User Manual: Nord Electro 6
User Manual: Nord Electro 6
User Manual: Nord Electro 6
Nord Electro 6
OS version: 2.1x
Edition: E
Part number: 50482 Copyright Clavia DMI AB
Edition: E
The lightning flash with the arrowhead symbol within
CAUTION - ATTENTION an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the
RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK presence of uninsulated voltage within the products en-
DO NOT OPEN closure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute
RISQUE DE SHOCK ELECTRIQUE a risk of electric shock to persons.
NE PAS OUVRIR Le symbole éclair avec le point de flèche à l´intérieur d´un triangle
équilatéral est utilisé pour alerter l´utilisateur de la presence à
l´intérieur du coffret de ”voltage dangereux” non isolé d´ampleur
CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK suffisante pour constituer un risque d`éléctrocution.
REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED PERSONNEL. The exclamation mark within an equilateral triangle is
intended to alert the user to the presence of important
operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the
literature accompanying the product.
AUCUN ENTRETIEN DE PIECES INTERIEURES PAR L´USAGER. Le point d´exclamation à l´intérieur d´un triangle équilatéral est
CONFIER L´ENTRETIEN AU PERSONNEL QUALIFE. employé pour alerter l´utilisateur de la présence d´instructions
AVIS: POUR EVITER LES RISQUES D´INCIDENTE OU D´ELECTROCUTION, importantes pour le fonctionnement et l´entretien (service) dans le
N´EXPOSEZ PAS CET ARTICLE A LA PLUIE OU L´HUMIDITET. livret d´instructions accompagnant l´appareil.
Trademarks: The Nord logo is a trademark of Clavia DMI AB. All other trademarks
mentioned in this publication are the properties of their respective holders.
Specifications and appearances are subject to change without notice.
Copyright © Clavia DMI AB
1. Introduction | 3
1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................... 5 Pipe Organs....................................................................................................13
Thank you!.........................................................................................................5 Pipe 1...............................................................................................................13
Pipe 2...............................................................................................................13
Pipe 1&2 Chorus..............................................................................................13
Nord Online.......................................................................................................5 Pipe 1&2 registers............................................................................................13
About the User Manual...............................................................................5 Preset.................................................................................................................13
Reading the manual in PDF Format....................................................................5
Restoring the factory presets..............................................................................5
Manual Organ................................................................................................13
OS upgrades......................................................................................................5 Dual Organ......................................................................................................13
Free sounds.......................................................................................................5 Edit Lower Manual............................................................................................13
Disclaimer..........................................................................................................5 Rotary Speaker.............................................................................................13
2 OVERVIEW.......................................................................................... 6 5 PIANO.....................................................................................................14
The Electro 6 panel.......................................................................................6 On/Off, Level and Zone Select..........................................................................14
Organ section – page 10....................................................................................6 Octave Up/Down..............................................................................................14
Piano section – page 14.....................................................................................6 Sustped and CtrlPed........................................................................................14
Program section – page 16................................................................................6 About the Piano sounds...........................................................................14
Sample Synth section – page 19........................................................................6 About Piano size..............................................................................................14
Effects section – page 20...................................................................................6 Piano Select....................................................................................................15
Category and model.........................................................................................15
List view...........................................................................................................15
3 GETTING STARTED.................................................................. 7 KBD Touch.......................................................................................................15
Piano Info....................................................................................................15
Hooking it up....................................................................................................7 Mono...............................................................................................................15
Panel controls..................................................................................................7 String Res and Soft Release...................................................................15
Dials and knobs..................................................................................................7
String Resonance.............................................................................................15
Soft Release.....................................................................................................15
The Shift button..................................................................................................7
Soft buttons.......................................................................................................7
Piano EQ Settings............................................................................................15
Programs............................................................................................................7 Acoustic Piano EQ Settings..............................................................................16
Select a program................................................................................................7 Electric Piano EQ settings.................................................................................16
List view..............................................................................................................8
Edit a program.................................................................................................8
Select a new piano sound..................................................................................8 6 PROGRAM.........................................................................................17
Turn off Memory Protection.......................................................................8 Store...................................................................................................................17
Store a program..............................................................................................8 Storing a program............................................................................................17
Live Mode..........................................................................................................8 Naming a program (Store As...)........................................................................17
Tempo Tap.......................................................................................................22
12 CONNECTIONS.........................................................................29
Drive/Comp......................................................................................................22 Audio connections.......................................................................................29
Amp model......................................................................................................22 Headphones.....................................................................................................29
Rotary..............................................................................................................22 Left & Right Out................................................................................................29
Rotary menu settings.......................................................................................23 Monitor In.........................................................................................................29
Comp...............................................................................................................23 MIDI connections.........................................................................................29
Equalizer...........................................................................................................23 MIDI In..............................................................................................................29
MIDI Out...........................................................................................................29
Panic................................................................................................................23 USB connection............................................................................................29
Pedal connections.......................................................................................29
Sustain Pedal...................................................................................................29
9 MIDI............................................................................................................24 Control Pedal...................................................................................................29
Rotor Pedal......................................................................................................29
MIDI functions................................................................................................24
Global MIDI......................................................................................................24
Recording an Electro 6 performance to a MIDI sequencer or DAW...................24
External keyboard to Lo....................................................................................24 II APPENDIX: MIDI CONTROLLER LIST................. 30
MIDI Messages..............................................................................................24
Note On/Off.................................................................................................24
Controllers...................................................................................................24 III INDEX.....................................................................................................31
Keyboard Velocity........................................................................................25
Program Change..........................................................................................25
About Program Banks and MIDI.......................................................................25
Local Control On/Off...................................................................................25
11 MENUS...............................................................................................27
System Menu.................................................................................................27
1 - Memory Protect..........................................................................................27
2 - NumPad Program Select............................................................................27
3 - Seamless Program load..............................................................................27
4 - Global Transpose........................................................................................27
5 - Fine Tune....................................................................................................27
6 - Output Routing mode.................................................................................27
7 - Sustain Pedal..............................................................................................27
Func (Function)............................................................................................27
8 - Rotor Pedal.................................................................................................27
Func (Function)............................................................................................27
1. Introduction | 5
The Nord Electro 6 combines our award-winning emulations of vintage Follow Nord Keyboards on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
electro mechanical and acoustic instruments in one ultra-portable Feel free to tag your content with our official hashtag #iseenord.
package. With three independent sound sections, a new streamlined
user interface and the addition of seamless transitions, we’re proud to
present the most powerful and flexible Electro ever.
