Beyond Freedom
Beyond Freedom
Beyond Freedom
Edited by
Maria Jory
Yogi Impressions'
Yogi Imptessions'
First published in India in 2007 by
Yogi lmpressions Bools Pvt. Ltd.
1711, Centre l, W'orldTiade Centre,
Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005, India.
Foreword xI
is That which you are searching for? 1
Everything is conceptual 28
Glossary 9t
Editor's Note v
- MariaJory
October 2006
uo <P?q eq lEql PauJEal PUE tulq qlIA uollBsJa^uof,
r dn lrnrts I 'uptu plo u? sei'l' u,lryru?s arll JEau PalEaS
'"3s er{l ruou
dn patrog azaarq apua8 e sr 'ace1d aqr PaP"^rad rupc pue
acead 3o 3ur1aa3 V 'atu rqSnorq a^Eq Plnol .lPoq rnol tou
ar? nol,, reqr Surqreat s.(ereqe1A1 l{)lqna ol - slql ueqr areld
Jeueg ou se^{ llpar araqr rer{r eru 01 palJnftro rg8nogr aqr
'uaql tng 'spunor8 uollBuraJf, r8ur8ueg aqr lP ser ,t/??ut?s
erp tBr{r pug or parlsluolst atrnb servl I 'Pue>lea^{ lBI{l 1I
lrsrl ol paprlap I (IBgrunW qlnos uI af,uePlsal lur 3o ltrurorzr'
eqt ur ser* (ereqeyrg errepe8restsl IrS Jo nrn8 agr Jo tt/?"ru?s
er{l reql 'acueqc lg arlnb 'Para^ooslP I uaq^4. real lsel
'ssed ol aruof lsnlu PeuI?PJo serl sfJnos aql
ttr{1( rrrlt uorlrruJ5uof,al E sI 1I '{oog slr{r Jo uolrtctlgnd
aql 01 Pal lEI{r slue^a Jo salJas aql 13 >llBq {ool I uaqlN
o/v\sl o
V: There wds a s?lit between tahat was there before the question.
and what cante after.
was there before that? Maya is the culprit. Man has entangled
himself in this concePt and illusion of love, and because of
it gets trapped in the cycle of life and death. The feeling of
love is a great mistake if one gets entangled in it. There is
love for so many things. The minute the illusion is created,
the entanglement begins. By imagining male and female,
Jo lno aurof, s8q uorsnll srql
puE (>lf,ads E tsn( sr ssausnorrsuo] 'o1t^'l tng 'auo lou ar?
ssoueJ?^,8 srr{t PUE Punos srqJ 'PIro1( srql Pel?eJf, ruJr{l
uee,&\leg a^ol aql PUE
PalEarl orJ.&\ sexes rueJeJJrp Jo aldoed
orrrl tnq 'euO sE^{ sseusnorf,suo3 'Sulueddeq lue Jo Jo
JlasrI Jo oJ?^\e ue^e tou sr 'atnlosgY aql 'ssausnorf,suoJ
ol"urrrln aql 'sruaurela e^u ar{r Jo uorl?luJoJ agr or roud
sl ,,ury 1,, aSpalrwou1 srqr jo Surrno.rds aqJ 'suaddeg rsn(
r1 llpclrrworne pauaddeq .8ulag ltu 3o sseuaJE,\rv eqI
'rllIEJ rr{t pulqeq esner er{t sl slrlJ ,,'ruv L, a8pay'rou1 aqr
sr rllrr{,& 'esnef, 3lq agr 'esnpf, lreurrrd e sr eJer{t 'satr :141
iqt!"t tlqt nt asnw [ua atatlt sJ :1
'a,req nol
r{treJ er{t 3o lrlsuarul aqr uodn spuadep ?uu?ru ar{t Jo ramod
erlJ 'rl or Suluatsll lltuersuoc sp,,'t I 'tr Sulop lou srr I :W
lnor{ uaa8 yaq
ntng tno[ tlclqm '?uu?r,u ?afi?t atll Zulop ,{lluaruoc no[ atay11 :11
'anJl auIBf, PIES eq ,r,rrrrr^ lBtll Saf,uEJalln slq Pulqeq
af,JoJ Pu? rarnod r{fntu os sa.^ ereqJ 'lEgI aruEf,eg I puE
'aur ur pappeqrua pue petueldurr era^{ lagr rerp af,JoJ r{)nru
os pErI spJolvl stq 'xt/?"ut?t"q?W otul Sulo8 sE,&\ aq ueq^\
atrrplol nrng /ru t?qra sr s\ql .<'?utt?ut"t"J acfi an noi,,
'uolsnllr trr{t ur palSuerua ro8 nol
{eteqe}J EttepeS:EslN IrS qrrrt{ s{lEJ
Love is divided into two sexes and the world has grown
out of this, but as soon as realization happens this separation
disappears. \7hen you have the realization that 'You are',
that all is the play of Shiua Shabti, then you will know that
this is all an illusion, and you will be free of grief as well as
joy. Self-realization is Shiuadatta. The moment you reach that
stage you will not of happiness' sorrow
have these feelings
and suffering. \flhen you reach the state of Self-knowledge,
there will be peace and quiet. Such knowledge of the Self is
known as Shiuadatta. l{ you realize that this is all an illusion,
then there is no need for Self-realization.
