Drainage Problems and Methods: T. W. Edminster and Ronald C. Reeve
Drainage Problems and Methods: T. W. Edminster and Ronald C. Reeve
Drainage Problems and Methods: T. W. Edminster and Ronald C. Reeve
into the root zone can be conveniently a large number of ditches or tile drains
controlled. may be required to control the water
If an adequate water-table depth table.
cannot be maintained, irrigation and The effectiveness of drainage struc-
management practices can sometimes tures is related directly to their loca-
be altered to allow crop production. tion with respect to subsoil layers.
Improvement of irrigation efficiencies Water that enters the soil in one area
and more uniform application of water from rainfall or deep percolation from
are examples of ways by which drain- irrigation may come to the surface in a
age conditions can be improved and a nearby area or may appear as a seep
net movement of salts maintained. on a hillside, according to the path of
Irrigation efficiency, losses in con- flow through the subsoil. The drains
veyance and distribution, regulatory should be located to remove water
losses, rainfall, the amount of salt in from the more permeable soil layers
the irrigation water, and salt tolerance through which such flow occurs.
of crops all enter into the problem of Highly permeable layers may dis-
determining drainage requirements. charge excess water from an area or
The ability of soils to transmit water may conduct excess water from one
has primary importance in the drain- area to another. Impermeable soil lay-
age of farm lands. The rate at which ers may intercept conducting layers
water enters a soil after a rain or after and block the free movement of ground
an irrigation and the rate that water water away from the farmland.
tables can be lowered and excess wa- Proper orientation and placement of
ters drained away are directly related the drains with respect to stratigraphy
to the rate at which water can move may be the most important single fac-
through the soil. Of the factors that tor in the design of a good system.
govern the flow of water in soils, the In general, the most effective method
transmission properties are the hardest of drainage for the control of ground
to evaluate, primarily because soils water tables is one that takes advan-
vary so much. tage of the most permeable materials
in the profile for intercepting, collect-
THE PHYSIOGRAPHIC FEATURES bear ing, and discharging excess waters
strongly on drainage design. The to- from the land.
pography, stratigraphy (or the vertical Crops may be affected in a number
arrangement of strata or layers of dif- of ways by high water tables or excess
ferent types of soil), and location of soil moisture. Some affect root devel-
outlets and sources of water must be opment—aeration and temperature of
considered in the design. the soil, nutrient uptake, and plant
Topography is important when ex- disease. Salinity problems may also de-
cess water originates as an application velop and affect crop growth in arid
on the land surface, either as rainfall soils where water tables are just under
or from irrigation. The location of the surface.
drains depends largely on topography. The roots of most cultivated crops
Stratigraphy must be considered in will not penetrate saturated soil areas.
subsurface drainage. The occurrence of When a rising water table inundates a
permeable layers, such as sands or root, there is usually an early change
gravel, within the soil profile at a con- in the appearance of the crop, reflect-
venient depth to be tapped by open or ing changes in the ability of the root to
tile drains may permit a wider spacing function properly.
of drains and thereby reduce the total
number of drains. On sloping hillsides POOR SOIL AERATION is a primary fac-
or at the bottom of a slope, intercep- tor in this adverse response of roots
tion drains may drain relatively large and crops. Gas diffusion drops rapidly
acreages, but on relatively level lands if the larger pore spaces are filled with
water. The oxygen level declines and reach toxic levels when organic mat-
the carbon dioxide level rises as or- ter decomposes in saturated soil. De-
ganic matter decomposes when the nitrification proceeds faster when the
soil is saturated. Oxygen, which helps supply of oxygen is low. An upsetting
convert insoluble plant nutrients into of the nitrogen balance in saturated
a soluble form, also is a critical agent soils has been reflected in the lower
in the decomposition of organic ma- content of crude protein content in
terials. It is essential for seed germina- plant tissues under such conditions.
tion and the development of root hairs.