The manual is arranged mainly as a reference manual. In many cases
FEATURES you’ll also get tips on how to practically use the various features in a
musical context.
The Nord Electro 6 has the following main features:
Organ section with faithful reproductions of three classic organ mod- READING THE MANUAL IN PDF FORMAT
els, B3, Vox and Farf, as found in our acclaimed C2D combo organ.
There are also two Pipe organ models, each with its own distinct This manual is available as a digital PDF file. It can be downloaded, free
character. of charge, from the Nord Electro 6 section on our website.
Physical drawbars on the 61 and 73 key D models. Digital LED draw-
bars on the 73 key HP model. RESTORING THE FACTORY PRESETS
Piano section with acoustic Grand and Upright pianos, tine and
reed based Electric pianos, Digital piano sounds, Clavinet and The factory programs, samples and pianos are available as individual
Harpsichord sounds and a Layer category with rich sounding piano Nord Sound Manager backup files for download from our website.
combinations. The memory capacity for the Piano section in the There is also a complete backup of the entire instrument and its factory
Electro 6 is 1 GB. content, in case it needs to be restored to its original state at some
Sample Synth section with 512 MB of sample memory and intuitive point.
envelope and dynamics controls.
Comprehensive Effects section. OS UPGRADES
Seamless Transitions: Sustaining notes will not be cut off when
The latest OS (Operating System) version for the Nord Electro 6 is al-
changing programs.
ways available for download from our website. Please visit our website
Keyboard split functionality with dual manual organ mode and
from time to time, to make sure you have the latest version in your unit.
optional split widths, allowing sounds to smoothly cross-fade over
split point.
Three models: Nord Electro 6D 73 and 6D 61 with semi weighted FREE SOUNDS
“waterfall” keybeds and physical drawbars, and Nord Electro 6 HP
73 with a lightweight hammer action keybed and digital LED draw- Since the Nord Electro 6 is designed as an open system, each and
bars. every piano and sample in the Nord Electro 6 can be replaced. This is
done using the Nord Sound Manager application which is available as
a free download from our website.
NORD ONLINE The Nord Electro 6 is compatible with the continuously expanding
Nord Piano Library and the Nord Sample Library. When new sounds
On the website you will find: become available, these can be download for free from the Sound
Libraries section of our website.
»» Information about the Nord Electro 6 and other Nord instruments
»» Latest Operating Systems for download
»» Free software: Nord Sound Manager, Nord Sample Editor and
drivers Any trademarks and brand names mentioned in this manual are the
»» Nord Piano Library sounds for free download property of their respective owners and are not affiliated or associated
»» Nord Sample Library sounds for free download with Clavia. These trademarks and brand names are only mentioned to
describe certain sound qualities reproduced by the Nord Electro 6.
6 | Nord Electro 6 User Manual OS v2.1x
Ballad EP1 Sml
260 Synth Bass 5
THE ELECTRO 6 PANEL the keyboard velocity response or quickly altering the sound character
using the Piano and Clavinet Equalizer settings.
The Nord Electro 6 is designed to be a musically inspiring yet easy-to-
use instrument. Let’s have a quick look at all its panel sections:
A program on the Nord Electro 6 contains settings for all sound en-
gines and effects. The center area of the instrument – the Program
The dedicated Organ section, with its nine drawbars for real-time ad- section – is where programs are navigated and stored, and various
justments to the Organ sound, uses our latest B3 tonewheel Organ performance features and settings menus are accessed. All this is
model, as found in the acclaimed Nord C2D Combo Organ. aided by the large OLED display, which also shows Organ drawbar
settings and the name of any selected Piano and/or Sample sound.
The B3 model is based on the analysis of the signals generated by
each of the 91 spinning discs inside several original instruments, and
its virtual circuitry reacts not only to the panel settings but also to the SAMPLE SYNTH SECTION – PAGE 19
real time performance, simulating important foldback, compression
The Nord Sample Library gives Electro 6 owners access to a huge free
and energy robbing characteristics. The Rotary Speaker simulation is
library of world-class sounds, including the famous vintage Mellotron
derived from the Nord C2D which brings the Electro 6’s organs to life
and Chamberlin sounds. A large selection of samples are includ-
with remarkable realism.
ed from the start and the Sample Synth section is where these are
Two carefully modelled emulations of famous transistor organs from browsed and loaded. A number of functions for adjusting the character
the 1960’s – the Vox and the Farf – are also included. Finally, there are and response of the sample are accessed directly via the panel.
two distinct Pipe Organ models including a “Principal” Pipe model with
two variations that deliver a wide range of versatile pipe/church organ EFFECTS SECTION – PAGE 20
The Effects section puts a wide selection of classic effects at your
Any Organ model can be used in a single or dual manual configuration, fingertips:
each manual having an additional preset for quick switching between
two distinct sounds. The Effects 1 and 2 units provide essential modulation effects such as
Tremolo, Chorus and Phaser – modelled after legendary stomp boxes
and effects units. The Delay effect can be used for anything from sub-
PIANO SECTION – PAGE 14 tle ambience or slap-back effects to almost endless soundscapes.
The Nord Electro 6 benefits from the ever-growing Nord Piano Library
Classic amplifier simulations, the Rotary Speaker and a punchy Com-
and includes a wide range of piano and keyboard sounds including
pressor effect are found in the Amp/Spkr section. A versatile EQ with
Grand, Upright and Electric pianos as well as Digital piano and Layer
sweepable Mid range frequency can be applied to any of the Electro 6
sounds right out of the box. New sounds are regularly made available
sound engines.
free of charge on the website.
Finally, the lush Reverb – with an optional Bright mode – provides an
Among the Piano section’s panel controls are buttons for activating the
array of small and large room simulations for instant atmosphere.
Let’s spend a few minutes getting acquainted with the fundamental fea- THE SHIFT BUTTON
tures of the Nord Electro 6. In this chapter some of the most common
tasks and scenarios will be described in a stepwise fashion. Many panel controls on the Nord Electro 6 have a second-
ary function, which is printed immediately below it. These
additional functions are accessed by pressing and holding
SHIFT while operating the control.
HOOKING IT UP The Shift button is also used to EXIT a menu or to cancel an ongoing
1 Connect the Nord Electro 6 power cord to the unit and a mains Store operation.
power supply, connect the sustain pedal and a set of headphones
or a sound system.
2 Make sure to turn on the Nord Electro 6 first, before the sound
system. Please be careful with the output volume! One menu or settings page, or the Program Init window (shown below)
may contain several related options in which case “soft buttons” are
For more information on all the connections of the Electro 6, see the used for focusing a setting or performing a task. Soft buttons are placed
Connections section on page 28. at the bottom of the display and are controlled with the PROGRAM 1-4
buttons. As an example; in the scenario below, pressing the Program 3
button will initialize the panel to a Piano program.