pure honey, the proof of the Absolute. It is always with you and
Knowledge of
your reol identitY
and through the earth they create the grass and the grain'
Grass is the fodder for the animals that give us milk' Grain
is the food of human beings, in which the subtlest principle
is already embedded. lWhen it is assimilated in the body, it
becomes the 'food-body'. This food-body is formed out of
the milk and the grains that we eat. \7hen the vital force is
there, the "I Amness" aPPears. "I Amness" is the sattua quality,
which is from the word sat - to be. The "I Amness," which
alrl 's33a urou urog sr qrrr{.& wql '"t"?ads' sE ot parraJar sr
'f,ta (surJo^r
a>lrl '<lpoq er{t Jo tEe,\ts oql puE JatEA ruou urog
sr qf,rr{^\ wql'il"nc/?n w o1 paJJaJaJ sr (stf,asur snorJBA puE
BrrelfEq e>lrl (rrr aql ruo5 Pel?aJf sr r{f,rrl^ IErII 'olBld sJ>lBr
uorleeJf, qllq^\ ur sle^, JnoJ aru rreql 'qlJee er{t Jo aruasse
aqt qlra sluaruale e^rJ aqt ;o SulSraru aqt tuoU pattorr
aJE 'ruJo; pue adeqs lraaa se IIe^ sE 's8urag 3ul,u1 y1y
'sqluolu auru JauE
uJog eJE s8ulag uturnH 'sr{luotu aaJr{l JeUe uJog aJE ,stro8
a1ll 'salcads oruos 'uJJoJ leuorlrp"Jl aqr ot Surproccr uJoq sr
uorlEaJf, A€u aqr PUE puof,es E
Jo uorlf,eu E ur ua>lEl sr paas
aqt ur gdrrSoroqd aql 'raqlorq slq Jo reqt uro5 luarrlJrp
etrnb sr lylule3 E Jo regtuaru euo Jo peas aql .srarlto aqr uroU
rueJelJrP sr lErp IEnPr^rPUr uB selsaJf paas ql"E 'pJes eql
ul padtuets sr luared aqt Jo ruroJ ro ororld eqt pue paruroJ
sr poos aqt'alnt?ur sr ruJoJ lueJed aqt uar{/N'(pees, aql
LuoU peteaJc sl SurgrlraaE 's8ulaq ueunq or anblun sr alol
-JIaS 'e3roJ a3l1 raq8lg E ruo5 paleers arr s8ulag uerunq pue
sarnleer) pe38a1-rnog 'aJII Jo sruroJ tse^\ol eqt tuo5 paltar3
aJE sruJol,\. pur se{Eus pue ,slerurue o} qlJrq arrr8 syeurrue
'8uraq uerunq E ot r{tJrg sa.rtr8 Sulag uBrrrnr{ V 'sruJoJ tuaJtd
Jlaql ot Sulproccr paruroJ are sadegg 'pooJ pue .punor8
Burzet? 'arntsBd str Jo aJe.,lre saruooeg uaqt put stuared str jo
aJ3.1r\3 saruof,aq 1r
'uroq sr (aa{\ lnos Fnpr^rpur uE ueq/N
(poq-poo3 arp ol anp sr 'puo3as E Jo uorlf,"U e ur srredde
IerequW IrS qtr.,r sIIBI
M: All the religions of the world are based upon feeling and
tradition. You can recite your mdntra in whatever way you
like. It is not going to make any difference because, as I have
already told you, becoming stabilized in the Awareness "I Arn"
is-iii-it Later on, you will also transcend the
"I Amness." \7hat I am saying now is being recorded on a
-q1pe, but will I actually be talking when it is played back?
No, it is only a chemical that was created by a human being.
