00b Preface
00b Preface
00b Preface
When "The Effects of Atomic Weapons" was published in 1950, the explosive
energy yields of the fission bombs available at that time were equivalent to some
thousands of tons (i.e., kilotons) of TNT. With the development of thermonuclear
(fusion) weapons, having energy yields in the range of millions of tons (i.e.,
megatons) of TNT, a new presentation, entitled "The Effects of Nuclear Weap-
ons," was issued in 1957. A completely revised edition was published in 1962 and
this was reprinted with a few changes early in 1964.
Since the last version of "The Effects of Nuclear Weapons" was prepared, much
new information has become available concerning nuclear weapons effects. This
has come in part from the series of atmospheric tests, including several at very high
altitudes, conducted in the Pacific Ocean area in 1962. In addition, laboratory
studies, theoretical calculations, and computer simulations have provided a better
understanding of the various effects. Within the limits imposed by security re-
quirements, the new information has been incorporated in the present edition. In
particular, attention may be called to a new chapter on the electromagnetic pulse.
We should emphasize, as has been done in the earlier editions, that numerical
values given in this book are not-and cannot be-exact. They must inevitably
include a substantial margin of error. Apart from the difficulties in making
measurements of weapons effects, the results are often dependent upon circum-
stances which could not be predicted in the event of a nuclear attack. Furthermore,
two weapons of different design may have the same explosive energy yield, but the
effects could be markedly different. Where such possibilities exist, attention is
called in the text to the limitations of the data presented; these limitations should not
be overlooked.
The material is arranged in a manner that should permit the general reader to
obtain a good understanding of the various topics without having to cope with the
more technical details. Most chapters are thus in two parts: the first part is written at
a fairly low technical level whereas the second treats some of the more technical and
mathematical aspects. The presentation allows the reader to omit any or all of the
latter sections without loss of continuity.
The choice of units for expressing numerical data presented us with a dilemma.
The exclusive use of international (SI) or metric units would have placed a burden
on many readers not familiar with these units, whereas the inclusion of both SI and
common units would have complicated many figures, especially those with i
logarithmic scales. As a compromise, we have retained the older units and added an
explanation of the SI system and a table of appropriate conversion factors.
Many organizations and individuals contributed in one way or another to this
revision of "The Effects of Nuclear Weapons," and their cooperation is gratefully
acknowledged. In particular, we wish to express our appreciation of the help given
us by L. J. Deal and W. W. Schroebel of the Energy Research and Development
Administration and by Cmdr. H. L. Hoppe of the Department of Defense.
Samuel Glasstone
Philip J. Dolan