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Background of the study

With the sudden burst of social media apps becoming more and

more popular among the youth, especially now that they are quickly and

are easily accessible through the use of mobile devices, it is rarely

possible that the students’ academic behavior is being observed regarding

if whether social media affects one’s study habits.

People nowadays are all digital naive. Social media networks play an

important role in our life. Getting too involved in social media can lead to

an addiction that includes bad habits. Students prefer to chat with friends

for hours, and this leads to a waste of time that could have been used for

studying, playing or learning new skills.

This study examines if social media applications have an effect,

either good or bad to the academic performance of the senior high school

students. To be able to distinguish what kind of effect does social media

have upon the academic performance of a student

Theoretical Framework

This study engaged to investigate and determine the effect of social

media on academic performance of Grade 12 students.

A glance of the conceptual framework of the study, it is shown that

independent variable is the social media which contains low of knowledge

and time as its variables. The dependent variable refers to academic

performance consists of sub-variable attitude towards study.

The relationship among the effect of social media on academic

performance of grade 12 students is the primary subject to be discussed

on the analyzing of data reclaimed, to answer the problem studied in their

research study.

Conceptual Framework


Statement of the Problem

This research study seems to determine the effect of social media on

academic performance of Grade 12 students. The specific questions

drawn from the problem are:

1. To what extent in the internet in terms of

1.1 Low of knowledge;
1.2 Time;

2. What are the social factors that cause the Grade 12 students to get
addicted to social media that result the habitual poor class
performance in terms of

2.1 Attitude towards study;

3. What is the effect of social media to the lives of Grade 12 students?


The following hypothesis are generated by the researcher and

were tested in this study.

1. Student’s addictiveness to social media has no significant

effect on their academic performance

2. Student’s expose to social media network has no significant

effect on their academic performance

3. Use of social media has no significant effect on the academic

performance of students in Notre Dame Siena College of


Significance of the study

The research study provides an overview involvement of the

students of the NDSCT who are effects by the social media to their

academic performance. In this study, researchers also provide the

awareness of the students on how social media effects their academic

performances in school.

Scope and delimitation of the study

The study was c9nducted to assess the effect of social media on

academic performance of students. Ten (10) students who are actively

using social media are the respondents of the study. The study limited

only on variables of social media that the researcher assured that has

effect of respondent’s academic performance. The respondents assured

that questions given by the researcher. The effect of social media on

academic performance of grade 12 STEM students were assured through

a questionnaire made by the researcher.

Definition of terms

As words may mean differently in different contexts. The following

definitions are the words used as intended to be understood for the

purpose of this study.

Social media – social media are interactive digitally-mediated technologies

that facilitate the creation or sharing of information, ideas, career forms,

and other forms of expression via virtual communities.

Academic performance – academic performance is the extent to which a

student has attained their short- or long-term educational goals.

Low of knowledge – lacking knowledge or information as to a particular

subject or fact.

Time – plan, schedule, or arrange when something should happen or


Attitude Towards Study- An important factor on the learners’ levels of goal

setting, problem solving abilities, their beliefs towards learning, their inner

and external motivations in the process of learning and all the academic

performances they perform.



In this section, information, ideas, data and evidence that is related

to the undertaken study is presented.

Local Related Literature


Social media gave a big help to everyone, especially among the

students and other members of the society. Social media has different

features that may enjoy by the students, what the problem is, students

loses their self-control in using them.


Facebook is the most popular social networking site today wherein

people may share and upload videos, pictures, messages and chat.

Facebook builds technologies that give people the power to connect with

friends and family. Students use Facebook for entertainment, relaxing or

escaping, and passing time, but not for socializing and social information.


Twitter is also famous to every people nowadays wherein people can

share their feelings, thoughts and ideas. Through twitter, they can easily

be connected to their favorite celebrities and they can also be updated on

what is trend all around the world.


Instagram is also famous nowadays; it is a fast-growing popular

social media device. Young people and specifically teenagers spend a lot

of time browsing through other people’s photos. Instagram is the most

valuable social media to teenagers; people spend many hours in using it.

Students nowadays irresponsibly waste their time on using Instagram than



YouTube is a video-based platform that allows people to upload and

share their videos. Students are probably spending more time with their

screens these days than their studies.

Social networking communities will definitely stay due to its millions of

users. In addition, students today stay on these accessibilities of

information they may get in social networks. Social network may help

them in giving knowledge but still has a negative effect on students.

