Zhang 2018
Zhang 2018
Zhang 2018
Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2018 |1 www.surgical-laparoscopy.com
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Zhang et al Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2018
for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis statement18 and Data Extraction and Outcome Measures
the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Inter- The following information was extracted for the
ventions.19 No ethical approval and patient consent were included RCTs: first author, publication year, sample size,
required, because all analyses were based on previous pub- sex, age, body mass index, and baseline characteristics of
lished studies. patients. The author was contacted to acquire the data when
necessary. The primary outcomes were endoscopist sat-
Literature Search and Selection Criteria isfaction scores and patient satisfaction scores. Secondary
PubMed, EMbase, Web of science, EBSCO, and the outcomes included procedure time, hypotension, hypoxia,
Cochrane library were systematically searched from incep- and bradycardia.
tion to December 2017, with the following keywords:
midazolam, propofol, and gastrointestinal endoscopy or Quality Assessment in Individual Studies
colonoscopy or gastric endoscopy. To include additional The Jadad Scale was used to evaluate the method-
eligible studies, the reference lists of retrieved studies and ological quality of each RCT included in this meta-
relevant reviews were also hand-searched, and the process analysis.20 This scale consists of 3 evaluation elements:
above was performed repeatedly until no further article randomization (0 to 2 points), blinding (0 to 2 points), and
was identified. Conference abstracts meeting the inclusion dropouts and withdrawals (0 to 1 points). One point would
criteria were also included. be allocated to each element if they had been mentioned in
The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) study pop- the article, and another 1 point would be given if the
ulation consisted of patients undergoing gastrointestinal methods of randomization and/or blinding had been
endoscopy; (2) intervention sedation was midazolam versus detailed and appropriately described. If the methods of
propofol; and (3) the study design was RCT. Cirrhotic randomization and/or blinding were inappropriate, or
patients or patients with age below 18 years were excluded. dropouts and withdrawals had not been recorded, then 1
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Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2018 Comparison of Midazolam and Propofol in GE
point was deducted. The score of the Jadad Scale varies > 50% indicates significant heterogeneity. Sensitivity anal-
from 0 to 5 points. An article with a Jadad score ≤ 2 was ysis was performed to detect the influence of a single study
considered to be of low quality. If the Jadad score was ≥ 3, on the overall estimate by omitting 1 study in turn when
the study was thought to be of high quality.21 necessary. Owing to the limited number (< 10) of included
studies, publication bias was not assessed. P-value <0.05 in
Statistical Analysis 2-tailed tests was considered statistically significant. All
Standard mean differences (Std. MDs) with 95% con- statistical analyses were performed with Review Manager
fidence intervals (CIs) for continuous outcomes (endoscopist Version 5.3 (The Cochrane Collaboration, Software
satisfaction scores, patient satisfaction scores, and procedure Update, Oxford, UK).
time) and risk ratios (RRs) with 95% CIs for dichotomous
outcomes (hypotension, hypoxia, and bradycardia) were
used to estimate the pooled effects. All meta-analyses were RESULTS
performed using random-effects models with DerSimonian
and Laird weights. Heterogeneity was tested using the Literature Search, Study Characteristics, and
Cochrane Q statistic (P < 0.1) and quantified with the I2 Quality Assessment
statistic, which describes the variation of effect size that is The flow chart for the selection process and detailed
attributable to heterogeneity across studies. An I2 value identification are presented in Figure 1. Seven hundred fifty
TABLE 1. Continued
Propofol Group
Body Mass ASA
Male Index Class 1 Jada
No. Age (y) (n) (kg/m2) (n) Methods Scores
66 69.5 ± 8.2 52 22.0 ± 3.0 7 1% propofol 4
continuously for
dissection for
esophageal squamous
cell carcinoma
35 47.8 ± 17.5 in 22 in 24.3 ± 5 in 18 in Fentanyl (1 μg/kg) + 5
EGD, EGD, EGD, EGD, propofol Target
57.2 ± 13.8 in 22 in 25.4 ± 6.4 in 20 in Controlled Infusion
CS CS CS CS (1.2-1.6 μg/ml) or
propofol target
controlled infusion
only for
100 54.40 ± 15.44 29 27.39 ± 6.59 55 Initial dose of 0.25- 4
0.5 mg/kg propofol,
10-20 mg bolus at 60
s intervals for
maintenance +
fentanyl for upper
30 59, median 13 25.5, median 0 Initial dose 0.5-1 mg/kg, 3
further boluses of 10-
20 mg until conscious
sedation is achieved,
up to a maximum
dosage of 500 mg for
upper gastrointestinal
45 44 ± 12 18 — — Initial dose of 0. 6 mg/ 4
kg propofol, followed
by repeat doses of
50% of the initial
dose, as required for
upper gastrointestinal
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. |3www.surgical-laparoscopy.com
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Zhang et al Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2018
FIGURE 2. Forest plot for the meta-analysis of endoscopist satisfaction scores. CI indicates confidence interval.
