Humss12c Group3 1
Humss12c Group3 1
Humss12c Group3 1
Cyber activism is a process using internet-based materials to create and manage a movement or a cause.
This study was conducted to determine and understand the underlying reasons why UC SHS students are
engaged in online movements. An interview guide was used to gather data from UC SHS students. The
results revealed that their perception of online movement is that, it is one of the means to amplify voices
and a source of knowledge. Their motivation in engaging to this is to take action and provide potential
solution and to be an agent of change. Moreover, the effects of this is that, it develops receptivity and
eloquence. It is recommended to seek the effectiveness of online movements and to carry out quantitative
study regarding the numbers of cyber activists among UC SHS students.
Keywords: injustices, society, activist, social media, social change, political change
Recent events all around the globe attest to the the efforts together to make a movement with
prevalence of use of online social media sites for commitment and accountability to the cause, the
bringing about dramatic and drastic reforms in activists, and to the people they serve and fight
real world, phenomenon being referred as Cyber for.
Activism (Bhardwaj, Dhawan & Kaushal, 2017).
Cyber Activism is the use of internet-based One of its form is the Hashtag movement which
materials to spread or promulgate a refers to the use of hashtags on multiple social
social/political movement. media platforms to plan marches and protests,
share stories, connect communities, and
According to Balmes (2019) activism comes in ultimately, drive social change (Mbabazi, D. &
many forms. The action might be door-to-door Mbabazi, 2018). Some examples of Hashtag
canvassing, alternative radio, public meetings, Movement is the #BlackLivesMatter.After the
rallies, or fasting (Anderson & Herr, 2007). May 2020 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis
Each purposive engagement in pursuit of a just unleashed a nationwide protest movement
cause, on-ground or online, can be considered against police brutality and racism, support for
and classified as activism. This aims connect all the Black Lives Matter movement increased by a
28-point margin in two weeks—almost as much organization. Hence, it became easier for them
as it had in the preceding two years ( Ryder, to reach their target audience to hear their voices
2020 ). #BlackLivesMatter is about social and cries for justice which can convince and
media’s effectiveness and viability for political motivate them to join the movement and fight
engagement and social activism (Anderson, for justice.
Toor, Rainie & Smith, 2018).
In the Philippine context, activism is still on the
Furthermore, social media platforms are the rise because of social and political problems
most frequent medium that teenagers of today being experienced by most citizens in the
use to express their opinions about different Philippines. As the Filipinos get more engaged
topics and issues (Watts, 2015). One of the in social media activities, the success of youth
internet-based materials that can be used to activism online may also come in the horizon.
spread a movement is social media platforms The use of social media as a platform of protests
such as Facebook, Twitter,Instagram and many and campaigns directs the mindsets of Filipino
more. This digital era, the most convenient social media users into an activist's point of view
platform or material is the social media due to that links them towards online participation in
the volume of it’s users. The use of social media the discussion of the latest trends and issues
in movement contexts is not only widely diverse nationwide (Adorable, n.d.).
but also oftentimes complex or contentious
(Gladwell, 2010). In the context of this study, cyber activism is a
process using internet-based materials to
The number of social media users worldwide in promote or disseminate a movement or a cause.
2020 is 4.57 billion people (Chaffey, 2020). Its The term is defined as online actions and
accessibility is one of the reasons why activists campaigns that aim to influence public opinion
use this platform to address their concerns. and major social/political processes; what is
Activists see social media as a medium for a considered activism often varies from society to
wider audience because according to Caldwell society (IGI Global, n.d.).
and Finish (2018), 70% of teenagers aged 13 to
17 are using social media several times a day. So, Generally, this study aims to determine and
it will e easier to hear them and be with them in understand the underlying reasons why UC SHS
their movement towards change. students are engaged in Online Movements.
