Sub: Intimation Under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (The "Regulations")

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CIN: L65920MH1994PLC080618 HDFC Bank Limited,

Email: [email protected] Zenith House,

Website: Opp Race Course Gate no. 5 & 6,
Keshavrao Khadye Marg,
Mahalaxmi, Mumbai- 400034

August 18, 2021

BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited

Dept. of Corporate Services Listing Department
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza
Dalal Street, Fort, Bandra Kurla Complex
Mumbai 400 001 Mumbai 400051
Scrip Code – 500180 Symbol - HDFCBANK

Sub: Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure

Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (the “Regulations”)

Dear Sir,

We refer to our earlier intimations dated December 03, 2020 and February 02, 2021 with
respect to the Order issued by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) dated December 02, 2020 (“Order”)
addressed to HDFC Bank Limited (the “Bank”) on certain incidents of outages in the internet
banking / mobile banking / payment utilities of the Bank over the past 2 years.

As a further update to the above intimations, we wish to inform you that the RBI vide its letter
dated August 17, 2021 has relaxed the restriction placed on sourcing of new credit cards. The
Board of Directors of the Bank has taken note of the said RBI letter.

The restrictions on all new launches of the Digital Business generating activities planned under
Digital 2.0 will continue till further review by RBI. We will continue to engage with RBI and
ensure compliance on all parameters.

We request you to kindly take note of the same.

Thanking you,

Yours Faithfully,
For HDFC Bank Limited
Digitally signed by SANTOSH
HALDANKAR Date: 2021.08.18 09:09:17

Santosh Haldankar
Senior Vice President- Legal & Company Secretary

Regd. Office: HDFC Bank Limited, HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai – 400 013

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