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Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2018 Comparison of Midazolam and Propofol in GE
publications were identified through the initial search of MD = 0.14; 95% CI = −0.13 to 0.42; P = 0.31; Fig. 4). Pro-
databases. Ultimately, 5 RCTs were included in the meta- pofol is found to have higher incidence of hypotension than
analysis.16,17,22–24 midazolam (RR = 0.58; 95% CI = 0.34-0.99; P = 0.04;
The baseline characteristics of the 5 eligible RCTs in the Fig. 5). In addition, there was no significant difference of
meta-analysis are summarized in Table 1. The 5 studies were hypoxia (RR = 0.86; 95% CI = 0.53-1.38; P = 0.53; Fig. 6)
published between 1995 and 2017, and sample sizes range from and bradycardia (RR = 1.05; 95% CI = 0.54-2.06; P = 0.89;
60 to 200 with a total of 552. There was similar age, male sex, Fig. 7) between the 2 groups.
body mass index, and American Society of Anesthesiologist
class 1 between 2 groups at baseline. Four included RCTs
involved upper gastrointestinal endoscopy,17,22–24 and 1 DISCUSSION
included RCT involved the upper gastrointestinal endoscopy Propofol serves as a pure hypnotic and lacks analgesic
and colonoscopy.16 One RCT reports the endoscopic sub- properties, and deep sedation is frequently required to avoid
mucosal dissection for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.17 withdrawal responses during gastrointestinal endoscopy.7,25
Among the 5 RCTs, 3 studies reported the endoscopist Propofol plus an opioid are able to achieve balanced sedation
satisfaction scores and patient satisfaction scores,16,17,22 and allow moderate propofol sedation with optimal pain
2 studies reported the procedure time,16,17 3 studies reported control. Balanced fentanyl-propofol sedation is revealed to
hypotension,16,17,22 4 studies reported hypoxia,16,17,22,24 and 2 produce a significant reduction of propofol doses and
studies reported bradycardia.16,17 Jadad scores of the 6 included recovery time.26 Meperidine and propofol combination
studies varied from 3 to 5, and all 5 studies were considered to be results in less propofol to complete the procedure of colo-
high-quality ones according to quality assessment. noscopy than propofol alone.27 Our meta-analysis suggests
that compared with midazolam sedation (or with fentanyl)
Primary Outcomes: Endoscopist Satisfaction for gastrointestinal endoscopy, propofol sedation (or with
Scores and Patient Satisfaction Scores fentanyl) results in higher endoscopist satisfaction, but
Fanti 2015 represents the outcomes of upper gastro- demonstrates no significant influence on patient satisfaction
intestinal endoscopy, and Fanti2 represents the outcomes of and procedure time.
colonoscopy. These 2 outcomes were analyzed with the ran- With regard to sensitivity analysis, there was no significant
dom-effects model, and the pooled estimate of the 3 included heterogeneity for endoscopist satisfaction scores after excluding
RCTs suggest that propofol has higher endoscopist satisfaction the study conducted by Lera dos Santos and colleagues. How-
scores during gastrointestinal endoscopy than midazolam ever, significant heterogeneity was still observed for patient sat-
(Std. MD = −0.71; 95% CI = −1.05 to −0.37; P < 0.0001), with isfaction scores by omitting 1 study in turn for the sensitivity
significant heterogeneity among the studies (I2 = 66%, hetero- analysis. There may be several reasons to explain this. First, a
geneity P = 0.03) (Fig. 2). However, there is no statistical different degree of pain control is required between colonoscopy
significance of patient satisfaction scores between midazolam and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, and different operation
and propofol (Std. MD = −0.34; 95% CI = −0.88 to 0.20; procedures and operators experience the need for varied pain
P = 0.21), with significant heterogeneity among the studies management. Second, the sedation selection was different,
(I2 = 87%, heterogeneity P < 0.0001) (Fig. 3). including pure propofol, and the combination of propofol and
fentanyl. Third, the detailed methods of administration and doses
Sensitivity Analysis of propofol and midazolam are different in the included RCTs.
Significant heterogeneity was observed among the included It is well known that propofol oversedation can cause
studies for endoscopist satisfaction scores and patient satisfaction apnea and arterial desaturation, and respiratory depression
scores. As shown in Figure 2, the study conducted by Lera dos is mainly caused by the administered dose of propofol.28,29
Santos and colleagues shows the results that are almost out of Propofol sedation leads to higher incidence of hypotension,
range of the others and probably contributes to the hetero- but similar hypoxia and bradycardia compared with mid-
geneity. After excluding this study, the results suggest that pro- azolam during gastrointestinal endoscopy, based on the
pofol still results in higher endoscopist satisfaction scores during results of our meta-analysis. Propofol combined with ben-
gastrointestinal endoscopy than midazolam (Std. MD = −0.88; zodiazepines/opioids may be preferable to obtain moderate
95% CI = −1.13 to −0.63; P < 0.00001), and no heterogeneity sedation, and has better patient cooperation, satisfaction,
was observed among the remaining studies. However, there is and shorter recovery time than propofol or benzodiazepines/
still significant heterogeneity of patient satisfaction scores when opioids alone during gastrointestinal endoscopy.30
performing sensitivity analysis by omitting 1 study in turn. However, adding analgesics to propofol is con-
troversial, because of the risks and benefits. Opioids are
Secondary Outcomes reported to improve the patient’s comfort and the operative
Midazolam demonstrates similar procedure time com- conditions, but delay the return to basal mental status,
pared with propofol in gastrointestinal endoscopy (Std. because of their longer duration of action.31 Administration
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. |5 www.surgical-laparoscopy.com
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Zhang et al Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech Volume 00, Number 00, ’’ 2018
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