with Consciousness

Maharaj: \7hat was the cause for the formation of your

body which allowed you to understand that 'You are'?
This body is born because of the action of the parents.
Is it not so?

Visitor: I see it as eruerg!.

M: You may call it whatever you like. Is it not because of

the action of the parents that your body, which sustains your
Consciousness, was formed?

V: Certainly.

M: After the body comes into existence, whatever happens

is an illusion or play. is the use of all this to you?

V: It is aseless and senseless to me.

M: If you think that all this lila is senseless and you've come
sfr{t roJ poau ou sr aJer{J (3u73u7s atws yB ag) ;srpuerurg
Jo nJnD '&s or nol errug l"r{16 inrnD E sr aqs s>lurql Sultg8g
sI oq/( lrr8 srqa gjo Surrr.r,oqs nol lq2tr 2rq8nec ag nol
uef ot tnuruof, ot lur^r lou saop oqlN :I I
^roH ;Surqrlue
'Sutqttur ot tlastut Suuttutuot Na .ru? I :nmg 3u1t1s711
u^,*oJrlt uaag a^Eq plrolv' aqt pue nol regr uearu 1r saog :W
'Vuortapui em 'se)f :ntng SuutsrrT
l8ulles tue I r"qr'r puetsrapun nol oq
'tou Jo Suluarsll arr nol Jo IIE Jaqlaq^\ /\^.ou>I ot luE^. I 'lpEI
srql ot Suqpr ruB uar{/N iaq 01 a1r1 nol plno,{,\ a8erur ro
adrqs rurytt uI ueql 'slqt IIE tnoqtra eg ol tuu^\ nol j1 :141
'slql ll? 1n0q1!m aq 01 |u?m I :A
;poo8 pur arnd aq
ol luel( nol retp les nol plp lqr!\ oS itl Surqsrlod lq uealc
tr a>lEru nod uuc 'nol o1 uaru8 uaag seq arueu Jeletrrl/N :r J
'yoo7 yuo yagfund aq q s? rupm I ilV :A
i{aas ro ruem nol op e8pay*rou1
rerpo rEq/N 'ssalesn sr esla Sulqrlrala pue 'a8paytrou>l rqr
'lpoq rnol 'srq1 IIE puttsJapun nol arug 'lr ur petsaJalur
lou aJ? Pu? uoD?rf,unual srr{l IPI s}ur?s aqJ ilr urou e^rJ3P
nol uec a8erurrrpu lrq^\ (leaJun sr IIE trr{t uorsnlouol ar{t ol
69 (vtzyzll BtrepeBtBslN !rS rltrlr s{l?J

song.All this is illusion. \7hat I am saying is itself illusion.

This entire congregation here is only the effect of maya.

Visiting Guru: You, Maharaj, dre also illusion.

M: I am watching the maya. The incense stick, the spark,

the fragrance that is inhaled, is all illusion and I am watching
it all. I do not deliberately do anything; I just witness all of
it. Do not get attached. Have you understood all that I have
told you? 'Why does your breath not run away with the breeze
of this electric fan?

Visiting Guru: I haue come here to know about God arud ruot
about the electric fan.

M: This God is just a word. is the difference between
this name God and your name?

Visiting Guru: None.

M: Then what enquiry are you making about God?

Visiting Guru: I am not.

Interpreter: You said earlier, "I haue come here to hnow about

M: You have an idea that you are a Guru and are clinging
from that standpoint to various concepts and ideas. I am a free
man and am not attached to anything. The talk just happens.
:lij:+ ffi
'.sal, sr Ja/v\su, ar, ueql ,^,, .; ,;r;^ #JffiT"
ro sal z(es fa;rl srq sales pue ruerlrd aql or aurcrpatu salr8
rotf,op ttpaantty uV 'aJII Suolord or lSraua aJII aql alrasuof,
lagr aurcrp aw uyantnty u1 'urds-a3rl aqt suearu ,tntV, :tr41
'ryaA ? t! q :rung 3uV1s711
aVaunf,V rcqno. ,t\ou>I nol oq iryaatnr{VBullpnrs nol ary 'ploa
- otaz
to oloi{unqr s" alrts IBuS 3t{1 PeqursaP :I
"qPPng l
'tal :?ung 3u7t7sy
iouz ? s7 {rtaclayrtJ uaaru not{ o? ,oS 'otaz su?aru oq? qJxtlm
',?t{nq sv Kltp.t"W ut ?atEsu?q s! aruruu?" :r,1o7 olatdtasl
?tom atlJ
'afix ?a? qqruo?" os atp no[ asnpJaq 'sel :rutng 3u7t7sy1
purcSr lrsrl ol
Sulo8 nol ary 'suorlsanb Sultsalalur aruos Pa{s" a^Br{ nol :I{
'tqZu t1atqosq? at" no^:nrng 3ug7sy1
'nJnO E sr aqs Dlurqt aqs ral 'upaatnty lpnrs ot aruof s?q aqs
reqr s&s eq5 'acead luz aaeq tou nol .as1a Sulqrlur ro
'nJnD e are nol ttqt 1uqr pue pnord are nol se 3uo1 oS :I
'yutru [u
ut aut Sutddau ?u? au ru Suq8nq at? nol :ntng 3u1t7sy1
IL (eteqeW ?rrepeB:?slN lrS qrra s{leI

