Card Activation (Pre-Paid)

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Pre-paid ATM Card Activation

Process Owner NBP - QA

Revision Date Nov 22, 2016
HOD Fahad Sabzwari
SOP Author CIQ

This process defines the procedure for ATM NBP Prepaid Card Activation (Pre-paid)


1. CSR will greet customer as per SOP 2.1

2. CSR will ask one of the following details from Customer and search customer on Cprodx.
 CNIC Number
 ATM Prepaid Card Number
 Account Number (as there is no account in prepaid cards)

3. If account prepaid card is accessible then CSR will continue the call otherwise CSR will rout customer
to parent branch contact the cardholders company (i.e. in case of payroll) or Institution (for
PMYSDP)and move to the step 6 (as branch is not involved with issuance of prepaid cards)

4. CSR will take verification Level 1 as per verification SOP 1.1

 If Customer successfully provides Level 1 Verification then continue the call.
 If Customer fails to provide Level 1 verification or In case of any mistake in spelling or any field is
missing then route to customer to his/her parent branch along with original CNIC company
/institution and move to step 9

5. Verify Registered Contact Number

 If customer is calling from registered CLI then continue the call and move to step 6
 If customer is calling from unregistered CLI then request customer to call us back from registered
contact number and move to step 8

6. Transfer the call on Recorded line for PIN Generation

7. Activate/Pin code reissuance ATM Card from Cprodx.

8. CSR will ask for further Assistance.

9. CSR will give closing greeting as per SOP 1.3

 If at any point if C.S.E need to hold customer C.S.E will follow hold process as per SOP 2.3

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