Specifically, it aims to answer the following
In a global context, previous studies have problems:
reported that participating in a collective form of
organizing as well as fostering a supportive 1.What are the UC SHS students' perception on
network for activism, were crucial to help youth Online Movements?
face challenges that accompanied their political
action. Specific challenges included dealing with 2.What are the UC SHS students' motivation in
criticism from peers as well as prejudices and engaging to Online Movements?
fear expressed by the general population (Coe,
Wiklund, Uttjek and Nygren 2016).Murthy 3.What are the effects of Online Movements to
(2018) state that activist organizations are UC SHS students?
increasingly seeing the value of social media for
recruitment, public engagement, and campaign
semi-structured interview was conducted once and secondary themes and codes were identified.
the consent form was signed. Afterwards, the In order to further explain these themes and
gathered data from the interviews were recorded, codes, three classification were employed.
transcribed, analyzed, and interpreted.
The first classification is the perception of the
Limitations of the Study UC-SHS Students towards online movements.
This classification came up with two sub-themes
The primary limitation to the generalization of which is online movements as a means to
these results is limited access to data. It faced amplify voices and online movements as a
the problem of having limited access to the source of knowledge. Meanwhile, the motivation
participants. Nonetheless, the researchers of the UC-SHS Students is classified as the
worked for it so, the finding is still reliable and second. This classification is basically the
validated despite this limitation. driving force why they participated in such
activities. This classification were able to create
Analysis of Findings two sub-themes which is to take actions and
providing potential solutions and to be an agent
The data was analyzed using thematic analysis. of change. On the other hand, the third
Braun and Clarke (2006) state that thematic classification is the effects of online movements
analysis is "a method for identifying, analyzing to UC-SHS students. Its two themes are first, it
and reporting patterns within data." (p.79). develops Receptivity and second it develops
Moreover, this method is usually applied to eloquence.
written works or outputs such as interview
transcripts and the like (Caulfield, 2019). With PERCEPTION OF UC SHS STUDENTS IN
this, the researchers examined the data to
determine common themes that are repeatedly Figure 1 shows the perception of UC SHS
stated such as topics and ideas. students in Online Movements.
Online Movements As A Means To Amplify Majority of the participants affirm that online
Voice movements are ways to help someone become
more informed and aware regarding social and
Majority of the participants affirm that online political issues.
movements amplify voices. This helps
everyone's voice be heard. This theme is exemplified in the succeeding
statements. Participant I explained:
This theme is exemplified in the succeeding
statement. Participant B stated that: "The importance of an online
movement is that, they have a definite
"I believe that one importance of online role in changing the political,
movement is that it amplifies the voice educational, health and other
of those who are oppressed in our institutional platforms and provide a
society." better understanding of the society."
This was further supported by the claim of This means that online movements provide a
Participant E who stated that: greater knowledge about the society.
"One voice cannot be heard so in order This was further supported by the claim of
to relay the message, we use social Participant A who stated that:
media platforms such as Facebook,
Twitter and Instagram which is "There is only so much you can do with
globally known in order to get online activism. Like I've said, the real
attention." fight is on the streets. But to the extent
of my capabilities, I can help educate
This means that different social media platforms more people about social injustices and
are very powerful tools in order to reach out situations through online movements.
broader audiences and hear the voices of people. That way, more people can be
encouraged to stand and fight for these
This supports the argument of Maryville
University (n.d.) The power of social media can
amplify voices, instantaneously spread This means that through online movements, they
information, and increase collaboration across can help enlighten more people about social
diverse groups of people. Additionally, Auxier, injustices.
B. & Mcclain C. (2020) stated that about two-
thirds of Americans say the statements “social In other words, the aforesaid statement implies
media highlight important issues that might not that online movements contribute broader
get a lot of attention otherwise” (65%) and information about what's happening in our
“social media help give a voice to society. This supports the theory of McCaughey
underrepresented groups. In addition, Moore- and Ayers (2003) call "online activism," as an
Gilbert's theory (2018) state that the emergence increasingly popular and effective way of
of the Internet has dramatically changed the way sharing information and organizing people to
humans interact with their social environment express resistance. Specifically, online activism
and has increased the pluralism of voices within can help organize people, initiate and mobilizer
the public sphere by providing a space for crowds, and provide the possibility to organize
protesters and nonmainstream organizations to events. Hence, online activism is an effective
articulate their opinions and to mobilize. way of getting reliable information about the
current problems and issues.