Similarly, there is a photograph of my Guru on the wall. Is
it with a chemical.
a real Guru? No. Man makes the picture
In the same way, this human being created by God is also
just a chemical, and you should be aware of that. Just as a
storm is a form created by nature, similarly this "I Am," this
chemical, was also created. Forget about what I have told you,
because that is also a mechanical thing, a chemical. Just be
Aware, and then it won't matter if you die a hundred times.
arll {lJEIrr.urS 'rdaf,uof, E rsnf sr rr rng ' stuered slr oqa
Eapr uE uoarB ueag stq plql eqa'srdecuor IIe art aseql :W
'stuawd acltto t1u7q atfi (nouf tou saop
?lttp ary fig :A
'PIrr{3 erl} Jo
roltarr arlt arr sruared aqI 'rl paleaJf, oqx\ s.,'l.ou>I pllql V :ntr
2(/1 01 1u7m ',L aql lnoqv sru
,,'utv L, ?2Man oqm mouT I Fl01 ?to A
'salgered rsn( arB asaqr lng 'tcarro3 :141
'10u to
aty ol 3urc3 s1 ,(yoq rry Dqpqm yauaraor tou v a&ys V :totlslA
'rroddeslp u3r{t pup nol rcaSgr uef spJoln\ pr',l.ou nol or
ualods Surag sp.roz't eqr lq pat3eJJe nol ery 'pauJaf,uo) ag
IIr^\ pue tr alarlag oi l1a1r1 sr ag 'slep aarqr reUB elp III^\
eq l?qr PIo] sI ueru E j1 '1n;raru,od Lnr ati sProlN :feregu141
o)rnos oll ero no[
Ll)!Ll/Ylo Plro/t uIoerP V
"I Am" is just a concept. The child has also been given the
idea that'He is'. First you must investigate'\fho is', and
what this "I Amness" is.
M: You want to know what the support is for the "I Am?"
My parents supported me! 'When do these two people, the
husband and the wife, become parents? It's when a child is
born; is that not true? are the parents before the
birth of the child? And, what is that child? The child is
the root of the parents. The child is alro the father of the
parents. Because of the child, the parents are' This shows
how completely hollow our egos are. \fhat is the use of
this Beingness, when it is the Beingness that has determined
all this play? Awareness is the Absolute, but who is the
witness of the Absolute? The ego is like the child of a
barren woman.
and creates a new tree, which will bear many berries' These
seeds will create a huge jungle. All of this is created from a
single seed.
{'f ,t I/
Everything is
after death. One day he saw a bone in the forest and decided
to practice his art to see how effective it was' He chanted a
rndntra and suddenly a lion appeared. He did not, however,
create any food for the lion and so when the lion was hungry
he ate the ygi. The moral of this story is that before you
create anything, you have to first create food. The "I Am"
is sustained by the food-body. That is our body, which is
the food for the "I Am." Every creature depends upon its
food and the "I Am" depends upon our body' you
remember this?
you recite the mantra relating to a particular god,
that particular quality in Consciousness is created within
ruE./$, laqr esn?rag 'uonrglxe puE Jdor{ IIe asol plnol oldoad
'llsnolres aur 01 Suruarsrl lg 'nrng srq ot IlEq turq tuas I os
'nrnD srq Sulronb rdal ogm Sururotu srqt arlJe) lpoqaurog
parnb daal 1 plnoqs ro srqt go 1p nol IIel I ppotlg 'nol plor
a^Er{ I lEq^\ lnogE uorurdo
rnol ,nou1 ot a{rl PIno^{ I
'qleep pelpr sl slrlJ 'auo8 sr lpoq arp sreeddtslp ,,ruv I,,
aqt tng 'sreal 961 roJ se^rl uosrad E JI ua^a aJII rarl Jo slq
rnoq8no;qr Jreql sr *ruv L aql 'aoe1d sa>1"] qtr,roJ8 'u.log
sl pllq3 er{l uer{lN 'sur?rueJ 'surEruer Ja^at?qa puB luJng sr
tuJng sr Je^altrllN 'auo8 sr eurEIJ er{r JeUe pesn sI IIo ou tng
'lro aqt Sursn lg Sururnq sdaal atur6 aqt 'alar{l sr Iro aql
uarl/N 'Sulqrlue Jo Jre,l\eun sr ssausnorfsuoJ aqr 'auo8 sl
lpoq eqt alu6 'aJerp are l.rouraur pu? sseusnorrsuo3 'aJar{}
sr lpoq aqt s" 3uo1 o5 ']Er{I sE rurq aas I pue ssausnorf,suo3
olur pa8rau sr eH 'rBqt alrl nrnS lur uodn 1oo1 tou
op I 'a1etsrru aqt sr ter{l pue purur-lpoq e sl epururlrt5l
nrn.5 rnol trr{t aurnsaJd notr *'ruy I, ,,vrou>l
ntn3 ltu I ,sr,
asntrag 'araq nrn9 ftu 3o srldrrSoroqd lueru a,reg osp :trAJ
ilu(.ft lnoqa ,{as no[ oy ruelA 'u/!q flm
salarxunruu,tzz aq #cll ?uy aary? illis sl ayuauatltTJ ruql stas
?pu"uwynly 'ut?tt/t? sxq ux vpu?uatt1p to ani?$ ? sx anqJ :A
',aJE, 'ssausnorssuoJ :nol uor3 saurEu snorJEA
qlr.&\ peteaJr uaeq a^?q qrrqa 'spo8 asagt lerl^\ osle sr (eJ?
