How To Authenticate This Official PDF Transcript: The Blue Ribbon Symbol

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The document discusses how to verify the authenticity of an electronic transcript and describes the information contained on a transcript.

The transcript provides information such as the student's name, ID number, birthdate, degrees earned, courses taken and grades at other institutions.

The transcript can be verified by checking for a digital certificate/signature and ensuring it displays properly in Adobe Reader or Acrobat. An invalid signature means it should be rejected.

Office of the Registrar t 303.492.

Transcripts Department f 303.492.4884
Regent Administrative Center 101 [email protected]
20 UCB
Boulder, Colorado 80309
How to Authenticate This Official PDF Transcript

This official PDF transcript has been transmitted electronically to the recipient, and is intended solely for use
by that recipient. It is not permissible to replicate this document or forward it to any person or organization
other than the identified recipient. Release of this record or disclosure of its contents to any third party
without written consent of the record owner is prohibited.
This official transcript has been digitally signed and therefore contains special characteristics. This
document will reveal a digital certificate that has been applied to the transcript, and for optimal results, we
recommend that this document is viewed with the latest version of Adobe® Acrobat or Adobe® Reader. This
digital certificate will appear in a pop-up screen or status bar on the document, display a blue ribbon, and
declare that the document was certified by the University of Colorado Boulder, with a valid certificate issued
by GlobalSign CA for Adobe®. This document certification can be validated by clicking on the Signature
Properties of the document.
The Blue Ribbon Symbol: The blue ribbon is your assurance that the digital certificate is
valid, the document is authentic, and the contents of the transcript have not been altered.

Invalid: If the transcript does not display a valid certification and signature message, reject this
transcript immediately. An invalid digital certificate display means either the digital signature is not
authentic, or the document has been altered. The digital signature can also be revoked by the

transcript office if there is cause, and digital signatures can expire. A document with an invalid
digital signature display should be rejected.

Author Unknown: Lastly, one other possible message, Author Unknown, can have two

possible meanings: The certificate is a self-signed certificate or has been issued by an unknown or
untrusted certificate authority and therefore has not been trusted, or the revocation check could not
complete. If you receive this message make sure you are properly connected to the internet. If you
have a connection and you still cannot validate the digital certificate on-line, reject this document.

The current version of Adobe® Reader is free of charge, and available for immediate download at

ABOUT PARCHMENT: Parchment is an academic credential management company, specializing in delivery

of official electronic credentials. As a trusted intermediary, all documents delivered via Parchment are verified
and secure.

Learn more about Parchment at

NAME: Petrone, Thomas Joseph
STUDENT NR: XXX-XX-6199/104714720 BIRTHDATE : 06/03/XXXX
PRINT DATE: 06/27/2016

Thomas Joseph Petrone =================================================================
[email protected]
--------- Spring 2015 UC Boulder ------
Leeds School of Business GRAD Accounting
Requested By: Thomas Joseph Petrone
Financial Stmnt Analysis ACCT 5250 3.0 A 12.0
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income Tax: Business Entities ACCT 5450 3.0 B 9.0
Degrees, Certificates and Licensure Bus Entity Taxation

Master of Science DEC 19, 2015 Auditing/Assurance Svcs ACCT 5620 3.0 A- 11.1
CU Boulder
Current Iss Prof ACCT--Ethics ACCT 6350 3.0 A 12.0
Leeds School of Business GRAD
Major : Accounting ATT 12.0 EARNED 12.0 GPAHRS 12.0 GPAPTS 44.10 GPA 3.675

--------- Summer 2015 UC Boulder ------

Leeds School of Business GRAD Accounting
Other Institutions Attended: Advanced Financial Accounting ACCT 5240 3.0 B 9.0

ATT 3.0 EARNED 3.0 GPAHRS 3.0 GPAPTS 9.00 GPA 3.000
HIGHER EDUC. Gateway Comm College
INSTITUTIONS: Phoenix AZ 09/02 - 12/02 --------- Fall 2015 UC Denver ------
Formal Concurrent GRAD
Full Sail University
Winter Park FL 09/05 - 09/06 Auditing Practice ACCT 6025 3.0 A- 11.1

