Science: Quarter 4 - Module 2: Interactions in The Atmosphere
Science: Quarter 4 - Module 2: Interactions in The Atmosphere
Science: Quarter 4 - Module 2: Interactions in The Atmosphere
Quarter 4 – Module 2:
Interactions in the Atmosphere
Science – Grade 10
Quarter 4 – Module 2: Interactions in the Atmosphere
First Edition, 2021
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Quarter 4 – Module 2:
Interactions in the Atmosphere
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions,
directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to
understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how
they can best help you on your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and
tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.
Let Us Learn!
Can you still remember the effects and damages of Typhoon Yolanda
and Typhoon Ondoy? The impact of monsoons was experienced based on the
flooding in most parts of the Philippines even with the absence of the typhoon.
A lot of people experienced suffering because of loss of properties and loved
In this module, you are going to learn about how the energy from the
Sun interacts with the layers of the atmosphere (S7ES-IVc-4) and the
occurrence of land and sea breezes, monsoons and intertropical convergence
zone or ITCZ (S7ES-IVf-7).
Let Us Try!
Great job! You are now making your moves towards completing this
Multiple Choice
Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is more likely to happen to the air just above the surface that becomes
a. It rises from the ground.
b. It sinks more to the ground.
c. There is an increase on the air’s density.
d. The particles of the air moves closer.
2. What is most likely to happen to a cold air mass when it comes in contact
with the Earth’s warm surface?
a. It becomes colder.
b. it gets warmer.
c. there is an increase in its density.
d. There is no change in temperature.
3. The troposphere is also known as the weather sphere for what reason?
a. It contains the densest air.
b. The troposphere has a high concentration of ozone.
c. It is in this sphere that water vapor is found mostly.
d. In the troposphere, there is an increase in altitude when temperature
5. Land breeze is observed at night for the reason:
a. that the air is not stalled.
b. that there is much water vapor in the land.
c. air over the land sinks because of its coolness which creates
differences in pressure.
d. air over the land rises because it is warm which creates differences
in pressure.
6. What is/are the possible cause/s of heating in the atmosphere’s lower part?
a. solar radiation
b. Earth’s surface radiation
c. trapping of the Earth’s radiation by some atmospheric gases.
d. all of the above.
Let Us Study
-particles are moving because of the radiation that they absorb;
Temperature increases as altitude increases;
Region of highly-ionized gases.
-temperature decreases as altitude increases;
most meteors burn up when they enter this layer
-temperature gradually increases as altitude
increases; clouds are almost absent in this layer
-lowermost level and has the densest air;
temperature decreases as altitude increases
Layers of the Atmosphere
The troposphere is the bottom layer and contains the most dense air. It
is otherwise known as the “weather sphere” because this is where
precipitation, storms and clouds occur. Temperature in this layer decreases
as the altitude increases.
For better understanding of the layers of the atmosphere, you can visit
this youtube video:
As Earth receives solar energy, interactions between the sun and the
Earth’s atmosphere happen. Direct solar radiation reaching the Earth is not
the main cause of heating in the atmosphere although the main source of
energy on Earth is the Sun. Solar radiation that is not reflected or scattered
back into space reaches Earth’s surface and is mostly absorbed by bodies of
water. The absorbed radiation does not stay long on Earth’s surface. It is
released back into the air, but not as the original shortwave radiation; instead
as longwave radiation-the infrared radiation. This is detected as heat.
Convection Current
which the wind moves. A sea breeze, for example, comes from sea, and a land
breeze comes from land. An easterly comes from land. An easterly comes from
the east, and a westerly comes from the west.
For further learning activity that will help you understand the
movement in the atmosphere, you can view this video:
Local Winds
Land breeze and sea breeze are local winds. Local winds are winds that
change daily in regular patterns. Local winds blow within small areas such as
near shorelines. During the day, Earth’s surface is warmer than the sea.
