ZVS-ZCS Bidirectional Full-Bridge DC-DC Converter

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ZVS-ZCS Bidirectional Full-Bridge DC-DC Converter

Ching-Lung Chu Yi Chen

Department of Electrical Engineering
Southern Taiwan University
Tainan, TAIWAN. R.O.C. 710

Abstract—A bidirectional zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) and zero- can achieve both small ripple of the input current and small
current-switching (ZCS) full-bridge dc-dc converter is proposed ripple of the output voltage. Furthermore, the main switches
in this paper. The proposed full-bridge converter topology with and output synchronous rectifiers are operated in ZVS and
low ripple input current, which converts the energy from battery ZCS when being switched on and switched off.
to DC bus (or load) and vice versa. In order to improve the
overall efficiency, the proposed bidirectional converter uses the vcr1 io vcr 2
leakage inductance of the transformer and a capacitor to achieve Lin1 CSa 3 Lin 2
C S1 CS 3 DS 3 CSa1
circuit resonance. The resonant frequency is operated in about Q1 Q3 Qa1 Qa 3 ibatt
double frequencies of the primary switch. In this paper, the main vds1 vdsa1
switches and output synchronous rectifiers are operated in ZVS I in DS 1 L lkp L lks DSa1 DSa3
and ZCS when being switched on and switched off. Converter ip icr 2
description and operating principles of the proposed converter Vin vp vs Vbatt
are discussed in this paper. Finally, a laboratory prototype with Cr1 im Cr 2
output power 250W in both buck/charge operation mode and
CS 2 CS 4 N p Ns CSa 2 CSa 4
boost/discharge operation mode is implemented to validate the Q2 Q4 Qa 2 Qa 4
theoretical analysis. vds 2 vdsa 2
DS 2 DS 4 DSa 2 DSa 4
Keywords- full-bridge DC/DC Converter, ZCS, ZVS, bi-
directional Converter. Fig. 1 Proposed ZVS-ZCS Bidirectional Full-Bridge DC-DC Converter.

Bidirectional dc-dc converters allow transfer of power
The power stage diagram of the proposed ZVS-ZCS
between two dc sources, in either direction. There are
bidirectional full-bridge dc-dc converter is shown in Fig. 1.
increasing demands of bidirectional dc-dc converters in
The converter has two modes of operation. When power flows
applications like dc uninterruptable power supplies (UPS) ,
from the low voltage side to the high voltage side, the circuit
battery charger circuits, telecom power supplies, distribution
works in discharge operation (boost mode) to power the high
systems and computer power systems[1-8].
voltage side load; otherwise, it works in charge operation
The control technology in bi-directional converter utilizes (buck mode) to charge the low voltage side battery.
mostly pulse width modulation (PWM) control technology [3-
In the buck / charge operation mode, the energy from the
7]. Because the hard switching PWM technology leads the
dc mains charges the battery. It consists of MOSFET main
efficiency of converter can’t increase [9]. In the recent years,
the possible implementations of bidirectional converters using switches Q1 ~ Q4 , input inductor Lin1 , resonant capacitor C r1 .
soft switching are employed in the technology, such as zero- The shunt capacitors Cs1 ~ Cs 4 and the shunt body diodes
voltage-switching converters [5, 10-11], series L-L-C resonant Ds1 ~ Ds 4 are the parasitic drain-to-source capacitance and
converters [12, 13], and parallel resonant converters [14, 15],
body diode of the MOSFET, respectively. The series inductor
they can achieve zero-voltage-switching and increase power
conversion efficiency. There are shortcomings of variable L lkp is the leakage inductor of the main side of the
frequency in quasi-resonant converter (QRC) and multi- transformer. The series inductor L lks is the leakage inductor of
resonant converter (MRC) [16, 17], to solve the problems the the secondary side of the transformer. The parameter values of
zero-switching PWM converter is proposed. the transformer are measured by a LCR meter, and the
This paper proposes a ZVS- ZCS bidirectional full-bridge equivalent leakage inductor is calculated by (1).
dc-dc converter for application as fuel cell system, battery
charger circuits and distribution systems etc. In order to
improve the overall efficiency, decrease the circuit complexity ⎡ ⎛N ⎞

Lr = ⎢ Llkp + ⎜⎜ P ⎟⎟ × Llks ⎥ (1)
and have a simple control circuit, it can be implemented in the
proposed topology. The leakage inductance of the transformer
⎢⎣ ⎝ NS ⎠ ⎥⎦
and a capacitor are utilized to achieve circuit resonance. The
proposed ZVS-ZCS bidirectional full-bridge dc-dc converter


