Christ's Ascension and His Retu - Charles Capps

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The key takeaways are that Jesus promised to prepare a place for believers in heaven and that He will return. His ascension and promised return provide hope and comfort for Christians.

Jesus promised His disciples that He would prepare a place for them in heaven and that He would come again to receive them.

Jesus appeared to His disciples for 40 days after His resurrection, teaching them about the kingdom of God.



The month of December is a time in

which we celebrate the birth of our Lord

Jesus Christ. That was His first coming

to earth in human flesh but let’s not

forget the end-time insight revealed in

His last days on earth.

He knew He was the Lamb of God,

the sin offering for all mankind but

when Jesus knew that His time to be

offered had come, He revealed some

vital information for this end-time


Let not your heart be troubled:

ye believe in God, believe also in

me. In my Father's house are many

mansions: if it were not so, I would

have told you. I go to prepare a

place for you. And if I go and

prepare a place for you, I will

come again, and receive you unto

myself; that where I am, there ye

may be also. And whither I go ye

know, and the way ye know. (John


Christ's Ascension and His Return

These words of Jesus are prophetic,

especially to this generation, for those

who don’t have a revelation of God’s

Word are truly troubled about the

chaotic condition of world affairs. At

the time of His betrayal, Jesus gave a

prophetic message of comfort to all

believers. He promised to prepare a

place for us in our Father’s house and

come again to receive us unto Himself

so we could be with Him in our Father’s


Notice His statement in verse 4: “...

whither I go ye know, and the way ye

know.” After His death, Jesus was seen

of them forty days; then they saw Him

as He was caught up, and a cloud

received Him out of their sight.

And when He had spoken these

things, while they beheld, he was

taken up; and a cloud received

Him out of their sight. And while

they looked steadfastly toward

heaven as He went up, behold, two

men stood by them in white

apparel... (Acts 1:9-10).

This has prophetic implications that

the Church (Body of Christ) will depart

the same way they saw Jesus go into

Christ's Ascension and His Return

heaven. We don’t know the time but the

indication is that it will be after the

2,000 years of determined time and God

is the Master timekeeper.

Those who believe God should also

believe those prophetic statements and

consider their implications carefully.

The stabilizing force for the righteous of

the earth is God’s Word which abides in

them. The stabilizing forces of the

Church are found in the prophetic

Scriptures. In John 17:24, just before

Jesus was betrayed, He prayed, “Father,

I will that they also, whom thou hast

given me, be with me where I am; that

they may behold my glory...”

This too is another confirmation of

His plan that the righteous shall be with

Him where He is now. When Jesus had

finished His work on earth and was

about to depart to be with His Father,

His disciples thought that He would

restore the kingdom of Israel.


When they therefore were

come together, they asked of Him,

saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time

Christ's Ascension and His Return

restore again the kingdom to

Israel? (Acts 1:6)

Jesus had given them inside

information which they didn’t

understand because of their own

preconceived ideas.

He told them He was going to

suffer, die, and be raised from the dead.

But at the time of His approaching

death, they were still arguing about who

would sit on His right and on His left

when He set up His Kingdom. (Mark


We find, in Acts chapter 1. that

after His resurrection, they were still

questioning Him concerning things to

come. He had appeared to them off and

on for forty days, and they thought

surely He would, at that time, set up His

Kingdom and restore Israel.


And He said unto them, It is

not for you to know the times or the

seasons, which the Father hath put

in His own power. (Acts 1:7)

Jesus made similar statements on

Christ's Ascension and His Return

several occasions (Mark 13:32,

Matthew 24:36).

The Scriptures reveal that it would

be presumptuous for anyone to try to set

exact dates for God’s pattern of events

that will end the age. However, the fact

that Elijah and Jesus knew the exact day

they were to be raptured would seem to

indicate that God may reveal this

information before the Rapture takes

place. Both Elijah and Jesus are profiles

of the Church.

But I want to reiterate that it is not

my purpose to try and set a date for the

Rapture, but rather point you to the

prophetic revelation which does

establish a general time frame for all

end-time events. In I Thessalonians 5:5,

Paul said that we are children of the day

and should not be in the dark

concerning the events that are about to

be fulfilled.

Jesus continued His answer by

shifting His emphasis to receiving the

Holy Spirit.

But ye shall receive power,

after that the Holy Ghost is come

upon you: and ye shall be

Christ's Ascension and His Return

witnesses unto Me both in

Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in

Samaria, and unto the uttermost

part of the earth. (Acts 1:8)

Jesus seemed to emphasize that

there was something more important

that had to transpire on earth before

God’s prophetic timetable would permit

Him to restore Israel and set up His

Kingdom on Earth. First, the Holy Spirit

(Spirit of Truth) must come, and Jesus

said he would teach us and guide us into

all truth and show us “things to come.”