When the oxygen supply is cut off to SOIL TEMPERATURE is affected by ex-
roots of most cultivated plants, the posure, amount of shade, radiation
root suffocates and dies, the intake of from the sun, moisture, and the rate of
water and plant food is lowered, and retention and movement of moisture in
the plant wilts and dies. the soil.
Plants that normally grow on well- Well-drained soils warm up faster
drained and aerated soils usually are than saturated soils. The specific heat
most sensitive to the lack of oxygen. of water is i.ooo at 15° C The specific
Even plants, such as cranberries, which heat of dry mineral soils averages 0.20.
can remain covered during a long dor- That means that raising the tempera-
mant period, however, will suffer from ture of a unit volume of water i degree
poor aeration in summer when the requires 5 times the heat units required
plant uses more water and nutrients. to raise an equal volume of dry mineral
Plants that can withstand long periods soil the same amount. The higher the
of little oxygen have special tissues in moisture content of the soil, therefore,
their stems and roots that can conduct the greater is the amount of heat re-
the oxygen to the roots. quired to raise its temperature. The
Because carbon dioxide rarely occurs rapid evaporation of water from a sat-
in the soil in amounts sufficient to harm urated soil also has a cooling effect—it
the roots, the reduction in the oxygen takes 580 calories of heat to transform
level is the most critical result of soil I gram of water from the liquid state
saturation. to a gaseous state.
The gaseous balance changes more This effect of excess moisture on soil
rapidly under higher temperatures be- temperature is particularly serious dur-
cause of greater biotic activity—one ing the period when seeds germinate.
reason why flooding in summer often Germination and root growth rates
is more damaging than flooding in of most species increase slowly with
winter. A second reason is that the re- an increase in temperature through a
duced plant growth in winter places range of 20° to 25° G. from mini-
fewer demands on the injured and un- mum to optimum temperature for
healthy roots that may occur under normal growth.
winter flooding. Low soil temperatures usually re-
Poor aeration also affects the nutri- strict the branching and development
ent uptake by plants. In studies of the of the fine roots. They also affect the
influence of restricted aeration on the period of dormancy and the rate of
growth and absorption of nutrients by after-ripening and subsequent germi-
corn, K. Lawton, while working in nation. The absorption and synthesis
Iowa, reported that the order of reduc- of organic materials, translocation of
tion of absorption was potassium >cal- food materials within the root system,
cium >magnesium >nitrogen >phos- and respiration all depend on temper-
phorus. Ferrous iron was highest when ature of the soil.
the soil was moist. When it was satu- The power of root cells to accumu-
rated, higher concentrations of reduced late various nutrient ions is related di-
iron and manganese may injure the rectly to temperature. Low tempera-
plant roots. Hydrogen sulfide gas may tures due to saturated soil do not
appear to retard seriously the absorp- the root zone of soils in drier locali-
tion of nitrogen, but they do affect the ties often is associated with high water
rate at which the roots reduce or as- tables and inadequate drainage. When
similate the nitrate and convert it into the water table rises near the soil sur-
organic forms. face, the rate of water movement up-
Low soil temperatures similarly re- ward to the surface is accelerated. As
duce- the rate of absorption of water, water is lost by evaporation and tran-
even to the point of causing wilting if spiration, the salts are left behind. If
rapid transpiration creates considera- the process continues, salts soon accu-
ble moisture stress. One or more fac- mulate in the soil root zone and the in-
tors may cause that: Retardation of crease in salinity of the soil solution
root elongation; a lower rate of move- causes a reduction in crop growth.
ment of water from the soil to the root; Salts affect the growth of plants in
greater viscosity of water and of the two ways: By reducing the amount of
root protoplasm; and decreased per- water that the plants can take from the
meability of the root cells. soil as a result of the increase in os-
When low temperatures accompany motic pressure, and by causing toxic
poor aeration, plant roots lack the vigoreffects. As the roots take up water, leav-
necessary to resist infection. Tobacco ing most of the salt behind, the soil
root rot and onion smut are examples solution becomes saltier. The osmotic
of infectious organisms that flourish pressure, which is an expression of the
when temperatures are low and mois- salt content of the soil solution on an
ture is excessive. Disease is usually most
energy basis, increases as the salts build
severe at temperatures that are other- up. Retardation of growth is related di-
wise unfavorable to the seedlings. rectly to increases in the osmotic pres-
sure of the soil solution and is largely
SOIL STRUCTURE—the arrangement independent of the kind of salts.