Visiting Guru: It is his fate.

M: You have not assimilated the knowledge that I have been

expounding. is that Ayuruedic doctor doing? He wants
to prolong that "I Amness" or Consciousness, which has
appeared in that food-body.

(The lady is talking in an irreleaant manner and eueryorue ?reserut

tells Maharaj to ignore her.)

You are not the personality or the individual. This

body is the food-body on which Consciousness appears.
The vital breath does all the work and Consciousness
witnesses it all. This body is only the food-body for the
consumption and the sustenance of the "I Amness." You have
to remain in that Beingness or Consciousness with firm
faith while having no identification with the body or
the personality, or with name and form. Always identify
yourself with Consciousness. It will take a while for this
conviction to take root, but persist.

This Consciousness, which is there from childhood,

prevails continuously till the vital breath leaves the body.
Carry out all the activities in the objective world, but do
not claim authorship for what is being done. As you begin
to realize that all the activities are happening through you
and that you are not doing anything, then gradually all your
desires like the attachment for husband or wife, or greed for
slqt sI lrrtuapr rnol roJ 1rnsprEl eqr tou sr lpoq slqJ :IAI
'trptatsaf eaq aru?r aA "q?sut?t?t/e u! put I ?u? tpal s1rg .n
;suonsanb lue 1sr ol luelr\ puel5 .lnol saog
'prpa raSuol ou sr tr puru-lpoq oql
lou aJE nol arurs ]ng 'purru-lpoq egr uo pasodul suorlrpeJl
ar{t aJe esaql 'lsrqppng ro 'uensuqJ 'npulH e arr nol les
ra8uol ou uef nol 'auo8 sr tr af,uo 'Surqratuos Jlarr{fp ol Jo
sl?nlrJ urrojrad ot poau rnol se IIad\ se 'eJf,ql eq or punog sr
PIJo,&\ Jalno srgl qrlrn drqsuoltelar rnol 'lpoq-poo3 rnol ol
uon?lar ul Sulqtlrarra Sulrnsraru are nol se 3uo1 sy .lrro,rra. 1
plnoqs lqr'r 'og 'llsnoaueruods pauadderl rl * Sulaa.og sl
Surqrl.ra,ra ltr{} Jo 'pateaJf, se.rrL lpoq srqt terlt eJrsap prcads
lue lg lou sr r1 '8uq1er sl lpoq srql pu" arer{t sr lpoq srga
'dn Surrds uaqr tal 'dn Sulrds suollsanb JI ilrnpr^rpur uE
re8uol ou aJE nolgl suoltsanb asarll JoJ paeu aqt sr aJar1l1\:W
1ru04{ atuot suoqsanb asary o?
arac/m 0S 'f,1snoauaruods asut llxm suoxtrsanb asaql uaqt ,ssauSuog
to ,,tsauutv L, acfi ut ulqrtaulJ tl ataqt lJ :ntng 3uutst11
repclurd eseqt tnoq? nol ul Surslre are stg8noql 1?q/(\
'Surqrlue roJ trpar3 a{et or ga1 lrrpuosrad ou eq III^I
aragl a8rts rBI{t te esnef,aq 'sreaddeslp ,drqs.raop, Jo asuas
er{l ef,uo ,lente oB IIr./d teqt Jo IIV 'alpur/!d,p IIrl( 'rto 'leuotu
eL {etegeW IrS rlrra sIJ?I

principle getting confirmed in you? \Thatever activities are

happening are not individual but are a manifestation. As

long as you are attached to your food-body you have to
bear the consequences of physical actions. lVhen you have
detached from the body-consciousness and when whatever
is done is offered or surrendered to Brahman or Krishna, you
will be free from the results of all activity. Are there anymore
explanations needed?

