Final Sales Essay

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List the skills a successful salesperson must have: ch1

 Listening skills
 Follow up skills
 Ability to adapt sales style from situation to situation
 Organizational skills
 Verbal communication skills
 Proficiency in interacting with people at all level within an organization
 Demonstrated ability to overcome objections
 Personal planning and time management skills

2. List the characteristics of modern selling:

 Customer Retention and Deletion
 Database and Knowledge Management
 Customer Relationship Management
 Marketing the Product
 Problem Solving and System Selling
 Satisfying Needs and Adding Value

3. What are the different types of consumer markets?

o Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) (convenience):

Markets where customers are purchasing products, which generally involve relatively
low financial outlays, are bought frequently and are generally non-durable. They
include, therefore, products such as toothpaste, cigarettes, grocery products, cosmetics,
batteries, light bulbs and so on
o Semi-durable consumer goods:
Include products such as clothing and shoes, soft furnishings, jewellery, and so on.
As the term suggests these are products which are bought less frequently than
FMCG products.

o Durable consumer goods:

Include products such as refrigerators, cars, computers, and so on.
These are purchases which are made less frequently; often
involve considerable outlays

4. What are the personal selling process steps? Ch2

 Prospecting and qualifying
 Pre-approach
 Approach
 Presentation and demonstration
 Handling objections
 Closing
 Follow-up

5. What is the role of sales force?

o Personal selling is the interpersonal part of the promotion mix and can

• Face-to-face communication

• Telephone communication

• Video or Web conferencing

o Salespeople can be more effective than advertising:

• Learn about customer problems and adjust the marketing offer and
presentation accordingly to meet the special needs of each customer

o Salespeople are an effective link between the company and its

customers to produce customer value and company profit by:

• Representing the company to customers

• Representing customers to the company

6. Mention five examples of people who do selling:

• Salespeople
• Sales representatives
• District managers
• Account executives
• Sales engineers
• Agents
• Account development reps

7. What does the interpersonal part of the personal selling include?

• Face-to-face communication
• Telephone communication
• Video or Web conferencing
8. What are the duties and responsibilities of a sales manager? or Define sales
force Management:

Is the analysis, planning, implementation, and control of sales force activities and

• Designing the sales force strategy and structure

• Recruiting

• Selecting

• Training

• Compensating

• Supervising

• Evaluating

9. How can salespeople be an effective link between the company and its
customers to produce value and profit?


• Representing the company to customers

• Representing customers to the company

10.Identify the sales force structure:

• Territorial sales force structure: refers to a structure where each salesperson

is assigned an exclusive geographic area and sells the company’s full line of
products and services to all customers in that territory.

• Product sales force structure: refers to a structure where each salesperson

sells along product lines.

• Customer sales force structure: refers to a structure where each salesperson

sells along customer or industry lines.

• Complex sales force structure: refers to a structure where a wide variety of

products is sold to many types of customers over a broad geographic area.

11. What is the difference between outside salespeople and inside salespeople?

- Outside salespeople: call on customers in the field

- Inside salespeople conduct business from their offices. provide support for the
outside salespeople:

• Technical sales support people

• Sales assistants
12. From where does the team selling get its experts?

• Sales

• Marketing

• Technical

• Engineering

• Operations

• Finance

13. What are the challenges that face the team selling ?

Some challenges of team selling:

• Customers used to working with one salesperson may become confused

• Salespeople used to working alone can have difficulties working with and
trusting teams

14. List the steps of personal selling?

• Prospecting and qualifying

• Pre-approach

• Approach

• Presentation and demonstration

• Handling objections

• Closing

• Follow-up
15. Mention the issues in recruiting and selecting salespeople:

Issues in recruiting and selecting include:

Careful selection:

• Increases sales performance

Poor selection:

• Increases recruiting and training costs

• Lost sales
• Disrupts customer relationships

16. Define organizational climate:

Describes the feeling that salespeople have about their opportunities, value, and
rewards for good performance

17. List the attributes of a favorable supplier:

• Deliver a coordinated set of products and services to many locations

• Work with customer teams and improve products and processes

• Listen to customers and understand their needs

18. How to evaluate Salespeople and Sales Force Performance?

• Sales reports

• Call reports

• Expense reports
19. What is the main goal of personal selling process?

The goal of the personal selling process is to get new customers and obtain orders
from them

20. From where does prospecting identify qualified potential customers?

Identifies qualified potential customers through referrals from:

• Customers

• Suppliers

• Dealers

• Internet

21. What should a sales manager have? Ch3

• Define sales goals and the sales process
• Determine the sales force structure
• Recruit and train the sales force
• Compensate and motivate the sales force
• Evaluate the sales force

22. List and explain the sales planning process steps:

1-Setting objectives: Your sales planning is going to start only when you have
defined the objectives for the sales team
2-Evaluate the current situation: Next on the list is an honest assessment of the
situation, and it will relate to the goal you set in the first step

3-Assess your strengths and weakness: Take an honest look at your resources and
think about how you can apply them to achieve your objective

4- Assess your threats and opportunities:

Threats and opportunities could be related to:


-Economic changes

-Political changes

-Technological change

-Social changes

5- Create your suitable strategy: Using the information you’ve compiled in steps
one through four, develop your sales plan by outlining how you’ll reach your goal

6-Determine the actions necessary: Once you know the objectives of your sales
plan, you have to forecast what actions you need to, Take and the operations
which are needed in effect before you implement the sales plan.

7-Organize your actions: Once you know the operations that are necessary, you
need to organize your sales planning

8-Implement: Once you have your actions planned and organized, implementing
them is the next step

9-Measure results: As in any planning process, the fifth and very important step in
the sales planning process is to measure the results

10-Reevaluate: When you have the sales records in hand, ensure that you analyze
the sales records to know whether or not the sales planning process has
23. How can you build a relationship with your customer?

-Email marketing

-Seasonal marketing

-Diversity marketing

-Product marketing

-Price marketing

-Promotion marketing

-Place marketing

24. List the Sales Training Methods: ch4

• Training methods are grouped into five categories:

-Class room / Conference training

-Behavioral learning / Simulations

-Online training

-Absorption training

-On-the-job training

25. List the sales training process:

- Assessing sales training needs

- Designing and executing sales training programs

- Evaluating and reinforcing sales training programs

• 26. define motivation: is derived from Latin word “movere”, which means
“to move”

Motivation is the effort the salesperson makes to complete various activities

of the sales job.

27. Define leadership

Leadership: is the ability to influence people to achievement of objectives.

28. Methods of supervision are classified into two categories – direct and
indirect. Compare between them.

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