Acct-Info Sys Processes-Cntrls ACCT 6510 3.0 A 12.0

Scottsdale Community College
Scottsdale AZ 09/04 - 12/08 ATT 6.0 EARNED 6.0 GPAHRS 6.0 GPAPTS 23.10 GPA 3.850

Cal State Univ Northridge --------- Fall 2015 UC Boulder ------

DEGREE: BAC 12/2010 Leeds School of Business GRAD Accounting
Northridge CA 01/09 - 12/10
International Accounting ACCT 5700 3.0 A- 11.1

Integrated Report for Soc Resp ACCT 5827 3.0 A- 11.1

ATT 6.0 EARNED 6.0 GPAHRS 6.0 GPAPTS 22.20 GPA 3.700

--------- Summer 2014 UC Denver ------
GRAD 0.0 42.0 42.0 42.0 147.30 3.507
Business School GRAD Finance and Risk Management
Tax Planning for Managers ACCT 6140 3.0 C 6.0

Analyze/Interpret Acctng Info BUSN 6550 3.0 B 9.0

ATT 6.0 EARNED 6.0 GPAHRS 6.0 GPAPTS 15.00 GPA 2.500

--------- Fall 2014 UC Denver ------


Business School GRAD Accounting

Financial Accounting ACCT 6030 3.0 B+ 9.9

Accounting Systems Data Proc ACCT 6054 3.0 A 12.0


Management Accounting ACCT 6070 3.0 A 12.0

ATT 9.0 EARNED 9.0 GPAHRS 9.0 GPAPTS 33.90 GPA 3.767

Page 1 of 1
The Colorado State Legislature approved a set of general education courses the state guarantees to
transfer. These courses appear on the transcript with the notation of “GT” below the course
CAMPUS LOCATIONS: indicator. The next two characters identify the subject area for these courses. To identify their
course, please check the website:
University of Colorado Boulder University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
068 UCB Campus Box A054 Beginning 1988, a generic course number is used with the first digit of the course number followed
Boulder, CO 80309-0068 Aurora, CO 80045 by nines and an extension of SA, with the exception of short-term discipline-specific courses taught
(303) 492-6970 (303) 724-8059 abroad, which appear in the catalog as “offered abroad only.” The first digit designates level of the
course. Although actual dates of enrollment in academic year programs may vary, the courses are
University of Colorado Denver University of Colorado Colorado Springs listed to coincide with the CU calendar system.
Campus Box 167 Transcript Office
P.O. Box 173364 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway RECIPROCAL AGREEMENT PROGRAM
Denver, CO 80217-3364 Colorado Springs, CO 80918-3733 Graduate credit taken through a reciprocal exchange agreement with another Colorado institution is
(303) 556-2389 (719) 255-3361 indicated by a department listing of RCPR, RCSM, RCSU, and RUNC.
The University of Colorado at Denver and the Health Sciences Center were consolidated into a ACCREDITATION
single institution, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center (UCDHSC), on The University of Colorado is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), which is part
July 1, 2004, and renamed to University of Colorado Denver (UC Denver) on October 29, 2007. of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA) as a degree-granting institution at
The institution’s campuses are now known as the University of Colorado Denver and the University the baccalaureate, master’s, professional, and doctoral levels.
of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.
ISSUING CAMPUS FOR TRANSCRIPTS Beginning 1970, students who were enrolled at the UC Denver campus were also able to cross
Each campus has the authority to produce and issue a complete transcript that will contain all register for courses at Metropolitan State University of Denver (formerly Metropolitan State
courses attempted at all University of Colorado campuses including their Continuing College of Denver) and Community College of Denver. Courses during that period of time can be
Education/Extended Studies Divisions. Official transcripts include the complete undergraduate, identified on University of Colorado transcripts by notations of “MSC”, “CCD”, or “4M” in the
graduate, and non-degree academic record of courses taken at all campus locations or divisions of course titles. Beginning Spring 1988, Metropolitan State University of Denver courses were not