V The ego is uery strong.

M: As long as you are identifying with the body you are

going to have the problem of the ego. If floods come and
destroy some villages you cannot take credit or discredit
for it. Similarly, you are not responsible for whatever is
happening in nature's own course. You have a limited
existence for a limited time. Once that limit is over you will
merge with the Absolute (Parabrahma) and be gone. Once
the vital breath has ceased, you no longer exist. '!7here is the
truth of your Being? All this furious activity to achieve
something is only the truth within the illusion. All of this
was always an illusion. Presently you feel that 'You are'; this
is a sort of reality but will only be there for a limited time.
3 Pu" uBru luaSrllalur lJaA B sE^, aH 'sl?P 1I\oJ 3 roJ aJaq
sEA\ or{/\.
durr5 efuaJal pelltl urruapua8 E sE^{ aJaqJ
'ssau8urag rnol ruorj asrJe qf,rrya stcadsr uet aseql ot enp sI
Irrarrcr yy '(ofuut ro lupnb cnurulp arlt) tutqrtrl aql pue
(sluaruala a aqt
'(ra,rrasgo erry) oqsntn4 arp U '(wruo1 pue's{?V
'?aH"S) t?unD eJJql eqt Jo asntf,aq acrld aryr senr^nov :I,\J
{acr Toep uaddrtl q seo? ,Q1g 'o3 ?lnotls J #aaaq(t7 u aut ??al
t?qt esaarufi eqt at sumod atr ataql wqt sruaat fl 'tautqaruos :A
ipuasJapun ot algB tou aJ? nol rrgr slulod raqto lue aragt
ary ;aar8e nod op ..'urv L, 3uilrs tnoqlr^\ eJaql sr ..urv L, :ntr
,,'ruv L, aql a?cfi ntfio zuoN :to|!s!A
ltulq aaf nol op lrrruapr t?r{lN Ulasurrq aas aq
ue3 iuorsnlll aql Surcuarradxa sr oqa eq sr oqlN :(eruqe141
//ssoutrJv I,, ou sr aJoLll
Ipoq aql Inoy+!/v\

great thinker. It is a pleasure to talk to such people, as it is

mutually enjoyable and beneficial for both. The people who

just listen and blindly follow should not come here. If they
are unable to understand my knowledge they should recite
japa instead. If the disciple repeats the sacred words, "I am
Brahman," that identity of Brahman will eventually sprout
and manifest. Only then will that person be worthy to listen
to my talks, and mature enough to understand what I am
telling him.

V: Is 'loue' the source of "I Am" or is "I Am" the source of 'loue'?

What is the relationship, if an)/, betueen loue arud hate and

what are their soarces?

M: "I Amness," Awareness without thought, is love. Love is

not taken from "I Amness." The Self becomes manifest when
love gets established as the "I Amness." \7hen love starts
loving the love, that is the Self. \7hen everything is love
there is no place for hatred. Only when the burning end of
the incense stick hurts me do I get angry and throw it away.
But if everything is Me, there is no question of hate.

V: If
"I Amness" exists separate from the body, 'who' experiences
the reaction from the incense stich?

M: The "I Amness" zr because of the body. \Tithout the

body there is no "I Amness."
f!::r;i,: : :fiiLi:::il
erlt seeJaq& (uon?uJ?f,ural e{rl sldafuo3 lq punoq eq III^\
'sarpog Jrar{l 01 paqf,Eue aJE or{^\ 'luerou8l aqa 'rq8lu re
lsaJoJ 3I{r ur auolE >llE^, ol PIBUE aq lou 11lr'a. stlrtds ul
e^arlaglou saop oqr't' Jerplos ? tng 'urrq >lf,Etle srrrrds 3rlt esef,
ur 'rq8ru 1? auolB {lB./!ir. 01 P\erJe aq III^a slrrrds pue stsogS
Jo pr?UB sr oq^l. ra8rllla V 'seepr llaraur IIE ere asaqJ :W
'alpudotddr ailnb ,no,{ qu"qJ :A
'(tuq7nafl os rr Iurqt p1noqs
auo 'punu pue lpoq aqt qrr^{ saunuapr euo s? Suoy og :141
iatr?u,t?Jurzt <ssauLuv J,, aql sao?
?uo ?a?x uoxt?utpJutat aqt atptodtotut Suttpaal s?tf saoe :A
.('ssauurv I, aqt or sarldde Sulqt arurs eqJ :I tr
'eaqmou yua ataclmttaag :A
;pegsln8urrxa sra8 lr ueq^\ o3 aueg srqt saop araql1 :W
;oB ,,ssauutV L, aefi sao? aDqA A
'sreaddesrp ((sseuruv I,,
aql <qrearg IErr^ aqt lq paddorp sr lpoq-pooJ ar{r uar{.d6.
(('ssauruv I,, aql urtlsns ot &essarau are lpoq-pooJ ar{r put
r{rBarq IElr^ eqJ 'pateaJr sl lpoq aqt uaqr'r llsnoaueruods
rvaddr 'qrearg IEtr^ aql qurrr ragraSot ..'sseuruv I,, aql :W
iu{/to? qlal tyoq atlt uaqm .(seauuv L, acfi o1 suaddoq wq6 :A
LL (eregeW BlrepeBr?slN IrS qrra sIIBI