Social media bring a big benefit about communication because

through this, we can easily communicate our beloved one’s despite of the

geographic distance. Social media may also help you to be updated on

issues that happening on our society.

Social networking sites can be a good way to make connections with

people who has similar interests and goals. Communication is one of the

main things why social networking had been viral. Social networking sites

are the huge place to gather information on what is trending.

Review of Literature

Earlier studies, such as examined the general usability of social

media among young students in grade 12. Similarity, examined the use of

social media and maintain that the appropriation of social technologies is

not an easy and straightforward process.

At NDSCT level of education, more complex academic tasks are

handled and the new generation of students is perceived to understand

that social media and social technologies are influential to learning.

A number of earlier studies have shown evidence that efforts are

required in order to start using social media in order to influence

educational activities. According to students ought to be given careful

scrutiny to check their use of the tools they feel at ease and acquainted

with which they feel are variable in accomplishing academic tasks.

In connection with this, the social affordances of utilizing social

networking may not be provided is a single particular social technology but

instead within the mixture of several social technologies.

The increased use of social networking websites has become an

international phenomenon in the past several years. What started out as a

hobby for some computer literate people has become a social norm and

way of life for people from all over the world.

Teenagers and young adults have especially embraced these sites

as a way to connect with their peers, share information, reinvent their

personalities, and showcase their social lives.

With the increase of technology used for communicating with others and

the popularity of the internet, social networking has become an activity

that is done primarily on the internet.

For individuals, social media is used to keep in touch with friends and

extended family. Some people will use various social media applications

to network career opportunities, find people across the globe with like

interests, and share their thoughts, feelings, insight, and emotions.

Social media refers to websites and applications that are designed to

allow people to share content quickly, efficiently, and in real-time. While

many people access social media through smartphone apps, this

communication tool started with computers, and social media can refer to

any internet communication tool that allows users to broadly share content

and engage with the public. Social media is the ability to share photos,

opinions, and events in real-time has transformed the way we live.

Social media is a term that refers to a number of web-based

applications through which users interact with one another. Interactivity is

what distinguishes social networking sites from traditional or statistic

websites. Social media applications encourage users to share their

experiences, opinions, knowledge, and sometimes their location. These

connections can contribute to a sense of engagement or loyalty among

social media users. Social media methods are collaborative and rely on

sharing information and solidity feedback from their effectiveness. Using

social media such as YouTube and twitter organizations can post

information that individuals can share, comment on, and sometimes



Blogs or weblogs, where individual or organizations post commentary

or news. Frequently on a particular topic, And after invite comments and



The characteristics of social media users are not yet well

documented and questions remain about whether social media platforms

can bridge the digital divide or the gap between people who have access

to information technology (IT) and those who do not.

Humanity has simplified the way in which to save, communicate and

further educate information to the public. In order to do this, there needed

to be a way to make this information secure, safe and accessible. The

internet came out of this need. Not only does the internet offer an endless

array of educational articles, research, papers and findings, but also

interactive encyclopedias and online libraries. The possibilities are endless

and so is the internet. Information about the world is a click away, making

the internet extremely useful to humanity.

Internet is among the magnificent technological advancements. It is a

useful instrument of information technology that shapes the world as a

global village. This is a universal fact that the use of internet has a great

impact on the student’s academic achievement, educational behavior and

social life. Internet is among the magnificent technological advancements.

It is a useful instrument of information technology that shapes the world as

a global village. This is a universal fact that the use of internet has a great

impact on the student’s academic achievement, educational behavior and

social life.

Social media applications have to been recognized by the public as a

huge help to an individual or a group of society in immeasurable ways.

Moreover, through social media is accessible to the public of any ages,

social media is known to be mostly popular as they are more associated

among the adolescence that are most likely to be still attending school.

Although, they aren’t aware of the effects that social media has on

their academic performance. The risk of negative effects of social media

can greatly impact the students’ condition regarding their academic

performance. Academic performance is composed of the grades of the

students which will be exposed to danger regarding the concern that the

students spend excessive time on social media applications.

Once they’ve become fully occupied by it, the condition of their

academic performance will most likely start to diminish and would be a

disaster to a students’ life.



This chapter will discuss the different methods to be used on the

research design as well as the respondents of the study, data gathering

instruments and data gathering procedure used in the effect of social

media on academic performance of Grade 12 students.

Research Design

This study was conducted in descriptive method to acquire views in

the new learning outcomes of senior high school through the use of survey

questionnaire. This study also used qualitative type of research.

