SSO Ce eS any
The Magazine You Gan Play
of Funk
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yY 1960-2000
63 mani orien
Farmer Sats uit ak ges us uel ro i
sone rte chs, fr he genes ees Bath
68 cnacr row
Te ui nyo in one
stn de tm
Zi He OH cae
ie fi eh ka sree cote
15 NOISE & FEEDBACK Yor Os nme
19. Testa Reunion ek
10 Lamb of Bod 58> Gu
20 En y ie
BLUES NEWS Tis thin sacra
TAB & TUTORIAL Cl sw tial it a!
FFF BOK Pop oy Tor Kon
{GEAR BOX Eon Kens & Raves
Brian Moore iGuitar 2.13 1
‘Washburn J8VE Washington Etectr€ ch
Inanez Artweed AVF2OOCENT Rebus by Dau 2s
Hughes & Katine Vortex Amp oy 0
org Tonoorks AxtODG Processor
Hear & Now 6 Hos
Baek Line Blueprint Yeats yc!
eon TPS
194 ROQUSTI CAFE Ct Fagesipe aap haar
196 GUITAR ARCHIVES Bes wes oy Ove Ru
198 CHOPS SHOP Sins oe
202 RET BURZ Sri sepia Ia by
ear Gultr One:
Aipout amon go ponchased uit th
4aFloyd Ruse wemolasystem, Hine do replace
thestrings wid disp ofbridget Pease help!
Tohin Lev ofe e-mail
Dear lohn:
Since its arvival in she late "7s Floyd Roses
blessing anda curseransang-barseohblers
In its fan, the Haye Rose system allen
cexueme pitch changes wid emarkable tu
Ingstabliy.Indhehands ofa masterlkesceve
Val effleck, ar Edie Va Hale, ir becores
avalidenensionafthe guitar, capahle fel
‘cate fitters rging'dive har swoopsand
whistles, and even subtle melodic phrases,
The dwmside i that ita beast ro maintain;
simple chores Tike chan gingsteigs or seting
you don know what youre doing
The fist step ln changing sings on your
Fase Rose remelassstom, John staremen
bert change onestringat atime! This alone
wilsave you seme major headaches, Aso, be
sare to have all the appropriate tools aval:
ble This would include the follwing
‘ Thealenkeys or"hexkeysasthey some
times called), which shouldhavecome sth
uur gulls
+ Apalr wire cutters t rim excess sting.
“Asm! hook-shaped tool for threading
Strings and fishing out odd parts ton smal
foryour ingens Acrichetinghuokarapaper
clip bento shape will do nicely
Anup butrealy useful item wuld
Deacoupleotamnadenssedgesta saiire the
stemole block fram behind while warking.
kernals, took such as the “Temserter
‘illalsa hole she systom stable
Beginby usingtbe appropriate Allenkey to
Voge aloft set-serens on telochig aut
acthe lead of dhe gular This will allow dhe
Sieings to slide theough frecly. Loosen and
(rene) « GRAIN
remove one sing rom tsmuningmachineon
the headstock and thread itt dbo the
lncking nut News unlock the uther end ofthe
srg oma dhe tremolo systema again withthe
anpropriawAllen key, belngverycareal not
fo le the smal locking block fll out of the
cavity where che string is held. The string
shouldeomecamlereyfreeat his point and
you're halfway done
Take a Inok inside the cavity where the
string Was held to bese no bit of broke
sting ormotalaeleftbehind, Hyouareusing,
a specially prepared sec of strings such as
D/Adaris FR series, you nd small mesa
padson heendof each singin pace ofthe
tsa brass bal, This isthe endl hat il go
ito che cavity & standard ser of strings ean
bveused aswell buttesureinclipoffnebrass
Dall hefore installing them. Haid the sting
sgentiy in place as you tighten the lacking
Screw applvingjustenough pressretogetthe
serow “Layer Hight” wo "lst dae” Thread
the string back tov the locking nat and
tie tothe tuning postin the usa eso,
‘clnunlgany excess Beingitup to pitchusing
the headstock tuner, but don tighten the
locking nut jost yet Insiead, continue co
‘change each sringin this fshion uaekallthe
Strings are changed and the guitar is in ela
tivelydoserune Takesometimeto stabi”
‘he seings by bending and setching them,
‘then adjst the fne-taning mechanisms on
fhe tremolo so that they ae about one Fall
rovationshy of being flly"Nat"Thiswill give
‘you room to fine-tune the strings sharp as
‘hey neviably go lac aver ime,
Takea doop breath and lock the sings ot
fhe nut and you should be dane—unt you
boa tring oraze due foranacher change
—Dowglas Baldwin
ear Guitar One:
Tyebeen a gulars for several years playing
mest ows and mck. Recents ig
Noise & Feedback
vehecumeinienstedin tietndian musico!