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In the boost/discharge operation mode, the Lin1 v io vcr 2 Lin 2
switches Qa1 ~ Qa 4 are as main switches. The shunt capacitors ids1 C DS1 ids3 C D CSa 3
S1 S3 S3
Q1 Q3 Qa1 Qa 3
Csa1 ~ Csa 4 and the shunt body diodes Dsa1 ~ Dsa 4 are the vds1 vds 3 vdsa1
Iin L lkp icr 2 ibatt
parasitic drain-to-source capacitance and body diode of the L lks
CSa1DSa1 DSa3
ip is idsa 3
MOSFET respectively. Switches Q1 ~ Q4 are the output icr1
Vin vp vs Vbatt
synchronous rectifiers. Cr 1
im Cr 2
ids 2 C ids 4 C CSa 2 CSa 4
Np : Ns Q2
N p Ns
Qa 2 Qa 4
vds 2 vds 4 vdsa 2
Llkp 1 : 1.83 Llks DSa 2 DSa 4
DS 2 DS 4 idsa 2
Fig. 3 buck / charge operation mode
1 23 4 56
Ls 462.2u Vgs1 ,Vgs 4
Lp 137.5u
(Vgsa1 ,Vgsa 4 )
V gs 2 ,Vgs 3
Fig. 2 Transformer model
(Vgsa 2 ,Vgsa 3 )
In the charge/discharge mode, utilizing the magnetizing
current of the transformer and the parasitic drain-to-source vds1 , vds 4 vcr1
capacitors, the voltage of main switches will fall to zero before
the main switches are turned on. Therefore, the main switches vds 2 , vds 3 vcr1
can be operated under ZVS. When the switches are turned off,
a resonant circuit is formed through the equivalent leakage-
inductance and the resonant capacitor. Thus, both the main ids1 , ids 4
switches and the output rectifier can be operated under ZCS.
The overall efficiency of the converter will increase. ids 2 , ids 3

III. Description of Operating Principle
The gate signal of the ZVS-ZCS bidirectional full-bridge
dc-dc converter is symmetric switching. Before the main vcr1
switches are turned on, the switches voltage is discharged to
zero, it can make the main switches turn-on under ZVS. At the Ns
vs vp
same time, the resonant circuit is composed of the resonant
capacitor and the resonant inductor, the current of the circuit is vp
activated in a sinusoidal waveform that is raised from zero and vdsa 2
falls to zero. Therefore, before the switch is turned off and the
current falls to zero, both the main switches can be operated idsa 2
under ZCS.
The following assumptions are made to simplify the im
analysis of the proposed ZVS-ZCS bidirectional full-bridge
dc-dc converter.
t0 t1t2 t3 t4t5 t6
1. Input suppressed inductance Lin1 , Lin 2 is large, therefore, Ts
the input current ripple is small. Tr

2. The inductors and capacitors are ideal, series equivalent Fig. 4 key waveforms during the buck / charge operation mode
resistance doesn’t be considered.
3. Output capacitances are large enough, so can be A. Buck / charge operation mode
considered as voltage sources. In this mode, Fig. 3, the dc mains Vin , powering the load,
provides the battery charging current io . Fig. 4 depicts the key
waveforms of the proposed ZVS-ZCS bidirectional full-bridge
dc-dc converter that is operated in buck / charging mode. Fig.
5 shows the six stages occur over one switching cycle in the


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Lin1 io Lin2 Lin1 io Lin2

vcr1 vcr2 vcr1 vcr2
ids1 ids3 C idsa1 CSa3 ids1 CS1 ids3 idsa1 CSa3
S3 CS 3
Q1 Qa1 Q1 Q3 Qa1 Qa3
Q3 vds3 Qa3 vds1 vds3 vdsa1
Iin Llkp icr2 ibatt Iin Llkp icr2 ibatt
Llks Llks
icr1 ip is icr1 ip is

vp vs Vbatt vp vs Vbatt
Vin im Vin im
Cr1 Cr 2 Cr1 Cr 2
ids2 ids4 Np Ns CSa2 ids2 ids4 Np Ns CSa2 CSa4
CS 2 CS 2 CS 4
Q4 Qa4 Q2 Q4 Qa2 Qa4
Q2 vds2 Qa2 vds2 vds4 vdsa2