no , tegr sseusnorfsuoJ aruts er{I 'ssausnorfsuoJ rnol 3o
suoneuJerul aqr lluo erc 'nol
'arue/?tg '?uqs!.tx 'au,tty
6z (e.leqeW errepeBr"slN IrS r{lra slleJ
M: Did you have any Consciousness when you did not have
your body? You may have as much faith as you want, but
even that will be gone when the body is no more' as your
Consciousness will not be there. are you without your
with the Source is the real thing. This world has existed for
millions of years. Male and Female, Purusha and Prakriti,
have created so many dynasties. From which background have
you come to this present form? Did you come from your
father's father or your mother's mother? From the time of
the first couple ever created, which birth is this? Can you go
\7hy carry that tension around with you
back and find out?
when you cannot really know or remembe t any of it? Don't
bother about it.
will this spark or flame go? 'Vhere will my vital breath or ?rdna
able to attain that Brahma'hood. You must first accept that you
are without a body-mind and that you are subde. That sense
must be instilled in You.
Another V: No.
M; Are you stupid? She only came here yesterday' but you
done about it, the worms will eat it' The body is the
food -
that is the body. The body will die, but you are not the body
You don't
so you are not going to die' So, where is the doubt?
Whotever is creoted is by
the knowledge "l Am"
'Sulqrlrarre sJtEJJf, ssausnorf,suo3 umo
Jno 'saf,uer:adxe reUE Suruun-l grrd slqr ansrnd tou oC
a8polru.oul eql lq pelpeJf, sr pateeJr sr Ja^eter{l1 :W
"'urv L
i'Jp 'saJuaxtadxa asaql p3 ruo[ o? uat/l :A
'sr 1r sB lr lde3f? pue alrasgo rsn{
't)alletul rnol qur'l srql IaAeJun or &r r,uog :aldleurrd reqr
eJe nli i,sl tI, llsnoauetuod5 ,.'ssauuly 1,, rnol or 'rerll
or lluo surelred aes nol Ja^atEq/N 'uSrsap ou pue adrqs
ou sueaur.terlJ,'tErIJ ere nol reqr tl a>lBJ'.eg, ot e^eq
nol 'llpntoellelur pardacce pue przari ezreq nol a8palrnoul
re^arEr{4N 'palraf,al a,r.rt1 nol regt a8pal/t\ou>l aqt qlr^\
{ddtq 1aa3 nol asnroaq lueuralr)xa srql IIE a^eq nol :W
'su?m fi uaaruqm saop [yoq aclJ A
lraSpg Ilrls eft no
a^rlEuJelle ou sr aJar{I llas eql ur uorlf,r^uof,
pue tllr"J rlclldrul rdacxa 'gled raqro ou 'fpaural Jaqto
ou sr arar{I 'ssaulearS aql sr Jlestr rrrlt put dord aqr sr tEr{J
puE (aJE no1, aldrcurrd aqr ur 8ul11arup sr plJo.a\
"'ruv I,
aJnue arli Jo aruecgru8eu pue 'acue:gru8ls 'ssautra;3 agl
IIV 'eurrr 3uo1
lpuall53ns E roJ atets lerlt Jo oldloulrd aqr
uo IIa,,'tC 'esrJe uorlelala lxau er{} Jo uoltsanb aqr 11rru lluo
uaqr '.pappagua llrur5 sr uonf,r^uo) srql uaqlr ,.J1ag ftu
sI ssausnor3suo) Jo IIE,, rer{r pJfurluof ere nol uer{lN JIeS
eqt ur eprgr nol uaq& aruol lluo 1pr',r uontlala txeu aqJ
9' (etzqerJ IrS qrra sll?I
M: do you always fragment the \(itness? Everything is
V: No.
