Som Question

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(A) Theoretical Questions

1. Define stress and strain. Write down the SI, and MKS. units of stress and strain.

2, Explain clearly the different types of stresses and strains.

3. Define the terms : Elasticity, elastic limit, Young's modulus and modulus of rigidity.

4. State Hooke's law.

5. Three sections of a bar are having different lengths and different diameters. The bar is sub-

jected to an axial load P. Determine the total change in length of the bar. Take Young's modulus

of different sections same.


6. Distinguish between the following, giving due explanation

(i) Stress and strain,

(ii) Force and stress, and

(ii) Tensile stress and compressive stress.

Prove that the total extension of a uniformly tapering rod of diameters D1 and D2, when the rod

is subjected to an axial load P is given by






where L = Total length of the rod.

8. Define a composite bar. How will you find the stresses and load carried by each member of a

composite bar?

9. Define modular ratio, thermal stresses, thermal strains and Poisson's ratio.

10. A rod whose ends are fixed to rigid supports, is heated so that rise in temperature is T C. Prove

that the thermal strain and thermal stresses set up in the rod are given by,

Thermal strain = α.T and

Thermal stress-01TE

P is




where α-Co-efficient of linear expansion

What is the procedure of finding thermal stresses in a composite bar?

What do you mean by 'a bar of uniform strength'?

Find an expression for the total elongation of a bar due to its own weight, when the bar is fixed

Ripper end and hanging freely at the lower end.

an expression for the total elongation of a uniformly tapering rectangular bar when it is

subjected to an axial load P.



(A) Theoretical Questions

1. Define and explain the terms : Longitudinal strain, lateral strain and Poisson's ratio.

2. Prove that the volumetric strain of a cylindrical rod which is subjected to a

3. What is a bulk modulus ? Derive an expression for Young's modulus in terms of bulk modulus

4. Define volumetric strain. Prove that the volumetric strain for a rectangular bar subjected to an

n axial tensile load is

equal to strain in the length minus twice the strain of diameter

and Poisson's ratio.

axial load P in the direction of its length is given by



where μ

Poisson's ratio and _-Longitudinal strain.


5. (

a) Derive an expression for volumetric strain for a rectangular bar which is subjected to three
mutually perpendicular tensile stresses.

(b) A test element is subjected to three mutually perpendicular unequal stresses. Find the change

in volume of the element, if the algebraic sum of these stresses is equal to zero.

Explain briefly the term 'shear stress' and 'complimentary stress' with proper illustrations

7. State the principle of shear stress.

8. W


hat do you understand by 'An element in a state of simple shear?

When an element is in a state of simple shear then prove that the planes of maximum normal

stresses are perpendicular to each other and these planes are inclined at an angle of 45o to the

planes of pure shear.

Derive an expression between modulus of elasticity and modulus of rigidity.

(B) Numerical Problems

(A) Theoretical Questions



Define the terms : Principal planes and principal stresses.

A rectangular bar is subjected to a direct stress (σ) in one plane only. Prove that the normal and

shear stresses on an oblique plane are given by


σ cos 2 θ and σ'

sin 2θ

θ-Angle made by oblique plane with the normal cross-section of the bar,

9,-Normal stress, and

o, Tangential or shear stress.


A rectangular bar is subjected to two direct stresses (G, and ơ2) in two mutually perpendicular

directions. Prove that the normal stress (g) and shear stress (s) on an oblique plane which is
inclined at an angle θ with the axis of minor stress are given by



4. Define the term 'obliquity' and how it is determined.


erive an expression for the stresses on an oblique plane of a rectangular body, when the body

is subjected to a simple shear stress.

6. A rectangular body is subjected to direct stresses in two mutually perpendicular directions

accompanied by a shear stress. Prove that the normal stress and shear stress on an oblique

plane inclined at an angle θ with the plane of major direct stress, are given by

cos 2θ + τ sin 2θ


sin 20 - cos 260.

Derive an expression for the major and minor principal stresses on an oblique plane, when the

body is subjected to direct stresses in two mutually perpendicular directions accompanied by an

shear stress.

Write a note on Mohr's circle of stresses.

A body is subjected to direct stresses in two mutually perpendicular directions accompanied by a

simple shear stress. Draw the Mohr's circle of stresses and explain how will you obtain the

cipal stresses and principal planes.






10. A body is subjected to direct stresses in two mutually perpendicular directions. How will you

determine graphically the resultant stress on an oblique plane when:

(i) the stresses are unequal and unlike, and

(ii) the stresses are unequal and like.

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