Hold the SHIFT button and turn a knob to view the stored setting of
parameter on the panel and is stored in the program memory of the
a parameter without changing it.
Electro 6, with enough room for 416 programs.
Programs are organized into 26 banks, labeled A-Z. All programs can be
BUTTONS edited and replaced as you wish.
Selector buttons are used to select one setting in an
MM A complete set of the factory programs is available on the www.
array. They have a set of round or triangular LEDs to website. This means that the program memory
indicate its current setting. Press the button several
can always be restored to its original state.
times to cycle through the possible options.
ON/OFF buttons are used for activating a function 1 Programs are selected by pressing any of the four PROGRAM but-
or a group of functions such as effects and have a tons, located below the display. The PAGE 3/4 buttons are used
LED close to them to indicate the on/off status and to navigate program pages – a page being a group of 4 programs.
sometimes also the source or zone. A Program bank on the Nord Electro 6 can contain 16 programs OFF
divided into 4 program pages.
MM The On/Off buttons of the Effects shown here also have a selector
functionality. Press once to turn the Effect on, and double-tap to 2 Programs can also be navigated by turning the PROGRAM dial.
select the “next” source.
8 | Nord Electro 6 User Manual OS v2.1x
2 Memory Protect is the first setting of the System menu. If the dis-
LIST VIEW play shows a different setting, use the Page3button to navigate to
the Memory Protect setting.
Any dial that has LIST written below it - such as the Program dial - can 3 Change this setting to Off by turning the PROGRAM dial.
be used to access a useful list view.
4 Press EXIT (Shift button) to exit the System menu.
1 Press SHIFT and turn the PROGRAM dial to enter a list view of all the
Programs. MM This setting, like most other System settings, will be permanently
stored until it is changed again.
2 Browse to any program, using the PROGRAM dial. All 26 program
banks can be accessed when in List mode. Read more about menu settings on page 26.
Program EPiano1
G:31 Lullaby Upright STORE A PROGRAM
G:32 Ballad Reeds
G:33 B3 Silk 1 Press the STORE button to the left of the display once, to begin the
process of storing the current program.
G:34 Graceful Duo
Num Abc Cat 2 The STORE LED will begin to flash and the display will ask you for
the location to which you want to store the program.
3 Try out the Abc and Cat soft buttons respectively. Note that in Abc STORE PROGRAM TO
mode, all programs are shown in a list sorted by name and in Cat
mode as a list sorted by Category.
4 Press SHIFT again to EXIT the List view.
Royal Grand 3D
List views for the Piano and Sample dials work in a similar way.
EDIT A PROGRAM 3 If you want to store the edited version to the current location,
replacing the original, simply press STORE again. If not, use the dial,
Editing a program is as easy as turning a knob or pressing a button to PROGRAM and/or PAGE 3/4 buttons to select a different location.
change an existing setting. Let’s give it a quick try:
The controls for the Piano instrument are located immediately to 4 When you have found a suitable location for your program, press
the left of the Program area on the panel. Notice that the Piano STORE again to confirm the store operation.
section of the Program area display shows the name of the select-
ed piano sound. MM Press Shift/Exit once to abort an ongoing Store process if you
change your mind.
Read more about Store and how to name a program in the Program
SELECT A NEW PIANO SOUND chapter, on page 16.
2 Turn the PIANO SELECT dial to browse the piano sounds. Sounds
are organized according to their type (for instance Grand and
3 Select a different Live program and then return to the one that was
edited. Note that the edit was automatically stored.
Press the Live Mode button again to exit Live Mode and return to the
When the Nord Electro 6 is shipped from factory its memory is protected Program banks.
to prevent accidental overwriting of original programs. Memory protec-
tion can be turned off by toggling a setting located in the System menu. If Live Mode is active and you wish to store the settings permanently
as a program in one of the Program banks, you can do so using the
1 Hold SHIFT and press the SYSTEM (Program 1) button below the standard Store methods (see above). Conversely, programs can also
display. be stored into any of the eight Live Mode memory locations by pressing
LIVE MODE and selecting one of the Live program locations.
3 Activate the delay effect by pressing the Delay ON/OFF button once.
4 The LEDs above the button indicate which sound engine is routed
to the effect (O = Organ, P = Piano and S = Sample Synth). Press 1 Turn the SAMPLE SELECT dial and select a sample from the Sample
SHIFT and the Delay SOURCE button until the P LED is lit, if it is not bank, perhaps a bass sound. The location and name of the sample
already. are shown at the bottom of the display.
ouble-tapping the On Off / Source button is a shortcut for quickly When a sample is selected, preset settings for the Sample Synth
changing the source for any effects unit. envelope, Dynamics and Filter settings are also loaded. These parame-
ters can subsequently be adjusted manually as desired. Descriptions of
5 Try the RATE, FEEDBACK and DRY/WET controls, to alter the charac- these controls are found in the Sample Synth reference chapter, starting
ter and intensity of the Delay effect. on page 19.
Pressing the Rotary Speed control when the effect is off will auto- 3 Press the Width soft button. The Split width for each split point can
matically turn ON the Rotary Speaker and assign it to the left-most now be adjusted.
of the currently active sound engines. 4 Set the width value to “Lrg” (large) by turning the dial. Release the
KBD SPLIT button.
Playing across the Split point will now “cross-fade” between the lower
CREATE A SPLIT and the upper sound. Note that the split LED above the keyboard is lit
with a red light, indicating that a large split width is being used. With a
1 Make sure that the Piano section is turned on. small width the LED will be yellow, and with width set to “off” the LED
will be green.
2 To activate Split mode, press the KBD SPLIT button, located in the
top row above the Program area display.
3 To adjust the position of the Split point, press and hold the KBD
MM The “6“ symbol indicates that this button has functions which are Setting up an Organ split, with two independent manuals, can be done
accessed by keeping the button pressed down. very quickly. Let’s try out the Program Init feature which will configure the
Organ section correctly, and turn off other active sound engines:
1 Press PROG INIT (Shift + Program 3 button). The display now pres-
ents four initialize options to choose from.
Split Position
2 Press the Dual Org soft button (Program 2 button).
C4 Off 3 Make sure the ORGAN MODEL selector is set to B3 and press the
Pos Width ROTARY Slow/Fast control to automatically turn on the Rotary
Speaker effect.