Online Movements As A Source Of Knowledge
In addition, Dordevic and Zezelj (2016) To Take Actions And Provide Potential
discovered in their study that online activism is a Solutions
proof that the Internet has changed the ways and
conditions of activism. Especially over the last Majority of the participants affirm that they
three decades, online activism has become engage in online movements for the reason that,
increasingly prevalent for political participation they wanted to contribute in the society by
via sharing information, connecting people, and providing actions and potential solutions in
mobilizing crowds to express their discontent. different social and political issues.
Moreover, online activism also uses the This theme is exemplified in the succeeding
advantage of the Web for presenting information statements. Participant A explained that:
in much livelier and attractive ways online. The
"When I started to become more open
Internet allows organizations to communicate
minded about the injustices our country
directly with their audiences, bypassing the
faces, the only way I could actually see
mechanisms and commercial bias of the
myself helping was to learn about these
mainstream media (Nduhura & Prieler, 2017).
issues and speak out online. To the
Overall, online movements contribute a broader extent of my capabilities, I can help
information that expounds our knowledge about educate more people about social
the phenomena in our country. injustices and situations through online
This supports the claim of Gervais E. (2015) that positive, constructive solution. Additionally,
the properties of Social Network Website may Kontny (2017) states that young activists are
help encourage interpersonal interaction, looking to change the world not only by
broaden social ties, and provide valuable institutional politics but through a cultural
information about how to become civically and emphasis. In other words, the young generation
politically involved. Moreover, Anderson, have found ways to express their stories by
M. ,Toor, S., Rainie, L. & Smith, A. (2018) producing and circulating their own media.
states that In the past year, 34% of Americans Today’s youth is capable of setting a new
have taken part in a group on social media that agenda and framing their own message. As
shares an interest in an issue or cause, while a Sherestova and Jenkins conclude: “for this youth,
similar share (32%) says they have encouraged cultural is the gateway into the political. They
others to take action on an issue that is important are seeking political change by any media
to them. necessary”.
listen to and consider other people's ideologies. This theme is exemplified in the succeeding
statement. Participant K stated that:
This theme is exemplified in the succeeding
statement. Participant K stated that: “Dahil sa Online movements, naging
mas expressive ako.Nailalabas ko yung
“Mas naging open ako sa ideologies nararamdaman ko at pinaniniwalaan ko
ko—sa mga pinaniniwalaan ko.Dahil sa and I stand with it.”
Online Movements, nagkaroon ako ng
mas strong na prinsipyo. [ I became This was further supported by the claim of
more open about my ideologies—the Participant E who explained that
things I believe in. Because of online
movements, I had a stronger principle.]” “Online movements made me more
expressive when I felt the need to
This was further supported by the claim of express something. It guides me to
Participant A who explained that: express what is right and to ignore what
is wrong. I become more expressive
“My eyes were openned to things that than before .There is an adrenalin rush
have happened and is happening that really drives me to fight for what is
outside the comfort of my own bubble right.”
as a person of my social class. I have
become more open minded to learn and This supports the claim of Anonymous (n.d)
unlearn my beliefs and habits that do who explains that Demonstrations and protests
not benefit anyone but myself. And can be uplifting and empowering and can help
most definitely, I have become more students feel like they are part of a larger
critical about the things that are taught movement. It enables students to express
to me in school and everywhere else.” themselves and publicly convey what's
happening while meeting and connecting with
The aforesaid statements support the claim of other people who feel passionate about the same
Swank (2012) who stated that Many sorts of issues.
contextual and institutional settings can make
people predisposed or receptive to political Overall, it implies that, through engaging in
activism. Open-minded cognition affects models Online Movements, student can be more
of political activism and provides early evidence eloquent in expressing their concern about social
for how open-mindedness may directly affect or political issues with nothing more than the
political activism (Osteen, 2019). click of a mouse.