idsa4 idsa4

Lin1 io Lin2 Lin1 io Lin2

vcr1 vcr2 vcr1 vcr2
ids1 CS1 ids3 DS 3 idsa1 ids1 CS1 ids3
Q1 Q3 Qa1 Qa3 Q1 Q3 Qa1 Qa3
vds1 vdsa1 vds1 vdsa1
Iin Llkp icr2 i Iin Llkp icr2 i
Llks batt Llks batt
CSa1 DSa3 CSa1
icr1 ip is icr1 ip is idsa3
vp vs Vbatt vp vs Vbatt
Vin im Vin im
Cr1 Cr 2 Cr1 Cr 2
ids2 ids4 Np Ns CSa4 ids2 ids4 Np Ns CSa4
CS 4 CS 4
Q2 Q4 Qa2 Qa4 Q2 Q4 Qa2 Qa4
vds4 vds4
DS 2 DSa2
idsa4 idsa2

Lin1 io Lin2 Lin1 io Lin2

vcr1 vcr2 vcr1 vcr2
ids1 CS1 ids3 CS 3 CSa3 ids1 DS1 ids3 CSa3
CS 3
Q1 Q3 Qa1 Qa3 Q1 Q3 Qa1 Qa3
vds1 vds3 vdsa1 vds3
Iin Llkp icr2 i Iin Llkp icr2 i
Llks batt Llks batt
CSa1 DSa1
icr1 ip is idsa3 icr1 ip is idsa3
vp vs Vbatt vp vs Vbatt
Vin im Vin im
Cr1 Cr 2 Cr1 Cr 2
ids2 ids4 Np Ns CSa2 CSa4 ids2 ids4 Np Ns CSa2
CS 2 CS 4 CS 2
Q2 Q4 Qa2 Qa4 Q2 Q4 Qa2 Qa4
vds2 vds4 vdsa2 vds2 vdsa2

DS 4 DSa4
idsa2 idsa2

Fig. 5 Equivalent circuits of the proposed converter in buck / charging mode:

(a) stage1 [t 0
≤ t ≤ t1 ] , (b) stage2 [t1 ≤ t ≤ t 2 ] , (c) stage3 [t 2 ≤ t ≤ t3 ] ,(d) stage4 [t 3 ≤ t ≤ t 4 ] , (e) stage5 [t 4 ≤ t ≤ t5 ] , (f) stage6 [t 5 ≤ t ≤ t 6 ] .

steady state operation in charge operation (buck mode). very small compared with the resonant current. To simplify
this circuit for analysis, the magnetizing current is neglected in
Stage 1: [t 0 ≤ t ≤ t1 ] this stage. The equivalent resonant circuit is shown in Fig.

5(a). The resonant inductor current i p ( s) , resonant capacitor
At t = t0 , the parasitic capacitor voltage of main switch
voltage vc r1 ( s ) , resonant capacitor current icr1 ( s ) , can be
Q 1 and Q 4 are completely discharged and vds1 (t ) and
written as:
vds 4 (t ) decreases to zero. Q 1 and Q 4 are then turned on, as
shown in Fig. 5(a), and operated under ZVS. At the same time,
ip(s) =
(L C LC Li )s +L C LC (−V
in r1 o r0 r Lr
in r1 o r0 cr0
the parasitic capacitor voltage vds1 (t ) and vds 4 (t ) of the main s(s4LinCr1LrCr0Lo +s L C L +s L LC +s L C L +s2LrCr0Lo + Lin + Lr + Lo )
in r1 r
in o r0
in r1 o

switch Q 2 and Q 3 was approximately charged to v cr1 . The

[LC L i + L C Li +(LC + L C )Li ]s
o r0 in L in r1 o Lo o r0 in r1 r Lr

input current I in continues to charge the resonant s(s LinCr1LrCr0Lo +s L C L +s L LC +s L C L +s LC L + Lin + Lr +Lo )
4 2 2 2 2
in r1 r in o r0 in r1 o r r0 o
capacitor Cr1 , and the resonant inductor current i p (t ) forms a
[C L (V −V ) +L C (V
r0 o in
−V ) +(LoCr0 +LinCr1)(−Vcr0 +Vcr1)]s
cr1 in r1 cr0 o

parallel LC resonant circuit loop through the equivalent s(s4LinCr1LrCr0Lo +s L C L +s L LC +s2LinCr1Lo +s2LrCr0Lo +Lin +Lr +Lo )
in r1 r
in o r0

leakage-inductance of the transformer. The resonant inductor Vin −Vo

LiniLin+ LriLr + LoiLo +
current i p (t ) is in a sinusoidal waveform and falls to zero at s
+ 4
t = t1 , which causes the main switch Q 1 and Q 4 to be turned s(s LinCr1LrCr0Lo +s2LinCr1Lr +s2LinLoCr0 +s2LinCr1Lo +s2LrCr0Lo + Lin + Lr + Lo )

off along with ZCS. When the gate signal is removed at t = t1 ,

this stage is finished. In this state, the resonant inductor icr 1 (s ) = iin (s ) − i p (s ) (3)
current i p (t ) includes the magnetizing current im (t ) , which is