4 There are two settings for the split point; position and width. Make A keyboard split has now been created, providing one Organ manual to
sure that the Position setting is focused (by pressing the Pos soft the left of the split point – referred to as the Lower manual – and another
button) and set the split point to C4 using the dial. to the right which is referred to as Upper. Both Organ KB Zone LEDs are
now lit with a yellow color, meaning that the Organ is active across the
The keyboard is now divided into two zones, the split point being indi-
whole keyboard, in a Dual Organ split configuration.
cated with a green LED above the keyboard.
4 Set the drawbars, percussion, and other organ settings for the
Upper Manual as desired.
5 Press the EDIT LOWER button to focus the Lower manual for editing
5 Hold SHIFT and press the Piano ZONE SELECT button so that only and adjust the drawbars. Note that the display shows drawbar set-
the UP LED is lit. tings for both manuals, but that the non-focused ones are “grayed
This assigns the Piano to the upper zone of the keyboard. Feel free to out”.
use the OCTAVE SHIFT buttons in the Piano section to access a different
MM It is easy to set up a dual manual organ by using an external key-
range of the piano sound.
board and the External Kb To Lo function. Read more about this on
page 17.
10 | Nord Electro 6 User Manual OS v2.1x
The Nord Electro 6 features five organ models, all digitally modeled: A selected, the pedal will function as a traditional swell pedal, which does
B3 tonewheel organ with a dedicated B3 Bass mode, two transistor not lower the volume all the way to zero, and also changes the character
organs and two Pipe organ models, including a “principal pipe” section. of the sound – especially when the Rotary Speaker Drive is used.
Three different types of choruses (C1 - C3) and three different types of
vibratos (V1 - V3) are available. Select one of these types by pressing
THE B3 MODEL the Vibrato/Chorus selector button.
• Authentic tuning of the tonewheels according to the original design. The envelope “opens up” for a short moment in the beginning of the
• Extremely fast keyboard response. sound when you press the key(s).
The illustration below shows the pitch interval among the nine drawbars The THIRD button toggles between using the 2nd or 3rd partial as the
when the key of C3 is played. Note that the 5 ⅓’ drawbar is a 5th above source for the percussion effect.
the fundamental harmonic (8’) but in many situations is perceived as
MM The Percussion effect is only available for the B3 organ model.
sounding below it.
Do not forget to try out the three tonewheel modes that are also
available in the Sound menu. These will dramatically change the
sound of the B3 model from a squeaky clean unit to a battered, old
12 | Nord Electro 6 User Manual OS v2.1x
The labels used for the Vox drawbars are printed on the row directly The drawbars act as on/off switches, or “register selectors” when the
above the drawbar LEDs. Farf model is selected. Instead of drawbars, the original instrument
used rocker switches for selecting instrument voices (in reality different
For basic drawbar operation, please refer to “Drawbars and Buttons” filter settings) in various footage (octave) ranges. On the Electro 6 HP
on page 10. model, drawbar LEDs 5-8 are lit up for an activated voice, and LEDs
1-4 are for a deactivated voice. On the Electro 6 D models, pulling
The seven drawbars to the left control the level of each partial. Each the drawbars more than half way out will activate the corresponding
partial has a fixed harmonic interval relating to the played note. The register.
illustration below shows the pitch interval of the drawbars when the key
of C3 is played. The intervals vary for the upper and lower manual on As usual, the Program section display will show current drawbar set-
the original instrument, and the Nord Electro 6 implements a combina- tings for the Organ section. The table below shows the original register
tion of the two for both manuals. name.
The illustration below shows the pitch interval between each voice
when the key of C3 is played. Though some voices have the same
C3 pitch, they differ in tonal character.
Vox Lower
There are several types of vibrato and choruses available for the Vox
model, which is activated using the ON button in the Vibrato section.
The V3 setting is the one that is modeled after the original instrument.
4. Organ | 13
The original instrument has two basic vibrato modes; “Light” and
“Heavy”, with different rates for each mode. There are several types of The MANUAL ORGAN (Shift + Octave Down) can be
vibrato and choruses available for the Farf model on the Nord Electro 6, thought of as a separate – program independent – organ,
which are activated using the ON button in the Vibrato section. the settings of which are in always sync regardless of
which program it is loaded from. Additionally the actual
The V1, V2 and the V3 settings are the ones that are modeled after the
positions of the drawbars are always used when Manual
original instrument’s.
Organ is activated or loaded from a program.
There are two sets of drawbars available for each Organ
manual – the default drawbar set (Preset LED not lit) MM The Edit Lower Manual control is only available in Dual Organ
and the Preset. This provides a quick way of changing mode.
between two organ sound variations, without having to
change programs.
To switch between the two drawbar settings press the PRESET button.
The Preset LED being lit indicates that the Preset is active.
The Rotary Speaker controls are logically placed next to the Organ
In order to modify the Preset, press down on the button – as indicated
section. Its settings are described in detail in the Effects chapter on
by the ”6” symbol – while adjusting the drawbars and other settings.
page 22.
When in the non-Preset mode, the current drawbar positions can be
stored to the Preset by pressing COPY TO PRESET (Shift + Preset).
14 | Nord Electro 6 User Manual OS v2.1x
Right out of the box, the Nord Electro 6 features a fine collection of
carefully selected acoustic and electric pianos, digital piano sounds and
piano layers. A lot of effort was made to ensure a nuanced response
and sound, matching the original models as closely as possible.
Stereo sampled 3 3 3 3
Detailed velocity mapping 3 3 3 3
Use OCTAVE UP/DOWN to transpose the Piano section up or down by
octaves (+/- 12 semitones). When assigned to the entire keyboard it can String resonance for middle range 3
be transposed one octave up or down. When assigned to only one zone String resonance for entire range 3 3
the available transpose values will vary, but always provide access to the
entire range of the Piano. Fully mapped keyboard 3
Small (Sml) piano files use the least amount of space in the piano mem-
SUSTPED AND CTRLPED ory as they do not contain any pedal-down String Resonance samples
at all.
SUSTPED (Shift + Octave Up) activates any attached sustain pedal for
the Piano section. Read more on how to configure an attached pedal in The Medium (Med) versions include pedal-down String Resonance
the Menus chapter, on page 26. samples for the important middle region of the range.
CTRLPED (Shift + Octave Up) assigns an attached control pedal as vol- The Large (Lrg) versions have the pedal-down String Resonance sam-
ume control for the Piano section. ples all across the keyboard.