Online Movements Develop Eloquence From the findings and discussion, it is proper to
conclude that the objectives of the study were
Majority of the participants affirm that through achieved. As aforementioned in the introduction,
online movements, they can clearly and the objective of the study is to determine and
powerfully express their thoughts and ideologies. understand the underlying reasons why UC SHS
students are engaged in online movements.
First, the findings of the study indicates that UC those who are engaged in this through surveys
SHS students’ perception of online movement is and census.
that, it is one of the means to amplify voices.
This means that it is a very powerful tool in
order to reach out broader audience and hear the
voices of people. Also, it is a source of
knowledge. It provides a greater information
about our society’s issues.
You are being invited to participate in a research study entitled “Cyber Activism: The Engagement of UC
SHS students in Online Movements." This study being conducted byHUMSS C-Group 3 aims to determine
and understand the underlying reasons why UC SHS students are engaged in online movements.
The information you'll provide will determine the perceptions, motivation of UC SHS students in engaging
in online movements and its effects. The interview will take about 10-20minutes.The information collected
may not benefit you directly, but the information learned in this study should provide more general benefits
to you and the community.
The data collection conducted follows an ethical procedure wherein your identity will be considered
anonymous. This will assure you that no one will be able to identify you or associate your answers to your
identity. Likewise, no one will know whether or not you participated in this study. Should the data be
published or disseminated, no individual information will be disclosed. Your participation in this study is
voluntary. Should you wish to withdraw from the study, you may verbalize your intent to the researches
and/or return the unfinished questionnaire.
In case of an injury or any health related concerns during the data gathering, the researchers will be
assisting the respondent to the nearest clinic or medical facility.
If you have any questions about the study, please contact:
Q. What comes into your mind when you hear the word "Online Movements?"
A. Online movements for social protests done through the internet, especially in social mediaplatforms.
Though, they are not limited to these platforms as some movements may have particular websites solely
dedicated for information on these movements and participatory actions.
A. With all the risks and restrictions of going out, most things have become much more convenient to do
online. Activism however, isn't necessarily one of those things. But this doesn'tmean putting it aside just
because the real fight is on the streets. When I started to become more open minded about the injustices
our country faces, the only way I could actually see myself helping was to learn about these issues and
speak out online. So I took that opportunity
and have been taking every opportunity I can to maximize what I have and what I can do to help.
A. From my own experiences, online movements are a way to educate the people on social andpolitical
issues, especially now that what most people do is just stay online. As most people mayalso have more
freedom to express themselves on the internet, online movements can pave way for more people to voice
out their opinions on these issues.
A. To be frank, I have days when I don't feel like preoccupying myself with organizational work. Days
when I take what I have for granted. But at the end of the day, what I try to keep in mind iswhy I joined
my organization in the first place, that there are people who don't have the luxury ofhaving something to
be taken for granted. The people, the masses, who need our help throughout our society of the seemingly
unending injustices that we are confronted with.
Q. What are the Online Movements you participated in (BLM, Me Too Movement, etc.) and why did you
participated in such movement
A. The Online Movements I have participated in are "Junk Terror Bill and Law, Rise for Education, Free
all political prisoners, and Stand for Foreigners and Defend UP among others."The issues regarding this
movements pertain to the injustices of our country that neither inhumane nor torelable. As these are done
through social media, these issues need all the attention they can get. And I know that the smallest hub of
exposure I give by sharing posts andspeaking out will help someone become more informed and aware of
these matters as it has helped me.