Location of the Study

The location of the study is at Notre Dame Siena College Of

Tacurong, Inc.

Respondents of the Study

The respondent of the research study were 15 from senior high

school grade 12 students at Notre Dame Siena College of Tacurong, Inc.

The population and sample used for this study limited only to senior

high school students of Notre Dame Siena College of Tacurong, Inc.

There are total of 99 students. The sample of this study consists of 15

senior high school students.

Population and Sample


STEM 40 5

ABM 28 5

HUMSS 31 5

TOTAL 99 15

Sampling Techniques

The researcher selected the respondents of the study with the used

of sloven formula to determine the number of respondents used in the

study. The selection of respondents was done through stratified sampling

which believed to be most appropriate.

Data Gathering Instruments

The instrument was prepared by the researcher with the use of

gadgets and social media. The researcher utilizes the survey

questionnaire as the main instrument to gather the needed data.

A. Rating Scale

Numerical Rating Descriptive Rating

5 always

4 often

3 seldom

2 rare

1 never

B. The scale below was used to interpret the rating

Interpretative Rating Descriptive Rating

4.0-5.0 always

3.40-4.19 often

2.60-3.39 seldom

1.80-2.59 rare

1.0-1.79 never

Data Gathering Procedures

This survey questionnaire will be the basis of researcher’s

data. After the questionnaire was made and before my study

conducted, the researcher asked permission to Mr. Alberto T.

Barquilla to conduct the study.

After the arrangement, the researcher personally administered

the distribution of the questionnaire to the respondents in each

strand namely: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

(STEM). Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM).

And Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS). The

respondents answered the questions and retrieved the same after

being accomplish.

Statistical Treatment

To determine the relationship of the variables in the study,

simple statistical measures were used in the analysis and

interpretation of data.

To answer the question number 1, to determine the factors

that affects the academic performance, the mean and frequency

distribution is used.

To answer the question number 2, the mean and frequency

distribution is used.



This part provides summary of the data collected. It presents the

analysis of data and the discussion of the statistical findings.

Table 1.1 Low of Knowledge

Item Ratings N Total Weighted Description

no. Frequency Mean
1 2 3 4 5

1. 0 7 4 3 1 15 43 3.86 often

2. 0 6 5 2 2 15 48 3.20 seldom

3. 0 4 5 4 2 15 49 3.27 seldom

4. 0 5 4 3 3 15 49 3.27 seldom

5. 0 1 3 4 7 15 62 4.13 often
Mean 3.54 often


Table 1.1 shows the low of knowledge of Grade 12 students

towards study. Among the five (5) items, item number five (5)

obtained the highest mean of 4.13 falling under the descriptive

rating “often”. This implies that the Grade 12 students spend more

time on social media. The item that has the lowest mean is item

number two (2) having a mean of 3.20 falling under the descriptive

rating “seldom”. This implies that students are making assignments

through internet. The grand mean in items of low of knowledge is

3.54 falling under the descriptive rating “often”. This implies that the

Grade 12 students developed their low of knowledge.

Table 1.2 Time

Ite Ratings N Total Weighted Description

m Frequency Mean
no. 1 2 3 4 5

1. 0 5 5 3 2 15 47 3.13 seldom

2. 0 3 5 3 4 15 53 3.53 often

3. 3 3 4 3 2 15 31 2.06 rare

4. 0 3 4 4 4 15 54 3.60 often

5. 2 2 6 4 1 15 45 3.00 seldom
Mean 3.06 rare


Table 1.2 shows the time of Grade 12 students towards study.

Among the five (5) items, item number four (4) obtained the highest mean

of 3.60 falling under the descriptive rating “often”. This implies that the

Grade 12 students are too much using social media. The item that has the

lowest mean is item number three (3) having a mean of 2.06 falling under

the descriptive rating “rare”. This implies that students have lack of time

with their family because of using internet daily. The grand mean in items

of time is 2.06 falling under the descriptive rating “rare”. This results that

the Grade 12 students have lack of time towards study.

Table 2.1 Attitude Towards Study

Item Ratings N Total Weighted Description

no. Frequency Mean
1 2 3 4 5

1. 0 5 4 3 3 15 49 3.27 always

2. 0 4 4 4 3 15 51 3.40 often

3. 0 3 5 7 0 15 49 3.27 always

4. 0 3 4 7 1 15 51 3.40 often

5. 0 1 6 5 3 15 55 3.67 often
Mean 3.40 often


Table 2.1 shows the attitude of Grade 12 students towards study.