man of understanding will have no fears about death or

rebirth. Jnana is the knowledge; "I Amness" and maya are
the watcher and the lila, respectively. The "I Am" is not
involved in any of the activity. I am expounding this
knowledge from the "I Am" level, though my normal state
observes the "I Amness."

V: If the "I Am" concept tends to colour our experience, how can
we tell how our experieruces would be without that concept?

M: '!7hen you get established in the Beingness there are no

thoughts or words - You are everything and everything is
You. Later, even that ceases to exist.

Krishna made Arjuna realize that the whole world is

Krishna. He realized that the knowledge "I Am," which means
the manifestation of the entire universe, spontaneously
appeared in him. Those couplets appear to have been taken
from the Upanishads. They are identical. 'lThatever verses
are produced in the Gita are part of the Mahabharata.
The whole Gita section was not written by Krishna, but
was a dictation by Sanjeya who was sitting in the palace
telling Arjuna's enemies all that Krishna was saying. He had
the power to see what was happening many miles away,
and reproduced everything Krishna told Arjuna on the
battlefield. Finally, Vyasa edited it all and put it across in
the Mahabharata.
'stf,adsB tuaralJrp Sulzrsrgdura sr pu? .lretap ratear8 ur sr tr
s? paqsrlgnd pue paprof,ar uaaq e^Eq osle plnoqs srqt .138J
.porrad regr
Jo rattrru r sy &por lpuara33lp Surleads rue I
JoJ tue^alal lluo sertr atun tur{t te papunodxa se,{l. Ja^eltqlv\
Pu? {ooq l?rlJ '.lEqI urv L {ooq aql ur .sEapr u/(o srq
Surppe pue stulod ur?rJaf, Surzlsrqdura .spJo^. ftu parlpa eq
puu >l)Bq srral rnoS auos ueruplrg ecrrnrlAl ol pe>llet I
6L (etegeW IrS grr/( sIl"J
I i::

Without "l Amness" the Absolute

does not know 'lt is'

Maharaj: After being initiated by -y Guru I used to discuss

any doubts with my colleagues and Gurubarudhez (Guru

brothers). One day I mentioned a particular doubt to a

friend. During one of our Guru's talks, my friend put across

my question to the Guru. The Guru enquired whose doubt

it *It is Maharaj's." Our Guru
was, and my friend replied,
suddenly sprang up and said, "Vhat, a doubt for you?" He
did not say anything more about it, but from that moment
if ever a doubt appeared the answer would also appear.