Both the sustain and control pedal can be active at the same time, Many pianos are also available in an Extra Large (XL) version. These are
indicated by both LEDs being lit. “fully mapped” across the keyboard, meaning that each key on the Nord
now matches its exact equivalent on the original instrument. This natu-
rally imposes a substantial increase in size.
5. Piano | 15
The default KBD TOUCH setting (all LEDs being off) facilitates playing
PIANO SELECT softly yet expressively. With each increment of the Kbd Touch setting (1,
2 and 3) less effort is required to play loudly.
Use the PIANO SELECT dial to choose which piano sound you want to Pressing PIANO INFO (Shift + Octave Down) will display some additional
use. These are the six categories into which all piano sounds are placed: info about the currently selected model, such as its version number and
its exact size.
Grand Acoustic and electric grand pianos MONO
Upright Upright pianos
In MONO mode (Shift + KBD Touch) all stereo sampled pianos will be
Electric Electric Pianos (tine and reed based)
played back in mono. The mono versions of our piano sounds are spe-
Clav/Hps Clavinets and Harpsichords cially designed to provide optimal sound, even in mono.
Digital Digital piano sounds
Layer Layered piano sounds
MM Pianos can not be moved from one category to another. STRING RES AND SOFT RELEASE
The name of the selected model is shown at the bottom of the Program
section display, indicated by a keyboard icon. STRING RESONANCE
ABOUT THE CLAVINET String Resonance refers to the acoustic phenomenon that
occurs when strings, or parts of strings, resonate at their
On the original Clavinet D6, different pick-up combinations were select- fundamental or harmonic frequencies when other strings
ed by pressing a number of rocker switches. This functionality is faithfully are played.
simulated by the Nord Electro 6, which means that all original Clavinet
D6 pickup selections are available. When STRING RES is turned on, all notes you play will affect each other
to reproduce the wonderful acoustics that occurs inside an acoustic
PICK-UP TYPE DESCRIPTION grand or upright piano.
Clav Model A: Only the “neck” pick-up; a warmer, less bright sound.
Also, when the sustain pedal is pressed down the fact that all dampers
Clav Model B: Only the “bridge” pick-up; a bright sound.
are being lifted will further add to the resonance effect.
Clav Model C: Both pick-ups on and in phase; a very full sound.
Clav Model D: Both pick-ups 180 degrees out of phase; the fundamen- The sound level of the string resonance effect can be set in the Sound
tal is almost cancelled out and the sound becomes thin. menu, see page 27.
The Piano list top row displays the current category name (“Grand” in
this case), the number of models of that type (5), and the index of the
currently selected model (2). The default sort order is numerical, but
pianos can also be browsed alphabetically or by category, by pressing PIANO EQ SETTINGS
the Abc or Cat soft button respectively.
Use the Piano EQUALIZER settings to quickly alter the
frequency content and character of the selected piano
KBD TOUCH sound – while keeping the EQ unit of the Effects section
free for other tasks.
Pianos from the Nord Piano Libary typically have a very
wide dynamic range, and their dynamic response can be
adjusted according to what fits your personal style or the
context of your performance.
16 | Nord Electro 6 User Manual OS v2.1x
The MID mode de-emphasizes both high and low frequency ranges,
making for a focused and cutting sound with a prominent mid-range.
The BRT (Bright) mode emphasizes the high frequency range, producing
a very bright and brilliant sound.
The SOFT setting reduces the treble and bell sound, while retaining a
focused and punchy sound.
The MID setting boosts the upper mid-range, adding “presence” and cut
to the sound.
The BRT (Bright) setting boosts the upper mid-range and adds brilliance/
treble, giving both presence and clarity to the selected piano sound.
The DYN1 and DYN2 settings are both based on sounds produced by a
custom preamp and EQ, which was a common addition to tine based
electric pianos in the 70’s and early 80’s. Both settings greatly enhance
the inherent “bell” sound of the electric piano sound. The Dyno 2 setting
also boosts the bass register, resulting in a distinctly “mid scooped”
An original Clavinet is equipped with 4 rocker switches which control the
onboard EQ. Most of the combinations produced by these switches are
available on the Nord Stage 3.
EightyNine 3 When a suitable location has been selected, press STORE again to
confirm the operation.
Ballad EP1 Sml
260 Synth Bass 5 NAMING A PROGRAM (STORE AS...)
1 To store and name your program press STORE AS... (Shift + Store).
2 The ABC soft button brings up a row of alphanumeric characters.
Use the dial to set the character for the current position. Let go of
the ABC button to move the cursor ahead. The dial or PAGE
3/4buttons can be used to move the cursor freely. The Ins soft
button is used for inserting a blank space at the cursor position and
the Del soft button is used for deleting the selected character.
The PROGRAM section provides access to performance functions such
as loading and storing programs, access to Live programs, keyboard
E ightyNine
split functionality and more. This is also where menus containing System uvxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNO
and Sound settings are found. The menus and their settings are covered
in a separate chapter, starting on page 26. ABC Cat Del Ins
3 To assign your program a category hold down the Cat soft button
and select any of the 20 categories from the list.
STORE 4 Press STORE to bring up the Store Program To screen. Use the dial
The STORE button is used for storing an edited program and/or PAGE 3/4and Program buttons to select a location.
to any location in the program banks. Storing a program 5 When a suitable location has been selected, press STORE again.
will overwrite the existing data in the selected memory
Naming programs can also be done with the Nord Sound Manager.
cates the current assignment.
Split Width The Nord Electro 6 can be transposed in +6/-6 semitone steps on a
per-program basis. Hold down TRANSP (Shift + Live Mode) and set the
C4 Lrg value by turning the dial. Pressing TRANSP turns off or on a transposi-
tion. Transpose settings are saved and recalled as part of a program.
Pos Width
All parameter controls for externally controlled sound engines are still PROG INIT
accessible from the Nord Electro 6. This means that Organ drawbars,
The PROG INIT (Shift + Program 3 button) functions can be used to
Piano settings etc. can be adjusted as usual. The External KBD to Lo
quickly initialize the panel to one of four basic configurations:
setting is stored with a Program, along with all other panel settings.
Org/Piano/Synth: Activates the selected sound engine, and sets it as
MM The MIDI Channel for the External Keyboard feature is set in the
Source for all effects. Other sound engines are deactivated.
System menu. Read more on page 27.
Dual Org (Organ Split): Activates the Organ section and KBD Split, and
turns on the Dual Organ function. It also sets Source to O (Organ) for all
effects. All other sound engines are deactivated.
