BBA III & IV Semester New Syllabus 26-5-2017
BBA III & IV Semester New Syllabus 26-5-2017
BBA III & IV Semester New Syllabus 26-5-2017
Module 1: (6 Hrs)
Transportation Problem: Meaning, Solution By North - West Corner Ru1e, Column minimum,
Row Minima, Matrix Minima And Vogel's Approximation Methods, Testing For Optimality.
Assignment Problems: Meaning, Initial solution (HUNGERIAN METHOD),Optimal solution,
Maximization Problem as assignment problem.
Game Theory: Pure Strategy, Mixed Strategy, Saddle Point, A Solution Of Game by Graphical
Method, Rules Of Dominance, 2xn & nx2 games. Merit & Demerits Of Game Theory.
Module 5: (4 Hrs)
Module 6: (4 Hrs)
Network Analysis:
Activity, event, drawing network, critical path method, Finding total float and free float.
PERT & CPM Analysis.
Note: Extra 10 hours devoted for activities like seminars, GD, Projects, Role-plays,
Management Games, Tests and tutorials.
Suggested Reading:
Product Related Strategies, Product and Product Mix, Product Line, New Product Development –
Brief Idea, Branding – Brief Idea, Packaging and labeling.
Product Life Cycle Concepts, Introduction Stage, Growth Stage, Maturity Stage/Saturation
Decline, Marketing Strategies in all the Stages.
Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions Selecting Pricing Objectives, Selecting Pricing Method: Cost
Based And Competition Based, Pricing Strategies - New Product Pricing Strategies Product Mix
Pricing, Price Adjustment Strategies, Initiating And Responding To Price Changes.
Channels of Distribution Meaning and Types
Wholesale Channel, Retail Channel and Direct Selling, Selling Through Agents, (2PL, 3PL)
Functions of each Intermediator.
Channel Design Decisions: Channel Conflicts, Reasons and Remedies, VMS, HMS AND Multiple
Marketing System.
Introduction to Logistic Information System.
Promotion Mix, Advertising Sales Promotion, Public Relations And Personal Selling Advertising
– Meaning, Types In Media,
Sales Promotion: Meaning Purpose and Tools
Public Relations- Meaning and Tools
Personal Selling, Meaning and Process.
Use of Technology in Marketing
Note: Extra 10 hours devoted for activities like Seminars, GD, Projects, Role-Plays,
Management Games etc.
Objective: To acquaint the students with computer fundamentals and provide a thorough
knowledge on using Office packages and Internet
Course Contents:
Module 1: Computer Fundamentals (06 Hrs)
Evolution of Computers, History and Generation of Computers, Types of Computers,
Classification of Computers, Characteristics and Uses or Computers, Basic Structure of Computer
Input Devices, Output Devices, Processing Module and Memory, Computer Memory - Primary &
Secondary Memory, Diagram of Floppy Disk, CD-ROM. Introduction to Operating, System
Function of Operating System, Types of Operating System.
Practical Journal
10 Practical Assignments each on Word Processing, Spreadsheets, and Presentations
Suggested Reading:
1. Computer Application In Business -Dr. S. Sudalaimuthu & Mr. S. Anthony Raj.
2. Computer Fundamentals -V. Rajaramanna.
3. Introduction to Computer -Sanjay Saxena .
Semester III
W.e.f. academic year 2014-15 & onwards
Course Contents
Module 1: (08 Hrs)
Concept of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship – Meaning – Types – Qualities of an Entrepreneur –
Classification of Entrepreneurs – Factors influencing Entrepreneurship – Functions
of Entrepreneur. Role of Entrepreneur in economic growth of a nation.
Note: Extra 10 hours devoted for activities like Seminars, GD, Projects, Role-Plays,
Management Games etc.
Suggested Reading:
Financial management- Meaning, Nature, Scope, and objectives. Profit Vs Wealth maximization.
Finance decisions and their inter-relationship. Relationship with other Functional areas of the
business. Organization of finance function, Role of finance manager, Significance.
Financial Planning- Meaning, Objectives, Factors affecting financial planning, Steps, Principles of
sound financial planning, Advantages and disadvantages. Capitalization-meaning, Types-fair, over
and under capitalization, Causes, Evils and remedies of under & over capitalization. (Theory and
Cost of capital -Meaning, Types and significance. Computation of specific cost of capital: Cost of
equity, Cost of preference shares, Cost of retained earnings and cost of debt. Computation of
weighted average cost of capital, Book value weights and market value weights.
Capital structure-Meaning and determinants of capital structure. Optimum capital structure. EBIT-
EPS analysis (Problems). (No theories of capitalization)
Working Capital - Meaning - Factors - Types – Estimation of Working capital on basis of Current
Assets and Current Liabilities.
Note: Extra 10 hours devoted for activities like Seminars, GD, Projects, Role-Plays,
Management Games etc.
1. Principles of Financial Management-S.N. Maheshwari, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
2. Fundamentals of Financial Management-Sharma & Gupta, Kalyan Publishers, NewDelli
3. Fundamental of Financial Management-Vanhorne, PHI, New Delhi.
4. Elements of Financial Management-S.N. Maheshwari, Sultan Chand & Sons
5. Principles of Financial Management-Shashi Gupta, R.K. Gupta & Neeti Gupta, Kalyani
6. Theory and Problems in Financial Management-M.Y. Khan & P.K. Jain.
7. Principles of Financial Management-A.D. Bhat.
8. Management Accounting-M. E. Thukaram, New age International Publications
9. Financial Management-G.Sudarshan Reddy, Himalaya Publishing House.
10. Essentials of Financial Management-I.M. Pandey, Vikas Publishing House Ltd.
Note: Extra 10 hours devoted for activities like Seminars, GD, Projects, Role-Plays,
Management Games etc.