Intuition to the person sitting in front

comes according
of me. Suppose there is someone sitting here. I may not ask
him any questions directly, but may put a question to
someone else instead. He may be stimulating questions in
the other without even knowing it. I can tell people's state
from their faces but I may not express it, because if they are
at a lower level they could be offended.
'at"rs 8uDle,,'t eqt Surrnp Surlror'L sr sseusnorf,suo)
ar{J 'uorlBaJf ou pue 'lraallap ou ,uolldacuof ou srcJar{I
'qruoa ? tnoqlr^{ palBaJc sr elels 8urrylr 3r{t ur plJo./rrl srql
'llrrllulg 'gtuo,,,a, E\ sr uorltarf slgl 'reeddesrp plno,,'l
Sulqrlralo 'uns aqt llolq pur readde lluappns ol araly\
pnop l,reaq E Jr rng 'rq8rluns rg8r.rq aqt ot anp plro^t
slgr Suraas ure 1 lyruaseJd 'Jlets IeuU ar{} sr r?ql 'tr qlr^{
Suop .readdesrp ilr,vi Sulgrlraaa sreaddeslp llpug ssau8urag
tEqt uor{^^. 'ssauBurag qrlz'r pa8rau lpearyr sr Sulqtlrela
'uar{J 'ssauSurag urrro rnol ur sa8reur Sulqrl.ra,ra eJerl^{
etets reqt ol eurof ol e^Erl nol 'peatsul 'atrrs ruroJp aqt ur
pareade.r aq IIIr\ 'srg8noqr tnoqlraag ot ro o8a.rnol 3o prr ta8
or Sullrt sE
qrns 'alets 8ur1e,^a aqt ul op nol Ja^ateqrrN :W
'pasntuoc arytfl xa7 aqs [qm s7 wtlJ '?uxru-[yoq uc1
to atamt ot tou y aqs tu?at? ut rtq 'toV aqt Zu1truy stclSnocll
l?toqttm aq nc/t"t ?lnom aqs ruqt y uoqsanb nq ryxc/l J :A
isseusnor3suo) qlrd\ ureSe aSraur ot
Sullrr nol 3o uoltsanb eql sr aJeq/N 'ssausnorf,suo3 rnol jo
plrql eqt sr tJ 'ssausnorlsuo3 rnol 3o asn?req patEalf sr pu"
ssausnorfsuo3 rnol Jo uon?ero er{t sr plroly\ uEaJp ar{J
(('ssauurv L, aqr grvtr a8raru ot tuE,rr nol pulu-lpoq
ter{l uro5 put 'puru-dpoq aqi qtr^r Jlesrnol l3rruapr yyrs
nol asnecaq sr tr uonentrs E r{f,ns Surratunocua are nol -II :hl
istnoq not-ttuamt ut atama aq ot tos nof pq roryslA
I8 (eteqeW ErtepeBr?slN IrS qtra s{l?J

'!7hen you go to sleep you think that consciousness also goes

to sleep, but the Universal Consciousness is working even

when you are asleep. It is the individual consciousness in
the personality that goes to sleep. Therefore, the personality
does not realize that the Universal Consciousness is still
working, or that the entire universe is always working.

V Is it the (Jniuersal Consciousness 0r the indiuidual consciousness

that creates?

M: These questions arise because of the conditioning of

egoism. \7hen you are in the "I Amness" there is no egoism

- it is completely liquidated. Consciousness aPpears, is seen,

and then again is gone. It

is like the air in the sky. The
mistake happens because we consider 'That' Consciousness
to be the individual consciousness. 'Consciousness' means
Universal Consciousness. In deep sleep the individual
consciousness or personality forgets itself, but the universal
action still goes on. \ilhatever you meditate on or think about
before going to sleep, that process continues. That is why
importance is given to the recitation of a sacred mantra iust
at the point of falling asleep - in order for that process
to continue

V: Does tlte "I Arnness" without egl create Cortsciousness?

M: "I Amness" is without ego. The subsequent products are

the mind and the ego.
,,'ruV L, ,,'l?t/J ut? L, antag 'ttflru lpr am qrxqm stauajatydas
17ql tut?1ut?ru qrtt/m 17W t! ?uxru acfi 'aas u?x I t?qm Mq,q :A
'nol or 1pt ot tutl( I pue Jarpeal E erB no1 .qtoq les uer no :trAJ
'anSuot .tat/rcru
tnq ux lt [as am uaqm s? watS s? tlu y Sutuaaut aW fiq <truom
aql ?aau aa '?.uu?Lu aql lo e?unos ae7 u ?atn tou a# atXl :A
(('ssauuIv I,, Jo
sseusnorf,suo3 r{tr,ti ptalsur {nuapr :lenpr^rpur uB tou are nol
regr Surpu?tsrepun eq] qrr^\ suoltsanb .lenpr^rpur ro
'lllpuosrad '3ulsq ueunq e jo rurodpu"rs eql urorg suonsanb
aru >lsB t(uoq '?tlu?w ar{r Jo Suruearu or{} ur paqsrlqe}sa
aruof,aq 11rrur nol pue ?tlu?ut peJfES er{] alrf,au 'se^ :w
itut?aq mo ua$u daals ot o3 am a.tolaq yu1ru.lo axo$ dtlt saoT :A
'r?ql ol Surprocre aq IIIA\ uorlerrdsul
jo lupnb aqt 'ot uo sploq uos.rad r lrrruapl re^artq/N :tr J
s7 .ssauSutag
'uoutniut woqa Zuryt? ru? I [qm wq1
"taqtsuor uaaa q 'ssautn7nsuZc yurut-,(yoq ux ltol 0o1 aty aldoarJ :r1
tsnru sseu8urag Jo lrrlrnb agr dlrellurrg .rnords tsntu tr
'lr rurld puB paos E e^Eq nol uaq,vr a1r1 rsn{ .uonerrdsur
put uourntur .rz ssau8urafl ro .(sseuuJv 1,, go lrrpnb aga rry
iasuy 1! szoy mo(/ ?u? s!t|1 o7u1 euto) uotltrxlux tzo? aDqA :A
g8 (erequW BrlepeBr?slN IrS r{tr.&r s{lEJ

M: You are giving all the importance to the mind, and think
the mind is making all the difference.