M: Then don't ask the question. Only when you are convinced
that you are not a conditioned man, conditioned by body
and mind, may you ask such questions. \7hat is God? All
greatness is because of the "I Am." There is no other path,
only this conviction. This is it! The name and body arise
from the "I Am." 'When hungry, if you want to know 'who'
is hungry, just observe. You think that you have understood
everything, but it is not so. You are the one who is listening
to all of this. '\7ho' has understood this? You are all that has
M:. Since everything is You, you can't cut it away from you.
This knowledge of "I Amness" is part of you. How can you
throw it away? And where can you throw it? you are
V: Can )tlu explain the higher state of bliss and is it tlte same as
"I Amness?"
M: was your idea of bliss two years prior to your birth?
M: That was not the question. Do not stray from the question.
\7ere you aware that he was enjoying things in that way -
not him personally, but was he encouraging the bliss-seeking
M: you first came here you were involved with the
body-mind and the talk then was on that level. Now it
is being expounded in relation to your Beingness, the
'auole a8palru.oul reql lq paleeJ3 sr asJa^run srrlJ
'Plro,/r 3loq,( eql qlr^\ auo ag nol .pulur-lpoq srqr lq
pauorlrpuof, lou tnq ',aJ? no , teqt ezrl"eJ llpror nol uet126
'uor]?zrleal roj lpea.r rou llrls pue uosrad
lf,rs E nol lpoq
aql qlr^ pe5rruapr are nol se 3uo1 sV 'luauerurad tou sl
'plrorrr. aloq^. rnol sl lulqr nol reqt lpoq slql'nol lou sr
tng (stuetuala a^U aqt Jo tno apuru sr lpoq rnoa 'asuas lpog
rnol jo tno taD 'trarJoo tou osle sr srnol Jo Eapr slgJ :I I
'uquaruil aut dyaq ot p?aq [ru uo 3u73uaq aty no,( aru t! tJ :A
'aprsrno 8uqoo1 lq gtnra atEr.unln eql
puu touuer notr 'nol urqtr^\ lpearle sr ler{l Surqrauros roj
3ul1oo1 aJB no1 'urooJ aqt Jo rauJos pu" {oou l.razla ul Jlasuri{
ro3 Surqoreas uo sao8 oqr'l uosrad E .Qatq7nal)
a{ll are no
f,rsnru eql or ualsrl rou plnoqs JEap sr oq1lA euo aqJ :I l
'Jxtnru atf fiaq touu?r yua toay ru" J ?a? uoot eql ut uo Suto7
)ttnut st aD{/l a2/x1 st 1I 'uoxlqsuu4 aql :A
?u?1tt2?u?1 x,uo? I
'plJo^\ rnol salrarf, ,aJE no1, terll
a8paymoul aqa 'srnol Jo plro^\ srqt roJ erer{t aq lsnru .are
noa, e8payu.ou>l er{t llrrllurg 'pettaJf, sr plJo^\ ueaJp er{l
aJoJeq aJaqt ag ot seq (ale no1 a8palrr.r.oul aqt plJol\{ rueaJp
aql ur 'aldtuexa uE sV 'esJalrun eloq,,r,r. aql suretuof, (3JE no1
o8pa1z',rou1 lBr{l Jo aro: lraa ar{J '}uEurual er{] se nol urqlra
Surylaznp sr esJalrun aql pateeJf, Surzrrg qllq^\ ...ssauuJv L,
tt (z.reqeW EttupeBrBslN lrS rlrra s{lzI
formed into shape, the seed loses its existence. lVithout food
or nourishment there cannot be any life. The knowledge of
Beingness is everything. 'S7andering here and there will not
bring you peace. Hopes and desires will always be there,
iql?2y stql aruauadxa
ot Surllxm at? am auqm 'ruot aYq aruts c/J"at afi u?) :A
srqr tnog? lltt stures er{l Jo tsory ,,'qrua? 3u1aq nqt Zuu(otua
a" J fitll nrl aqt lo ruo v 1.o3 an,I a7atutnya $aflatt ac/J,,
(tatotd Sututout ? s7ur btaqatry) 'qrrap Jo lJos e sr rt 'satr :y41
;qruayto uttotr ayu yutru-[plq atlt uto{tuautqt"py sltll LurI A
'PIJo^4, er{l ur
lll,rrlre olur sao8 pur suonrpuoo rq8lr eqr sareoJf, 1I Slesrl
ur?lsns Pu" a^rl ot sluB1!\ 1r esnBf,ag 'a^rl ol sa^ol 1I JIeslI e^ol
sr rl3rrllt^. 'a^rl 01 llr,/rr aqt sl lupnb sr1 'parisrn8unxe eg ol
tuE^ lou saop pue perenredred og or sru?^{ ssau8urag rrql
'.o8, 01 qsra arp sr sseusnorfsuoS '$llPl ueq] Pu? qlE3Jg I?1I^
er{t sqrosge pllql or{J 'plrq) eqt uo aptru s<lEr{t uolssardur
ItuJelxa ur sr aBrnBuE'I 'plJo,/\,\ aqt sJlEeJf, put s^\olJ pultu
aqt slraog rprarq prr^ aqt ueq.^a :r{teerq I"1r^ erll Jo rcnpord
eqr sr purw aqJ 'sseusnorfsuo3 rnol Jo af,utualsns aql
lpoq eqr IIEr nol regl6 :141
roJ IanJ aqt sr rlf,rrll( (pooJ srr{l
tt 0? ot alqtssod tt sJ 'atuas a ut Surt{p alq s1 tpoq aqt qum
uot10t1[t1uay1 s\qt dotp o1 '7uotls s? aall 01 illm aqJ :.toflsrA
iuaqt lofue ot eraqr aq III^ oq^.