Many controls have a secondary function which is
accessed by holding SHIFT and pressing the button or
turning the dial. Shift functions are always printed below PROGRAM DIAL
the corresponding control. For example, holding Shift and
The PROGRAM dial to the right of the Display is used to
pressing the Program 2 button will open up the Sound Menu. The Shift
select programs, to set parameter values and to enter
button is also used to EXIT menus, or for cancelling Store operations.
characters in program names. Pressing SHIFT while turning
the dial activates the LIST function, which will display all
programs in a list.
6. Program | 19
In Numeric Pad mode the Program 1-4 buttons are used for entering SWAP PROGRAMS OR PAGES
any program number (11-44) within the current bank, rather than directly
A Swap operation interchanges the positions of two programs or pages.
switching between the 4 programs on a page. As an example, to select
program 12 within the current bank, first press Program button 1 (to 2 Use the dial to select the program or page location which should
select page 1) and then Program button 2 (to select program 2 within be swapped with another and press Swap.
that page). Here are some additional points to keep in mind:
MM In Page view, the program range, i.e. "G:31-34", is displayed but
• In Numeric Pad mode the PAGE buttons switch between banks. only the name of the first program is shown for each page.
• The Program dial can be used for switching programs incrementally,
just as in Page Based mode.
3 Use the dial to select the destination and press Ok to complete the
Swap operation. Pressing Undo will instead cancel the operation.
• A “num” symbol in the top right corner of the display indicates that
Numeric Pad navigation is active. Program G:32
G:33 B3 Silk
A:1- num
G:34 Ballad Reeds
EightyNine G:41 Velvet Bop
G:42 Clock Tines
B3 Undo Ok
Ballad EP1 Sml
260 Synth Bass 5
In this example, the Program 1 button has been pressed. The dash (-)
indicates that another digit can be entered, to select program 11-14. 4 Use the dial to select a program or page which should be moved to
another location and press Move
MIDI LED INDICATOR 5 Select the destination location for the operation, using the dial and
press Ok. Pressing Undo will instead cancel the operation.
The MIDI LED, located in the top right corner of the Program
section, blinks as incoming MIDI messages are received by the Program G:32
MIDI In port, or over USB. G:33 Graceful Duo
G:34 Ballad Reeds
G:41 Velvet Bop
G:42 Clock Tines
Program pages – or banks, when in Numeric Pad
navigation mode – are navigated with the PAGE 3/4 EE Note that programs between the source and destination locations
buttons. Each bank (A-Z) holds 4 pages, with 4 pro- are shifted one step up or down, changing which programs are
grams in each page. They are also used for navigating part of each page within the affected range.
menu settings, and for moving between categories/
characters when browsing lists in Cat or Abc mode. MM Programs can also be organized using the Nord Sound Manager.
20 | Nord Electro 6 User Manual OS v2.1x
Use the SAMPLE SELECT dial to scroll through the available samples. The
position and name of the selected sample is shown in the Program area
display. This selection is stored in the program when a Store operation
is performed.
Pressing SHIFT while turning the SAMPLE SELECT dial allows for brows-
ing all samples in a list. The Abc and Cat soft buttons can be used for
displaying samples based on name or category. To filter out only the
samples from a certain category, press down on the Cat soft button and
select the desired category using the PROGRAM dial.
ACTIVATING EFFECTS The WAH (Wah-Wah) effect gives the sound a characteristic, “Quack”-
To enable an effect, press its ON/OFF button. The LEDs above the button like character and can be extremely useful on electric pianos and
indicate which sound engine the effect is assigned to; O = Organ, P = Clavinets. The Wah-Wah modulation is a lowpass type of filter that can
Piano and S = Sample Synth. Press SOURCE (Shift + On/Off) to change be swept across the frequency range using the Effect 1 knob. During
the sound engine assignment. the sweep, the filter’s characteristics also changes.
The Wah effect uses the signal’s amplitude to control the filter sweep
This effect can also be used as a traditional Pedal Wah with an ex-
pression pedal connected to the Control Pedal jack, if the CTRLPED
The EFFECT 1 unit offers six different types of modulation effects. Use its mode for Effect 1 is engaged.
Selector button to switch between the available settings.
TREM (TREMOLO) Ring Modulation (RM) is a type of modulation where two signals are mul-
tiplied with each other, resulting in an in-harmonic “bell like” sound. On
TREM (Tremolo) provides a volume modulation that
the Nord Electro 6 the instrument signal is multiplied with a sine wave.
continuously varies the volume of the output signal.
Tremolo is a very common effect to use with electric The Ring Modulation amount is fixed, and its rate is controlled by the
pianos. Effect 1 knob.
EFFECT 2 Use TAP to set a delay time matching the tempo of a song. Simply tap
EFFECT 2 provides a selection of modulation effects, the Tempo button in the tempo you wish the delay to sync to a number
including two types of Phaser, a Flanger, two Cho- of times, and the delay time will be adjusted automatically.
rus types and a Vibe effect. Each effect has its rate
controlled by the Effect 2 knob.
PHASER 1 & 2
The SPKR/COMP unit combines sophisticated ampli-
The PHASER effect produces a characteristic fier and speaker cabinet simulations – including the
“sweep” effect, commonly used with electric piano Rotary Speaker – with a useful compressor effect.
sounds. The digital models for the phasers of the
Nord Electro 6 are inspired by classic units such as
the Bi Phase and the Small Stone. DRIVE/COMP
When no Amp Model or Comp is selected the DRIVE
FLANGER knob provides a tube style overdrive effect or, if an
amp is selected, controls the amount of overdrive
The FLANGER produces a dramatic comb filter for that Amp model. If the Drive LED is lit, it indicates
effect, giving the sound a “swooshy” and resonant quality. that overdrive is active.
CHORUS 1 & 2
The three different amplifier/speaker simulations –
The versatile CHORUS effect gives the impression of “widening”, or with
four if counting the Rotary – are selected with the
more extreme settings severely detuning, the sound – achieved by
Selector button in the Amp Model section:
blending a number of modulated copies of the audio signal. There are
two Chorus types, the second being more bold in character.
The FEEDBACK button determines the number of • Switch between fast and slow rotor speeds by pressing the SLOW/
delay repeats, or taps. At the lowest setting (LED STOP, FAST button.
unlit) only the initial tap is heard, while the 1, 2 and 3 • To stop the rotors, press the STOP MODE button and set the speed
settings give an increasingly long feedback tail. to SLOW/STOP (this does not deactivate the Rotary Speaker – it only
stops the rotors). When the Slow/Stop button is pressed again the ro-
The DRY/WET knob adjusts the balance between
tors will accelerate to the Fast speed setting. This functionality mimics
the dry signal and the delay repeats.
the behavior of an early, one speed rotary speaker.
