Rehabilitative Audiology Assignment

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Heaunc cullons a the olcuelobment ofApecchece ion
Speechpeceptin_Jopaut genenal ubject_callto
Ausli toy Pexceptton- he tuclyo the iay e
take_un-any kind o 0undsHmulua m
mualc to enuonmnental 4ounclA
he olcuelopment auditen nceecAhuOugh_Aame-
tagEA on0ymou andheaunq imbouned A t at
much AlDrOH pace fo e late

*HowChildren learns sbeech sounds

the fiyst year
Mostpeaple dhink hat babieo do notdtat o lelk
until thcy a H e Cbout one yeaw olo and say hei
ust hiCrdBut long belore e heau hem poduce
intelhgble _o0xcla they ane eatninga great deal
o souncloin pakiculan akout he baait phon ttic
unchema _en shich Abeech dependo: UnleA theHCan
ocuoheiu auditoxy atHentíon Llátining), oliscviminahe
40uncla{om _each otheu and siecogniae douundo
shen hey hea hem 4epeated hy_iU_make
Lu#le hngrese in leaHhing to sheck

Speech Recepton
Even vey yourg babitaolicplaya suemauRable ucae
aucutory abtluh ta Studieshave AhDLnhou babies
twuns heiu head tounuda the dounce o Aond
hthine dlayd e utfeandree humon Voicep
t0 noa-humani0unoLo aa eaulyaA hoo e ek
An_auctory-abiuty to_ciiscimirate cedain paino
ConaOncunt o VOLeLo Leqlpal us lhal)io prcoent
mauoLuhd ou ecks anclHhis ahilik beLomta
úncreaalnaly Aophiihiiated dn Aubsequent montha

Whule_babiea dleeloping he peyceptual abiutito, hey

aHe alo impmuingdeLch_comprehenal e1Behae en wo
Cund ouu monthA they beqin_tn eapongtothe
-meaníng odlenertonea c UoLceA ALuch as angry
Aoothung playful vsicea bam auouhd 6 montho
huGan eLognie the Lay AOme utHeHanceD MLlate to
pcuiCAulauAitucdiems and be houuuiouHA a ohen people
ay Lye-bye Someuncliudual sordA moy be uecogised
AUCh CA namA. tanmily membeA obaaie 1eaponsta
Leg Ao)
MothenA Aeemta haue an inatnct to inote covnmuica-
Hen aA A00n oA boscihle UAlng he child's eaL'eat
biologícalnoices aA dtmuli fox Lonuexsat en Tbe mothezD
eadyo ascikeintentibzaA n thebabys
utteanes o huld them into conueHAatiem he moth
uAt aloge nurnbe o qeahiena {olloused ypauaes
aA to AhaLababy hat o 1eaponsei eabectkd and
to pmwde an sppbrtunity o it to ueapond She
ConhinuLDuAlyarees_boby, uLen _o eA yeu Ahxt pexiocdo
4 4epaatien As Arnilingq deelopsheenchanaea
btomA more emotve Mothen_utHlnaNCeA Lanoeaa.
babysUocauisotibala gm_houndto montha he
emengence oLCing eluuka 4ote VoiCe_then bahy

begin to laugh and attLnk to ake intentaE i n
nuuYonmintCnglooks atouncl he madhllApeaks
moyedoudlly oluaung atention to lienent oly eck
Heu_intonaHen bP LomesmoyeenagqeMcte d and he
en Cjptathe Aentencea ALA Ain mantha the
babysmoTepuapocul moveme ntB _ondl Paplnrat'na
cue more extendecd Commenaieo hymothe and
ocAts_onmore ahuctuncd-io fauicula st
babblr d utte1unces Behoeen eight cund fen nantha hey
begon tn allo.)_aclulh conuexsahisa looking at ane
penson then ot otheu_

Sbeech Pmoluctsm
Aucutien alows the development_o auhicuuoto
TSani2cuHDn by uelinginormcdien akouthoH -
pacíHon, moe ond ccordnak he asiulatms ay
Cheech movemenk_hat can_olitfex om thoseansaciatel
WAtn _vegetatie uncHC-aA _mehanicm
Ouetirst eu eeks i j e baby elect he Aounda
Onlytsbiological dhate andatiuieo -ue{leuive
boiseo (stetea q hunge paun o clscom/ort coLLACACying
aing) Betoeen aiand eiht e ers the rst coing
Aouncaane pocluced Lade cooing 0unda ane atug
togLthe Oncl ome heatA¬qyuences lAach aolgal and hu)
doegin tD 1eemale ayllcblea Anund fouLSL months. Jhe
nst thnoaty Chucklea onldaugh emtgta: Bthoeenten
do thivky oeekSVocalploay and ih much attadien ang
dongeunan cosíng Babbling emeLgea behoeep toenty
ve and eeRs -hot'sjniHally much Jeno vasue
Jhan Aaunda ocalplay Then cluchien Lbaba ba
eMeduplicatsn babbling Atant and afte that
vauitgaktdcdbabbling eg ladlul)_
16ehweephine Cund etghEen=aepeuance a_melo.dic
Utetanceo VouuLOion în picth uhythmOnc fne o
Vocebecom mojoy e ctne kDuoCiAole end o i s t

How children learn speech souncds

later years

oldA COun 4lcnonlze deyeLo do2en aloxdo

Some enuecu
unualwnG a ude Mange VOLneLA ahol consanantt:
hoo,he CA able o _ pnounce-
by the aae a
OvR_200 MOrcdoin an intelhiqible Lthough aten
immahume mahnRH
0 oleknmine he
he apeakex uAto udiHA
QH Cuador s haue pmclucec ADuhclo hat aHe
CLCOuAHically o1-faget ucliHien alaD paowides
oYmatim oy coYrechie cdyuatment hence i t
allos olewelopment o auHulahy OrgcniekLons.

Leauning ntonauiemA
Mast chilclnen he begLunto make Aome wse o
dheiu Jonguage'sJnmicdisn patLnnALeave encl

enaessAMCh_0A meaningA 0AqueaHBinq, olemandines

4ecoont en and Auubise
Lalling-grechng ahing
eLondec 0AAmple DentenceA deuelob
auol H Longe athtuclea exbyesed and-
pmsady begins to Algm olienenceo un emphaaíA.
Ache Childle qrcummahcal ond Aocial akillHla deuelop
so ne es ntoaian deuelops

eceecenee de

Do we listen actively or passively

Theue aHe HAlo_mOuin veNS oabeech eucett en
an62me ue hougntJo plo an octe
e ae
nApLech ceptienin the enAe hct Shen_l
ameSSage e lecocle he ounclo Hh-
Mnce to hou aeWoul dbonounce he mLohen l
peak Ou knoudledee cUAHiCulotLon Qcti cA A a O -
bebaeen Jhe acouAic dlpn.ou ond iolenti en0
uagiahc_Anit Ou peLceptual Aystem Compcu A
he acouakcectuunts o4 incoming ALgaadA
the enea it hcua qeneHattoikeu cunc makeaO
On Aecond uie, listene ley_a baaaive ole e .
ALMp hea C meAaee94e cognie the eguauu duisHnctiie
ecchut o aLejorm and decocle t i C e n i n g L
dheuelox e a aenoy oce asi th theateun_
nomoutien in ne acDah AHhmulusddyectlyMgg
Rebo.nAe in he brcu n

Relenences i HosLanguaAe orks by Daid Cydtal

Lpm_ductho Mdo Audlioloaic Rehoalitai on b
Ro nald.LSchO uichael A Neome

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