pu? saJrsop osaql a^eq Ilria orl^. 'uaqJ 'alarp aq or as"af, IIra
nol Surles rue I terlr,ri gJosge pue pucrsJapun
nol aluo rng
6s (eteqeW errzpuBrEslN IrS r{1ra s{leJ
V: No.
V: I went through all this nonsense for ten years. It was necessarl,
'nol ot asn luE Jo aq eqs Jo aq u"f, nJnD rnol nol Jr
llug ;nod ot t€ql Jo rsn eqt sr ter{,^a
,n.rn3 .rnol
^aou{ I
isx ntng fru oqm mouq not og :aldnvg
inJn3 .rnol aq 01 srurel3
aqs teqt lcr-J e 1r sI iuroql( 3ur11ar sl ssau8ulqloN rno :W
'Zurt1lou ry aralfi sr(ys rurfi ssauSutqtollJ
aqt s! t! 'ssau8uulloTJ otut saoi ,,utv L, acp uat/A :n,:ng 3u7t1s711
('{atar1a71J tlum anSoloty ? otux fitua mou 'srot$ta atp Suowa ata
oqm uatl lo a1fics1y ? <nntg ? t, aqs
?u? ryuffi oqm uaruom V)
'3ulqrlra,,ra sl Surqrou tegr
les ot Uel Juo ou sr aJar{t ,,ruv L, aqt .ry\oul nol acug :yrg
lSwtllhana st Sutqtou ruqt
yuo Sutqtou r? ilaqt wqt Zuilas s! t"qt (.ssauutv I. aefi q sJ :A
pslqr Surles sr or{lN 'Sulqrlraaa. sr ssau8urqroN }Er{t uaql
'Surqrou sr eJeql uaqr 'Sulqrlrarre qrrm raqraSol ,euo8 sr
((ssauury 1,, ;nol uer{/S. 'puEtsJapun ol JerlrJn; Surqrou
sr arJr{t ,,ruy I,, eqt pue}sJapun nol acug .ssarSord ou sr
aJer{t .(ssauurv I,, Jo Sulpuersrepun aql azteq nol ssalull :W
,.isseuuv J,, u{a ssatSotd aW il wtlA A
'readdrsrp osle IIr.& ..ssauuv L, er{J iuaql peurcrsns
eg .(ssauuv L, lrr{r u?f .&\oH 'paddorp oslr sr rl}EeJg ar{l
S9 (eteqeW EtrepzS;eslN IrS rlrla sll-eJ
Visiting Guru: The step from the ego to the Total Consciousness
is the step that I am missing.
M: \7ho are you to say that she forgets? If you say she is
your Guru, how dare you say that she is making a mistake?
M: Did you hear or see rhe lila when the body was not there?
M: You are telling a lie. At that time you did not have any
concept of the knowledge "I Am" - the Beingness.
'tai '$/3y flV :nffig 3u7t7s711
iou Jo sal 'oul JeA .suV '(eJaA. no ,
,l\ou>l tou prp nol areqr lou sB1$. lpoq aql ueq/A. ilpoq
slqt Jo af,uelsrxo erlt eroJoqlrouau lue aarg nol plg :1rg
'mouy t,uo?
J :nmg 3u7t7s711
aou ro sal .rezra.sur tsnf .suorteueldxe aalS t,uog
2l:ouraru eqr e^Eq nol prp lpoq srqr a^Er{ tou plp nol uar{l6.