Suggested Reading:
(80 Marks per paper of three hours) (20 Marks for I.A)
Text Book:
Objective: To acquaint the students with the knowledge and role Of Management information
systems and decision making process in any organization.
Course Contents:
Definition of MIS,
Distinction between Data and Information
Information and Management
Definition of System
Characteristics of Systems
Types of Systems
Negative Feedback and Entropy
Definitions of DSS
Structure of DSS
Applications of DSS
Introduction to E-learning
Learning Management Systems
Learning Content Management Systems
Visit an organization, conduct an organizational study and analyze the role of MIS, various
decision making process in various levels of hierarchy in the organization.
A report has to be prepared and presented. A viva-voce to be conducted for evaluation of the
Suggested Reading:
1. Management Information Systems -Waman Jawadekar, McGraw Hill
2. Management Information Systems Text and Cases -Dr. Milind Oka, Everest Publishing
Module 1: (8 Hrs)
Introduction: What Is Marketing Research? Marketing Research And Market Research Application
And Limitations, Marketing Research Department, The Research Industry (Indian Scenario)
Careers In Marketing Research.
Module 2: (8 Hrs)
The Research Process and Research Design, Steps in Research Design Process, Potentials Errors
Affecting Research Design.
Module 5: ( 8 Hrs)
Sampling Process; Census V/S Sample, Characteristics of a Good Sample, the Sampling Process,
and Types of Sampling Process, Sample Size Determination. Methods of Determining Sample Size
Module 6: ( 6 Hrs)
Data Reduction and Univariate Analysis: Coding, Elimination of Incomplete Responses, Null and
Alternate Hypothesis, Type I and Type II Error, Need for Testing Hypothesis.
Usage of T-Test, Z-Test, Chi-Square Test, F-Test. Marketing Research Reports: Preparing the
Written Report.
Note: Extra 10 hours devoted for activities like Seminars, GD, Projects, Role-Plays,
Management Games etc.
Suggested Reading:
1. Marketing Research Measurement and Method -Donald and Dell Hawkins - Prentice Hall
India 1998.
| ASPCC/BBA/3 & 4 Sem./2017-18
2. Marketing Research -G.C. Beri - Prentice Hall India.2000.
Semester IV
W.e.f. academic year 2017-18 & onwards
Introduction, Nature and Scope of Cost Accounting, Distinction between Cost and Financial
Elements of Cost, Classification of Cost, Cost Sheet (Problems on output Costing, Tenders &
Marginal Costing - Meaning, Contribution, P.V. Ratio, Margin of Safety, BEP (No Detail
Analysis). Theory on Application of Marginal Costing for Decision Making.
Note: Extra 10 hours devoted for activities like Seminars, GD, Projects, Role-Plays,
Management Games etc.
Suggested Reading:
1. Cost Accounting -Jain & Narang - Kalyani Publication.
2. Cost Accounting -Nigam & Sharma - Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
3. Cost Accounting -Pattanshetti & Palekar - S Chand & Co, Delhi.
4. Practical Costing -M.N. Arora - S Chand & Co. Delhi.
| ASPCC/BBA/3 & 4 Sem./2017-18
Semester IV
Note: Extra 10 hours devoted for activities like Seminars, GD, Projects, Role-Plays,
Management Games etc.
Suggested Reading:
1. Human Resource Management -Dr Saini &. S.A. Khan - Sage Publication Ltd.
2. Human Resource Management -P Subbaroa - Himalaya Publishing Co, Mumbai
3. Human Resource Management -C V Subramaniam, S C.
4. Human Resource Management -Subhash Garg & S C Jain - Arihant Publication, Jaipur
Individual Determinants of CB
Perception: meaning, definition, factor affecting perception, process, perceived risk and types,
effects of perception in consumer behavior.
Learning: meaning, components of learning process, types of learning process, low involvement
learning theory.
Personality: meaning, definition, nature of personality, types of personality, personality influence
on consumer behavior.
Attitudes and behavior: meaning, definition, nature of attitude, factor involved in attitude
formation, effects of attitude on consumer behavior.
Motivation: meaning, definition, Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, effects of motivation on
consumer behavior.
Social Processes
Influence of social Class – culture, Sub-culture.
Consumer Decision Making Process: meaning, Industrial buying process, Types of decision
making, Diffusion and Innovation. The Adoption Process, Opinion Leadership.
Meaning, Consumerism in India, reasons for Consumerism, consumer Protection Act 1986:
objectives, rights of consumer, Social responsibilities of a Business Organization towards
Note: Extra 10 hours devoted for activities like Seminars, GD, Projects, Role-Plays,
Management Games etc.
Suggested Reading:
1. Consumer Behaviour - L.G. Schiffman & L. L. Kanuk - Pub: Prentice Hall India
2. Marketing Management - Kotler – PHI
3. Consumer Behaviour - Suja R Nair - Pub: HPH
Closing the Project- Types of project termination, Termination procedure & evaluation of
termination possibilities.
Note: Extra 10 hours devoted for activities like Seminars, GD, Projects, Role-Plays,
Management Games etc.
Suggested Reading:
1. Project-Planning-Analysis-Selection-Implementation and Review - Prasanna Chandra -
TATA Mc Graw Hill Publishing Co.
2. Indian Capital Market - V.A. Avadhani - Himalaya Publishing.
3. Financial Management - R.P. Rustagi.
4. Financial Management - Ravi M. Kishore.
(80 Marks per paper of three hours) (20 Marks for I.A)
Text Book: