The Medicinal Chef Eat Your Way To Better Health
The Medicinal Chef Eat Your Way To Better Health
The Medicinal Chef Eat Your Way To Better Health
Title Page
Dairy & fish
Nuts & seeds
Basics & flavourings
Breakfast & brunch
Light bites
Small plates, sides & sharing
Handy, healthy snacks
Quick main courses
Weekend main courses
Sweet treats
Further reading
Joints & bones
Arthritis (rheumatoid)
Rickets & osteomalacia
Respiratory system
Immune system
Colds & flu
Metabolic system
Diabetes (Type 2)
Mental health & nervous system
Heart & circulation
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Digestive system
Crohn’s disease
Reproductive & urinary systems
Problematic periods
Prostate health
Throughout history, many medical systems have recognized the
important role that food can play in the healing process. Traditional
Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurvedic medicine are two wonderful
examples of how observations about the interactions between food and
our bodies can be pooled and used as a therapeutic tool. For a long time
in the West, as the modern medical establishment came into its own, the
importance of this knowledge has been forgotten. When we are sick we
go straight to the doctor. Our treatment is out of our hands, and we rely
solely on the professionals to return us to good health. For many years,
the only real study of nutrition was into its role as a food source. We
knew that a lack of certain nutrients could cause deficiency diseases,
such as the role of vitamin C in rickets and scurvy, but that was as far as
it went.
A few decades ago, however, interest in nutrition and its potential role
in healthcare began to increase once more. Health food shops began
popping up on every high street. Books started appearing on the subject,
some of which are now cult classics, and all manner of weird, wacky and
wonderful diets and healthcare regimes started appearing. The scientific
establishment began to question, and even oppose, aspects of this
movement – sometimes with good reason, but occasionally to such an
extent that anyone discussing the connections between nutrition and
health was at risk of being dismissed as a charlatan.
In the meantime, though, much research was being done in the area.
Some were large-scale, population-based research studies, such as the
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which has been
assessing the health and nutrition of people across the U.S. since the
early 1960s; and the British National Diet and Nutrition Survey, a wide-
ranging survey of the nutrition in the U.K. Others were intervention
studies, testing the effects of specific diets and nutrients on health and
disease. From all of this, we started to get a better understanding about
what was really going on. We quickly began to learn what was having an
effect and what wasn’t – and we are still only at the very beginning of
this process. It gave rise to a strong evidence base for food as a medicine
in its own right, and also finally put to bed some of the strange diets and
oddball myths. As a result, what was once often deemed quackery is now
considered a valid part of the healthcare picture.
I have no belief or interest in the concept of alternative medicine. I used
to, but times have changed as I have evolved personally and
professionally. I am not dismissive of natural therapies, but I’d like to
move away from the idea of them being an ‘alternative’ or replacement
for ‘conventional’ medicine, which is rather unhelpful. As far as I am
concerned, there are many elements to consider when it comes to health;
it’s not simply a case of conventional versus alternative. If somebody is
sick and they need pharmacological drugs, then they need drugs. End of
story. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t also much they can do for
themselves by making changes to their diet and lifestyle.
Let’s use high blood pressure as an example. This causes a real risk of
serious cardiovascular disease, since the pressure will increase the risk of
damage to the inner lining of the blood vessels, which can lead to heart
disease. Medication that decreases the pressure and takes the burden off
the cardiovascular system may save lives. But at the same time, it’s also
important to make diet and lifestyle changes. Intakes of sodium and bad
saturated fats need to be reduced, and food’s glycaemic index (the
increase in blood sugar levels after eating it), needs to be considered.
And other nutrients can counter some of the changes taking place inside
the body. A group of compounds called flavonoids, found in green tea,
onions and dark chocolate, can increase the chemicals that widen the
blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. Eating more omega-3 fatty
acids will naturally decrease levels of the chemicals that tighten the blood
vessels. All these things have been well researched, documented and
understood, so we can see that there is a valid place for the use of diet in
the management of high blood pressure, as well as many other
In my view, the problem arises when we have a polarized, all-or-
nothing approach to treatment. Just diet, or just medication, in isolation
will only have a narrow spectrum of benefit. If we bring the two
approaches together, the therapeutic spectrum is much broader. When we
understand that there is more than one thing we can do to get well, we are
in a better position to return to good health.
High cholesterol
Apples contain a unique type of soluble fibre called pectin. This fibre can
help carry cholesterol out of the digestive system. When the liver makes
cholesterol, a very high proportion of it is sent into the digestive tract,
where it is absorbed into the bloodstream. If we can reduce this, we can
reduce cholesterol levels. This is how cholesterol-lowering drinks work.
Some research has indicated that a chemical called phloridzin in apples
can help to reduce localized inflammation in the lungs, for example in
asthma. There are also very high levels of a compound called quercetin in
apples, which has a natural, subtle antihistamine activity.
Bananas are very high in an amino acid called tryptophan, which is
converted into the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. This
neurotransmitter helps regulate sleep patterns.
Eye health
Some of the antioxidants in blueberries have been clinically tested, and
have shown potential benefit in cases of macular degeneration (loss of
vision in the centre of the visual field) and cataracts. They are not a cure,
but may help with prevention.
Cherries are bursting with compounds called anthocyanins, which give
them their deep ruby red colour. They are known to work in a similar
way to some prescription anti-inflammatories (although they are not an
alternative) by blocking the activity of certain enzymes that stimulate
inflammation. This can help with many conditions, including gout,
arthritis and joint pain.
Montmorency cherries in particular are known to be very high in a
compound called melatonin, which is also secreted in the brain as a
sleep-inducing hormone. Many clinical studies have shown that eating
fresh cherries or small servings of cherry juice can effectively induce
The anthocyanins unique to cherries have also been shown to be effective
against gout. This painful condition is caused by uric acid crystals
accumulating in joints, where they can put pressure upon soft structures
within the joint. Cherry anthocyanins actually inhibit the action of an
enzyme called xanthine oxidase, which produces uric acid.
High cholesterol
Dates are very high in a type of soluble fibre called beta glucan. Many
clinical trials have shown beta glucan to be effective at lowering
cholesterol. It does this by binding to cholesterol in the digestive tract,
and carrying it away through the bowels.
Beta glucan is wonderful for softening the stool and stimulating mild
contraction of the gut wall, enabling better elimination.
Healthy eyes
Goji berries are packed with two key antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin,
both of which help protect the macular in the retina of the eye from free-
radical damage. High-level consumption has been linked to protection
from eye damage and improvements in eyesight.
High blood pressure
Grapes contain two clinically tested, powerful compounds that can affect
blood pressure. The first is the deep purple pigment from a group of
compounds called oligomeric proantocyanidins (say that quickly and I’ll
give you a fiver!). The second is a compound called resveratrol. This
works in a similar way, and they complement each others’ action. They
increase the production of compounds naturally released by the cells that
line the blood vessels, which cause the muscles in the blood vessel walls
to relax, making the vessels widen. The wider the vessel, the lower the
High cholesterol
Grapes don’t seem to contain any cholesterol-lowering compounds per
se, but they do contain compounds that reduce the oxidation of
cholesterol. This highly reactive chemical process causes notable damage
to blood vessel walls, and is one of the reasons that reducing cholesterol
is a good idea.
Skin health
The bright orange flesh of the mango is produced by a high concentration
of beta carotene, a fat-soluble antioxidant that can quickly move into the
skin and protect it from free radical damage that can lead to wrinkles and
premature ageing. Beta carotene also has anti-inflammatory activity, too.
Pineapple contains a very powerful enzyme called bromelain, which
actually blocks certain aspects of the inflammatory response from
occurring. Pineapple has a great track record for benefiting many painful
inflammatory conditions. However, most of the bromelain is found in the
tougher inner core of the pineapple, the bit that most of us throw away; in
very ripe pineapples, though, it is often edible.
Artichokes are very high in a type of sugar called inulin, which has been
shown to stabilize blood sugar levels, as it slows down the release of
glucose from other foods, thus reducing blood sugar spikes.
High cholesterol
Some trials using artichoke extract showed reductions in bad (LDL)
cholesterol. This may in part be due to its effect on bile flow, since bile is
one of the main ways in which cholesterol is transported from the liver.
A chemical in asparagus called racemofuran has been identified as
having mild anti-inflammatory activity.
High cholesterol
Avocados are very high in a fatty acid called oleic acid, also found in
olive oil, which many trials have shown causes a reduction in bad (LDL)
cholesterol, and a subtle increase of good (HDL) cholesterol.
Skin health
They are also very high in the fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin E. This
helps protect skin cell membranes from damage, and can be an important
part of a natural skincare regime.
High cholesterol
All beans are naturally very high in fibre, which is of immense benefit to
the cardiovascular system. As we know, fibre has an important
‘cleansing’ effect on digestive health and ensures that things move along
adequately. This helps the cardiovascular system as it helps get rid of
cholesterol. When the body manufactures cholesterol in the liver, some of
it gets absorbed there and then, while the rest moves, via bile, from the
liver into the digestive tract, where more gets absorbed. A good intake of
fibre can actually reduce the absorption of some of this cholesterol,
helping keep cholesterol levels in check.
Liver health
Several studies have shown that betacyanin, the purple colour pigment in
beetroot, can have a beneficial effect on liver function. It is known to
increase the level and activity of detoxification enzymes found in the
liver, mainly the potent glutathione peroxidase, which is involved in
breaking down and removing alcohol from the liver. Bacon sarnie the
morning after? Nah. Bring on the beetroot juice!
Cancer prevention
I’m always wary of claims that one individual ingredient or lifestyle
change can cause cancer or prevent it, and the same is true here.
However, broccoli does contain some chemical compounds that, in
laboratory studies at least, seem to offer some prevention against
cancerous changes in cells. The compounds indole-3-carbinole and
sulphoraphane are the most widely studied. This doesn’t mean you can
smoke 20 a day if you eat broccoli, though – it’s just an interesting
insight into the powerful effects foods can have.
Stomach ulcers
Some research suggests that sulphoraphane may help to kill the bacteria
H. pylori, which is involved in stomach ulcers.
Skin health
The vivid orange colour of carrots is thanks to beta carotene. This
compound naturally diffuses into fatty tissues such as those in the skin,
where it can offer localized antioxidant protection and anti-inflammatory
activity. This is ideal for conditions such as acne and eczema.
Eye health
The old saying that carrots can help you see in the dark isn’t true. I bet
that comes as a shock! It was actually part of wartime propaganda. That
said, carrots do offer some benefits to eye health, thanks to the beta
carotene. This fat-soluble nutrient can accumulate in the eyes and offer
protection against free-radical damage, which may help protect against
Pain reduction
Despite its innocent appearance, celery packs a powerful medicinal
punch. It contains a powerful compound called 3-n-butylphthalide (3NB
for short), which is an effective pain killer. It’s not going to be replacing
morphine any time soon, but it’s an easy-to-incorporate ingredient and
anecdotal evidence has shown it to be effective for conditions like
arthritis, sprains and injuries. Isn’t salad fun?
High cholesterol
Regular consumption of soy beans has been shown to lower bad (LDL)
Kale is high in calcium, and is also rich in phosphorous. This ratio
supports skeletal health: if phosphorous levels are too high and calcium
levels too low, it increases the risk of osteoporosis.
Muscular cramps
Its dark green colour means that kale is incredibly rich in chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll contains magnesium, and calcium and magnesium work in
tandem in muscle tissue. Calcium causes muscle to contract, whereas
magnesium causes it to relax. Any kind of muscle cramp or spasm will
always benefit from additional magnesium.
Digestive system health
Like all of the Allium family (such as onions, chives and garlic), leeks are
very high in the prebiotic compound inulin. This feeds the good bacteria
in the gut, enabling them to reproduce, strengthening the colony and
improving digestive function.
Onions are very high in a compound called quercetin, which has a mild
but effective antihistamine activity. Allergies involve a localized release
of histamine by white blood cells, which causes the inflammation and
Onions, particularly the red variety, contain several compounds which
can reduce inflammation, particularly in the respiratory tract, so they may
be useful for asthmatics.
Protein generation
All sprouting seeds are dense in all the essential amino acids our bodies
need to make protein. These nutrients are much more concentrated in
plants during the early stages of their growth cycle, so sprouts are full of
them. We don’t necessarily need to consume protein to make protein;
what we need are essential amino acids (the ones our bodies cannot make
themselves and must be obtained from the diet), which will then be sent
to the liver to be used to make human proteins.
Skin health
Red and orange peppers are packed with two very powerful fat-soluble
antioxidant compounds: carotenoids and flavonoids, both of which
contribute to the vivid colours. They rapidly diffuse into the fatty layer of
the skin, where the collagen and elastin fibres are at their most dense, and
help protect collagen from damage. This can reduce the wrinkling and
skin ageing. They can also deliver some localized anti-inflammatory
activity, and may be useful for eczema and acne.
The deep purple colour is delivered by a powerful group of antioxidants
called anthocyanins. These deliver a reasonable amount of anti-
inflammatory activity, especially for the digestive tract and
cardiovascular system. They also help reduce some of the chemicals that
actually trigger inflammation in the first place.
High cholesterol
A decade or two ago, a substance in shiitake mushrooms called
eritadenine was discovered. It was found that this compound could lower
bad (LDL) cholesterol, while improving levels of the good (HDL)
cholesterol. It is believed that it does it by influencing the way in which
the liver produces cholesterol in the first place.
Skin health
Not only is it a good source of vitamin C, protein and iron, spinach is
also packed with the potent fat-soluble antioxidant beta carotene, which
can naturally and rapidly diffuse into the lower, fatty layer of the skin,
where it can protect collagen and elastin fibres from damage.
Skin health
Sweet potatoes are also rich in beta carotene, the substance that gives
them their bright orange colour. This can offer significant antioxidant
protection for the skin, and some anti-inflammatory action, too.
Prostate health
There has been a great deal of research on the link between lycopene and
prostate health, but the evidence is mixed. There is, however, some
evidence to suggest that populations that consume high levels of
lycopene tend to have fewer prostate-related health problems.
Skin health
Prawns are incredibly rich in two vital minerals: zinc and selenium. Zinc
helps regulate the oil-producing glands in the skin – if the skin is too oily
or too dry, extra zinc can help balance things out a little. It is also vital
for improved wound healing, as it regulates the activity of white blood
cells involved in managing infection.
Research has also shown that omega 3 from oily fish can be beneficial in
mental health and neurological system issues such as depression,
memory enhancement, even behaviour and mood stability.
Skin health
Tuna is rich in the mineral selenium. This vital mineral is one of the key
components in making the body’s own antioxidant compounds. Selenium
has proved beneficial for the health of the skin, and as an anti-
Like any fibre-rich food, brown rice will bulk out the stools, and
therefore move more easily through the digestive tract.
Brown rice is a low-GI grain, which means it releases its energy very
slowly. This helps keep blood sugar levels stable. Add a lean protein to
the mix, and you have a very slow-release meal that is key to self-
management of diabetes.
High cholesterol
It’s mostly the fibre content that makes brown rice useful here. It helps
move cholesterol out of the digestive tract, reducing the amount that gets
absorbed into the bloodstream. There is a compound in brown rice
known as gamma-oryzanol, which is also linked with lowering bad
(LDL) cholesterol.
Bulgur wheat is very rich in B vitamins. These vital nutrients are often
deficient in Western diets, mainly because they are used rapidly during
the stress response. They regulate many functions in the nervous system
and adrenal glands. They are also vital for releasing energy from food,
which is one reason why stress leaves us feeling depleted. B vitamins
also seem to deliver a very calming effect. This is anecdotal, but quite
commonly noticed.
Skin health
Chickpeas, like all pulses, are packed with the spot-fighting mineral zinc.
The high fibre content of oats makes them an obvious choice for easing
constipation. The fibre attracts water and begins to swell, which makes
the bowel contents bigger and bulkier. This helps stimulate the stretch
receptors in the gut wall, which causes it to contract in a process known
as peristalsis, helping to move bowel contents along more effectively.
Oats are very rich in B vitamins, which are essential for supporting the
body during stressful times. They support adrenal gland function and
nervous system activity, and are essential for energy production at a
cellular level. They are rapidly depleted during stressful times, which can
leave us feeling washed out very quickly.
High cholesterol
Red lentils contain a high percentage of soluble fibre. This is not only
helpful for digestion, but also helps remove cholesterol from the gut, and
thereby reduces the amount that gets absorbed into the bloodstream
through the digestive tract.
The high fibre content also helps keep things moving through the
digestive tract properly.
Thanks to the very high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseeds (also
known as linseeds) can deliver some impressive anti-inflammatory
activity. This is because they help to increase the production of the
body’s own anti-inflammatory compounds, and inhibit the production of
pro-inflammatory compounds.
High cholesterol
Pumpkin seeds are very rich in a compound called beta sitosterol, which
is added to those cholesterol-lowering drinks we see advertised so often.
It works by blocking the absorption of cholesterol through the gut, and
has had vast amounts of clinical research conducted on it.
Fungal conditions
Pumpkin seeds contain curcubitin, which has shown some interesting
antifungal activity. It is believed to be useful for digestive parasites such
as candida. Although I’m sceptical about the amount of attention paid to
candida by the natural health world, it can be a problem, and this
compound may well be a good option.
Pumpkin seeds are very high in zinc, which helps regulate the sebaceous
glands. This can help even out oily acne-prone skin.
Aniseed sweets have traditionally been used to settle the digestion. The
essential oil anethol, which creates the familiar aroma, can work as a
muscle relaxant, helping to relax the walls of the digestive tract and
regulate bowel movements. Herbalists describe aniseed oil as
carminative, which means it can help to disperse gas.
Anethol is also believed to be a bronchiodilator, which means that it
opens up the airways in the lungs. This can offer some relief for dry,
irritated coughs.
This has two benefits: firstly, the wider the blood vessel, the lower the
pressure within it, and secondly, circulation to the extremities is
Pain reduction
The capsaicin in chilli also has painkilling effects. Firstly, the heat from
chilli stimulates the release of our own natural endorphins, which can
lower our perception of pain to a degree. Secondly, it can reduce the
levels of something called substance P, a chemical released by nerves that
carries pain signals.
Raw garlic is actually a reasonably effective anti-inflammatory, due to a
compound called diallyldisulphide. This compound breaks down
drastically on cooking, though.
One of the true kings of the food realm, ginger is one of the most
powerful anti-inflammatories there is. The strong, spicy essential oils that
give it its spicy flavour have been shown by many studies to interrupt
certain aspects of the chemical reaction that occurs when inflammation is
Ginger has a longstanding reputation as a useful remedy for the treatment
of mild nausea, from morning sickness to motion sickness. It isn’t clear
how it does this, but many people believe it works by stimulating the
production of digestive juices.
Respiratory infections
The spicy compounds in horseradish also work as a mild irritant to the
upper respiratory tract, causing the mucous membranes to secrete a
thinner mucous, which helps to dislodge the thicker mucous that can
arise due to infection.
Rosemary contains a very powerful anti-inflammatory compound (albeit
in small amounts), called rosmarinic acid, which blocks certain
compounds that stimulate the inflammatory response.
Bacterial infections
Thyme has always been my first port of call for upper respiratory tract
infections. The complex chemistry that gives thyme its powerful flavour
and aroma, including the essential oil thymol, has been identified as
having potent antibacterial activity, hence the traditional usage for
conditions such as throat infections.
Turmeric is one of the kings of medicinal food. The chemicals that
provide its vivid, bright-orange colour are a group of compounds called
curcuminoids. These have been studied for decades and are known to
reduce inflammation by blocking an enzyme involved in triggering
inflammation. Turmeric is very powerful indeed, and some studies have
even compared the effectiveness of extracts of turmeric with some
pharmaceutical drugs.
Liver health
The curcuminoids in turmeric have also been shown to help protect the
liver. Studies have shown that they can reduce inflammation and damage
to hepatocytes, the liver cells, caused by chemical irritants such as
alcohol and pollutants.
Heat the olive oil in a pan over a medium heat, add the spinach and cook
for 3–4 minutes, or until wilted.
Crack the eggs into a bowl, season with salt and pepper and whisk them
together. Pour them into the pan with the spinach and add the cubed feta.
Stir gently over a medium-low heat until the eggs have scrambled.
Sprinkle with the chopped chives and serve immediately.
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
Melt the honey, coconut oil and peanut butter together over a gentle heat
in a pan. Remove from the heat, add the rest of the ingredients (reserving
a few seeds and dates to sprinkle over the top), and stir well to form a
sticky mixture. Press the mixture firmly into the prepared tin. Sprinkle
with pumpkin seeds and dates.
Bake in the oven for 10–15 minutes, or until golden brown. Allow to cool
completely before cutting into bars. Store in an airtight container. They
will keep for up to a week. Serve with a little honey drizzled over, if you
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
Begin with a thin layer of fresh berries. Top this with a thin layer of
porridge oats, then a thin layer of pumpkin seeds, then finally a layer of
yoghurt. Repeat this process as many times as is necessary to fill your
vessel of choice. You can add a little pinch of cinnamon and a drizzle of
honey at the end to jazz things up a bit.
REPRODUCTIVE & URINARY SYSTEMS Polycystic ovary syndrome
Whisk the eggs in a small bowl, season with salt and pepper and stir in
the chopped herbs. Pour the eggs into the pan.
Keep the pan on a consistent medium-high heat for 3–4 minutes, enough
time to cook the lower portion of the frittata. At this point, place the pan
underneath the preheated grill to cook the top part of the frittata. To
check if it’s cooked, insert a knife in it. If you can see a lot of runny egg,
cook it for a minute or two longer. Allow to stand for a minute before
JOINTS & BONES Osteoporosis, Rickets
METABOLIC SYSTEM Diabetes (Type 2)
Heat a little olive oil in a pan over a medium heat, add the spinach and
cook for 3–4 minutes, or until wilted. Season with salt and pepper.
Bring a small saucepan of water to a simmer, turn down the heat so that
the water is barely bubbling and add the vinegar. Crack 2 eggs, one at a
time, into a cup and then slide them gently into the water. Poach for 3–4
Toast the bread and drain the spinach in a sieve. Stir through the
remaining fresh dill and place the spinach on top of the toast. Remove the
eggs from the water with a slotted spoon and place on top of the spinach.
Pour over the hollandaise sauce and serve immediately.
HEART & CIRCULATION Heart disease, High cholesterol
Heat a little olive oil over a medium heat in a large pan, add the garlic
and cook gently for a few minutes, until softened.
Add the shiitake mushrooms and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes, then add
the tomatoes and season with salt and pepper. Cook for 4–5 minutes, or
until the mushrooms have softened. Add the spinach and cook for a
minute or two longer, until it has wilted.
Meanwhile, toast the bread. Top with the mushroom mixture and serve
JOINTS & BONES Arthritis
METABOLIC SYSTEM Diabetes (Type 2)
HEART & CIRCULATION High blood pressure, High cholesterol
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Crohn’s disease
Bring a small pan of water to the boil, then lower the heat to a gentle,
rolling boil. Drop the asparagus into the water for 4–5 minutes, just long
enough for it to turn a bright, vivid green. Remove, drain and dry on
kitchen paper.
Place the egg in the boiling water and allow to boil for 6 minutes, for a
soft-boiled egg (hard white, soft yolk).
While the egg is cooking, cut the smoked salmon into strips of about 2 x
6cm, and wrap them around the middle of the asparagus spears.
Remove the egg from the water and place it in an egg cup. Remove the
top to expose the runny yolk, ready for dipping. For a hard-boiled egg
with a fully set yolk, cook for 10 minutes.
JOINTS & BONES Arthritis, Bursitis
METABOLIC SYSTEM Diabetes (Type 2)
HEART & CIRCULATION Heart disease, High cholesterol
REPRODUCTIVE & URINARY SYSTEMS Menopause, Polycystic ovary syndrome
Heat a little olive oil over a medium heat in a large pan, add the onion
and red pepper and cook gently until softened – about 5 minutes.
Add the curry powder, turmeric, chilli and rice and stir for a few minute
to toast the spices slightly. Add enough water to cover the rice, season
with salt and pepper and simmer, covered, over a medium-high heat for
around 20 minutes, or until the rice has softened. You may need to top up
the water now and then during the cooking time.
Meanwhile, cover the egg with water in a small pan, bring to the boil and
boil for 7 minutes. Drain under cold water and leave to cool before
peeling and cutting into quarters lengthways.
Just before the rice is cooked, stir the baby spinach through it and cook
for a couple more minutes to wilt the spinach. When the rice is cooked,
stir through the flaked mackerel and yoghurt. Serve with the egg wedges
on top.
A soup is one of the best, most warming comfort foods there is, and
one of the most effective ways of getting lots of good ingredients into
your diet. Fresh herbs and spices, vegetables and aromatics such as
garlic are all soup staples and nutritional powerhouses, enabling
you to create a dish that provides masses of health benefits in a very
small portion size. Soups freeze very well and are easy to transport,
so they’re ideal for taking to work or on long journeys to make sure
you have some ultra-nutritional food to hand.
If you feel a bit full and bloated after eating these soups, it’s a
temporary effect and means the good bacteria in your gut are
starting to have a party. Their numbers are increasing and the
colony is getting stronger. Both of them are wonderful for the
Heat a little olive oil in large pan, add the onion and garlic and cook for
4–5 minutes, or until the onion is soft and translucent.
Add the Jerusalem artichokes and parsnips and enough vegetable stock to
cover them. Simmer for about 15 minutes, or until the parsnips and
artichokes are tender.
Season with salt and pepper. Transfer in batches to a jug blender and
process into a smooth, velvety soup. Serve with a dollop of yoghurt and
some freshly ground black pepper.
Heat a little olive oil in a large pan, add the onion and garlic and cook for
4–5 minutes, or until the onion has softened.
Add the fennel, celeriac and potato and add enough vegetable stock to
cover. Simmer until the potato and celeriac feel soft – about 10 minutes.
Season with salt and pepper. Transfer in batches to a jug blender and
process into a velvety soup. Sprinkle with fennel seeds, if using.
JOINTS & BONES Arthritis
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
Add the sweet potatoes and mushrooms to the pan along with the goji
berries. Stir well, then add enough vegetable stock to cover all the
ingredients. Simmer well for 10–15 minutes, until the potato is soft.
Season with salt and pepper.
Carefully add the soup to a jug blender in batches, and blend into a
smooth, vivid orange, spicy soup.
JOINTS & BONES Arthritis
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol, High blood pressure
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Bloating, Crohn’s disease
Thai fish soup This gorgeous dish has a lovely exotic vibe about
it, is a doddle to make, plus it’s light and bursting with nutrients.
Does it get much better?
1 stalk fresh lemon grass
light olive oil, for cooking
½ red onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1cm piece fresh root ginger, peeled and finely chopped
2 kaffir lime leaves
1 x 400ml can coconut milk
2 salmon fillets, skinned and cut into 2cm cubes
180g cooked prawns
handful baby spinach leaves
100g mangetout
juice of ½ lime
handful fresh coriander leaves, torn
1 red chilli, thinly sliced (optional)
Bash the whole lemon grass stalk with something heavy, such as a rolling
pin, to release the fragrant oils. Heat a little olive oil in a large pan, add
the onion, garlic, ginger, kaffir lime leaves and lemon grass and cook
gently for 4–5 minutes, or until the onion has softened.
Add the coconut milk and 150ml water, and cook at a slow simmer for 15
minutes. Add the salmon and continue to simmer until it is cooked –
about 5 minutes.
Add the prawns, spinach and mangetout and simmer for 2 more minutes.
Squeeze in the lime juice, add the torn coriander and chilli, remove the
lemon grass stalk and lime leaves – and you’re ready to serve. It’s great
with a side salad, or perhaps some noodles. You could add these to the
soup along with the salmon (check the cooking time on the packet).
JOINTS & BONES Osteoporosis, Rickets
Calming green soup It’s soup. It’s green. That’s for sure! This
simple soup is not only an awesome colour, but also has a
naturally sweet flavour and a wonderfully smooth texture.
olive oil, for cooking and drizzling
1 white onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
350g fresh or frozen peas
1 large courgette, coarsely chopped
1 large potato, roughly diced, skin left on
500ml vegetable stock (made from stock cubes or bouillon powder)
1 x 180g bag baby spinach
small bunch fresh mint leaves
sea salt and black pepper
Heat a little olive oil in a large pan, add the onion and garlic and cook for
4–5 minutes, or until softened.
Add the peas, courgette and potato, and enough vegetable stock to just
cover all the ingredients. Simmer until the potato has softened – about
10–15 minutes.
Add the baby spinach a handful at a time, until it has all wilted into the
hot soup. Add the mint leaves, setting aside a few small ones.
Season with salt and pepper. Transfer in batches to a jug blender and
process to a smooth soup. Scatter with the reserved mint leaves and
drizzle with a little olive oil to serve.
METABOLIC SYSTEM Diabetes (Type 2)
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
Heat a little olive oil in a large pan, add the onion, garlic and cumin and
cook over a medium heat for 4–5 minutes, or until lightly golden.
Add the cherry tomatoes and cook over a high heat, stirring frequently.
Keep cooking until the tomatoes have started to turn into a bit of a mush,
and the whole thing resembles a thick ratatouille.
Add the lentils and start adding the stock a little at a time, almost as
though you’re cooking a risotto. Each time the stock level goes down,
add a little more. Keep doing this until the lentils are soft, about 15–20
Once the lentils are soft, add enough stock to cover the whole mixture
and season with salt and pepper. Transfer in batches to a jug blender and
process to a smooth soup. Sprinkle with parsley or coriander, if using,
and serve immediately.
SKIN Eczema
HEART & CIRCULATION Heart disease, High blood pressure
Heat a little olive oil in a pan, add the onion and cook for 4–5 minutes, or
until softened. Add the roasted squash, garlic and lentils. Add enough
vegetable stock to cover and simmer until the lentils are cooked.
Season with salt and pepper. Transfer in batches to a jug blender and
process to a soup. Add a little more stock if the soup is too thick.
Transfer to serving bowls and drizzle with a swirl of pesto in each bowl,
if using. It’s delicious served with toast topped with soft, fresh goat’s
JOINTS & BONES Arthritis
Put the tomatoes, onion, garlic and cucumber in a jug blender, and blend
at high speed for at least 1 minute, or until thoroughly puréed. If you like,
you can set aside a little of the chopped red onion and cucumber to use as
a garnish at the end.
Pass this mixture through a sieve, pushing it through the mesh with a
wooden spoon. This will remove any coarse pulp and create a lovely,
smooth mixture.
Put the sieved mixture back into the blender and blend at the slowest
speed. Add the olive oil and red wine vinegar slowly, to form a smooth,
well-blended mixture. Season with salt and pepper.
Place in the fridge and chill well before serving. To serve, sprinkle with
the reserved finely chopped cucumber and onion, if using, and a drizzle
of olive oil.
Light bites
There are often times when you fancy something light to nibble on –
you might not feel like a full-on lunch or dinner, but you’re peckish
enough to need something. This is often when we reach for junk
food, so I have devised some light bites that are perfect for moments
like these.
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
REPRODUCTIVE & URINARY SYSTEMS Endometriosis, Menopause, Polycystic ovary
syndrome, Problematic periods
Mix the lime zest and juice, honey, and soy sauce together to make a
Add the chopped coriander and the dressing, and stir thoroughly. Top
with the sliced red chilli and serve.
SKIN Eczema, Psoriasis
HEART & CIRCULATION Heart disease, High blood pressure, High cholesterol
Place the slices of toast side by side on a plate, spread a generous helping
of guacamole on each slice, and cover with the roasted vegetables. Serve
METABOLIC SYSTEM Diabetes (Type 2)
REPRODUCTIVE & URINARY SYSTEMS Polycystic ovary syndrome
Creamy egg and rye decker with wild rocket This is so creamy
and satisfying, and surprisingly filling for such a small dish.
2 hard-boiled free-range eggs (see page 42), shelled
1 tablespoon live probiotic yoghurt
1 sprig fresh chives, finely chopped
1 slice rye bread
pinch of smoked paprika (optional)
small handful wild rocket
sea salt and black pepper
Put the boiled eggs in a small bowl and mash them with the back of a
fork to make a fine, crumbly mixture.
Add the yoghurt and chives to the eggs, season with salt and pepper, and
stir together to make a creamy egg spread.
Put a nice dollop of the egg spread on top of a slice of rye bread, and top
with a little paprika and the wild rocket. Enjoy!
These recipes are major crowd-pleasers. The combination of
olives and artichokes is bold, brassy and will keep even the most
hardened of healthy-food haters creeping back for more. Mint
and feta is also a match made in heaven, and always conjures up
images of the Mediterranean for me. I’ve used canned broad
beans to save time, but by all means use fresh or frozen if you’d
Place the beans, mint and olive oil in a food processor and blend at low
speed to create a coarse-textured pâté. Turn out of the processor into a
serving bowl.
Crumble in the feta and stir gently to ensure there are small lumps of it
throughout the pâté. Season with salt and pepper.
Serve the mixture on top of slices of toasted bread of your choice, such as
a farmhouse bloomer, ciabatta, baguette or sourdough.
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
Holy shiitake …pâté, that is! This is a lovely, earthy dish that’s
great on an oatcake, used as a sandwich filler, or even as a dip for
raw celery. It contains some seriously powerful active chemicals,
125g raw shiitake mushrooms
100g sunflower seeds
1 garlic clove
2 teaspoons low-salt soy sauce
Put all the ingredients in a food processor and blend into a smooth pâté.
Serve on an oatcake or on multigrain granary bread.
SKIN Acne, Eczema
REPRODUCTIVE & URINARY SYSTEMS Polycystic ovary syndrome, Problematic periods
Put the bulgur wheat in a pan and cover with freshly boiled water, then
simmer over a medium heat for 15 minutes, or until tender. Drain well.
Put the cooked bulgur wheat in a salad bowl. Add the cucumber,
tomatoes, walnuts and watercress, and stir well.
Mix together the horseradish and olive oil together to make a creamy
dressing, and season with salt and pepper.
Pour the dressing over the bulgur wheat and stir well. Crumble the blue
cheese over the top and serve.
SKIN Eczema
METABOLIC SYSTEM Diabetes (Type 2)
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Bloating, Constipation
Preheat the grill to medium-high. Spread the tomato purée evenly over
the pitta bread. Add the chopped garlic, wilted spinach, mint and cherry
tomatoes, then crumble the feta over it all. Season with salt and pepper
and place the olives on top.
Place under the hot grill for about 5 minutes, or until the cheese begins to
get golden brown on the edges. Serve immediately.
JOINTS & BONES Osteoporosis
METABOLIC SYSTEM Diabetes (Type 2)
HEART & CIRCULATION High blood pressure, High cholesterol
Arrange the spinach, beans, tomato wedges, boiled egg wedges and
olives on a plate. Place the anchovies over the top in a circular pattern.
Heat a ridged grill pan or frying pan with a little olive oil over a medium-
high heat. Add the tuna steak and cook for about 3 minutes on each side,
so that it’s still slightly pink in the middle. Don’t move it around while
cooking, apart from turning it over once. Remove from the heat.
Combine the dressing ingredients and season with salt and pepper. Slice
the tuna into 5mm thick slices, and arrange the slices on top of the salad.
Drizzle over the dressing and serve.
Small plates, sides & sharing
When we get together and want some food for sharing, we so often
reach for rubbish. But you can still stick to your good eating habits
and make an impressive platter to enjoy with your friends. These
recipes have been designed to be suitable as starters or side dishes,
or dishes that can be shared, tapas or mezze-style.
HEART & CIRCULATION Heart disease, High blood pressure, High cholesterol
Heat a little olive oil in a wide, shallow pan or wok and add the leek,
garlic and chilli. Cook for 5–8 minutes over a medium heat, or until the
leek is soft.
Add the shredded spring greens and continue to cook until they have
softened slightly and turned a brighter green.
Add 2 dashes of soy sauce (about 1 tablespoon), the honey and the
peanut butter, and stir well. Sprinkle the Chinese five spice over and stir
again. Season with salt, if needed, and serve immediately. It’s great with
brown rice or a fillet of white fish.
Edamame beans make a wonderfully zingy dip that’s great as an
accompaniment to almost anything, such as vegetable crudités,
pitta bread or corn chips – the works! My variation on red pepper
houmous also goes with everything, but without roasting the
peppers, thereby keeping the nutrients intact.
Put all the ingredients into a food processor, season with salt and pepper
and process to make a smooth dip. Serve with your choice of things to
SKIN Eczema
HEART & CIRCULATION Heart disease, High cholesterol
Purple power salad This does exactly what it says on the tin:
it’s purple and powerful! The compounds that make plants purple
have many effective properties. I use flaxseed oil for its high
omega 3 content. It’s easy to find in your local health food shop,
and you could swap it for olive oil if you prefer.
¼ red cabbage, finely sliced
½ red onion, finely sliced
1 large or 2 small raw beetroot, finely grated
2 tablespoons flaxseed oil
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
½ garlic clove, finely chopped
1 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds
sea salt and black pepper
Mix the red cabbage, red onion and beetroot together in a large serving
bowl. Combine the flaxseed oil, honey and balsamic vinegar in a small
bowl. Add the garlic. Stir well and drizzle over the grated vegetables.
Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds and season with salt and pepper. Mix
together thoroughly and serve. If you like, you can prepare the dressing
in advance and mix it with the vegetables just before serving.
Preheat the grill to medium. Put the butter beans, watercress, garlic and
olive oil into a food processor and process to make a smooth purée.
Season with salt and pepper.
Put the pitta fingers on a baking tray and toast under the grill for a few
minutes, turning once, until crisp and toasted. Serve with the dip.
METABOLIC SYSTEM Diabetes (Type 2)
Soft goat’s cheese, red onion and chilli spread Goat’s cheese is
lighter and much better tolerated by most people than cow’s milk
cheese. Its lovely, tangy flavour gets my mouth watering every
time. The added bonus is that the fats in the cheese help with
absorption of some of the beneficial compounds in the onions.
125g soft goat’s cheese
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon red wine vinegar
¼ red onion, very finely chopped
½ green chilli, very finely chopped
small bunch fresh parsley, finely chopped
sea salt and black pepper
Put the goat’s cheese in a bowl, add the rest of the ingredients and season
with salt and pepper. Stir well until all the ingredients are well combined.
Serve with oatcakes or crudités.
SKIN Eczema, Psoriasis
HEART & CIRCULATION Heart disease, High blood pressure
Peel the avocados. Make the sauce by putting the avocado flesh, lemon
juice, horseradish sauce and olive oil into a food processor. Season with
salt and blend into a smooth sauce to serve with the beetroot. Great with
a substantial side salad or some cooked couscous.
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
REPRODUCTIVE & URINARY SYSTEMS Endometriosis, Polycystic ovary syndrome,
Problematic periods
Heat a pan with a little olive oil and add the garlic. Cook over a medium-
high heat – this is one of those rare occasions that I encourage you to let
the garlic go brown. This gives the dish a unique, smoky flavour.
At this point, add the beans and tear in the curly kale (tear it into small
pieces straight into the pan). Season with salt and pepper. Continue to
cook for about 7–8 minutes, or until just tender but still crisp.
At this stage, add 1 tablespoon of the Parmesan and stir well. Transfer to
a serving dish and sprinkle the remaining Parmesan on top, along with
some chilli flakes, if using. Serve immediately.
SKIN Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis
JOINTS & BONES Arthritis
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Crohn’s disease
The beta booster I love the intense, earthy and aromatic flavours
in this dish. The squash is ultra-rich in the antioxidant beta
carotene, and the fats in the feta cheese actually drastically
increase the body’s absorption of the beta carotene.
1 medium butternut squash
3 garlic cloves
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
¼ teaspoon dried chilli flakes
olive oil, for roasting
small bunch fresh sage, finely chopped, or 1 teaspoon dried sage
200g feta cheese
sea salt and black pepper
Keep the garlic cloves whole and unpeeled. Bash them with the palm of
your hand or the back of a wooden spoon – anything that will partially
crush them. Add them to the roasting tin with the squash, and sprinkle
over the cumin seeds and chilli flakes. Drizzle some olive oil over,
season with salt, and if you are using dried sage, add it at this point.
Roast in the oven for around 20 minutes, or until the squash is soft,
starting to brown, and the edges are starting to caramelize. If using fresh
sage, sprinkle it over now.
Place the squash in a large bowl and crumble the feta over it, then season
with a little black pepper. Serve immediately.
HEART & CIRCULATION High blood pressure, High cholesterol
Start by bashing the lemon grass. Use a rolling pin or something with
plenty of weight behind it – this will split and bruise the stalk and allow
the wonderful fresh oils to seep out of the lemon grass and into the dish.
Heat a little olive oil in a large pan, add the onion, garlic, chilli and
lemon grass and cook for 4–5 minutes, or until the onion has softened.
Add the lentils and coconut milk and simmer for 3–4 minutes.
Start adding the vegetable stock, little by little. Keep adding the stock
until the lentils have softened and partially broken down, which usually
takes about 20–25 minutes.
Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle over the coriander and red chilli,
and serve immediately with the lime wedges on the side. It’s great with
quinoa with some goji berries, fresh coriander and lime juice stirred
through it.
Handy, healthy snacks
Snacking is often a problem when we’re trying to eat well.
Temptation is everywhere and convenience is paramount, so it’s all
too easy to reach for a chocolate bar, a packet of crisps, or other
such undesirable items. However, with a bit of planning and
organization, you can make some simple, handy snacks that will
both scratch that itch for something to nibble on, and be
nutritionally sound too. These are some of my favourites.
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
In a bowl, mix together the oats, flour and mixed seeds. Pour in the
melted honey and coconut mixture and stir well to form a dough.
Spoon half the dough into a greased baking tin, pushing down firmly. Top
with the date mixture, and then spread the remaining dough over the date
Bake in the oven for around 30 minutes, or until golden brown. Allow to
cool completely before cutting into squares.
These are great little dishes to have on hand in the fridge for
those times when you want to dip into something tasty. They are
rich in flavour, feel luxurious, and do you good at the same time.
Guacamole is a fantastic comfort food that’s full of the good fats
that are vital for virtually every system in your body.
Flake the mackerel fillets into a food processor, discarding the skin. Add
the yoghurt and lemon juice, and season with salt and a generous helping
of black pepper.
Process at slow speed, then stir in the capers, reserving a few to sprinkle
over the top. If you prefer a coarser texture, you can mash it with a fork
instead. Serve it with vegetable crudités.
SKIN Psoriasis
Skin-boosting guacamole
2 large, very ripe avocados
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
juice of ½ lime
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1 fresh green chilli, finely chopped
¼ large red onion, very finely chopped
5–6 cherry tomatoes, quartered
sea salt and black pepper
Halve the avocados and scoop out the flesh into a food processor. Add
the oil, lime juice, garlic and chilli, along with a good pinch of salt, and
process on full power to make a smooth purée. If you don’t have a food
processor or prefer a coarser texture, you can crush the ingredients
together with a fork.
Transfer the guacamole to a bowl. Add the chopped onion and tomatoes,
and stir well. Season with salt and black pepper, and it is ready to serve.
METABOLIC SYSTEM Diabetes (Type 2)
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Constipation, Haemorrhoids, IBS
Melt the coconut oil and honey together in a pan over a medium-high
heat. Once the oil and honey have combined, stir in the apple purée and
stir well.
Add the oats, cinnamon, cranberries and pumpkin seeds and stir
thoroughly to form a sticky mixture.
Transfer the mixture to the prepared tin, pressing down well, and bake for
around 20 minutes, or until the top is golden brown. Allow to cool
completely before cutting into squares.
Put the dates, walnuts and spirulina into a food processor, and process at
full speed until a stiff paste forms.
Sprinkle the desiccated coconut on a plate and have another clean plate
handy. Processing the ingredients at high speed will have squeezed the
oil from the walnuts, so the paste will be very oily. Break off thumb-sized
pieces of paste, roll them into balls, then roll in the desiccated coconut.
Place the coated balls on a clean plate.
Once all the paste has been rolled into balls, place in the fridge for
several hours, which will make them firmer and give them a fantastic
chewy texture.
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
Once the bananas are thoroughly mixed in, stir in the oats and flaxseeds
and mix well until a sticky mixture is formed.
Transfer this mixture to the prepared tin, pressing down well to ensure
the mixture is compact, then bake in the oven for 20 minutes, or until
golden brown.
Place the coconut oil in a heatproof bowl, then sit the bowl in some
freshly boiled water. The oil will melt in a matter of seconds. Add the
melted oil to the rest of the ingredients in the food processor. Process the
ingredients at full speed until they have combined thoroughly into a firm
Line a 20cm rectangular cake tin with baking parchment, turn the
mixture into the tin and press down firmly to completely fill it. Sprinkle
the reserved seeds and goji berries over the top, along with the chopped
nuts and fruit, and press down lightly. Place in the fridge for 3 hours, or
until set firm. Slice into about 8 even pieces.
Quick main courses
These recipes make perfect, speedy week-day evening meals.
They’re tasty, satisfying and full of nutrients, as well as being pretty
easy to whip up in a matter of minutes, so they’re perfect after a
long day at work.
METABOLIC SYSTEM Diabetes (Type 2)
HEART & CIRCULATION High blood pressure, High cholesterol
Put the walnuts, basil, garlic, ground flaxseeds, Parmesan, olive and
flaxseed oils in a small food processor, and process to make a smooth
Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil, add the pasta and cook for
8–10 minutes (check the instructions on the packet), or until tender but
still firm to the bite.
Meanwhile, heat a little olive oil in a large, shallow pan, add the spinach,
if using, and cook for 1–2 minutes, or until wilted, stirring frequently.
Drain the pasta and stir it into the spinach, making sure they are well
combined. If using rocket, just stir the rocket leaves through the hot pasta
without cooking them first. Season with salt and pepper.
Remove from the heat and stir in the pesto, then serve immediately. It’s
important that the pesto isn’t cooked so as to preserve the delicate but
essential fatty acids it contains.
SKIN Acne, Eczema
JOINTS & BONES Arthritis, Bursitis
HEART & CIRCULATION High blood pressure, High cholesterol
Heat the olive oil in a large pan over a medium heat, add the onions,
garlic, ginger and chillies, and cook for 4–5 minutes, or until softened.
Add all the spices and stir until they become fragrant.
Add the sweet potato and stock and simmer for about 15–20 minutes, or
until the sweet potato is soft.
Next, add the spinach leaves and season with salt. Once the spinach has
wilted, sprinkle with the coriander and flaked almonds and serve
immediately. It’s great with wilted greens, or even a salad.
SKIN Eczema, Psoriasis
HEART & CIRCULATION High blood pressure, Heart disease
Meanwhile, place the goat’s cheese in a bowl and break it up with a fork.
Stir the herbs into the goat’s cheese along with the olive oil and lemon
juice, and season with salt and pepper. Mix well to create a lovely,
smooth herbed cheese.
Remove the peppers from the oven, turn them over to expose the insides,
and fill the halves with the cheese mixture. Top with the pine nuts.
Return to the oven for another 10–12 minutes, or until lightly browned,
then remove and serve with a salad.
Heat a little olive oil in a small pan and add the red onion. Cook for 4–5
minutes, or until softened, then add the balsamic vinegar and honey. Stir
well and keep cooking until the mixture becomes sticky. Set aside.
At this stage, carefully drain any remaining water out of the baking tray.
Turn the courgette halves over and fill the troughs with the onion
mixture. Season with salt and pepper. Crumble the goat’s cheese over the
top, and return to the oven for another 5–8 minutes, or until the cheese is
lightly golden. Serve immediately.
SKIN Acne, Eczema
While the squash is cooking, bring a pan of water to the boil, add the
broccoli and cook for 3–4 minutes, or just long enough for it to start to
soften and turn bright green.
Place the spinach and cherry tomatoes in a salad bowl. Add the cooked
squash and broccoli and the pomegranate seeds, season with salt and
pepper, and toss well.
Combine the orange juice, mustard and olive oil in a bowl, and mix
thoroughly. Dress the salad and toss again.
SKIN Eczema, Psoriasis
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Bloating, Crohn’s disease
Meanwhile, place the chickpeas, sesame seeds, flaxseed oil, garlic and
lemon juice into a blender or food processor, season with salt and pepper
and process into a smooth houmous.
When the sweet potato is cooked, cut it in half lengthways and pile a big
dollop of the houmous on top of it. Scatter with the herbs, if using. Serve
HEART & CIRCULATION High blood pressure, High cholesterol
Add the beans and the tomatoes, and continue to cook for about 10–15
minutes, or until the liquid from the tomatoes has virtually vanished, and
you are left with a thick tomato-bean stew. Season it with salt and pepper.
Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas mark 4.
Lay the tortillas out flat, spoon some of the mixture on the side of each
one, then pat it down gently. Sprinkle some coriander over the top of the
beans, then half the grated Cheddar on top of that. Fold the tortilla in half
to make a parcel.
Place the folded quesadillas on a baking tray, folded side down. Bake in
the oven for about 10 minutes, or until golden. Alternatively, brush a
ridged grill pan with a little olive oil and place over a medium-high heat.
Griddle the quesadillas on both sides. Serve immediately.
MENTAL HEALTH & NERVOUS SYSTEM Anxiety, Insomnia, Migraine, Stress
Kale and potato salad with peanut chilli sauce You may think
raw kale will be tough, chewy and not exactly a treat. But this is
a wonderful way to give raw kale the same texture as cooked,
without damaging the nutrients.
8 new potatoes
200g raw curly kale
1–2 tablespoons olive oil
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 red chilli, finely chopped
3 heaped tablespoons good-quality peanut butter (no added salt or sugar)
1 tablespoon dark soy sauce
2 teaspoons honey
½ teaspoon five-spice powder
10 cherry tomatoes, halved
3–4 sprigs fresh coriander
sea salt
Put the new potatoes in a pan, cover with boiling water and simmer for
15–20 minutes, or until tender. Drain well and set aside.
Put the kale in a large bowl and tear the leaves into small bite-size pieces,
discarding any thick, tough stems. Drizzle the olive oil and a good pinch
of salt over the kale and massage it in with both hands. This will make it
wilt and take on the same texture as cooked kale. Once soft and wilted,
move on to making the sauce.
Put the chopped garlic and chilli, peanut butter, soy sauce, honey, five-
spice powder and 4 tablespoons water in a small bowl, and mix well. The
mixture will look as though it has separated at first, but keep stirring and
it will come together to make a wonderful satay-like sauce. If it is too
thick, add a little more water.
Add the sauce to the kale and stir well. Once all of the sauce is mixed
into the kale, cut the potatoes and cherry tomatoes in half, and add them
to the kale and stir again. Garnish with coriander and serve.
SKIN Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis
METABOLIC SYSTEM Diabetes (Type 2)
Put the quinoa in a pan, cover with freshly boiled water and add the
vegetable stock. Simmer for 10–15 minutes, or until just tender. Drain
Combine the olive oil, balsamic vinegar and mixed herbs together to
make a dressing, and drizzle it over the salad. Top with fresh rocket and
SKIN Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis
Meanwhile, heat a little olive oil in a pan, add the remaining garlic and
cook gently for 1–2 minutes, until it begins to turn fragrant. Add the
drained beans and stir well.
Mash the bean mixture in the same way you would mash potatoes, using
a hand-held masher. Instead of adding milk and butter like in a traditional
mash, add a little extra-virgin olive oil to give it a creamy texture.
Stir in the chopped coriander and the lemon juice, and season with salt
and pepper. Serve the roasted vegetables and bean mash with a mixed
leaf salad.
SKIN Acne, Eczema
JOINTS & BONES Arthritis, Bursitis
METABOLIC SYSTEM Diabetes (Type 2)
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
REPRODUCTIVE & URINARY SYSTEMS Polycystic ovary syndrome
Tuna steaks with sweet potato wedges and spring greens This
is a healthy spin-off from fish and chips – well, it is to me at
least! It contains some very nutritious ingredients, and it’s
fabulous for the health of many body systems.
2 large sweet potatoes
olive oil, for drizzling and cooking
100g spring greens, shredded
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 red chilli, finely chopped
2 tuna steaks, about 150g each
sea salt and black pepper
Heat a little olive oil in a pan, add the spring greens and fry for about 5–8
minutes, or until they have turned a much brighter green colour. At this
stage, add the garlic and chilli, season with salt and pepper and stir well.
Heat a non-stick frying pan or griddle with a tiny amount of olive oil.
Add the tuna and sear it for 3–4 minutes on each side. If the thought of
the middle of the tuna being pink really puts you off, you can of course
cook it for longer, but cooking it lightly does preserve more of that vital
omega 3. Slice the tuna and arrange it on top of the greens, then serve
JOINTS & BONES Arthritis, Osteoporosis
METABOLIC SYSTEM Diabetes (Type 2)
HEART & CIRCULATION High blood pressure, High cholesterol
Mix together 1 tablespoon soy sauce with the sesame oil and honey, and
stir well to create a marinade. Pour over the salmon and leave to marinate
for at least an hour, or overnight.
Put the rice in a saucepan and cover with salted boiling water. Simmer
over a medium heat until half cooked, about 10 minutes (check the
instructions on the packet). Add the coconut milk and continue to simmer
until soft and tender. You may need to add a little extra water. Add the
desiccated coconut and stir well. Transfer to a warmed dish and set aside.
Heat a non-stick frying pan over a medium heat, add the salmon and its
marinade and cook for 6–8 minutes, turning regularly.
Meanwhile, heat a little olive oil in a large pan or wok and add the garlic,
onion, carrot and courgette. Stir-fry for 2–3 minutes, until soft. Add the
spinach and remaining soy sauce, and cook for 1 minute. Once the
salmon and vegetables are cooked, serve immediately with the coconut
Weekend main courses
These dishes are ideal for when you have a bit more time on your
hands to create something special. They involve a few more steps
than the quick main courses, but they’re worth the effort, and many
of them are great dinner party dishes.
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Bloating, Constipation, IBS
Heat a little olive oil in a pan, add the onion and garlic and cook gently
for 4–5 minutes, or until softened.
Add the chopped courgette, aubergine and peppers and continue cooking
until the vegetables start to soften. Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas
mark 6.
Add the passata, bring to a simmer and continue to cook for about
another 15 minutes. By this time, the passata should have reduced down
and the mixture should resemble a thick ratatouille. Season with salt and
pepper and transfer to a baking dish.
Meanwhile, make the topping: mix the dry ingredients together, and then
stir through the olive oil, adding just enough to create a breadcrumb-like
Sprinkle the topping on top of the vegetable mixture, and bake the oven
for 15–20 minutes, or until golden brown. Allow to stand for a few
minutes before serving.
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Bloating, Constipation, Crohn’s disease
Beetroot and pea risotto with mint and feta Beetroot and mint
may sound a bit like chalk and cheese, but trust me, it really
works! The freshness of the mint brings the earthy beetroot to
life. The medicinal properties of this dish are outstanding, too.
olive oil, for cooking
1 large red onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
250g arborio risotto rice
300g cooked beetroot, cubed
1 litre vegetable stock (made from a stock cube or bouillon powder), hot
200g frozen garden peas
handful fresh mint, finely chopped
200g feta cheese
sea salt and black pepper
Heat a little olive oil in a pan, add the onion and garlic and cook for 4–5
minutes, or until the onion is soft. Add the rice and cook for another
minute. Add most of the beetroot, reserving one for later.
Add the vegetable stock little by little, until the rice is soft and just
tender, stirring frequently (this can take up to 30 minutes). It should be
fairly moist, but not too liquid. Season with salt and pepper.
When the rice is almost cooked, add the peas and mint and cook for
another 2–3 minutes.
Transfer the chickpea mixture to a baking dish. Put the sweet potato
mash on top of this, as though you were making a shepherds’ pie.
Crumble the blue cheese over the top, if using, and bake in the oven for
15–20 minutes, or until golden and bubbling. Allow to stand for a few
minutes before serving.
HEART & CIRCULATION High blood pressure
Cut the paste ingredients into large chunks and place in a food processor.
Process to a pungent, aromatic paste (a word of caution from bitter
experience: don’t inhale deeply when you take the lid off. You have been
Heat a little coconut oil in a large pan, add the curry paste and fry it for a
minute or two. It should turn a darker, duller green, and be less pungent
in aroma.
Add the vegetables, coconut milk and vegetable stock and simmer for
10–15 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. Serve with lime wedges
and cooked brown rice or quinoa.
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
Cut the aubergine in half lengthways and scoop out the flesh, leaving a
shell around 5mm thick. Chop the scooped-out flesh into 5mm pieces.
Place the lentils in a pan, cover with water and bring to the boil. Reduce
the heat and simmer for 15–20 minutes, or until they have softened and
are beginning to break down.
Heat a little olive oil in a pan, add the onion and garlic and season with
salt and pepper, then cook for 4–5 minutes, or until softened. Add the red
pepper and aubergine flesh and continue to cook until they have softened.
Add the cooked lentils to the onion and garlic, and stir well. Stir in the
sundried tomato paste.
Spoon the lentil mixture into the hollowed-out aubergines and return to
the oven for 10–15 minutes, or until they are nicely roasted and the top of
the stuffing is beginning to brown. Scatter with the basil, if using, and
serve immediately.
HEART & CIRCULATION High blood pressure
Put the pastry on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 10–15 minutes,
or until golden. Allow to cool slightly before pressing down gently on the
inner circle to push it down and form a rim around the edge. Fill the hole
with the onions right up to the edge. Sprinkle the diced beetroot over the
onion layer. Finally, crumble the cheese over the top, followed by the
pine nuts. Return to the oven for around 10 minutes, or until the cheese is
golden brown around the edges. Serve immediately – it’s great with a
green salad.
SKIN Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis
JOINTS & BONES Arthritis
MENTAL HEATH & NERVOUS SYSTEM Anxiety, Depression, Stress
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
REPRODUCTIVE & URINARY SYSTEMS Menopause, Problematic periods
Spread the flaxseed mixture over the salmon fillets, flesh side up, and
place the fillets on the prepared baking tray.
Roast in the oven for about 8–10 minutes, or until the crust is golden
Put the onion, garlic and chopped chilli in a small blender or food
processor and process to a fine purée.
Heat a little olive oil in a large pan, add the onion purée and the chopped
ginger, season with salt and cook for about 10 minutes, or until the purée
has changed colour. It will go much darker in colour and become less
pungent in both taste and aroma.
Once the purée has reached this stage, add the cherry tomatoes and all the
spices except the cinnamon. Continue to cook for another 10 minutes,
stirring frequently.
Add the king prawns and the yoghurt and cook for a further 10 minutes,
stirring frequently.
At this stage, stir in the cinnamon and garnish with the chopped
coriander, if using. Serve with cooked quinoa and a green salad, if you
HEART & CIRCULATION High blood pressure, High cholesterol
Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas mark 6 and line a baking tray with
aluminium foil, then grease it lightly with oil.
Heat a little olive oil in a pan, add the onion and cook for 5–8 minutes, or
until soft and translucent. Add the asparagus and cook for another
minute, then add enough water to just cover it. Simmer for about 10
minutes, or until the asparagus has softened and turned bright green.
Season with salt and pepper, transfer to a food processor and process to a
thick purée.
In a shallow bowl, mix the oatmeal and Parmesan, season with salt and
pepper and mix together thoroughly. Press the tuna steaks lightly into the
oatmeal mixture, and turn to make sure they are well covered. Place the
steaks on the baking tray and bake in the oven for about 15–20 minutes,
or until golden brown.
Warm the asparagus purée gently in a small pan. Place each tuna steak in
the centre of a plate and pour the asparagus purée around it.
HEART & CIRCULATION High blood pressure
Preheat the grill to high. Place the mackerel fillet on a baking tray, season
with salt and pepper and grill for 5–7 minutes, until golden and
thoroughly cooked.
Heat a little olive oil in a pan, add the garlic and chilli and cook over a
low heat for about 1 minute. Add the leek and fennel, and continue to
cook until soft, about 5–8 minutes. After 2 minutes, add the cherry
tomatoes so that they just start to soften and split.
Pile some sautéed leek and fennel in the centre of each plate. Place the
grilled mackerel on top and add a lemon wedge. Serve immediately, with
some boiled new potatoes if you like.
SKIN Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis
JOINTS & BONES Arthritis, Bursitis
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
Grilled salmon with spinach and spiced carrot mash I got the
inspiration for this from a dish I often eat at my favourite hotel in
Dublin, whenever work takes me over that way. Their slightly
more rib-sticking version made me fall in love with spiced carrot
mash. A match made in heaven.
5 large carrots, sliced
2 large salmon fillets
2 large handfuls spinach
small knob of butter
½ teaspoon mixed spice
2 sprigs fresh parsley, finely chopped
lemon wedges, to serve
sea salt and black pepper
Put the carrots in a small pan and cover with water. Bring to the boil, then
reduce the heat and simmer for 10–15 minutes, or until tender. An even
better option, if possible, is to steam them, which retains more nutrients.
Preheat the grill to high. Put the salmon fillets on a baking tray and cook
under the grill for 8–10 minutes, or until beginning to turn golden brown,
turning them during cooking.
Put the spinach in a pan with few tablespoons water, place over a high
heat and cook, covered, for 3–4 minutes, or until wilted. Drain well.
Drain the cooked carrots and place them in a large bowl. Mash them with
a potato masher. Add the butter and mixed spice, season with salt and
pepper and mash again until the texture is smooth. Stir through the
chopped parsley. To assemble, put the spinach in the centre of a plate,
place the grilled salmon on top, and add the mash next to it. Serve with
lemon wedges.
JOINTS & BONES Arthritis
METABOLIC SYSTEM Diabetes (Type 2)
HEART & CIRCULATION High blood pressure, High cholesterol
Preheat the grill to high. Take some presoaked wooden or metal skewers
and thread alternating cubes of salmon and king prawns onto them.
Season with salt and pepper. Place under the grill for about 10 minutes,
turning them 2–3 times.
Bring a pan of water to the boil and add the quinoa. Add a couple of
teaspoons of vegetable stock powder or a vegetable stock cube to the
water to give greater depth of flavour, and cook for 10–15 minutes. When
cooked, the grains should look translucent and have little white tails on
the side.
Place the cooked quinoa into a bowl and stir in the chopped parsley. Add
the zest and juice of the lime. Season with salt and pepper and stir well.
Put some of the quinoa salad onto serving plates and place the cooked
skewers on top. Serve with a rocket salad.
Sweet treats
Many people think a healthy diet has to involve self-flagellation and
suffering, and that sweet treats and goodies are completely off the
menu. Well, forget that for a game of coconuts, I say! A life without
enjoyment is a pretty miserable one, and if you adopt that attitude
you’ll soon end up falling off the wagon and going back to your old
ways of eating. With a bit of imagination and a smart choice of
ingredients, it is possible to have your cake and eat it: you really
can make sweet treats that actually benefit your health.
Peel the pineapple by slicing off each end, then slicing downwards
between the skin and the flesh with a sharp knife. Remove and discard
the skin, and remove the spiky brown dots, or ‘eyes’, from the flesh with
the tip of the knife. Cut the flesh into rough chunks and place them in a
food processor. Halve the papaya, scoop out the seeds, then scoop the
flesh into the processor.
Chop the mint leaves and add them, along with the honey and yoghurt.
Process on high speed to create a creamy mixture that resembles a
smoothie. Transfer this mixture to a tub, or freezerproof tin or dish, and
place in the freezer. After 30 minutes, the edges of the mixture should
have started to freeze. Mix thoroughly with a fork to break up the frozen
pieces, and return to the freezer for another 30 minutes. Alternatively,
process briefly in a food processor and return to the freezer.
After 30 minutes, remove and repeat the process. Continue doing this for
2–3 hours, or until an ice-cream texture is reached.
If you like, you can churn the mixture in an ice-cream machine,
following the manufacturer’s instructions, then transfer to the freezer.
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Constipation, Haemorrhoids
Place the stoned cherries in a small pan with about 1 tablespoon water
and the honey. Simmer over a high heat for 4–5 minutes, or until the
cherries begin to soften and turn into a jammy mush.
Combine the oats, flour, cinnamon and sugar with the olive oil in a bowl.
Mix well to create a breadcrumb-like texture.
Place the cherry mixture in a small baking dish. Top with the crumble
mixture and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes, or until golden
brown. Allow to cool for a few minutes before serving with yoghurt.
SKIN Eczema
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol, High blood pressure
To make the base, put the nuts and dates in a food processor and process
at full speed until a stiff dough has formed. Melt the coconut oil gently in
a small pan over a low heat and add the melted oil to the mixture. Process
again until well mixed. Transfer the mixture to a 23cm round loose-
bottomed cake tin, and line the base with it, pressing down firmly with
the back of the spoon to create a tightly compressed layer in the tin. Put
the tin in the freezer to set while you begin preparing the chocolate layer.
Halve the avocados, remove the stones and scoop the flesh into a food
processor. Add the cocoa powder, honey, peppermint essence and melted
coconut oil, and blend to make a thick, velvety chocolate mousse.
Remove from the freezer and pour the chocolate mixture over the base,
then smooth down into an even layer with a palette knife. Chill in the
fridge for at least 5 hours before serving. This will allow the coconut oil
to set to create a firm base, and a velvety, torte-like topping. Decorate
with mint leaves before serving, if you like.
HEART & CIRCULATION High cholesterol
2 Golden Delicious apples
2 teaspoons maple syrup
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
150g fresh blueberries
½ red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
handful pecan nuts, roughly chopped, to serve (optional)
live probiotic yoghurt, to serve
Place the apple wedges on a baking tray and bake in the oven for 15
minutes. Remove the tray from the oven, drizzle the wedges with maple
syrup and sprinkle with cinnamon. Return to the oven for another 15–20
minutes, or until soft and bubbling.
Halve the avocados, discarding the stones. Scoop out the flesh with a
spoon and put it in a food processor. Add the remaining ingredients and
process to make a thick, rich, mousse-like dessert.
You can add extra cocoa powder or honey to make it sweeter or more
chocolatey, if you like. Serve in a cocktail glass or ramekin.
It’s not all about what we eat; what we drink matters too. It’s very
easy to reach for unhealthy options like sugary fizzy drinks. The best
drink of all for us is water, but it’s easy to make some powerful
health-giving drinks that can add to your health regime. Here are a
few of my favourites. A couple of them require a juicer – these
gadgets were once pricey and fiddly to use, but they’re now well
priced and easy to use and clean.
Chocolate for breakfast: hurrah! Chocolate is often given a bad
rap, but this isn’t always justified. Take away the sugar, cream
and all the other gunk that is added to chocolate bars, and you are
actually left with a very nutritious ingredient indeed. And the
banana berry smoothie is another quick, easy smoothie that
makes a great nutrient-packed breakfast.
Place all the ingredients in a jug blender and process to make a thick,
creamy smoothie.
Put all the ingredients in a jug blender and process to make a thick,
luscious and chocolatey smoothie. Enjoy!
JOINTS & BONES Arthritis
HEART & CIRCULATION High blood pressure
Peel the pineapple by slicing off each end, then slicing downwards
between the skin and the flesh with a sharp knife. Remove and discard
the skin. Remove the spiky brown dots, or ‘eyes’, from the pineapple
flesh with the tip of a small knife, then cut the flesh into chunks and put it
in a jug blender.
Cut the celery into chunks and add it to the blender. Peel the ginger –
scraping off the skin with a teaspoon is a good way to do this – and finely
chop it, then add to the blender.
Process thoroughly to make a thick, zingy smoothie. You can add a small
amount of water to help the ingredients blend, or to make a thinner
smoothie, if you prefer.
These drinks pack a serious punch, and provide a perfect way to
kick-start your day. I’m a big fan of mango lassi and the
smoothie is my tribute. The fennel tea used in this recipe is the
type you would find in tea bags in any supermarket.
Brew a cup of fennel tea. Leave the bag in the tea and allow it to cool
completely. Measure out 100ml of the cooled tea and place in a blender.
Place the peeled mango, yoghurt and honey in the blender and process
into a smooth, luscious drink.
1 heaped teaspoon fennel seeds
1 heaped teaspoon caraway seeds
1 heaped teaspoon dried mint
handful fresh mint leaves (optional)
Mix the seeds and herbs together and infuse in boiling water. Allow to
steep for 10 minutes, then strain and sip.
This lovely, simple smoothie takes minutes to make and is a
great digestive dynamo and energy tonic! Coconut oil is an easy
ingredient to find these days in supermarkets and health food
shops. The unusual but delicious pairing of cranberry and celery
makes a pungent and powerful juice that’s wonderful for the
health of the urinary tract.
Sunshine smoothie
1 small, very ripe pineapple, peeled and chopped
1 x 400ml can coconut milk
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Place all the ingredients in a jug blender, and process into a smooth,
luscious drink. Serve over ice.
REPRODUCTIVE & URINARY SYSTEMS Cystitis and other urinary tract infections
Acne can be a very distressing condition – I know from experience! It is
an infection of the hair follicle, during which the sebaceous glands
secrete an oily substance called sebum, which lubricates the skin and
hair. If sebum is over-produced, it can quickly fill the pore of the follicle
and forms a blackhead. This starts to trap bacteria inside the pore that
normally live happily on the surface. This causes infection, and the
immune system moves in to fight it. It’s the white blood cells fighting the
infection that causes the redness and swelling.
Key ingredients:
Salmon – high in anti-inflammatory omega 3
Red peppers – packed with fat-soluble antioxidants such as flavonoids
and carotenoids
Sweet potatoes, carrots & butternut squash – very rich in the fat-
soluble antioxidant beta carotene
Prawns – packed with zinc for fighting infection
Pumpkin seeds – high in zinc and essential fatty acids
Eggs – full of B vitamins, essential fatty acids, and a bit of zinc too!
Recommended recipes:
Asparagus and smoked salmon egg dippers
Heart-healthy tuna Niçoise salad
Red pepper and white bean dip
The beta booster
Omega pesto pasta
Sweet potato and spinach curry
Immune-boosting king prawn curry
Sesame soy salmon with vegetables and coconut rice
Salmon and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad
Eczema is one of the most common skin conditions of all. It is essentially
an inflammatory lesion of the skin caused by an aggressive immune
system reaction to something in the environment, known as a
hypersensitivity reaction. This response causes patches of inflammation
to appear on the skin, which will become red, raised and incredibly itchy
as the immune system goes into overdrive. Once things have calmed
down a bit, the damage caused to the skin by the flare-up makes skin
cells die off faster, leading to dry, flaky skin.
Increase omega 3 intake
These vital fatty acids are one of the most powerful allies in the fight
against inflammation. One of the main by-products that our body
manufactures when metabolizing them are prostaglandins, which help
manage the inflammatory response. Some prostaglandins activate
inflammation, and make it worse, while others can switch it off. The
body makes whichever type it needs in response to the internal situation.
However, dietary habits can also influence this picture, and different
dietary fats are metabolized to form different types of prostaglandins.
Omega 3 is converted into the type that quietens inflammation down, so
by eating it we are helping our bodies to reduce inflammation. I’d
strongly recommend eating oily fish once a day, and making good use of
flaxseed oil by adding it to dips or using it for dressings, as this seed oil
is also very rich in omega 3.
Key ingredients:
Oily fish (salmon, mackerel, anchovies, herrings) – packed with anti-
inflammatory omega 3
Olive oil – low in omega 6, contains some omega 3
Red peppers – packed with fat-soluble antioxidants
Sweet potatoes, butternut squash, carrots – packed with beta carotene
(the orange pigment), a very powerful fat-soluble antioxidant
Prawns – packed with astaxanthin, a potent fat-soluble antioxidant
Recommended recipes:
Roasted butternut squash, garlic and red lentil soup
Roasted vegetable and guacamole open sandwich
Greek pitta pizza
Roasted beetroot wedges with avocado horseradish
Sweet potato and spinach curry
Red peppers stuffed with herbed goat’s cheese
Antioxidant salad with orange mustard dressing
Tuna steaks with sweet potato wedges and spring greens
Psoriasis is a relatively common skin disorder that affects the turnover of
skin cells. New skin cells are formed at the very bottom layer of our skin,
and gradually make their way outwards as the cells above them die and
fall off. In psoriasis, this perfectly normal process goes a little haywire
and moves at a much faster pace. The cause isn’t completely understood,
but many people now believe it is an autoimmune condition, in which our
body’s own immune system turns upon itself. It is thought that a type of
white blood cell called a T cell moves into the dermis of the skin and
releases chemical messengers called cytokines that cause local
inflammatory responses, which in turn will make normal skin cells die off
much more rapidly, and new cells turn over even more so. This
inflammation may explain the redness and irritation that occurs at the
first stage of a psoriasis flare-up. The increased skin cell turnover that
follows is responsible for the characteristic silver, scaly and flaky stage
of the lesion.
Key ingredients:
Mackerel – packed with anti-inflammatory omega 3
Sweet potatoes, butternut squash, carrots – packed with carotenoids,
the potent fat-soluble antioxidants
Red peppers – another rich source of fat-soluble antioxidants
Onions, leeks, garlic – packed with quercetin
Avocado – rich in fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin E
Brown rice – rich in B vitamins
Prawns – rich in zinc and selenium
Recommended recipes:
The beta booster
Skin-boosting guacamole
Red peppers stuffed with herbed goat’s cheese
Baked sweet potatoes with omega houmous
Roasted peppers with white bean mash
Grilled salmon with spinach and spiced carrot mash
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition in which our body’s
immune system attacks the lining of the joint, causing it to become
inflamed. This can lead to structures within the joint being destroyed, and
even to joint disfigurement. Although the root cause is the dysfunction in
the immune system, managing inflammation is one of the key areas in
which diet can offer the most help. It won’t offer an alternative to regular
medical treatment, but will go a long way to improving your self-
management of the condition.
Key ingredients:
Oily fish (salmon, herrings, mackerel, sardines, anchovies) – rich in
the all-important omega 3
Pineapple – contains the anti-inflammatory enzyme bromelain
Turmeric – contains curcuminoids, the anti-inflammatory colour
Celery – contains 3-n-butylphthalide, a natural painkiller
Brightly coloured fruits and vegetables – packed with antioxidants
Recommended recipes:
Asparagus and smoked salmon egg dippers
Thai fish soup
The beta booster
Sweet potato and spinach curry
Sesame soy salmon with vegetables and coconut rice
Salmon and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad
Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursae, the fluid-filled sacks in the
joints that provide cushioning where bone, muscle and tendons rub
against each other, allowing flawless, smooth movement. The
inflammation can arise from manual labour, demanding exercise regimes
or injury to the joint. Bursitis is often painful, and nothing will replace
some heavy-duty anti-inflammatories from your GP. However, your diet
can certainly enhance their action, and really help you on your road to
Recommended recipes:
Purple power salad
Omega pesto pasta
Sweet potato and spinach curry
Baked sweet potatoes with omega houmous
Tuna steaks with sweet potato wedges and sautéed greens
Grilled salmon with spinach and spiced carrot mash
Osteoporosis is caused by a loss of bone density, which increases the risk
of fractures. Starting from around the age of 35, bone density begins to
decline, and certain lifestyle choices can increase this process. Sedentary
living, being underweight and drinking too much can make this situation
much worse. Menopausal women are also at greater risk of osteoporosis,
as oestrogen is involved in maintaining bone density, and when it begins
to drop, this will have negative repercussions for the skeleton.
Increase vitamin D intake
Vitamin D is one of the biggest missing components in bone health.
Although calcium is the structural material that the bones are made of,
without the auxiliary nutrients that help it do its thing, it is pretty much
useless. Vitamin D is vital for getting adequate amounts of calcium into
the bloodstream. Our primary source of vitamin D is the conversion of
cholesterol into vitamin D precursors when the skin is exposed to UV
radiation in sunlight. Depending on where you live, this can be a
problem, so it’s essential that we also look for as many dietary sources of
vitamin D as possible.
Increase magnesium-rich foods
Magnesium is another forgotten nutrient that is vital for a healthy
skeleton. Magnesium plays a vital role in the way in which calcium is
metabolized and utilized. It is required for the proper formation of
calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D responsible for increasing calcium
levels in the blood. Adequate magnesium intake also reduces the release
of parathyroid hormone (PTH), a hormone which causes an increased
release of calcium from the skeleton, something we desperately need to
avoid in osteoporosis.
Increase phyto-oestrogen-rich foods
For menopausal women, consuming foods rich in phyto-oestrogens may
help to reduce bone density loss by providing oestrogen-like compounds
to the body.
Up the oily fish
We now know that one particular omega-3 fatty acid called DHA is
involved in maintaining stronger bones. While it is possible to get plant-
derived DHA in supplement form, oily fish is a quick and simple way of
getting adequate amounts in each day.
Key ingredients:
Eggs – rich in vitamin D
Feta & goat’s cheese – rich in calcium and vitamin D
Kale – dense source of magnesium
Miso paste – very rich source of phyto-oestrogens
Salmon – packed with the omega-3 fatty acid, DHA
Mackerel, anchovies – high in vitamin D and DHA
Recommended recipes:
Spinach and feta scramble
Calming green soup
Heart-healthy tuna Niçoise salad
Stress-free smoked mackerel pâté
Rickets is a serious softening of the bones that occurs in children, while
osteomalacia is a similar softening of the bones that manifests in adults.
Both conditions are linked to low levels of calcium caused by a lack of
vitamin D, which regulates how the body uses calcium. A lack of it can
drastically affect the amount of calcium we absorb from our food. These
conditions used to be a thing of the past, but in recent years have started
to appear again. There are several factors thought to be responsible for
this, but a combination of poor diet and lack of sunshine could both be
contributing factors.
Increase vitamin D intake
Our primary source of vitamin D is the conversion of cholesterol into
vitamin D precursors when the skin is exposed to UV radiation – in other
words, the sun! However, there are a few good dietary sources of vitamin
D that can help to make up for the deficit that some of us experience.
Increase high-quality calcium intake
Many people with these conditions look towards calcium supplements to
remedy their drop in calcium. This may be helpful in certain
circumstances, under the guidance of a practitioner, but often the calcium
in these supplements is of a poor quality and isn’t very well absorbed.
There have also recently been links between calcium supplementation
(without the correct guidance) and heart and kidney problems. Therefore,
I feel it is best to focus upon dietary sources. This doesn’t mean guzzling
pints and pints of milk, though, as that will bring its own set of problems.
Dairy produce can be a good source of dietary calcium, but there are so
many more. Many green vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans even fish, are
useful sources. The wider the variety you consume the better, in my
Key ingredients:
Mackerel, salmon – packed with vitamin D
Anchovies – vitamin D and packed with calcium
Eggs – vitamin D and calcium
Almonds – a great source of easy-to-absorb calcium
Feta & goat’s cheese, yoghurt – calcium-rich, easy to digest
Recommended recipes:
Spinach and feta scramble
Calming green soup
Red peppers with stuffed with herbed goat’s cheese
Beetroot, red onion and goat’s cheese tart
Asthma is a localized inflammation of the bronchioles (tiny passageways
in the lungs) caused by sensitivity to environmental triggers such as dust,
environmental pollutants and dust mites. When we are exposed to the
trigger stimuli, the immune system responds, causing inflammation. This
rapidly narrows the airways and causes difficulty in breathing. Now, I
don’t believe food is often a cause, but I do believe that manipulating our
intake of certain foods and nutrients will improve things.
Increase omega 3 to reduce inflammation
Diet can go a long way to reducing inflammation. Some of the most
powerful regulators of inflammation are the omega-3 fatty acids,
abundant in oily fish, olive oil, walnuts, flaxseeds and flax oil.
Eat Mediterranean food
Some studies have associated a Mediterranean diet with a lower
incidence of asthma symptoms. This makes perfect sense, as it’s rich in
fruit, vegetables, olive oil and fish, and low in saturated fats and refined
carbohydrates. It’s perfect for controlling inflammation with its
abundance of omega 3, antioxidants and vitamins.
Increase vitamin C to reduce histamine
The chemical histamine, which is released by some white blood cells
during an allergic response, is the catalyst that triggers the inflammation.
It causes the airways to swell and constrict, and therefore the
breathlessness during an attack. Onions contain quercetin, which reduces
the amount of histamine released. Foods high in vitamin C, such as red
peppers, citrus fruit and spinach, also reduce histamine release.
Key ingredients:
Oily fish (salmon, anchovies, herrings, mackerel) – high in anti-
inflammatory omega 3
Flaxseeds & oil – high in anti-inflammatory omega 3
Onions – high in antihistamine quercetin
Red peppers, citrus, spinach – rich in vitamin C
Horseradish – believed by some to widen the airways
Recommended recipes:
Heart-healthy tuna Niçoise salad
Omega pesto pasta
Roasted peppers with white bean mash
Sesame soy salmon with vegetables and coconut rice
Baked salmon with herbed omega crust
Mackerel marinated with beetroot and horseradish
There is no ‘cure’ for the common cold, but I firmly believe there is a lot
we can do to make ourselves feel better by reducing symptoms, and also
by improving our body’s way of dealing with such infections. Cold and flu
viruses attack the upper respiratory tract, such as the nose and throat.
When they get into these tissues and start causing mischief, our immune
system responds by sending an army of white blood cells to the area to
kill the virus. It is the immune system trying to control the infection that
gives us the symptoms associated with cold and flu.
Key ingredients:
Shiitake mushrooms – powerful polysaccharides support immune
Garlic – antiviral
Ginger – anti-inflammatory
Chillies – decongestant
Goji berries – likely to support immune function
Sweet potatoes – mild anti-inflammatory
Water, lots of it – beats dehydration from fever that often accompanies
colds and flu
Prawns – packed with zinc
Coconut – contains lauric acid, a natural antiviral
Recommended recipes:
Spinach, tomato and shiitake mushrooms on toast
The famous flu fighter
Holy shiitake
Immune-boosting king prawn curry
Type 2 is the most common kind of diabetes, and is related to diet and
lifestyle. It occurs when our body’s blood-sugar management system
starts to fail. When the energy from food is released into the bloodstream
in the form of glucose, a hormone called insulin is produced to take the
sugar out of the blood into our cells to be turned into energy. Blood
sugar also needs to stay low for the health of many tissues. However,
many of us are eating too many foods that cause huge rises in blood
sugar levels, such as white bread, white rice, white pasta and sugary
snacks and drinks. These release their glucose very quickly, and the
body’s response is a massive release of insulin to get it out of the
bloodstream as rapidly as it can. This is fine occasionally, but if we do it
regularly the blood cells start ignoring what the insulin is saying to them,
and as a result are much less inclined to take up the excess sugar. So our
blood sugar stays high, and this causes many problems. This is the
beginning of type 2 diabetes, and is known as ‘insulin resistance’.
Eat a low-GI diet
This means eating food that releases its energy gradually, thus avoiding
blood-sugar spikes. The first step is to ditch refined carbohydrates
forever – foods like white bread, white rice, white pasta, chocolate bars,
sugary snacks and drinks. They are full of very simple sugars that take
virtually no digestive effort to release, and can therefore enter the
bloodstream rapidly, sending blood sugar levels sky high. Opt for
wholegrain versions of bread and pasta, and save treats like chocolate
bars for very, very special occasions. It’s even more beneficial to reduce
carbohydrate intake right across the board. Eat much smaller portions of
carbohydrates than you have been used to. Next, make sure you eat a
good-quality, complex carbohydrate (such as whole grains, brown rice or
quinoa) and a good-quality protein at each meal, and preferably a high-
quality fat, too. Meals composed like this take longer to digest and
release their energy slowly and consistently, without those problematic
blood sugar spikes.
Increase omega 3 intake
Recent research has suggested that omega-3 fatty acids in our cells can
make insulin receptors more sensitive to insulin signalling. These
receptors are built into the walls of our cells. Fatty acids from food form
part of the structure of these walls and receptors alike. Different fatty
acids will affect the way in which the cell membrane wall and the
receptors work. Omega-3 fatty acids often show improved functioning of
many facets of cell membranes and receptors.
Key ingredients:
Low-GI grains (such as brown rice, quinoa, bulgur wheat) – much
lower GI than their refined relatives
Lean proteins such as oily fish, tofu, eggs – these are masters at
controlling the glycaemic response to food, and oily fish are packed with
omega 3
Artichokes – Contain inulin, which stabilizes blood sugar levels
Cinnamon – May play a role in blood sugar balance
Recommended recipes:
Spinach and feta scramble
Kick-starter kedgeree
Tomato and lentil soup
Creamy egg and rye decker with wild rocket
Smoked trout and quinoa salad
Tuna steaks with sweet potato wedges and spring greens
Key ingredients:
Low-GI grains (such as brown rice, quinoa, bulgur wheat) – much
lower GI than their refined relatives
Oily fish (salmon, mackerel, herrings, tuna, anchovies) – packed with
omega-3 fatty acids
Sunflower seeds – rich source of magnesium
Kale & spring greens – rich in magnesium
Dark chocolate/cacao powder – very rich source of magnesium
Recommended recipes:
Spinach and feta scramble
Thai fish soup
Stir-fried satay greens
Garlicky white beans with kale and Parmesan
Baked sweet potatoes with omega houmous
Sesame soy salmon and vegetables with coconut rice
Salmon and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad
Chocolate morning smoothie
Depression is greatly misunderstood by those who have never
experienced it, and is sometimes viewed as something we can ‘snap out
of’. But there is now a lot of evidence to show that it is as much
biochemical as psychological, and most likely an interaction between the
two. We don’t fully understand what occurs in the brain during
depression, but it’s likely that there are biochemical changes, and that
environmental, physical and emotional factors may cause this
Eat protein and complex carbohydrates together at each meal
Keeping our blood sugar levels stable is important for all brain and
mood-related issues. Fluctuations in blood sugar can affect our
concentration, moods, focus, ability to think clearly, not to mention our
energy levels. By combining protein with complex carbohydrates (such
as whole grains, brown rice or quinoa), we will digest much more slowly,
and energy will be released more steadily and consistently. This will drip-
feed the blood sugar, keeping levels stable. Proteins also contain an
amino acid called tryptophan. This gets converted in the brain to a
substance called serotonin, the ‘feel-good’ chemical in our brain. This
amino acid needs a bit of help getting across what is called the ‘blood
brain barrier’, to enter the brain and get turned into serotonin. A subtle
lift in insulin (the chemical released when we eat carbohydrate-rich foods
that tells our cells to absorb the sugars from our bloodstream) can help
with this. Eating a protein-rich food with a complex carbohydrate will
supply a good source of tryptophan and give a little increase in insulin to
take it where it needs to go.
Eat small, regular meals
Eating smaller meals every 2–3 hours may be better than sitting down to
three big meals a day, as it will help regulate blood sugar levels.
Eat more oily fish
Oily fish is unique in containing the full spectrum of types of omega-3
fatty acids, including EPA, which is not found in plant sources. EPA has
been studied broadly in the context of depression, and has delivered some
encouraging results, including mood elevation and an increased ability to
focus. Similar effects have not been found in omega 3 from plant sources.
Oily fish such as salmon and mackerel are the best sources of EPA.
Increase B vitamin intake
These essential nutrients are involved in many aspects of brain function,
including the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. Several studies
have linked low levels of B12 with symptoms of depression, and
increased B12 with a better response to treatments for depression. Eat
plenty of whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, bulgur wheat,
mushrooms, asparagus, eggs and yeast extract.
Key ingredients:
Oily fish (salmon, mackerel, herrings) – rich sources of the omega-3
fatty acid EPA
Brown rice – rich in B vitamins
Eggs – rich in B vitamins, including B12
Recommended recipes:
Herbed Mediterranean frittata
Kick-starter kedgeree
Thai fish soup
Sesame soy salmon and vegetables with coconut rice
Salmon and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad
A good 6–8 hours of sleep every night is essential for the proper repair
and maintenance of the body. Any less than this on a regular basis can be
very bad for our health, but there is no single factor that causes
insomnia. It can be related to worry, excessive caffeine or alcohol intake,
or a sign of a more serious underlying illness. Persistent insomnia should
be referred to your doctor, but occasional bouts may respond very well to
Increase tryptophan-rich foods
Tryptophan is a naturally occurring amino acid that is the chemical
building block of a neurotransmitter called melatonin. This chemical sets
sleep patterns, and can help us to get a deeper, longer sleep. Dietary
sources of tryptophan, when consumed with a complex carbohydrate
(which helps it get to where it is needed, the brain), can help us get off to
sleep and keep us there.
Key ingredients:
Bananas – rich in tryptophan
Cherries – rich in melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone
Green leafy vegetables – packed with magnesium
Tuna – rich source of tryptophan
Low-GI grains (such as brown rice, quinoa, bulgur wheat) – much
lower GI than their refined relatives
Recommended recipes:
Banana-peanut oat bars
Kale and potato salad with peanut chilli sauce
Tuna steaks with sweet potato wedges and spring greens
Good-night spiced cherry crumble
Migraines cause misery to many people, but are poorly understood. We
do know that blood vessels in the head and neck contract, then dilate
rapidly in response to a stimuli of some kind. The constriction is believed
to be responsible for much of the visual disturbance experienced by
migraine sufferers, and the sudden dilation that follows causes the
headache. For some people, this can be linked to triggers such as red
wine and chocolate, or even just low blood sugar. For others, there may
be no easily definable link to speak of.
Increase magnesium intake
It is thought that low concentrations of magnesium in the brain is a trend
in migraine sufferers, and increased magnesium intake has a good track
record, anecdotally at least, in the management of the condition.
Magnesium is involved in energy production, muscle relaxation, correct
functioning of the nervous system, and over 1,000 other biological
reactions, so what has been reported by sufferers is certainly plausible.
The best food sources of magnesium are greens. Magnesium is to plants
what iron is to humans, and is a key component of chlorophyll, the green
colour pigment in plants. If it’s green, it’s packed with magnesium.
Increase omega 3 intake
There is evidence to suggest that reducing inflammation in the body can
be beneficial in cases of migraine. One of the best ways to do this
through diet is to increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, in
particular EPA and DHA from oily fish. These are metabolized in the
body to form our own natural, built-in anti-inflamatory compounds, the
Key ingredients:
Leafy greens such as kale – packed with magnesium
Salmon and other oily fish (mackerel, herrings) – rich source of EPA
and DHA
Recommended recipes:
Asparagus and smoked salmon egg dippers
Kale and potato salad with peanut chilli sauce
Some types of stress can be useful, but what makes frequent and regular
stress so bad is the surge of hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol,
which increase blood pressure and make the heart beat harder and faster
to get more oxygen to our tissues and make us react faster and work
harder. They also cause our body to secrete insulin to make our cells take
up more sugar so that they can perform better to get us out of the
dangerous situation. All of these responses are vital, and when they only
happen every now and again the hormones are quickly broken down and
our physiology returns to normal. However, when we are in a regular
state of stress, this response happens frequently, which can raise our
blood pressure significantly and increase our risk of heart disease. We
also start to accumulate the stress hormone cortisol. When this happens,
we start to make fewer and fewer white blood cells, which affects our
immune system. Our digestive system is impaired and the absorption of
nutrients is reduced, which affects our nutritional status and has a knock-
on effect on our health. The nervous system and adrenal glands take a
beating too, which can lead to anxiety, angry outbursts, exhaustion and
even breakdown. Now, of course food won’t remove the source of stress,
but what you eat can certainly help ease the physiological implications.
Blood sugar management
Fluctuations in blood sugar can drastically affect our mood and have a
major impact on the way we respond to stressful stimuli. When our blood
sugar shoots up, we can feel as though we can take on anything, and are
also less prone to reacting negatively to stressful situations. When our
blood sugar dips too low, however, we can feel lethargic, depressed,
anxious and moody, and the smallest of stressors can send us over the
edge. By focusing on low-GI ingredients that release their energy slowly,
we can keep levels much more stable. These types of foods include
whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and, of course, fresh,
wholesome fruits and vegetables. The way we compose meals can help
stabilize blood sugar even further: try to ensure that each meal contains a
complex carbohydrate such as brown rice, wholemeal bread or quinoa; a
lean protein such as fish, poultry or lean dairy produce; some healthy fats
such as olive olive or avocado, and some fruit or vegetables. When meals
are composed in this way they release their energy much more slowly.
Key ingredients:
Brown rice, bulgur wheat, oats – high in B vitamins
Salmon – rich in omega 3
Green leafy vegetables, such as kale – all greens are very high in
Prawns – packed with zinc and some omega 3
Pumpkin seeds – packed with zinc
Recommended recipes:
Creamy egg and rye decker with wild rocket
Stir-fried satay greens
Stress-free smoked mackerel pâté
Banana-peanut oat bars
Baked salmon with herbed omega crust
Salmon and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad
The other part of the problem is that some products that have been touted
as containing ‘heart-healthy unsaturated fats’ are actually high in a new
and much nastier kind: trans fats. These have been chemically altered to
change the physical properties of the products they’re in, and can also
occur as a byproduct of processing techniques. Many vegetable-fat
spreads, for example, are made from sunflower oil, which is liquid at
room temperature. To get it to behave more like butter, its chemical
structure is literally inverted, creating trans fats: great for the food
manufacturers, but not the body. Trans fats can rapidly reduce HDL
levels, and send up LDL. They can also trigger localized inflammation,
which is a major factor in the onset of heart disease. Instead, our focus
should be on increasing our intake of the good fats, and avoiding the bad
ones. The good fats are the essential fatty acids, omega 3, 6 and 9.
Omega 3 should dominate, as these have the best effect upon cholesterol
levels, reducing LDL and elevating HDL. There are also other benefits
for the heart, such as reduction of clotting risk, and blood pressure. Use
olive oil for cooking and coconut oils to reduce trans fat formation. Olive
oil is also particularly rich in oleic acid, the omega-9 fatty acid that has
been shown to have a positive impact on cholesterol levels.
Be carbohydrate-smart
The other result of the exodus away from fatty foods is that we are now
consuming a lot more carbohydrates. This needn’t be a disaster, but
unfortunately we’re eating too many refined carbohydrates such as white
bread, white rice, white pasta, sugar, sweets and chocolate. These are
very rapidly digested and release their sugars very quickly, causing a
huge surge in blood sugar. These can have very serious consequences, so
our bodies have very effective mechanisms to manage it. The first part is
the secretion of the hormone insulin, which tells our cells to take in sugar
more rapidly, so it can be used for energy. It is a very effective, very
rapid system. However, only a fixed amount of glucose can enter the
cells at one time. When the capacity to take in glucose is exceeded
(which is very possible after eating fast-release carbohydrates), another
mechanism kicks in to get blood sugar levels down, in which excess
sugar can be converted into (bad) LDL. Hey presto, our LDL levels go
up. However, good-quality carbohydrates such as those you find in whole
grains, pulses and lightly cooked vegetables will have a stabilizing effect
on blood sugar, and avoid all this. They’re also great sources of B
vitamins and minerals, so they should really be your only carbohydrate
Key ingredients:
Apples – rich in pectin, a highly effective soluble fibre
Shiitake mushrooms – contain eritadenine, which has been shown to
raise HDL and lower LDL
Pumpkin seeds – high in beta-sitosterol
Salmon, anchovies, tuna – rich in omega 3
Mackerel – rich in omega 3
Oats, bulgur wheat – high in beta glucan, an effective soluble fibre
Dates – high in beta glucan
Recommended recipes:
Holy shiitake
Apple and cinnamon flapjacks
Vegetable crumble with cheesy oat topping
Chickpea and sweet potato beta bake
Baked aubergine with tomato and lentil stuffing
Baked salmon with herbed omega crust
Oat-crusted tuna steak with asparagus purée
Baked spiced apple wedges with heart-healthy compote
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is one of the biggest risk factors
for heart disease, heart attack and strokes. Pressure in the blood vessels
is regulated by the contraction and relaxation of their muscular walls in
response to the physical demands on the body. There are many factors
that can affect it, including physical activity and movement, stress, diet
and age. Dietary factors can cause an increase in both contraction and
relaxation of the vessels, and also affect the flexibility and responsiveness
of the muscle. The higher the pressure, the greater the friction against the
inner skin that lines the vessels, which can cause damage. When this
happens, the vessel lining bleeds and clots can form, which can lead to
serious problems.
Reduce salt intake
You’ve heard it a million times before, but reducing salt is necessary. To
be more precise, it’s sodium that we need to reduce. Many dietary
minerals take the form of salts, all of which are vital for our health,
including sodium; the problem is dosage. Sodium reduces urinary output,
which helps the body retain water. When this happens, the watery part of
our blood, the serum, gets larger, and blood pressure rises. Sodium is also
vasoconstrictive: it causes the vessel walls to constrict and narrow,
adding to the pressure. However, we do need some salt, and thankfully
there are some on the market that are very low in sodium and high in
other minerals. They give a salty flavour but don’t impact so much on
blood pressure, and make a perfect alternative to table salt. The other part
of the picture is the hidden salt in many ready-made foods, packaged
meals and sandwiches. This shows the importance of eating fresh food,
and cooking your own food as much as you can.
Increase potassium levels
Potassium is almost like the antidote for too much sodium, and reduces
its effects in many ways. Research has shown that higher intakes of
potassium are linked with lower blood pressure and related
complications. It isn’t clear exactly how this works, but there are several
theories. Potassium may reduce the responsiveness of blood vessels to
the hormonal signalling that may increase blood pressure. It may also
display the opposite effect on blood vessels – in other words, relaxing
Reduce caffeine
I don’t often talk about reducing or cutting things out, but in the case of
hypertension, reducing your intake of strong caffeine in filter coffee and
energy drinks can be vitally important. The caffeine can have a double-
whammy effect on blood pressure. Firstly, it increases the releases of
hormones such as adrenaline that encourage the constriction of blood
vessels, making them narrower and increasing the pressure in them.
Secondly, caffeine makes us more edgy. This can make us react more
powerfully to life’s stresses and strains, which can in turn cause our
blood pressure to creep up.
Increase omega 3 intake
These vital fatty acids that I champion so often are essential for virtually
every system in the body, including high blood pressure. They are
metabolized to form prostaglandins, which play many regulatory roles.
There are many types of prostaglandins, but the ones that are formed
from omega 3 help relax the muscular walls of blood vessels, assisting in
widening them. They also help reduce inflammation, which over the
years can not only damage the inner lining of blood vessels, but can also
make them less flexible.
Key ingredients:
Low sodium/high potassium salt – helps reduce the damaging effects of
sodium on blood pressure
Bananas – rich source of potassium
Grapes – contain two compounds that help widen blood vessels
Spinach – rich source of potassium
Lentils – rich source of potassium
Chilli – vasodilator (widens blood vessels)
Salmon – rich in omega 3
Beetroot – packed with nitrates that increase nitric oxide, which helps
widen blood vessels
Recommended recipes:
Spicy coconut dhal
Wholemeal bean quesadillas
Beetroot, red onion and goat’s cheese tart
Immune-boosting king prawn curry
Grilled mackerel fillet with sautéed fennel and leek
Mackerel with beetroot and horseradish
Bloating is a common, but rather subjective experience; most people
describe it as feeling very full, with a tightness in the abdomen, and often
physical swelling too. It is caused by gas in the digestive tract, which is
produced by our gut bacteria. This happens when the gut bacteria begin
to ferment certain components of our food. Different foods may be
problematic for different individuals, but it’s often foods with a natural
sugar content, such as fruit or starchy carbohydrates. Some sugars can
also feed bad bacteria in the gut, which can make bloating worse, as can
Key ingredients:
Mint – breaks down gas and relaxes the gut wall, giving rapid relief from
Aniseed, basil, caraway, fennel – break down and remove gas
Live probiotic yoghurt – packed with probiotic bacteria to help support
your body’s own bacterial colony
Jerusalem artichokes, parsnips, sweet potatoes – powerful prebiotics
that encourage growth of good bacteria
Papaya – contains an enzyme called papain, which may help ease
High-fibre foods (pulses, whole grains) – help keep you regular,
reducing the risk of bloating
Recommended recipes:
Probiotic layer crunch
The digestive dynamo
Tomato and lentil soup
Baked sweet potatoes with omega houmous
Vegetable crumble with cheesy oat topping
Chickpea and sweet potato beta bake
Tummy tea
Constipation is one of the most common non-serious health concerns in
the Western world. The real problem comes when it turns into a chronic,
long-term issue, which is sadly on the increase. The most common factors
are lack of fibre in the diet and insufficient water intake. Fibre swells up
and stretches the gut walls, which contain special receptors that sense
this stretching. The muscles in the gut wall then contract in a series of
waves known as peristalsis, the constant, natural, rhythmical movement
that keeps us regular. For it to take place we need enough fibre, and to
take in enough fluid to allow the fibre to swell. Stress, some medications
and insufficient physical activity can also cause or worsen constipation.
Eat more fibre
Increasing fibre is really a case of switching to whole foods and reducing
your intake of processed foods such as ready meals, and carbohydrates
like white bread, white rice and white pasta. Instead, eat more fruit,
vegetables, nuts, seeds, pulses and grains. If you like rice, choose brown;
if you like bread, choose multigrain.
Stay hydrated
Drinking enough water will make sure that the fibre in your diet swells
up and stimulates peristalsis, keeping things moving along nicely.
Key ingredients:
Apples – packed with a soluble fibre called pectin, which helps soften
Fresh fruit & vegetables – high in good-quality fibre, not to mention a
vast array of micronutrients
Beans & pulses – a great source of fibre
Brown rice, oats – fibre-rich, low-GI grains
Dates – contain beta glucan, great for keeping things moving
Recommended recipes:
Blast-off breakfast bars
Kick-starter kedgeree
Garlicky white beans with kale and Parmesan
Apple and cinnamon flapjacks
Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the digestive tract,
causing a thickening of the gut walls and reduced functioning, which can
result in symptoms from malabsorption of nutrients, to abdominal
cramps, diarrhoea, weight loss, fatigue, bloating, and even fever and
joint pain. The exact cause is not known, but is believed to be
autoimmune in origin: the immune system creates antibodies that attack
the tissues in the digestive tract. Nobody knows why, but there are
theories that it may be linked to viruses, certain foods, and even
environmental factors. As with all conditions, it’s best to place dietary
management alongside medical treatment.
Key ingredients:
Red peppers – antioxidant rich
Sweet potatoes – antioxidant rich
Oily fish (salmon, mackerel, herrings) – packed with anti-inflammatory
omega 3
Live probiotic yoghurt – rich in good bacteria
Recommended recipes:
Asparagus and smoked salmon egg dippers
Thai fish soup
The beta booster
Baked sweet potatoes with omega houmous
Beetroot and pea risotto with mint and feta
Haemorrhoids are distorted blood vessels in the lower bowel and anus.
They arise most commonly from persistent constipation, or from straining
to go to the loo. Either way, there is increased pressure on the blood
vessels in the lower bowel. This causes them to become distorted, and for
sections of them to bulge out and to bleed.
Stay hydrated
The second part of the picture is to stay hydrated. Sufficient water intake
will cause dietary fibre to swell. This swelling allows the stimulation of
stretch receptors. Aim for a good 6–8 glasses of water per day.
Key ingredients:
Oats – rich in soluble and insoluble fibre to maintain regularity
Brown rice, quinoa – other fibre-rich staples
Berries – packed to the hilt with vessel-protecting flavonoids
Red onions – another flavonoid-rich food
Recommended recipes:
Probiotic layer crunch
Purple power salad
Apple and cinnamon flapjacks
Good-night spiced cherry crumble
IBS is one of the most common digestive complaints. It can manifest as
constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, wind, digestive cramps and urgency to
go to the toilet, either in isolation or in combination. The symptoms often
come and go, and many sufferers experience periods free of symptoms
and periods with regular attacks. For many people, the symptoms will
arise after eating.
Diarrhoea IBS: avoid insoluble fibre
There is evidence to suggest that those who suffer from IBS
characterized mostly by diarrhoea may benefit from reducing the amount
of insoluble fibre they consume. This is found in foods like bran,
wholemeal bread and cereals, and beans and pulses.
Constipation IBS: increase soluble fibre
Soluble fibre swells up in the digestive tract and actually softens the
stool. This increases the size and bulk of the stool, which stretches the
gut wall. There are stretch receptors in the gut wall, and once activated
these cause a reflex contraction of the muscle walls in the gut. This
causes a natural rhythmical contraction in the gut called peristalsis, which
moves gut contents along. It is also important to stay hydrated. Drinking
enough water (6–8 glasses per day) is vital to allow soluble fibre to swell
in the digestive tract and offer the benefits described.
Key ingredients:
Oats, dates – rich in a soluble fibre called beta glucan
Brown rice, beans & pulses – good sources of fibre
Apples – rich in a soluble fibre called pectin
Fresh herbs – all known to ease bloating and wind
Live probiotic yoghurt – helps top up good bacteria
Recommended recipes:
Apple and cinnamon flapjacks
Vegetable crumble with cheesy oat topping
Baked aubergine with tomato and lentil stuffing
Pineapple papaya and mint frozen yoghurt
Probiotic mango smoothie
Tummy tea
Cystitis is usually caused by bacterial infection in the bladder and
urinary tract, often by E. coli, the bug commonly associated with food
poisoning. This lives naturally in certain areas of the genito-urinary and
digestive tracts. If it finds itself in areas where it wouldn’t normally be, it
can cause infection by embedding itself in the walls of the urethra and
bladder. The immune system moves in to deal with the invaders, and as a
result the walls of the bladder and urethra become inflamed, which is
what causes the pain and discomfort that most people experience during
Consume cranberries
Cranberries and cranberry juice have a longstanding reputation as a
remedy for cystitis, and it seems there is some truth in it. Cranberries
contain a compound that is thought to pluck E. coli from the walls of the
urinary tract, and also prevent attachment. It seems to be better for
prevention than treatment, but many people do claim to get relief from
cranberry juice during an attack.
Stay hydrated
One of the best ways to clear cystitis is by drinking plenty of water,
thereby increasing the amount of friction against the urinary tract wall as
the urine moves through it, which can help dislodge the bacteria.