V "I Am" comes first.

Interpreter: In "I Arn" there is no mind.

V: So "I Am" must be tbe source of the mind.

Interpreter: Ws, the mind springs up afier "I Arnness," but this
"I Amness" is obserued by the Absolute together with all of
that action.

M: Yesterday we spoke about the two parts of the incense

stick, the top end being the spark full of activity and the
other end that is still and watching. The active part is called
mala, and is due to the mind. The inactive part is the
"I Amness," or Purusha, which is just watching. Only when
you identifr with that which is stationary, the Purusha, can
you become the watcher of the "I Amness" and all of its
activities. \Without this "I Amness," the Absolute does not
know that is'. \Tatching is not deliberate. 'Watching
happens to the Absolute only with the appearance of the
"I Amness." The "I Amness," like binoculars, must be there
and available for watching to happen.

V: If you are suggesting a position as tbe watcher, does it make

any dffirence wbat the actiuities are? How does choice relate to
that, if at all?
'auo ll
Surqrlrarr.a rulodpurrs alnlosgv aqr ruo5 'leg1 aruooeq nol
JI tng 'ssausnorfsuoJ IESJa^rull rtqt qw ntnSltg areduroc
or Suro8 arr nol ueqr '8ulag ueunq E Jo .lenprlrpur uE
'pulru-lpog e 3o rulodpu"ts aql uror3 8ur1pt atr nol JI :I tr
lntnZ1rg ro lung tauu, aqt s? aru?t
atq t? s! 'fioqo qaads not{ qxxqm ssautnlxrtul) /usreatun slclJ :A
'aJaql lou sr Puru
aqr a8ers terll tE uer{t <(ssauuJv I,, }Erlt qlri auo a.rr nol jl
tng 'puru eqr Jo slcadse art prg pue pooS ally sruaulo8pn{
<('sseuurv I,,
terlt uo uorssardurr ou aryul laqa (('ssauruv L,
rnoljo asn?f,ag lluo uaddeg 'uaddeg sanrlnf,? Ja^ateqlN :I J
EB Ie:egeW IrS tilra s>JIEJ
../ i

7i t;

lshworo meons the

expression of oll form

Visitor: Meditation is ruot yet smooth for me. It feels bumpy.

Maharaj: The ideas that you are not stable and that it is

bumpy are only ideas in your mind, and can only be captured
by the mind.

V Yes, that is why I am holding on firmly to the Witness.

M: \Vhy be firm? Just be relaxed and question why there is


V: Euery mlment is libe amrit (nectar). It's uery important to

me and brings up tbe sense of ffirt rather than relaxirug.

M: \What is this effort you are doing in this moment that is

like amrit?

V: I am mahirug euery ffirt of not being in the ego, or iru the

auolleslnd lErll aas nol prp ruroJ rBr{1t\ uI :I tr
'asuatux [taa sym { 'tyoq 0u s?m anqt aqxl '&ut1atqm ,,ruV L,
aqt lo (utaZn o3 1 atae) acualradxa u? s?(n ataqt ry8tu $?7 :A
'(atlyyts) Surpurrs.rapun srql rurelr lou plnoqs aydrcurrd
?fimqsl aqt ur par{srlg"lsa Surrre8 sr or{^ (aqaelyas) aldnslp y
'atnlosgv aqt ot sJnf,f,o .(ssauruv I,, aq] jo Sulssautlr!\ aql
'esJa^run eql PUB sluawala e U aqt Jo uorlElsaJrusru aql sr
?"{?mqtJ 'aW or sJnlfo e&$ aqt Jo Sulssautrm aq1 :htr
'uottruodat 'sa :A
dttruapt alrrrdas z Surlrarc aJ? no 'ere noi
ler{^ sr 'sr Ja^atEq1)N 'Sulqrlue Surcualradxa Jo uonsonb ou sr
aJaqJ 'ssausnorfsuo3 ar{r afi no7. sl oq16 :1111
ilr Surluauadxa
's[ay asaql tll 1,, aW Sunuauadxa ru? I :A
" ,,stauwv
sl JIaS ar{t }nq '3urlg u1rcds e>lrl are s}uaurour aqt Jo IIV :W
;[ltutala fi fl 'luautlut slqt u! u13u s[ar ,,utv 1,, ae7
tI A
Itru.rata sr. lxttuv 'ern:o
3o ruaurBerg E sr tuaruoiu V irelrau aq tueuour E u"J :tr{
'Zuxuottryuz) tsod arlt a tsnf uq :11
11u to uqatl
;lpoq aqr qtr^{ pa^lo^ul Surua8 3o lussacau eqt sr arar{A\ :W
LB {eteqeW ?rtepeBrEslN IrS qrla s{l?I

