Romancing With Life

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TE CUay, "ha" be te, smd peed gsi, yok sil ed on bee asco ark hat Se Hed and ood at er od fr soe ss ‘of your, Would you be wiling? she changed he We aaye he ober who comes eI Sou, the fis have now bacome pated thee Horn cllcane the net dy. am Mk rhe Mix ‘Docome anne me buono contin that yo don bag Slang ry "alles with ny dashed Sixty-three = Copegus an hen forgo hat it ving he erst othe eo tal pied wp on de ble sanding ate ao aed mT woul ew kel om Copegen, which perio wo arth phone sth Hiv massa ane) "But | dont work fr anybody ouside ay own fold, Me aro do tt poten ou" be asked A te ies Hecaresoupleofdays ner He wi drsdina stand was ‘wil spoke, br imi the expen in seh ead Uhethckapotces emore al otine Heas cain ean which I ar daorered he aay cased. He was exe ‘psf an ar ple rer. "i Harwansinefina oly forms {dont ake them forouen: Lepeat "Doet wet me aan our, Welln you Have you eer een Copeagen Be i "Not lng tie hve aver vied he Scandia coun prope "ht te aco my sviton, Not oly Deak shall hing yon to Suede sd Nara at wel “Heiman seni Taw, The nen have sluts sie, snd amin shold ood shal et ou Ko "hte she ane en rm Copenage, Hara a en nine binges sae an ied nd eave ead lt several lamers on magi om ‘ena whi hs beau wailed eth or me ooo “There ere phosographr of endy mode wearing he Let Scandnavan desig infin lout an pried nea aii ‘Arehe magaine ay open om the abe sein the nd as of he Sadun cots, Lar nace TnCopenhaen, Haran was athe so ie me with say Bou othe ne ea ower A ed cept ad tu for ne He Soe ne he et erin he ean, and ‘take nto et ie wih windows Open the “aru on my ila pckt of Dai ona incse edd money to spend Lacan! my ow ney the [ealeurency The made hook me ame 0 mets al Sthich somone fs ery epee wien and ae “ars th roe vey rey S opera oe abe a ‘tebe andi Ham Bayar Buoy ‘HP! Creponded a tare manner he ea anand wer ee fal They hj en Han Naa ‘Then jane soon, a hy al tok we or dines eh plc pr call Sas flo ery malig op wih och. eager andthe st oe vig eres Later we WM “vo they of mad tary of joy and enersinmen that ‘Mae Dimey mer heen pe by Thad beso Toler lige Band omancing sh ein Pr hab cee y Shana tery Wee Shop uangon the sec the adm aco caph went "iy Je The ep msg in Copentagn 2d th se wel Tein he yas experi it rom Ta we mee Chris for wich Copan Gann wl fo i allo gst de pel, tren with young crow ling nea sone the Goud ofan seal ste tat ks th toned wih ‘hens andaway Kom he were the worl all mers ‘er cla par balked bse with ogeards old {yew ein ik and ew heen ey “cio fats the eral ign eed he Dat Tone doy, cape se ese of Copenh. Sme of he ‘women wet to hen hat oe wal oe wat Kg Hey VL (Fan, who ad so may ee couple of hours away We took afery ad son we werein Sweden, inSain hone ofl Bern, Geta ad ing ‘Bergan eathamovelegn ces al appar hep Tod sn fora while a eadrosig whee te ac wast Rg aco holo esi wa elie rere Celera tank nthe oes, hing ey speck of cous ‘wal The pen tee were ey ruin the gare Io pycbedee fan Shor skirs ad low ned Ho, Iie shoes and wexytooking sandals wor on teu sap gy once oat hooting a hoes nd she bur of oun ply al eed tou a be pote o "ansting rade ith Hertha parade oct yore tiling run and wih alopen pad ip tha ake ead {Salon ual tis eve on rh ‘kin Copenhagen ap to Nowy wa rope sentond ie anda ke actus cal wang (otc arn ancy alta wa ocean {rnlwarow sain psn i om omy eyes apr ‘Thevond wn sowbound at pce tes debe aes er he wien ih send oa slated logs with in ih ‘eine you tug the mat shoding the woeden Bos td ‘pind wt cng wien ess, fern he spears ‘fh Awa fw though aaa he Nok Pl Bat fia Ol, thecapta at Norway, whee we sopped Thre were ter ew poe onthe rad ic gn wht oom: Ween 1 Nomepanpuy nr boi shivering arte ow of he heed tponrbonand ess nen danger geting ene. 