Call Research Grants
Call Research Grants
Call Research Grants
This document is designed to assist organisations conducting research on violence
against women (VAW), violence against children (VAC) and other forms of violence
driven by gender inequality to assess their eligibility for grants made annually by the
Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) and to submit proposals in
accordance with the required procedures.
Available evidence highlights the need to create synergies in research and programming to address the multiple
linkages between VAW and VAC as our understanding of the intersections increase. The SVRI will consider proposals
on innovative approaches to conduct intersectional or integrative research and programming that will address VAW and
VAC together, or VAW and/and or VAC within other sectoral work.
Violence against women and violence against programmes we once had,
children are global epidemics. At least one-third of have expanded, including
women across the globe experience VAW and the several adaptations. Even still, few
health and development consequences that this interventions have been sustainably taken to
violence brings. VAW and VAC cause great harm scale to fundamentally transform social norms,
and cost to individuals, families, communities promote gender equitable societies and reduce
and governments, including multiple and long- violence. Knowledge is still limited on the long-term
lasting consequences for rights, health, education, effects of these interventions and what specific
productivity and participation in public spheres. For mechanisms are driving the changes observed
intimate partner violence alone, selected country so far. Further, we know very little about how to
estimates suggest that out-of- pocket expenditures, integrate violence prevention and response efforts
lost income and reduced productivity can amount into large infrastructural development programmes.
to up to 3.7% of GDP – more than what many Additionally, although we know about innovative
governments spend on primary education.2 A 2016 research, quality program implementation and
global prevalence study estimated that up to 1 billion rigorous evaluation clusters in high income
children aged 2–17 years, have experienced physical, countries, knowledge sharing platforms for
sexual, or emotional violence or neglect in the past researchers in low and middle-income settings
year.3 Experiencing violence in childhood impacts remain limited and their contributions to the field
lifelong health and well-being.4 have been largely overlooked.
VAW and VAC are driven by gender inequality, social Effective VAW and VAC prevention and response
norms and entrenched structural inequities and is an area of work for civil society, companies,
laws. Research and uptake of research findings are governments, NGOs and research institutions.
essential for understanding the drivers of VAW and Capitalizing on this momentum to achieve broader
VAC and the contexts within which they flourish and more sustainable change requires tapping
to help identify ways in which we can bring about the creative energy of emerging leaders and
sustained social change to end violence against solution-makers. It also requires documenting our
women and VAC. successes and failures to ensure that we continue
to advance the field by investing
We know more about how to prevent and respond
limited resources towards the most
to VAW and VAC than ever before. In terms of
effective strategies.
prevention, the handful of tested prevention
Klugman, J., Hanmer, L., Twigg, S., Hasan, T., McCleary-Sills, J., & Santamaria, J. (2014). estimates. Hillis S, Mercy J, Amobi A, Kress H. Pediatrics 2016; 01
Voice and Agency: Empowering Women and Girls for Shared Prosperity. Washington, DC: 137(3): e20154079.
World Bank.
Global prevalence of past-year violence against children: a systematic review and minimum
The Grant and VAC research. Furthermore, a partnership
Eligibility Criteria
Applications for support under this award should: Other eligibility considerations to note:
• Be affiliated with a recognised, legally constituted • Organisations or consortiums can submit up to two
research institution or organisation with existing proposals, but only one proposal will be funded.
research or programming capacity on VAW and
• Previous grantees will not be considered as
VAC. Grants will only be made to institutions and
principal applicants.
not to individuals.
• Institutions who have an active SVRI grant may not
• Where appropriate, involve partnerships between
multiple organisations, for example, a local
NGO, practice based agency and an academic • Grant applications that are proposing work on
institution, or local government and an NGO or an behalf of UN Agencies, the World Bank Group or
academic institution. Preference will be given to other multi-lateral agencies will not be considered.
academic/researcher – practitioner partnerships. • All projects under this call should focus on VAW
The partnership arrangement must be clearly and VAC prevention and/or response in LMICs.
outlined and reflected in the proposal and budget
• If the funds are sought for scale up or
dissemination activities, the application must
• Preference will be given to proposals submitted provide sufficient information to enable the
and led by organisations based in LMICs. scientific quality of the original study to be
• Where appropriate, have as an objective assessed, as well as a description of the activities
strengthening the research capacity of the for which funds are requested.
implementing agency. Due to high levels of competition
and limited funds available, the
quality of the proposal submitted
will determine success in receiving
a grant. 02
Nature of Supported Projects
Types of projects that may be supported under this • Those that develop innovative methods and tools
grant include: for VAW and/or VAC research.
• Research projects that are either standalone • Those that evaluate how to effectively expand
projects or a component of a larger project that tested VAW and VAC prevention and response
will guide efforts to effectively address or prevent interventions.
VAW and VAC.