Q. What do you think will be your greatest achievement in engaging in online movements?
A. There is only so much you can do with online activism. Like I said, the real fight is on the streets. But
to the extent of my capabilities, I can help educate more people about social injustices and situations
through online movements. That way, more people can be encouraged to stand and fight for these
A. My eyes were openned to things that have happened and is happening outside the comfortof my own
bubble as a person of my social class. I have become more open minded to learn and unlearn my beliefs
and habits that do not benefit anyone but myself. And most definitely, I have become more critical
about the things that are taught to me in school and everywhere else.
Q. What are the effects of Online Movements in the way you socialize or interact withothers?
A. I have become more sensitive and compassionate about other people and their situations. Ihave also
tried to the best of my abilities to educate my friends about what I learned as an activist.
A.I used to be very neutral and quiet about social issues. I started to become more politicallyactive on social
media. Though, I was able to slowly push myself towards this change in my perception of things and not
force myself to join protest and movement without proper knowledge of what they are and what they stand
Q. What comes into your mind when you hear the word "Online Movements?"
B. When I hear the word Online movement, the first thing that comes into my mind is its something that
most of the younger people engage in, to voice out their thoughts and opinion because it serves as an
instrument for them to fight for what is right.
B. Engaging in this kind of activity motivates me to always fight for the truth and what is right.
B. I believe that one importance of online movement is that it amplifies the voice of those who are
oppressed in our society.
B. What drives me to engage in online movements is that I want to be someone who stands forthe people
who can't fight for themselves.
Q. What are the Online Movements you participated in (BLM, Me Too Movement, etc.) and why did you
participated in such movement
B. The #ijaako movement was a stepping stone to revitalize the fight of women against rapeculture and
victim blaming, and as a part of the female population here in the Philippines, I participated in it.
Q. What do you think will be your greatest achievement in engaging in online movements?
B. I think it’s the feeling of satisfaction that I was able to stand for what is right and fight for thosewho are
experiencing injustices.
B. It exposes to the injustices of our society and made me comprehend my thoughts andperspective about
one situation.
Q. What are the effects of Online Movements in the way you socialize or interact withothers?
B. It made me more cautious about how I express my opinion about something because maybewe don't
have the same judgement and I don’t want them to feel that I’m invalidating their beliefs.
Q. How does online movement affect your way of expression?
B. It makes me comprehend first the situation before saying and expressing my thoughts aboutit
Q. What comes into your mind when you hear the word "Online Movements?"
C. The only thing that comes into my mind whenever I hear the word online movement is that, it is an
online protest or an internet activism where in a lot of individuals unite and spread information using
different social media platforms or websites in order to educate, spread awareness and alarm the public
especially the government to at least hear them out, think for what is the best and make an action or a
potential solution to the specific problem or the issue that people shout about.
C. I am an online activist for now since this pandemic we can go out and the only things that we can do is
to engage or join an online movement through online itself through the internet to still make a change or
to still help for those who needs help.
C. I think the importance of online movements are first, it allows the public or the people in a community
to voice out their concerns, their problems and the issues that need to be heard by the government or the
authorities and second is that, online movement is another way for us to make a change.
C. It is because of the help that I am able to do even in this young age since ever since I was a kid I’ve
encountered a lot of in justices and an unfair challenges and issues. And now, I want to make a change. I
want to help the others– the people that leaves help devices that needs to be heard so I’ve decided to join
in online movement so that I could still help.
Q. What are the Online Movements you participated in (BLM, Me Too Movement, etc.) andwhy did you
participated in such movement
C. The online movement I've participated in are the BLM or the Black Lives Matter movement and the
#SaveSierraMadreNoToKaliwaDam. The reason why I participated in such online movement was
[because] this issues can cause or caused a really big impact to the society particularly to the people who
were involved to the issue like the black people being discriminated by those racist monsters of the
society. They need to be treated equally and mostly to be treated as a human being they do not deserve to
be treated like an animal or a trash in this world especially if they didn't to anything bad or hurt
someone, they have rights and they deserve a real justice too. And also in Kaliwa Dam, this project
violates the legal processes and the Philippine Constitution and it’s very destructive to the Environment
and it is also against the country’s national interest.
