Card Activation (Pre-Paid)
Card Activation (Pre-Paid)
Card Activation (Pre-Paid)
This process defines the procedure for ATM NBP Prepaid Card Activation (Pre-paid)
2. CSR will ask one of the following details from Customer and search customer on Cprodx.
CNIC Number
ATM Prepaid Card Number
Account Number (as there is no account in prepaid cards)
3. If account prepaid card is accessible then CSR will continue the call otherwise CSR will rout customer
to parent branch contact the cardholders company (i.e. in case of payroll) or Institution (for
PMYSDP)and move to the step 6 (as branch is not involved with issuance of prepaid cards)
If at any point if C.S.E need to hold customer C.S.E will follow hold process as per SOP 2.3