Therefore, the air over the land is warmer than the air over the sea. Warmer
air is less dense, so this air rises over the land, creating an area of low
pressure. Cooler, denser air from over the sea replaces the warm air over the
land. Since winds are named from where they come from, this wind is called
sea breeze. At night, the air over the sea is now warmer than the air over the
land. Less dense air over the sea air rises, creating an area of low pressure.
Wind from the land moves toward the sea. This is called a land breeze.
Figure 2. Movement of air during (a) daytime and (b) nighttime
Aside from the local winds, other effects of the patterns of heating and
cooling of the atmosphere are monsoons. Monsoons are winds that change
direction as the season changes. Wind blows from one direction for six
months, then reverses and lasts in this direction for another six months.
Monsoons are caused by the different heating and cooling trends of land and
sea annually.
Northeast monsoon and southwest monsoon are two of the principal air
streams in the Philippines. Together with the North Pacific trades, they have
the greatest impact on the climate of the Philippines.
The ITCZ affects the Philippines from May to October. From November
to April, it is located south of the Philippines. With the change of the seasons,
the zone of convergence moves back and forth across the equator. In the ITCZ,
air motion is mainly vertical. This provides moderate to strong surface winds
and frequent cloudiness, rain, and thunderstorms.
Let Us Practice
1. In a paragraph form, explain what impact has the Sun’s energy to the
weather. Choose at least three from the following concepts and include
it in your write-up.
2. Explain what you think will happen to the Earth’s temperature if there
is a change in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
3. Picture yourself in the future and explain what are the possible impact
of increasing greenhouse gases.
Answer the question below. Place your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
Activity 3: Land or Sea Breeze?
Let Us Remember
Let Us Assess
Superb! Just Superb! It’s time to try the fruit of our journey!
1. The Intertropical Convergence Zone or ITCZ is where trade winds from the
Southern hemisphere and Northern hemisphere encounter.
2. The southwest monsoon and the northeast monsoon are the two monsoons
affecting the Philippines.
3. Winds that change directions along with seasons are known as monsoons.
4. The cool air that moves from the sea to the land during daytime is the sea
5. Air that moves from the land to the sea at nighttime is known as land
7. A wind is named depending on where it is travelling to.
9. Gases that radiate infrared radiation and cools the atmosphere are called
greenhouse gases.
10. The warming of the Earth’s atmosphere is due to direct solar radiation.
13. The layers of the atmosphere based on increasing altitude are the
troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere.
14. The atmosphere is made up of 78% oxygen, 21% nitrogen, and 1% other
gases including carbon dioxide, water vapor, argon and other noble gases.
15. Not including its basic components, the atmosphere contains by-products
of human activities including gases and particulates.
Let Us Enhance
1. Atmosphere
2. Air
3. Wind
4. Intertropical convergence zone
5. Land breeze
6. Sea breeze
7. Monsoons
8. Ozone layer
9. Greenhouse gases
10. Global warming
Let Us Reflect
Performance Task
Goal Write a speech on global warming.
Points/ Title Quality Grammar and Usage
(5) • The output is written • No spelling,
Expert in an extraordinary punctuation, or
style. Very grammatical errors
informative and well-
Let us Assess Let us Study Let us Try
1. True
2. True What Are the 1. a
3. True Layers of the 2. b
4. True Atmosphere? 3. a
5. True Thermosphere 4. c
6. vertically Mesosphere 5. c
7. travelling Stratosphere 6. d
to Troposphere 7. c
8. solar 8. d
energy Arrange the 9. a
9. radiate Layers of the 10.b
10.Solar Atmosphere
radiation Thermosphere
11.True Mesosphere
12.Sun Stratosphere
13.True Troposphere
Answer key to Activities
Hidore, John J., and John E. Oliver. Climatology: An Atmospheric Science. New
York: Macmillan, 1993.
Nebel, Bernard J., and Richard T. Wright. Environmental Science: The Way the
World Works. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2000.
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