Q. What do you think will be your greatest achievement in engaging in online movements?
C. I think the greatest achievement for me in engaging into this online movement is thecontribution itself
that I did for change or to help the people especially here in our country. Being such a contributor or one
of those who help the ones who needs help is really a greatachievement for me.
C. Online movement has a negative and positive impact to me as a students, it is good since through
online movement we can spread a lot of information or educate the other people about the specific issue
that needs to be solved and it helps to express our thoughts and ideas about the issues occurring in our
country. [However] It has a bad impact to me as a student because i make use a lot of pressure and
sometimes I feel like I’m kind of scared since somebody can hate or “bash” me about my thoughts about
that specific issue.
Q. What are the effects of Online Movements in the way you socialize or interact withothers?
C. The effects of online movements in the way I socialize with others because of joining or engaging with
different people online is that, I may be more confident or give me knowledge about a particular problem
and because of online movement, I learned how to approach and to communicate with other people
properly and nicely without being rude.
C. Online movement affected my way of expressions by making me more real while expressing my
thoughts and ideas everytime I communicate with the different people or it made me more confident and
consistent about the information or the expressions that I’m telling and showing and also it enhances my
focusing skills and because of that, I didn't easily distracted.
Q. What comes into your mind when you hear the word “Online Movements?”
D. Online social movements are organized efforts to push for a particular goal through the use of new
communications and information technologies, such as the Internet.
Q: What are the Online Movements you participated in (BLM, Me Too Movement, etc.) andwhy did you
participated in such movement?
D. The Online Movement that I participated [in] is BLM [Movement] or the Black Live Matter Movement.
I joined in this movement because we need to stop the racism towards to the black people.
Q: What do you think will be your greatest achievement in engaging to online movements?
D. I am an activist because I was inspired by others to do so, that's why my greatest achievement is when
I am able to inspire others to also speak for what is right especially for the marginalized.
D. The impact of Online Movements to me as a student is that it's an eye opener for me to see what's right
and wrong.
Q. What are the effects of Online Movements in the way you socialize or interact withothers?
Q. What comes into your mind when you hear the word “Online Movements?”
E. For me, online movement is kind of like a protest but is done through the use of technology.Just like
any other movements, this also aims to point out something that is lacking from the society. Netizens
come together and fight for what we think is right and just.
Q: What are the Online Movements you participated in (BLM, Me Too Movement, etc.) andwhy did you
participated in such movement?
E. Go 7. Helping those people who is in needs by Jesus is such a blessing and to be a soulwinner of
it. I believe that it will have a great reward to those who are helping unbelievers to become closer
with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Q. What do you think will be your greatest achievement in engaging to online movements?
E. To achieve justice and what is right for people.
Q. What are the effects of Online Movements in the way you socialize or interact withothers?
E. Online movements made me more interactive with other people. For me, it is empoweringfor some
reasons to speak your points and opinions out.
D. Online movements made me more expressive when I felt the need to express something. It guides me to
express what is right and to ignore what is wrong. I become more expressive thanbefore .There is an
adrenalin rush that really drives me to fight for what is right.
Q. What comes into your mind when you hear the word “Online Movements?”
F. Based on my own understanding, online movements are actions to support a particular goalthrough the
use of online platforms.
F. Activists play an important role in bringing about social change. To be able to solve problemsand
improve our community. It is important to join or support online movements.
Q. What are the Online Movements you participated in (BLM, Me Too Movement, etc.) andwhy did you
participated in such movement?
F. #FEEDSUPPER. I believe that this campaign helps the people specifically the homeless people. We
advocate this one just to help people who are in need to be able for them to survivein life.