V Tbere was no form and ruo body. Something was forcing me

to sit still and let it flou.

M: feeling or vibration you are having is only the
product of the five elements.

V: Is it not the uital breath or the state of "I Amness?"

M: In addition to the five elements there are the three Gunas

(types of behavioural qualities), the Purusha (the masculine
principle), and the Prakriti (the feminine principle). These
ten facets are the expression of your Beingness. My concept
that You transcend the body-mind, which you accept, is for
the kindergarten spiritual seeker. But now I am talking to
the disciple who is a,heady getting established in Beingness.
So that first lesson should be over by now. The entire
manifestation of your world and universe is just the expression
and manifestation of your Beingness. The Consciousness, or
Ishwara, is not that of an individual. Ishwara means the
expression of all form.

Now you are listening to what I am saying. \7hen you

leave this place and talk to other people, you will say that
Maharaj talked a lot and added even more confusion.

V: Not at all, the only thing happening is that it is so clear and

fast. Besides, there is no ?lace else to go.

'eJar{l lou oslE sr a^Jasqo ol
IOOr aqr'aJar{] lou sr ((ssauruv I,, eql uer{lN <('ssauruv I,,3r{1
Jo asnefaq a^Jasgo or alge lluo are artt .('ssauury 1,, rnol ot
lluo urrrrad salurs Sulturarp pue 8ul1em, eq1 'ssau8urag
rnol 3o suorssardxa lluo arr asor{t asntf,ag 'sattls Sulurra;p
pue Surryrrr aql a^oge orc nli ,,'toq puetsJepun lylru nol
ssau8urag ur paqsrlgersa ra8 nol sr lng ?(ou sutour tr trr{1r
lpcexa puagarduor lou lBtu noi Jleslr sre8roJ pue tser ol
sao8 r1'uorlrlgo olul seo8 ((sseuurv L, eqt os 'parlnbar sr tsaJ
aters 8ulryr'r aql ur sassrd arun aruos JerJV ;JEJII rr s1 dpoq
-pooJ aril lq paurrrsns sr lrqt ..ssauuv L, slqt Sulqcrertr sr
atnlosgv aqa 'lpoq-pooJ srqr Sulrunsuoc lq paurersns sr tr
pur .,'sseuruy 1,, rno.( sr 'tualper8ur srqt 'le)rruer{3 srql
iJJo rEJlprs are plro,{\ aqt pue Iqleq 'rrqt 3o arlds u1 :yq
'araq aq ot aut ul lnld1aq os tx q [c1m t! t?tlJ :A
'lBrlr tuo5 JooP ar" no){ 'wqt ur
pa^lo^ur tou aJE no,( rng 'llsnonurruor uaddeg IIr^t srr{J :tr {
',s! q, 't! gntya rcuu?r ruot aztlaat no[ yua
suaddaq asla Suttllttaaa tuaullut t?t/t t? yuo 's7utqt lsnfya
n ,{{tyou ot sastt? f,lsnoaualuods atrsap aruos uaqJ '?fim{/tJ
tt 11 l?tf 'Sutopfuana sx lx 1?c/1 rasuas stausnotlsul) at/J :A
's8ulqr {1po- or 8uuftr aJaqt are nol reqr urqlr^{ tnq (pareeJf,
-JIaS are uonttsaJrueur srql pue (atomqsl rc) u?utc/?tg slql :ntr
68 feregeW EtrupeBr?slN lrS qtra s{l"I

\7hat happens is that while listening to what I am saying

you are still entertaining some ideas about Consciousness.
If my words tally with your concepts you are happy. But
I want to blast all concepts and establish you in a'no concept
state'. Our prime minister, Morarji Desai, has got some firm
ideas about God that he does not want to change. A lady
who comes here knows the prime minister and gave him and
his brother two books of my talks. Morarji just scanned
through those books and said, '7 don't agree with this."
"I don't agree" means, "it does not tally with my concepts
so I cannot accept it." He did not want his concepts to be
blasted, but his brother was wonderstruck and said, "There
is some sense in tbis."