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1 V (0) B. Boost / discharge operation mode
vcr1 (s ) = icr1 (s ) ⋅ + cr1 (4)
sC r1 s The converter operates in this mode, Fig. 6, on failure of
the dc mains. The battery discharges to supply the load power.
The drive method of the switch and the operation mode of the
Stage 2 [t1 ≤ t ≤ t 2 ] converter in the circuit are the same as buck / charge operation
mode, so we don’t discuss here.
At the beginning of this stage, the resonant circuit is
finished and only the magnetizing current remains in the Lin1 v L
cr1 idsa1 idsa3 vcr 2 in 2
circuit. The equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 5(b). At the ids1 C D CS 3 DS 3 Qa1 DSa 3
same time, the main switch Q 1 and Q 4 are turned off, and the S1 S 1 Qa 3
iload Q1 Q vdsa1 ibatt
vds1 3
main switch Q 2 and Q 3 are not turned on. Subsequently, the icr1 L lkp N p N s CSa1DSa1 CSa3
L lks
magnetizing current i m (t ) charges the parasitic capacitor ip
icr 2
Cs1 and C s 4 , Thus, the parasitic capacitor Cs 2 and Cs 3 voltage C r1 vp vs Vbatt
im Cr 2
v ds 2 (t ) and v ds 3 (t ) is reduced to zero, and the parasitic
CS 2DS 2 ids 4 CS 4 CSa 2 CSa 4
diode Ds 2 and Ds 3 become forward-biased. The parasitic Q2 Q4 Qa 2 Qa 4
vds 2 vdsa 2
capacitor Cs1 and C s 4 voltage v ds1 (t ) and v ds1 (t ) are increased DS 4
DSa 2 DSa 4
to vc r1 (t ) , and this stage finishes. In this state, the equations of idsa 2 idsa 4
the parasitic capacitor Cs1 and C s 4 changes and Cs 2 and Cs 3 Fig. 6 boost / discharge operation mode
discharges can be written as:
IV. Experimental results
⎧ 1 t2 In order to verify the proposed ZVS-ZCS bidirectional

⎪Vds1 (t ) = C t1 I m dt full-bridge dc-dc converter theoretical analysis, a 250W output
power charge mode (buck mode) and a 250W output power
⎪ 1 t2

⎪Vds 2 (t ) = vc r (t1 ) − C
⎪ s2
∫ t1
I m dt
discharge mode (boost mode) will be built and tested in the
laboratory. The configuration of the proposed converter is
⎨ shown in Fig 1. The experimental results are obtained with the
1 t2
⎪V (t ) = v (t ) −
⎪ ds 3 cr 1
Cs 3 ∫ t1
I m dt following parameters as table 1:

⎪V (t ) = 1 t2

⎪⎩ ds 4 Cs1 t1 ∫ I m dt Table 1 Experimental parameters

Input DC Output DC Output Resonant
Stage 3 [t 2 ≤ t ≤ t3 ] voltage voltage Power
The magnetizing current im (t ) passes through the parasitic Buck/Charge 45.4 ~ 56.5 24.6 ~ 28.3 250 W 1.004 μH 10 μF
diode Ds 2 and Ds 3 , while the main winding N p and resonant mode
capacitor form a circuit loop. The equivalent circuit is shown Boost/Discharge 24.3 ~ 25.2 39.3 ~ 46.3 250 W 0.42 μH 11 μF
in Fig. 5(c). At the same time, the input current I in charges mode