Q. What do you think will be your greatest achievement in engaging to online movements?
F. My greatest achievement is that, to help my community to promote change.
Q. What are the effects of Online Movements in the way you socialize or interact withothers?
F. It enables us to share our thoughts with other people about a particular issue.
Q. What comes into your mind when you hear the word "Online Movements?"
G. Online Movement refers to an act of something positive through the course of using theinternet.
Q. What are the Online Movements you participated in (BLM, Me Too Movement, etc.) andwhy did you
participated in such movement
G. I will only give one movement that I had participated in—that is the Black Lives Matter. To
participate in this movement could help individuals who has racial problems. Racism is one ofthe most
significant issue this world ever had. Participating in this can result into greater changes.
Q. What do you think will be your greatest achievement in engaging in online movements?
G. Seeing individuals realize the real objective and what online movements truly stand for arethe greatest
achievement in engaging in these movements.
Q. What are the effects of Online Movements in the way you socialize or interact withothers?
G. Socializing or Interacting with others can be difficult sometimes. Online Movements helped to
overcome this things, helped me widen my view of things and made me become the bigger person.
G. My way of expressions became more open and free to the point that I can grasp myselfthrough every
Q. What comes into your mind when you hear the word "Online Movements?"
H. Online movements for me is when using internet for communication and learning purposes.
H. Few of the Online Movements that I have joined is the #BlackLivesMatter protest to end racial
discrimination against people of color, #StopTheKillings and #EndPoliceBrutality to putabusive
authorities accountable.
Q. What do you think will be your greatest achievement in engaging in online movements?
H. My greatest achievement in participating into Online Movements is witnessing a change andour goal
was fulfilled.
Q. What are the effects of Online Movements in the way you socialize or interact withothers?
H. One probable effect of Online Movements on how I interact with others is that it creates abond, a
feeling of instant connection if we share the same ideology or thoughts. As for the people whose
opinions oppose mine, it may be a huge boundary and will lead to a bland relationship.
These kinds of activity can be heard and brings a high chance that the people above will grantthe outcries
of those below them
Q. What comes into your mind when you hear the word "Online Movements?"
I. When I hear the word "Online Movement" what comes into my mind is that, Social media
interaction to push for particular goals.
Q. What are the Online Movements you participated in (BLM, Me Too Movement, etc.) andwhy
did you participated in such movement
I. One online movement that I joined was the "Me too movement", for it was a good social
movement against sexual harassment and sexual abuse.
Q. What do you think will be your greatest achievement in engaging in online movements?
I. My greatest achievement in engaging to online movements is that, I may help other people.
I. As a student, the impact of online movement to me is that it makes me feel better and it's
myway of comfort.
Q. What are the effects of Online Movements in the way you socialize or interact withothers?
I. The effect of online movement in the way I socialize or interact with others is that, it
boostsmy confidence and pushes me to bring out my inner self.
Q. What comes into your mind when you hear the word ‘‘Online Movements’’?
J. For me, online movements is participating in online rally. For example, the 15 billion
corruption inPhilhealth.
J. Online Movements makes the people open their eyes to see the society today and help them to
makesolutions to resolve it.
Q. What are the Online Movements you participated in (BLM, Me Too Movement, etc.)and
why did you participated in such movement?
J. I participated in Black Lives Matter. It doesn’t only benefit the Blacks but also it benefit us.
Because of my color and ethnicity, I was discriminated by my classmates.
Q. What do you think will be your greatest achievement in engaging to online movements ?
J. My greatest achievement is we will be able to stop the discrimination between pure and
J. As a HUMSS student, online movements makes me confident to speak to all of the people.
Q. What are the effects of Online Movements in the way you socialize or interact with others?
J. I became open in socializing because I found out that there are many people like me.
Q. What comes into your mind when you hear the word ‘‘Online Movements’’?
K. For me, online movement is a movement through internet na usually ginagamit ng mga
GenZ for awareness, for educating people sa mga hindi kayang mailabas sa media. Ginagamit
angplatform na ito para maibigay yung uncensored messages at para malaman nila yung mga
nangyayari na finafabricate ng media.