of soil particles—can suffer from too Chloride, sodium, boron, and bicar-
much water. When soil is saturated, bonate may be toxic to some crops.
normal biotic activity and root devel- Most fruit trees are susceptible to this
opment are reduced. If saturation con- kind of injury. A characteristic leaf-
tinues, the normal wetting and drying burn develops, leaves fall off, and the
cycles, with attendant shrinking and trees may die when harmful amounts
swelling action, are absent. Many per- of sodium or chloride are accumulated.
sons have noted an improvement in soil Most field, forage, and truck crops may
structure after drainage. The low rates have much larger amounts of sodium
of water movement through poorly or chloride in the leaves without devel-
drained soils improve after drainage. oping visible symptoms of injury. Bo-
Soil structure also is destroyed or ron and bicarbonate are toxic to all
harmed when tillage, planting, and species of plants, but the level of toler-
harvesting are done when the soil is ance may vary among crops.
too wet—notably when only a part of The installation of adequate drain-
a field is poorly drained. Rather than age facilities before water tables rise
delay farm operations on the well- close to the surface and the application
drained parts of the field, the operator of proper irrigation and management
will go through the wet places and practices are necessary to prevent the
cause puddling. Imprudent pasturing deterioration of farmlands and reduced
of saturated meadows may cause sim- crop yields due to salt accumulation.
ilar destruction of soil. This breakdown Surface drainage is the collection and
of structure complicates the drainage removal of excess water from the sur-
problem later. Adequate drainage elim- face. The movement of water down-
inates these hazards and permits the ward through the soil and its discharge
use of soil-improvement practices. from the area by natural means or into
The accumulation of excess salts in deep open or tile drains is subsurface
drainage. Subsurface drainage facili- vated crops than under pasture and
ties are installed primarily to control forage crops. Flatter slopes and soils
the water table. Deep drains, open and with low infiltration and permeability
closed, often are designed to perform rates require narrower beds. Bedding
both functions. systems generally are hard to manage
with high-speed farm equipment, be-
EFFECTIVE SURFACE DRAINAGE is par- cause the ridge often is too dry for
ticularly important in humid regions effective tillage before the interbed
where excess surface water is a major furrows are dry enough for machine
problem. Surface drains are used to a cultivation. In most instances, bedding
lesser extent in irrigated areas. In arid systems should be replaced by good
regions, however, they have several ap- land-forming practices supported by
plications in relation to effective soil- carefully designed field ditches.
and water-management practices. Sur- Drainage terraces, sometimes re-
face drainage facilities are designed to ferred to as cross-slope ditches, are
meet two objectives: Effective collec- particularly effective for shallow soils
tion and discharge of excess surface wa- underlain by an impermeable subsoil.
ters into main drainage outlet channels The drainage terrace is constructed
and prevention of land inundation be- with a top width of 15 to 25 feet and is
cause of overflow from lands at higher 6 to 10 inches deep. The excavated
elevation, streams, or tidal action. material is used to fill depressions be-
These objectives are accomplished by tween the terraces. Farming opera-
the use of such practices as land form- tions are parallel to the terrace. Care
ing or grading, bedding, drainage-type must be taken to avoid dead furrows
terraces, field ditches for surface water and other tillage scars that trap sur-
removal, random ditches, uniform or face water. The smooth, flat 10:1 side
parallel ditches, and deep ditches to slopes make this type of drain highly
control the water table. compatible with mechanized agricul-
Land forming or grading provides ture, and they are replacing conven-
simple primary drainage by removing tional field ditches on sloping land.