'palper3 sl lpoq aql ueq.r* lluo perear3 sr urtrg ar{J :I
'yurut [w lo uad s7 qur/m ,tatrudruot
? alq t! tx ?a? utruq aqt ut st f,toutaat aqJ :ntrug 3u1t7s21
'ef,ualsrxa otur aurp3 srnol
3o lpoq slqr
uaqt\ paJBedde lyuo ((sseuurv 1,, rnol pue ,"1!l ,jo acualradxa
srr{t Jo a)ueuetsns aqt sr lpoq rnotr i}ou 1r sl <pooJ .rnol sr
lpoq aq1 llrourau rnol surelsns reql pooJ erp sr ttr{lN :W
'11am sa r(yoq
taqfiu? ut atuauadxa s1ql lo [toutaut aW ??t/ I :rutng 3u717s711
iou ro sal ,atu Ja.^.suv lpoq slgr
perrnbre nol rar3e ,q!l , slqt go acuarredxe uE per{ lluo notr
'lr qtIA lezrre unr or Surlrr are nol nrnD e arr nol arurs :W
ir?ll ? aru aq?ut t?{f taop oS :rutng 3uV1s711
IeteyeW Br]epeBreslN IrS r{1ra s{lEI
ldentify yourself
with Consciousness
V: Certainly.
M: If you think that all this lila is senseless and you've come
sfr{t roJ poau ou sr aJer{J (3u73u7s atws yB ag) ;srpuerurg
Jo nJnD '&s or nol errug l"r{16 inrnD E sr aqs s>lurql Sultg8g
sI oq/( lrr8 srqa gjo Surrr.r,oqs nol lq2tr 2rq8nec ag nol
uef ot tnuruof, ot lur^r lou saop oqlN :I I
^roH ;Surqrlue
'Sutqttur ot tlastut Suuttutuot Na .ru? I :nmg 3u1t1s711
u^,*oJrlt uaag a^Eq plrolv' aqt pue nol regr uearu 1r saog :W
'Vuortapui em 'se)f :ntng SuutsrrT
l8ulles tue I r"qr'r puetsrapun nol oq
'tou Jo Suluarsll arr nol Jo IIE Jaqlaq^\ /\^.ou>I ot luE^. I 'lpEI
srql ot Suqpr ruB uar{/N iaq 01 a1r1 nol plno,{,\ a8erur ro
adrqs rurytt uI ueql 'slqt IIE tnoqtra eg ol tuu^\ nol j1 :141
'slql ll? 1n0q1!m aq 01 |u?m I :A
;poo8 pur arnd aq
ol luel( nol retp les nol plp lqr!\ oS itl Surqsrlod lq uealc
tr a>lEru nod uuc 'nol o1 uaru8 uaag seq arueu Jeletrrl/N :r J
'yoo7 yuo yagfund aq q s? rupm I ilV :A
i{aas ro ruem nol op e8pay*rou1
rerpo rEq/N 'ssalesn sr esla Sulqrlrala pue 'a8paytrou>l rqr
'lpoq rnol 'srq1 IIE puttsJapun nol arug 'lr ur petsaJalur
lou aJ? Pu? uoD?rf,unual srr{l IPI s}ur?s aqJ ilr urou e^rJ3P
nol uec a8erurrrpu lrq^\ (leaJun sr IIE trr{t uorsnlouol ar{t ol
69 (vtzyzll BtrepeBtBslN !rS rltrlr s{l?J
Visiting Guru: I haue come here to know about God arud ruot
about the electric fan.
M: This God is just a word. is the difference between
this name God and your name?
Interpreter: You said earlier, "I haue come here to hnow about
M: You have an idea that you are a Guru and are clinging
from that standpoint to various concepts and ideas. I am a free
man and am not attached to anything. The talk just happens.
:lij:+ ffi
'.sal, sr Ja/v\su, ar, ueql ,^,, .; ,;r;^ #JffiT"
ro sal z(es fa;rl srq sales pue ruerlrd aql or aurcrpatu salr8
rotf,op ttpaantty uV 'aJII Suolord or lSraua aJII aql alrasuof,
lagr aurcrp aw uyantnty u1 'urds-a3rl aqt suearu ,tntV, :tr41
'ryaA ? t! q :rung 3uV1s711
aVaunf,V rcqno. ,t\ou>I nol oq iryaatnr{VBullpnrs nol ary 'ploa
- otaz
to oloi{unqr s" alrts IBuS 3t{1 PeqursaP :I
"qPPng l
'tal :?ung 3u7t7sy
iouz ? s7 {rtaclayrtJ uaaru not{ o? ,oS 'otaz su?aru oq? qJxtlm
',?t{nq sv Kltp.t"W ut ?atEsu?q s! aruruu?" :r,1o7 olatdtasl
?tom atlJ
'afix ?a? qqruo?" os atp no[ asnpJaq 'sel :rutng 3u7t7sy1
purcSr lrsrl ol
Sulo8 nol ary 'suorlsanb Sultsalalur aruos Pa{s" a^Br{ nol :I{
'tqZu t1atqosq? at" no^:nrng 3ug7sy1
'nJnO E sr aqs Dlurqt aqs ral 'upaatnty lpnrs ot aruof s?q aqs
reqr s&s eq5 'acead luz aaeq tou nol .as1a Sulqrlur ro
'nJnD e are nol ttqt 1uqr pue pnord are nol se 3uo1 oS :I
'yutru [u
ut aut Sutddau ?u? au ru Suq8nq at? nol :ntng 3u1t7sy1
IL (eteqeW ?rrepeB:?slN lrS qrra s{leI
V: Is 'loue' the source of "I Am" or is "I Am" the source of 'loue'?
V: If
"I Amness" exists separate from the body, 'who' experiences
the reaction from the incense stich?
V: If the "I Am" concept tends to colour our experience, how can
we tell how our experieruces would be without that concept?
that creates?
M: You are giving all the importance to the mind, and think
the mind is making all the difference.
Interpreter: Ws, the mind springs up afier "I Arnness," but this
"I Amness" is obserued by the Absolute together with all of
that action.
stick, the top end being the spark full of activity and the
other end that is still and watching. The active part is called
mala, and is due to the mind. The inactive part is the
"I Amness," or Purusha, which is just watching. Only when
you identifr with that which is stationary, the Purusha, can
you become the watcher of the "I Amness" and all of its
activities. \Without this "I Amness," the Absolute does not
know that is'. \Tatching is not deliberate. 'Watching
happens to the Absolute only with the appearance of the
"I Amness." The "I Amness," like binoculars, must be there
and available for watching to happen.
any dffirence wbat the actiuities are? How does choice relate to
that, if at all?
'auo ll
Surqrlrarr.a rulodpurrs alnlosgv aqr ruo5 'leg1 aruooeq nol
JI tng 'ssausnorfsuoJ IESJa^rull rtqt qw ntnSltg areduroc
or Suro8 arr nol ueqr '8ulag ueunq E Jo .lenprlrpur uE
'pulru-lpog e 3o rulodpu"ts aql uror3 8ur1pt atr nol JI :I tr
lntnZ1rg ro lung tauu, aqt s? aru?t
atq t? s! 'fioqo qaads not{ qxxqm ssautnlxrtul) /usreatun slclJ :A
'aJaql lou sr Puru
aqr a8ers terll tE uer{t <(ssauuJv I,, }Erlt qlri auo a.rr nol jl
tng 'puru eqr Jo slcadse art prg pue pooS ally sruaulo8pn{
<('sseuurv I,,
terlt uo uorssardurr ou aryul laqa (('ssauruv L,
rnoljo asn?f,ag lluo uaddeg 'uaddeg sanrlnf,? Ja^ateqlN :I J
EB Ie:egeW IrS tilra s>JIEJ
../ i
7i t;
Maharaj: The ideas that you are not stable and that it is
bumpy are only ideas in your mind, and can only be captured
by the mind.
like amrit?
M: feeling or vibration you are having is only the
product of the five elements.
V: So it\ lihe, if I am deep inside thert it\ all gone and there
is no "I Am?"
Shiaa Sbahti Male and female cosmic energy. Shiva is the masculine,
rranscendent, eternal energy, and Shakti is the feminine, active,
temporal energy
Visbnu One of the Hindu Thiniry. Famed as the protector and rescuer.
fYms dJaJrJa-,
Thirteen days after the greatAdvaita sage Nisargadatta Maharaj took Mahasamadhi
in 1981, S. K. Mullarpattan, his beloved disciple and longest-serving English
interpreter, gave a momentous speech at the condolence meet. In moving words,
he recounted incidents from the last days of Maharaj, and the indelible impact
the great sage left upon anyone who came into contact with him.
Accompanying this Commemorative Booklet are 6 rare Picture Cards which you may place in
your altar-shrine. They capture Nisargadatta Maharaj in various moods for his loving disciples
and followers, the world over.
Personol Growth / SpirituolitY