K. Kasi given sa mga nangyayari ngayon, mga issues regarding the government, sa extra
judicial killings, pagpatay sa mga lawyers,siguro yun na yung calling for me para hindi lang
umupo dito at itolerate yung mga ginagawa ng mga nakaupo. Ito'y para mabigyan sila ng
signna Philippines is still a democratic country. Hindi dapat tayo " ina-under."
K. Importante siya kasi mas madaling naicocommunicate yung advocacy ko. Mas madali siyang
maspread online kasi part na siya sa buhay ng tao.
Q. What is your driving force in engagong to Online Movements?
K. Gaya ng sinabi ko kanina, yung mga unlawful acts ng mga oligarchs. Yung killings,
yung paggamit ng ibang police ng kanilang power to oppress other people. Kaya yun yung
drivingforce. Dun ko nakita na kailangan kong gumalaw.
Q. What are the Online Movements you participated in (BLM, Me Too Movement, etc.)and
why did you participated in such movement?
K. Usually sa school lang e. Pero sa National, sa buong Pilipinas, yung Anti war on drugs (yung
extra judicial killings).
Q. What do you think will be your greatest achievement in engaging to online movements ?
K. Yung bagay na gusto mong maipaalam sa tao ay matanggap nila at mainflunce sila na iopen
yung mind nila regarding sa mga nangyayari. Yun yung greatest achievement ng mga Cyber
activist, ang maibigay ang advocacy at sumunod yung tao sa movement na iyon.
K. As a student, mas naging vocal ako. Kapag may mga bagay nakita kong hindi maganda,
nasasabi ko siya. Yun yung characteristic ng isang activist, dapat vocal siya.
Q. What are the effects of Online Movements in the way you socialize or interact with others?
K. Mas naging open ako sa ideologies ko, sa mga pinaniniwalaan ko.Dahil sa Online
Movements, nagkaroon ako ng mas strong na prinsipyo.
This study aims to determine and understand the underlying reasons why UC SHS
students are engaged in Online Movements.
With this, we would like to ask for your permission to participate in our interview
session that may last for 10 minutes to 20 minutes. Please feel free to ask for clarifications and
express your concerns anytime of this interview.
Participant’s Demographics Age: Religion:
Civil Status:
Concept Questions
1. What comes into your mind when you
hear the word ‘‘online movements’’?
Perception 2. Why are you an online activist?
3. What do you think are the importance
of Online Movements?
4. What is your driving force in engaging to
Online Movements?
5. What are the Online Movements you
participated in (BLM, Me Too Movement,
etc.) and why did you participated in such
Motivation movement?
6. What do you think will be your greatest
achievement in engaging to online
movements ?
7. What are the impacts of Online
Movements to you as a student?
8. What are the effects of Online
Effects Movements in the way you socialize or
interact with others?
9. How does online movements affect your
way of expression?
Feedbacks Is there anything that you might want to add
that can benefit this study?
Remarks Thank you for participating in this
interview session.
Achievement(s)/ Awards:
University of the Cordilleras (2019-2020)
With Honors
Citizenship : Filipino
Achievement(s)/ Awards:
Achievement(s)/ Awards
Citizenship : Filipino
Citizenship :Filipino
:Imelda Marcos, Baguio City
Permanent Address
: April 9, 2003
: Baguio City
Place of Birth
: Filipino
: Filipino & English
Languages Spoken
:Baguio Central University (2014-2015)
Elementary Bonifacio St., Baguio City
:Roxas National High School (2018-2019)
Junior High School Ben Palispis Highway, Baguio City
: University of the Cordilleras (2020-2021)
Senior High School Governor Pack Rd., Baguio City
Achievement(s)/ Awards:
Citizenship : Filipino
: Quezon Hill Elementary School (2014-2015)
Elementary Middle Quezon Hill, Baguio City
: Quezon Hill National High School (2018-2019)
Junior High School Middle Quezon Hill, Baguio City
: University of the Cordilleras (2020-2021)
Senior High School Governor Pack Rd., Baguio City
Achievement(s)/ Awards:
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