the dead furrows, headlands, spoil Field ditches include random field
banks, depressions, and ridges that re- ditches and uniform or parallel field
strict the rapid and orderly flow of ditches. One type has a single flat V-
water from the field to the collection shaped channel, in which the excavated
and outletting ditches. It may be used material is used to fill depressions.
in extremely flat places to create a Another design has twin-type chan-
positive grade towards an outlet ditch. nels, sometimes referred to as W-
Land forming is an effective supple- ditches, in which the surplus exca-
mentary practice in tiled areas when it vated material is placed between the
is used to remove depressions that channels to form a raised separation.
might otherwise overload single lines. This type is particularly good on flat
Bedding—turning furrows to the land and on land that slopes to the
middle of a cut to form a ridge that drain from two directions. It provides
gradually slopes towards deep furrows for ready entrance of row drainage.
or field collection ditches—often is of Both types are designed with 8:1 to
limited value because of poor outlets. 10:1 side slopes, so that farm ma-
Bedding is used primarily on slowly chinery can cross them.
permeable soils having moderate depth Random field ditches are used to
and on slopes ranging from zero to 1.5 advantage in draining fields that have
percent. Bed width is determined by a few depressions that are too deep or
the type of crop, field slope, soil per- too large to fill in by grading and
meability, and the adaptability to the smoothing. They are used to connect
farming operations. several depressions and then convey
Beds are generally wider under culti- the excess water to a suitable outlet.
When farm implements must be moved application at the end of the run, some
across these ditches, side slopes should water usually is wasted, and provisions
be no less than 8:1. If operations must be made to collect and remove
are parallel, side slopes of 4:1 may the runoff. The usual practice is to in-
be used. Used with tile systems, they tercept the water with shallow ditches
frequently eliminate need for costly and discharge it into natural channels
surface inlets. Random ditches should or deep drains. In areas where water
not become a substitute for the more supplies are limited, waste water is
effective and efRcicnt land-forming sometimes collected at the lower end
practices and drainage-type terraces. of the field and pumped back to the
Uniform or parallel ditches are used upper end of the field for reuse. Surface
on relatively flat, poorly drained soils drains are not needed then.
of too variable a topography to permit The level border method of irriga-
surface drainage by land forming or tion is an efi^ective way to attain high
the other systems. They arc laid out irrigation efficiencies on flat land.
so that crop rows will lead to the Water is impounded and allowed to
ditches with a grade of o.i to 0.2 per- penetrate the soil uniformly in long,
cent. Their spacing depends on the narrow, level basins. If rainfall is heavy,
slope, the erosivity of the soil, and the surface drainage is necessary if this
cross-sectional capacity of the rows. system is to succeed. If provision is not
Ditches to control the water table made to drain the basins, untimely
arc used on moderate to highly per- rains might flood crops.
meable soils and on organic soils where
surface water must be removed and IN SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE, water
the water table must be lowered. These moves into and through the soil and
ditches are deeper than conventional is discharged through natural drain-
ditches and have moderate to steep age channels or through deep open or
side slopes, depending on the type of closed drains, which convey the water
soil material through which they are away from the field. The planning and
constructed. They must be carefully design of subsurface drainage systems
designed to assure sufficient carrying require knowledge of the drainage
capacity when the water is high. When requirements of crops and the water-
water-control structures are installed transmitting properties of the soil.
in the ditches, it is possible to control Surface drains are designed to remove
the position of the water table by low- ponded water and thus reduce the
ering it in periods of excess and raising amount of water that enters the soil
it during dry periods. profile, but usually they are installed to
maintain ground water tables at a suffi-
SURFACE DRAINAGE in arid regions cient depth to prevent waterlogging of
where irrigation is practiced is a funda- the root zone. Adequate control of the
mental part of overall water manage- water table in arid regions also pre-
ment. Although the ideal irrigation vents the accumulation of salts.