• Secondary analysis of existing data that will
• Qualitative studies that explore the effectiveness provide insights into addressing VAW and VAC
and process of creating change with innovative more effectively and sustainably.
VAW and VAC prevention interventions or the
• Research on violence across diverse populations in
acceptability, impact, and process of change
situations of vulnerability, including persons with
created by interventions that support and assist
disabilities, people living with HIV, older persons,
survivors of VAW and VAC.
indigenous peoples, LGBTQI, refugees, internally
• Projects that seek to address VAW and displaced persons and migrants.
VAC prevention and response together or
• Research on the impact of Covid – 19 on VAW
simultaneously or in one intervention with distinct
and the VAW / VAC intersections, including:
conducting research and programming during
• Projects that work to understand how to integrate times of widespread instability and anxiety; ethical
VAW and/or VAC programming into other sectoral and safe use of remote data collection; support
work, for instance, infrastructure development services for survivors under restrictive regulatory
programmes. environments.
• Research that will help advance the knowledge on VAW and VAC
prevention and response in LMICs.
Guiding Types of
Principles Violence
Projects supported by the SVRI should: The United Nations defines violence VAW as “any
act of gender-based violence that results in, or is
• Apply feminist and women-centred
likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or
principles and partnerships.
suffering to women, including threats of such acts,
• Be conceptualized within a human rights coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether
framework. occurring in public or in private life”.6
• Adhere to international safety and ethical VAW can include but is not limited to: intimate
guidelines. partner violence, including emotional, physical,
• Strive for innovation in ideas, new sexual and financial abuse; sexual violence;
methodologies and partnerships, while reproductive coercion; trafficking; honor killings;
building on evidence. sexual harassment and sexual exploitation and
• Strive to be collaborative, cross-sectoral
and multi-disciplinary VAC – as per the Convention on the Rights of the
Child – includes “all forms of physical or mental
• Promote equitable participation and bring
violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent
diverse voices from LMICs (researchers,
treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including
survivors, marginalised groups) to the field.
sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal
• Where relevant and appropriate, endeavor guardian(s) or any other person who has the care of
to engage the community where the the child”.8
research will take place.
VAC can include but is not limited to: abuse
• Challenge the gender hierarchy that and neglect in the family, incest, sexual abuse,
contributes to VAW and VAC in order to infanticide; bullying and other forms of violence
promote gender equality. in the school; corporal punishment; psychological
aggression; child trafficking, sale of children, child
• Inform policy, programs and services
sexual exploitation and other commercial sexual
and serve to strengthen access to
exploitation of children; child labour; various forms
comprehensive care and support for
of cyber and online violence; recruitment as child
soldiers, children recruited and exploited by terrorist
and violent extremist groups, and many others.9
6 9
7 issues/1--the-many-forms-of-violence-against-children.html
The SVRI will issue a Request for Proposals (RFP)
inviting colleagues to apply for funding. Applicants
should apply after they have considered the above
Application requirements and assessed whether their proposal is
suitable for support under this call.
Process All applications must be submitted via the
FILLING IN THE ONLINE FORM • Saving your work: Please remember to save your
work before moving on to the next page. Also note
• Graphics and tables: The online application form
that you cannot edit in print format. Any changes
cannot accept graphics and tables. Any graphics
made whilst you are in print view will not be saved.
and tables must be uploaded as attachments.
• Submitting your proposal: Please note,
• CVs of Key Personnel: Using the CV template
your proposal has not been submitted if you
provided online, provide short CVs of all personnel
do not receive a confirmation email from
who will be working on this project.
ProposalCENTRAL confirming you have
• Project Plan: A project plan must accompany the submitted your proposal. Please check with
application. Please use the template available ProposalCENTRAL if you are uncertain if your
online. proposal has been submitted.
• Budget: Applicants should provide a budget for • Assistance with your online application: Your
12 to 24 months in USD using the online questions and concerns can be directed to
application form. The budget should be a ProposalCENTRAL Customer Service by email to
definitive line-item budget for all direct costs, and [email protected]. Follow-up questions can
administrative or indirect costs, and must exclude be directed to ProposalCENTRAL’s customer service
capital expenditure and general operating support. line 800 875 2562 (Toll- free U.S. and Canada) or
Indirect costs are permitted but may not exceed +1 703 964 5840 (Direct Dial International).
15% of total costs. The total cost of the proposal
should not exceed the grant limit including indirect
costs. Indirect costs are expected to cover items Grantees will be selected through a rigorous,
such as office rental, electricity, internet access, multi-layered selection process. Once the deadline
computer programmes, financial management has closed, all proposals are scanned/reviewed by
costs and these are not expected to be itemised internal SVRI staff. Proposals that do not fulfil basic
separately in additon to a 15% overhead. eligibility criteria will be excluded at this stage. I.e.