the resonant capacitor Cr 1 , and the resonant capacitor voltage A. Buck/charge operation mode
vc r1 (t ) increases linearly. The v p (t ) voltage is nearly equal to The experimental results in charging mode at full load are
vc r1 (t ) and increases linearly. When vs (t2 ) ≤ Vbatt and Q a 2 , shown in Fig. 7 to Fig. 9. Fig. 7 shows the waveforms of the
drain-to-source voltages v ds1 and the switch current ids1 of
Q a 3 is not turned on, and the vds1 (t2 ) is equal to vds 4 (t 2 ) . The
power MOSFET Q 1 at the full load. It is observed that, before
secondary side voltage v s (t 2 ) of the transformer can be written
current ids1 starting to rise from zero, the drain-to-source
voltage vds1 is also zero. Thus, the main switches Q 1 ~ Q 4 are
turned on under ZVS. Due to a greater equivalent induction
Ns leakage of the transformer, the switches current can’t fall to
vs (t 2 ) = vc r 1 (t 2 ) (12)
Np zero, as shown in fig. 7.
Fig. 8 shows the waveforms of the output synchronous
The models of stage 4 [t3 ≤ t ≤ t 4 ] , stage 5 [t 4 ≤ t ≤ t5 ] and rectification switches voltage vdsa1 and the current idsa1 at the
stage 6 [t5 ≤ t ≤ t 6 ] are similar to the models of stage 1, 2, and full load, where the switch current idsa1 starts to rise from zero.
3, respectively. Therefore, the explanations are omitted in this As shown, the output synchronous rectifiers are turned on by
paper. ZVS.


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Fig. 9 shows the waveforms of the dc source input current η (%)
buck/charge mode of efficiency(η)
iin , resonant current of transformer i p , and resonant capacitor 98% Duty = 45.4%
voltage vcr1 at the full load. The proposed converter can 96%

achieve a steady state and small ripple input current iin 94%
without adding any extra filter. 90%

The efficiency of proposed converter in charging mode is 88%

shown in Fig. 10. The proposed converter has the maximum 86%

efficiency of 89% at full load condition from 50 W to 250 W. 84%

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Power (W)
v gs1 Fig. 10 measured efficiency at different load levels at charging mode

B. Boost/discharge operation mode
The experimental results in discharging mode at full load
are shown in Fig. 11 to Fig. 13. Fig. 11 shows the turned-on
ids1 transient waveforms of Q a1 including v gsa1 , vdsa1 and idsa1 ,and we
confirmed that Q a1 is turned-on in ZVS condition. The drain-
source voltage vdsa1 and drain current idsa1 of MOSFET Q a1 at
v gs1 = 10V / div , vds1 = 50V / div , ids1 = 10 A / div ,
the full load are shown in Fig.11, as shown, when the drain
time = 10 μs / div current idsa1 of switch decreases to zero, the drain-source
Fig. 7 Experimental waveforms of the ZVS-ZCS for Q1 at the full load. voltage vdsa1 is turned on. Thus, the main switches Q a1 ~ Q a 4
are turned on under ZVS. Due to a greater equivalent
induction leakage of the transformer, the switches current
can’t fall to zero, as shown in fig. 11.
Fig. 12 shows the waveforms of the output synchronous
rectification switches voltage vds1 and the current ids1 at the
full load, where current ids1 starts to rise from zero. As shown,
idsa1 the output synchronous rectifiers are turned on by ZVS.
Fig.13 shows the waveforms of the battery current ibatt ,
resonant current of transformer is , and resonant capacitor
vdsa1 = 20V / div , idsa1 = 10 A / div , time = 10 μs / div voltage vcr 2 at the full load. The proposed converter can
achieve a steady state and small ripple input current ibatt
Fig. 8 ZCS operations for output synchronous rectifiers Qa1 at the full load.
without adding any extra filter.
The efficiency of proposed converter in discharging mode
vcr1 is shown in Fig. 14. The proposed converter has the maximum
efficiency of 86% at full load condition from 50 W to 250 W.

v gsa1


vcr1 = 40V / div , iin = 2 A / div , i p = 5 A / div , time = 10 μs / div

Fig. 9 Waveforms of vcr1 , iin , and i p at the full load.
v gsa1 = 10V / div , vdsa1 = 50V / div , idsa1 = 20 A / div ,
time = 10 μs / div
Fig. 11 Experimental waveforms of the ZVS-ZCS for Q a1 at the full load.


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It was observed that the operation principles and the
theoretical analysis of this converter were exactly verified by
the prototype of a 250 W in both discharge operation and
vds1 charge operation.

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full-bridge converter uses only an input inductor to obtain the
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experimental results, the main switches and output
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being switched on and switched off. The main switch voltage
stress can be suppressed effectively and the switching loss can
be reduced. The overall conversion efficiency in this proposed
ZVS-ZCS bidirectional full-bridge dc-dc converter increased.


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