PING PONG • The rotor acceleration rate, the time it takes to go from slow to fast
and vice versa, can be adjusted on the Sound menu, read more on
Press PING PONG (Shift + Tempo) to activate Ping page 27. The DRIVE knob in the Spkr/Comp section controls the
Pong mode. This causes delay repeats to alternate amount of overdrive. This simulates the pre-amplifier overdrive of the
between the left and right channels. If short delay times are used, these original rotary speakers.
repeats will be “asymmetrical” and produce delays that are more like
early reflections in reverb units. A sustain pedal or a foot switch that is connected to the Rotor pedal
input can control the rotor speed. On the Nord Electro 6 D models, the
optional Nord Half Moon Switch can be used for switching Rotary speed
in an even more traditional fashion.
8. Effects | 23
The COMP (Compressor) effect reduces the dynamic range of the sound,
making low level signals louder and high level signals more quiet. This
produces a tight, punchy sound and makes the overall level easier to
control in a live mix situation.
The REVERB unit simulates the natural sound reflections in various
acoustic environments. The Reverb is a “global” effect, which is to say
that it will always be applied to all active sound engines.
Below are two examples of how this functionality can be used in prac-
GLOBAL MIDI tice - in this case using a Nord Lead A1 as the external controller:
The Global MIDI channel is used both for transmitting and receiving MIDI Ex. 1: Nord Electro 6 in Dual Organ mode with ext. keyboard
information, at the same time. It allows for external control over every Organ KBD Zone: LO+UP (Dual Organ), Piano & Synth: Off
aspect of the Nord Electro 6 – much like playing its own keyboard – and
is used for sending keyboard, pedal and panel actions to another MIDI MIDI IN MIDI OUT
device or sequencer.
1 Set the DAW or sequencer track to route back incoming MIDI on MIDI IN MIDI OUT
the Global channel.
With this function it is possible to use an external keyboard to control NOTE ON/OFF
sound engines and/or one of the Organ manuals, which in turn will not
be controlled from the Nord Electro 6 keyboard. These settings are • Note On and Note Off messages are transmitted and received.
stored per program which makes it an ideal feature for live usage. Below
is an example of how to set it up. CONTROLLERS
1 Press EXTERNAL KBD TO LO (Shift + KBD Split). From the System menu it can be determined whether the Nord Electro 6
should transmit and/or receive Control Change messages.
2 Connect an external MIDI keyboard to the MIDI In jack of the Nord
Electro 6. • If a Control/Expression pedal is connected to the Control Pedal Input,
this is transmitted and received as Controller 11 (Expression).
3 Set the External Keyboard MIDI channel to that of the transmitting
MIDI device, in the Nord Electro 6 System menu (see page 26 for • If a sustain pedal is connected to the Sustain Pedal Input, this is trans-
details). The default setting is channel 16. mitted and received as Controller 64 (Sustain Pedal).
4 Select one or more sound engines to control from the external key-
9. MIDI | 25
• Almost all other controls (knobs and buttons) on the front panel are
also transmitted and received as Control Change messages. This can
be used for recording front panel actions into a MIDI sequencer. For a
full list of which parameters correspond to which Controller number,
refer to page 29.
The Nord Electro 6 transmits and receives Keyboard Velocity messages.
Organ sounds will always be played back at nominal level regardless of
incoming MIDI Velocity data. Release velocity is transmitted, but ignored
on MIDI In.
Loading a program, Live program, Piano or Sample will send a Program
Change message on the global MIDI channel, each content type iden-
tified by its Bank MSB value. Conversely, incoming Program Change
messages will select the corresponding content on the Electro 6. The
message consists of three parts, as defined in the table below:
If hanging notes are experienced when using the Nord
Electro 6 in a MIDI setup, or if all sound should be
terminated for some other reason, use the PANIC (Shift
+ Reverb On) function. This will execute an internal
“All Notes Off” message, and reset incoming CC
26 | Nord Stage 3 User Manual OS v2.1x
The Nord Sound Manager and the user manual for the application can
be found at the website, in the Software area.
11. Menus | 27
Any settings that are made in the System and Sound menus will take Range: +/- 50 Cents (+/- half a semitone). Default value is “0”
immediate effect, and will be stored until they are changed again.
MM The MIDI Local On/Off setting is an exception and will always revert
to Local On when the Nord Electro 6 is powered up. In Stereo mode, all sounds are sent to both audio outputs. When set
Enter a menu by holding SHIFT and pressing SYSTEM or SOUND, (Pro- to Main:L Organ:R, Piano and Sample Synth sounds are set to the Left
gram buttons 1 and 2). Menus are navigated with the PAGE 3 and 4 output and Organ sounds to the Right.
buttons and settings are changed with the PROGRAM dial. Soft buttons Range: Stereo (Default), Main:L Organ:R
are used to access additional settings, where applicable. Exit a menu by
pressing EXIT (Shift).
SYSTEM MENU This allows you to select the type of pedal connected to the SUSTAIN
PEDAL jack, in case the functionality of the pedal is reversed (when the
pedal is up, sustain is on and vice versa). The Auto setting can automati-
cally determine the pedal type.
The memory protection setting is On when a Nord Electro 6 leaves the Range: Open, Closed, Auto (Default)
factory, preventing accidental overwriting of programs. Setting this to
Off enables Store operations. Menu settings and Live programs are not FUNC (FUNCTION)
affected by this setting.
A connected sustain pedal can be used for controlling both sustain and
Range: On (default), Off Rotary speed. The three possible settings are; Sustain only, Sustain +
Rotor Hold (fast rotor speed when the pedal is down) and Sustain +
2 - NUMPAD PROGRAM SELECT Rotor Toogle (toggles between fast and slow with each pedal press).
This setting determins how transitions are handled when changing pro-
grams. When set to On, sustaining notes and effects tails will be pre-
served when changing programs. With the Off setting, all ongoing sound This allows for changing the functionality of a connected rotor pedal.
is terminated when changing programs. With Rotor Hold the rotor speed is fast as long as the pedal is down,
going back to slow when the pedal is released. Rotor Toggle means that
Range: Off, On (Default)
the fast/slow rotor speed is switched with each pedal depression.
Fine Tune can be used to fine tune the pitch of the Nord Electro 6 in finer
Range: Roland EV7 (default), Yamaha FC-7, Korg, Fatar/Studiologic 2 - B3 ORGAN TONEWHEEL MODE
GAIN Sets the level of tonewheel crosstalk and cable leakage artifacts of the
B3 organ model.