the University of Colorado. Students may also request a career-based transcript that will produce a included in the University of Colorado grade point average but were included in the hours earned at
partial record. Questions concerning the issuance or authenticity of this transcript should be directed the University of Colorado. These courses are noted on the transcript. Questions regarding such
to the issuing campus. Questions concerning courses, grades, degrees, or other educational listings should be referred to the UC Denver Registrar’s Office. Courses noted with an R-, C-, or D-
information on the transcript should be directed to the campus the student attended. in the title are part of the core curriculum in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at UC Denver.
The University of Colorado implemented a new academic record system in 1988. The transcript of a From Fall 1975 to Summer 1988, courses numbered 0-99 were for remedial courses; 100-199 for
student enrolled both before and after this implementation may be composed of two separately freshmen; 200-299 for sophomores; 300-399 for juniors; 400-499 for seniors (open to graduates);
formatted transcripts. If “SEPARATE RECORD OF PRIOR WORK ATTACHED” appears at the 500-599 for graduates (open to qualified undergraduates); 600-699 for graduates; 700 for master’s
beginning of a transcript, both transcript formats must be present for the transcript to be complete. thesis; 800 for doctor’s thesis.
TRANSCRIPT AUTHENTICITY From Fall 1975 to Summer 1988, only courses numbered 500 and above were for graduate credit.
A transcript is official when each page bears a preprinted University seal and includes the signature
(Exception: Independent Study courses were numbered 900-929 for lower division, 930-949 for
and title of the issuing authority. The transcript form will incorporate a background design of the upper division, and 950-979 for graduate level.)
University’s seal. The face of this transcript is printed on blue paper with the name of the
University appearing in white type over the face of the entire document. Electronic PDF transcripts Beginning Summer 1988, the course numbering system changed from three-digit course numbers to
also bear the Adobe® Blue Ribbon certification and a GeoTrust CA electronic certificate. four-digit course numbers for all campuses except UC Colorado Springs. Courses since Summer
1988 are numbered 1000-2999 for lower division; 3000-4999 for upper division; 5000-6999 for
UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO • UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO • UNIVERSITY OF graduate, master’s level, or first and second year professional; and 7000-9999 for graduate, doctoral
COLORADO • UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO • UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO • level, or third and fourth year professional. As of Fall 2010, all campuses are using the four-digit
course numbering standard.
When photocopied, a latent security statement containing the institutional name and the words GRADING SYSTEM
COPY COPY COPY appear over the face of the entire document. When this paper is touched by Standard Grades Grade Points
fresh liquid bleach, an authentic document will stain. A black and white or color copy of this A Superior/Excellent 4.0
document is not an original and should not be accepted as an official institutional document. A- 3.7
B+ 3.3

TRANSCRIPTS ISSUED TO STUDENT B Good/Better than Average 3.0

The message “ISSUED TO STUDENT” will be printed on the transcript when the transcript is B- 2.7
provided directly to the student. C+ 2.3
C Competent/Average 2.0
A student is eligible to re-enroll unless otherwise indicated. D+ 1.3
All students are considered to be in good standing unless stated otherwise on the transcript. D- Minimum Passing 0.7
F 0.0
GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA) H Honors/Highest Achievement (Intended for specified courses at the UC Anschutz Medical
Effective 1988, the grade point average (GPA) is shown by term. Effective Fall 1993, a cumulative

Campus or for Honors Department courses on other campuses)

