John Locke Reporting
John Locke Reporting
John Locke Reporting
Bugaay Lida Olaes Torres
Who is John Locke ?
01 02 03
founded on
consciousness or
In his work, " Identity and Diversity" in An
Essay Concerning Human Understanding
“consciousness can be
transferred from one “consciousness may be
"if the same Substance substance (body and soul) lost involuntarily through
which thinks be changed, to another. While the soul forgetfulness while the
it can be the same person, is changed, for instance, soul stays the same. With
or remaining the same, it consciousness remains this, he claimed that there
can be a different person." the same, thereby is the same soul but a
maintaining the personal different person.
identity through the
His philosophy can
be understood
easily in his
illustration of “The
Prince and the
The other remarkable contribution
of this country lawyer was the
notion of tabula rasa.