system uniformly applies and stores Tile drains, one of the five major
enough water in the root zone for crop types of subsurface drains, are hollow
needs without wasting water, practical cylinders that are 4, 6, 8, or more
considerations in the application of inches in diameter and have a wall
water to lands makes the ideal hard to thickness of about one-twelfth their
achieve. Consequently surface drain- inside diameter. Usually they are made
age facilities often are required. of burned clay or concrete. Clay tiles
On sloping lands, irrigated by the are commonly made in i-foot lengths;
usual furrow and border methods, it is 2-foot concrete tiles often are used.
impractical to apply just enough water Water enters the tile drain through the
to wet the root zone uniformly over the space or joint between each tile. The
entire length of run. To insure proper tile line is surrounded with a gravel
filter in arid regions to prevent the closed drain. If a free-gravity outfall
inflow of soil sediments. cannot be obtained, a pump outlet
Mole drains are a cylindrical chan- may be used.
nel formed in the soil by pulling a ball
or bullet-shaped device through the DRAINAGE PRACTICES in arid regions
soil at the bottom of a narrow blade. resemble those in humid areas in many
Mole drains are similar to the tile respects. We mention two important
drains in shape and function, but are differences. Because of the salinity fac-
unlined and unstabilized. They depend tor, the water-table depth that is re-
on the stability of the soil to maintain quired for favorable conditions for
an open channel.They often have a dual plants is considerably greater in arid
role; they remove excess water during soils than in soils in humid regions.
wet periods and are a conveyance sys- The drainage needs in arid regions are
tem for subirrigation in dry periods. closely related to irrigation practices,
The life expectancy of mole drains is which are subject to control, but in
related directly to the stability of the humid areas drainage needs depend
soil in which they have been formed. largely on natural rainfall.
Perforated pipe or tubing—long sec- To maintain water tables at depths
tions of perforated conduits of metal, sufiicient to control salt accumulation
plastic, or bituminous-fiber—may be in arid regions, drains are commonly
placed in a trench and covered or installed to depths of 6 feet or more.
pulled into a mole channel behind a Depths of 2.5 to 4 feet are considered
mole plow—a technique that elimi- adequate in many humid areas. If sa-
nates the need for digging a trench. linity is not involved, a shallow water
This system is efícctive in draining or table may be advantageous in that it
crossing quicksand pockets that do not serves as a source of water for crop use.
provide adequate stability for conven- In the Netherlands a water table
tional tile systems. held at a constant depth of about 24
Deep open drains or channels, which inches is desirable, and many crops arc
are dug to depths of 5 to 12 feet or more grown under constant water-table con-
for the purpose of controlling the water ditions. The natural rainfall there is in
table, actually function as a subsurface excess of 20 inches, approximately the
drain. Frequently they serve as main minimum total required to keep the
outlet channels for other drains. soils leached and at the same time to
provide sufficient water for crop use.
THE TYPE OF SUBSURFACE system used Good drainage practices must be
depends on the nature of the drainage accompanied by sound irrigation and
problem. In treating localized drain- soil-management practices if maximum
age problems, such as small depressions benefits are to be obtained.
and waterways, and in intercepting It is essential that management of
wet-weather springs and seeps, subsur- excess water be integrated with other
face drains are placed where needed soil-management practices in order
without regard for a uniform pattern. that the overall farm operational pro-
In draining extensive uniform areas gram may be successful. In addition to
that are essentially flat, however, a def- water management, such practices as
inite pattern usually is established, with tillage, replenishment of organic mat-
laterals at more or less uniform spac- ter, proper fertility practices, insect
ings discharging into main outlets. and disease control, and good irriga-
These patterns are sometimes called tion practices are essential. Improved
gridiron or herringbone layouts. irrigation practices and other farming
In any system, careful attention must procedures which control the use of
be given to the design of the outlet excess water will considerably lessen
drain to assure that it is of adequate in most cases the need for costly drain-
capacity, especially if the outlet is a age installations.
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