GPA is printed at the end of the last term attended. The GPA is computed by dividing the total GPA HP High Pass (Intended for School of Medicine at the UC Anschutz Medical Campus)
points by the total of GPA hours. The hours for courses with blank (***) grades or with grades of P Passing (Under the Pass/Fail option, grades of D- and above convert to a P. Other specified
Y, P, H, HP, PR, NC, W, I, IP, IW, IC, and IF are not included in the GPA hours. However, IF’s courses may also be graded on a Pass/Fail basis)
not completed or repeated within one year are changed to Fs and included in the hours for GPA PR Pass with Remediation (Intended for the School of Medicine at the UC Anschutz
calculation. IF and IW grades remain on transcripts. Effective Spring 2009, an “I” grade will be Medical Campus)
used for courses not completed, replacing IW and IF grades. The “I” grade will change to an F if NC No Credit desired
not completed within one year. Before 1974, the grade of CN was counted as an F in the GPA until IP In Progress (Thesis at the graduate level or other specified courses)
the student made up the incomplete work. “R” designates repetition of a course. All grades earned I Incomplete (Changed to F if not completed within one year. Effective Spring 2009)
in repeated courses are included in the GPA unless otherwise noted. Effective Fall 2001, the IF Incomplete (Changed to F if not completed within one year. Discontinued Fall 2008)

Boulder Campus implemented a course repetition policy that allows undergraduates to repeat up to IW Incomplete (Changed to W if not completed within one year, Discontinued Fall 2008)
10 credit hours of coursework they originally received a D+ or lower in and only calculate the GPA W Withdrew
of the second occurrence of the course. Graduate students may repeat one course under this program *** Student is currently enrolled for the course or final grade has not been submitted by
if they received a grade of C+ or lower. Course repetition was discontinued as of Summer 2010. instructor
Transfer credit is not included in the University of Colorado GPA. Effective Fall 1995, Dean’s List CN Conditional F until cleared (Discontinued Fall 1974)
notations appear at the end of each term earned. IC Incomplete (Discontinued Fall 1974)
Y Class grades not submitted by instructor (Discontinued 1988)

LAW CLASS RANKING ALX To accommodate conversion of pre-1988 statistics, placeholder classes were created with
Class Ranking will display on a Law Career transcript for students in the top one third of the class three character grades that equate to students’ pre-1988 GPA. These three character
based on grades. Please refer to the Law School website, placeholder grades are only used when students attended prior to 1988.
Chapter 3/Article 3 (3-3-4) for current and historical grading information which includes a grading
matrix table consisting of Law numerical grade equivalent to University letter grade. ADDITIONAL INTERPRETATION OF TRANSCRIPTS OF PRE-1988 RECORDS
To the left of the course title is the code designating the CU campus attended:
ACADEMIC CALENDAR 1 - University of Colorado, Boulder - “SAVE” indicates enrollment on Boulder Campus

Beginning Fall 1951, all campuses are on a 16-week fall and spring semester system unless via Continuing Education registration
otherwise noted. Summer terms, Study Abroad Programs, and Independent Learning vary in length 3 - University of Colorado Health Sciences Center (on quarter hours through Summer 1988)
but are reported in semester hours. As of Fall 2010, all prior coursework taken on a quarter system 4 - University of Colorado, Denver
calendar at the Health Sciences Center (now UC Anschutz Medical Campus) has been retroactively 5 - University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
converted to a semester system calendar. 9 - Division of Continuing Education
W - Boulder Continuing Education
UNIT/CREDIT HOURS X - Denver Continuing Education

The University of Colorado offers programs of study typically based on the semester calendar; Y - Colorado Springs Continuing Education
however, there can be some variation to this structure amongst the campuses and programs. In Z - Health Sciences Center Continuing Education
most cases the unit or credit hour is the numeric measure of the instructional, research, and/or other
academic work over the length of a semester, and the value of a unit is calculated based upon COURSE DESCRIPTIONS
standard semester credit hour formulas. The four University of Colorado campuses do not share a common catalog. Current catalogs and
course descriptions may be found by accessing the home pages of each campus at
Before 1972, cumulative totals were total hours and credit points used for calculation of the GPA
only. After 1988, cumulative credits include hours earned and GPA based on the level of the Revised 01/2013
student. The credits are by undergraduate, graduate, graduate nondegree and professional levels. A

student’s transcript may include credits in more than one level.

Beginning 1988, accepted credit is labeled “Transfer Credit Applied”. Transfer credit converted
from the prior student information system may appear as summary data on the transcript. This
information is labeled “Advanced Standing”.

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