Proposals requesting more than the stipulated applications that are off topic; not based within a
maximum will be rejected at point of receipt. low and middle income country; exceed project time
frames or budget requirements; submitted late;
The extent of individual cost items should match
not submitted via the online application system;
the scope of the project, reflect real or estimated
do not meet the basic administrative application
cost burdens, and not be padded.
requirements. Please note, providing reviewers with
Please use the following guidelines to calculate a clear, well structured abstract is important for this
personnel costs: stage of the review process.
- Personnel (employee): calculate the
employee daily rate using the person’s REVIEW
Applications scanned and
annual salary inclusive of fringe benefits
(e.g. pension, medical aid, etc.) 1 checked to ensure they meet
the basic criteria
divided by 260.
- Personnel (consultant): the daily cost of REVIEW
the consultant to your institution. SVRI and core partners develop
Overall merit Will the project build the evidence for VAW and/or VAW/VAC intersections prevention and
response in LMICs? If it is an intervention, is the intervention likely to succeed with respect
to the qualifications of the project team and the institution within which the project is
housed? Does the proposal abstract clearly and concisely summarise the significance
of the work, the major objectives of the project, the methodology to be followed, the
potential impact of the research and its dissemination plan?
Research / Is the design / method sound, feasible and relevant to the questions being asked? Is the
project design approach proposed appropriate and likely to accomplish the project goal and outcomes?
and methods Are potential problems recognized and addressed with alternative approaches? Does the
project include a thorough proposal for capturing and sharing lessons learned during
design and implementation? Does the proposal take into account the impact of Covid – 19
and has it made provisons to adhere to public health guidelines?
Significance of Will the project advance basic theoretical concepts, improve or enhance policy and
the proposed practice in the field of VAW and/or VAC prevention and response? Does the application
project build on current knowledge in the field? Does it challenge and seek to shift current
research or approaches to policy and practice by utilising sound theoretical concepts,
approaches, methodologies, tools or interventions? Does the project provide a clear theory
of change? Will the project contribute to solving barriers to progress in the field? Is the
project replicable? Will the project strengthen VAW and VAC research capacity, technical
skill and knowledge?
Project manager/ Is the training and experience of the project manager and team appropriate for the project
team or activity? Is there sufficient expertise and level of accomplishments within the team /
institution to generate confidence in success? Is the project led by or include a partner
from a LMIC setting? Is there a partnership between multiple organisations established
and if yes, is it established on equitable basis and explicitly following feminist principles?
I.e. a local NGO and an academic institution, north-south or south-south academic
partnerships. Does the research partnership have building research capacity as an
objective? Are the roles and responsibilities of all project partners clearly outlined in the
Ethical Are the research participants appropriately protected from potential research risk? Does
considerations the project include and budget for staff care activities, including addressing potential
vicarious trauma? Will the project be conducted in a professional manner, in accordance
with the applicable international and ethical guidelines, including but not limited to:
• Putting Women First: Ethical and Safety Recommendations for Research on Domestic
Violence Against Women, Department of Gender and Women’s Health Family and
Community Health. World Health Organization. 1999;
• Researching Violence against Women: A Practical Guide for Researchers and Activists.
World Health Organization and Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH).
• Ethical and Safety Recommendations for Research on Perpetration of Sexual
Violence: Jewkes R, Dartnall E and Sikweyiya Y. SVRI and Medical Research Council
South Africa. 2012;
• Ethical and safety recommendations for intervention research on violence against
women: RTI and WHO. 2016;
• Ethical standards for research during public health emergencies: distilling existing
guidance to support Covid - 19 R&D, WHO. 2020.
Budget Is the budget credible and aligned with the project methodology? Are all budget tables
detailed and complete and demonstrate that all activities/components are integrated
into the budget? Does the budget narrative talk to the budget tables? Are all project costs
(resources/goods, etc.) appropriately budgeted for to ensure the project will achieve its
outputs in the most cost-effective way?
Upon consideration of the above criteria and specific questions, reviewers will score the quality of the proposal
and make recommendations on fundability.
APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE • Level of award: between $40,000 to $200,000
• Period of award: 12-24 months in length
• Completed online application (including project
outcomes and budget) • Closing date for applications: 2 August 2021
• Completed and signed SVRI Grant Approval Form • Further information: email [email protected]
• CVs of key personnel using the template (available • Method of application: Applications must be
online) submitted online here (Select Award Maker: Sexual
Violence Research Initiative)
• Project Plan using template provided (available
online) • Language of application: Applications in English,
French and Spanish will be accepted.
• References for evidence used to inform the
research goals and objectives
• Appendices (if required).
The SVRI would like to acknowledge the generous contributions
of our funding partners in supporting this grant, including
Sida, an anonymous donor and other in kind contributions from
key experts in the field. Without your support this important
funding mechanism for building evidence in the field would not
be possible. Thank you.