Among the five (5) items, item number five (5) obtained the highest mean

of 3.67 falling under the descriptive rating “often”. This implies that the

Grade 12 students can cope up with the lessons. The items that has the

lowest mean are item number one (1) and item number three (3) falling

under the descriptive rating “always”. These implies that the students are

actively participating during activities and understands the lessons well.

The grand mean in items of attitude towards study is 3.40 falling under the

descriptive rating “often”. This implies that the Grade 12 students

developed their attitude towards study.

Table 3.1 Summary of Variable 1

Sub-Variable Weighted Mean Verbal Description

Low of Knowledge 3.54 often

Time 3.06 rare

Total Mean 3.03 seldom


A closer look on the summary of the total mean of each sub-variable

of statement 1, sub-variable A got the highest mean of 3.54 which means

“often”. Followed by the sub-variable B got 3.06 that indicates “rare”. The

initial mean of this is 3.03 that implies “seldom”.

Table 3.2 Summary of Variable 2

Sub-Variable Weighted Mean Verbal Description

A. 3.40 often

Total Mean 3.40 often


A closer to look on the summary of the total mean of sub-variable A

statement 2 having a mean rating of 3.40 that indicates “often”. The initial

mean of this is 3.40 that is also “often”.

Table 3.3 Summary of Variables

Variables Total Mean Interpretation

1. 3.03 seldom

2. 3.40 often

Grand Mean 3.21 seldom


Since the researcher had already summarized the data statement 1

and 2, this table of data consists of the grand mean. Variable 1 got the

initial mean of 3.03 which is interpreted as “seldom”. Variable 2 got the

initial mean of 3.40 which is interpreted as “often”. Sum up these initial

means to get the grand mean of 3.21 which is interpreted as “seldom”



The main findings showed from the study sum-up as follows.

Table 1.1: The initial mean of the sub-variable 1.A is 3.54 with the

description of “often”.

Table 1.2: The initial mean of the sub-variable 1.B is 3.06 with the

description of “rare”

Table 2.1: The initial mean of the sub-variable 2.A is 3.40 with the

description of “often”.

Table 3.1: The initial mean is 3.03 that implies “seldom”

Table 3.2: The initial mean is 3.40 that implies “often”.

Table 3.3: Sum-up these mean to get the grand mean of 3.21 which is

interpreted as “seldom”.


The new trends of social media have captured the attention of the

students. The research was an attempt to examine the effect of social

media on academic performance of Grade 12 students. The use of social

media among the students must be moderate, they should be made fully

aware of the difference between the real world in which they are living and

the virtual world which they have created using social media. Students

should try to create a balance between social media use and their studies,

so that they do not get distracted while studying. When using social

media, students should try to use it more often for educational purposes.

They must try to limit the social media use for enjoyment or just to waste

their time.


In the light of the findings of this study, the following

recommendations are made:

1. Students should be educated on the influence of social media on

their academic performance.

2. Students should better manage their study time in and prevent

distractions that can be provided by the social media. There should

be a decrease in the number time spent by the students when

surfing the internet.

3. The use if social media network by the students should focus on

the academic relevance of those sites instead of using them for

negative purposes.


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NAME (Optional):_______________ Grade:______ Strand:______

Directions: Please encircle the number which corresponds to your

answer. Be honest in answering the questions below by using the rating

scale below.

Rating Scale

5- Always

4- Oftentimes

3- Sometimes

2- Rarely

1- Never



1.Scanning facts at the internet 5 4 3 2 1

doesn’t apply to your studies.

2.Making assignments through internet 5 4 3 2 1

3.Watching videos in the internet that 5 4 3 2 1

doesn’t apply in your knowledge.

4.Reading wrong articles in the internet. 5 4 3 2 1

5.You spend more time on social media. 5 4 3 2 1


1.Wasting of time researching in the 5 4 3 2 1

Internet that doesn’t include in your studies

2.Using internet before going to sleep. 5 4 3 2 1

3.Lack of time with your family because 5 4 3 2 1

of using internet daily.

4.Too much using social media. 5 4 3 2 1

5.No time to study. 5 4 3 2 1



1. Actively participating during activities 5 4 3 4 1

2. Showing interest in class 5 4 3 4 1

3. You understand the lessons well 5 4 3 4 1

4. Participates in class discussion 5 4 3 4 1

5. Can cope up with the lessons 5 4 3 4 1


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