V: So it\ lihe, if I am deep inside thert it\ all gone and there
is no "I Am?"

M: This "I Amness" merges in the Absolute.

Palrrdser ,\r1BY ottnd
Inos eruaJdns vtuL?ut",t?d
uolsnlll lr?tu u d il?u-Enut
luBr{r Pall?s ?,uaout
rordecerd pnrrrrds tll"ec ,q?"ut?s?q?W
nurlsr^ Pro-IJo rEl? V ?aqs!"tx
Po) "rvln.lsl
re]tnq peglrela aaqi
lrnPuo, Jo aPoJ ?ut"t"tl?
lrlpea alEurrrl1 eqr (elnlosgv eq3- a?arqotg
asralrun 3qt Jo rotearf, aqr - drrurrr npulH egt Jo auo ?uq?rg
epaarnle or 8ulurcrra4 npantnty
UrlJo ef,uertrs uerpul tuerf,uy opaa.mty

Rarna Ayatar of Vishnu and hero of Ramayana

samadhi One of the final stages of meditation; Oneness

Satguru True master

Shanhara Another name of Shiva

Sbioa One of the Hindu tinity. God of destruction

Shiaa Sbahti Male and female cosmic energy. Shiva is the masculine,
rranscendent, eternal energy, and Shakti is the feminine, active,
temporal energy

Wda Alarge corpus of texts originating in ancient India - the oldest

scriptural texts of Hinduism

Visbnu One of the Hindu Thiniry. Famed as the protector and rescuer.

yoga Union of the individualized consciousness with rhe Absolute,

through the systematic practice of meditation, based on the eight-
fold path prescribed by the ancient Sage Patanjali

yogi Anyone who practices yoga as a method of divine realization,

whether he or she is a renunciate or a householder

yogic To do with yoga

lrrJenrurd5 wlpuy lq paraiaod
:tr$ o{V
tuoc'suorssardunrSo,{6l3ol Tsru-g
6e09ttzr, (zz0,wl
I I LtgeOSgtZZ (779) :auoqdalel
ruoc'suorssardrunSol' :Is11
'eJolu puB stual\r'sJorftm '$looq
uo uon"ruJoJur 'lrEura Er 'J^ref,al puB
rno uo urro3 tsrl SurIrEW rrp ur IIrJ
'EIpuI'E00 00i r-Equrnru'apBrBd aJnJ
'aI]ue3 epE[plrol[.'I arua3' I I/I
'prt'r ds{ooS morssardrul€oa
:tf,sluoo <{raaP Jalprr}} ro{
To commemoratd the 25th anniversary of
Nisargadatta Maharaj's'Mahasamadhi'

,,:. .,r'lYliS{**?I3&Y5r*F:. .' ;

fYms dJaJrJa-,

firt6&..?id!n&d.eimkt as%ulrtE Si;i,. I



S. K. Mullarpattan

Thirteen days after the greatAdvaita sage Nisargadatta Maharaj took Mahasamadhi
in 1981, S. K. Mullarpattan, his beloved disciple and longest-serving English
interpreter, gave a momentous speech at the condolence meet. In moving words,
he recounted incidents from the last days of Maharaj, and the indelible impact
the great sage left upon anyone who came into contact with him.

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of Maharaj's Mahasamadhi, we bring you

the evocative speech made by Mullarpattan. One that recreares the magnetism of
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj; the dramatic rurn evenrs took during this time; the loving
and attentive care which his family and followers always provided; and, above all,
Maharaj's own detached attitude towards his final days, till he breathed his last.

Accompanying this Commemorative Booklet are 6 rare Picture Cards which you may place in
your altar-shrine. They capture Nisargadatta Maharaj in various moods for his loving disciples
and followers, the world over.
Personol Growth / SpirituolitY

When you discover lhot Self which hqs

no colour, imoge, or design, You will
no longer require freedom or be condiiioned
by freedom. You will be beyond freedom.

The momunt th" "l Amness" exPlodes

or oppeors, oll of spoce is lit uP.

The entire sky is the expression of your

Beingness. Even though this whole world

is.on expression of your Beingness, you

believe thot you ore only the body. Your love

for the body limits your horizons. But the

moment those wolls come down, you ore

one with Brohmon ond the whole universe.

Rs.225/- Yogi Impressions' ISBN 978-8 1 -88 4'.7 9 -28-3


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