This setting allows for adding some gain to the pedal signal. This can be
useful if an attached pedal does not reach its maximum level or setting. Range: Clean, Vintage 1 (default), Vintage 2
Range: 1 - 10
10 - LOCAL CONTROL This sets the level of the Key Click for the B3 organ model.
MIDI Local Control determines if the Nord Electro 6 keyboard and panel Range: Low, Normal (default), High
will control internal sound engines and programs or only transmit MIDI.
Local Control On is the normal “play mode”. When Local Control is in Off
mode, front panel and keyboard actions are transmitted via MIDI only.
Range: On (Default), Off This setting allows for changing how the Nord Electro 6 keyboard trig-
gers the B3 sound. When “High” is selected, it will be triggered before
MM Local always defaults back to “On” every time the Nord Electro 6 is the key is fully depressed, which is more similar to how a real B3 works.
powered on
Range: High, Low (Default)
GLOBAL There are two available settings for the 122 Rotary speaker. With the
This sets the transmitting and receiving MIDI channel for the Global 122 setting the “virtual microphones” are placed further away, while with
Channel. The Global Channel transmits all keyboard, pedal and panel 122 Close they are placed closer to the cabinet.
actions as MIDI signals. It can also be used as a receiving channel with Range: 122 (Default), 122 Close
full control of the entire Electro 6.
This allows you to set if you want your Nord Electro 6 to transmit and/or Range: Low, Normal (default), High
receive MIDI Controller Messages or not on the Global channel.
Range: Off, Send, Receive, Send & Receive (Default)
This determines the acceleration and deceleration time of the rotary
PC (PROGRAM CHANGE) speaker woofer rotor.
This setting determines whether your Nord Electro 6 transmits and/or Range: Low, Normal (default), High
receives MIDI program Change Messages, on the Global channel.
Range: Off, Send, Receive, Send & Receive (Default) 8 - ROTARY HORN
When set to In, active transpose values (global and/or set per program) This determines the speed of the rotary speaker treble horn.
are not applied to outgoing MIDI, but only to incoming MIDI data. In Out Range: Low, Normal (default), High
mode sent MIDI notes are transposed but not incoming ones.
The 5 pin MIDI In connection is used for receiving MIDI data sent from
external devices such as controller keyboards, sequencers and comput-
The 5 pin MIDI Out connection will send MIDI data to devices such as
external sound modules and computers.
30 | Nord Electro 6 User Manual OS v2.1x
Program (buttons) 18
A J Program Change 25
Acc (Rotary Horn) 28 JC (Amp Model) 22 Program dial 18
Acc (Rotary Rotor) 28 Program (Section) 17
Audio Connections 29
KBD Touch 15
B Keyboard Split 18 Reverb 23
B3 11 Key click (B3) 11 Rotary Horn 28
B3 Organ Key Click Level 28 Rotary Rotor 28
B3 Organ Tonewheel Mode 28 Rotary Speaker 23
Bass (EQ) 23 L Rotor Pedal 27
List view (Piano) 15
Live Mode 18
Local Control (MIDI) 25 28, S
CC (MIDI Menu) 28 Seamless Transitions (Seamless Prog Change) 27
Ch 1 and 2 Out 29 Shift (button) 18
Chorus 1 & 2 22 M Small (Amp Model) 22
Chorus (Organ) 11 Memory Protection 27 ,
Soft buttons 7 27
Clav EQ 16 Menus 27 Soft Release 15
Clavinet 15 Mid (EQ) 23 Sound Menu 28
Compressor 23 MIDI 24 Speed (Rotary Horn) 28
Connections 29 MIDI Controller List 30 Speed (Rotary Rotor) 28
MIDI (LED) 19 Split 17
MIDI messages 24 Split Position 18
D Model (Piano) 15 Store As 17
Delay (Effect) 22 Monitor In 29 String Resonance 15
Digital (Piano) 15 Mono 15 Sustain Pedal 27
Drawbars 10 Move (Organize) 19 Swap (Organize) 19
Drive 22
Dyn 1 16
Dyn 2 16 N T
Nord Piano Library 14 Tap Tempo (Delay) 22
Nord Sound Manager 26 Transpose 18
E Numeric Pad (program selection mode) 19 Transpose MIDI At (MIDI Menu) 28
Effect 1 21 Treble (EQ) 23
Effect 2 22 Trem (Tremolo) 21
Effects Section 21 O Twin (Amp Model) 22
Electric (Piano) 15 Type (Ctrl Pedal) 27
Organ 10
Equalizer (Piano) 15 Type (Rotor Pedal) 27
Organize 19
Exit (button) 18 Type (Sustain Pedal) 27
Organ Keyboard Trigger Point 28
External KBD to Lo 18 28 Output Routing 27
F P Upright 15
Farf 12 Page Based (navigation mode) 19
Fine Tune 27 ,
Page Based (program selection mode) 19 27
Flanger 22 Page (buttons) 19
Func (Rotor Pedal) 27 Panel MIDI control 24 Vibe 22
Func (Sustain Pedal) 27 Panic 25 Vox 12
PC (MIDI Menu) 28
Percussion (B3) 11
Phaser 1 & 2 22
Gain (Ctrl Pedal) 28 Piano 14 Wah (Wah-Wah) 21
Global (MIDI) 24 Piano Info 15 5
Global (MIDI Channel) 24 28 Piano Select 15
Global Transpose 27 Piano size 14
Grand 15 Piano String Res Level 28 Z
Ping Pong 22 Zone Select 17
Pipe1 13
H Pipe2 13
Headphones 29 Prog Init 18
Program 18
FCC Information (U.S.A.)
This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions contained in this manual, meets FCC requirements. Modifications
not expressly approved by Clavia may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use the product.
2. IMPORTANT: When connecting this product to accessories and/ or another product use only high quality shielded cables.
Cable/s supplied with this product MUST be used. Follow all installation instructions. Failure to follow instructions could void
your FCC authorization to use this product in the USA.
3. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of
the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installa-
tion. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will
not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment is found to be the source of interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
– Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Unauthorized changes or modification to this system can void the users authority to operate this equipment.
This equipment requires shielded interface cables in order to meet FCC class B Limit.
For Canada
This Class B - digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B - est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Compliance Information Statement
Model Name: Nord Electro 6D 73, Nord Electro 6D 61, Nord Electro 6 HP
Type of Equipment: Digital Organ and piano
Responsible Party: Clavia DMI AB
Address: P.O. BOX 4214. SE-102 65 Stockholm Sweden
Telephone: +46-8-442 73 60