Key ingredients:
Cranberries – stop bacteria sticking to the urinary tract walls
Celery – increases urinary output
Recommended recipe:
Cranberry and celery blast
Endometriosis involves endometrial tissue, which usually lines the womb,
growing in areas outside the womb, which could be anywhere within the
pelvic cavity. This rogue endometrial tissue will behave in exactly the
same way as that found in the womb; in other words it will respond to
hormonal signals throughout the menstrual cycle, and will grow and
bleed in the same way as the regular womb lining. This can cause pain
and swelling. The exact causes are unknown, but conventional treatment
usually includes hormonal therapies such as differing varieties of the
contraceptive pill, and sometimes anti-inflammatories.
Key ingredients:
Chickpeas – high in phyto-oestrogens
Fermented soy products – fresh miso, natto and tempeh are all rich
sources of phyto-oestrogens
Oily fish (salmon, mackerel, trout, herrings) – packed with omega-3
fatty acids.
Recommended recipes:
Edamame and chickpea salad with lime, chilli and coriander
Sesame soy salmon with vegetables and coconut rice
Chickpea and sweet potato beta bake
The menopause comes about when the ovaries stop working properly and
the levels of the hormones they normally release begin to fluctuate as
they become less effective as each cycle continues. When this happens,
the brain starts to release other hormones that usually activate certain
processes within the ovaries, in an attempt to resuscitate them. The effect
of these hormones, plus a drop in hormones like oestrogen that would
normally be released by the ovaries, causes chaos in the body, and many
symptoms arise from this.
Eat foods rich in phyto-oestrogens
These are naturally occurring plant chemicals that are very similar in
shape to the body’s own oestrogen. As such, these compounds can bind
to cells in tissues that are responsive to oestrogen. Some of the symptoms
that arise in the menopause are caused by the fact that these tissues have
suddenly had their oestrogen supply cut off, so they go crazy like a kid
that has been denied sweets. It is thought that phyto-oestrogens deliver
their effect because they can bind to the receptors that are crying out for
oestrogen. This fools them into thinking that there is adequate oestrogen
present and stops them from making such a fuss.
Increase bone-building nutrients
One of the big issues that arises from oestrogen decline is a loss of bone
density, so it is vital to supply your body with the nutrients it needs to
maintain bone density. While everyone focuses on calcium, it is actually
rather difficult to not get enough calcium in your daily diet, unless you
are have a very unusual diet. Taking in yet more calcium could actually
be harmful to the kidneys and even the heart in the long term. I like to
use the analogy of bricks on a building site. While the bricks are indeed
the structural material that everything is made out of, without a team of
builders, nothing will happen. The bricks will just sit there. The same
applies to bone health. We need to focus on the nutrients that are
involved in the absorption, transport and utilization of calcium (the big
ones are vitamin D and magnesium), while of course keeping the
calcium-rich foods coming in too. This way you not only provide the
nutrients that make up the structural material of the skeleton, you also
supply what it needs to do its work.
Key ingredients:
Mackerel – packed with calcium, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids
Brown rice – low GI and packed with energy-giving B vitamins
Miso – bursting with phyto-oestrogens
Chickpeas – packed with phyto-oestrogens
Flaxseeds – packed with phyto-oestrogens and omega-3 fatty acids
Recommended recipes:
Kick-starter kedgeree
Edamame and chickpea salad with lime, chilli and coriander
Edamame dip with chilli and garlic
Baked salmon with herbed omega crust
Many women suffer from hormonal problems, especially issues such as
dysmenorrhea (heavy, painful and problematic periods). There are many
possible reasons for this, from increasing stress levels, to environmental
pollutants and even over-use of the contraceptive pill. Infections can also
create these types of problems. Although the cause is highly unlikely to be
related directly to nutrition, changing your diet can most certainly help to
reduce some of the symptoms.
Key ingredients:
Mackerel – packed with omega 3
Salmon – very rich source of EPA and DHA
Almonds – rich in GLA/DGLA
Bright vegetables – rich in antioxidants
Spinach – rich in vitamin C and iron; eat it with tomatoes to enhance
iron absorption
Recommended recipes:
Thai fish soup
Walnut and watercress salad with blue cheese
Stress-free smoked mackerel pâté
Grilled mackerel fillet with sautéed fennel and leek
The best way to start getting insulin sensitivity in check is to eat a low-GI
diet, which will stabilize and even out blood sugar. It means consuming
things that release their energy slowly, drip-feeding blood sugar levels.
When sugar is released at a much more even pace, it won’t be necessary
to fire out such huge surges of insulin. In time, this will make our cells
much more sensitive to insulin, reversing some of the insulin resistance.
Low-GI foods include whole grains such as brown rice, brown pasta,
quinoa and bulgur wheat, lean proteins, such as oily fish and poultry, and
lightly cooked vegetables. To create low-GI meals, use these ingredients,
and make sure you include a good-quality protein, a good-quality
carbohydrate and ideally a good-quality fat source in each meal. In time,
this approach can greatly reduce insulin resistance.
Eat oily fish
How did you know I was going to say that? The physiological
importance of the omega-3 fatty acids lends them well to almost any
health challenge. In PCOS there are bouts of inflammation in
reproductive tissues, especially at different stages of the cycle. Omega-3
fatty acids help your body create its own, natural anti-inflammatory
Key ingredients:
Brown rice, quinoa, bulgur wheat – low-GI
Mackerel – high omega 3, good-quality protein for making low-GI
Salmon – high omega 3, good-quality protein for making low-GI dishes
Miso – phyto-oestrogen rich
Chickpeas – high in phyto-oestrogens
Recommended recipes:
Kick-starter kedgeree
Edamame and chickpea salad with lime, chilli and coriander
Tuna steaks with sweet potato wedges and spring greens
Chickpea and sweet potato beta bake
Salmon and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad
The male prostate gland goes through several growth cycles during its
lifetime. It starts at around 1 gram in weight at birth and grows to around
18 grams in a fully grown adult. However, from around age 50 onwards,
many men experience another growth cycle and begin to experience
inconvenient symptoms linked to prostate enlargement. The prostate
begins to enlarge when levels of the hormone testosterone drop in
relation to levels of oestrogen. When this occurs, testosterone’s super-
strength cousin dihydrotestosterone (DHT), becomes more active, and
stimulates the growth of prostatic tissue. This normal growth, known as
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is mostly harmless, but in some
circumstances this can set the stage for prostate cancer.
Eat lycopene-rich foods
Lycopene is a carotenoid that displays a deep red colour in plants, and is
the compound responsible for making tomatoes red. It is believed to
reduce the risk of BPH progressing into prostatic cancer. The exact
modes of action are not clear, and some evidence also shows little
benefit. However, most available evidence to date does show benefit and
populations that have the highest tomato intakes showed lower levels of
prostate cancer and BPH. Some studies of lycopene supplements have
shown reduced markers of prostate cancer in participants taking
Increase beta sitosterol
There is strong evidence that this plant-derived fat reduces symptoms
associated with enlarged prostatic tissue. The evidence is so strong that in
some parts of Europe they have been used in prescription drugs. How it
works isn’t exactly clear, but it is thought to reduce swelling, and it
certainly seems to reduce the size.
Key ingredients:
Tomatoes – the richest source of lycopene
Almonds – packed with beta sitosterol
Pumpkin seeds – packed with beta sitosterol and zinc
Avocados – rich in beta sitosterol
Prawns – a good source of zinc
Recommended recipes:
Roasted vegetable and guacamole open sandwich
Immune-boosting king prawn curry
Key ingredients:
Green leafy vegetables – packed with magnesium
Eggs – B vitamins and magnesium
Sea salt – contains important electrolyte minerals
Wholegrain bread – full of B vitamins and magnesium
Recommended recipes:
Easy eggs florentine
Spinach, tomato and shiitake mushrooms on toast
Wake-up juice
A little bit of fatigue is perfectly normal, but some of us seem to be in a
state of near-constant tiredness. Thankfully, many of the factors that have
been linked to increased fatigue are within our control. Poor diet, not
dealing with stress effectively and insufficient exercise all contribute.
Whatever the cause, there are dietary steps you can take to start feeling
better fairly quickly.
Eat a low-GI diet
One of the fastest ways to zap your energy is to experience frequent
blood sugar swings. Foods that release their energy rapidly, such as
refined carbohydrates, cause our blood sugar to rise sharply, and what
goes up must come down. Blood sugar levels are tightly controlled, and
when we experience surges we secrete the hormone insulin, which tells
the cells in the body to take up more sugar. The more insulin released, the
more rapidly the glucose is taken up. Blood sugar levels then plummet
and we feel tired and sluggish. Most of us then reach for another ‘pick-
me-up’ snack, and the whole process starts again. The key is to choose
foods that will release energy slowly, and to combine them to slow this
down even more. Start by choosing wholegrain, complex carbohydrates
such as multigrain breads and quinoa, fresh vegetables, and lean proteins
such as oily fish. The next thing is to combine them. Try to have a
complex carbohydrate, lean protein, a vegetable, and plenty of good fats
with every meal.
Stay hydrated
Even slight dehydration can really deplete your energy levels. Try to
drink 6–8 glasses of water a day.
Key ingredients:
Lean proteins (fish, poultry, eggs, tofu)
Brown rice – B vitamins, a low-GI carbohydrate source
Quinoa – rich in protein and complex carbohydrates, a low-GI-grain
alternative, and full of B vitamins
Green, leafy vegetables – full of B vitamins and magnesium
Recommended recipes:
Spinach and feta scramble
Kick-starter kedgeree
Energy bombs
Banana-peanut oat bars
Salmon and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad
acne 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
antioxidant salad with orange mustard dressing 1
asparagus and smoked salmon egg dippers 1
baked salmon with herbed omega crust 1
beta booster 1
blast-off breakfast bars 1
famous flu fighter 1
grilled salmon with spinach and spiced carrot mash 1
heart-healthy tuna Niçoise salad 1
immune-boosting king prawn curry 1
kale and potato salad with peanut chilli sauce 1
oat-crusted tuna steak with asparagus purée 1
omega pesto pasta 1
red pepper and white bean dip 1
roasted peppers with white bean mash 1
salmon and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad 1
sesame soy salmon and vegetables with coconut rice 1
sweet potato and spinach curry 1
tuna steaks with sweet potato wedges and spring greens 1
walnut and watercress salad with blue cheese 1
allergies 1
almonds 1, 2, 3
anchovies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
aniseed 1, 2
anti-inflammatory 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
antioxidants 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
salad with orange mustard dressing 1
anxiety 1
baked salmon with herbed omega crust 1
baked sweet potatoes with omega houmous 1
calming green soup 1
chocolate morning smoothie 1
garlicky white beans with kale and Parmesan 1
mackerel marinated with beetroot and horseradish 1
salmon and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad
sesame soy salmon and vegetables with coconut rice 1
smoked trout and quinoa salad 1
spinach and feta scramble 1
stir-fried satay greens 1
stress-free smoked mackerel pâté 1
Thai fish soup 1
apples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
baked spiced apple wedges with heart-healthy compote 1
and cinnamon flapjacks 1
wake-up juice 1
arthritis 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
asparagus and smoked salmon egg dippers 1
baked salmon with herbed omega crust 1
beta booster 1
famous flu fighter 1
gazpacho 1
grilled salmon with spinach and spiced carrot mash 1
immune-boosting king prawn curry 1
kick-starter kedgeree 1
mackerel marinated with
beetroot and horseradish 1
pineapple zing smoothie 1
salmon and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad 1
sesame soy salmon and vegetables with coconut rice 1
sunshine smoothie 1
sweet potato and spinach curry 1
Thai fish soup 1
tuna steaks with sweet potato wedges and spring greens 1
artichokes 1, 2, 3, 4
digestive dynamo soup 1
roasted artichoke and green olive crostini 1
asparagus 1
oat-crusted tuna steak with asparagus purée 1
and smoked salmon egg dippers 1
asthma 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
baked salmon with herbed omega crust 1
heart-healthy tuna Niçoise salad 1
mackerel marinated with beetroot and horseradish 1
omega pesto pasta 1
roasted peppers with white bean mash 1
sesame soy salmon and vegetables with coconut rice 1
tuna steaks with sweet potato wedges and spring greens 1
aubergine 1
baked aubergine with tomato and lentil stuffing 1
Thai green vegetable curry 1
vegetable crumble with cheesy oat topping 1
avocado 1, 2, 3
with beetroot wedges and horseradish 1
cheating chocolate-orange delight 1
guacamole 1
mint chocolate no-cheese cake 1
bananas 1, 2, 3
berry smoothie 1
peanut oat bars 1
basil 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
beans 1
garlicky white beans with kale and Parmesan 1
roasted peppers with white bean mash 1
wholemeal bean quesadillas 1
beans, broad 1
mint and feta crostini 1
beans, butter dynamite dip 1
beans, edamame 1, 2
and chickpea salad with lime, chilli and coriander 1
dip with chilli and garlic 1
beans, green 1
beans, soy
see edamame beans
beetroot 1, 2, 3
and pea risotto with mint and feta 1
mackerel marinated with beetroot and horseradish 1
purple power salad 1
red onion and goat’s cheese tart 1
wake-up juice 1
wedges with avocado and horseradish 1
beta booster 1
biscuits 1, 2, 3
blast-off breakfast bars 1
bloating 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
baked sweet potatoes with omega houmous 1
beetroot and pea risotto with mint and feta 1
broad bean, mint and feta crostini 1
chickpea and sweet potato beta bake 1
digestive dynamo soup 1
fennel and celeriac soup 1
Greek pitta pizza 1
herbed Mediterranean frittata 1
pineapple zing smoothie 1
probiotic mango smoothie 1
probiotic pineapple, papaya
and mint frozen yoghurt 1
red peppers stuffed with herbed goat’s cheese 1
sunshine smoothie 1
Thai fish soup 1
tomato and lentil soup 1
tummy tea 1
vegetable crumble with cheesy oat topping 1
blood sugar levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
blueberries 1
baked spiced apple wedges with heart-healthy compote 1
brazil nuts 1
bread 1, 2
creamy egg and rye decker with wild rocket 1
crostini 1
roasted vegetable and guacamole open sandwich 1
spinach, tomato and shiitake mushrooms on toast 1
broccoli 1, 2
bulgur wheat 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
bursitis 1
baked sweet potatoes with omega houmous 1
grilled salmon with spinach and spiced carrot mash 1
kick-starter kedgeree 1
omega pesto pasta 1
purple power salad 1
tuna steaks with sweet potato wedges and spring greens 1
butternut squash 1, 2, 3, 4
antioxidant salad with orange mustard dressing 1
beta booster 1
roasted butternut, garlic and red lentil soup 1
cabbage 1
cacao 1, 2, 3
cheating chocolate-orange delight 1
chocolate morning smoothie 1
fabulous fridge cakes 1
mint chocolate no-cheese cake 1
cakes 1, 2, 3, 4
calcium 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
calming green soup 1
candida 1
capers 1, 2
caraway 1, 2
tummy tea 1
cardamom 1
carrots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
grilled salmon with spinach and spiced carrot mash 1
celeriac and fennel soup 1
celery 1, 2, 3
cranberry and celery blast 1
pineapple zing smoothie 1
cheese, blue with watercress and walnut salad 1
cheese, feta 1, 2, 3
beetroot and pea risotto with mint and feta 1
broad bean, mint and feta crostini 1
beta booster 1
Greek pitta pizza 1
and spinach scramble 1
cheese, goat’s 1, 2, 3, 4
beetroot, red onion and goat’s cheese tart 1
courgette stuffed with balsamic onions and goat’s cheese 1
red peppers stuffed with herbed goat’s cheese 1
soft goat’s cheese, red onion and chilli spread 1
cherries 1, 2
good-night spiced cherry crumble 1
chickpeas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
and edamame salad with lime, chilli and coriander 1
and sweet potato beta bake 1
chilli 1, 2, 3, 4
spiced apple wedges with heart-healthy compote 1
chocolate see cacao
cholesterol, LDL and HDL 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
see also high cholesterol
cinnamon 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
and apple flapjacks 1
coconut oil 1, 2, 3
banana-peanut oat bars 1
delectable date slices 1
energy bombs 1
fabulous fridge cakes 1
sesame soy salmon and vegetables with coconut rice 1
spicy coconut dhal 1
sunshine smoothie 1
Thai fish soup 1
Thai green vegetable curry 1
colds and flu 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
dynamite dip 1
famous flu fighter 1
holy shiitake 1
immune-boosting king prawn curry 1
kale and potato salad with peanut chilli sauce 1
purple power salad 1
red pepper and white bean dip 1
spinach, tomato and shiitake mushrooms on toast 1
stir-fried satay greens 1
Thai green vegetable curry 1
constipation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
apple and cinnamon flapjacks 1
baked aubergine with tomato and lentil stuffing 1
banana-peanut oat bars 1
beetroot and pea risotto with mint and feta 1
beetroot, red onion and goat’s cheese tart 1
blast-off breakfast bars 1
chickpea and sweet potato beta bake 1
courgette stuffed with balsamic onions and goat’s cheese 1
digestive dynamo soup 1
energy bombs 1
fabulous fridge cakes 1
garlicky white beans with kale and Parmesan 1
good-night spiced cherry crumble 1
Greek pitta pizza 1
green olive and roasted artichoke crostini 1