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She cameo seme fa nil up ste taro Pyar Ka Taran. “Tar wan aoe gi tote et be ly besides of cure ‘Mik no! ad lead az tr theo od Sh ha {eal rr Denmark. ade my sondipco Copenh ‘yan ner Copenhagen oe ll sey ey ed wth rcs. Anedverzonent hd aed ppsedin Danish ‘cveppcrs ann hewn on Danie ing tent Inv wal shor ms Sone pooled arcane [Rein pub pas. Ci sed ning op it ee oumbes or ‘Merv Ean py pene Dena 0 he Was to iculy trconmonsatng whe young crowd They were {ie and ihe wh rng sophie pena. ‘Many he Dh wre ate al he gh caning theieapeal and cpa One the who sug a ere, trou eet econ all Ae she nse oe, 5 Thces Engh seg er eght nr with ponte harm, [oie iny evo Sh war sor ose, oo yet denigrate sombe ack ro Bet ‘deed an kor thay ech i an angle Se Se nest pce, pei bowen to stan ong h ocer prey women. Abe wae ot ofthe oort fern exqusay eviie "Tank you 1 ep foking a er ison ae ty node hey nein he cheb OF Fats thoupe eold pon ale ese aroma evan ks Tan ead td placer especialy ote Mane Cag onthe amour pyri Beet Ga, ‘hom adsense ote maa ld Hara bef dancing lic tat be oan rome Capeaps fered terete ening Thee a {pusingemonps er gop o en Swaine hay Foi snng sey net shade coping the eno entody amie ymca behing andthe momig owes caught eye Shen et haha conse ‘athe wre came ound ose me my di Last for set akpape ssbb rth ng Ti see ‘nde he ever On cing the Rte el eked ste Tend a her She nodded sd pracy male oad out bef gi Too ty amiga be ed ‘yy thogh ny moe ad "Some ty sate ac have regs you. You wee conten cope of dae sg sn “Mon you st owe” “Thay fd re. You wasted et “Tam sre you mas have ges hy? Pehps “Wappeschel, wos ou Be rested at my fl “Wouidyou now ls ond Shellid "Mow Sve diag andthe word all wth and dice you Teed. Se ded gi, ut bed Wi Be beso act "Thats png iteboth oes bg wih sesmitenchantng “Comore fo the Senna Hotel omy ae sand scribed he munber own, Tyo ily mae ap our id “Can bingy ahr wth “Anybody yor wan “Thegets me wat Msi he i ame pond Mapa She Smedh by ith, bt working nd staying in Doak Herter wore i Dems wl and dave ck very dy {osha web ned He ara charming ec an ‘ea Mae dwn roth wn the ho snd ok bor ‘eof heres how eked adie oma at [And hens day, ser bving stared my ae Hara bert thet of Par Ka Tra “he Dans porn of Por Ka Tan wa st ne stop Copenhagen, ome oft bran eae in ee for somehy ieyou" ovina aes inde Tl in ow lng heh nd Inthe of Capea open Bland in lage ih windmill as ene nh poe ng shoe seal esis onthe ences, whee You uae gts yale eign a ssn po wit em it ‘heer ho depo. Noy ote ok te fe camerass hy alld aching chen tate itean pen coy doo mong ewe wat ete igen in the sme pt and with he sme rom id ‘Seo tb eras fhe wae openng erase hich eee ana Ds tain sof Cera “the worsy seston graeme rset not renee end ieee tre en in ‘pression shaking the east hips tothe eat ofthe xythen Eitcahced th proorsve man As peop snd eed ‘he eer census mow delhi wonder fr m4 woman, ‘nycmers wen id td the dar we acing eat ey steeped on “Temkin of Por Ke Taran wa an ejyale express ‘sotto some alent etwen the ewe pare "rid tert hd mae the Set lade fy ie by Yocancaryhebardeafyour own ene, You canoe) Uhebare of someby de ercnce wh yon Mkngeh tras sable abat of loves arly wai ae ares aerial When wo mine ote, fe fa atte bt sod the other Sac minded ction {heaton

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