P C (PVC) P P F W S: Specification Sheet: 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. P P P P P
P C (PVC) P P F W S: Specification Sheet: 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. P P P P P
P C (PVC) P P F W S: Specification Sheet: 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. P P P P P
inches. longed exposure should be avoided. located in hazardous environments.
Connections between PVC pipe When use conditions require longer Contact manufacturer for a detailed
and other piping materials are accom- term exposure, consult the pipe or list of chemicals that PVC piping
plished by use of adapter fittings. fitting manufacturer. can resist.
Adapter fittings connect by threaded Temperature Rating: PVC
joints, compression connections or 4. TECHNICAL pipes carry 73° F pressure ratings
flanges. that are printed on the pipe. For ser-
Applicable Standards: ASTM
Composition and Materials: vice at other temperatures, consult
D 1785 or CSA CAN/CSA B137.3
PVC is a thermoplastic material, and the pipe manufacturer. Plumbing
apply to IPS Schedule 40, Sched-
the PVC compounds commonly meet codes stipulate a minimum pressure
ule 80, and Schedule 120 PVC pipe.
the requirements of ASTM D 1784 rating of 160 psi at 73.4° F. Most
ASTM D 2241 applies to IPS OD
Cell Class 12454 or 14333. PVC pipe exceeds this code require-
PVC pipe having wall thicknesses
Grades: PVC pipe is available in ment. For full details, see the ASTM
based on SDR 13.5, SDR 17, SDR
a variety of wall thicknesses, includ- Standard or the pipe manufacturers
21, SDR 26, SDR 32.5, SDR 41,
ing Schedule 40, Schedule 80, Sched- literature.
or SDR 64. AWWA C900 or
PVC page 1
TABLE 1 When rock, hard pan, boulders, or
other material that can damage the
PVC plastic pipe are encountered,
Pipe Siz
Sizee 90° 45° Thr ough
hrough Thr ough
hrough trenches should be over-excavated a
(in) Elbo
Elboww Elbo
Elbow w Tee Run Tee Br anc
anchh minimum of 4 inches for bedding.
Bedding on bottom of trench may
/2 1.5 0.8 1.0 4.0
consist of evenly graded, free-flow-
/4 2.0 1.0 1.4 5.0 ing granular material free from stones
1 2.25 1.4 1.7 6.0 or rocks greater than 3/4 inch in di-
ameter. Backfill material less than
1 1/ 4 4.0 1.8 2.3 7.0 1
/2 inch in diameter should be placed
1 1/ 2 4.0 2.0 2.7 8.0 in 6 inch layers around the pipe, with
2 6.0 2.5 4.3 12.0 each layer tamped in place. Final
compaction is recommended to be 85
2 1/ 2 8.0 3.0 5.1 15.0 percent Proctor Density or greater.
3 8.0 4.0 6.3 16.0
Expansion and Contraction:
4 12.0 5.0 8.3 22.0
6 18.0 8.0 12.5 32.0 PVC pipe has a higher expansion and
8 22.0 10.0 16.5 38.0 contraction rate than metallic pipe.
10 26.0 13.5 17.5 57.0 The coefficient of linear expansion
12 32.0 15.5 20.0 67.0 for PVC plastic is 0.000028 in/in/°F.
This rate translates into an expansion
Flow Characteristics: PVC Friction loss for flow through fit- of 1.01 inches for every 100-feet.
plastic pipe does not corrode or ac- tings is based on equivalent lengths with a temperature change of 30° F.
cumulate mineral deposits. PVC of pipe. Equivalent lengths of pipe Where small diameter PVC pipe
plastic pipe should be designed for a for fitting sizes ½ through 12 inches is installed in long straight lengths,
maximum flow rate of 5 to 8 feet are shown in Table 1. Flow Veloc- with solvent cemented joints, com-
per second. Avoid higher velocities ity/Head Loss tables are available pensation for expansion and contrac-
to reduce water hammer. from the pipe and fitting manufac- tion must be provided. This can be
Pressure loss through PVC is turers. accomplished by snaking the pipe in
minimal because of the smooth inte- Water Hammer: Intensity of the trench. Pipe flexibility allows for
rior wall. The common equation water hammer in PVC pipe is ap- compensation of thermal expansion.
used to size a pressure water piping proximately 1/3 the intensity of wa- Additional detailed information can
system is the Hazen-Williams Equa- ter hammer in copper or steel pipe. be obtained from the pipe manufac-
tion. A Hazen-Williams C factor of To limit the impact of the water ham- turer.
150 is commonly used for PVC plas- mer, velocity of flow should be con-
tic pipe even though measured val- trolled. Piping should be sized to 5. INST ALLA
ues of 155 to 165 have been ob- maintain a velocity of less than 8 feet Preparatory Work: PVC pipe
tained. The Hazen-Williams Equa- per second in pipe sizes less than 1 must be cut square with a wheeled
tion is as follows: inch, and less than 5 feet per second cutter, miter saw, or power saw de-
in diameters of 1¼ inches or larger. signed for that use. Pipe ends must
f = 0.2083(100)1.812 (Q l.852/d 4.8655)
Laying Lengths: PVC pipe is be deburred, chamfered and wiped
C normally supplied in 20-foot lengths, clean and dry.
Where but other lengths are available. Methods: Elastomeric connec-
Trenching and Bedding: PVC tions of PVC pipe are made by lubri-
f = friction loss per 100 feet in feet pipe should be installed underground cating the spigot end of the pipe with
of water in accordance with ASTM D 2774. joint lubricant compatible with PVC.
Pipe trenches should be as narrow The spigot end of the PVC pipe is
C = roughness coefficient
as possible but of sufficient width inserted into the gasketed bell end.
Q = flow rate in gpm to install pipe. PVC pipe must be Do not insert past the stop mark on
d = inside diameter of pipe in inches installed below recorded frost level. the spigot end.
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Solvent cementing of PVC pipe Plumbing Codes: PVC pipe warranties contain limitations such
and fittings is a multi-step process. may be used in any water service as, for example, they are only ap-
Use PVC solvent cement conforming system, outside of buildings with- plicable to pipe and fittings installed
to ASTM D 2564 and follow the pro- out limitations, in the following in accordance with manufacturers
cedure or instructions found on the model plumbing codes: BOCA Na- installation instructions. Warranties
container label. In the event of con- tional Plumbing Code, IAPMO should be read carefully.
The information herein has been prepared solely from publicly available sources or from consensus positions
adopted by manufacturers of these products or other interested parties in the industry. PPFA disclaims warranties,
expressed or implied, as to the fitness for any particular purpose or suitability for any specific installation.
© PPFA, Bldg. C, Suite 20, 800 Roosevelt Road, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137; (630) 858-6540; fax (630) 790-3095 PVC page 3