(John 16:13-15). Could this be a clue

that the Holy Spirit may reveal the time

of the Rapture to those who will

experience that blessed event? God’s

revelation is progressive. We could call

it “time released revelation.” (Ephesians


And when He had spoken these

things, while they beheld, He was

taken up; and a cloud received

Him out of their sight. And while

they looked steadfastly toward

heaven as He went up, behold, two

men stood by them in white

apparel; Which also said, Ye men

of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up

into heaven? This same Jesus,

Christ's Ascension and His Return

which is taken up from you into

heaven, shall so come in like

manner as ye have seen him go

into heaven. Then returned they

unto Jerusalem from the mount

called Olivet, which is from

Jerusalem a Sabbath day’s

journey. (Acts 1:9-12)

Remember the words of Jesus in

John 14:4, “And whither I go ye know,

and the way ye know.” The disciples

watched Jesus ascend into the heavens

as a cloud received Him out of their

sight. This is how they knew where He

had gone and the way He had gone. It

was obvious that He was raptured while

they watched.

Let’s consider some interesting

observations. When Jesus was born, the

physical body of Christ came to Earth.

That was His personal physical body.

Then in John 12:24, Jesus said, “...

Except a corn of wheat fall into the

ground and die, it abideth alone: but if

it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.”

When His physical body died, it

was placed in a tomb. When He arose

from death, His physical body had gone

through a transformation and was a

Christ's Ascension and His Return

glorified body (see I Corinthians 15:35-

45). Then, after He was seen of them

forty days He was caught up into

Heaven and the believers (the Church)

became the only Body of Christ on

earth. Paul said, “Now ye are the body

of Christ and members in particular.” (I

Corinthians 12:27) Acts 1:3 reveals that

He showed Himself alive after His

passion by many infallible proofs being

seen of them forty days, and speaking of

things pertaining to the Kingdom of

God. Then after forty days, Jesus’

original body was taken up into Heaven.

Then, consider the Scriptural

precedent in Daniel 9:24 which reveals

an end-time event in which a day

represents a year. We have already seen

the 120 years spoken of in Genesis 6:3,

seems to represent Jubilees (6,000 years

of determined time). We know that the

Scripture teaches that we are joint heirs

with Christ. Then in Ecclesiastes the

first chapter, Solomon (the wisest man

that ever lived outside of Jesus Christ)

makes this statement in verses nine and


The thing that hath been, it is

that which shall be; and that which


Christ's Ascension and His Return

is done is that which shall be done:

and there is no new thing under the

sun. Is there anything whereof it

may be said, See, this is new? it

hath been already of old time,

which was before us.

This scripture reveals that certain

events that happened in days past reveal

what happens in the future. Is it possible

that Jesus’ ascension and His return is

an accurate prophetic profile of what

will happen to the Body of Christ

(Church) that is on earth today? You

will notice that after Jesus arose from

the dead, He had a glorified body. He

stayed here and taught concerning the

Kingdom of God for forty days before

He was raptured. This would seem to be

one of the events that Solomon was

referring to. “The thing that hath been

is that which shall be.” It’s possible that

the Body of Christ will receive our

glorified bodies forty days before we

are raptured and be able to minister

concerning the Kingdom of God the

same as Jesus did before we are caught


In Matthew 13:30 Jesus said,

Let both grow together until


Christ's Ascension and His Return

the harvest: and in the time of

harvest I will say to the reapers,

Gather ye together first the tares,

and bind them in bundles to burn

them: but gather the wheat into my


Notice the tares were not burned then, it

was not time to burn them. They were

just bound to the point that they could

not pollute or hinder the end-time

harvest and Jesus says, “but gather the

wheat into my barn.” I believe this is a

prophetic utterance of Jesus of a great

end-time harvest before we are gathered

to the Father’s house.



Let’s consider another time period

of forty days, which could also be of

prophetic importance.

And Jesus being full of the

Holy Ghost returned from Jordan,

and was led by the Spirit into the

wilderness, Being forty days

tempted of the devil... (Luke 4:1-2)

Here again the Scripture reveals that

Jesus, the physical body of Christ, was


Christ's Ascension and His Return

in the wilderness forty days being

tempted of the devil. It seems that Jesus

Himself was a true living pictorial of the

Church. Since we have precedent for a

day in the wilderness representing a

year, this would fit a parallel of the

Body of Christ (Church) being tempted

on earth for forty Jubilees (2,000 years)

of determined time before being

raptured. To say the least, the prophetic

implications are astoundingly accurate.

In any event, we shall soon know the

truth of this matter.


Jesus ascended to Heaven from the

Mount of Olives. This will be the exact

place where He will return with the

saints on the evening of the last day of

the Tribulation Period (Zechariah 14:1-

5; Revelation 11:3-20).

It’s interesting that Acts 1:12

mentions that it is a “Sabbath days

journey” from the Mount of Olives into

Jerusalem, which is less than a mile.

The Scriptures reveal that Jesus will

descend on the Mount at the beginning

of the seventh millennium on God’s

calendar. This seems to be what the


Christ's Ascension and His Return

Sabbath day represented to Israel under

the Old Covenant—a thousand-year day

of peace and rest.

The six days God labored plus the

seventh day of rest represents a time

period of 7,000 years of determined

time on God’s calendar, in which he

will deal with mankind to weed out the

wicked of the Earth and gather the

righteous into an eternal state. God

hallowed the seventh day and

commanded Israel to honor it. It

represents the last millennium before

eternity, in which Israel will be raised

up and live in His sight.

After two days will He revive

us: in the third day He will raise us

up, and we shall live in His sight.

(Hosea 6:2)


Document Outline
Christ's Ascension and His Return
1 Christ's Ascension and His Return
Their Question
His Answer
Christ’s Temptation—Composite of the Church
His Ascent

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