sitaist RaviShanka.Arethere specific sales
Tenn use to achieve an Eastera sound? Any
‘ips wauld be greatly appreciated
‘Andy Berman, Andover MA
Dear ancy:
RaviShankar, de mans Goonge Hacrsun calls
«he Godiater of World Muse” hes been &
tireless ambassador of Uhe Indian clases
tradition formostof his years AUthe hear
of thiscradition ae the rgas—the melodies
and scales used c frm the basis ofa mus
cal performance. to begin t appreciate rhe
Indian classics! system at music, se
Westerners must salen mr ulead
andl aegepe that this systems, marethan 1,000,
yearsold, has developedsubderesofrhsthm
Andmelndy arbeyorsd hac mrbacksrounds
cen comes: Adana the prapereained
Indian musician understands he raga as not
Justa collection of notes, butas a whicle for
divine insight, abridge benseen the physical
and spiritual worlds
Lec begla by identlfying some of the
sounds that mak Todan rusie so appeal:
ing. One stich suutid, virtually aliens of
Eastern mui fran a Western perspective,
is thesdnd. Fig. LA shows the is five notes
‘ofthe Cmajorsealewith is secand nore(D)
farted. his strikes our ears as immediately
‘exotic in an Eastern kind of way, as docs
almost any seale nt mode sing this nate
Figs. 18-Care a collection ofseales employ
ing this “2nd. Within a Western harmonic
framework, these scales may begin ca give
‘your playing an Easter favor
Music of India employs no “chord
changes" ase kn tem: instead. drome
pole which wed calle tonic ori sve
Further, che melodic instumenaiten
emphasize their upper harmonies, giving
‘hem thelr characteristic "rwang” Hevea
iqaiek tek te seep yor gitar for paving
with » taste of curs: Remove your top to
strings thei and Ben cae yous Low
E string down to a D. Use the three lowest
sings as done notes, and begin to explore
the sealein Fig. 2, paying excusively om the
G string, Rotice that the notes are not pre
sented i typical up.and.down fasion, but
hhave unique rises and falls within the sale.
Combine these sth an artention to melodie
ornamentation such as accurate bends
Inulled dover on the fretpoard rather than
pushed up hammer-ons,pul-a, and slides
and you may begin ogerafeel for Indi'sb-
liane musical ster. Dongle Boldin
oar Guitar One:
Tyebeen playing gular fora enope of years
fand & technique Usa 1 soul relly hiker
Jeam istingerapping. Can youshelp meout?
‘iu Eons feat
MARCH2001® G1 The Magazine You Can Play 15PJ. Ballantine
AVC Ceri.
Pe Coy Cy
AS ae Cie
Holiday Special!
oe tetas
aera TeN eee)
ear Rian:
Getting fe rudimentary finger
Tieks under your hel will not any
cen yourarscnal of Mashy guitar “Wicks,”
will create a unique phrasing alternative
‘The smooth, legal sound of io bands
hammering” on the neck creates a dra
matic point of departure from rspical
plek-stle phrasing,
Though theze are earlier instances «
tapping on ecard (Larry Gaston ssol0in
Steely Dans "Kid Chaslemagne,” citen
1976, for instance), nobody did more ta
popularize tapping technique—at least
Ing hard rock gultarcontext—than kale
‘Yan Halen. When “Eruption” (Ven Halen
1976) was frst heard byguitarfanates the
shocking ease with which Edward ripped
tough that pieces thea-unprecedent
cod acpegglated finale prompted count
less piccersto palm their plectis ane hen
to the woodshed ta hane their tapning
chups.In short, Edward's tefined tapping
approach enabled him co unload arpeg,
tlos—shapes typically peeformed “In
position” across the fretboard using &
pick—at lightning spect
Forinsance sen the notes from agar
den-varieny Em (E-G-B) areego [ig 34
are arranged for performance along ne
‘ving IF SB], a ager fom the pic nad
‘either your index or middle finger can be
overthe metsnintotapontothe
Se, This "ta ssi a basi
hammeron, where you sound a note lege
{o-syleby"hammering”yourftechand fin
sgerdowsn once neck, Slay dhe nts
that follow the rap are created by putts
from the pick-hand and fret-handfinges
thequickremavaletyourtappingage 00s
thestring.usingan upward Mieking motlon
downward motion forthefrethand, forces
thenure feted below cto sound
There are sever solstionsasea which
finger to use when tapping, and what to
dovwith the pick when usiag the tech-
nique. tf tapping is going to be executed
1 pekehand’s inde finger eu
frist will usually “cup” his/her pick
between the pick-land’s middle, ving, ot
pinky finger (or a combinativo of the
hee) an palm. Otherwise, to keep the
pick i its usual pusition, some players
ap with thei piek-hands middle fing
Keeping heipick pinched between thei
hum and inées finger Meanichile same
players—Joe Satriani, for instance de
seth the “where do I put my nick iste
simply by tapping with che edge of their
pick Keepiagallof the ubove in mind, 7
‘our band ac some ofthe following rd
mentary tapped arpeggin patterns Figs.
AAD}, all of which frequently factor
nto the leads ofthe true "tap masters,
Once yau're able ta smaothly execute
teach of them, tryereating longer tapping
licks (Fg 5 —Dele hurner
Noise & Feedback’ address all correspon:
ence to: Guitar Noise & Feedback, co
Guitar One Magazine, 6E. 3294 St, 11% FL
Now York, NY 10016, of reaen us by e-mal
18 GUITAR ONE : voxn qutareremas.cem «MARCH 2001