kale and potato salad with peanut chilli sauce 1
probiotic mango smoothie 1
roast beetroot wedges with avocado and horseradish 1
roasted butternut squash, garlic and red lentil soup 1
spicy coconut dhal 1
vegetable crumble with cheesy oat topping 1
wholemeal bean quesadillas 1
coriander 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Thai green vegetable curry 1
calming green soup 1
roasted peppers with white bean mash 1
stuffed with balsamic onions and goat’s cheese 1
Thai green vegetable curry 1
vegetable crumble with cheesy oat crumble 1
coughs 1, 2
see also colds and flu
cheating chocolate-orange delight 1
cranberries 1, 2
apple and cinnamon flapjack 1
and celery blast 1
Crohn’s disease 1
asparagus and smoked salmon egg dippers 1
baked sweet potatoes with omega houmous 1
beetroot and pea risotto with mint and feta 1
beta booster 1
Thai fish soup 1
cucumber 1, 2, 3
cumin 1, 2, 3, 4
cystitis 1, 2
cranberry and celery blast 1
dairy products 1, 2
dates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
blast-off breakfast bars 1
energy bombs 1
fabulous fridge cakes 1
delectable date slices 1
depression 1
baked salmon with herbed omega crust 1
fabulous fridge cakes 1
herbed Mediterranean frittata 1
kick-starter kedgeree 1
mackerel marinated with beetroot and horseradish 1
salmon and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad 1
sesame soy salmon and vegetables with coconut rice 1
tuna steaks with sweet potato wedges and spring greens 1
dhal, spicy coconut 1
diabetes, Type 1 2, 3, 4, 5
apple and cinnamon flapjacks 1
asparagus and smoked salmon egg dippers 1
baked salmon with herbed omega crust 1
creamy egg and rye decker with wild rocket 1
Greek pitta pizza 1
heart-healthy tuna Niçoise salad 1
kick-starter kedgeree 1
mackerel marinated with
beetroot and horseradish 1
omega pesto pasta 1
salmon and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad 1
sesame soy salmon and vegetables with coconut rice 1
smoked trout and quinoa salad 1
soft goat’s cheese, red onion and chilli spread 1
spinach and feta scramble 1
Thai fish soup 1
tomato and lentil soup 1
tuna steaks with sweet potato wedges and spring greens 1
diarrhoea 1
digestive system 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
banana berry smoothie 1
cheating chocolate-orange delight 1
digestive dynamo soup 1
dynamite dip 1
grilled mackerel fillet with sautéed fennel and leek 1
stir-fried satay greens 1
wake-up juice 1
see also individual conditions for full recipe listings
dill 1
dips 1, 2, 3
dried fruit
fabulous fridge cakes 1
drinks 1
dynamite dip 1
eczema 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
antioxidant salad with orange mustard dressing 1
baked salmon with herbed omega crust 1
baked sweet potatoes with omega houmous 1
cheating chocolate-orange delight 1
chickpea and sweet potato beta bake 1
Greek pitta pizza 1
grilled salmon with spinach and spiced carrot mash 1
mint chocolate no-cheese cake 1
purple power salad 1
red pepper and white bean dip 1
red peppers stuffed with herbed goat’s cheese 1
roast beetroot wedges with avocado and horseradish 1
roasted butternut squash, garlic and red lentil soup 1
roasted peppers with white bean mash 1
roasted vegetable and guacamole open sandwich 1
salmon and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad 1
smoked trout and quinoa salad 1
sweet potato and spinach curry 1
tuna steaks with sweet potato wedges and spring greens 1
walnut and watercress salad with blue cheese 1
eggs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
asparagus and smoked salmon egg dippers 1
creamy egg and rye decker with wild rocket 1
easy eggs florentine 1
herbed Mediterranean frittata 1
spinach and feta scramble 1
endometriosis 1
chickpea and sweet potato beta bake 1
edamame and chickpea salad with lime, chilli and coriander 1
edamame dip with chilli and garlic 1
sesame soy salmon and vegetables with coconut rice 1
energy bombs 1
energy boost 1, 2
eyes 1, 2, 3
garlic 1, 2, 3
garlicky white beans with kale and Parmesan 1
roasted butternut squash, garlic and red lentil soup 1
gazpacho 1
ginger 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
pineapple zing smoothie 1
wake-up juice 1
goji berries 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
gout 1
grains 1
grapes 1, 2
green beans
heart-healthy tuna Niçoise salad 1
green olive and roasted artichoke crostini 1
greens 1
stir-fried satay greens 1
and roasted vegetable open sandwich 1
skin-boosting guacamole 1
haemorrhoids 1
apple and cinnamon flapjacks 1
good-night spiced cherry crumble 1
kick-starter kedgeree 1
probiotic layer crunch 1
purple power salad 1
hangover 1
heart and circulation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
dynamite dip 1
vegetable crumble with cheesy oat topping 1
see also individual conditions for full recipe listings
heart disease
antioxidant salad with orange mustard dressing 1
beta booster 1
courgette stuffed with balsamic onions and goat’s cheese 1
gazpacho 1
Greek pitta pizza 1
immune-boosting king prawn curry 1
kick-starter kedgeree 1
purple power salad 1
red peppers stuffed with herbed goat’s cheese 1
roasted vegetable and guacamole open sandwich 1
skin-boosting guacamole 1
soft goat’s cheese, red onion and chilli spread 1
spinach, tomato and shiitake mushrooms on toast 1
heart-healthy tuna Niçoise salad 1
herbed Mediterranean frittata 1
herrings 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
high blood pressure 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
asparagus and smoked salmon egg dippers 1
beetroot, red onion and goat’s cheese tart 1
cheating chocolate-orange delight 1
chocolate morning smoothie 1
fabulous fridge cakes 1
grilled mackerel fillet with sautéed fennel and leek 1
heart-healthy tuna Niçoise salad 1
holy shiitake 1
immune-boosting king prawn curry 1
mackerel marinated with beetroot and horseradish 1
mint chocolate no-cheese cake 1
oat-crusted tuna steak with asparagus purée 1
omega pesto pasta 1
pineapple zing smoothie 1
red peppers stuffed with herbed goat’s cheese 1
roasted butternut squash, garlic and red lentil soup 1
roasted vegetable and guacamole open sandwich 1
sesame soy salmon and vegetables with coconut rice 1
spicy coconut dhal 1
stir-fried satay greens 1
stress-free smoked mackerel pâté 1
sweet potato and spinach curry 1
Thai fish soup 1
Thai green vegetable curry 1
wake-up juice 1
wholemeal bean quesadillas 1
high cholesterol 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
apple and cinnamon flapjacks 1
asparagus and smoked salmon egg dippers 1
baked aubergine with tomato and lentil stuffing 1
baked salmon with herbed omega crust 1
baked spiced apple wedges with heart-healthy compote 1
baked sweet potatoes with omega houmous 1
banana-peanut oat bars 1
blast-off breakfast bars 1
cheating chocolate-orange delight 1
chickpea and sweet potato beta bake 1
delectable date slices 1
edamame and chickpea salad with lime, chilli and coriander 1
edamame dip with chilli and garlic 1
fabulous fridge cakes 1
famous flu fighter 1
garlicky white beans with kale and Parmesan 1
green olive and roasted artichoke crostini 1
grilled salmon with spinach and spiced carrot mash 1
heart-healthy tuna Niçoise salad 1
immune-boosting king prawn curry 1
kick-starter kedgeree 1
mackerel marinated with beetroot and horseradish 1
mint chocolate no-cheese cake 1
oat-crusted tuna steak with asparagus purée 1
omega pesto pasta 1
probiotic layer crunch 1
purple power salad 1
red pepper and white bean dip 1
roasted vegetable and guacamole open sandwich 1
sesame soy salmon and vegetables with coconut rice 1
spicy coconut dhal 1
spinach, tomato and shiitake mushrooms on toast 1
stir-fried satay greens 1
stress-free smoked mackerel pâté 1
sweet potato and spinach curry 1
Thai fish soup 1
tomato and lentil soup 1
tuna steaks with sweet potato wedges and spring greens 1
wholemeal bean quesadillas 1
honey 1
horseradish 1, 2, 3
with marinated mackerel and beetroot 1
roast beetroot wedges and avocado 1
houmous with baked sweet potatoes 1
hydration 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
hypertension see high blood pressure
apple and cinnamon flapjacks 1
baked aubergine with tomato and lentil stuffing 1
pineapple zing smoothie 1
probiotic mango smoothie 1
tummy tea 1
vegetable crumble with cheesy oat topping 1
immune system 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
immune-boosting king prawn curry 1
roasted butternut squash, garlic and red lentil soup 1
spinach and feta scramble 1
see also individual conditions for full recipe listings
insomnia 1, 2
banana-peanut oat bars 1
good-night spiced cherry crumble 1
kale and potato salad with peanut chilli sauce 1
oat-crusted tuna steak with asparagus purée 1
insulin 1, 2, 3, 4
iron 1, 2
Jerusalem artichoke 1, 2
joints and bones 1
mackerel marinated with beetroot and horseradish 1
see individual conditions for full recipe listings
kale 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
with garlicky white beans and Parmesan 1
and potato salad with peanut chilli sauce 1
kedgeree 1
kidneys 1
see also reproductive and urinary systems
king prawn curry, immune-boosting 1
leeks 1, 2
grilled mackerel fillet with sautéed fennel and leek 1
lemon grass 1, 2, 3
lemons, limes 1, 2
lentils 1, 2
baked aubergine with tomato and lentil stuffing 1
roasted butternut squash, garlic and red lentil soup 1
spicy coconut dhal 1
tomato and lentil soup 1
liver 1, 2, 3
low-GI diet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
mackerel 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
grilled mackerel with sautéed fennel and leek 1
kick-starter kedgeree 1
marinated mackerel with beetroot and horseradish 1
stress-free smoked mackerel pâté 1
macular degeneration 1, 2
magnesium 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
mango 1
probiotic mango smoothie 1
menopause 1, 2, 3
baked salmon with herbed omega crust 1
edamame and chickpea salad with lime, chilli and coriander 1
edamame dip with chilli and garlic 1
kick-starter kedgeree 1
mental health and nervous system 1, 2, 3, 4
see individual conditions for full recipe listings
metabolic system 1, 2
see individual conditions for full recipe listings
migraine 1
asparagus and smoked salmon egg dippers 1
kale and potato salad with peanut chilli sauce 1
mint 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
beetroot and pea risotto with mint and feta 1
broad bean, mint and feta crostini 1
probiotic pineapple, papaya and mint frozen yoghurt 1
tummy tea 1
miso 1, 2
muscular cramps 1
mushrooms, shiitake
holy shiitake 1
spinach, tomato and shiitake mushrooms on toast 1
neurological system 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
nuts 1, 2
oats 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
apple and cinnamon flapjacks 1
banana-peanut oat bars 1
blast-off breakfast bars 1
delectable date slices 1
good-night spiced cherry crumble 1
oat-crusted tuna steak with asparagus purée 1
probiotic layer crunch 1
vegetable crumble with cheesy oat topping 1
oestrogen 1, 2
see also menopause
olive oil 1, 2, 3, 4
olives 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
green olive and roasted artichoke crostini 1
omega 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
omega 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
omega 1 2, 3
onions 1, 2, 3, 4
beetroot, red onion and goat’s cheese tart 1
orange 1
oregano 1
osteomalacia 1
osteoporosis 1, 2, 3, 4
calming green soup 1
chocolate morning smoothie 1
easy eggs florentine 1
heart-healthy tuna Niçoise salad 1
sesame soy salmon and vegetables with coconut rice 1
spinach and feta scramble 1
stress-free smoked mackerel pâté 1
pain reduction 1, 2
papaya 1, 2
and probiotic pineapple and mint frozen yoghurt 1
garlicky white beans and kale and Parmesan 1
omega pesto pasta 1
vegetable crumble with cheesy oat topping 1
parsley 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
parsnips 1, 2, 3
pasta, omega pesto 1
holy shiitake 1
stress-free smoked mackerel 1
peanuts 1, 2,
banana-peanut oat bars 1
blast-off breakfast bars 1
peas 1
beetroot and pea risotto with mint and feta 1
pea shoots 1
pectin 1, 2, 3
peppercorns 1
peppers, red 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
roasted vegetable and guacamole open sandwich 1
stuffed with herbed goat’s cheese 1
Thai green vegetable curry 1
vegetable crumble with cheesy oat topping 1
and white bean dip 1
periods, problematic 1
baked aubergine with tomato and lentil stuffing 1
baked salmon with herbed omega crust 1
chickpea and sweet potato beta bake 1
edamame and chickpea salad with lime, chilli and coriander 1
edamame dip with chilli and garlic 1
garlicky white beans with kale and Parmesan 1
grilled mackerel fillet with sautéed fennel and leek 1
heart-healthy tuna Niçoise salad 1
smoked trout and quinoa salad 1
stress-free smoked mackerel pâté 1
Thai fish soup 1
walnut and watercress salad with blue cheese 1
pesto 1
omega pesto pasta 1
phyto-oestrogens 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
pineapple 1, 2
and papaya and mint frozen yoghurt 1
sunshine smoothie 1
zing smoothie 1
pine nuts 1, 2
pitta bread
dynamite dip 1
Greek pitta pizza 1
pizza, Greek pitta 1
polycystic ovary syndrome 1
chickpea and sweet potato beta bake 1
creamy egg and rye decker with wild rocket 1
edamame and chickpea salad with lime, chilli and coriander 1
garlicky white beans with kale and Parmesan 1
herbed Mediterranean frittata 1
kick-starter kedgeree 1
salmon and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad 1
tuna steaks with sweet potato
wedges and spring greens 1
walnut and watercress salad with blue cheese 1
pomegranate seeds 1
potassium 1, 2, 3
potatoes 1, 2
calming green soup 1
salad with kale and peanut chilli sauce 1
prawns 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
immune-boosting king prawn curry 1
king prawn and salmon skewers with citrus quinoa salad 1
Thai fish soup 1
prebiotic foods 1
probiotics 1
probiotic layer crunch 1
probiotic mango smoothie 1
prostate health 1, 2
gazpacho 1
Greek pitta pizza 1
roasted vegetable and guacamole open sandwich 1
vegetable crumble with cheesy oat topping 1
wholemeal bean quesadillas 1
protein 1, 2, 3
psoriasis 1, 2
baked salmon with herbed omega crust 1
baked sweet potatoes with omega houmous 1
beta booster 1
chickpea and sweet potato beta bake 1
grilled salmon with spinach and spiced carrot mash 1
red peppers stuffed with herbed goat’s cheese 1
roast beetroot wedges with avocado and horseradish 1
roasted vegetable and guacamole open sandwich 1
skin-boosting guacamole 1
smoked trout and quinoa salad 1
pumpkin seeds 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
purple power salad 1
red cabbage 1
purple power salad 1
red onion 1, 2
soft goat’s cheese, red onion and chilli spread 1
reproductive and urinary systems 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
vegetable crumble with cheesy oat toping 1
see individual conditions for full recipe listings
respiratory system 1, 2, 3
see also asthma
rice, brown 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
beetroot and pea risotto with mint and feta 1
coconut, with sesame soy salmon and vegetables 1
kick-starter kedgeree 1
rickets 1, 2
beetroot, red onion and goat’s cheese tart 1
calming green soup 1
easy eggs florentine 1
red peppers stuffed with herbed goat’s cheese 1
smoked trout and quinoa salad 1
spinach and feta scramble 1
creamy egg rye decker with rocket 1
rosemary 1, 2
sage 1, 2
salads 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
salmon 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
grilled salmon with spinach and spiced carrot mash 1
and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad 1
sesame soy salmon and vegetables with coconut rice 1
smoked salmon and asparagus egg dippers 1
Thai fish soup 1
salt 1, 2
sandwiches 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
sardines 1, 2, 3
seeds 1
see individual seeds for recipes
sesame seeds 1, 2
shiitake mushrooms 1, 2, 3
famous flu fighter 1
holy shiitake 1
Thai green vegetable curry 1
spinach, tomato and shiitake mushrooms on toast 1
skin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
gazpacho 1
green olive and roasted artichoke crostini 1
herbed Mediterranean frittata 1
spinach and feta scramble 1
see also individual conditions for full recipe listings
sodium 1, 2
soups 1
spinach 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
calming green soup 1
chickpea and sweet potato beta bake 1
easy eggs Florentine 1
and feta scramble 1
grilled salmon on wilted spinach with spiced carrot mash 1
omega pesto pasta 1
and sweet potato curry 1
Thai green vegetable curry 1
and tomato and shiitake mushrooms on toast 1
spirulina 1, 2, 3
spring greens 1
stir-fried satay greens 1
tuna steaks and sweet potato wedges and spring greens 1
stomach ulcers 1
stress 1, 2
baked salmon with herbed omega crust 1
banana-peanut oat bars 1
blast-off breakfast bars 1
creamy egg and rye decker with wild rocket 1
fabulous fridge cakes 1
kale and potato salad with peanut chilli sauce 1
salmon and king prawn skewers with citrus quinoa salad 1
smoked trout and quinoa salad 1
stir-fried satay greens 1
stress-free smoked mackerel pâté 1
sunflower seeds 1, 2
sunshine smoothie 1
sweetcorn 1
sweet potato 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
baked sweet potato with omega houmous 1
and chickpea bake 1
famous flu fighter 1
and spinach curry 1
tuna steaks with sweet potato wedges and spring greens 1
vegetables 1
crumble with cheesy oat topping 1
roasted vegetable and guacamole open sandwich 1
B 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
C 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
D 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
E 1, 2
wake-up juice 1
walnuts 1, 2, 3, 4
and watercress salad with blue cheese 1
dynamite dip 1
and walnut salad with blue cheese 1
wind 1, 2, 3
zinc 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
British Dietetic Association fact sheet:
A great resource from Diabetes UK:
Some interesting information on diet and one of the western world’s
biggest issues – fatigue:
Clare Hulton: without you and your wizardry, this book wouldn’t exist. Jenny Liddle: your magic
has transformed my career immeasurably. Tanya Murkett: your love, support and nurturing every
single day has enabled me to reach for the stars. Anne, Laura, Alex and Martin: I’m just stunned
by what this book has become, from the initial idea to seeing the wonderful work of art that has
evolved. I couldn’t be happier. Mum and Dad, Ramsay and Candy, Dr Tom Gilhooly, and all the
lovely people from the Alan Titchmarsh show: thank you to all the many wonderful people that
have influenced my life and work and got me to this point.