Parameter Estimation in The Huff Model: Pij SJ Dij / SJ Dij
Parameter Estimation in The Huff Model: Pij SJ Dij / SJ Dij
Parameter Estimation in The Huff Model: Pij SJ Dij / SJ Dij
By David L. Huff
Editorʼs note: Dr. David L. Huff pioneered several spatial analysis techniques, most notably the Huff Model, which was introduced in 1963 in
an article in Land Economics entitled “A Probabilistic Analysis of Shopping Center Trade Areas.” The model has been used for tasks such as
predicting consumer spatial behavior, delineating trade areas, locating retail and service facilities, analyzing market performance, simulating
different market scenarios, and forecasting sales.
The Huff Model has endured the test of selling area to the distance from a consumerʼs out an accurate statistical assessment, analysts
time—more than 40 years. Its widespread residence to the store. Each of these variables are using the model to make predictions based
use by business and government analysts, as was weighted by an exponent (i.e., parameter)
well as academicians, throughout the world is that was estimated empirically by surveying
remarkable. With the development of GIS, the the shopping preferences of individuals in the
model has received even more attention. study area.
The modelʼs longevity can be attributed to It was posited that the size of the store was
its comprehensibility, relative ease of use, and more important for some products than oth-
its applicability to a wide range of problems. ers. Consequently, the value of the exponent
The model is conceptually appealing. Its logi- could be expected to be larger for these prod-
cal underpinning makes sense, and the output ucts. Conversely, the exponent for distance
can be communicated easily and understand- was assumed to be negative. Convenience
ably. The model is relatively easy to make op- products could be expected to have a larger
erational because the necessary computations exponent while specialty goods would have a
are straightforward once the values of the much smaller exponent. The probability that a
variables and the parameters have been speci- consumer located at i selecting store j can be
fied. Finally, its applicability to a wide range estimated using the formula in Figure 2. In this
of problems and its ability to predict outcomes
that would be difficult, if at all possible, with-
out the model have made its use widespread. Pij =Sj α Dij ß / ∑Sj α Dij ß
However, despite the general applicability Figure 2: Consumer store selection
of the model, it has not always been employed
correctly and its full potential has not been re- formula, Pijij is the probability of a consumer
alized. After a quick review of the model, the located at i choosing store j.. S Sj is the square
remainder of this article will address these two footage of store j; Dij ij is the distance from i
issues. to j; and a and b are parameters that were es-
timated based on the actual survey data. This
Review of the Model calculation was done using an approximation
The model is based on the premise of the solution since the application of conventional
probability that a person confronted with a statistical procedures was considered impos-
set of alternatives will select a particular item sible.
is directly proportional to the perceived util- Once the parameters were estimated, not
ity of each alternative. Choice behavior can only could the probabilities of patronage be
be viewed as probabilistic. As a result, it is estimated, but also the expected purchases
unlikely that any given alternative will be se- from subareas within the study area as shown
lected exclusively unless no other alternatives in Figure 3. In this scenario, Eij is the ex-
exist. This proposition can be expressed sym- pected purchases from area i to store j and Bik
bolically as shown in Figure 1. The probability is the amount budgeted by consumers in i for
that an individual (i) will select the alternative product k.
=Uj / ∑ Uj
Pij =Uj U Eij =Pij Bik
Figure 3: Patronage and purchases
j =1
Figure 1: Choice behavior Lack of Statistical Verification
Analysts using the Huff Model typically in-
(j) given the utility of j is relative to the sum of corporate some measure of accessibility (e.g.,
the utilities of all other choices (n) considered road distance, travel time, cost) as well as a
by individual (i). In order for the model to be variable that reflects the attraction of a given
applied, the utility of each alternative must be destination. The weights (i.e., parameters asso-
defined empirically. ciated with these variables) are often assigned
The first geographic application of the arbitrarily. They are rarely estimated statisti-
model was an attempt to predict consumer cally. As a result, the statistical significance
patronage patterns for different classes of of these variables is unknown. Obviously the
products. The utility of a store was defined as lack of statistically validated variables and pa-
the ratio of the square footage of the storeʼs rameters can produce erroneous results. With-
on unverifiable inputs. As a consequence, the perceived by some users to be much more dif- tive Marketing Effectiveness, 1988), have been
results are subject to error. ficult to calibrate because the model must be interested in this problem. This has resulted in
linearized with respect to its parameters before major breakthroughs that now make it possible
Why Calibration Is Omitted standard statistical estimation methods can be to use standard techniques such as ordinary
There are three reasons why more analysts applied. A number of researchers, including least squares for calibrating the model.
do not calibrate the model statistically. First, Lee G. Cooper and Masao Nakanishi (see The necessity (and the difficulty) of in-
the nonlinear properties of the model are Market-Share Analysis: Evaluating Competi- Continued on page 36