Fundamentals of Computer Programming (C++) : Course Objectives

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Fundamentals of computer programming(C++)

Course outline
Periods Credit Hours
Theory: Theory:
Practical: Practical:
Total: Total:
Course Objectives:
This course introduces basic and fundamental aspects of computer programming using C++.this
course starts with the programming basics and algorithm design, Later the focus shifts towards
features and structures of programming language. These include program structure, variables,
declaration, support for iteration etc. The course covers also the transformation from basic program
to advance program involving mathematical calculations and processing. The practical lab is
conducted in Borland C++ for better practice.

Course Outlines:
The students will be able to:

 Make a programme in C++

 Have command over variable declaration,input and output parameters

 Quiz:10%
 Project:5%
 Class behaviour:2%
 Assignmnts:3%
 Class Assesments:30%
 Final:50%

Instr’s Name=Sadia Amir

Class hrs= Training program

Office hrs= Anytime

Fundamental of computer programming [Course outline] Topics Th.prd Lab.prd
Fundamental of computer programming [Course outline]
A Introduction 2 0
 Normal computer architecture
 Intro to programming, Languages ,Levels
 Programming steps
B Algorithm 1 1
 Pseudo code
 Flow chart
C C++ program structure 1 1
 Header Files
 Main function
 Compiler types
 Keywords
D Data Types 1 0
 Numeric
 Non Numeric
E Variables, constants, whitespace ,Manipulators 1 1
F Operators & Expressions 1 2
 Arithmetic op
 Assignment op
 Incre/decr op
 Logical Op
 Comparison OP
G Programme Statements, I/O (with cin,cout) Comments 1 1
H Errors 0 1
 Logical
 Syntax
 Run time

 Decision making /selection 1 2
 If -else
 else-if
 switch-case
 Iterative statements 1 3
 for loop
 while loop
 do while loop
 Branching Statements 1 1
 break
 continue
 go to
A Structures 1 3
 Declaration
 Defining structure variables
 Accessing structure members
B Enumerations 1 2
4 ARRAYS 2 6
 Definition
 Accessing Elements
 Initialization
 Multidimensional(optional)

A Functions 2 8
 Declaration
 Defining function
 Comparison with library functions
 Passing arguments
 Returning values

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